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authorringabout <>2022-09-28 18:14:35 +0800
committerGitHub <>2022-09-28 12:14:35 +0200
commit95614089ac9ddd61de834a2fb1454b5d159acb35 (patch)
parent89f76bb4484ee49228558baa96001147136c8c2d (diff)
remove deprecated and broken nimweb tools (#20442)
* remove deprecated and broken nimweb tools

* readme
5 files changed, 2 insertions, 842 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 268087cfc..27530737a 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -463,11 +463,7 @@ You can edit ``config/nimdoc.cfg`` and modify the ``doc.item.seesrc`` value
 with a hyperlink to your own code repository.
 In the case of Nim's own documentation, the `commit` value is just a commit
-hash to append to a formatted URL to The
-``tools/nimweb.nim`` helper queries the current git commit hash during the doc
-generation, but since you might be working on an unpublished repository, it
-also allows specifying a `githash` value in ``web/website.ini`` to force a
-specific commit in the output.
+hash to append to a formatted URL to
 Other Input Formats
diff --git a/koch.nim b/koch.nim
index 2564456c9..e3e2cb098 100644
--- a/koch.nim
+++ b/koch.nim
@@ -251,20 +251,6 @@ proc install(args: string) =
   exec("sh ./ $#" % args)
-when false:
-  proc web(args: string) =
-    nimexec("js tools/dochack/dochack.nim")
-    nimexec("cc -r tools/nimweb.nim $# web/website.ini --putenv:nimversion=$#" %
-        [args, VersionAsString])
-  proc website(args: string) =
-    nimexec("cc -r tools/nimweb.nim $# --website web/website.ini --putenv:nimversion=$#" %
-        [args, VersionAsString])
-  proc pdf(args="") =
-    exec("$# cc -r tools/nimweb.nim $# --pdf web/website.ini --putenv:nimversion=$#" %
-        [findNim().quoteShell(), args, VersionAsString], additionalPATH=findNim().splitFile.dir)
 # -------------- boot ---------------------------------------------------------
 proc findStartNim: string =
diff --git a/ b/
index 6c14b738f..3d32bcf87 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ you should familiarize yourself with the following repository structure:
     dependencies written in other languages.
     * ``wrappers/`` - modules that wrap dependencies written in other languages.
 * ``tests/`` - contains categorized tests for the compiler and standard library.
-* ``tools/`` - the tools including ``niminst`` and ``nimweb`` (mostly invoked via
+* ``tools/`` - the tools including ``niminst`` (mostly invoked via
 * ``koch.nim`` - the tool used to bootstrap Nim, generate C sources, build the website,
   and generate the documentation.
diff --git a/tools/nimweb.nim b/tools/nimweb.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc80dfcf..000000000
--- a/tools/nimweb.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
-#           Nim Website Generator
-#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-  os, strutils, times, parseopt, parsecfg, streams, strtabs, tables,
-  re, htmlgen, macros, md5, osproc, parsecsv, algorithm
-from xmltree import escape
-  TKeyValPair = tuple[key, id, val: string]
-  TConfigData = object of RootObj
-    tabs, links: seq[TKeyValPair]
-    doc, srcdoc, srcdoc2, webdoc, pdf: seq[string]
-    authors, projectName, projectTitle, logo, infile, ticker: string
-    vars: StringTableRef
-    nimCompiler: string
-    nimArgs: string
-    gitURL: string
-    docHTMLOutput: string
-    webUploadOutput: string
-    quotations: Table[string, tuple[quote, author: string]]
-    numProcessors: int # Set by parallelBuild:n, only works for values > 0.
-    gaId: string  # google analytics ID, nil means analytics are disabled
-  TRssItem = object
-    year, month, day, title, url, content: string
-  TAction = enum
-    actAll, actOnlyWebsite, actPdf, actJson2, actOnlyDocs
-  Sponsor = object
-    logo: string
-    name: string
-    url: string
-    thisMonth: int
-    allTime: int
-    since: string
-    level: int
-var action: TAction
-proc initConfigData(c: var TConfigData) =
-  c.tabs = @[]
-  c.links = @[]
-  c.doc = @[]
-  c.srcdoc = @[]
-  c.srcdoc2 = @[]
-  c.webdoc = @[]
-  c.pdf = @[]
-  c.infile = ""
-  c.nimArgs = "--hint:Conf:off --hint:Path:off --hint:Processing:off -d:boot "
-  c.gitURL = ""
-  c.docHTMLOutput = "doc/html"
-  c.webUploadOutput = "web/upload"
-  c.authors = ""
-  c.projectTitle = ""
-  c.projectName = ""
-  c.logo = ""
-  c.ticker = ""
-  c.vars = newStringTable(modeStyleInsensitive)
-  c.numProcessors = countProcessors()
-  # Attempts to obtain the git current commit.
-  when false:
-    let (output, code) = execCmdEx("git log -n 1 --format=%H")
-    if code == 0 and output.strip.len == 40:
-      c.gitCommit = output.strip
-  c.quotations = initTable[string, tuple[quote, author: string]]()
-include "website.nimf"
-# ------------------------- configuration file -------------------------------
-  version = "0.8"
-  usage = "nimweb - Nim Website Generator Version " & version & """
-  (c) 2015 Andreas Rumpf
-  nimweb [options] ini-file[.ini] [compile_options]
-  -h, --help          shows this help
-  -v, --version       shows the version
-  -o, --output        overrides output directory instead of default
-                      web/upload and doc/html
-  --nimCompiler       overrides nim compiler; default = bin/nim
-  --var:name=value    set the value of a variable
-  --website           only build the website, not the full documentation
-  --pdf               build the PDF version of the documentation
-  --json2             build JSON of the documentation
-  --onlyDocs          build only the documentation
-  --git.url           override base url in generated doc links
-  --git.commit        override commit/branch in generated doc links 'source'
-  --git.devel         override devel branch in generated doc links 'edit'
-  will be passed to the Nim compiler
-  rYearMonthDay = r"on\s+(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})"
-  rssUrl = ""
-  rssNewsUrl = ""
-  activeSponsors = "web/sponsors.csv"
-  inactiveSponsors = "web/inactive_sponsors.csv"
-  validAnchorCharacters = Letters + Digits
-macro id(e: untyped): untyped =
-  ## generates the rss xml ``id`` element.
-  let e = callsite()
-  result = xmlCheckedTag(e, "id")
-macro updated(e: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
-  ## generates the rss xml ``updated`` element.
-  let e = callsite()
-  result = xmlCheckedTag(e, "updated")
-proc updatedDate(year, month, day: string): string =
-  ## wrapper around the update macro with easy input.
-  result = updated("$1-$2-$3T00:00:00Z" % [year,
-    repeat("0", 2 - len(month)) & month,
-    repeat("0", 2 - len(day)) & day])
-macro entry(e: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
-  ## generates the rss xml ``entry`` element.
-  let e = callsite()
-  result = xmlCheckedTag(e, "entry")
-macro content(e: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
-  ## generates the rss xml ``content`` element.
-  let e = callsite()
-  result = xmlCheckedTag(e, "content", reqAttr = "type")
-proc parseCmdLine(c: var TConfigData) =
-  var p = initOptParser()
-  while true:
-    next(p)
-    var kind = p.kind
-    var key = p.key
-    var val = p.val
-    case kind
-    of cmdArgument:
-      c.infile = addFileExt(key, "ini")
-      c.nimArgs.add(cmdLineRest(p))
-      break
-    of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
-      case normalize(key)
-      of "help", "h":
-        stdout.write(usage)
-        quit(0)
-      of "version", "v":
-        stdout.write(version & "\n")
-        quit(0)
-      of "output", "o":
-        c.webUploadOutput = val
-        c.docHTMLOutput = val / "docs"
-      of "nimcompiler":
-        c.nimCompiler = val
-      of "parallelbuild":
-        try:
-          let num = parseInt(val)
-          if num != 0: c.numProcessors = num
-        except ValueError:
-          quit("invalid numeric value for --parallelBuild")
-      of "var":
-        var idx = val.find('=')
-        if idx < 0: quit("invalid command line")
-        c.vars[substr(val, 0, idx-1)] = substr(val, idx+1)
-      of "website": action = actOnlyWebsite
-      of "pdf": action = actPdf
-      of "json2": action = actJson2
-      of "onlydocs": action = actOnlyDocs
-      of "googleanalytics":
-        c.gaId = val
-        c.nimArgs.add("--doc.googleAnalytics:" & val & " ")
-      of "git.url":
-        c.gitURL = val
-      of "git.commit":
-        c.nimArgs.add("--git.commit:" & val & " ")
-      of "git.devel":
-        c.nimArgs.add("--git.devel:" & val & " ")
-      else:
-        echo("Invalid argument '$1'" % [key])
-        quit(usage)
-    of cmdEnd: break
-  if c.infile.len == 0: quit(usage)
-proc walkDirRecursively(s: var seq[string], root, ext: string) =
-  for k, f in walkDir(root):
-    case k
-    of pcFile, pcLinkToFile:
-      if cmpIgnoreCase(ext, splitFile(f).ext) == 0:
-        add(s, f)
-    of pcDir: walkDirRecursively(s, f, ext)
-    of pcLinkToDir: discard
-proc addFiles(s: var seq[string], dir, ext: string, patterns: seq[string]) =
-  for p in items(patterns):
-    if fileExists(dir / addFileExt(p, ext)):
-      s.add(dir / addFileExt(p, ext))
-    if dirExists(dir / p):
-      walkDirRecursively(s, dir / p, ext)
-proc parseIniFile(c: var TConfigData) =
-  var
-    p: CfgParser
-    section: string # current section
-  var input = newFileStream(c.infile, fmRead)
-  if input == nil: quit("cannot open: " & c.infile)
-  open(p, input, c.infile)
-  while true:
-    var k = next(p)
-    case k.kind
-    of cfgEof: break
-    of cfgSectionStart:
-      section = normalize(k.section)
-      case section
-      of "project", "links", "tabs", "ticker", "documentation", "var": discard
-      else: echo("[Warning] Skipping unknown section: " & section)
-    of cfgKeyValuePair:
-      var v = k.value % c.vars
-      c.vars[k.key] = v
-      case section
-      of "project":
-        case normalize(k.key)
-        of "name": c.projectName = v
-        of "title": c.projectTitle = v
-        of "logo": c.logo = v
-        of "authors": c.authors = v
-        else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k.key))
-      of "var": discard
-      of "links":
-        let valID = v.split(';')
-        add(c.links, (k.key.replace('_', ' '), valID[1], valID[0]))
-      of "tabs": add(c.tabs, (k.key, "", v))
-      of "ticker": c.ticker = v
-      of "documentation":
-        case normalize(k.key)
-        of "doc": addFiles(c.doc, "doc", ".rst", split(v, {';'}))
-        of "pdf": addFiles(c.pdf, "doc", ".rst", split(v, {';'}))
-        of "srcdoc": addFiles(c.srcdoc, "lib", ".nim", split(v, {';'}))
-        of "srcdoc2": addFiles(c.srcdoc2, "lib", ".nim", split(v, {';'}))
-        of "webdoc": addFiles(c.webdoc, "lib", ".nim", split(v, {';'}))
-        of "parallelbuild":
-          try:
-            let num = parseInt(v)
-            if num != 0: c.numProcessors = num
-          except ValueError:
-            quit("invalid numeric value for --parallelBuild in config")
-        else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k.key))
-      of "quotations":
-        let vSplit = v.split('-')
-        doAssert vSplit.len == 2
-        c.quotations[k.key.normalize] = (vSplit[0], vSplit[1])
-      else: discard
-    of cfgOption: quit(errorStr(p, "syntax error"))
-    of cfgError: quit(errorStr(p, k.msg))
-  close(p)
-  if c.projectName.len == 0:
-    c.projectName = changeFileExt(extractFilename(c.infile), "")
-# ------------------- main ----------------------------------------------------
-proc exe(f: string): string = return addFileExt(f, ExeExt)
-proc findNim(c: TConfigData): string =
-  if c.nimCompiler.len > 0: return c.nimCompiler
-  var nim = "nim".exe
-  result = "bin" / nim
-  if fileExists(result): return
-  for dir in split(getEnv("PATH"), PathSep):
-    if fileExists(dir / nim): return dir / nim
-  # assume there is a symlink to the exe or something:
-  return nim
-proc exec(cmd: string) =
-  echo(cmd)
-  let (outp, exitCode) = osproc.execCmdEx(cmd)
-  if exitCode != 0: quit outp
-proc sexec(cmds: openarray[string]) =
-  ## Serial queue wrapper around exec.
-  for cmd in cmds: exec(cmd)
-proc mexec(cmds: openarray[string], processors: int) =
-  ## Multiprocessor version of exec
-  doAssert processors > 0, "nimweb needs at least one processor"
-  if processors == 1:
-    sexec(cmds)
-    return
-  let r = execProcesses(cmds, {poStdErrToStdOut, poParentStreams, poEchoCmd},
-    n = processors)
-  if r != 0:
-    echo "external program failed, retrying serial work queue for logs!"
-    sexec(cmds)
-proc buildDocSamples(c: var TConfigData, destPath: string) =
-  ## Special case documentation sample proc.
-  ##
-  ## TODO: consider integrating into the existing generic documentation builders
-  ## now that we have a single `doc` command.
-  exec(findNim(c) & " doc $# -o:$# $#" %
-    [c.nimArgs, destPath / "docgen_sample.html", "doc" / "docgen_sample.nim"])
-proc pathPart(d: string): string = splitFile(d).dir.replace('\\', '/')
-proc buildDoc(c: var TConfigData, destPath: string) =
-  # call nim for the documentation:
-  var
-    commands = newSeq[string](len(c.doc) + len(c.srcdoc) + len(c.srcdoc2))
-    i = 0
-  for d in items(c.doc):
-    commands[i] = findNim(c) & " rst2html $# --git.url:$# -o:$# --index:on $#" %
-      [c.nimArgs, c.gitURL,
-      destPath / changeFileExt(splitFile(d).name, "html"), d]
-  for d in items(c.srcdoc):
-    commands[i] = findNim(c) & " doc0 $# --git.url:$# -o:$# --index:on $#" %
-      [c.nimArgs, c.gitURL,
-      destPath / changeFileExt(splitFile(d).name, "html"), d]
-  for d in items(c.srcdoc2):
-    commands[i] = findNim(c) & " doc $# --git.url:$# -o:$# --index:on $#" %
-      [c.nimArgs, c.gitURL,
-      destPath / changeFileExt(splitFile(d).name, "html"), d]
-  mexec(commands, c.numProcessors)
-  exec(findNim(c) & " buildIndex -o:$1/theindex.html $1" % [destPath])
-proc buildPdfDoc(c: var TConfigData, destPath: string) =
-  createDir(destPath)
-  if os.execShellCmd("pdflatex -version") != 0:
-    echo "pdflatex not found; no PDF documentation generated"
-  else:
-    const pdflatexcmd = "pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode "
-    for d in items(c.pdf):
-      exec(findNim(c) & " rst2tex $# $#" % [c.nimArgs, d])
-      # call LaTeX twice to get cross references right:
-      exec(pdflatexcmd & changeFileExt(d, "tex"))
-      exec(pdflatexcmd & changeFileExt(d, "tex"))
-      # delete all the crappy temporary files:
-      let pdf = splitFile(d).name & ".pdf"
-      let dest = destPath / pdf
-      removeFile(dest)
-      moveFile(dest=dest, source=pdf)
-      removeFile(changeFileExt(pdf, "aux"))
-      if fileExists(changeFileExt(pdf, "toc")):
-        removeFile(changeFileExt(pdf, "toc"))
-      removeFile(changeFileExt(pdf, "log"))
-      removeFile(changeFileExt(pdf, "out"))
-      removeFile(changeFileExt(d, "tex"))
-proc buildAddDoc(c: var TConfigData, destPath: string) =
-  # build additional documentation (without the index):
-  var commands = newSeq[string](c.webdoc.len)
-  for i, doc in pairs(c.webdoc):
-    commands[i] = findNim(c) & " doc $# --git.url:$# -o:$# $#" %
-      [c.nimArgs, c.gitURL,
-      destPath / changeFileExt(splitFile(doc).name, "html"), doc]
-  mexec(commands, c.numProcessors)
-proc parseNewsTitles(inputFilename: string): seq[TRssItem] =
-  # Goes through each news file, returns its date/title.
-  result = @[]
-  var matches: array[3, string]
-  let reYearMonthDay = re(rYearMonthDay)
-  for kind, path in walkDir(inputFilename):
-    let (dir, name, ext) = path.splitFile
-    if ext == ".rst":
-      let content = readFile(path)
-      let title = content.splitLines()[0]
-      let urlPath = "news/" & name & ".html"
-      if content.find(reYearMonthDay, matches) >= 0:
-        result.add(TRssItem(year: matches[2], month: matches[1], day: matches[0],
-          title: title, url: "" & urlPath,
-          content: content))
-  result.reverse()
-proc genUUID(text: string): string =
-  # Returns a valid RSS uuid, which is basically md5 with dashes and a prefix.
-  result = getMD5(text)
-  result.insert("-", 20)
-  result.insert("-", 16)
-  result.insert("-", 12)
-  result.insert("-", 8)
-  result.insert("urn:uuid:")
-proc genNewsLink(title: string): string =
-  # Mangles a title string into an expected news.html anchor.
-  result = title
-  result.insert("Z")
-  for i in 1..len(result)-1:
-    let letter = result[i].toLowerAscii()
-    if letter in validAnchorCharacters:
-      result[i] = letter
-    else:
-      result[i] = '-'
-  result.insert(rssNewsUrl & "#")
-proc generateRss(outputFilename: string, news: seq[TRssItem]) =
-  # Given a list of rss items generates an rss overwriting destination.
-  var
-    output: File
-  if not open(output, outputFilename, mode = fmWrite):
-    quit("Could not write to $1 for rss generation" % [outputFilename])
-  defer: output.close()
-  output.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<feed xmlns="">
-  output.write(title("Nim website news"))
-  output.write(link(href = rssUrl, rel = "self"))
-  output.write(link(href = rssNewsUrl))
-  output.write(id(rssNewsUrl))
-  let now = utc(getTime())
-  output.write(updatedDate($now.year, $(int(now.month) + 1), $now.monthday))
-  for rss in news:
-    output.write(entry(
-        title(xmltree.escape(rss.title)),
-        id(genUUID(rss.title)),
-        link(`type` = "text/html", rel = "alternate",
-          href = rss.url),
-        updatedDate(rss.year, rss.month,,
-        "<author><name>Nim</name></author>",
-        content(xmltree.escape(rss.content), `type` = "text")
-      ))
-  output.write("""</feed>""")
-proc buildNewsRss(c: var TConfigData, destPath: string) =
-  # generates an xml feed from the web/news.rst file
-  let
-    srcFilename = "web" / "news"
-    destFilename = destPath / changeFileExt(splitFile(srcFilename).name, "xml")
-  generateRss(destFilename, parseNewsTitles(srcFilename))
-proc readSponsors(sponsorsFile: string): seq[Sponsor] =
-  result = @[]
-  var fileStream = newFileStream(sponsorsFile, fmRead)
-  if fileStream == nil: quit("Cannot open sponsors.csv file: " & sponsorsFile)
-  var parser: CsvParser
-  open(parser, fileStream, sponsorsFile)
-  discard readRow(parser) # Skip the header row.
-  while readRow(parser):
-    result.add(Sponsor(logo: parser.row[0], name: parser.row[1],
-        url: parser.row[2], thisMonth: parser.row[3].parseInt,
-        allTime: parser.row[4].parseInt,
-        since: parser.row[5], level: parser.row[6].parseInt))
-  parser.close()
-proc buildSponsors(c: var TConfigData, outputDir: string) =
-  let sponsors = generateSponsorsPage(readSponsors(activeSponsors),
-                                      readSponsors(inactiveSponsors))
-  let outFile = outputDir / "sponsors.html"
-  var f: File
-  if open(f, outFile, fmWrite):
-    writeLine(f, generateHtmlPage(c, "", "Our Sponsors", sponsors, ""))
-    close(f)
-  else:
-    quit("[Error] Cannot write file: " & outFile)
-  cmdRst2Html = " rst2html --compileonly $1 -o:web/$2.temp web/$2.rst"
-proc buildPage(c: var TConfigData, file, title, rss: string, assetDir = "") =
-  exec(findNim(c) & cmdRst2Html % [c.nimArgs, file])
-  var temp = "web" / changeFileExt(file, "temp")
-  var content: string
-  try:
-    content = readFile(temp)
-  except IOError:
-    quit("[Error] cannot open: " & temp)
-  var f: File
-  var outfile = c.webUploadOutput / "$#.html" % file
-  if not dirExists(outfile.splitFile.dir):
-    createDir(outfile.splitFile.dir)
-  if open(f, outfile, fmWrite):
-    writeLine(f, generateHTMLPage(c, file, title, content, rss, assetDir))
-    close(f)
-  else:
-    quit("[Error] cannot write file: " & outfile)
-  removeFile(temp)
-proc buildNews(c: var TConfigData, newsDir: string, outputDir: string) =
-  for kind, path in walkDir(newsDir):
-    let (dir, name, ext) = path.splitFile
-    if ext == ".rst":
-      let title = readFile(path).splitLines()[0]
-      buildPage(c, tailDir(dir) / name, title, "", "../")
-    else:
-      echo("Skipping file in news directory: ", path)
-proc buildWebsite(c: var TConfigData) =
-  if c.ticker.len > 0:
-    try:
-      c.ticker = readFile("web" / c.ticker)
-    except IOError:
-      quit("[Error] cannot open: " & c.ticker)
-  for i in 0..c.tabs.len-1:
-    var file = c.tabs[i].val
-    let rss = if file in ["news", "index"]: extractFilename(rssUrl) else: ""
-    if '.' in file: continue
-    buildPage(c, file, if file == "question": "FAQ" else: file, rss)
-  copyDir("web/assets", c.webUploadOutput / "assets")
-  buildNewsRss(c, c.webUploadOutput)
-  buildSponsors(c, c.webUploadOutput)
-  buildNews(c, "web/news", c.webUploadOutput / "news")
-proc onlyDocs(c: var TConfigData) =
-  createDir(c.docHTMLOutput)
-  buildDocSamples(c, c.docHTMLOutput)
-  buildDoc(c, c.docHTMLOutput)
-proc main(c: var TConfigData) =
-  buildWebsite(c)
-  let docup = c.webUploadOutput / NimVersion
-  createDir(docup)
-  buildAddDoc(c, docup)
-  buildDocSamples(c, docup)
-  buildDoc(c, docup)
-  onlyDocs(c)
-proc json2(c: var TConfigData) =
-  const destPath = "web/json2"
-  var commands = newSeq[string](c.srcdoc2.len)
-  var i = 0
-  for d in items(c.srcdoc2):
-    createDir(destPath / splitFile(d).dir)
-    commands[i] = findNim(c) & " jsondoc $# --git.url:$# -o:$# --index:on $#" %
-      [c.nimArgs, c.gitURL,
-      destPath / changeFileExt(d, "json"), d]
-  mexec(commands, c.numProcessors)
-var c: TConfigData
-case action
-of actOnlyWebsite: buildWebsite(c)
-of actPdf: buildPdfDoc(c, "doc/pdf")
-of actOnlyDocs: onlyDocs(c)
-of actAll: main(c)
-of actJson2: json2(c)
diff --git a/tools/website.nimf b/tools/website.nimf
deleted file mode 100644
index cea30f74f..000000000
--- a/tools/website.nimf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-#? stdtmpl | standard
-#proc generateHTMLPage(c: var TConfigData, currentTab, title, content, rss,
-#   rootDir = ""): string =
-#  result = ""
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-  <head>
-    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-    <title>${title} - $c.projectTitle</title>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${rootDir}assets/style.css?t=2320" />
-    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="${rootDir}assets/images/favicon.ico">
-  #if len(rss) > 0:
-    <link href="$rss" title="Recent changes" type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate">
-  #end if
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div id="bountysource">
-      <a href="">
-      <div class="page-layout" style="padding: 2pt 2pt 2pt 30pt">
-  	<img src="${rootDir}assets/bountysource/bountysource.png" style="width: 20px; float: left;">
-        <span style="margin-left: 10pt; float: left; margin-top: 2pt;">Fund Nim and help us develop it further!</span>
-        <img src="" style="margin-top: 2pt; margin-left: 10pt"/>
-      </div>
-      </a>
-    </div>
-    <header id="head">
-      <div class="page-layout tall">
-        <div id="head-logo"></div>
-        <a id="head-logo-link" href="${rootDir}index.html"></a>
-        <nav id="head-links">
-      #for i in 0.. c.tabs.len-1:
-      # let t = c.tabs[i].val
-      # if t != "index" and t != "community" and t != "news":
-      #   let name = c.tabs[i].key
-      #   if currentTab == t:
-            <a class="active"
-      #   else:
-            <a
-      #   end if
-      #   if t.contains('.'):
-            href="${t}" title = "$c.projectName - $name">$name</a>
-      #   else:
-            href="${rootDir}${t}.html" title = "$c.projectName - $name">$name</a>
-      #   end if
-      # end if
-      #end for
-        </nav>
-      </div>
-    </header>
-#  if currentTab == "index":
-    <section id="neck" class="home">
-#  else:
-    <section id="neck">
-#  end
-      <div class="page-layout tall">
-        <div id="glow-arrow"></div>
-#  if currentTab == "index":
-        <div id="slideshow">
-          <!-- slides -->
-          <div id="slide0" class="active codeslide2">
-            <div>
-              <h2>Nim is simple..</h2>
-<span class="cmt"># compute average line length</span>
-<span class="kwd">var</span>
-<span class="tab">  </span>sum = <span class="val">0</span>
-<span class="tab end">  </span>count = <span class="val">0</span>
-<span class="kwd">for</span> line <span class="kwd">in</span> stdin.lines:
-<span class="tab">  </span>sum += line.len
-<span class="tab end">  </span>count += <span class="val">1</span>
-echo(<span class="val">"Average line length: "</span>,
-  <span class="kwd">if</span> count &gt; <span class="val">0</span>: sum / count <span class="kwd">else</span>: <span class="val">0</span>)
-            </div>
-            <div>
-               <h2>..and type safe...</h2>
-<span class="cmt"># create and greet someone</span>
-<span class="kwd">type</span> <span class="def">Person</span> = <span class="kwd">object</span>
-<span class="tab">  </span>name: <span class="typ">string</span>
-<span class="tab end">  </span>age: <span class="typ">int</span>
-<span class="kwd">proc</span> <span class="def">greet</span>(p: <span class="typ">Person</span>) =
-<span class="tab">  </span>echo <span class="val">"Hi, I'm "</span>,, <span class="val">"."</span>
-<span class="tab end">  </span>echo <span class="val">"I am "</span>, p.age, <span class="val">" years old."</span>
-<span class="kwd">let</span> p = <span class="typ">Person</span>(name:<span class="val">"Jon"</span>, age:<span class="val">18</span>)
-p.greet() <span class="cmt"># or greet(p)</span>
-             </div>
-          </div>
-          <div id="slide1" class="codeslide3">
-            <div>
-              <h2>C FFI is easy in Nim..</h2>
-<span class="cmt"># declare a C procedure..</span>
-<span class="kwd">proc</span> <span class="def">unsafeScanf</span>(f: <span class="typ">File</span>, s: <span class="typ">cstring</span>)
-<span class="tab">  </span>{.varargs,
-<span class="tab">    </span>importc: <span class="val">"fscanf"</span>,
-<span class="tab end">    </span>header: <span class="val">"&lt;stdio.h&gt;"</span>.}
-<span class="cmt"># ..and use it...</span>
-<span class="kwd">var</span> x: <span class="typ">cint</span>
-stdin.unsafeScanf(<span class="val">"%d"</span>, <span class="kwd">addr</span> x)
-              <p><span class="desc"><b>Compile and run with:</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&#36; nim c -r example.nim</span></p>
-            </div>
-            <div>
-              <h2>..and DSLs are too...</h2>
-<span class="cmt"># a simple html server</span>
-<span class="kwd">import</span>
-  jester, asyncdispatch, htmlgen
-<span class="kwd">routes</span>:
-<span class="tab">  </span><span class="kwd">get</span> <span class="val">"/"</span>:
-<span class="tab end">  <span class="tab end">  </span></span><span class="kwd">resp</span> h1(<span class="val">"Hello world"</span>)
-              <p><span class="desc"><b>View in browser at:</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;localhost:5000</span></p>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-          <div id="slide2" class="niaslide">
-            <a href="news/e030_nim_in_action_in_production.html">
-              <img src="${rootDir}assets/niminaction/banner2.png" alt="A printed copy of Nim in Action should be available in March 2017!"/>
-            </a>
-          </div>
-          <div id="slide3" class="niaslide">
-            <a href="sponsors.html">
-              <img src="${rootDir}assets/bountysource/meet_sponsors.png" alt="Meet our BountySource sponsors!"/>
-            </a>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div id="slideshow-nav">
-          <div id="slideControl0" onclick="slideshow_click(0)" class="active"></div>
-          <div id="slideControl1" onclick="slideshow_click(1)"></div>
-          <div id="slideControl2" onclick="slideshow_click(2)"></div>
-          <div id="slideControl3" onclick="slideshow_click(3)"></div>
-        </div>
-#  end
-        <aside id="sidebar">
-#  if len(c.links) > 0:
-          <h3>More Links</h3>
-          <div id="sidebar-links">
-#         for i in 0..c.links.len-1:
-          <a href="${c.links[i].val}" id="${c.links[i].id}">${c.links[i].key}</a>
-#         end for
-          </div>
-#  end if
-#  if len(c.ticker) > 0:
-					<h3 class="blue">Latest News</h3>
-					<div id="sidebar-news">
-          ${c.ticker % rootDir}
-					</div>
-#  end if
-				</aside>
-			</div>
-		</section>
-		<section id="body">
-			<div id="body-border"></div>
-			<div id="glow-line"></div>
-			<div class="page-layout">
-				<article id="content" class="page">
-				$content
-				</article>
-			</div>
-		</section>
-		<!--- #foot --->
-		<footer id="foot" class="home">
-			<div class="page-layout tall">
-				<div id="foot-links">
-					<div>
-						<h4>Documentation</h4>
-						<a href="${rootDir}documentation.html">Stable Documentation</a>
-						<a href="${rootDir}learn.html">Learning Resources</a>
-					<!--	<a href="">Development Documentation</a> -->
-						<a href="">Issues &amp; Requests</a>
-					</div>
-					<div>
-						<h4>Community</h4>
-						<a href="">User Forum</a>
-            <a href="">Online IRC</a>
-            <a href="">IRC Logs</a>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-				<div id="foot-legal">
-					<h4>Written in Nim - Powered by <a href="">Jester</a></h4>
-					Web Design by <a href="">Philip Witte</a> &amp; <a href="">Dominik Picheta</a><br>
-					Copyright © 2017 - <a href="">Andreas Rumpf</a> &amp; <a href="">Contributors</a>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		</footer>
-#  if currentTab == "index":
-  <script src="${rootDir}assets/index.js"></script>
-# end if
-#  if c.gaId.len != 0:
-  <script>
-    (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){
-    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
-    m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)
-    })(window,document,'script','//','ga');
-    ga('create', '${c.gaId}', '');
-    ga('send', 'pageview');
-  </script>
-#  end if
-#end proc
-#proc generateSponsors(sponsors: seq[Sponsor]): string =
-#result = ""
-#for sponsor in sponsors:
-  <dt class="level-${sponsor.level}">
-    #if sponsor.url.len > 0:
-      <a href="${sponsor.url}" target="_blank">${}</a>
-    #else:
-      ${}
-    #end if
-  </dt>
-  <dd class="logo">
-    #if sponsor.logo.len > 0:
-    <a href="${sponsor.url}" target="_blank">
-      <img alt="${}'s logo" src="${sponsor.logo}"/>
-    </a>
-    #end if
-  </dd>
-  <dd class="this_month">
-    Donated <b>$$${sponsor.thisMonth}</b> this month
-  </dd>
-  <dd class="legend">
-    Donated $$${sponsor.allTime} in total since ${sponsor.since}
-  </dd>
-#end for
-#end proc
-#proc generateSponsorsPage(activeSponsors, inactiveSponsors: seq[Sponsor]): string =
-#result = ""
-<h1 id="our-current-sponsors">Our Current Sponsors</h1>
-<p>This section lists the companies and individuals that are, very kindly, contributing a
-monthly amount to help sustain Nim's development. For more details take a
-look at the <a href="">Bountysource campaign</a>.</p>
-<p class="lastUpdate">Last updated: ${getTime().utc().format("dd/MM/yyyy")}</p>
-<h1 id="our-past-sponsors">Our Past Sponsors</h1>
-<p>This section lists the companies and individuals that have contributed
-money in the past to help sustain Nim's development. For more details take a
-look at the <a href="">Bountysource campaign</a>.</p>
-#end proc