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authorDominik Picheta <>2017-10-01 16:09:05 +0100
committerDominik Picheta <>2017-10-01 16:09:05 +0100
commita585748f2747bfa9f5e9d5585a74928a9fd13dc5 (patch)
parent68c7da227f799fac6d633315aaeade46ae081291 (diff)
Remove basic2d/basic3d.
3 files changed, 4 insertions, 1895 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 3c0048199..9f6a83a37 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
 ## v0.18.0 - dd/mm/yyyy
+### Changes affecting backwards compatibility
+- Removed basic2d/basic3d out of the stdlib and into Nimble packages.
+  These packages deprecated however, use the ``glm``, ``arraymancer``, ``neo``
+  or another package.
diff --git a/lib/pure/basic2d.nim b/lib/pure/basic2d.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 31b3814d6..000000000
--- a/lib/pure/basic2d.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,855 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2013 Robert Persson
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-import math
-import strutils
-## Basic 2d support with vectors, points, matrices and some basic utilities.
-## Vectors are implemented as direction vectors, ie. when transformed with a matrix
-## the translation part of matrix is ignored.
-## Operators `+` , `-` , `*` , `/` , `+=` , `-=` , `*=` and `/=` are implemented for vectors and scalars.
-## Quick start example:
-## .. code-block:: nim
-##   # Create a matrix which first rotates, then scales and at last translates
-##   var m:Matrix2d=rotate(DEG90) & scale(2.0) & move(100.0,200.0)
-##   # Create a 2d point at (100,0) and a vector (5,2)
-##   var pt:Point2d=point2d(100.0,0.0)
-##   var vec:Vector2d=vector2d(5.0,2.0)
-##   pt &= m # transforms pt in place
-##   var pt2:Point2d=pt & m #concatenates pt with m and returns a new point
-##   var vec2:Vector2d=vec & m #concatenates vec with m and returns a new vector
-  DEG360* = PI * 2.0
-    ## 360 degrees in radians.
-  DEG270* = PI * 1.5
-    ## 270 degrees in radians.
-  DEG180* = PI
-    ## 180 degrees in radians.
-  DEG90* = PI / 2.0
-    ## 90 degrees in radians.
-  DEG60* = PI / 3.0
-    ## 60 degrees in radians.
-  DEG45* = PI / 4.0
-    ## 45 degrees in radians.
-  DEG30* = PI / 6.0
-    ## 30 degrees in radians.
-  DEG15* = PI / 12.0
-    ## 15 degrees in radians.
-  RAD2DEGCONST = 180.0 / PI
-    ## used internally by DegToRad and RadToDeg
-    Matrix2d* = object
-      ## Implements a row major 2d matrix, which means
-      ## transformations are applied the order they are concatenated.
-      ## The rightmost column of the 3x3 matrix is left out since normally
-      ## not used for geometric transformations in 2d.
-      ax*,ay*,bx*,by*,tx*,ty*:float
-    Point2d* = object
-      ## Implements a non-homogeneous 2d point stored as
-      ## an `x` coordinate and an `y` coordinate.
-      x*,y*:float
-    Vector2d* = object
-      ## Implements a 2d **direction vector** stored as
-      ## an `x` coordinate and an `y` coordinate. Direction vector means,
-      ## that when transforming a vector with a matrix, the translational
-      ## part of the matrix is ignored.
-      x*,y*:float
-{.deprecated: [TMatrix2d: Matrix2d, TPoint2d: Point2d, TVector2d: Vector2d].}
-# Some forward declarations...
-proc matrix2d*(ax,ay,bx,by,tx,ty:float):Matrix2d {.noInit.}
-  ## Creates a new matrix.
-  ## `ax`,`ay` is the local x axis
-  ## `bx`,`by` is the local y axis
-  ## `tx`,`ty` is the translation
-proc vector2d*(x,y:float):Vector2d {.noInit,inline.}
-  ## Returns a new vector (`x`,`y`)
-proc point2d*(x,y:float):Point2d {.noInit,inline.}
-  ## Returns a new point (`x`,`y`)
-  IDMATRIX*:Matrix2d=matrix2d(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0)
-    ## Quick access to an identity matrix
-  ORIGO*:Point2d=point2d(0.0,0.0)
-    ## Quick access to point (0,0)
-  XAXIS*:Vector2d=vector2d(1.0,0.0)
-    ## Quick access to an 2d x-axis unit vector
-  YAXIS*:Vector2d=vector2d(0.0,1.0)
-    ## Quick access to an 2d y-axis unit vector
-# ***************************************
-#     Private utils
-# ***************************************
-proc rtos(val:float):string=
-  return formatFloat(val,ffDefault,0)
-proc safeArccos(v:float):float=
-  ## assumes v is in range 0.0-1.0, but clamps
-  ## the value to avoid out of domain errors
-  ## due to rounding issues
-  return arccos(clamp(v,-1.0,1.0))
-template makeBinOpVector(s) =
-  ## implements binary operators ``+``, ``-``, ``*`` and ``/`` for vectors
-  proc s*(a,b:Vector2d):Vector2d {.inline,noInit.} = vector2d(s(a.x,b.x),s(a.y,b.y))
-  proc s*(a:Vector2d,b:float):Vector2d {.inline,noInit.}  = vector2d(s(a.x,b),s(a.y,b))
-  proc s*(a:float,b:Vector2d):Vector2d {.inline,noInit.}  = vector2d(s(a,b.x),s(a,b.y))
-template makeBinOpAssignVector(s)=
-  ## implements inplace binary operators ``+=``, ``-=``, ``/=`` and ``*=`` for vectors
-  proc s*(a:var Vector2d,b:Vector2d) {.inline.} = s(a.x,b.x) ; s(a.y,b.y)
-  proc s*(a:var Vector2d,b:float) {.inline.} = s(a.x,b) ; s(a.y,b)
-# ***************************************
-#     Matrix2d implementation
-# ***************************************
-proc setElements*(t:var Matrix2d,ax,ay,bx,by,tx,ty:float) {.inline.}=
-  ## Sets arbitrary elements in an existing matrix.
-  t.ay=ay
-  t.bx=bx
-  t.tx=tx
-  t.ty=ty
-proc matrix2d*(ax,ay,bx,by,tx,ty:float):Matrix2d =
-  result.setElements(ax,ay,bx,by,tx,ty)
-proc `&`*(a,b:Matrix2d):Matrix2d {.noInit.} = #concatenate matrices
-  ## Concatenates matrices returning a new matrix.
-  # | a.AX a.AY 0 |   | b.AX b.AY 0 |
-  # | a.BX a.BY 0 | * | b.BX b.BY 0 |
-  # | a.TX a.TY 1 |   | b.TX b.TY 1 |
-  result.setElements(
- * + a.ay * b.bx,
- * b.ay + a.ay *,
-    a.bx * + * b.bx,
-    a.bx * b.ay + *,
-    a.tx * + a.ty * b.bx + b.tx,
-    a.tx * b.ay + a.ty * + b.ty)
-proc scale*(s:float):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new scale matrix.
-  result.setElements(s,0,0,s,0,0)
-proc scale*(s:float,org:Point2d):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new scale matrix using, `org` as scale origin.
-  result.setElements(s,0,0,s,org.x-s*org.x,org.y-s*org.y)
-proc stretch*(sx,sy:float):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns new a stretch matrix, which is a
-  ## scale matrix with non uniform scale in x and y.
-  result.setElements(sx,0,0,sy,0,0)
-proc stretch*(sx,sy:float,org:Point2d):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new stretch matrix, which is a
-  ## scale matrix with non uniform scale in x and y.
-  ## `org` is used as stretch origin.
-  result.setElements(sx,0,0,sy,org.x-sx*org.x,org.y-sy*org.y)
-proc move*(dx,dy:float):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new translation matrix.
-  result.setElements(1,0,0,1,dx,dy)
-proc move*(v:Vector2d):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new translation matrix from a vector.
-  result.setElements(1,0,0,1,v.x,v.y)
-proc rotate*(rad:float):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new rotation matrix, which
-  ## represents a rotation by `rad` radians
-  let
-    s=sin(rad)
-    c=cos(rad)
-  result.setElements(c,s,-s,c,0,0)
-proc rotate*(rad:float,org:Point2d):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new rotation matrix, which
-  ## represents a rotation by `rad` radians around
-  ## the origin `org`
-  let
-    s=sin(rad)
-    c=cos(rad)
-  result.setElements(c,s,-s,c,org.x+s*org.y-c*org.x,org.y-c*org.y-s*org.x)
-proc mirror*(v:Vector2d):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new mirror matrix, mirroring
-  ## around the line that passes through origo and
-  ## has the direction of `v`
-  let
-    sqx=v.x*v.x
-    sqy=v.y*v.y
-    nd=1.0/(sqx+sqy) #used to normalize invector
-    xy2=v.x*v.y*2.0*nd
-    sqd=nd*(sqx-sqy)
-  if nd==Inf or nd==NegInf:
-    return IDMATRIX #mirroring around a zero vector is arbitrary=>just use identity
-  result.setElements(
-    sqd,xy2,
-    xy2,-sqd,
-    0.0,0.0)
-proc mirror*(org:Point2d,v:Vector2d):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new mirror matrix, mirroring
-  ## around the line that passes through `org` and
-  ## has the direction of `v`
-  let
-    sqx=v.x*v.x
-    sqy=v.y*v.y
-    nd=1.0/(sqx+sqy) #used to normalize invector
-    xy2=v.x*v.y*2.0*nd
-    sqd=nd*(sqx-sqy)
-  if nd==Inf or nd==NegInf:
-    return IDMATRIX #mirroring around a zero vector is arbitrary=>just use identity
-  result.setElements(
-    sqd,xy2,
-    xy2,-sqd,
-    org.x-org.y*xy2-org.x*sqd,org.y-org.x*xy2+org.y*sqd)
-proc skew*(xskew,yskew:float):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new skew matrix, which has its
-  ## x axis rotated `xskew` radians from the local x axis, and
-  ## y axis rotated `yskew` radians from the local y axis
-  result.setElements(cos(yskew),sin(yskew),-sin(xskew),cos(xskew),0,0)
-proc `$`* (t:Matrix2d):string {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a string representation of the matrix
-  return rtos( & "," & rtos(t.ay) &
-    "," & rtos(t.bx) & "," & rtos( &
-    "," & rtos(t.tx) & "," & rtos(t.ty)
-proc isUniform*(t:Matrix2d,tol=1.0e-6):bool=
-  ## Checks if the transform is uniform, that is
-  ## perpendicular axes of equal length, which means (for example)
-  ## it cannot transform a circle into an ellipse.
-  ## `tol` is used as tolerance for both equal length comparison
-  ## and perp. comparison.
-  #dot product=0 means perpendicular coord. system:
-  if abs(*t.bx+t.ay*<=tol:
-    #subtract squared lengths of axes to check if uniform scaling:
-    if abs((**t.ay)-(t.bx**<=tol:
-      return true
-  return false
-proc determinant*(t:Matrix2d):float=
-  ## Computes the determinant of the matrix.
-  #NOTE: equivalent with product for two 2d vectors
-  return**t.ay
-proc isMirroring* (m:Matrix2d):bool=
-  ## Checks if the `m` is a mirroring matrix,
-  ## which means it will reverse direction of a curve transformed with it
-  return m.determinant<0.0
-proc inverse*(m:Matrix2d):Matrix2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new matrix, which is the inverse of the matrix
-  ## If the matrix is not invertible (determinant=0), an EDivByZero
-  ## will be raised.
-  let d=m.determinant
-  if d==0.0:
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Cannot invert a zero determinant matrix")
-  result.setElements(
-    -m.bx/d,,
-    (m.bx**m.tx)/d,
-    (m.ay**m.ty)/d)
-proc equals*(m1:Matrix2d,m2:Matrix2d,tol=1.0e-6):bool=
-  ## Checks if all elements of `m1`and `m2` is equal within
-  ## a given tolerance `tol`.
-  return
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(m1.ay-m2.ay)<=tol and
-    abs(m1.bx-m2.bx)<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(m1.tx-m2.tx)<=tol and
-    abs(m1.ty-m2.ty)<=tol
-proc `=~`*(m1,m2:Matrix2d):bool=
-  ## Checks if `m1`and `m2` is approximately equal, using a
-  ## tolerance of 1e-6.
-  equals(m1,m2)
-proc isIdentity*(m:Matrix2d,tol=1.0e-6):bool=
-  ## Checks is a matrix is approximately an identity matrix,
-  ## using `tol` as tolerance for each element.
-  return equals(m,IDMATRIX,tol)
-proc apply*(m:Matrix2d,x,y:var float,translate=false)=
-  ## Applies transformation `m` onto `x`,`y`, optionally
-  ## using the translation part of the matrix.
-  if translate: # positional style transform
-    let newx=x**m.bx+m.tx
-    y=x*m.ay+y*
-    x=newx
-  else: # delta style transform
-    let newx=x**m.bx
-    y=x*m.ay+y*
-    x=newx
-# ***************************************
-#     Vector2d implementation
-# ***************************************
-proc vector2d*(x,y:float):Vector2d = #forward decl.
-  result.x=x
-  result.y=y
-proc polarVector2d*(ang:float,len:float):Vector2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new vector with angle `ang` and magnitude `len`
-  result.x=cos(ang)*len
-  result.y=sin(ang)*len
-proc slopeVector2d*(slope:float,len:float):Vector2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new vector having slope (dy/dx) given by
-  ## `slope`, and a magnitude of `len`
-  let ang=arctan(slope)
-  result.x=cos(ang)*len
-  result.y=sin(ang)*len
-proc len*(v:Vector2d):float {.inline.}=
-  ## Returns the length of the vector.
-  sqrt(v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y)
-proc `len=`*(v:var Vector2d,newlen:float) {.noInit.} =
-  ## Sets the length of the vector, keeping its angle.
-  let fac=newlen/v.len
-  if newlen==0.0:
-    v.x=0.0
-    v.y=0.0
-    return
-  if fac==Inf or fac==NegInf:
-    #to short for float accuracy
-    #do as good as possible:
-    v.x=newlen
-    v.y=0.0
-  else:
-    v.x*=fac
-    v.y*=fac
-proc sqrLen*(v:Vector2d):float {.inline.}=
-  ## Computes the squared length of the vector, which is
-  ## faster than computing the absolute length.
-  v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y
-proc angle*(v:Vector2d):float=
-  ## Returns the angle of the vector.
-  ## (The counter clockwise plane angle between posetive x axis and `v`)
-  result=arctan2(v.y,v.x)
-  if result<0.0: result+=DEG360
-proc `$` *(v:Vector2d):string=
-  ## String representation of `v`
-  result=rtos(v.x)
-  result.add(",")
-  result.add(rtos(v.y))
-proc `&` *(v:Vector2d,m:Matrix2d):Vector2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Concatenate vector `v` with a transformation matrix.
-  ## Transforming a vector ignores the translational part
-  ## of the matrix.
-  #             | AX AY 0 |
-  # | X Y 1 | * | BX BY 0 |
-  #             | 0  0  1 |
-  result.x=v.x**m.bx
-  result.y=v.x*m.ay+v.y*
-proc `&=`*(v:var Vector2d,m:Matrix2d) {.inline.}=
-  ## Applies transformation `m` onto `v` in place.
-  ## Transforming a vector ignores the translational part
-  ## of the matrix.
-  #             | AX AY 0 |
-  # | X Y 1 | * | BX BY 0 |
-  #             | 0  0  1 |
-  let newx=v.x**m.bx
-  v.y=v.x*m.ay+v.y*
-  v.x=newx
-proc tryNormalize*(v:var Vector2d):bool=
-  ## Modifies `v` to have a length of 1.0, keeping its angle.
-  ## If `v` has zero length (and thus no angle), it is left unmodified and
-  ## false is returned, otherwise true is returned.
-  let mag=v.len
-  if mag==0.0:
-    return false
-  v.x/=mag
-  v.y/=mag
-  return true
-proc normalize*(v:var Vector2d) {.inline.}=
-  ## Modifies `v` to have a length of 1.0, keeping its angle.
-  ## If  `v` has zero length, an EDivByZero will be raised.
-  if not tryNormalize(v):
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Cannot normalize zero length vector")
-proc transformNorm*(v:var Vector2d,t:Matrix2d)=
-  ## Applies a normal direction transformation `t` onto `v` in place.
-  ## The resulting vector is *not* normalized.  Transforming a vector ignores the
-  ## translational part of the matrix. If the matrix is not invertible
-  ## (determinant=0), an EDivByZero will be raised.
-  # transforming a normal is done by transforming
-  # by the transpose of the inverse of the original matrix
-  # this can be heavily optimized by precompute and inline
-  #             | | AX AY 0 | ^-1| ^T
-  # | X Y 1 | * | | BX BY 0 |    |
-  #             | | 0  0  1 |    |
-  let d=t.determinant
-  if(d==0.0):
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Matrix is not invertible")
-  let newx = (*v.x-t.ay*v.y)/d
-  v.y = (*v.y-t.bx*v.x)/d
-  v.x = newx
-proc transformInv*(v:var Vector2d,t:Matrix2d)=
-  ## Applies inverse of a transformation `t` to `v` in place.
-  ## This is faster than creating an inverse matrix and apply() it.
-  ## Transforming a vector ignores the translational part
-  ## of the matrix. If the matrix is not invertible (determinant=0), an EDivByZero
-  ## will be raised.
-  let d=t.determinant
-  if(d==0.0):
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Matrix is not invertible")
-  let newx=(*v.x-t.bx*v.y)/d
-  v.y = (*v.y-t.ay*v.x)/d
-  v.x = newx
-proc transformNormInv*(v:var Vector2d,t:Matrix2d)=
-  ## Applies an inverse normal direction transformation `t` onto `v` in place.
-  ## This is faster than creating an inverse
-  ## matrix and transformNorm(...) it. Transforming a vector ignores the
-  ## translational part of the matrix.
-  # normal inverse transform is done by transforming
-  # by the inverse of the transpose of the inverse of the org. matrix
-  # which is equivalent with transforming with the transpose.
-  #             | | | AX AY 0 |^-1|^T|^-1                | AX BX 0 |
-  # | X Y 1 | * | | | BX BY 0 |   |  |    =  | X Y 1 | * | AY BY 0 |
-  #             | | | 0  0  1 |   |  |                   | 0  0  1 |
-  # This can be heavily reduced to:
-  let newx=t.ay**v.x
-  v.x=newx
-proc rotate90*(v:var Vector2d) {.inline.}=
-  ## Quickly rotates vector `v` 90 degrees counter clockwise,
-  ## without using any trigonometrics.
-  swap(v.x,v.y)
-  v.x= -v.x
-proc rotate180*(v:var Vector2d){.inline.}=
-  ## Quickly rotates vector `v` 180 degrees counter clockwise,
-  ## without using any trigonometrics.
-  v.x= -v.x
-  v.y= -v.y
-proc rotate270*(v:var Vector2d) {.inline.}=
-  ## Quickly rotates vector `v` 270 degrees counter clockwise,
-  ## without using any trigonometrics.
-  swap(v.x,v.y)
-  v.y= -v.y
-proc rotate*(v:var Vector2d,rad:float) =
-  ## Rotates vector `v` `rad` radians in place.
-  let
-    s=sin(rad)
-    c=cos(rad)
-    newx=c*v.x-s*v.y
-  v.y=c*v.y+s*v.x
-  v.x=newx
-proc scale*(v:var Vector2d,fac:float){.inline.}=
-  ## Scales vector `v` `rad` radians in place.
-  v.x*=fac
-  v.y*=fac
-proc stretch*(v:var Vector2d,facx,facy:float){.inline.}=
-  ## Stretches vector `v` `facx` times horizontally,
-  ## and `facy` times vertically.
-  v.x*=facx
-  v.y*=facy
-proc mirror*(v:var Vector2d,mirrvec:Vector2d)=
-  ## Mirrors vector `v` using `mirrvec` as mirror direction.
-  let
-    sqx=mirrvec.x*mirrvec.x
-    sqy=mirrvec.y*mirrvec.y
-    nd=1.0/(sqx+sqy) #used to normalize invector
-    xy2=mirrvec.x*mirrvec.y*2.0*nd
-    sqd=nd*(sqx-sqy)
-  if nd==Inf or nd==NegInf:
-    return #mirroring around a zero vector is arbitrary=>keep as is is fastest
-  let newx=xy2*v.y+sqd*v.x
-  v.y=v.x*xy2-sqd*v.y
-  v.x=newx
-proc `-` *(v:Vector2d):Vector2d=
-  ## Negates a vector
-  result.x= -v.x
-  result.y= -v.y
-# declare templated binary operators
-proc dot*(v1,v2:Vector2d):float=
-  ## Computes the dot product of two vectors.
-  ## Returns 0.0 if the vectors are perpendicular.
-  return v1.x*v2.x+v1.y*v2.y
-proc cross*(v1,v2:Vector2d):float=
-  ## Computes the cross product of two vectors, also called
-  ## the 'perpendicular dot product' in 2d. Returns 0.0 if the vectors
-  ## are parallel.
-  return v1.x*v2.y-v1.y*v2.x
-proc equals*(v1,v2:Vector2d,tol=1.0e-6):bool=
-  ## Checks if two vectors approximately equals with a tolerance.
-  return abs(v2.x-v1.x)<=tol and abs(v2.y-v1.y)<=tol
-proc `=~` *(v1,v2:Vector2d):bool=
-  ## Checks if two vectors approximately equals with a
-  ## hardcoded tolerance 1e-6
-  equals(v1,v2)
-proc angleTo*(v1,v2:Vector2d):float=
-  ## Returns the smallest of the two possible angles
-  ## between `v1` and `v2` in radians.
-  var
-    nv1=v1
-    nv2=v2
-  if not nv1.tryNormalize or not nv2.tryNormalize:
-    return 0.0 # zero length vector has zero angle to any other vector
-  return safeArccos(dot(nv1,nv2))
-proc angleCCW*(v1,v2:Vector2d):float=
-  ## Returns the counter clockwise plane angle from `v1` to `v2`,
-  ## in range 0 - 2*PI
-  let a=v1.angleTo(v2)
-  if v1.cross(v2)>=0.0:
-    return a
-  return DEG360-a
-proc angleCW*(v1,v2:Vector2d):float=
-  ## Returns the clockwise plane angle from `v1` to `v2`,
-  ## in range 0 - 2*PI
-  let a=v1.angleTo(v2)
-  if v1.cross(v2)<=0.0:
-    return a
-  return DEG360-a
-proc turnAngle*(v1,v2:Vector2d):float=
-  ## Returns the amount v1 should be rotated (in radians) to equal v2,
-  ## in range -PI to PI
-  let a=v1.angleTo(v2)
-  if v1.cross(v2)<=0.0:
-    return -a
-  return a
-proc bisect*(v1,v2:Vector2d):Vector2d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Computes the bisector between v1 and v2 as a normalized vector.
-  ## If one of the input vectors has zero length, a normalized version
-  ## of the other is returned. If both input vectors has zero length,
-  ## an arbitrary normalized vector is returned.
-  var
-    vmag1=v1.len
-    vmag2=v2.len
-  # zero length vector equals arbitrary vector, just change to magnitude to one to
-  # avoid zero division
-  if vmag1==0.0:
-    if vmag2==0: #both are zero length return any normalized vector
-      return XAXIS
-    vmag1=1.0
-  if vmag2==0.0: vmag2=1.0
-  let
-    x1=v1.x/vmag1
-    y1=v1.y/vmag1
-    x2=v2.x/vmag2
-    y2=v2.y/vmag2
-  result.x=(x1 + x2) * 0.5
-  result.y=(y1 + y2) * 0.5
-  if not result.tryNormalize():
-    # This can happen if vectors are colinear. In this special case
-    # there are actually two bisectors, we select just
-    # one of them (x1,y1 rotated 90 degrees ccw).
-    result.x = -y1
-    result.y = x1
-# ***************************************
-#     Point2d implementation
-# ***************************************
-proc point2d*(x,y:float):Point2d =
-  result.x=x
-  result.y=y
-proc sqrDist*(a,b:Point2d):float=
-  ## Computes the squared distance between `a` and `b`
-  let dx=b.x-a.x
-  let dy=b.y-a.y
-  result=dx*dx+dy*dy
-proc dist*(a,b:Point2d):float {.inline.}=
-  ## Computes the absolute distance between `a` and `b`
-  result=sqrt(sqrDist(a,b))
-proc angle*(a,b:Point2d):float=
-  ## Computes the angle of the vector `b`-`a`
-  let dx=b.x-a.x
-  let dy=b.y-a.y
-  result=arctan2(dy,dx)
-  if result<0:
-    result += DEG360
-proc `$` *(p:Point2d):string=
-  ## String representation of `p`
-  result=rtos(p.x)
-  result.add(",")
-  result.add(rtos(p.y))
-proc `&`*(p:Point2d,t:Matrix2d):Point2d {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Concatenates a point `p` with a transform `t`,
-  ## resulting in a new, transformed point.
-  #             | AX AY 0 |
-  # | X Y 1 | * | BX BY 0 |
-  #             | TX TY 1 |
-  result.x=p.x**t.bx+t.tx
-  result.y=p.x*t.ay+p.y*
-proc `&=` *(p:var Point2d,t:Matrix2d) {.inline.}=
-  ## Applies transformation `t` onto `p` in place.
-  let newx=p.x**t.bx+t.tx
-  p.y=p.x*t.ay+p.y*
-  p.x=newx
-proc transformInv*(p:var Point2d,t:Matrix2d){.inline.}=
-  ## Applies the inverse of transformation `t` onto `p` in place.
-  ## If the matrix is not invertable (determinant=0) , EDivByZero will
-  ## be raised.
-  #             | AX AY 0 | ^-1
-  # | X Y 1 | * | BX BY 0 |
-  #             | TX TY 1 |
-  let d=t.determinant
-  if d==0.0:
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Cannot invert a zero determinant matrix")
-  let
-    newx= (t.bx**t.tx+p.x**t.bx)/d
-  p.y = -(*t.ty-t.ay*t.tx+p.x*t.ay-p.y*
-  p.x=newx
-proc `+`*(p:Point2d,v:Vector2d):Point2d {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Adds a vector `v` to a point `p`, resulting
-  ## in a new point.
-  result.x=p.x+v.x
-  result.y=p.y+v.y
-proc `+=`*(p:var Point2d,v:Vector2d) {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Adds a vector `v` to a point `p` in place.
-  p.x+=v.x
-  p.y+=v.y
-proc `-`*(p:Point2d,v:Vector2d):Point2d {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Subtracts a vector `v` from a point `p`, resulting
-  ## in a new point.
-  result.x=p.x-v.x
-  result.y=p.y-v.y
-proc `-`*(p1,p2:Point2d):Vector2d {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Subtracts `p2`from `p1` resulting in a difference vector.
-  result.x=p1.x-p2.x
-  result.y=p1.y-p2.y
-proc `-=`*(p:var Point2d,v:Vector2d) {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Subtracts a vector `v` from a point `p` in place.
-  p.x-=v.x
-  p.y-=v.y
-proc equals(p1,p2:Point2d,tol=1.0e-6):bool {.inline.}=
-  ## Checks if two points approximately equals with a tolerance.
-  return abs(p2.x-p1.x)<=tol and abs(p2.y-p1.y)<=tol
-proc `=~`*(p1,p2:Point2d):bool {.inline.}=
-  ## Checks if two vectors approximately equals with a
-  ## hardcoded tolerance 1e-6
-  equals(p1,p2)
-proc polar*(p:Point2d,ang,dist:float):Point2d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a point with a given angle and distance away from `p`
-  result.x=p.x+cos(ang)*dist
-  result.y=p.y+sin(ang)*dist
-proc rotate*(p:var Point2d,rad:float)=
-  ## Rotates a point in place `rad` radians around origo.
-  let
-    c=cos(rad)
-    s=sin(rad)
-    newx=p.x*c-p.y*s
-  p.y=p.y*c+p.x*s
-  p.x=newx
-proc rotate*(p:var Point2d,rad:float,org:Point2d)=
-  ## Rotates a point in place `rad` radians using `org` as
-  ## center of rotation.
-  let
-    c=cos(rad)
-    s=sin(rad)
-    newx=(p.x - org.x) * c - (p.y - org.y) * s + org.x
-  p.y=(p.y - org.y) * c + (p.x - org.x) * s + org.y
-  p.x=newx
-proc scale*(p:var Point2d,fac:float) {.inline.}=
-  ## Scales a point in place `fac` times with world origo as origin.
-  p.x*=fac
-  p.y*=fac
-proc scale*(p:var Point2d,fac:float,org:Point2d){.inline.}=
-  ## Scales the point in place `fac` times with `org` as origin.
-  p.x=(p.x - org.x) * fac + org.x
-  p.y=(p.y - org.y) * fac + org.y
-proc stretch*(p:var Point2d,facx,facy:float){.inline.}=
-  ## Scales a point in place non uniformly `facx` and `facy` times with
-  ## world origo as origin.
-  p.x*=facx
-  p.y*=facy
-proc stretch*(p:var Point2d,facx,facy:float,org:Point2d){.inline.}=
-  ## Scales the point in place non uniformly `facx` and `facy` times with
-  ## `org` as origin.
-  p.x=(p.x - org.x) * facx + org.x
-  p.y=(p.y - org.y) * facy + org.y
-proc move*(p:var Point2d,dx,dy:float){.inline.}=
-  ## Translates a point `dx`, `dy` in place.
-  p.x+=dx
-  p.y+=dy
-proc move*(p:var Point2d,v:Vector2d){.inline.}=
-  ## Translates a point with vector `v` in place.
-  p.x+=v.x
-  p.y+=v.y
-proc sgnArea*(a,b,c:Point2d):float=
-  ## Computes the signed area of the triangle thru points `a`,`b` and `c`
-  ## result>0.0 for counter clockwise triangle
-  ## result<0.0 for clockwise triangle
-  ## This is commonly used to determinate side of a point with respect to a line.
-  return ((b.x - c.x) * (b.y - a.y)-(b.y - c.y) * (b.x - a.x))*0.5
-proc area*(a,b,c:Point2d):float=
-  ## Computes the area of the triangle thru points `a`,`b` and `c`
-  return abs(sgnArea(a,b,c))
-proc closestPoint*(p:Point2d,pts:varargs[Point2d]):Point2d=
-  ## Returns a point selected from `pts`, that has the closest
-  ## euclidean distance to `p`
-  assert(pts.len>0) # must have at least one point
-  var
-    bestidx=0
-    bestdist=p.sqrDist(pts[0])
-    curdist:float
-  for idx in 1..high(pts):
-    curdist=p.sqrDist(pts[idx])
-    if curdist<bestdist:
-      bestidx=idx
-      bestdist=curdist
-  result=pts[bestidx]
-# ***************************************
-#     Misc. math utilities that should
-#     probably be in another module.
-# ***************************************
-proc normAngle*(ang:float):float=
-  ## Returns an angle in radians, that is equal to `ang`,
-  ## but in the range 0 to <2*PI
-  if ang>=0.0 and ang<DEG360:
-    return ang
-  return ang mod DEG360
-proc degToRad*(deg:float):float {.inline.}=
-  ## converts `deg` degrees to radians
-proc radToDeg*(rad:float):float {.inline.}=
-  ## converts `rad` radians to degrees
diff --git a/lib/pure/basic3d.nim b/lib/pure/basic3d.nim
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index e2d2464c0..000000000
--- a/lib/pure/basic3d.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1040 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2013 Robert Persson
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-import math
-import strutils
-import times
-## Basic 3d support with vectors, points, matrices and some basic utilities.
-## Vectors are implemented as direction vectors, ie. when transformed with a matrix
-## the translation part of matrix is ignored. The coordinate system used is
-## right handed, because its compatible with 2d coordinate system (rotation around
-## zaxis equals 2d rotation).
-## Operators `+` , `-` , `*` , `/` , `+=` , `-=` , `*=` and `/=` are implemented
-## for vectors and scalars.
-## Quick start example:
-## .. code-block:: nim
-##   # Create a matrix which first rotates, then scales and at last translates
-##   var m:Matrix3d=rotate(PI,vector3d(1,1,2.5)) & scale(2.0) & move(100.0,200.0,300.0)
-##   # Create a 3d point at (100,150,200) and a vector (5,2,3)
-##   var pt:Point3d=point3d(100.0,150.0,200.0)
-##   var vec:Vector3d=vector3d(5.0,2.0,3.0)
-##   pt &= m # transforms pt in place
-##   var pt2:Point3d=pt & m #concatenates pt with m and returns a new point
-##   var vec2:Vector3d=vec & m #concatenates vec with m and returns a new vector
-  Matrix3d* =object
-    ## Implements a row major 3d matrix, which means
-    ## transformations are applied the order they are concatenated.
-    ## This matrix is stored as an 4x4 matrix:
-    ## [ ax ay az aw ]
-    ## [ bx by bz bw ]
-    ## [ cx cy cz cw ]
-    ## [ tx ty tz tw ]
-    ax*,ay*,az*,aw*,  bx*,by*,bz*,bw*,  cx*,cy*,cz*,cw*,  tx*,ty*,tz*,tw*:float
-  Point3d* = object
-    ## Implements a non-homogeneous 3d point stored as
-    ## an `x` , `y` and `z` coordinate.
-    x*,y*,z*:float
-  Vector3d* = object
-    ## Implements a 3d **direction vector** stored as
-    ## an `x` , `y` and `z` coordinate. Direction vector means,
-    ## that when transforming a vector with a matrix, the translational
-    ## part of the matrix is ignored.
-    x*,y*,z*:float
-{.deprecated: [TMatrix3d: Matrix3d, TPoint3d: Point3d, TVector3d: Vector3d].}
-# Some forward declarations
-proc matrix3d*(ax,ay,az,aw,bx,by,bz,bw,cx,cy,cz,cw,tx,ty,tz,tw:float):Matrix3d {.noInit.}
-  ## Creates a new 4x4 3d transformation matrix.
-  ## `ax` , `ay` , `az` is the local x axis.
-  ## `bx` , `by` , `bz` is the local y axis.
-  ## `cx` , `cy` , `cz` is the local z axis.
-  ## `tx` , `ty` , `tz` is the translation.
-proc vector3d*(x,y,z:float):Vector3d {.noInit,inline.}
-  ## Returns a new 3d vector (`x`,`y`,`z`)
-proc point3d*(x,y,z:float):Point3d {.noInit,inline.}
-  ## Returns a new 4d point (`x`,`y`,`z`)
-proc tryNormalize*(v:var Vector3d):bool
-  ## Modifies `v` to have a length of 1.0, keeping its angle.
-  ## If `v` has zero length (and thus no angle), it is left unmodified and false is
-  ## returned, otherwise true is returned.
-  IDMATRIX*:Matrix3d=matrix3d(
-    1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,
-    0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,
-    0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,
-    0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
-    ## Quick access to a 3d identity matrix
-  ORIGO*:Point3d=point3d(0.0,0.0,0.0)
-    ## Quick access to point (0,0)
-  XAXIS*:Vector3d=vector3d(1.0,0.0,0.0)
-    ## Quick access to an 3d x-axis unit vector
-  YAXIS*:Vector3d=vector3d(0.0,1.0,0.0)
-    ## Quick access to an 3d y-axis unit vector
-  ZAXIS*:Vector3d=vector3d(0.0,0.0,1.0)
-    ## Quick access to an 3d z-axis unit vector
-# ***************************************
-#     Private utils
-# ***************************************
-proc rtos(val:float):string=
-  return formatFloat(val,ffDefault,0)
-proc safeArccos(v:float):float=
-  ## assumes v is in range 0.0-1.0, but clamps
-  ## the value to avoid out of domain errors
-  ## due to rounding issues
-  return arccos(clamp(v,-1.0,1.0))
-template makeBinOpVector(s) =
-  proc s*(a,b:Vector3d):Vector3d {.inline,noInit.} =
-    vector3d(s(a.x,b.x),s(a.y,b.y),s(a.z,b.z))
-  proc s*(a:Vector3d,b:float):Vector3d {.inline,noInit.}  =
-    vector3d(s(a.x,b),s(a.y,b),s(a.z,b))
-  proc s*(a:float,b:Vector3d):Vector3d {.inline,noInit.}  =
-    vector3d(s(a,b.x),s(a,b.y),s(a,b.z))
-template makeBinOpAssignVector(s) =
-  proc s*(a:var Vector3d,b:Vector3d) {.inline.} =
-    s(a.x,b.x); s(a.y,b.y); s(a.z,b.z)
-  proc s*(a:var Vector3d,b:float) {.inline.} =
-    s(a.x,b); s(a.y,b); s(a.z,b)
-# ***************************************
-#     Matrix3d implementation
-# ***************************************
-proc setElements*(t:var Matrix3d,ax,ay,az,aw,bx,by,bz,bw,cx,cy,cz,cw,tx,ty,tz,tw:float) {.inline.}=
-  ## Sets arbitrary elements in an exisitng matrix.
-  t.ay=ay
-  t.bx=bx
-  t.tx=tx
-  t.ty=ty
-proc matrix3d*(ax,ay,az,aw,bx,by,bz,bw,cx,cy,cz,cw,tx,ty,tz,tw:float):Matrix3d =
-  result.setElements(ax,ay,az,aw,bx,by,bz,bw,cx,cy,cz,cw,tx,ty,tz,tw)
-proc `&`*(a,b:Matrix3d):Matrix3d {.noinit.} =
-  ## Concatenates matrices returning a new matrix.
-  result.setElements(
-proc scale*(s:float):Matrix3d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new scaling matrix.
-  result.setElements(s,0,0,0, 0,s,0,0, 0,0,s,0, 0,0,0,1)
-proc scale*(s:float,org:Point3d):Matrix3d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new scaling matrix using, `org` as scale origin.
-  result.setElements(s,0,0,0, 0,s,0,0, 0,0,s,0,
-    org.x-s*org.x,org.y-s*org.y,org.z-s*org.z,1.0)
-proc stretch*(sx,sy,sz:float):Matrix3d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns new a stretch matrix, which is a
-  ## scale matrix with non uniform scale in x,y and z.
-  result.setElements(sx,0,0,0, 0,sy,0,0, 0,0,sz,0, 0,0,0,1)
-proc stretch*(sx,sy,sz:float,org:Point3d):Matrix3d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new stretch matrix, which is a
-  ## scale matrix with non uniform scale in x,y and z.
-  ## `org` is used as stretch origin.
-  result.setElements(sx,0,0,0, 0,sy,0,0, 0,0,sz,0, org.x-sx*org.x,org.y-sy*org.y,org.z-sz*org.z,1)
-proc move*(dx,dy,dz:float):Matrix3d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new translation matrix.
-  result.setElements(1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, dx,dy,dz,1)
-proc move*(v:Vector3d):Matrix3d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Returns a new translation matrix from a vector.
-  result.setElements(1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, v.x,v.y,v.z,1)
-proc rotate*(angle:float,axis:Vector3d):Matrix3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Creates a rotation matrix that rotates `angle` radians over
-  ## `axis`, which passes through origo.
-  # see PDF document
-  # for how this is computed
-  var normax=axis
-  if not normax.tryNormalize: #simplifies matrix computation below a lot
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Cannot rotate around zero length axis")
-  let
-    cs=cos(angle)
-    si=sin(angle)
-    omc=1.0-cs
-    usi=normax.x*si
-    vsi=normax.y*si
-    wsi=normax.z*si
-    u2=normax.x*normax.x
-    v2=normax.y*normax.y
-    w2=normax.z*normax.z
-    uvomc=normax.x*normax.y*omc
-    uwomc=normax.x*normax.z*omc
-    vwomc=normax.y*normax.z*omc
-  result.setElements(
-    u2+(1.0-u2)*cs, uvomc+wsi, uwomc-vsi, 0.0,
-    uvomc-wsi, v2+(1.0-v2)*cs, vwomc+usi, 0.0,
-    uwomc+vsi, vwomc-usi, w2+(1.0-w2)*cs, 0.0,
-    0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
-proc rotate*(angle:float,org:Point3d,axis:Vector3d):Matrix3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Creates a rotation matrix that rotates `angle` radians over
-  ## `axis`, which passes through `org`.
-  # see PDF document
-  # for how this is computed
-  var normax=axis
-  if not normax.tryNormalize: #simplifies matrix computation below a lot
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Cannot rotate around zero length axis")
-  let
-    u=normax.x
-    v=normax.y
-    w=normax.z
-    u2=u*u
-    v2=v*v
-    w2=w*w
-    cs=cos(angle)
-    omc=1.0-cs
-    si=sin(angle)
-    a=org.x
-    b=org.y
-    c=org.z
-    usi=u*si
-    vsi=v*si
-    wsi=w*si
-    uvomc=normax.x*normax.y*omc
-    uwomc=normax.x*normax.z*omc
-    vwomc=normax.y*normax.z*omc
-  result.setElements(
-    u2+(v2+w2)*cs, uvomc+wsi, uwomc-vsi, 0.0,
-    uvomc-wsi, v2+(u2+w2)*cs, vwomc+usi, 0.0,
-    uwomc+vsi, vwomc-usi, w2+(u2+v2)*cs, 0.0,
-    (a*(v2+w2)-u*(b*v+c*w))*omc+(b*w-c*v)*si,
-    (b*(u2+w2)-v*(a*u+c*w))*omc+(c*u-a*w)*si,
-    (c*(u2+v2)-w*(a*u+b*v))*omc+(a*v-b*u)*si,1.0)
-proc rotateX*(angle:float):Matrix3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Creates a matrix that rotates around the x-axis with `angle` radians,
-  ## which is also called a 'roll' matrix.
-  let
-    c=cos(angle)
-    s=sin(angle)
-  result.setElements(
-    1,0,0,0,
-    0,c,s,0,
-    0,-s,c,0,
-    0,0,0,1)
-proc rotateY*(angle:float):Matrix3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Creates a matrix that rotates around the y-axis with `angle` radians,
-  ## which is also called a 'pitch' matrix.
-  let
-    c=cos(angle)
-    s=sin(angle)
-  result.setElements(
-    c,0,-s,0,
-    0,1,0,0,
-    s,0,c,0,
-    0,0,0,1)
-proc rotateZ*(angle:float):Matrix3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Creates a matrix that rotates around the z-axis with `angle` radians,
-  ## which is also called a 'yaw' matrix.
-  let
-    c=cos(angle)
-    s=sin(angle)
-  result.setElements(
-    c,s,0,0,
-    -s,c,0,0,
-    0,0,1,0,
-    0,0,0,1)
-proc isUniform*(m:Matrix3d,tol=1.0e-6):bool=
-  ## Checks if the transform is uniform, that is
-  ## perpendicular axes of equal length, which means (for example)
-  ## it cannot transform a sphere into an ellipsoid.
-  ## `tol` is used as tolerance for both equal length comparison
-  ## and perpendicular comparison.
-  #dot product=0 means perpendicular coord. system, check xaxis vs yaxis and  xaxis vs zaxis
-  if abs(*m.bx+m.ay**<=tol and # x vs y
-    abs(***<=tol and #x vs z
-    abs(m.bx***<=tol: #y vs z
-    #subtract squared lengths of axes to check if uniform scaling:
-    let
-      sqxlen=(***
-      sqylen=(m.bx***
-      sqzlen=(***
-    if abs(sqxlen-sqylen)<=tol and abs(sqxlen-sqzlen)<=tol:
-      return true
-  return false
-proc mirror*(planeperp:Vector3d):Matrix3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Creates a matrix that mirrors over the plane that has `planeperp` as normal,
-  ## and passes through origo. `planeperp` does not need to be normalized.
-  #
-  var n=planeperp
-  if not n.tryNormalize:
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Cannot mirror over a plane with a zero length normal")
-  let
-    a=n.x
-    b=n.y
-    c=n.z
-    ab=a*b
-    ac=a*c
-    bc=b*c
-  result.setElements(
-    1-2*a*a , -2*ab,-2*ac,0,
-    -2*ab , 1-2*b*b, -2*bc, 0,
-    -2*ac, -2*bc, 1-2*c*c,0,
-    0,0,0,1)
-proc mirror*(org:Point3d,planeperp:Vector3d):Matrix3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Creates a matrix that mirrors over the plane that has `planeperp` as normal,
-  ## and passes through `org`. `planeperp` does not need to be normalized.
-  # constructs a mirror M like the simpler mirror matrix constructor
-  # above but premultiplies with the inverse traslation of org
-  # and postmultiplies with the translation of org.
-  # With some fiddling this becomes reasonably simple:
-  var n=planeperp
-  if not n.tryNormalize:
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Cannot mirror over a plane with a zero length normal")
-  let
-    a=n.x
-    b=n.y
-    c=n.z
-    ab=a*b
-    ac=a*c
-    bc=b*c
-    aa=a*a
-    bb=b*b
-    cc=c*c
-    tx=org.x
-    ty=org.y
-    tz=org.z
-  result.setElements(
-    1-2*aa , -2*ab,-2*ac,0,
-    -2*ab , 1-2*bb, -2*bc, 0,
-    -2*ac, -2*bc, 1-2*cc,0,
-    2*(ac*tz+ab*ty+aa*tx),
-    2*(bc*tz+bb*ty+ab*tx),
-    2*(cc*tz+bc*ty+ac*tx) ,1)
-proc determinant*(m:Matrix3d):float=
-  ## Computes the determinant of matrix `m`.
-  # This computation is gotten from ratsimp(optimize(determinant(m)))
-  # in maxima CAS
-  let
-  return (O1*m.ay-O2***
-    (-O1****
-    (O2**m.ay-O6**m.bx+
-    (O3**m.ay+O6**
-proc inverse*(m:Matrix3d):Matrix3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Computes the inverse of matrix `m`. If the matrix
-  ## determinant is zero, thus not invertible, a EDivByZero
-  ## will be raised.
-  # this computation comes from optimize(invert(m)) in maxima CAS
-  let
-    det=m.determinant
-    O13=m.bx**m.tx
-    O14=m.bx**m.tx
-    O15=m.bx**
-    O16=m.bx**
-    O18=m.bx**m.tx
-    O19=m.bx**
-  if det==0.0:
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Cannot normalize zero length vector")
-  result.setElements(
-    (***O2)/det    , (*O4-m.ay**O2)/det,
-    (*O7+m.ay**O5)/det    , (*O10-m.ay**O8)/det,
-    (*O12-m.bx**O11)/det , (***O11)/det,
-    (***O13)/det , (***O15)/det,
-    (*O17+m.bx**O11)/det  , (**O2+m.ay*O11)/det,
-    (**O5-m.ay*O13)/det  , (**O8+m.ay*O15)/det,
-    (-m.bx***O17)/det , (*O4-m.ay**O17)/det,
-    (*O7+m.ay**O18)/det , (*O10-m.ay**O19)/det)
-proc equals*(m1:Matrix3d,m2:Matrix3d,tol=1.0e-6):bool=
-  ## Checks if all elements of `m1`and `m2` is equal within
-  ## a given tolerance `tol`.
-  return
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(m1.ay-m2.ay)<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(m1.bx-m2.bx)<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(m1.tx-m2.tx)<=tol and
-    abs(m1.ty-m2.ty)<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol and
-    abs(<=tol
-proc `=~`*(m1,m2:Matrix3d):bool=
-  ## Checks if `m1` and `m2` is approximately equal, using a
-  ## tolerance of 1e-6.
-  equals(m1,m2)
-proc transpose*(m:Matrix3d):Matrix3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Returns the transpose of `m`
-  result.setElements(,m.bx,,m.tx,m.ay,,,m.ty,,,,,,,,
-proc getXAxis*(m:Matrix3d):Vector3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Gets the local x axis of `m`
-  result.y=m.ay
-proc getYAxis*(m:Matrix3d):Vector3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Gets the local y axis of `m`
-  result.x=m.bx
-proc getZAxis*(m:Matrix3d):Vector3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Gets the local y axis of `m`
-proc `$`*(m:Matrix3d):string=
-  ## String representation of `m`
-  return rtos( & "," & rtos(m.ay) & "," & rtos( & "," & rtos( &
-    "\n" & rtos(m.bx) & "," & rtos( & "," & rtos( & "," & rtos( &
-    "\n" & rtos( & "," & rtos( & "," & rtos( & "," & rtos( &
-    "\n" & rtos(m.tx) & "," & rtos(m.ty) & "," & rtos( & "," & rtos(
-proc apply*(m:Matrix3d, x,y,z:var float, translate=false)=
-  ## Applies transformation `m` onto `x` , `y` , `z` , optionally
-  ## using the translation part of the matrix.
-  let
-    oldx=x
-    oldy=y
-    oldz=z
-  if translate:
-    x+=m.tx
-    y+=m.ty
-# ***************************************
-#     Vector3d implementation
-# ***************************************
-proc vector3d*(x,y,z:float):Vector3d=
-  result.x=x
-  result.y=y
-  result.z=z
-proc len*(v:Vector3d):float=
-  ## Returns the length of the vector `v`.
-  sqrt(v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z)
-proc `len=`*(v:var Vector3d,newlen:float) {.noInit.} =
-  ## Sets the length of the vector, keeping its direction.
-  ## If the vector has zero length before changing it's length,
-  ## an arbitrary vector of the requested length is returned.
-  let fac=newlen/v.len
-  if newlen==0.0:
-    v.x=0.0
-    v.y=0.0
-    v.z=0.0
-    return
-  if fac==Inf or fac==NegInf:
-    #to short for float accuracy
-    #do as good as possible:
-    v.x=newlen
-    v.y=0.0
-    v.z=0.0
-  else:
-    v.x*=fac
-    v.y*=fac
-    v.z*=fac
-proc sqrLen*(v:Vector3d):float {.inline.}=
-  ## Computes the squared length of the vector, which is
-  ## faster than computing the absolute length.
-  return v.x*v.x+v.y*v.y+v.z*v.z
-proc `$` *(v:Vector3d):string=
-  ## String representation of `v`
-  result=rtos(v.x)
-  result.add(",")
-  result.add(rtos(v.y))
-  result.add(",")
-  result.add(rtos(v.z))
-proc `&` *(v:Vector3d,m:Matrix3d):Vector3d {.noInit.} =
-  ## Concatenate vector `v` with a transformation matrix.
-  ## Transforming a vector ignores the translational part
-  ## of the matrix.
-  #               | AX AY AZ AW |
-  # | X Y Z 1 | * | BX BY BZ BW |
-  #               | CX CY CZ CW |
-  #               | 0  0  0  1 |
-  let
-  result.y=newy
-  result.x=newx
-proc `&=` *(v:var Vector3d,m:Matrix3d) {.noInit.} =
-  ## Applies transformation `m` onto `v` in place.
-  ## Transforming a vector ignores the translational part
-  ## of the matrix.
-  #               | AX AY AZ AW |
-  # | X Y Z 1 | * | BX BY BZ BW |
-  #               | CX CY CZ CW |
-  #               | 0  0  0  1  |
-  let
-  v.y=newy
-  v.x=newx
-proc transformNorm*(v:var Vector3d,m:Matrix3d)=
-  ## Applies a normal direction transformation `m` onto `v` in place.
-  ## The resulting vector is *not* normalized.  Transforming a vector ignores the
-  ## translational part of the matrix. If the matrix is not invertible
-  ## (determinant=0), an EDivByZero will be raised.
-  # transforming a normal is done by transforming
-  # by the transpose of the inverse of the original matrix
-  # Major reason this simple function is here is that this function can be optimized in the future,
-  # (possibly by hardware) as well as having a consistent API with the 2d version.
-  v&=transpose(inverse(m))
-proc transformInv*(v:var Vector3d,m:Matrix3d)=
-  ## Applies the inverse of `m` on vector `v`. Transforming a vector ignores
-  ## the translational part of the matrix.  Transforming a vector ignores the
-  ## translational part of the matrix.
-  ## If the matrix is not invertible (determinant=0), an EDivByZero
-  ## will be raised.
-  # Major reason this simple function is here is that this function can be optimized in the future,
-  # (possibly by hardware) as well as having a consistent API with the 2d version.
-  v&=m.inverse
-proc transformNormInv*(vec:var Vector3d,m:Matrix3d)=
-  ## Applies an inverse normal direction transformation `m` onto `v` in place.
-  ## This is faster than creating an inverse
-  ## matrix and transformNorm(...) it. Transforming a vector ignores the
-  ## translational part of the matrix.
-  # see vector2d:s equivalent for a deeper look how/why this works
-  vec&=m.transpose
-proc tryNormalize*(v:var Vector3d):bool=
-  ## Modifies `v` to have a length of 1.0, keeping its angle.
-  ## If `v` has zero length (and thus no angle), it is left unmodified and false is
-  ## returned, otherwise true is returned.
-  let mag=v.len
-  if mag==0.0:
-    return false
-  v.x/=mag
-  v.y/=mag
-  v.z/=mag
-  return true
-proc normalize*(v:var Vector3d) {.inline.}=
-  ## Modifies `v` to have a length of 1.0, keeping its angle.
-  ## If  `v` has zero length, an EDivByZero will be raised.
-  if not tryNormalize(v):
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Cannot normalize zero length vector")
-proc rotate*(vec:var Vector3d,angle:float,axis:Vector3d)=
-  ## Rotates `vec` in place, with `angle` radians over `axis`, which passes
-  ## through origo.
-  # see PDF document
-  # for how this is computed
-  var normax=axis
-  if not normax.tryNormalize:
-    raise newException(DivByZeroError,"Cannot rotate around zero length axis")
-  let
-    cs=cos(angle)
-    si=sin(angle)
-    omc=1.0-cs
-    u=normax.x
-    v=normax.y
-    w=normax.z
-    x=vec.x
-    y=vec.y
-    z=vec.z
-    uxyzomc=(u*x+v*y+w*z)*omc
-  vec.x=u*uxyzomc+x*cs+(v*z-w*y)*si
-  vec.y=v*uxyzomc+y*cs+(w*x-u*z)*si
-  vec.z=w*uxyzomc+z*cs+(u*y-v*x)*si
-proc scale*(v:var Vector3d,s:float)=
-  ## Scales the vector in place with factor `s`
-  v.x*=s
-  v.y*=s
-  v.z*=s
-proc stretch*(v:var Vector3d,sx,sy,sz:float)=
-  ## Scales the vector non uniformly with factors `sx` , `sy` , `sz`
-  v.x*=sx
-  v.y*=sy
-  v.z*=sz
-proc mirror*(v:var Vector3d,planeperp:Vector3d)=
-  ## Computes the mirrored vector of `v` over the plane
-  ## that has `planeperp` as normal direction.
-  ## `planeperp` does not need to be normalized.
-  var n=planeperp
-  n.normalize
-  let
-    x=v.x
-    y=v.y
-    z=v.z
-    a=n.x
-    b=n.y
-    c=n.z
-    ac=a*c
-    ab=a*b
-    bc=b*c
-  v.x= -2*(ac*z+ab*y+a*a*x)+x
-  v.y= -2*(bc*z+b*b*y+ab*x)+y
-  v.z= -2*(c*c*z+bc*y+ac*x)+z
-proc `-` *(v:Vector3d):Vector3d=
-  ## Negates a vector
-  result.x= -v.x
-  result.y= -v.y
-  result.z= -v.z
-# declare templated binary operators
-proc dot*(v1,v2:Vector3d):float {.inline.}=
-  ## Computes the dot product of two vectors.
-  ## Returns 0.0 if the vectors are perpendicular.
-  return v1.x*v2.x+v1.y*v2.y+v1.z*v2.z
-proc cross*(v1,v2:Vector3d):Vector3d {.inline.}=
-  ## Computes the cross product of two vectors.
-  ## The result is a vector which is perpendicular
-  ## to the plane of `v1` and `v2`, which means
-  ## cross(xaxis,yaxis)=zaxis. The magnitude of the result is
-  ## zero if the vectors are colinear.
-  result.x = (v1.y * v2.z) - (v2.y * v1.z)
-  result.y = (v1.z * v2.x) - (v2.z * v1.x)
-  result.z = (v1.x * v2.y) - (v2.x * v1.y)
-proc equals*(v1,v2:Vector3d,tol=1.0e-6):bool=
-  ## Checks if two vectors approximately equals with a tolerance.
-  return abs(v2.x-v1.x)<=tol and abs(v2.y-v1.y)<=tol and abs(v2.z-v1.z)<=tol
-proc `=~` *(v1,v2:Vector3d):bool=
-  ## Checks if two vectors approximately equals with a
-  ## hardcoded tolerance 1e-6
-  equals(v1,v2)
-proc angleTo*(v1,v2:Vector3d):float=
-  ## Returns the smallest angle between v1 and v2,
-  ## which is in range 0-PI
-  var
-    nv1=v1
-    nv2=v2
-  if not nv1.tryNormalize or not nv2.tryNormalize:
-    return 0.0 # zero length vector has zero angle to any other vector
-  return safeArccos(dot(nv1,nv2))
-proc arbitraryAxis*(norm:Vector3d):Matrix3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Computes the rotation matrix that would transform
-  ## world z vector into `norm`. The inverse of this matrix
-  ## is useful to transform a planar 3d object to 2d space.
-  ## This is the same algorithm used to interpret DXF and DWG files.
-  const lim=1.0/64.0
-  var ax,ay,az:Vector3d
-  if abs(norm.x)<lim and abs(norm.y)<lim:
-    ax=cross(YAXIS,norm)
-  else:
-    ax=cross(ZAXIS,norm)
-  ax.normalize()
-  ay=cross(norm,ax)
-  ay.normalize()
-  az=cross(ax,ay)
-  result.setElements(
-    ax.x,ax.y,ax.z,0.0,
-    ay.x,ay.y,ay.z,0.0,
-    az.x,az.y,az.z,0.0,
-    0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
-proc bisect*(v1,v2:Vector3d):Vector3d {.noInit.}=
-  ## Computes the bisector between v1 and v2 as a normalized vector.
-  ## If one of the input vectors has zero length, a normalized version
-  ## of the other is returned. If both input vectors has zero length,
-  ## an arbitrary normalized vector `v1` is returned.
-  var
-    vmag1=v1.len
-    vmag2=v2.len
-  # zero length vector equals arbitrary vector, just change
-  # magnitude to one to avoid zero division
-  if vmag1==0.0:
-    if vmag2==0: #both are zero length return any normalized vector
-      return XAXIS
-    vmag1=1.0
-  if vmag2==0.0: vmag2=1.0
-  let
-    x1=v1.x/vmag1
-    y1=v1.y/vmag1
-    z1=v1.z/vmag1
-    x2=v2.x/vmag2
-    y2=v2.y/vmag2
-    z2=v2.z/vmag2
-  result.x=(x1 + x2) * 0.5
-  result.y=(y1 + y2) * 0.5
-  result.z=(z1 + z2) * 0.5
-  if not result.tryNormalize():
-    # This can happen if vectors are colinear. In this special case
-    # there are actually inifinitely many bisectors, we select just
-    # one of them.
-    result=v1.cross(XAXIS)
-    if result.sqrLen<1.0e-9:
-      result=v1.cross(YAXIS)
-      if result.sqrLen<1.0e-9:
-        result=v1.cross(ZAXIS) # now we should be guaranteed to have succeeded
-    result.normalize
-# ***************************************
-#     Point3d implementation
-# ***************************************
-proc point3d*(x,y,z:float):Point3d=
-  result.x=x
-  result.y=y
-  result.z=z
-proc sqrDist*(a,b:Point3d):float=
-  ## Computes the squared distance between `a`and `b`
-  let dx=b.x-a.x
-  let dy=b.y-a.y
-  let dz=b.z-a.z
-  result=dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz
-proc dist*(a,b:Point3d):float {.inline.}=
-  ## Computes the absolute distance between `a`and `b`
-  result=sqrt(sqrDist(a,b))
-proc `$` *(p:Point3d):string=
-  ## String representation of `p`
-  result=rtos(p.x)
-  result.add(",")
-  result.add(rtos(p.y))
-  result.add(",")
-  result.add(rtos(p.z))
-proc `&`*(p:Point3d,m:Matrix3d):Point3d=
-  ## Concatenates a point `p` with a transform `m`,
-  ## resulting in a new, transformed point.
-proc `&=` *(p:var Point3d,m:Matrix3d)=
-  ## Applies transformation `m` onto `p` in place.
-  let
-    x=p.x
-    y=p.y
-    z=p.z
-proc transformInv*(p:var Point3d,m:Matrix3d)=
-  ## Applies the inverse of transformation `m` onto `p` in place.
-  ## If the matrix is not invertable (determinant=0) , EDivByZero will
-  ## be raised.
-  # can possibly be more optimized in the future so use this function when possible
-  p&=inverse(m)
-proc `+`*(p:Point3d,v:Vector3d):Point3d {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Adds a vector `v` to a point `p`, resulting
-  ## in a new point.
-  result.x=p.x+v.x
-  result.y=p.y+v.y
-  result.z=p.z+v.z
-proc `+=`*(p:var Point3d,v:Vector3d) {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Adds a vector `v` to a point `p` in place.
-  p.x+=v.x
-  p.y+=v.y
-  p.z+=v.z
-proc `-`*(p:Point3d,v:Vector3d):Point3d {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Subtracts a vector `v` from a point `p`, resulting
-  ## in a new point.
-  result.x=p.x-v.x
-  result.y=p.y-v.y
-  result.z=p.z-v.z
-proc `-`*(p1,p2:Point3d):Vector3d {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Subtracts `p2`from `p1` resulting in a difference vector.
-  result.x=p1.x-p2.x
-  result.y=p1.y-p2.y
-  result.z=p1.z-p2.z
-proc `-=`*(p:var Point3d,v:Vector3d) {.noInit,inline.} =
-  ## Subtracts a vector `v` from a point `p` in place.
-  p.x-=v.x
-  p.y-=v.y
-  p.z-=v.z
-proc equals(p1,p2:Point3d,tol=1.0e-6):bool {.inline.}=
-  ## Checks if two points approximately equals with a tolerance.
-  return abs(p2.x-p1.x)<=tol and abs(p2.y-p1.y)<=tol and abs(p2.z-p1.z)<=tol
-proc `=~`*(p1,p2:Point3d):bool {.inline.}=
-  ## Checks if two vectors approximately equals with a
-  ## hardcoded tolerance 1e-6
-  equals(p1,p2)
-proc rotate*(p:var Point3d,rad:float,axis:Vector3d)=
-  ## Rotates point `p` in place `rad` radians about an axis
-  ## passing through origo.
-  var v=vector3d(p.x,p.y,p.z)
-  v.rotate(rad,axis) # reuse this code here since doing the same thing and quite complicated
-  p.x=v.x
-  p.y=v.y
-  p.z=v.z
-proc rotate*(p:var Point3d,angle:float,org:Point3d,axis:Vector3d)=
-  ## Rotates point `p` in place `rad` radians about an axis
-  ## passing through `org`
-  # see PDF document
-  # for how this is computed
-  var normax=axis
-  normax.normalize
-  let
-    cs=cos(angle)
-    omc=1.0-cs
-    si=sin(angle)
-    u=normax.x
-    v=normax.y
-    w=normax.z
-    a=org.x
-    b=org.y
-    c=org.z
-    x=p.x
-    y=p.y
-    z=p.z
-    uu=u*u
-    vv=v*v
-    ww=w*w
-    ux=u*p.x
-    vy=v*p.y
-    wz=w*p.z
-    au=a*u
-    bv=b*v
-    cw=c*w
-    uxmvymwz=ux-vy-wz
-  p.x=(a*(vv+ww)-u*(bv+cw-uxmvymwz))*omc + x*cs + (b*w+v*z-c*v-w*y)*si
-  p.y=(b*(uu+ww)-v*(au+cw-uxmvymwz))*omc + y*cs + (c*u-a*w+w*x-u*z)*si
-  p.z=(c*(uu+vv)-w*(au+bv-uxmvymwz))*omc + z*cs + (a*v+u*y-b*u-v*x)*si
-proc scale*(p:var Point3d,fac:float) {.inline.}=
-  ## Scales a point in place `fac` times with world origo as origin.
-  p.x*=fac
-  p.y*=fac
-  p.z*=fac
-proc scale*(p:var Point3d,fac:float,org:Point3d){.inline.}=
-  ## Scales the point in place `fac` times with `org` as origin.
-  p.x=(p.x - org.x) * fac + org.x
-  p.y=(p.y - org.y) * fac + org.y
-  p.z=(p.z - org.z) * fac + org.z
-proc stretch*(p:var Point3d,facx,facy,facz:float){.inline.}=
-  ## Scales a point in place non uniformly `facx` , `facy` , `facz` times
-  ## with world origo as origin.
-  p.x*=facx
-  p.y*=facy
-  p.z*=facz
-proc stretch*(p:var Point3d,facx,facy,facz:float,org:Point3d){.inline.}=
-  ## Scales the point in place non uniformly `facx` , `facy` , `facz` times
-  ## with `org` as origin.
-  p.x=(p.x - org.x) * facx + org.x
-  p.y=(p.y - org.y) * facy + org.y
-  p.z=(p.z - org.z) * facz + org.z
-proc move*(p:var Point3d,dx,dy,dz:float){.inline.}=
-  ## Translates a point `dx` , `dy` , `dz` in place.
-  p.x+=dx
-  p.y+=dy
-  p.z+=dz
-proc move*(p:var Point3d,v:Vector3d){.inline.}=
-  ## Translates a point with vector `v` in place.
-  p.x+=v.x
-  p.y+=v.y
-  p.z+=v.z
-proc area*(a,b,c:Point3d):float {.inline.}=
-  ## Computes the area of the triangle thru points `a` , `b` and `c`
-  # The area of a planar 3d quadliteral is the magnitude of the cross
-  # product of two edge vectors. Taking this time 0.5 gives the triangle area.
-  return cross(b-a,c-a).len*0.5