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authorAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andreas-laptop>2010-05-30 21:15:20 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andreas-laptop>2010-05-30 21:15:20 +0200
commit909f7dbf8cac95d4cdb08c4a2e1cb4ba2d42bfeb (patch)
parentcb21b0e7a789bc068a177258b20b6b4333651c2a (diff)
revert to old behavior of getStartMilsecs; getStartMilsecs deprecated
2 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/times.nim b/lib/pure/times.nim
index da712263d..144a6eb4f 100755
--- a/lib/pure/times.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/times.nim
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ proc `<=` * (a, b: TTime): bool =
   ## returns true iff ``a <= b``.
   result = a - b <= 0
-proc getStartMilsecs*(): int
+proc getStartMilsecs*(): int {.deprecated.}
   ## get the miliseconds from the start of the program
@@ -212,15 +212,15 @@ when not defined(ECMAScript):
   proc getStartMilsecs(): int =
     #echo "clocks per sec: ", clocksPerSec, "clock: ", int(clock())
     #return clock() div (clocksPerSec div 1000)
-    when defined(posix):
-      var a: Ttimeval
-      posix_gettimeofday(a)
-      result = a.tv_sec * 1000 + a.tv_usec
+    when defined(macosx):
+      result = toInt(toFloat(clock()) / (toFloat(clocksPerSec) / 1000.0))
       result = int(clock()) div (clocksPerSec div 1000)
     when false:
-      when defined(macosx):
-        result = toInt(toFloat(clock()) / (toFloat(clocksPerSec) / 1000.0))
+      var a: Ttimeval
+      posix_gettimeofday(a)
+      result = a.tv_sec * 1000 + a.tv_usec
+      #echo "result: ", result
   proc getTime(): TTime = return timec(nil)
   proc getLocalTime(t: TTime): TTimeInfo =
diff --git a/web/news.txt b/web/news.txt
index 7de119d34..6a65782ff 100755
--- a/web/news.txt
+++ b/web/news.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Bugfixes
 - Bugfix: Passing a ``ref`` pointer to the untyped ``pointer`` type is invalid.
 - Bugfix: Updated ``keyval`` example.
 - Bugfix: ``system.splitChunk`` still contained code for debug output.
-- Bugfix: ``times.getStartMilsecs`` uses ``gettimeofday`` for Posix times. It
+- Bugfix: ``times.getStartMilsecs`` uses ``gettimeofday`` for Posix. It
   used to use ``clock`` which has the wrong semantics.
 - Bugfix: ``dialogs.ChooseFileToSave`` uses ``STOCK_SAVE`` instead of 
   ``STOCK_OPEN`` for the GTK backend.