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authorSimon Hafner <>2014-02-05 13:14:08 -0600
committerSimon Hafner <>2014-02-05 13:14:08 -0600
commitfb85d6062a23bc205e3ae06f152d9a4a718c9349 (patch)
parenta90f0f50cf630a0fd565fd518e8fda4ff353977a (diff)
tracked down a few more returns
3 files changed, 22 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/doc/manual.txt b/doc/manual.txt
index 1c410d5a3..3c085b612 100644
--- a/doc/manual.txt
+++ b/doc/manual.txt
@@ -1701,11 +1701,11 @@ algorithm returns true:
     result = isOrdinal(t) or t.kind in {float, float32, float64}
   proc isExplicitlyConvertible(a, b: PType): bool =
+    result = false
     if isImplicitlyConvertible(a, b): return true
     if typeEqualsOrDistinct(a, b): return true
     if isIntegralType(a) and isIntegralType(b): return true
     if isSubtype(a, b) or isSubtype(b, a): return true
-    return false
 The convertible relation can be relaxed by a user-defined type 
@@ -1774,7 +1774,7 @@ Example:
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   proc p(x, y: int): int = 
-    return x + y
+    result = x + y
   discard p(3, 4) # discard the return value of `p`
@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ been declared with the `discardable`:idx: pragma:
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   proc p(x, y: int): int {.discardable.} = 
-    return x + y
+    result = x + y
   p(3, 4) # now valid
@@ -2438,7 +2438,7 @@ A procedure cannot modify its parameters (unless the parameters have the type
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   proc `$` (x: int): string =
     # converts an integer to a string; this is a prefix operator.
-    return intToStr(x)
+    result = intToStr(x)
 Operators with one parameter are prefix operators, operators with two
 parameters are infix operators. (However, the parser distinguishes these from
@@ -2452,7 +2452,7 @@ notation. (Thus an operator can have more than two parameters):
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   proc `*+` (a, b, c: int): int =
     # Multiply and add
-    return a * b + c
+    result = a * b + c
   assert `*+`(3, 4, 6) == `*`(a, `+`(b, c))
@@ -2648,11 +2648,12 @@ return values. This can be done in a cleaner way by returning a tuple:
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   proc divmod(a, b: int): tuple[res, remainder: int] =
-    return (a div b, a mod b)
+    (a div b, a mod b)
   var t = divmod(8, 5)
   assert t.res == 1
-  assert t.remainder = 3
+  assert t.remainder == 3
 One can use `tuple unpacking`:idx: to access the tuple's fields:
@@ -2724,7 +2725,7 @@ dispatch.
   method eval(e: ref TPlusExpr): int =
     # watch out: relies on dynamic binding
-    return eval(e.a) + eval(e.b)
+    result = eval(e.a) + eval(e.b)
   proc newLit(x: int): ref TLiteral =
@@ -2923,7 +2924,7 @@ parameters of an outer factory proc:
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   proc mycount(a, b: int): iterator (): int =
-    return iterator (): int =
+    result = iterator (): int =
       var x = a
       while x <= b:
         yield x
@@ -3373,9 +3374,9 @@ module to illustrate this:
     ## requires `x` and `y` to be of the same tuple type
     ## generic ``==`` operator for tuples that is lifted from the components
     ## of `x` and `y`.
+    result = true
     for a, b in fields(x, y):
-      if a != b: return false
-    return true
+      if a != b: result = false
 Alternatively, the ``distinct`` type modifier can be applied to the type class 
 to allow each param matching the type class to bind to a different type. 
@@ -3997,9 +3998,9 @@ predicate:
   proc re(pattern: semistatic[string]): TRegEx =
     when isStatic(pattern):
-      return precompiledRegex(pattern)
+      result = precompiledRegex(pattern)
-      return compile(pattern)
+      result = compile(pattern)
 Static params can also appear in the signatures of generic types:
@@ -4506,7 +4507,7 @@ This is best illustrated by an example:
   proc p*(x: A.T1): A.T1 =
     # this works because the compiler has already
     # added T1 to A's interface symbol table
-    return x + 1
+    result = x + 1
 Import statement
@@ -5197,7 +5198,7 @@ Example:
     {.pragma: rtl, importc, dynlib: "client.dll", cdecl.}
   proc p*(a, b: int): int {.rtl.} = 
-    return a+b
+    result = a+b
 In the example a new pragma named ``rtl`` is introduced that either imports
 a symbol from a dynamic library or exports the symbol for dynamic library
diff --git a/doc/tut1.txt b/doc/tut1.txt
index b70f40f4a..5a20629a2 100644
--- a/doc/tut1.txt
+++ b/doc/tut1.txt
@@ -690,8 +690,8 @@ Nimrod provides the ability to overload procedures similar to C++:
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   proc toString(x: int): string = ...
   proc toString(x: bool): string =
-    if x: return "true"
-    else: return "false"
+    if x: result = "true"
+    else: result = "false"
   echo(toString(13))   # calls the toString(x: int) proc
   echo(toString(true)) # calls the toString(x: bool) proc
@@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ This is best illustrated by an example:
   proc p*(x: A.T1): A.T1 =
     # this works because the compiler has already
     # added T1 to A's interface symbol table
-    return x + 1
+    result = x + 1
 A symbol of a module *can* be *qualified* with the ``module.symbol`` syntax. If
@@ -1600,11 +1600,11 @@ rules apply:
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   # Module A
-  proc x*(a: int): string = return $a
+  proc x*(a: int): string = result = $a
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   # Module B
-  proc x*(a: string): string = return $a
+  proc x*(a: string): string = result = $a
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   # Module C
diff --git a/doc/tut2.txt b/doc/tut2.txt
index d2ba8b8a9..5f1767428 100644
--- a/doc/tut2.txt
+++ b/doc/tut2.txt
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ is needed:
   proc host*(s: TSocket): int {.inline.} =
     ## getter of hostAddr
-    return s.FHost
+    s.FHost
     s: TSocket