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authorAraq <>2013-03-16 17:38:10 +0100
committerAraq <>2013-03-16 17:38:10 +0100
commitc445bd140aed6b731efb4b953f0f3768311cdf51 (patch)
parentb63f322a466351bc57f8a4593009f0520c348527 (diff)
fixes #358
3 files changed, 556 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nimrod.ini b/compiler/nimrod.ini
index 74cf534e4..9febe24aa 100755
--- a/compiler/nimrod.ini
+++ b/compiler/nimrod.ini
@@ -57,8 +57,6 @@ Files: "compiler/*.nim"
 Files: "build/empty.txt"
 Files: "bin/empty.txt"
-Files: "packages/docutils/*.nim"
 Files: "lib/nimbase.h"
@@ -85,6 +83,7 @@ Files: "lib/wrappers/zip/libzip_all.c"
 Files: "lib/windows/*.nim"
 Files: "lib/posix/*.nim"
 Files: "lib/js/*.nim"
+Files: "lib/packages/docutils/*.nim"
diff --git a/ b/
index 886cc8800..f283a4ae8 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
   mkdir -p $libdir/windows
   mkdir -p $libdir/posix
   mkdir -p $libdir/js
+  mkdir -p $libdir/packages/docutils
   cp bin/nimrod $bindir/nimrod
   chmod 755 $bindir/nimrod
@@ -711,20 +712,26 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/debugger.nim
   cp lib/system/dyncalls.nim $libdir/system/dyncalls.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/dyncalls.nim
-  cp lib/system/jssys.nim $libdir/system/jssys.nim
-  chmod 644 $libdir/system/jssys.nim
   cp lib/system/embedded.nim $libdir/system/embedded.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/embedded.nim
+  cp lib/system/endb.nim $libdir/system/endb.nim
+  chmod 644 $libdir/system/endb.nim
   cp lib/system/excpt.nim $libdir/system/excpt.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/excpt.nim
   cp lib/system/gc.nim $libdir/system/gc.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/gc.nim
   cp lib/system/gc2.nim $libdir/system/gc2.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/gc2.nim
+  cp lib/system/gc_genms.nim $libdir/system/gc_genms.nim
+  chmod 644 $libdir/system/gc_genms.nim
+  cp lib/system/gc_ms.nim $libdir/system/gc_ms.nim
+  chmod 644 $libdir/system/gc_ms.nim
   cp lib/system/hti.nim $libdir/system/hti.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/hti.nim
   cp lib/system/inclrtl.nim $libdir/system/inclrtl.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/inclrtl.nim
+  cp lib/system/jssys.nim $libdir/system/jssys.nim
+  chmod 644 $libdir/system/jssys.nim
   cp lib/system/mmdisp.nim $libdir/system/mmdisp.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/mmdisp.nim
   cp lib/system/profiler.nim $libdir/system/profiler.nim
@@ -1103,6 +1110,14 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
   chmod 644 $libdir/posix/posix.nim
   cp lib/js/dom.nim $libdir/js/dom.nim
   chmod 644 $libdir/js/dom.nim
+  cp lib/packages/docutils/highlite.nim $libdir/packages/docutils/highlite.nim
+  chmod 644 $libdir/packages/docutils/highlite.nim
+  cp lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim $libdir/packages/docutils/rst.nim
+  chmod 644 $libdir/packages/docutils/rst.nim
+  cp lib/packages/docutils/rstast.nim $libdir/packages/docutils/rstast.nim
+  chmod 644 $libdir/packages/docutils/rstast.nim
+  cp lib/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim $libdir/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim
+  chmod 644 $libdir/packages/docutils/rstgen.nim
   echo "installation successful"
diff --git a/lib/system/endb.nim b/lib/system/endb.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d6a25824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/system/endb.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+# This file implements the embedded debugger that can be linked
+# with the application. Mostly we do not use dynamic memory here as that
+# would interfere with the GC and trigger ON/OFF errors if the
+# user program corrupts memory. Unfortunately, for dispaying
+# variables we use the ``system.repr()`` proc which uses Nimrod
+# strings and thus allocates memory from the heap. Pity, but
+# I do not want to implement ``repr()`` twice.
+  EndbBeg = "*** endb"
+  EndbEnd = "***\n"
+  TStaticStr = object
+    len: int
+    data: array[0..100, char]
+  TBreakpointFilename = object
+    b: ptr TBreakpoint
+    filename: TStaticStr
+  TDbgState = enum
+    dbOff,        # debugger is turned off
+    dbStepInto,   # debugger is in tracing mode
+    dbStepOver,
+    dbSkipCurrent,
+    dbQuiting,    # debugger wants to quit
+    dbBreakpoints # debugger is only interested in breakpoints
+  dbgUser: TStaticStr   # buffer for user input; first command is ``step_into``
+                        # needs to be global cause we store the last command
+                        # in it
+  dbgState: TDbgState   # state of debugger
+  dbgSkipToFrame: PFrame # frame to be skipped to
+  maxDisplayRecDepth: int = 5 # do not display too much data!
+  brkPoints: array[0..127, TBreakpointFilename]
+proc setLen(s: var TStaticStr, newLen=0) =
+  s.len = newLen
+[newLen] = '\0'
+proc add(s: var TStaticStr, c: char) =
+  if s.len < high(
+[s.len] = c
+[s.len+1] = '\0'
+    inc s.len
+proc add(s: var TStaticStr, c: cstring) =
+  var i = 0
+  while c[i] != '\0':
+    add s, c[i]
+    inc i
+proc assign(s: var TStaticStr, c: cstring) =
+  setLen(s)
+  add s, c
+proc `==`(a, b: TStaticStr): bool =
+  if a.len == b.len:
+    for i in 0 .. a.len-1:
+      if[i] !=[i]: return false
+    return true
+proc `==`(a: TStaticStr, b: cstring): bool =
+  result = c_strcmp(, b) == 0
+proc write(f: TFile, s: TStaticStr) =
+  write(f, cstring(
+proc ListBreakPoints() =
+  write(stdout, EndbBeg)
+  write(stdout, "| Breakpoints:\n")
+  for b in listBreakpoints():
+    write(stdout, abs(b.low))
+    if b.high != b.low:
+      write(stdout, "..")
+      write(stdout, abs(b.high))
+    write(stdout, " ")
+    write(stdout, b.filename)
+    if b.isActive:
+      write(stdout, " [disabled]\n")
+    else:
+      write(stdout, "\n")
+  write(stdout, EndbEnd)
+proc openAppend(filename: cstring): TFile =
+  var p: pointer = fopen(filename, "ab")
+  if p != nil:
+    result = cast[TFile](p)
+    write(result, "----------------------------------------\n")
+proc dbgRepr(p: pointer, typ: PNimType): string =
+  var cl: TReprClosure
+  initReprClosure(cl)
+  cl.recDepth = maxDisplayRecDepth
+  # locks for the GC turned out to be a bad idea...
+  # inc(recGcLock)
+  result = ""
+  reprAux(result, p, typ, cl)
+  # dec(recGcLock)
+  deinitReprClosure(cl)
+proc writeVariable(stream: TFile, slot: TVarSlot) =
+  write(stream,
+  write(stream, " = ")
+  writeln(stream, dbgRepr(slot.address, slot.typ))
+proc ListFrame(stream: TFile, f: PFrame) =
+  write(stream, EndbBeg)
+  write(stream, "| Frame (")
+  write(stream, f.len)
+  write(stream, " slots):\n")
+  for i in 0 .. f.len-1:
+    writeln(stream, getLocal(f, i).name)
+  write(stream, EndbEnd)
+proc ListLocals(stream: TFile, f: PFrame) =
+  write(stream, EndbBeg)
+  write(stream, "| Frame (")
+  write(stream, f.len)
+  write(stream, " slots):\n")
+  for i in 0 .. f.len-1:
+    writeVariable(stream, getLocal(f, i))
+  write(stream, EndbEnd)
+proc ListGlobals(stream: TFile) =
+  write(stream, EndbBeg)
+  write(stream, "| Globals:\n")
+  for i in 0 .. getGlobalLen()-1:
+    writeln(stream, getGlobal(i).name)
+  write(stream, EndbEnd)
+proc debugOut(msg: cstring) =
+  # the *** *** markers are for easy recognition of debugger
+  # output for external frontends.
+  write(stdout, EndbBeg)
+  write(stdout, "| ")
+  write(stdout, msg)
+  write(stdout, EndbEnd)
+proc dbgFatal(msg: cstring) =
+  debugOut(msg)
+  dbgAborting = True # the debugger wants to abort
+  quit(1)
+proc dbgShowCurrentProc(dbgFramePointer: PFrame) =
+  if dbgFramePointer != nil:
+    write(stdout, "*** endb| now in proc: ")
+    write(stdout, dbgFramePointer.procname)
+    write(stdout, " ***\n")
+  else:
+    write(stdout, "*** endb| (proc name not available) ***\n")
+proc dbgShowExecutionPoint() =
+  write(stdout, "*** endb| ")
+  write(stdout, framePtr.filename)
+  write(stdout, "(")
+  write(stdout, framePtr.line)
+  write(stdout, ") ")
+  write(stdout, framePtr.procname)
+  write(stdout, " ***\n")
+proc scanAndAppendWord(src: cstring, a: var TStaticStr, start: int): int =
+  result = start
+  # skip whitespace:
+  while src[result] in {'\t', ' '}: inc(result)
+  while True:
+    case src[result]
+    of 'a'..'z', '0'..'9': add(a, src[result])
+    of '_': nil # just skip it
+    of 'A'..'Z': add(a, chr(ord(src[result]) - ord('A') + ord('a')))
+    else: break
+    inc(result)
+proc scanWord(src: cstring, a: var TStaticStr, start: int): int =
+  setlen(a)
+  result = scanAndAppendWord(src, a, start)
+proc scanFilename(src: cstring, a: var TStaticStr, start: int): int =
+  result = start
+  setLen a
+  while src[result] in {'\t', ' '}: inc(result)
+  while src[result] notin {'\t', ' ', '\0'}:
+    add(a, src[result])
+    inc(result)
+proc scanNumber(src: cstring, a: var int, start: int): int =
+  result = start
+  a = 0
+  while src[result] in {'\t', ' '}: inc(result)
+  while true:
+    case src[result]
+    of '0'..'9': a = a * 10 + ord(src[result]) - ord('0')
+    of '_': nil # skip underscores (nice for long line numbers)
+    else: break
+    inc(result)
+proc dbgHelp() =
+  debugOut("""
+list of commands (see the manual for further help):
+              GENERAL
+h, help                 display this help message
+q, quit                 quit the debugger and the program
+<ENTER>                 repeat the previous debugger command
+              EXECUTING
+s, step                 single step, stepping into routine calls
+n, next                 single step, without stepping into routine calls
+f, skipcurrent          continue execution until the current routine finishes
+c, continue, r, run     continue execution until the next breakpoint
+i, ignore               continue execution, ignore all breakpoints
+              BREAKPOINTS
+b, break [fromline [toline]] [file]
+                        set a new breakpoint for line and file
+                        if line or file are omitted the current one is used
+breakpoints             display the entire breakpoint list
+toggle fromline [file]  enable or disable a breakpoint
+filenames               list all valid filenames
+              DATA DISPLAY
+e, eval <expr>          evaluate the expression <expr>
+o, out <file> <expr>    evaluate <expr> and write it to <file>
+w, where                display the current execution point
+stackframe [file]       display current stack frame [and write it to file]
+u, up                   go up in the call stack
+d, down                 go down in the call stack
+bt, backtrace           display the entire call stack
+l, locals               display available local variables
+g, globals              display available global variables
+maxdisplay <integer>    set the display's recursion maximum
+proc InvalidCommand() =
+  debugOut("[Warning] invalid command ignored (type 'h' for help) ")
+proc hasExt(s: cstring): bool =
+  # returns true if s has a filename extension
+  var i = 0
+  while s[i] != '\0':
+    if s[i] == '.': return true
+    inc i
+proc parseBreakpoint(s: cstring, start: int): TBreakpoint =
+  var dbgTemp: TStaticStr
+  var i = scanNumber(s, result.low, start)
+  if result.low == 0: result.low = framePtr.line
+  i = scanNumber(s, result.high, i)
+  if result.high == 0: result.high = result.low
+  i = scanFilename(s, dbgTemp, i)
+  if dbgTemp.len != 0:
+    if not hasExt( add(dbgTemp, ".nim")
+    result.filename = canonFilename(
+    if result.filename.isNil:
+      debugOut("[Warning] no breakpoint could be set; unknown filename ")
+      return
+  else:
+    result.filename = framePtr.filename
+proc createBreakPoint(s: cstring, start: int) =
+  let br = parseBreakpoint(s, start)
+  if not br.filename.isNil:
+    if not addBreakpoint(br.filename, br.low, br.high):
+      debugOut("[Warning] no breakpoint could be set; out of breakpoint space ")
+proc BreakpointToggle(s: cstring, start: int) =
+  var a = parseBreakpoint(s, start)
+  if not a.filename.isNil:
+    var b = checkBreakpoints(a.filename, a.low)
+    if not b.isNil: b.flip
+    else: debugOut("[Warning] unknown breakpoint ")
+proc dbgEvaluate(stream: TFile, s: cstring, start: int, f: PFrame) =
+  var dbgTemp: tstaticstr
+  var i = scanWord(s, dbgTemp, start)
+  while s[i] in {' ', '\t'}: inc(i)
+  var v: TVarSlot
+  if s[i] == '.':
+    inc(i)
+    add(dbgTemp, '.')
+    i = scanAndAppendWord(s, dbgTemp, i)
+    for i in 0 .. getGlobalLen()-1:
+      let v = getGlobal(i)
+      if c_strcmp(, == 0:
+        writeVariable(stream, v)
+  else:
+    for i in 0 .. f.len-1:
+      let v = getLocal(f, i)
+      if c_strcmp(, == 0:
+        writeVariable(stream, v)  
+proc dbgOut(s: cstring, start: int, currFrame: PFrame) =
+  var dbgTemp: tstaticstr
+  var i = scanFilename(s, dbgTemp, start)
+  if dbgTemp.len == 0:
+    InvalidCommand()
+    return
+  var stream = openAppend(
+  if stream == nil:
+    debugOut("[Warning] could not open or create file ")
+    return
+  dbgEvaluate(stream, s, i, currFrame)
+  close(stream)
+proc dbgStackFrame(s: cstring, start: int, currFrame: PFrame) =
+  var dbgTemp: TStaticStr
+  var i = scanFilename(s, dbgTemp, start)
+  if dbgTemp.len == 0:
+    # just write it to stdout:
+    ListFrame(stdout, currFrame)
+  else:
+    var stream = openAppend(
+    if stream == nil:
+      debugOut("[Warning] could not open or create file ")
+      return
+    ListFrame(stream, currFrame)
+    close(stream)
+proc readLine(f: TFile, line: var TStaticStr): bool =
+  while True:
+    var c = fgetc(f)
+    if c < 0'i32:
+      if line.len > 0: break
+      else: return false
+    if c == 10'i32: break # LF
+    if c == 13'i32:  # CR
+      c = fgetc(f) # is the next char LF?
+      if c != 10'i32: ungetc(c, f) # no, put the character back
+      break
+    add line, chr(int(c))
+  result = true
+proc ListFilenames() =
+  write(stdout, EndbBeg)
+  write(stdout, "| Files:\n")
+  var i = 0
+  while true:
+    let x = dbgFilenames[i]
+    if x.isNil: break
+    write(stdout, x)
+    write(stdout, "\n")
+    inc i
+  write(stdout, EndbEnd)
+proc dbgWriteStackTrace(f: PFrame)
+proc CommandPrompt() =
+  # if we return from this routine, user code executes again
+  var
+    again = True
+    dbgFramePtr = framePtr # for going down and up the stack
+    dbgDown = 0 # how often we did go down
+    dbgTemp: TStaticStr
+  while again:
+    write(stdout, "*** endb| >>")
+    let oldLen = dbgUser.len
+    dbgUser.len = 0
+    if not readLine(stdin, dbgUser): break
+    if dbgUser.len == 0: dbgUser.len = oldLen
+    # now look what we have to do:
+    var i = scanWord(, dbgTemp, 0)
+    template `?`(x: expr): expr = dbgTemp == cstring(x)
+    if ?"s" or ?"step":
+      dbgState = dbStepInto
+      again = false
+    elif ?"n" or ?"next":
+      dbgState = dbStepOver
+      dbgSkipToFrame = framePtr
+      again = false
+    elif ?"f" or ?"skipcurrent":
+      dbgState = dbSkipCurrent
+      dbgSkipToFrame = framePtr.prev
+      again = false
+    elif ?"c" or ?"continue" or ?"r" or ?"run":
+      dbgState = dbBreakpoints
+      again = false
+    elif ?"i" or ?"ignore":
+      dbgState = dbOff
+      again = false
+    elif ?"h" or ?"help":
+      dbgHelp()
+    elif ?"q" or ?"quit":
+      dbgState = dbQuiting
+      dbgAborting = True
+      again = false
+      quit(1) # BUGFIX: quit with error code > 0
+    elif ?"e" or ?"eval":
+      dbgEvaluate(stdout,, i, dbgFramePtr)
+    elif ?"o" or ?"out":
+      dbgOut(, i, dbgFramePtr)
+    elif ?"stackframe":
+      dbgStackFrame(, i, dbgFramePtr)
+    elif ?"w" or ?"where":
+      dbgShowExecutionPoint()
+    elif ?"l" or ?"locals":
+      ListLocals(stdout, dbgFramePtr)
+    elif ?"g" or ?"globals":
+      ListGlobals(stdout)
+    elif ?"u" or ?"up":
+      if dbgDown <= 0:
+        debugOut("[Warning] cannot go up any further ")
+      else:
+        dbgFramePtr = framePtr
+        for j in 0 .. dbgDown-2: # BUGFIX
+          dbgFramePtr = dbgFramePtr.prev
+        dec(dbgDown)
+      dbgShowCurrentProc(dbgFramePtr)
+    elif ?"d" or ?"down":
+      if dbgFramePtr != nil:
+        inc(dbgDown)
+        dbgFramePtr = dbgFramePtr.prev
+        dbgShowCurrentProc(dbgFramePtr)
+      else:
+        debugOut("[Warning] cannot go down any further ")
+    elif ?"bt" or ?"backtrace":
+      dbgWriteStackTrace(framePtr)
+    elif ?"b" or ?"break":
+      createBreakPoint(, i)
+    elif ?"breakpoints":
+      ListBreakPoints()
+    elif ?"toggle":
+      BreakpointToggle(, i)
+    elif ?"filenames":
+      ListFilenames()
+    elif ?"maxdisplay":
+      var parsed: int
+      i = scanNumber(, parsed, i)
+      if[i-1] in {'0'..'9'}:
+        if parsed == 0: maxDisplayRecDepth = -1
+        else: maxDisplayRecDepth = parsed
+      else:
+        InvalidCommand()
+    else: InvalidCommand()
+proc endbStep() =
+  # we get into here if an unhandled exception has been raised
+  # XXX: do not allow the user to run the program any further?
+  # XXX: BUG: the frame is lost here!
+  dbgShowExecutionPoint()
+  CommandPrompt()
+proc dbgWriteStackTrace(f: PFrame) =
+  const
+    firstCalls = 32
+  var
+    it = f
+    i = 0
+    total = 0
+    tempFrames: array [0..127, PFrame]
+  # setup long head:
+  while it != nil and i <= high(tempFrames)-firstCalls:
+    tempFrames[i] = it
+    inc(i)
+    inc(total)
+    it = it.prev
+  # go up the stack to count 'total':
+  var b = it
+  while it != nil:
+    inc(total)
+    it = it.prev
+  var skipped = 0
+  if total > len(tempFrames):
+    # skip N
+    skipped = total-i-firstCalls+1
+    for j in 1..skipped:
+      if b != nil: b = b.prev
+    # create '...' entry:
+    tempFrames[i] = nil
+    inc(i)
+  # setup short tail:
+  while b != nil and i <= high(tempFrames):
+    tempFrames[i] = b
+    inc(i)
+    b = b.prev
+  for j in countdown(i-1, 0):
+    if tempFrames[j] == nil: 
+      write(stdout, "(")
+      write(stdout, skipped)
+      write(stdout, " calls omitted) ...")
+    else:
+      write(stdout, tempFrames[j].filename)
+      if tempFrames[j].line > 0:
+        write(stdout, '(')
+        write(stdout, tempFrames[j].line)
+        write(stdout, ')')
+      write(stdout, ' ')
+      write(stdout, tempFrames[j].procname)
+    write(stdout, "\n")
+proc checkForBreakpoint =
+  let b = checkBreakpoints(framePtr.filename, framePtr.line)
+  if b != nil:
+    write(stdout, "*** endb| reached ")
+    write(stdout, framePtr.filename)
+    write(stdout, "(")
+    write(stdout, framePtr.line)
+    write(stdout, ") ")
+    write(stdout, framePtr.procname)
+    write(stdout, " ***\n")
+    CommandPrompt()
+proc lineHookImpl() {.nimcall.} =
+  case dbgState
+  of dbStepInto:
+    # we really want the command prompt here:
+    dbgShowExecutionPoint()
+    CommandPrompt()
+  of dbSkipCurrent, dbStepOver: # skip current routine
+    if framePtr == dbgSkipToFrame:
+      dbgShowExecutionPoint()
+      CommandPrompt()
+    else:
+      # breakpoints are wanted though (I guess)
+      checkForBreakpoint()
+  of dbBreakpoints:
+    # debugger is only interested in breakpoints
+    checkForBreakpoint()
+  else: nil
+proc watchpointHookImpl(name: cstring) {.nimcall.} =
+  dbgWriteStackTrace(framePtr)
+  debugOut(name)
+proc initDebugger {.inline.} =
+  dbgState = dbStepInto
+  dbgUser.len = 1
+[0] = 's'
+  dbgWatchpointHook = watchpointHookImpl
+  dbgLineHook = lineHookImpl