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authorYuriy Glukhov <>2018-05-04 15:23:47 +0300
committerYuriy Glukhov <>2018-05-09 22:25:28 +0300
commitce634909281ffc8efbc7d192f557ffe38f49e740 (patch)
parent0ed6c3e476e421827d081e9ab0d9fcb0d3de5eb2 (diff)
Yield in try
6 files changed, 709 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/closureiters.nim b/compiler/closureiters.nim
index 7653176de..504f70347 100644
--- a/compiler/closureiters.nim
+++ b/compiler/closureiters.nim
@@ -59,6 +59,80 @@
 #   if :tmpSlLower == 2:
 #     yield 3
+# nkTryStmt Transformations:
+# If the iter has an nkTryStmt with a yield inside
+#  - the closure iter is promoted to have exceptions (ctx.hasExceptions = true)
+#  - exception table is created. This is a const array, where
+#    `abs(exceptionTable[i])` is a state idx to which we should jump from state
+#    `i` should exception be raised in state `i`. For all states in `try` block
+#    the target state is `except` block. For all states in `except` block
+#    the target state is `finally` block. For all other states there is no
+#    target state (0, as the first block can never be neither except nor finally).
+#    `exceptionTable[i]` is < 0 if `abs(exceptionTable[i])` is except block,
+#    and > 0, for finally block.
+#  - local variable :curExc is created
+#  - the iter body is wrapped into a
+#      try:
+#       closureIterSetupExc(:curExc)
+#       ...body...
+#      catch:
+#        :state = exceptionTable[:state]
+#        if :state == 0: raise # No state that could handle exception
+#        :unrollFinally = :state > 0 # Target state is finally
+#        if :state < 0:
+#           :state = -:state
+#        :curExc = getCurrentException()
+# nkReturnStmt within a try/except/finally now has to behave differently as we
+# want the nearest finally block to be executed before the return, thus it is
+# transformed to:
+#  :tmpResult = returnValue (if return doesn't have a value, this is skipped)
+#  :unrollFinally = true
+#  goto nearestFinally (or -1 if not exists)
+# Every finally block calls closureIterEndFinally() upon its successful
+# completion.
+# Example:
+# try:
+#  yield 0
+#  raise ...
+# except:
+#  yield 1
+#  return 3
+# finally:
+#  yield 2
+# Is transformed to (yields are left in place for example simplicity,
+#    in reality the code is subdivided even more, as described above):
+# STATE0: # Try
+#   yield 0
+#   raise ...
+#   :state = 2 # What would happen should we not raise
+#   break :stateLoop
+# STATE1: # Except
+#   yield 1
+#   :tmpResult = 3           # Return
+#   :unrollFinally = true # Return
+#   :state = 2 # Goto Finally
+#   break :stateLoop
+#   :state = 2 # What would happen should we not return
+#   break :stateLoop
+# STATE2: # Finally
+#   yield 2
+#   if :unrollFinally: # This node is created by `newEndFinallyNode`
+#     when nearestFinally == 0: # Pseudocode. The `when` is not emitted in reality
+#       if :curExc.isNil:
+#         return :tmpResult
+#       else:
+#         raise
+#     else:
+#       :state = nearestFinally
+#       break :stateLoop
+#   state = -1 # Goto next state. In this case we just exit
+#   break :stateLoop
   intsets, strutils, options, ast, astalgo, trees, treetab, msgs, os, options,
@@ -69,6 +143,10 @@ type
   Ctx = object
     fn: PSym
     stateVarSym: PSym # :state variable. nil if env already introduced by lambdalifting
+    tmpResultSym: PSym # Used when we return, but finally has to interfere
+    unrollFinallySym: PSym # Indicates that we're unrolling finally states (either exception happened or premature return)
+    curExcSym: PSym # Current exception
     states: seq[PNode] # The resulting states. Every state is an nkState node.
     blockLevel: int # Temp used to transform break and continue stmts
     stateLoopLabel: PSym # Label to break on, when jumping between states.
@@ -76,20 +154,66 @@ type
     tempVarId: int # unique name counter
     tempVars: PNode # Temp var decls, nkVarSection
     loweredStmtListExpr: PNode # Temporary used for nkStmtListExpr lowering
+    exceptionTable: seq[int] # For state `i` jump to state `exceptionTable[i]` if exception is raised
+    hasExceptions: bool # Does closure have yield in try?
+    curExcHandlingState: int # Negative for except, positive for finally
+    nearestFinally: int # Index of the nearest finally block. For try/except it
+                    # is their finally. For finally it is parent finally. Otherwise -1
+proc newStateAccess(ctx: var Ctx): PNode =
+  if ctx.stateVarSym.isNil:
+    result = rawIndirectAccess(newSymNode(getEnvParam(ctx.fn)), getStateField(ctx.fn),
+  else:
+    result = newSymNode(ctx.stateVarSym)
+proc newStateAssgn(ctx: var Ctx, toValue: PNode): PNode =
+  # Creates state assignment:
+  #   :state = toValue
+  result = newNode(nkAsgn)
+  result.add(ctx.newStateAccess())
+  result.add(toValue)
 proc newStateAssgn(ctx: var Ctx, stateNo: int = -2): PNode =
-  # Creates state assignmen:
+  # Creates state assignment:
   #   :state = stateNo
+  ctx.newStateAssgn(newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, stateNo, getSysType(tyInt)))
-  result = newNode(nkAsgn)
+proc newEnvVar(ctx: var Ctx, name: string, typ: PType): PSym =
+  result = newSym(skVar, getIdent(name), ctx.fn,
+  result.typ = typ
+  if not ctx.stateVarSym.isNil:
+    # We haven't gone through labmda lifting yet, so just create a local var,
+    # it will be lifted later
+    if ctx.tempVars.isNil:
+      ctx.tempVars = newNode(nkVarSection)
+      addVar(ctx.tempVars, newSymNode(result))
+  else:
+    let envParam = getEnvParam(ctx.fn)
+    # let obj = envParam.typ.lastSon
+    result = addUniqueField(envParam.typ.lastSon, result)
+proc newEnvVarAccess(ctx: Ctx, s: PSym): PNode =
   if ctx.stateVarSym.isNil:
-    let state = getStateField(ctx.fn)
-    assert state != nil
-    result.add(rawIndirectAccess(newSymNode(getEnvParam(ctx.fn)),
-                      state,
+    result = rawIndirectAccess(newSymNode(getEnvParam(ctx.fn)), s,
-    result.add(newSymNode(ctx.stateVarSym))
-  result.add(newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, stateNo, getSysType(tyInt)))
+    result = newSymNode(s)
+proc newTmpResultAccess(ctx: var Ctx): PNode =
+  if ctx.tmpResultSym.isNil:
+    debug(ctx.fn.typ)
+    ctx.tmpResultSym = ctx.newEnvVar(":tmpResult", ctx.fn.typ[0])
+  ctx.newEnvVarAccess(ctx.tmpResultSym)
+proc newUnrollFinallyAccess(ctx: var Ctx): PNode =
+  if ctx.unrollFinallySym.isNil:
+    ctx.unrollFinallySym = ctx.newEnvVar(":unrollFinally", getSysType(tyBool))
+  ctx.newEnvVarAccess(ctx.unrollFinallySym)
+proc newCurExcAccess(ctx: var Ctx): PNode =
+  if ctx.curExcSym.isNil:
+    ctx.curExcSym = ctx.newEnvVar(":curExc", callCodegenProc("getCurrentException", emptyNode).typ)
+  ctx.newEnvVarAccess(ctx.curExcSym)
 proc setStateInAssgn(stateAssgn: PNode, stateNo: int) =
   assert stateAssgn.kind == nkAsgn
@@ -107,6 +231,8 @@ proc newState(ctx: var Ctx, n, gotoOut: PNode): int =
+  ctx.exceptionTable.add(ctx.curExcHandlingState)
   if not gotoOut.isNil:
     assert(gotoOut.len == 0)
@@ -119,27 +245,13 @@ proc toStmtList(n: PNode): PNode =
 proc addGotoOut(n: PNode, gotoOut: PNode): PNode =
   # Make sure `n` is a stmtlist, and ends with `gotoOut`
   result = toStmtList(n)
   if result.len != 0 and result.sons[^1].kind != nkGotoState:
 proc newTempVarAccess(ctx: var Ctx, typ: PType, i: TLineInfo): PNode =
-  let s = newSym(skVar, getIdent(":tmpSlLower" & $ctx.tempVarId), ctx.fn, i)
-  s.typ = typ
-  if not ctx.stateVarSym.isNil:
-    # We haven't gone through labmda lifting yet, so just create a local var,
-    # it will be lifted later
-    if ctx.tempVars.isNil:
-      ctx.tempVars = newNode(nkVarSection)
-      addVar(ctx.tempVars, newSymNode(s))
-    result = newSymNode(s)
-  else:
-    # Lambda lifting is done, insert temp var to env.
-    result = freshVarForClosureIter(s, ctx.fn)
+  let s = ctx.newEnvVar(":tmpSlLower" & $ctx.tempVarId, typ)
+  result = ctx.newEnvVarAccess(s)
   inc ctx.tempVarId
 proc hasYields(n: PNode): bool =
@@ -197,7 +309,17 @@ proc transformBreaksInBlock(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode, label, after: PNode): PNode
     for i in 0 ..< n.len:
       n[i] = ctx.transformBreaksInBlock(n[i], label, after)
-proc collectExceptState(n: PNode): PNode =
+proc newNullifyCurExc(ctx: var Ctx): PNode =
+  # :curEcx = nil
+  result = newNode(nkAsgn)
+  let curExc = ctx.newCurExcAccess()
+  result.add(curExc)
+  let nilnode = newNode(nkNilLit)
+  nilnode.typ = curExc.typ
+  result.add(nilnode)
+proc collectExceptState(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode): PNode =
   var ifStmt = newNode(nkIfStmt)
   for c in n:
     if c.kind == nkExceptBranch:
@@ -208,8 +330,10 @@ proc collectExceptState(n: PNode): PNode =
         assert(c.len == 2)
         ifBranch = newNode(nkElifBranch)
         let expression = newNodeI(nkCall,
+        expression.add(newSymNode(getSysMagic("of", mOf)))
         expression.add(callCodegenProc("getCurrentException", emptyNode))
+        expression.typ = getSysType(tyBool)
         branchBody = c[1]
@@ -226,10 +350,37 @@ proc collectExceptState(n: PNode): PNode =
   if ifStmt.len != 0:
     result = newNode(nkStmtList)
+    result.add(ctx.newNullifyCurExc())
     result = emptyNode
+proc addElseToExcept(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode) =
+  if n.kind == nkStmtList and n[1].kind == nkIfStmt and n[1][^1].kind != nkElse:
+    # Not all cases are covered
+    let elseBranch = newNode(nkElse)
+    let branchBody = newNode(nkStmtList)
+    block: # :unrollFinally = true
+      let asgn = newNode(nkAsgn)
+      asgn.add(ctx.newUnrollFinallyAccess())
+      asgn.add(newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, 1, getSysType(tyBool)))
+      branchBody.add(asgn)
+    block: # :curExc = getCurrentException()
+      let asgn = newNode(nkAsgn)
+      asgn.add(ctx.newCurExcAccess)
+      asgn.add(callCodegenProc("getCurrentException", emptyNode))
+      branchBody.add(asgn)
+    block: # goto nearestFinally
+      let goto = newNode(nkGotoState)
+      goto.add(newIntLit(ctx.nearestFinally))
+      branchBody.add(goto)
+    elseBranch.add(branchBody)
+    n[1].add(elseBranch)
 proc getFinallyNode(n: PNode): PNode =
   result = n[^1]
   if result.kind == nkFinally:
@@ -273,6 +424,101 @@ proc lowerStmtListExpr(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode): PNode =
     for i in 0 ..< n.len:
       n[i] = ctx.lowerStmtListExpr(n[i])
+proc newEndFinallyNode(ctx: var Ctx): PNode =
+  # Generate the following code:
+  #   if :unrollFinally:
+  #     when nearestFinally == 0: # Pseudocode. The `when` is not emitted in reality
+  #       if :curExc.isNil:
+  #         return :tmpResult
+  #       else:
+  #         raise
+  #     else:
+  #       goto nearestFinally
+  #       :state = nearestFinally
+  #       break :stateLoop
+  result = newNode(nkIfStmt)
+  let elifBranch = newNode(nkElifBranch)
+  elifBranch.add(ctx.newUnrollFinallyAccess())
+  result.add(elifBranch)
+  var ifBody: PNode
+  if ctx.nearestFinally == 0 or true:
+    ifBody = newNode(nkIfStmt)
+    let branch = newNode(nkElifBranch)
+    let cmp = newNode(nkCall)
+    cmp.add(getSysMagic("==", mEqRef).newSymNode)
+    let curExc = ctx.newCurExcAccess()
+    let nilnode = newNode(nkNilLit)
+    nilnode.typ = curExc.typ
+    cmp.add(curExc)
+    cmp.add(nilnode)
+    cmp.typ = getSysType(tyBool)
+    branch.add(cmp)
+    var retStmt = newNode(nkReturnStmt)
+    if true:
+      var a = newNode(nkAsgn)
+      addSon(a, newSymNode(getClosureIterResult(ctx.fn)))
+      addSon(a, ctx.newTmpResultAccess())
+      retStmt.add(a)
+    else:
+      retStmt.add(emptyNode)
+    branch.add(retStmt)
+    let elseBranch = newNode(nkElse)
+    let raiseStmt = newNode(nkRaiseStmt)
+    # The C++ backend requires `getCurrentException` here.
+    raiseStmt.add(callCodegenProc("getCurrentException", emptyNode))
+    elseBranch.add(raiseStmt)
+    ifBody.add(branch)
+    ifBody.add(elseBranch)
+  else:
+    ifBody = newNode(nkGotoState)
+    ifBody.add(newIntLit(ctx.nearestFinally))
+  elifBranch.add(ifBody)
+proc transformReturnsInTry(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode): PNode =
+  result = n
+  # TODO: This is very inefficient. It traverses the node, looking for nkYieldStmt.
+  case n.kind
+  of nkReturnStmt:
+    # We're somewhere in try, transform to finally unrolling
+    assert(ctx.nearestFinally != 0)
+    result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+    block: # :unrollFinally = true
+      let asgn = newNodeI(nkAsgn,
+      asgn.add(ctx.newUnrollFinallyAccess())
+      asgn.add(newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, 1, getSysType(tyBool)))
+      result.add(asgn)
+    if n[0].kind != nkEmpty: # TODO: And not void!
+      let asgnTmpResult = newNodeI(nkAsgn,
+      asgnTmpResult.add(ctx.newTmpResultAccess())
+      asgnTmpResult.add(n[0])
+      result.add(asgnTmpResult)
+    result.add(ctx.newNullifyCurExc())
+    let goto = newNodeI(nkGotoState,
+    goto.add(newIntLit(ctx.nearestFinally))
+    result.add(goto)
+  of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat128Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit,
+      nkSym, nkIdent, procDefs, nkTemplateDef:
+    discard
+  else:
+    for i in 0 ..< n.len:
+      n[i] = ctx.transformReturnsInTry(n[i])
 proc transformClosureIteratorBody(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode, gotoOut: PNode): PNode =
   result = n
   case n.kind:
@@ -310,7 +556,6 @@ proc transformClosureIteratorBody(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode, gotoOut: PNode): PNode
       assert(false, "nkStmtListExpr not lowered")
     of nkYieldStmt:
-      # echo "YIELD!"
       result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
@@ -371,34 +616,64 @@ proc transformClosureIteratorBody(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode, gotoOut: PNode): PNode
       result[1] = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(result[1], gotoOut)
     of nkTryStmt:
-      var tryBody = toStmtList(n[0])
+      # See explanation above about how this works
+      ctx.hasExceptions = true
-      # let popTry = newNode(nkPar)
-      # popTry.add(newIdentNode(getIdent("popTry"),
+      result = newNode(nkGotoState)
+      var tryBody = toStmtList(n[0])
+      var exceptBody = ctx.collectExceptState(n)
       var finallyBody = newNode(nkStmtList)
-      # finallyBody.add(popTry)
+      finallyBody = ctx.transformReturnsInTry(finallyBody)
+      finallyBody.add(ctx.newEndFinallyNode())
-      var tryCatchOut = newNode(nkGotoState)
+      # The following index calculation is based on the knowledge how state
+      # indexes are assigned
+      let tryIdx = ctx.states.len
+      var exceptIdx, finallyIdx: int
+      if exceptBody.kind != nkEmpty:
+        exceptIdx = -(tryIdx + 1)
+        finallyIdx = tryIdx + 2
+      else:
+        exceptIdx = tryIdx + 1
+        finallyIdx = tryIdx + 1
-      tryBody = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(tryBody, tryCatchOut)
-      var exceptBody = collectExceptState(n)
+      let outToFinally = newNode(nkGotoState)
-      var exceptIdx = -1
-      if exceptBody.kind != nkEmpty:
-        exceptBody = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(exceptBody, tryCatchOut)
-        exceptIdx = ctx.newState(exceptBody, nil)
+      block: # Create initial states.
+        let oldExcHandlingState = ctx.curExcHandlingState
+        ctx.curExcHandlingState = exceptIdx
+        let realTryIdx = ctx.newState(tryBody, result)
+        assert(realTryIdx == tryIdx)
+        if exceptBody.kind != nkEmpty:
+          ctx.curExcHandlingState = finallyIdx
+          let realExceptIdx = ctx.newState(exceptBody, nil)
+          assert(realExceptIdx == -exceptIdx)
-      finallyBody = ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(finallyBody, gotoOut)
-      let finallyIdx = ctx.newState(finallyBody, tryCatchOut)
+        ctx.curExcHandlingState = oldExcHandlingState
+        let realFinallyIdx = ctx.newState(finallyBody, outToFinally)
+        assert(realFinallyIdx == finallyIdx)
-      # let pushTry = newNode(nkPar) #newCall(newSym("pushTry"), newIntLit(exceptIdx))
-      # pushTry.add(newIdentNode(getIdent("pushTry"),
-      # pushTry.add(newIntLit(exceptIdx))
-      # pushTry.add(newIntLit(finallyIdx))
-      # tryBody.sons.insert(pushTry, 0)
+      block: # Subdivide the states
+        let oldNearestFinally = ctx.nearestFinally
+        ctx.nearestFinally = finallyIdx
-      result = tryBody
+        let oldExcHandlingState = ctx.curExcHandlingState
+        ctx.curExcHandlingState = exceptIdx
+        discard ctx.transformReturnsInTry(tryBody)
+        discard ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(tryBody, outToFinally)
+        ctx.curExcHandlingState = finallyIdx
+        ctx.addElseToExcept(exceptBody)
+        discard ctx.transformReturnsInTry(exceptBody)
+        discard ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(exceptBody, outToFinally)
+        ctx.curExcHandlingState = oldExcHandlingState
+        ctx.nearestFinally = oldNearestFinally
+        discard ctx.transformClosureIteratorBody(finallyBody, gotoOut)
     of nkGotoState, nkForStmt:
       internalError("closure iter " & $n.kind)
@@ -460,7 +735,6 @@ proc tranformStateAssignments(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode): PNode =
   of nkReturnStmt:
     result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
@@ -483,6 +757,29 @@ proc skipStmtList(n: PNode): PNode =
     if result.len == 0: return emptyNode
     result = result[0]
+proc skipEmptyStates(ctx: Ctx, stateIdx: int): int =
+  # Returns first non-empty state idx for `stateIdx`. Returns `stateIdx` if
+  # it is not empty
+  var maxJumps = ctx.states.len # maxJumps used only for debugging purposes.
+  var stateIdx = stateIdx
+  while true:
+    let label = stateIdx
+    if label == ctx.exitStateIdx: break
+    var newLabel = label
+    if label == -1:
+      newLabel = ctx.exitStateIdx
+    else:
+      let fs = ctx.states[label][1].skipStmtList()
+      if fs.kind == nkGotoState:
+        newLabel = fs[0]
+    if label == newLabel: break
+    stateIdx = newLabel
+    dec maxJumps
+    if maxJumps == 0:
+      assert(false, "Internal error")
+  result = ctx.states[stateIdx][0]
 proc skipThroughEmptyStates(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode): PNode =
   result = n
   case n.kind
@@ -490,31 +787,143 @@ proc skipThroughEmptyStates(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode): PNode =
       nkSym, nkIdent, procDefs, nkTemplateDef:
   of nkGotoState:
-    var maxJumps = ctx.states.len # maxJumps used only for debugging purposes.
     result = copyTree(n)
-    while true:
-      let label = result[0]
-      if label == ctx.exitStateIdx: break
-      var newLabel = label
-      if label == -1:
-        newLabel = ctx.exitStateIdx
-      else:
-        let fs = ctx.states[label][1].skipStmtList()
-        if fs.kind == nkGotoState:
-          newLabel = fs[0]
-      if label == newLabel: break
-      result[0].intVal = newLabel
-      dec maxJumps
-      if maxJumps == 0:
-        assert(false, "Internal error")
-    let label = result[0]
-    result[0].intVal = ctx.states[label][0].intVal
+    result[0].intVal = ctx.skipEmptyStates(result[0]
     for i in 0 ..< n.len:
       n[i] = ctx.skipThroughEmptyStates(n[i])
+proc newArrayType(n: int, t: PType, owner: PSym): PType =
+  result = newType(tyArray, owner)
+  let rng = newType(tyRange, owner)
+  rng.n = newNode(nkRange)
+  rng.n.add(newIntLit(0))
+  rng.n.add(newIntLit(n))
+  rng.rawAddSon(t)
+  result.rawAddSon(rng)
+  result.rawAddSon(t)
+proc createExceptionTable(ctx: var Ctx): PNode =
+  result = newNode(nkBracket)
+  result.typ = newArrayType(ctx.exceptionTable.len, getSysType(tyInt16), ctx.fn)
+  for i in ctx.exceptionTable:
+    let elem = newIntNode(nkIntLit, i)
+    elem.typ = getSysType(tyInt16)
+    result.add(elem)
+proc newCatchBody(ctx: var Ctx): PNode {.inline.} =
+  # Generates the code:
+  # :state = exceptionTable[:state]
+  # if :state == 0: raise
+  # :unrollFinally = :state > 0
+  # if :state < 0:
+  #   :state = -:state
+  # :curExc = getCurrentException()
+  result = newNode(nkStmtList)
+  # :state = exceptionTable[:state]
+  block:
+    # exceptionTable[:state]
+    let getNextState = newNode(nkBracketExpr)
+    getNextState.add(ctx.createExceptionTable)
+    getNextState.add(ctx.newStateAccess())
+    getNextState.typ = getSysType(tyInt)
+    # :state = exceptionTable[:state]
+    result.add(ctx.newStateAssgn(getNextState))
+  # if :state == 0: raise
+  block:
+    let ifStmt = newNode(nkIfStmt)
+    let ifBranch = newNode(nkElifBranch)
+    let cond = newNode(nkCall)
+    cond.add(getSysMagic("==", mEqI).newSymNode)
+    cond.add(ctx.newStateAccess())
+    cond.add(newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, 0, getSysType(tyInt)))
+    cond.typ = getSysType(tyBool)
+    ifBranch.add(cond)
+    let raiseStmt = newNode(nkRaiseStmt)
+    raiseStmt.add(emptyNode)
+    ifBranch.add(raiseStmt)
+    ifStmt.add(ifBranch)
+    result.add(ifStmt)
+  # :unrollFinally = :state > 0
+  block:
+    let asgn = newNode(nkAsgn)
+    asgn.add(ctx.newUnrollFinallyAccess())
+    let cond = newNode(nkCall)
+    cond.add(getSysMagic("<", mLtI).newSymNode)
+    cond.add(newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, 0, getSysType(tyInt)))
+    cond.add(ctx.newStateAccess())
+    cond.typ = getSysType(tyBool)
+    asgn.add(cond)
+    result.add(asgn)
+  # if :state < 0: :state = -:state
+  block:
+    let ifStmt = newNode(nkIfStmt)
+    let ifBranch = newNode(nkElifBranch)
+    let cond = newNode(nkCall)
+    cond.add(getSysMagic("<", mLtI).newSymNode)
+    cond.add(ctx.newStateAccess())
+    cond.add(newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, 0, getSysType(tyInt)))
+    cond.typ = getSysType(tyBool)
+    ifBranch.add(cond)
+    let negateState = newNode(nkCall)
+    negateState.add(getSysMagic("-", mUnaryMinusI).newSymNode)
+    negateState.add(ctx.newStateAccess())
+    negateState.typ = getSysType(tyInt)
+    ifBranch.add(ctx.newStateAssgn(negateState))
+    ifStmt.add(ifBranch)
+    result.add(ifStmt)
+  # :curExc = getCurrentException()
+  block:
+    let getCurExc = callCodegenProc("getCurrentException", emptyNode)
+    let asgn = newNode(nkAsgn)
+    asgn.add(ctx.newCurExcAccess())
+    asgn.add(getCurExc)
+    result.add(asgn)
+proc wrapIntoTryExcept(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode): PNode =
+  result = newNode(nkTryStmt)
+  let tryBody = newNode(nkStmtList)
+  let setupExc = newNode(nkCall)
+  setupExc.add(newSymNode(getCompilerProc("closureIterSetupExc")))
+  tryBody.add(setupExc)
+  tryBody.add(n)
+  result.add(tryBody)
+  let catchNode = newNode(nkExceptBranch)
+  result.add(catchNode)
+  let catchBody = newNode(nkStmtList)
+  catchBody.add(ctx.newCatchBody())
+  catchNode.add(catchBody)
+  setupExc.add(ctx.newCurExcAccess())
 proc wrapIntoStateLoop(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode): PNode =
+  # while true:
+  #   block :stateLoop:
+  #     gotoState :state
+  #     body # Might get wrapped in try-except
   result = newNode(nkWhileStmt)
@@ -532,19 +941,19 @@ proc wrapIntoStateLoop(ctx: var Ctx, n: PNode): PNode =
   let blockStmt = newNodeI(nkBlockStmt,
-  let blockBody = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
-  blockStmt.add(blockBody)
+  var blockBody = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
   let gs = newNodeI(nkGotoState,
-  if ctx.stateVarSym.isNil:
-    gs.add(rawIndirectAccess(newSymNode(getEnvParam(ctx.fn)), getStateField(ctx.fn),
-  else:
-    gs.add(newSymNode(ctx.stateVarSym))
+  gs.add(ctx.newStateAccess())
   gs.add(newIntLit(ctx.states.len - 1))
-  # gs.add(rawIndirectAccess(newSymNode(ctx.fn.getHiddenParam), getStateField(ctx.fn),
+  if ctx.hasExceptions:
+    blockBody = ctx.wrapIntoTryExcept(blockBody)
+  blockStmt.add(blockBody)
@@ -558,7 +967,7 @@ proc deleteEmptyStates(ctx: var Ctx) =
   var iValid = 0
   for i, s in ctx.states:
     let body = s[1].skipStmtList()
-    if body.kind == nkGotoState and i != ctx.states.len - 1:
+    if body.kind == nkGotoState and i != ctx.states.len - 1 and i != 0:
       # This is an empty state. Mark with -1.
       s[0].intVal = -1
@@ -567,14 +976,20 @@ proc deleteEmptyStates(ctx: var Ctx) =
   for i, s in ctx.states:
     let body = s[1].skipStmtList()
-    if body.kind != nkGotoState:
+    if body.kind != nkGotoState or i == 0:
       discard ctx.skipThroughEmptyStates(s)
+      let excHandlState = ctx.exceptionTable[i]
+      if excHandlState < 0:
+        ctx.exceptionTable[i] = -ctx.skipEmptyStates(-excHandlState)
+      elif excHandlState != 0:
+        ctx.exceptionTable[i] = ctx.skipEmptyStates(excHandlState)
   var i = 0
   while i < ctx.states.len - 1:
     let fs = ctx.states[i][1].skipStmtList()
-    if fs.kind == nkGotoState:
+    if fs.kind == nkGotoState and i != 0:
+      ctx.exceptionTable.delete(i)
       inc i
@@ -591,6 +1006,7 @@ proc transformClosureIterator*(fn: PSym, n: PNode): PNode =
   ctx.states = @[]
   ctx.stateLoopLabel = newSym(skLabel, getIdent(":stateLoop"), fn,
+  ctx.exceptionTable = @[]
   let n = n.toStmtList
   discard ctx.newState(n, nil)
@@ -613,19 +1029,11 @@ proc transformClosureIterator*(fn: PSym, n: PNode): PNode =
   result = ctx.tranformStateAssignments(result)
-  # Add excpetion handling
-  var hasExceptions = false
-  if hasExceptions:
-    discard # TODO:
-    # result = wrapIntoTryCatch(result)
-  # while true:
-  #   block :stateLoop:
-  #     gotoState
-  #     body
   result = ctx.wrapIntoStateLoop(result)
-  # echo "TRANSFORM TO STATES2: "
-  # debug(result)
   # echo renderTree(result)
+  # echo "exception table:"
+  # for i, e in ctx.exceptionTable:
+  #   echo i, " -> ", e
diff --git a/compiler/semexprs.nim b/compiler/semexprs.nim
index 1ef284a77..79010bfde 100644
--- a/compiler/semexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/semexprs.nim
@@ -1544,7 +1544,7 @@ proc semYield(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
   checkSonsLen(n, 1)
   if c.p.owner == nil or c.p.owner.kind != skIterator:
     localError(, errYieldNotAllowedHere)
-  elif c.p.inTryStmt > 0 and c.p.owner.typ.callConv != ccInline:
+  elif oldIterTransf in c.features and c.p.inTryStmt > 0 and c.p.owner.typ.callConv != ccInline:
     localError(, errYieldNotAllowedInTryStmt)
   elif n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty:
     n.sons[0] = semExprWithType(c, n.sons[0]) # check for type compatibility:
diff --git a/lib/system/embedded.nim b/lib/system/embedded.nim
index 46e84e056..4d453fcca 100644
--- a/lib/system/embedded.nim
+++ b/lib/system/embedded.nim
@@ -41,3 +41,6 @@ proc reraiseException() {.compilerRtl.} =
 proc writeStackTrace() = discard
 proc setControlCHook(hook: proc () {.noconv.}) = discard
+proc closureIterSetupExc(e: ref Exception) {.compilerproc, inline.} =
+  sysFatal(ReraiseError, "exception handling is not available")
diff --git a/lib/system/excpt.nim b/lib/system/excpt.nim
index fb38948f7..dabfe010e 100644
--- a/lib/system/excpt.nim
+++ b/lib/system/excpt.nim
@@ -131,6 +131,10 @@ proc popCurrentExceptionEx(id: uint) {.compilerRtl.} =
     prev.up = cur.up
+proc closureIterSetupExc(e: ref Exception) {.compilerproc, inline.} =
+  if not e.isNil:
+    currException = e
 # some platforms have native support for stack traces:
   nativeStackTraceSupported* = (defined(macosx) or defined(linux)) and
diff --git a/tests/async/tasynctry2.nim b/tests/async/tasynctry2.nim
index 444a058be..f82b6cfe0 100644
--- a/tests/async/tasynctry2.nim
+++ b/tests/async/tasynctry2.nim
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 discard """
   file: "tasynctry2.nim"
   errormsg: "\'yield\' cannot be used within \'try\' in a non-inlined iterator"
-  line: 15
+  line: 17
 import asyncdispatch
+{.experimental: "oldIterTransf".}
 proc foo(): Future[bool] {.async.} = discard
 proc test5(): Future[int] {.async.} =
diff --git a/tests/iter/tyieldintry.nim b/tests/iter/tyieldintry.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cb199c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/iter/tyieldintry.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+discard """
+targets: "c cpp"
+output: "ok"
+var closureIterResult = newSeq[int]()
+proc checkpoint(arg: int) =
+    closureIterResult.add(arg)
+    TestException = object of Exception
+    AnotherException = object of Exception
+proc testClosureIterAux(it: iterator(): int, exceptionExpected: bool, expectedResults: varargs[int]) =
+    closureIterResult.setLen(0)
+    var exceptionCaught = false
+    try:
+        for i in it():
+            closureIterResult.add(i)
+    except TestException:
+        exceptionCaught = true
+    if closureIterResult != @expectedResults or exceptionCaught != exceptionExpected:
+        if closureIterResult != @expectedResults:
+            echo "Expected: ", @expectedResults
+            echo "Actual: ", closureIterResult
+        if exceptionCaught != exceptionExpected:
+            echo "Expected exception: ", exceptionExpected
+            echo "Got exception: ", exceptionCaught
+        doAssert(false)
+proc test(it: iterator(): int, expectedResults: varargs[int]) =
+    testClosureIterAux(it, false, expectedResults)
+proc testExc(it: iterator(): int, expectedResults: varargs[int]) =
+    testClosureIterAux(it, true, expectedResults)
+proc raiseException() =
+    raise newException(TestException, "Test exception!")
+    iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+        var i = 5
+        while i != 0:
+            yield i
+            if i == 3:
+                yield 123
+            dec i
+    test(it, 5, 4, 3, 123, 2, 1)
+    iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+        yield 0
+        try:
+            checkpoint(1)
+            raiseException()
+        except TestException:
+            checkpoint(2)
+            yield 3
+            checkpoint(4)
+        finally:
+            checkpoint(5)
+        checkpoint(6)
+    test(it, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
+    iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+        yield 0
+        try:
+            yield 1
+            checkpoint(2)
+        finally:
+            checkpoint(3)
+            yield 4
+            checkpoint(5)
+            yield 6
+    test(it, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
+    iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+        yield 0
+        try:
+            yield 1
+            raiseException()
+            yield 2
+        finally:
+            checkpoint(3)
+            yield 4
+            checkpoint(5)
+            yield 6
+    testExc(it, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)
+    iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+        try:
+            try:
+                raiseException()
+            except AnotherException:
+                yield 123
+            finally:
+                checkpoint(3)
+        finally:
+            checkpoint(4)
+    testExc(it, 3, 4)
+    iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+        try:
+            yield 1
+            raiseException()
+        except AnotherException:
+            checkpoint(123)
+        finally:
+            checkpoint(2)
+        checkpoint(3)
+    testExc(it, 1, 2)
+    iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+        try:
+            yield 0
+            try:
+                yield 1
+                try:
+                    yield 2
+                    raiseException()
+                except AnotherException:
+                    yield 123
+                finally:
+                    yield 3
+            except AnotherException:
+                yield 124
+            finally:
+                yield 4
+            checkpoint(1234)
+        except:
+            yield 5
+            checkpoint(6)
+        finally:
+            checkpoint(7)
+            yield 8
+        checkpoint(9)
+    test(it, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
+    iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+        try:
+            yield 0
+            return 2
+        finally:
+            checkpoint(1)
+        checkpoint(123)
+    test(it, 0, 1)
+    iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+        try:
+            try:
+                yield 0
+                raiseException()
+            finally:
+                checkpoint(1)
+        except TestException:
+            yield 2
+            return
+        finally:
+            yield 3
+        checkpoint(123)
+    test(it, 0, 1, 2, 3)
+    iterator it(): int {.closure.} =
+        try:
+            try:
+                yield 0
+                raiseException()
+            finally:
+                return # Return in finally should stop exception propagation
+        except AnotherException:
+            yield 2
+            return
+        finally:
+            yield 3
+        checkpoint(123)
+    test(it, 0, 3)
+echo "ok"