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authorJuan M Gómez <>2023-05-19 20:31:57 +0100
committerGitHub <>2023-05-19 21:31:57 +0200
commita852b2e9cf80e806a85c92149d9f68f592e32185 (patch)
parent476e0320048f82c2743ca96614fde87b69ef2559 (diff)
refactor gettypedesc so it accepts its own kind instead of symkind (#21867)
4 files changed, 100 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
index 4ad63de8f..d27535546 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ proc isCppRef(p: BProc; typ: PType): bool {.inline.} =
 proc genDeref(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
   assert e[0].kind notin {nkBlockExpr, nkBlockStmt}, "it should have been transformed in transf"
-  let mt = mapType(p.config, e[0].typ, mapTypeChooser(e[0]))
+  let mt = mapType(p.config, e[0].typ, mapTypeChooser(e[0]) == skParam)
   if mt in {ctArray, ctPtrToArray} and lfEnforceDeref notin d.flags:
     # XXX the amount of hacks for C's arrays is incredible, maybe we should
     # simply wrap them in a struct? --> Losing auto vectorization then?
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ proc genAddr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
     initLocExpr(p, e[0], a)
     putIntoDest(p, d, e, "&" & a.r,
     #Message(, warnUser, "HERE NEW &")
-  elif mapType(p.config, e[0].typ, mapTypeChooser(e[0])) == ctArray or isCppRef(p, e.typ):
+  elif mapType(p.config, e[0].typ, mapTypeChooser(e[0]) == skParam) == ctArray or isCppRef(p, e.typ):
     expr(p, e[0], d)
     var a: TLoc
@@ -2510,10 +2510,10 @@ proc genMagicExpr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) =
   of mNewSeqOfCap: genNewSeqOfCap(p, e, d)
   of mSizeOf:
     let t = e[1].typ.skipTypes({tyTypeDesc})
-    putIntoDest(p, d, e, "((NI)sizeof($1))" % [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, skVar)])
+    putIntoDest(p, d, e, "((NI)sizeof($1))" % [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, dkRefParam)])
   of mAlignOf:
     let t = e[1].typ.skipTypes({tyTypeDesc})
-    putIntoDest(p, d, e, "((NI)NIM_ALIGNOF($1))" % [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, skVar)])
+    putIntoDest(p, d, e, "((NI)NIM_ALIGNOF($1))" % [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, dkRefParam)])
   of mOffsetOf:
     var dotExpr: PNode
     if e[1].kind == nkDotExpr:
@@ -2523,7 +2523,7 @@ proc genMagicExpr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) =
       internalError(p.config,, "unknown ast")
     let t = dotExpr[0].typ.skipTypes({tyTypeDesc})
-    let tname = getTypeDesc(p.module, t, skVar)
+    let tname = getTypeDesc(p.module, t, dkRefParam)
     let member =
       if t.kind == tyTuple:
         "Field" & rope(dotExpr[1].sym.position)
@@ -2843,7 +2843,7 @@ proc exprComplexConst(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
     # expression not found in the cache:
     p.module.s[cfsData].addf("static NIM_CONST $1 $2 = ",
-         [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, skConst), tmp])
+         [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, dkConst), tmp])
     genBracedInit(p, n, isConst = true, t, p.module.s[cfsData])
     p.module.s[cfsData].addf(";$n", [])
@@ -2870,13 +2870,13 @@ proc genConstHeader(m, q: BModule; p: BProc, sym: PSym) =
     if not genConstSetup(p, sym): return
   assert(sym.loc.r != "", $ & $sym.itemId)
   if m.hcrOn:
-    m.s[cfsVars].addf("static $1* $2;$n", [getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, skVar), sym.loc.r]);
+    m.s[cfsVars].addf("static $1* $2;$n", [getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, dkRefParam), sym.loc.r]);
       "\t$1 = ($2*)hcrGetGlobal($3, \"$1\");$n", [sym.loc.r,
-      getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, skVar), getModuleDllPath(q, sym)])
+      getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, dkRefParam), getModuleDllPath(q, sym)])
     let headerDecl = "extern NIM_CONST $1 $2;$n" %
-        [getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, skVar), sym.loc.r]
+        [getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, dkRefParam), sym.loc.r]
     if sfExportc in sym.flags and p.module.g.generatedHeader != nil:
@@ -2892,7 +2892,7 @@ proc genConstDefinition(q: BModule; p: BProc; sym: PSym) =
   q.s[cfsData].add data
   if q.hcrOn:
     # generate the global pointer with the real name
-    q.s[cfsVars].addf("static $1* $2;$n", [getTypeDesc(q, sym.loc.t, skVar), sym.loc.r])
+    q.s[cfsVars].addf("static $1* $2;$n", [getTypeDesc(q, sym.loc.t, dkRefParam), sym.loc.r])
     # register it (but ignore the boolean result of hcrRegisterGlobal)
       "\thcrRegisterGlobal($1, \"$2\", sizeof($3), NULL, (void**)&$2);$n",
diff --git a/compiler/ccgstmts.nim b/compiler/ccgstmts.nim
index 315af8777..4328377fd 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgstmts.nim
@@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@ proc genAsgn(p: BProc, e: PNode, fastAsgn: bool) =
     let le = e[0]
     let ri = e[1]
     var a: TLoc
-    discard getTypeDesc(p.module, le.typ.skipTypes(skipPtrs), skVar)
+    discard getTypeDesc(p.module, le.typ.skipTypes(skipPtrs), dkRefParam)
     initLoc(a, locNone, le, OnUnknown)
diff --git a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
index 7bd4dac81..8c268a1ad 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
@@ -15,6 +15,24 @@ import sighashes, modulegraphs
 import strscans
 import ../dist/checksums/src/checksums/md5
+  TypeDescKind = enum
+    dkParam #skParam
+    dkRefParam #skVar and byref (soon)
+    dkField #skField
+    dkResult #skResult
+    dkConst #skConst
+    dkOther #skType, skTemp, skLet and skForVar so far
+proc descKindFromSymKind(kind: TSymKind): TypeDescKind =
+  case kind
+  of skParam: dkParam
+  of skVar: dkRefParam
+  of skField: dkField
+  of skResult: dkResult
+  of skConst: dkConst
+  else: dkOther
 proc isKeyword(w: PIdent): bool =
   # Nim and C++ share some keywords
   # it's more efficient to test the whole Nim keywords range
@@ -140,7 +158,7 @@ proc mapSetType(conf: ConfigRef; typ: PType): TCTypeKind =
   of 8: result = ctInt64
   else: result = ctArray
-proc mapType(conf: ConfigRef; typ: PType; kind: TSymKind): TCTypeKind =
+proc mapType(conf: ConfigRef; typ: PType; isParam: bool): TCTypeKind =
   ## Maps a Nim type to a C type
   case typ.kind
   of tyNone, tyTyped: result = ctVoid
@@ -149,16 +167,16 @@ proc mapType(conf: ConfigRef; typ: PType; kind: TSymKind): TCTypeKind =
   of tyNil: result = ctPtr
   of tySet: result = mapSetType(conf, typ)
   of tyOpenArray, tyVarargs:
-    if kind == skParam: result = ctArray
+    if isParam: result = ctArray
     else: result = ctStruct
   of tyArray, tyUncheckedArray: result = ctArray
   of tyObject, tyTuple: result = ctStruct
   of tyUserTypeClasses:
     doAssert typ.isResolvedUserTypeClass
-    return mapType(conf, typ.lastSon, kind)
+    return mapType(conf, typ.lastSon, isParam)
   of tyGenericBody, tyGenericInst, tyGenericParam, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal,
      tyTypeDesc, tyAlias, tySink, tyInferred, tyOwned:
-    result = mapType(conf, lastSon(typ), kind)
+    result = mapType(conf, lastSon(typ), isParam)
   of tyEnum:
     if firstOrd(conf, typ) < 0:
       result = ctInt32
@@ -169,7 +187,7 @@ proc mapType(conf: ConfigRef; typ: PType; kind: TSymKind): TCTypeKind =
       of 4: result = ctInt32
       of 8: result = ctInt64
       else: result = ctInt32
-  of tyRange: result = mapType(conf, typ[0], kind)
+  of tyRange: result = mapType(conf, typ[0], isParam)
   of tyPtr, tyVar, tyLent, tyRef:
     var base = skipTypes(typ.lastSon, typedescInst)
     case base.kind
@@ -186,14 +204,15 @@ proc mapType(conf: ConfigRef; typ: PType; kind: TSymKind): TCTypeKind =
   of tyInt..tyUInt64:
     result = TCTypeKind(ord(typ.kind) - ord(tyInt) + ord(ctInt))
   of tyStatic:
-    if typ.n != nil: result = mapType(conf, lastSon typ, kind)
+    if typ.n != nil: result = mapType(conf, lastSon typ, isParam)
     else: doAssert(false, "mapType: " & $typ.kind)
   else: doAssert(false, "mapType: " & $typ.kind)
 proc mapReturnType(conf: ConfigRef; typ: PType): TCTypeKind =
   #if skipTypes(typ, typedescInst).kind == tyArray: result = ctPtr
-  result = mapType(conf, typ, skResult)
+  result = mapType(conf, typ, false)
 proc isImportedType(t: PType): bool =
   result = t.sym != nil and sfImportc in t.sym.flags
@@ -206,7 +225,7 @@ proc isImportedCppType(t: PType): bool =
 proc isOrHasImportedCppType(typ: PType): bool =
   searchTypeFor(typ.skipTypes({tyRef}), isImportedCppType)
-proc getTypeDescAux(m: BModule; origTyp: PType, check: var IntSet; kind: TSymKind): Rope
+proc getTypeDescAux(m: BModule; origTyp: PType, check: var IntSet; kind: TypeDescKind): Rope
 proc isObjLackingTypeField(typ: PType): bool {.inline.} =
   result = (typ.kind == tyObject) and ((tfFinal in typ.flags) and
@@ -226,7 +245,7 @@ proc isInvalidReturnType(conf: ConfigRef; typ: PType, isProc = true): bool =
                     getSize(conf, rettype) >*3):
     result = true
-    case mapType(conf, rettype, skResult)
+    case mapType(conf, rettype, false)
     of ctArray:
       result = not (skipTypes(rettype, typedescInst).kind in
           {tyVar, tyLent, tyRef, tyPtr})
@@ -358,7 +377,7 @@ proc getTypeForward(m: BModule; typ: PType; sig: SigHash): Rope =
     doAssert m.forwTypeCache[sig] == result
   else: internalError(m.config, "getTypeForward(" & $typ.kind & ')')
-proc getTypeDescWeak(m: BModule; t: PType; check: var IntSet; kind: TSymKind): Rope =
+proc getTypeDescWeak(m: BModule; t: PType; check: var IntSet; kind: TypeDescKind): Rope =
   ## like getTypeDescAux but creates only a *weak* dependency. In other words
   ## we know we only need a pointer to it so we only generate a struct forward
   ## declaration:
@@ -400,14 +419,14 @@ proc getTypeDescWeak(m: BModule; t: PType; check: var IntSet; kind: TSymKind): R
 proc getSeqPayloadType(m: BModule; t: PType): Rope =
   var check = initIntSet()
-  result = getTypeDescWeak(m, t, check, skParam) & "_Content"
+  result = getTypeDescWeak(m, t, check, dkParam) & "_Content"
   #result = getTypeForward(m, t, hashType(t)) & "_Content"
 proc seqV2ContentType(m: BModule; t: PType; check: var IntSet) =
   let sig = hashType(t, m.config)
   let result = cacheGetType(m.typeCache, sig)
   if result == "":
-    discard getTypeDescAux(m, t, check, skVar)
+    discard getTypeDescAux(m, t, check, dkRefParam)
     # little hack for now to prevent multiple definitions of the same
     # Seq_Content:
@@ -416,7 +435,7 @@ $3ifndef $2_Content_PP
 $3define $2_Content_PP
 struct $2_Content { NI cap; $1 data[SEQ_DECL_SIZE];};
-      """, [getTypeDescAux(m, t.skipTypes(abstractInst)[0], check, skVar), result, rope"#"])
+      """, [getTypeDescAux(m, t.skipTypes(abstractInst)[0], check, dkRefParam), result, rope"#"])
 proc paramStorageLoc(param: PSym): TStorageLoc =
   if param.typ.skipTypes({tyVar, tyLent, tyTypeDesc}).kind notin {
@@ -475,9 +494,9 @@ proc genVirtualProcParams(m: BModule; t: PType, rettype, params: var string,
     rettype = "void"
     if rettype == "":
-      rettype = getTypeDescAux(m, t[0], check, skResult)
+      rettype = getTypeDescAux(m, t[0], check, dkResult)
-      rettype = runtimeFormat(rettype.replace("'0", "$1"), [getTypeDescAux(m, t[0], check, skResult)])
+      rettype = runtimeFormat(rettype.replace("'0", "$1"), [getTypeDescAux(m, t[0], check, dkResult)])
   var this = t.n[1].sym
   fillParamName(m, this)
   fillLoc(this.loc, locParam, t.n[1],
@@ -487,7 +506,7 @@ proc genVirtualProcParams(m: BModule; t: PType, rettype, params: var string,
     this.loc.r = "(*this)"
-  var types = @[getTypeDescWeak(m, this.typ, check, skParam)]
+  var types = @[getTypeDescWeak(m, this.typ, check, dkParam)]
   var names = @[this.loc.r]
   for i in 2..<t.n.len: 
@@ -498,13 +517,13 @@ proc genVirtualProcParams(m: BModule; t: PType, rettype, params: var string,
     fillLoc(param.loc, locParam, t.n[i],
     if ccgIntroducedPtr(m.config, param, t[0]):
-      typ = getTypeDescWeak(m, param.typ, check, skParam) & "*"
+      typ = getTypeDescWeak(m, param.typ, check, dkParam) & "*"
       incl(param.loc.flags, lfIndirect) = OnUnknown
     elif weakDep:
-      typ = getTypeDescWeak(m, param.typ, check, skParam)
+      typ = getTypeDescWeak(m, param.typ, check, dkParam)
-      typ = getTypeDescAux(m, param.typ, check, skParam)
+      typ = getTypeDescAux(m, param.typ, check, dkParam)
     if sfNoalias in param.flags:
       typ.add("NIM_NOALIAS ")
@@ -528,7 +547,7 @@ proc genProcParams(m: BModule; t: PType, rettype, params: var Rope,
   if t[0] == nil or isInvalidReturnType(m.config, t):
     rettype = "void"
-    rettype = getTypeDescAux(m, t[0], check, skResult)
+    rettype = getTypeDescAux(m, t[0], check, dkResult)
   for i in 1..<t.n.len:
     if t.n[i].kind != nkSym: internalError(m.config,, "genProcParams")
     var param = t.n[i].sym
@@ -538,14 +557,14 @@ proc genProcParams(m: BModule; t: PType, rettype, params: var Rope,
     fillLoc(param.loc, locParam, t.n[i],
     if ccgIntroducedPtr(m.config, param, t[0]):
-      params.add(getTypeDescWeak(m, param.typ, check, skParam))
+      params.add(getTypeDescWeak(m, param.typ, check, dkParam))
       incl(param.loc.flags, lfIndirect) = OnUnknown
     elif weakDep:
-      params.add(getTypeDescWeak(m, param.typ, check, skParam))
+      params.add(getTypeDescWeak(m, param.typ, check, dkParam))
-      params.add(getTypeDescAux(m, param.typ, check, skParam))
+      params.add(getTypeDescAux(m, param.typ, check, dkParam))
     params.add(" ")
     if sfNoalias in param.flags:
       params.add("NIM_NOALIAS ")
@@ -567,13 +586,13 @@ proc genProcParams(m: BModule; t: PType, rettype, params: var Rope,
     if mapReturnType(m.config, t[0]) != ctArray:
       if isHeaderFile in m.flags:
         # still generates types for `--header`
-        params.add(getTypeDescAux(m, arr, check, skResult))
+        params.add(getTypeDescAux(m, arr, check, dkResult))
-        params.add(getTypeDescWeak(m, arr, check, skResult))
+        params.add(getTypeDescWeak(m, arr, check, dkResult))
-      params.add(getTypeDescAux(m, arr, check, skResult))
+      params.add(getTypeDescAux(m, arr, check, dkResult))
     params.addf(" Result", [])
   if t.callConv == ccClosure and declareEnvironment:
     if params != "(": params.add(", ")
@@ -646,19 +665,19 @@ proc genRecordFieldsAux(m: BModule; n: PNode,
       let fieldType = field.loc.lode.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst)
       if fieldType.kind == tyUncheckedArray:
         result.addf("\t$1 $2[SEQ_DECL_SIZE];$n",
-            [getTypeDescAux(m, fieldType.elemType, check, skField), sname])
+            [getTypeDescAux(m, fieldType.elemType, check, dkField), sname])
       elif fieldType.kind == tySequence:
         # we need to use a weak dependency here for trecursive_table.
-        result.addf("\t$1$3 $2;$n", [getTypeDescWeak(m, field.loc.t, check, skField), sname, noAlias])
+        result.addf("\t$1$3 $2;$n", [getTypeDescWeak(m, field.loc.t, check, dkField), sname, noAlias])
       elif field.bitsize != 0:
-        result.addf("\t$1$4 $2:$3;$n", [getTypeDescAux(m, field.loc.t, check, skField), sname, rope($field.bitsize), noAlias])
+        result.addf("\t$1$4 $2:$3;$n", [getTypeDescAux(m, field.loc.t, check, dkField), sname, rope($field.bitsize), noAlias])
         # don't use fieldType here because we need the
         # tyGenericInst for C++ template support
         if fieldType.isOrHasImportedCppType():
-          result.addf("\t$1$3 $2{};$n", [getTypeDescAux(m, field.loc.t, check, skField), sname, noAlias])
+          result.addf("\t$1$3 $2{};$n", [getTypeDescAux(m, field.loc.t, check, dkField), sname, noAlias])
-          result.addf("\t$1$3 $2;$n", [getTypeDescAux(m, field.loc.t, check, skField), sname, noAlias])
+          result.addf("\t$1$3 $2;$n", [getTypeDescAux(m, field.loc.t, check, dkField), sname, noAlias])
   else: internalError(m.config,, "genRecordFieldsAux()")
 proc genVirtualProcHeader(m: BModule; prc: PSym; result: var Rope; asPtr: bool = false, isFwdDecl:bool = false)
@@ -728,7 +747,7 @@ proc getRecordDesc(m: BModule; typ: PType, name: Rope,
     structOrUnion = structOrUnion(typ)
   var baseType: string 
   if typ[0] != nil: 
-    baseType = getTypeDescAux(m, typ[0].skipTypes(skipPtrs), check, skField)
+    baseType = getTypeDescAux(m, typ[0].skipTypes(skipPtrs), check, dkField)
   if typ.sym == nil or typ.sym.constraint == nil:
     result = structOrUnion & " " & name
     result.add(getRecordDescAux(m, typ, name, baseType, check, hasField))
@@ -750,7 +769,7 @@ proc getTupleDesc(m: BModule; typ: PType, name: Rope,
   var desc: Rope = ""
   for i in 0..<typ.len:
     desc.addf("$1 Field$2;$n",
-         [getTypeDescAux(m, typ[i], check, skField), rope(i)])
+         [getTypeDescAux(m, typ[i], check, dkField), rope(i)])
   if desc == "": result.add("char dummy;\L")
   else: result.add(desc)
@@ -784,9 +803,9 @@ proc resolveStarsInCppType(typ: PType, idx, stars: int): PType =
       result = if result.kind == tyGenericInst: result[1]
                else: result.elemType
-proc getOpenArrayDesc(m: BModule; t: PType, check: var IntSet; kind: TSymKind): Rope =
+proc getOpenArrayDesc(m: BModule; t: PType, check: var IntSet; kind: TypeDescKind): Rope =
   let sig = hashType(t, m.config)
-  if kind == skParam:
+  if kind == dkParam:
     result = getTypeDescWeak(m, t[0], check, kind) & "*"
     result = cacheGetType(m.typeCache, sig)
@@ -797,7 +816,7 @@ proc getOpenArrayDesc(m: BModule; t: PType, check: var IntSet; kind: TSymKind):
       m.s[cfsTypes].addf("typedef struct {$n$2* Field0;$nNI Field1;$n} $1;$n",
                          [result, elemType])
-proc getTypeDescAux(m: BModule; origTyp: PType, check: var IntSet; kind: TSymKind): Rope =
+proc getTypeDescAux(m: BModule; origTyp: PType, check: var IntSet; kind: TypeDescKind): Rope =
   # returns only the type's name
   var t = origTyp.skipTypes(irrelevantForBackend-{tyOwned})
@@ -825,7 +844,7 @@ proc getTypeDescAux(m: BModule; origTyp: PType, check: var IntSet; kind: TSymKin
                     compileToCpp(m): "&" else: "*"
     var et = origTyp.skipTypes(abstractInst).lastSon
     var etB = et.skipTypes(abstractInst)
-    if mapType(m.config, t, kind) == ctPtrToArray and (etB.kind != tyOpenArray or kind == skParam):
+    if mapType(m.config, t, kind == dkParam) == ctPtrToArray and (etB.kind != tyOpenArray or kind == dkParam):
       if etB.kind == tySet:
         et = getSysType(m.g.graph, unknownLineInfo, tyUInt8)
@@ -1031,7 +1050,7 @@ proc getTypeDescAux(m: BModule; origTyp: PType, check: var IntSet; kind: TSymKin
   # fixes bug #145:
-proc getTypeDesc(m: BModule; typ: PType; kind = skParam): Rope =
+proc getTypeDesc(m: BModule; typ: PType; kind = dkParam): Rope =
   var check = initIntSet()
   result = getTypeDescAux(m, typ, check, kind)
@@ -1065,7 +1084,7 @@ proc finishTypeDescriptions(m: BModule) =
     if optSeqDestructors in m.config.globalOptions and t.skipTypes(abstractInst).kind == tySequence:
       seqV2ContentType(m, t, check)
-      discard getTypeDescAux(m, t, check, skParam)
+      discard getTypeDescAux(m, t, check, dkParam)
   m.typeStack.setLen 0
@@ -1095,7 +1114,7 @@ proc genVirtualProcHeader(m: BModule; prc: PSym; result: var Rope; asPtr: bool =
   if typ.kind == tyPtr:
     typ = typ[0]
     memberOp = "#->"
-  var typDesc = getTypeDescWeak(m, typ, check, skParam)
+  var typDesc = getTypeDescWeak(m, typ, check, dkParam)
   let asPtrStr = rope(if asPtr: "_PTR" else: "")
   var name, params, rettype: string
   var isFnConst, isOverride: bool
@@ -1173,7 +1192,7 @@ proc genTypeInfoAuxBase(m: BModule; typ, origType: PType;
   if tfIncompleteStruct in typ.flags:
     size = rope"void*"
-    size = getTypeDesc(m, origType, skVar)
+    size = getTypeDesc(m, origType, dkRefParam)
     "$1.size = sizeof($2);$n$1.align = NIM_ALIGNOF($2);$n$1.kind = $3;$n$1.base = $4;$n",
     [nameHcr, size, rope(nimtypeKind), base]
@@ -1271,7 +1290,7 @@ proc genObjectFields(m: BModule; typ, origType: PType, n: PNode, expr: Rope;
     m.s[cfsTypeInit3].addf("$1.kind = 3;$n" &
         "$1.offset = offsetof($2, $3);$n" & "$1.typ = $4;$n" &
         "$ = $5;$n" & "$1.sons = &$6[0];$n" &
-        "$1.len = $7;$n", [expr, getTypeDesc(m, origType, skVar), field.loc.r,
+        "$1.len = $7;$n", [expr, getTypeDesc(m, origType, dkRefParam), field.loc.r,
                            genTypeInfoV1(m, field.typ, info),
                            tmp, rope(L)])
@@ -1308,7 +1327,7 @@ proc genObjectFields(m: BModule; typ, origType: PType, n: PNode, expr: Rope;
         internalError(m.config,, "genObjectFields")
       m.s[cfsTypeInit3].addf("$1.kind = 1;$n" &
           "$1.offset = offsetof($2, $3);$n" & "$1.typ = $4;$n" &
-          "$ = $5;$n", [expr, getTypeDesc(m, origType, skVar),
+          "$ = $5;$n", [expr, getTypeDesc(m, origType, dkRefParam),
           field.loc.r, genTypeInfoV1(m, field.typ, info), makeCString(])
   else: internalError(m.config,, "genObjectFields")
@@ -1344,7 +1363,7 @@ proc genTupleInfo(m: BModule; typ, origType: PType, name: Rope; info: TLineInfo)
           "$1.offset = offsetof($2, Field$3);$n" &
           "$1.typ = $4;$n" &
           "$ = \"Field$3\";$n",
-           [tmp2, getTypeDesc(m, origType, skVar), rope(i), genTypeInfoV1(m, a, info)])
+           [tmp2, getTypeDesc(m, origType, dkRefParam), rope(i), genTypeInfoV1(m, a, info)])
     m.s[cfsTypeInit3].addf("$1.len = $2; $1.kind = 2; $1.sons = &$3[0];$n",
          [expr, rope(typ.len), tmp])
@@ -1537,7 +1556,7 @@ proc genTypeInfoV2OldImpl(m: BModule; t, origType: PType, name: Rope; info: TLin
   if objDepth >= 0:
     let objDisplay = genDisplay(m, t, objDepth)
     let objDisplayStore = getTempName(m)
-    m.s[cfsVars].addf("static $1 $2[$3] = $4;$n", [getTypeDesc(m, getSysType(m.g.graph, unknownLineInfo, tyUInt32), skVar), objDisplayStore, rope(objDepth+1), objDisplay])
+    m.s[cfsVars].addf("static $1 $2[$3] = $4;$n", [getTypeDesc(m, getSysType(m.g.graph, unknownLineInfo, tyUInt32), dkRefParam), objDisplayStore, rope(objDepth+1), objDisplay])
     addf(typeEntry, "$1.display = $2;$n", [name, rope(objDisplayStore)])
   m.s[cfsTypeInit3].add typeEntry
@@ -1569,7 +1588,7 @@ proc genTypeInfoV2Impl(m: BModule; t, origType: PType, name: Rope; info: TLineIn
   if objDepth >= 0:
     let objDisplay = genDisplay(m, t, objDepth)
     let objDisplayStore = getTempName(m)
-    m.s[cfsVars].addf("static NIM_CONST $1 $2[$3] = $4;$n", [getTypeDesc(m, getSysType(m.g.graph, unknownLineInfo, tyUInt32), skVar), objDisplayStore, rope(objDepth+1), objDisplay])
+    m.s[cfsVars].addf("static NIM_CONST $1 $2[$3] = $4;$n", [getTypeDesc(m, getSysType(m.g.graph, unknownLineInfo, tyUInt32), dkRefParam), objDisplayStore, rope(objDepth+1), objDisplay])
     addf(typeEntry, ", .display = $1", [rope(objDisplayStore)])
   if isDefined(m.config, "nimTypeNames"):
     var typeName: Rope
@@ -1777,6 +1796,6 @@ proc genTypeSection(m: BModule, n: PNode) =
     for p in 0..<n[i][0].len:
       if (n[i][0][p].kind != nkSym): continue
       if sfExportc in n[i][0][p].sym.flags:        
-        discard getTypeDescAux(m, n[i][0][p].typ, intSet, n[i][0][p].sym.kind)
+        discard getTypeDescAux(m, n[i][0][p].typ, intSet, descKindFromSymKind(n[i][0][p].sym.kind))
         if m.g.generatedHeader != nil:
-          discard getTypeDescAux(m.g.generatedHeader, n[i][0][p].typ, intSet, n[i][0][p].sym.kind)
\ No newline at end of file
+          discard getTypeDescAux(m.g.generatedHeader, n[i][0][p].typ, intSet, descKindFromSymKind(n[i][0][p].sym.kind))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/cgen.nim b/compiler/cgen.nim
index 107af373b..42356730e 100644
--- a/compiler/cgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgen.nim
@@ -378,19 +378,19 @@ template mapTypeChooser(n: PNode): TSymKind =
 template mapTypeChooser(a: TLoc): TSymKind = mapTypeChooser(a.lode)
 proc addAddrLoc(conf: ConfigRef; a: TLoc; result: var Rope) =
-  if lfIndirect notin a.flags and mapType(conf, a.t, mapTypeChooser(a)) != ctArray:
+  if lfIndirect notin a.flags and mapType(conf, a.t, mapTypeChooser(a) == skParam) != ctArray:
     result.add "(&" & a.r & ")"
     result.add a.r
 proc addrLoc(conf: ConfigRef; a: TLoc): Rope =
-  if lfIndirect notin a.flags and mapType(conf, a.t, mapTypeChooser(a)) != ctArray:
+  if lfIndirect notin a.flags and mapType(conf, a.t, mapTypeChooser(a) == skParam) != ctArray:
     result = "(&" & a.r & ")"
     result = a.r
 proc byRefLoc(p: BProc; a: TLoc): Rope =
-  if lfIndirect notin a.flags and mapType(p.config, a.t, mapTypeChooser(a)) != ctArray and not
+  if lfIndirect notin a.flags and mapType(p.config, a.t, mapTypeChooser(a) == skParam) != ctArray and not
     result = "(&" & a.r & ")"
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ proc genObjectInit(p: BProc, section: TCProcSection, t: PType, a: var TLoc,
         rawConstExpr(p, newNodeIT(nkType,, objType), tmp)
         linefmt(p, cpsStmts,
             "#nimCopyMem((void*)$1, (NIM_CONST void*)&$2, sizeof($3));$n",
-            [rdLoc(a), rdLoc(tmp), getTypeDesc(p.module, objType, mapTypeChooser(a))])
+            [rdLoc(a), rdLoc(tmp), getTypeDesc(p.module, objType, descKindFromSymKind mapTypeChooser(a))])
         rawConstExpr(p, newNodeIT(nkType,, t), tmp)
         genAssignment(p, a, tmp, {})
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ proc resetLoc(p: BProc, loc: var TLoc) =
       # so we use getTypeDesc here rather than rdLoc(loc)
       linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#nimZeroMem((void*)$1, sizeof($2));$n",
               [addrLoc(p.config, loc),
-              getTypeDesc(p.module, loc.t, mapTypeChooser(loc))])
+              getTypeDesc(p.module, loc.t, descKindFromSymKind mapTypeChooser(loc))])
       # XXX: We can be extra clever here and call memset only
       # on the bytes following the m_type field?
       genObjectInit(p, cpsStmts, loc.t, loc, constructObj)
@@ -521,14 +521,14 @@ proc constructLoc(p: BProc, loc: var TLoc, isTemp = false) =
       genRefAssign(p, loc, nilLoc)
       linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = ($2)0;$n", [rdLoc(loc),
-        getTypeDesc(p.module, typ, mapTypeChooser(loc))])
+        getTypeDesc(p.module, typ, descKindFromSymKind mapTypeChooser(loc))])
     if not isTemp or containsGarbageCollectedRef(loc.t):
       # don't use nimZeroMem for temporary values for performance if we can
       # avoid it:
       if not isOrHasImportedCppType(typ):
         linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#nimZeroMem((void*)$1, sizeof($2));$n",
-                [addrLoc(p.config, loc), getTypeDesc(p.module, typ, mapTypeChooser(loc))])
+                [addrLoc(p.config, loc), getTypeDesc(p.module, typ, descKindFromSymKind mapTypeChooser(loc))])
     genObjectInit(p, cpsStmts, loc.t, loc, constructObj)
 proc initLocalVar(p: BProc, v: PSym, immediateAsgn: bool) =
@@ -547,9 +547,9 @@ proc getTemp(p: BProc, t: PType, result: var TLoc; needsInit=false) =
   result.r = "T" & rope(p.labels) & "_"
   if p.module.compileToCpp and isOrHasImportedCppType(t):
-    linefmt(p, cpsLocals, "$1 $2{};$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, skVar), result.r])
+    linefmt(p, cpsLocals, "$1 $2{};$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, dkRefParam), result.r])
-    linefmt(p, cpsLocals, "$1 $2;$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, skVar), result.r])
+    linefmt(p, cpsLocals, "$1 $2;$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, dkRefParam), result.r])
   result.k = locTemp
   result.lode = lodeTyp t = OnStack
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ proc getTemp(p: BProc, t: PType, result: var TLoc; needsInit=false) =
 proc getTempCpp(p: BProc, t: PType, result: var TLoc; value: Rope) =
   result.r = "T" & rope(p.labels) & "_"
-  linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 $2 = $3;$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, skVar), result.r, value])
+  linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 $2 = $3;$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t, dkRefParam), result.r, value])
   result.k = locTemp
   result.lode = lodeTyp t = OnStack
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ proc localVarDecl(p: BProc; n: PNode): Rope =
   genCLineDir(result, p,, p.config)
-  result.add getTypeDesc(p.module, s.typ, skVar)
+  result.add getTypeDesc(p.module, s.typ, dkRefParam)
   if s.constraint.isNil:
     if sfRegister in s.flags: result.add(" register")
     #elif skipTypes(s.typ, abstractInst).kind in GcTypeKinds:
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ proc assignGlobalVar(p: BProc, n: PNode; value: Rope) =
         internalError(p.config,, ".threadvar variables cannot have a value")
       var decl: Rope = ""
-      var td = getTypeDesc(p.module, s.loc.t, skVar)
+      var td = getTypeDesc(p.module, s.loc.t, dkRefParam)
       if s.constraint.isNil:
         if s.kind in {skLet, skVar, skField, skForVar} and s.alignment > 0:
           decl.addf "NIM_ALIGN($1) ", [rope(s.alignment)]
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ proc loadDynamicLib(m: BModule, lib: PLib) =
       initLoc(dest, locTemp, lib.path, OnStack)
       dest.r = getTempName(m)
       appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit],"$1 $2;$n",
-           [getTypeDesc(m, lib.path.typ, skVar), rdLoc(dest)])
+           [getTypeDesc(m, lib.path.typ, dkRefParam), rdLoc(dest)])
       expr(p, lib.path, dest)
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ proc symInDynamicLib(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
       params.add(", ")
     let load = "\t$1 = ($2) ($3$4));$n" %
-        [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ, skVar), params, makeCString($extname)]
+        [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ, dkRefParam), params, makeCString($extname)]
     var last = lastSon(n)
     if last.kind == nkHiddenStdConv: last = last[1]
     internalAssert(m.config, last.kind == nkStrLit)
@@ -874,8 +874,8 @@ proc symInDynamicLib(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
     appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit],
         "\t$1 = ($2) #nimGetProcAddr($3, $4);$n",
-        [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ, skVar),, makeCString($extname)])
-  m.s[cfsVars].addf("$2 $1;$n", [sym.loc.r, getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, skVar)])
+        [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ, dkRefParam),, makeCString($extname)])
+  m.s[cfsVars].addf("$2 $1;$n", [sym.loc.r, getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, dkRefParam)])
 proc varInDynamicLib(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
   var lib = sym.annex
@@ -887,9 +887,9 @@ proc varInDynamicLib(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
   inc(m.labels, 2)
   appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit],
       "$1 = ($2*) #nimGetProcAddr($3, $4);$n",
-      [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ, skVar),, makeCString($extname)])
+      [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ, dkRefParam),, makeCString($extname)])
   m.s[cfsVars].addf("$2* $1;$n",
-      [sym.loc.r, getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, skVar)])
+      [sym.loc.r, getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, dkRefParam)])
 proc symInDynamicLibPartial(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
   sym.loc.r = mangleDynLibProc(sym)
@@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ proc genVarPrototype(m: BModule, n: PNode) =
       if sym.kind in {skLet, skVar, skField, skForVar} and sym.alignment > 0:
         m.s[cfsVars].addf "NIM_ALIGN($1) ", [rope(sym.alignment)]
       m.s[cfsVars].add(if m.hcrOn: "static " else: "extern ")
-      m.s[cfsVars].add(getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, skVar))
+      m.s[cfsVars].add(getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, dkRefParam))
       if m.hcrOn: m.s[cfsVars].add("*")
       if lfDynamicLib in sym.loc.flags: m.s[cfsVars].add("*")
       if sfRegister in sym.flags: m.s[cfsVars].add(" register")
@@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ proc genVarPrototype(m: BModule, n: PNode) =
       m.s[cfsVars].addf(" $1;$n", [sym.loc.r])
       if m.hcrOn: m.initProc.procSec(cpsLocals).addf(
         "\t$1 = ($2*)hcrGetGlobal($3, \"$1\");$n", [sym.loc.r,
-        getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, skVar), getModuleDllPath(m, sym)])
+        getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t, dkRefParam), getModuleDllPath(m, sym)])
 proc addNimDefines(result: var Rope; conf: ConfigRef) {.inline.} =
   result.addf("#define NIM_INTBITS $1\L", [
@@ -1779,10 +1779,10 @@ proc hcrGetProcLoadCode(m: BModule, sym, prefix, handle, getProcFunc: string): R
   prc.typ.sym = nil
   if not containsOrIncl(m.declaredThings,
-    m.s[cfsVars].addf("static $2 $1;$n", [prc.loc.r, getTypeDesc(m, prc.loc.t, skVar)])
+    m.s[cfsVars].addf("static $2 $1;$n", [prc.loc.r, getTypeDesc(m, prc.loc.t, dkRefParam)])
   result = "\t$1 = ($2) $3($4, $5);$n" %
-      [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, prc.typ, skVar), getProcFunc.rope, handle.rope, makeCString(prefix & sym)]
+      [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, prc.typ, dkRefParam), getProcFunc.rope, handle.rope, makeCString(prefix & sym)]
 proc genInitCode(m: BModule) =
   ## this function is called in cgenWriteModules after all modules are closed,