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authorAmjad Ben Hedhili <>2022-09-04 06:38:38 +0100
committerGitHub <>2022-09-04 01:38:38 -0400
commitb931e74a59f6e62cd1817a34b57b25ef378c8679 (patch)
parent23e0160af283bb0bb573a86145e6c1c792780d49 (diff)
Cleanup dochack (#20299)
* Cleanup dochack

* xxx

* More cleanups
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/tools/dochack/dochack.nim b/tools/dochack/dochack.nim
index 5ba42e9c1..1a5c86253 100644
--- a/tools/dochack/dochack.nim
+++ b/tools/dochack/dochack.nim
@@ -15,56 +15,37 @@ proc onDOMLoaded(e: Event) {.exportc.} =
   # set theme select value
   document.getElementById("theme-select").value = window.localStorage.getItem("theme")
-  var pragmaDots = document.getElementsByClassName("pragmadots")
-  for i in 0..<pragmaDots.len:
-    pragmaDots[i].onclick = proc (event: Event) =
+  for pragmaDots in document.getElementsByClassName("pragmadots"):
+    pragmaDots.onclick = proc (event: Event) =
       # Hide tease = "none"
       # Show actual = "inline"
-proc textContent(e: Element): cstring {.importcpp: "#.textContent", nodecl.}
-proc textContent(e: Node): cstring {.importcpp: "#.textContent", nodecl.}
-proc tree(tag: string; kids: varargs[Element]): Element =
+proc tree(tag: cstring; kids: varargs[Element]): Element =
   result = document.createElement tag
   for k in kids:
     result.appendChild k
 proc add(parent, kid: Element) =
-  if parent.nodeName == cstring"TR" and (
-      kid.nodeName == cstring"TD" or kid.nodeName == cstring"TH"):
+  if parent.nodeName == "TR" and (kid.nodeName == "TD" or kid.nodeName == "TH"):
     let k = document.createElement("TD")
     appendChild(k, kid)
     appendChild(parent, k)
     appendChild(parent, kid)
-proc setClass(e: Element; value: string) =
+proc setClass(e: Element; value: cstring) =
   e.setAttribute("class", value)
-proc text(s: string): Element = cast[Element](document.createTextNode(s))
 proc text(s: cstring): Element = cast[Element](document.createTextNode(s))
-proc getElementById(id: cstring): Element {.importc: "document.getElementById", nodecl.}
 proc replaceById(id: cstring; newTree: Node) =
-  let x = getElementById(id)
+  let x = document.getElementById(id)
   x.parentNode.replaceChild(newTree, x) = id
-proc findNodeWith(x: Element; tag, content: cstring): Element =
-  if x.nodeName == tag and x.textContent == content:
-    return x
-  for i in 0..<x.len:
-    let it = x[i]
-    let y = findNodeWith(it, tag, content)
-    if y != nil: return y
-  return nil
 proc clone(e: Element): Element {.importcpp: "#.cloneNode(true)", nodecl.}
-proc parent(e: Element): Element {.importcpp: "#.parentNode", nodecl.}
 proc markElement(x: Element) {.importcpp: "#.__karaxMarker__ = true", nodecl.}
 proc isMarked(x: Element): bool {.
   importcpp: "#.hasOwnProperty('__karaxMarker__')", nodecl.}
@@ -73,20 +54,13 @@ proc title(x: Element): cstring {.importcpp: "#.title", nodecl.}
 proc sort[T](x: var openArray[T]; cmp: proc(a, b: T): int) {.importcpp:
   "#.sort(#)", nodecl.}
-proc parentWith(x: Element; tag: cstring): Element =
-  result = x.parent
-  while result.nodeName != tag:
-    result = result.parent
-    if result == nil: return nil
 proc extractItems(x: Element; items: var seq[Element]) =
   if x == nil: return
-  if x.nodeName == cstring"A":
+  if x.nodeName == "A":
     items.add x
     for i in 0..<x.len:
-      let it = x[i]
-      extractItems(it, items)
+      extractItems(x[i], items)
 # HTML trees are so shitty we transform the TOC into a decent
 # data-structure instead and work on that.
@@ -97,16 +71,14 @@ type
     sortId: int
     doSort: bool
-proc extractItems(x: TocEntry; heading: cstring;
-                  items: var seq[Element]) =
+proc extractItems(x: TocEntry; heading: cstring; items: var seq[Element]) =
   if x == nil: return
   if x.heading != nil and x.heading.textContent == heading:
     for i in 0..<
-    for i in 0..<
-      let it =[i]
-      extractItems(it, heading, items)
+    for k in
+      extractItems(k, heading, items)
 proc toHtml(x: TocEntry; isRoot=false): Element =
   if x == nil: return nil
@@ -140,31 +112,21 @@ proc toHtml(x: TocEntry; isRoot=false): Element =
   if ul.len != 0: result.add ul
   if result.len == 0: result = nil
-#proc containsWord(a, b: cstring): bool {.asmNoStackFrame.} =
-  #{.emit: """
-     #var escaped = `b`.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
-     #return new RegExp("\\b" + escaped + "\\b").test(`a`);
-  #""".}
-proc isWhitespace(text: cstring): bool {.asmNoStackFrame.} =
-  {.emit: """
-     return !/[^\s]/.test(`text`);
-  """.}
+proc isWhitespace(text: cstring): bool {.importcpp: r"!/\S/.test(#)".}
 proc isWhitespace(x: Element): bool =
-  x.nodeName == cstring"#text" and x.textContent.isWhitespace or
-    x.nodeName == cstring"#comment"
+  x.nodeName == "#text" and x.textContent.isWhitespace or x.nodeName == "#comment"
 proc toToc(x: Element; father: TocEntry) =
-  if x.nodeName == cstring"UL":
+  if x.nodeName == "UL":
     let f = TocEntry(heading: nil, kids: @[], sortId:
     var i = 0
     while i < x.len:
       var nxt = i+1
       while nxt < x.len and x[nxt].isWhitespace:
         inc nxt
-      if nxt < x.len and x[i].nodeName == cstring"LI" and x[i].len == 1 and
-          x[nxt].nodeName == cstring"UL":
+      if nxt < x.len and x[i].nodeName == "LI" and x[i].len == 1 and
+          x[nxt].nodeName == "UL":
         let e = TocEntry(heading: x[i][0], kids: @[], sortId:
         let it = x[nxt]
         for j in 0..<it.len:
@@ -177,13 +139,12 @@ proc toToc(x: Element; father: TocEntry) = f
   elif isWhitespace(x):
-  elif x.nodeName == cstring"LI":
+  elif x.nodeName == "LI":
     var idx: seq[int] = @[]
     for i in 0 ..< x.len:
       if not x[i].isWhitespace: idx.add i
-    if idx.len == 2 and x[idx[1]].nodeName == cstring"UL":
-      let e = TocEntry(heading: x[idx[0]], kids: @[],
-                       sortId:
+    if idx.len == 2 and x[idx[1]].nodeName == "UL":
+      let e = TocEntry(heading: x[idx[0]], kids: @[], sortId:
       let it = x[idx[1]]
       for j in 0..<it.len:
         toToc(it[j], e)
@@ -192,31 +153,25 @@ proc toToc(x: Element; father: TocEntry) =
       for i in 0..<x.len:
         toToc(x[i], father)
- TocEntry(heading: x, kids: @[],
-                             sortId:
+ TocEntry(heading: x, kids: @[], sortId:
 proc tocul(x: Element): Element =
   # x is a 'ul' element
   result = tree("UL")
   for i in 0..<x.len:
     let it = x[i]
-    if it.nodeName == cstring"LI":
+    if it.nodeName == "LI":
       result.add it.clone
-    elif it.nodeName == cstring"UL":
+    elif it.nodeName == "UL":
       result.add tocul(it)
-proc getSection(toc: Element; name: cstring): Element =
-  let sec = findNodeWith(toc, "A", name)
-  if sec != nil:
-    result = sec.parentWith("LI")
 proc uncovered(x: TocEntry): TocEntry =
   if == 0 and x.heading != nil:
     return if not isMarked(x.heading): x else: nil
   result = TocEntry(heading: x.heading, kids: @[], sortId: x.sortId,
                     doSort: x.doSort)
-  for i in 0..<
-    let y = uncovered([i])
+  for k in
+    let y = uncovered(k)
     if y != nil: y
   if == 0: result = nil
@@ -235,9 +190,8 @@ proc buildToc(orig: TocEntry; types, procs: seq[Element]): TocEntry =
     for p in procs:
       if not isMarked(p):
-        let xx = getElementsByClass(p.parent, cstring"attachedType")
+        let xx = getElementsByClass(p.parentNode, "attachedType")
         if xx.len == 1 and xx[0].textContent == t.textContent:
-          #kout(cstring"found ", p.nodeName)
           let q = tree("A", text(p.title))
           q.setAttr("href", p.getAttribute("href"))
  TocEntry(heading: q, kids: @[])
@@ -248,15 +202,13 @@ proc buildToc(orig: TocEntry; types, procs: seq[Element]): TocEntry =
 var alternative: Element
 proc togglevis(d: Element) =
-  asm """
-    if (`d`.style.display == 'none')
-      `d`.style.display = 'inline';
-    else
-      `d`.style.display = 'none';
-  """
+  if == "none":
+ = "inline"
+  else:
+ = "none"
 proc groupBy*(value: cstring) {.exportc.} =
-  let toc = getElementById("toc-list")
+  let toc = document.getElementById("toc-list")
   if alternative.isNil:
     var tt = TocEntry(heading: nil, kids: @[])
     toToc(toc, tt)
@@ -276,17 +228,16 @@ proc groupBy*(value: cstring) {.exportc.} =
     let ntoc = buildToc(tt, types, procs)
     let x = toHtml(ntoc, isRoot=true)
     alternative = tree("DIV", x)
-  if value == cstring"type":
+  if value == "type":
     replaceById("tocRoot", alternative)
     replaceById("tocRoot", tree("DIV"))
-  togglevis(getElementById"toc-list")
+  togglevis(document.getElementById"toc-list")
   db: seq[Node]
   contents: seq[cstring]
-template normalize(x: cstring): cstring = x.toLower.replace("_", "")
 proc escapeCString(x: var cstring) =
   # Original strings are already escaped except HTML tags, so
@@ -310,9 +261,6 @@ proc dosearch(value: cstring): Element =
     var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("theindex");
     doc.documentElement.innerHTML = request.responseText;
-    //parser=new DOMParser();
-    //doc=parser.parseFromString("<html></html>", "text/html");
     `stuff` = doc.documentElement;
     db = stuff.getElementsByClass"reference"
@@ -325,7 +273,7 @@ proc dosearch(value: cstring): Element =
   var matches: seq[(Node, int)] = @[]
   for i in 0..<db.len:
     let c = contents[i]
-    if c == cstring"Examples" or c == cstring"PEG construction":
+    if c == "Examples" or c == "PEG construction":
     # Some manual exclusions.
     # Ideally these should be fixed in the index to be more
     # descriptive of what they are.
@@ -350,11 +298,11 @@ var timer: Timeout
 proc search*() {.exportc.} =
   proc wrapper() =
-    let elem = getElementById("searchInput")
+    let elem = document.getElementById("searchInput")
     let value = elem.value
     if value.len != 0:
       if oldtoc.isNil:
-        oldtoc = getElementById("tocRoot")
+        oldtoc = document.getElementById("tocRoot")
       let results = dosearch(value)
       replaceById("tocRoot", results)
     elif not oldtoc.isNil:
@@ -381,7 +329,7 @@ proc copyToClipboard*() {.exportc.} =
           const button = document.createElement("button")
           button.value = e.textContent.replace('...', '') 
- = "cursor: pointer"
+ = "pointer"