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authorAndreas Rumpf <>2023-12-13 10:29:58 +0100
committerGitHub <>2023-12-13 10:29:58 +0100
commite51e98997ba0aae748ff51eea8133e83370a7df5 (patch)
parentdf6cb645f7834de0c43afe2deb023c3e01093503 (diff)
type refactoring: part 2 (#23059)
35 files changed, 422 insertions, 430 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ast.nim b/compiler/ast.nim
index ae38e55a5..ab46a02d6 100644
--- a/compiler/ast.nim
+++ b/compiler/ast.nim
@@ -1505,9 +1505,12 @@ proc setReturnType*(n, r: PType) {.inline.} = n.sons[0] = r
 proc setIndexType*(n, idx: PType) {.inline.} = n.sons[0] = idx
 proc firstParamType*(n: PType): PType {.inline.} = n.sons[1]
+proc firstGenericParam*(n: PType): PType {.inline.} = n.sons[1]
 proc typeBodyImpl*(n: PType): PType {.inline.} = n.sons[^1]
+proc genericHead*(n: PType): PType {.inline.} = n.sons[0]
 proc skipTypes*(t: PType, kinds: TTypeKinds): PType =
   ## Used throughout the compiler code to test whether a type tree contains or
   ## doesn't contain a specific type/types - it is often the case that only the
@@ -1579,26 +1582,19 @@ iterator items*(t: PType): PType =
 iterator pairs*(n: PType): tuple[i: int, n: PType] =
   for i in 0..<n.sons.len: yield (i, n.sons[i])
-proc newType*(kind: TTypeKind, idgen: IdGenerator; owner: PSym, sons: seq[PType] = @[]): PType =
+proc newType*(kind: TTypeKind; idgen: IdGenerator; owner: PSym; son: sink PType = nil): PType =
   let id = nextTypeId idgen
   result = PType(kind: kind, owner: owner, size: defaultSize,
                  align: defaultAlignment, itemId: id,
-                 uniqueId: id, sons: sons)
+                 uniqueId: id, sons: @[])
+  if son != nil: result.sons.add son
   when false:
     if result.itemId.module == 55 and result.itemId.item == 2:
       echo "KNID ", kind
-when false:
-  template newType*(kind: TTypeKind, id: IdGenerator; owner: PSym, parent: PType): PType =
-    newType(kind, id, owner, parent.sons)
-proc setSons*(dest: PType; sons: seq[PType]) {.inline.} = dest.sons = sons
-when false:
-  proc newType*(prev: PType, sons: seq[PType]): PType =
-    result = prev
-    result.sons = sons
+proc setSons*(dest: PType; sons: sink seq[PType]) {.inline.} = dest.sons = sons
+proc setSon*(dest: PType; son: sink PType) {.inline.} = dest.sons = @[son]
 proc mergeLoc(a: var TLoc, b: TLoc) =
   if a.k == low(typeof(a.k)): a.k = b.k
@@ -2029,23 +2025,21 @@ proc toVar*(typ: PType; kind: TTypeKind; idgen: IdGenerator): PType =
   ## returned. Otherwise ``typ`` is simply returned as-is.
   result = typ
   if typ.kind != kind:
-    result = newType(kind, idgen, typ.owner)
-    rawAddSon(result, typ)
+    result = newType(kind, idgen, typ.owner, typ)
 proc toRef*(typ: PType; idgen: IdGenerator): PType =
   ## If ``typ`` is a tyObject then it is converted into a `ref <typ>` and
   ## returned. Otherwise ``typ`` is simply returned as-is.
   result = typ
   if typ.skipTypes({tyAlias, tyGenericInst}).kind == tyObject:
-    result = newType(tyRef, idgen, typ.owner)
-    rawAddSon(result, typ)
+    result = newType(tyRef, idgen, typ.owner, typ)
 proc toObject*(typ: PType): PType =
   ## If ``typ`` is a tyRef then its immediate son is returned (which in many
   ## cases should be a ``tyObject``).
   ## Otherwise ``typ`` is simply returned as-is.
   let t = typ.skipTypes({tyAlias, tyGenericInst})
-  if t.kind == tyRef: t.last
+  if t.kind == tyRef: t.elementType
   else: typ
 proc toObjectFromRefPtrGeneric*(typ: PType): PType =
@@ -2075,11 +2069,7 @@ proc isImportedException*(t: PType; conf: ConfigRef): bool =
     return false
   let base = t.skipTypes({tyAlias, tyPtr, tyDistinct, tyGenericInst})
-  if base.sym != nil and {sfCompileToCpp, sfImportc} * base.sym.flags != {}:
-    result = true
-  else:
-    result = false
+  result = base.sym != nil and {sfCompileToCpp, sfImportc} * base.sym.flags != {}
 proc isInfixAs*(n: PNode): bool =
   return n.kind == nkInfix and n[0].kind == nkIdent and n[0] == ord(wAs)
diff --git a/compiler/astmsgs.nim b/compiler/astmsgs.nim
index a9027126a..c990b36e8 100644
--- a/compiler/astmsgs.nim
+++ b/compiler/astmsgs.nim
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import options, ast, msgs
 proc typSym*(t: PType): PSym =
   result = t.sym
   if result == nil and t.kind == tyGenericInst: # this might need to be refined
-    result = t[0].sym
+    result = t.genericHead.sym
 proc addDeclaredLoc*(result: var string, conf: ConfigRef; sym: PSym) =
   result.add " [$1 declared in $2]" % [sym.kind.toHumanStr, toFileLineCol(conf,]
diff --git a/compiler/ccgcalls.nim b/compiler/ccgcalls.nim
index c2887f00a..175100ff4 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgcalls.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgcalls.nim
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ proc openArrayLoc(p: BProc, formalType: PType, n: PNode; result: var Rope) =
         for i in 0..<q.len-1:
           genStmts(p, q[i])
         q = q.lastSon
-    let (x, y) = genOpenArraySlice(p, q, formalType, n.typ[0])
+    let (x, y) = genOpenArraySlice(p, q, formalType, n.typ.elementType)
     result.add x & ", " & y
     var a = initLocExpr(p, if n.kind == nkHiddenStdConv: n[1] else: n)
diff --git a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
index 750398092..7757c9419 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -3277,7 +3277,7 @@ proc getNullValueAux(p: BProc; t: PType; obj, constOrNil: PNode,
 proc getNullValueAuxT(p: BProc; orig, t: PType; obj, constOrNil: PNode,
                       result: var Rope; count: var int;
                       isConst: bool, info: TLineInfo) =
-  var base = t[0]
+  var base = t.baseClass
   let oldRes = result
   let oldcount = count
   if base != nil:
@@ -3426,7 +3426,7 @@ proc genBracedInit(p: BProc, n: PNode; isConst: bool; optionalType: PType; resul
       genConstSimpleList(p, n, isConst, data)
       let payload = getTempName(p.module)
-      let ctype = getTypeDesc(p.module, typ[0])
+      let ctype = getTypeDesc(p.module, typ.elementType)
       let arrLen = n.len
       appcg(p.module, cfsStrData,
         "static $5 $1 $3[$2] = $4;$n", [
diff --git a/compiler/ccgtrav.nim b/compiler/ccgtrav.nim
index 288398e32..d4db16018 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgtrav.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgtrav.nim
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ proc genTraverseProcSeq(c: TTraversalClosure, accessor: Rope, typ: PType) =
   lineF(p, cpsStmts, "for ($1 = 0; $1 < $2; $1++) {$n",
       [i.r, lenExpr(c.p, a)])
   let oldLen = p.s(cpsStmts).len
-  genTraverseProc(c, "$1$3[$2]" % [accessor, i.r, dataField(c.p)], typ[0])
+  genTraverseProc(c, "$1$3[$2]" % [accessor, i.r, dataField(c.p)], typ.elementType)
   if p.s(cpsStmts).len == oldLen:
     # do not emit dummy long loops for faster debug builds:
     p.s(cpsStmts) = oldCode
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ proc genTraverseProc(m: BModule, origTyp: PType; sig: SigHash): Rope =
   if typ.kind == tySequence:
     genTraverseProcSeq(c, "a".rope, typ)
-    if skipTypes(typ[0], typedescInst+{tyOwned}).kind == tyArray:
+    if skipTypes(typ.elementType, typedescInst+{tyOwned}).kind == tyArray:
       # C's arrays are broken beyond repair:
-      genTraverseProc(c, "a".rope, typ[0])
+      genTraverseProc(c, "a".rope, typ.elementType)
-      genTraverseProc(c, "(*a)".rope, typ[0])
+      genTraverseProc(c, "(*a)".rope, typ.elementType)
   let generatedProc = "$1 {$n$2$3$4}\n" %
         [header, p.s(cpsLocals), p.s(cpsInit), p.s(cpsStmts)]
diff --git a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
index 751a1fecb..3d7aa3088 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ proc getSimpleTypeDesc(m: BModule; typ: PType): Rope =
   of tyNil: result = typeNameOrLiteral(m, typ, "void*")
   of tyInt..tyUInt64:
     result = typeNameOrLiteral(m, typ, NumericalTypeToStr[typ.kind])
-  of tyDistinct, tyRange, tyOrdinal: result = getSimpleTypeDesc(m, typ[0])
+  of tyDistinct, tyRange, tyOrdinal: result = getSimpleTypeDesc(m, typ.skipModifier)
   of tyStatic:
     if typ.n != nil: result = getSimpleTypeDesc(m, skipModifier typ)
@@ -884,13 +884,13 @@ proc resolveStarsInCppType(typ: PType, idx, stars: int): PType =
 proc getOpenArrayDesc(m: BModule; t: PType, check: var IntSet; kind: TypeDescKind): Rope =
   let sig = hashType(t, m.config)
   if kind == dkParam:
-    result = getTypeDescWeak(m, t[0], check, kind) & "*"
+    result = getTypeDescWeak(m, t.elementType, check, kind) & "*"
     result = cacheGetType(m.typeCache, sig)
     if result == "":
       result = getTypeName(m, t, sig)
       m.typeCache[sig] = result
-      let elemType = getTypeDescWeak(m, t[0], check, kind)
+      let elemType = getTypeDescWeak(m, t.elementType, check, kind)
       m.s[cfsTypes].addf("typedef struct {$n$2* Field0;$nNI Field1;$n} $1;$n",
                          [result, elemType])
diff --git a/compiler/cgen.nim b/compiler/cgen.nim
index b6456a7b8..b18ddb63c 100644
--- a/compiler/cgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgen.nim
@@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ proc genProcAux*(m: BModule, prc: PSym) =
       fillLoc(resNode.sym.loc, locParam, resNode, "this", OnHeap)
       fillResult(p.config, resNode, prc.typ)
-      assignParam(p, res, prc.typ[0])
+      assignParam(p, res, prc.typ.returnType)
       # We simplify 'unsureAsgn(result, nil); unsureAsgn(result, x)'
       # to 'unsureAsgn(result, x)'
       # Sketch why this is correct: If 'result' points to a stack location
diff --git a/compiler/jstypes.nim b/compiler/jstypes.nim
index a1698edf6..d980f9989 100644
--- a/compiler/jstypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/jstypes.nim
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ proc genTypeInfo(p: PProc, typ: PType): Rope =
               [result, rope(ord(t.kind))]
     prepend(p.g.typeInfo, s)
     p.g.typeInfo.addf("$1.base = $2;$n",
-         [result, genTypeInfo(p, t[1])])
+         [result, genTypeInfo(p, t.elementType)])
   of tyEnum: genEnumInfo(p, t, result)
   of tyObject: genObjectInfo(p, t, result)
   of tyTuple: genTupleInfo(p, t, result)
diff --git a/compiler/lowerings.nim b/compiler/lowerings.nim
index 0ed4c436f..2c9c4cb32 100644
--- a/compiler/lowerings.nim
+++ b/compiler/lowerings.nim
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ proc newDotExpr*(obj, b: PSym): PNode =
 proc indirectAccess*(a: PNode, b: ItemId, info: TLineInfo): PNode =
   # returns a[].b as a node
   var deref = newNodeI(nkHiddenDeref, info)
-  deref.typ = a.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst)[0]
+  deref.typ = a.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst).elementType
   var t = deref.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst)
   var field: PSym
   while true:
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ proc indirectAccess*(a: PNode, b: ItemId, info: TLineInfo): PNode =
 proc indirectAccess*(a: PNode, b: string, info: TLineInfo; cache: IdentCache): PNode =
   # returns a[].b as a node
   var deref = newNodeI(nkHiddenDeref, info)
-  deref.typ = a.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst)[0]
+  deref.typ = a.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst).elementType
   var t = deref.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst)
   var field: PSym
   let bb = getIdent(cache, b)
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ proc getFieldFromObj*(t: PType; v: PSym): PSym =
     assert t.kind == tyObject
     result = lookupInRecord(t.n, v.itemId)
     if result != nil: break
-    t = t[0]
+    t = t.baseClass
     if t == nil: break
     t = t.skipTypes(skipPtrs)
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ proc genAddrOf*(n: PNode; idgen: IdGenerator; typeKind = tyPtr): PNode =
 proc genDeref*(n: PNode; k = nkHiddenDeref): PNode =
   result = newNodeIT(k,,
-                     n.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst)[0])
+                     n.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst).elementType)
   result.add n
 proc callCodegenProc*(g: ModuleGraph; name: string;
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ proc callCodegenProc*(g: ModuleGraph; name: string;
     if optionalArgs != nil:
       for i in 1..<optionalArgs.len-2:
         result.add optionalArgs[i]
-    result.typ = sym.typ[0]
+    result.typ = sym.typ.returnType
 proc newIntLit*(g: ModuleGraph; info: TLineInfo; value: BiggestInt): PNode =
   result = nkIntLit.newIntNode(value)
diff --git a/compiler/nir/ast2ir.nim b/compiler/nir/ast2ir.nim
index 1730181f3..907d45013 100644
--- a/compiler/nir/ast2ir.nim
+++ b/compiler/nir/ast2ir.nim
@@ -2397,9 +2397,9 @@ proc genParams(c: var ProcCon; params: PNode; prc: PSym): PSym =
     result = resNode.sym # get result symbol
     c.code.addSummon toLineInfo(c,, toSymId(c, result),
       typeToIr(c.m, result.typ), SummonResult
-  elif prc.typ.len > 0 and not isEmptyType(prc.typ[0]) and not isCompileTimeOnly(prc.typ[0]):
+  elif prc.typ.len > 0 and not isEmptyType(prc.typ.returnType) and not isCompileTimeOnly(prc.typ.returnType):
     # happens for procs without bodies:
-    let t = typeToIr(c.m, prc.typ[0])
+    let t = typeToIr(c.m, prc.typ.returnType)
     let tmp = allocTemp(c, t)
     c.code.addSummon toLineInfo(c,, tmp, t, SummonResult
diff --git a/compiler/nir/types2ir.nim b/compiler/nir/types2ir.nim
index aa8bcc12f..cdadc4f0d 100644
--- a/compiler/nir/types2ir.nim
+++ b/compiler/nir/types2ir.nim
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ proc objectToIr(c: var TypesCon; g: var TypeGraph; n: PNode; fieldTypes: Table[I
     assert false, "unknown node kind: " & $n.kind
 proc objectToIr(c: var TypesCon; g: var TypeGraph; t: PType): TypeId =
-  if t[0] != nil:
+  if t.baseClass != nil:
     # ensure we emitted the base type:
-    discard typeToIr(c, g, t[0])
+    discard typeToIr(c, g, t.baseClass)
   var unionId = 0
   var fieldTypes = initTable[ItemId, TypeId]()
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ proc objectToIr(c: var TypesCon; g: var TypeGraph; t: PType): TypeId =
   g.addSize c.conf.getSize(t)
   g.addAlign c.conf.getAlign(t)
-  if t[0] != nil:
-    g.addNominalType(ObjectTy, mangle(c, t[0]))
+  if t.baseClass != nil:
+    g.addNominalType(ObjectTy, mangle(c, t.baseClass))
     g.addBuiltinType VoidId # object does not inherit
     if not lacksMTypeField(t):
diff --git a/compiler/pipelines.nim b/compiler/pipelines.nim
index 91f3428be..7f318d6f1 100644
--- a/compiler/pipelines.nim
+++ b/compiler/pipelines.nim
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ proc processPipelineModule*(graph: ModuleGraph; module: PSym; idgen: IdGenerator
       if graph.dispatchers.len > 0:
         let ctx = preparePContext(graph, module, idgen)
         for disp in getDispatchers(graph):
-          let retTyp = disp.typ[0]
+          let retTyp = disp.typ.returnType
           if retTyp != nil:
             # TODO: properly semcheck the code of dispatcher?
             createTypeBoundOps(graph, ctx, retTyp,, idgen)
diff --git a/compiler/sem.nim b/compiler/sem.nim
index d63fa56c9..47b9600f5 100644
--- a/compiler/sem.nim
+++ b/compiler/sem.nim
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ proc semAfterMacroCall(c: PContext, call, macroResult: PNode,
         result = semExpr(c, result, flags, expectedType)
         result = fitNode(c, retType, result,
-      #globalError(, errInvalidParamKindX, typeToString(s.typ[0]))
+      #globalError(, errInvalidParamKindX, typeToString(s.typ.returnType))
   discard c.friendModules.pop()
diff --git a/compiler/semcall.nim b/compiler/semcall.nim
index 6904e6bbc..c9f407b12 100644
--- a/compiler/semcall.nim
+++ b/compiler/semcall.nim
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ proc instGenericConvertersArg*(c: PContext, a: PNode, x: TCandidate) =
       let finalCallee = generateInstance(c, s, x.bindings,
       a[0].sym = finalCallee
       a[0].typ = finalCallee.typ
-      #a.typ = finalCallee.typ[0]
+      #a.typ = finalCallee.typ.returnType
 proc instGenericConvertersSons*(c: PContext, n: PNode, x: TCandidate) =
   assert n.kind in nkCallKinds
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ proc explicitGenericSym(c: PContext, n: PNode, s: PSym): PNode =
     if formal.kind == tyStatic and arg.kind != tyStatic:
       let evaluated = c.semTryConstExpr(c, n[i])
       if evaluated != nil:
-        arg = newTypeS(tyStatic, c, sons = @[evaluated.typ])
+        arg = newTypeS(tyStatic, c, son = evaluated.typ)
         arg.n = evaluated
     let tm = typeRel(m, formal, arg)
     if tm in {isNone, isConvertible}: return nil
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ proc searchForBorrowProc(c: PContext, startScope: PScope, fn: PSym): tuple[s: PS
     t = skipTypes(param.typ, desiredTypes)
     isDistinct = t.kind == tyDistinct or param.typ.kind == tyDistinct
-    if t.kind == tyGenericInvocation and t[0].last.kind == tyDistinct:
+    if t.kind == tyGenericInvocation and t.genericHead.last.kind == tyDistinct:
       result.state = bsGeneric
     if isDistinct: hasDistinct = true
diff --git a/compiler/semdata.nim b/compiler/semdata.nim
index e56cfc944..c066e3a7b 100644
--- a/compiler/semdata.nim
+++ b/compiler/semdata.nim
@@ -396,12 +396,11 @@ proc addToLib*(lib: PLib, sym: PSym) =
   #  LocalError(, errInvalidPragma)
   sym.annex = lib
-proc newTypeS*(kind: TTypeKind, c: PContext, sons: seq[PType] = @[]): PType =
-  result = newType(kind, c.idgen, getCurrOwner(c), sons = sons)
+proc newTypeS*(kind: TTypeKind; c: PContext; son: sink PType = nil): PType =
+  result = newType(kind, c.idgen, getCurrOwner(c), son = son)
 proc makePtrType*(owner: PSym, baseType: PType; idgen: IdGenerator): PType =
-  result = newType(tyPtr, idgen, owner)
-  addSonSkipIntLit(result, baseType, idgen)
+  result = newType(tyPtr, idgen, owner, skipIntLit(baseType, idgen))
 proc makePtrType*(c: PContext, baseType: PType): PType =
   makePtrType(getCurrOwner(c), baseType, c.idgen)
@@ -414,15 +413,13 @@ proc makeTypeWithModifier*(c: PContext,
   if modifier in {tyVar, tyLent, tyTypeDesc} and baseType.kind == modifier:
     result = baseType
-    result = newTypeS(modifier, c)
-    addSonSkipIntLit(result, baseType, c.idgen)
+    result = newTypeS(modifier, c, skipIntLit(baseType, c.idgen))
 proc makeVarType*(c: PContext, baseType: PType; kind = tyVar): PType =
   if baseType.kind == kind:
     result = baseType
-    result = newTypeS(kind, c)
-    addSonSkipIntLit(result, baseType, c.idgen)
+    result = newTypeS(kind, c, skipIntLit(baseType, c.idgen))
 proc makeTypeSymNode*(c: PContext, typ: PType, info: TLineInfo): PNode =
   let typedesc = newTypeS(tyTypeDesc, c)
@@ -438,31 +435,35 @@ proc makeTypeFromExpr*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PType =
   assert n != nil
   result.n = n
-proc newTypeWithSons*(owner: PSym, kind: TTypeKind, sons: seq[PType];
-                      idgen: IdGenerator): PType =
-  result = newType(kind, idgen, owner, sons = sons)
+when false:
+  proc newTypeWithSons*(owner: PSym, kind: TTypeKind, sons: seq[PType];
+                        idgen: IdGenerator): PType =
+    result = newType(kind, idgen, owner, sons = sons)
-proc newTypeWithSons*(c: PContext, kind: TTypeKind,
-                      sons: seq[PType]): PType =
-  result = newType(kind, c.idgen, getCurrOwner(c), sons = sons)
+  proc newTypeWithSons*(c: PContext, kind: TTypeKind,
+                        sons: seq[PType]): PType =
+    result = newType(kind, c.idgen, getCurrOwner(c), sons = sons)
 proc makeStaticExpr*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
   result = newNodeI(nkStaticExpr,
   result.sons = @[n]
   result.typ = if n.typ != nil and n.typ.kind == tyStatic: n.typ
-               else: newTypeWithSons(c, tyStatic, @[n.typ])
+               else: newTypeS(tyStatic, c, n.typ)
 proc makeAndType*(c: PContext, t1, t2: PType): PType =
-  result = newTypeS(tyAnd, c, sons = @[t1, t2])
+  result = newTypeS(tyAnd, c)
+  result.rawAddSon t1
+  result.rawAddSon t2
   propagateToOwner(result, t1)
   propagateToOwner(result, t2)
   result.flags.incl((t1.flags + t2.flags) * {tfHasStatic})
   result.flags.incl tfHasMeta
 proc makeOrType*(c: PContext, t1, t2: PType): PType =
   if t1.kind != tyOr and t2.kind != tyOr:
-    result = newTypeS(tyOr, c, sons = @[t1, t2])
+    result = newTypeS(tyOr, c)
+    result.rawAddSon t1
+    result.rawAddSon t2
     result = newTypeS(tyOr, c)
     template addOr(t1) =
@@ -478,7 +479,7 @@ proc makeOrType*(c: PContext, t1, t2: PType): PType =
   result.flags.incl tfHasMeta
 proc makeNotType*(c: PContext, t1: PType): PType =
-  result = newTypeS(tyNot, c, sons = @[t1])
+  result = newTypeS(tyNot, c, son = t1)
   propagateToOwner(result, t1)
   result.flags.incl(t1.flags * {tfHasStatic})
   result.flags.incl tfHasMeta
@@ -489,7 +490,7 @@ proc nMinusOne(c: PContext; n: PNode): PNode =
 # Remember to fix the procs below this one when you make changes!
 proc makeRangeWithStaticExpr*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PType =
   let intType = getSysType(c.graph,, tyInt)
-  result = newTypeS(tyRange, c, sons = @[intType])
+  result = newTypeS(tyRange, c, son = intType)
   if n.typ != nil and n.typ.n == nil:
     result.flags.incl tfUnresolved
   result.n = newTreeI(nkRange,, newIntTypeNode(0, intType),
@@ -549,9 +550,8 @@ proc makeTypeDesc*(c: PContext, typ: PType): PType =
   if typ.kind == tyTypeDesc and not isSelf(typ):
     result = typ
-    result = newTypeS(tyTypeDesc, c)
+    result = newTypeS(tyTypeDesc, c, skipIntLit(typ, c.idgen))
     incl result.flags, tfCheckedForDestructor
-    result.addSonSkipIntLit(typ, c.idgen)
 proc symFromType*(c: PContext; t: PType, info: TLineInfo): PSym =
   if t.sym != nil: return t.sym
diff --git a/compiler/semexprs.nim b/compiler/semexprs.nim
index d20ac92ca..c39bbc683 100644
--- a/compiler/semexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/semexprs.nim
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ proc semConv(c: PContext, n: PNode; flags: TExprFlags = {}, expectedType: PType
   if targetType.kind in {tySink, tyLent} or isOwnedSym(c, n[0]):
     let baseType = semTypeNode(c, n[1], nil).skipTypes({tyTypeDesc})
-    let t = newTypeS(targetType.kind, c, @[baseType])
+    let t = newTypeS(targetType.kind, c, baseType)
     if targetType.kind == tyOwned:
       t.flags.incl tfHasOwned
     result = newNodeI(nkType,
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ proc fixupStaticType(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
   # apply this measure only in code that is enlightened to work
   # with static types.
   if n.typ.kind != tyStatic:
-    n.typ = newTypeWithSons(getCurrOwner(c), tyStatic, @[n.typ], c.idgen)
+    n.typ = newTypeS(tyStatic, c, n.typ)
     n.typ.n = n # XXX: cycles like the one here look dangerous.
                 # Consider using `n.copyTree`
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ proc evalAtCompileTime(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
         if n[i].typ.isNil or n[i].typ.kind != tyStatic or
             tfUnresolved notin n[i].typ.flags:
           break maybeLabelAsStatic
-      n.typ = newTypeWithSons(c, tyStatic, @[n.typ])
+      n.typ = newTypeS(tyStatic, c, n.typ)
       n.typ.flags.incl tfUnresolved
   # optimization pass: not necessary for correctness of the semantic pass
@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ proc afterCallActions(c: PContext; n, orig: PNode, flags: TExprFlags; expectedTy
       result = magicsAfterOverloadResolution(c, result, flags, expectedType)
     when false:
       if result.typ != nil and
-          not (result.typ.kind == tySequence and result.typ[0].kind == tyEmpty):
+          not (result.typ.kind == tySequence and result.elementType.kind == tyEmpty):
         liftTypeBoundOps(c, result.typ,
     #result = patchResolvedTypeBoundOp(c, result)
   if c.matchedConcept == nil:
@@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ proc readTypeParameter(c: PContext, typ: PType,
   if typ.kind != tyUserTypeClass:
-    let ty = if typ.kind == tyCompositeTypeClass: typ[1].skipGenericAlias
+    let ty = if typ.kind == tyCompositeTypeClass: typ.firstGenericParam.skipGenericAlias
              else: typ.skipGenericAlias
     let tbody = ty[0]
     for s in 0..<tbody.len-1:
@@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@ proc semSym(c: PContext, n: PNode, sym: PSym, flags: TExprFlags): PNode =
     onUse(, s)
     let typ = skipTypes(s.typ, abstractInst-{tyTypeDesc})
     case typ.kind
-    of  tyNil, tyChar, tyInt..tyInt64, tyFloat..tyFloat128,
+    of tyNil, tyChar, tyInt..tyInt64, tyFloat..tyFloat128,
         tyTuple, tySet, tyUInt..tyUInt64:
       if s.magic == mNone: result = inlineConst(c, n, s)
       else: result = newSymNode(s,
@@ -2066,7 +2066,7 @@ proc semYield(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
       semYieldVarResult(c, n, restype)
       localError(c.config,, errCannotReturnExpr)
-  elif c.p.owner.typ[0] != nil:
+  elif c.p.owner.typ.returnType != nil:
     localError(c.config,, errGenerated, "yield statement must yield a value")
 proc considerQuotedIdentOrDot(c: PContext, n: PNode, origin: PNode = nil): PIdent =
@@ -3132,7 +3132,7 @@ proc semExpr(c: PContext, n: PNode, flags: TExprFlags = {}, expectedType: PType
       let modifier = n.modifierTypeKindOfNode
       if modifier != tyNone:
         var baseType = semExpr(c, n[0]).typ.skipTypes({tyTypeDesc})
-        result.typ = c.makeTypeDesc(c.newTypeWithSons(modifier, @[baseType]))
+        result.typ = c.makeTypeDesc(newTypeS(modifier, c, baseType))
     var typ = semTypeNode(c, n, nil).skipTypes({tyTypeDesc})
     result.typ = makeTypeDesc(c, typ)
diff --git a/compiler/seminst.nim b/compiler/seminst.nim
index 085769bdd..c64c120d6 100644
--- a/compiler/seminst.nim
+++ b/compiler/seminst.nim
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ proc instantiateBody(c: PContext, n, params: PNode, result, orig: PSym) =
         if result.kind == skMacro:
           sysTypeFromName(c.graph,, "NimNode")
         elif not isInlineIterator(result.typ):
-          result.typ[0]
+          result.typ.returnType
       b = semProcBody(c, b, resultType)
@@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ proc fillMixinScope(c: PContext) =
         addSym(c.currentScope, n.sym)
     p =
-proc getLocalPassC(c: PContext, s: PSym): string = 
-  if s.ast == nil or s.ast.len == 0: return "" 
+proc getLocalPassC(c: PContext, s: PSym): string =
+  if s.ast == nil or s.ast.len == 0: return ""
   result = ""
   template extractPassc(p: PNode) =
     if p.kind == nkPragma and p[0][0].ident == c.cache.getIdent"localpassc":
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ proc getLocalPassC(c: PContext, s: PSym): string =
   for n in s.ast:
     for p in n:
 proc generateInstance(c: PContext, fn: PSym, pt: TIdTable,
                       info: TLineInfo): PSym =
   ## Generates a new instance of a generic procedure.
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ proc generateInstance(c: PContext, fn: PSym, pt: TIdTable,
     let passc = getLocalPassC(c, producer)
     if passc != "": #pass the local compiler options to the consumer module too
       extccomp.addLocalCompileOption(c.config, passc, toFullPathConsiderDirty(c.config,
-    result.owner = c.module 
+    result.owner = c.module
     result.owner = fn
   result.ast = n
diff --git a/compiler/semmacrosanity.nim b/compiler/semmacrosanity.nim
index 9e84e7c62..01b79c1bc 100644
--- a/compiler/semmacrosanity.nim
+++ b/compiler/semmacrosanity.nim
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ proc annotateType*(n: PNode, t: PType; conf: ConfigRef) =
         of nkStrKinds:
           for i in left..right:
             bracketExpr.add newIntNode(nkCharLit, BiggestInt n[0].strVal[i])
-            annotateType(bracketExpr[^1], t[0], conf)
+            annotateType(bracketExpr[^1], x.elementType, conf)
         of nkBracket:
           for i in left..right:
             bracketExpr.add n[0][i]
-            annotateType(bracketExpr[^1], t[0], conf)
+            annotateType(bracketExpr[^1], x.elementType, conf)
           globalError(conf,, "Incorrectly generated tuple constr")
         n[] = bracketExpr[]
diff --git a/compiler/semmagic.nim b/compiler/semmagic.nim
index bf8375adf..c36a9ede1 100644
--- a/compiler/semmagic.nim
+++ b/compiler/semmagic.nim
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ proc uninstantiate(t: PType): PType =
   result = case t.kind
     of tyMagicGenerics: t
     of tyUserDefinedGenerics: t.base
-    of tyCompositeTypeClass: uninstantiate t[1]
+    of tyCompositeTypeClass: uninstantiate t.firstGenericParam
     else: t
 proc getTypeDescNode(c: PContext; typ: PType, sym: PSym, info: TLineInfo): PNode =
@@ -140,6 +140,14 @@ proc getTypeDescNode(c: PContext; typ: PType, sym: PSym, info: TLineInfo): PNode
   rawAddSon(resType, typ)
   result = toNode(resType, info)
+proc buildBinaryPredicate(kind: TTypeKind; c: PContext; context: PSym; a, b: sink PType): PType =
+  result = newType(kind, c.idgen, context)
+  result.rawAddSon a
+  result.rawAddSon b
+proc buildNotPredicate(c: PContext; context: PSym; a: sink PType): PType =
+  result = newType(tyNot, c.idgen, context, a)
 proc evalTypeTrait(c: PContext; traitCall: PNode, operand: PType, context: PSym): PNode =
   const skippedTypes = {tyTypeDesc, tyAlias, tySink}
   let trait = traitCall[0]
@@ -149,20 +157,17 @@ proc evalTypeTrait(c: PContext; traitCall: PNode, operand: PType, context: PSym)
   template operand2: PType =
-  template typeWithSonsResult(kind, sons): PNode =
-    newTypeWithSons(context, kind, sons, c.idgen).toNode(
   if operand.kind == tyGenericParam or (traitCall.len > 2 and operand2.kind == tyGenericParam):
     return traitCall  ## too early to evaluate
   let s =
   case s
   of "or", "|":
-    return typeWithSonsResult(tyOr, @[operand, operand2])
+    return buildBinaryPredicate(tyOr, c, context, operand, operand2).toNode(
   of "and":
-    return typeWithSonsResult(tyAnd, @[operand, operand2])
+    return buildBinaryPredicate(tyAnd, c, context, operand, operand2).toNode(
   of "not":
-    return typeWithSonsResult(tyNot, @[operand])
+    return buildNotPredicate(c, context, operand).toNode(
   of "typeToString":
     var prefer = preferTypeName
     if traitCall.len >= 2:
@@ -532,7 +537,7 @@ proc semNewFinalize(c: PContext; n: PNode): PNode =
   result = addDefaultFieldForNew(c, n)
 proc semPrivateAccess(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
-  let t = n[1].typ[0].toObjectFromRefPtrGeneric
+  let t = n[1].typ.elementType.toObjectFromRefPtrGeneric
   if t.kind == tyObject:
     assert t.sym != nil
     c.currentScope.allowPrivateAccess.add t.sym
@@ -668,7 +673,8 @@ proc magicsAfterOverloadResolution(c: PContext, n: PNode,
     result = semPrivateAccess(c, n)
   of mArrToSeq:
     result = n
-    if result.typ != nil and expectedType != nil and result.typ.kind == tySequence and expectedType.kind == tySequence and result.typ[0].kind == tyEmpty:
+    if result.typ != nil and expectedType != nil and result.typ.kind == tySequence and
+        expectedType.kind == tySequence and result.typ.elementType.kind == tyEmpty:
       result.typ = expectedType # type inference for empty sequence # bug #21377
   of mEnsureMove:
     result = n
diff --git a/compiler/semobjconstr.nim b/compiler/semobjconstr.nim
index ae254f45b..96f7658df 100644
--- a/compiler/semobjconstr.nim
+++ b/compiler/semobjconstr.nim
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ proc semConstructTypeAux(c: PContext,
     result.defaults.add defaults
     if status in {initPartial, initNone, initUnknown}:
       discard collectMissingFields(c, t.n, constrCtx, result.defaults)
-    let base = t[0]
+    let base = t.baseClass
     if base == nil or == or
         base.kind in {tyRef, tyPtr} and ==
diff --git a/compiler/semparallel.nim b/compiler/semparallel.nim
index d5fc72760..e9ba04e8b 100644
--- a/compiler/semparallel.nim
+++ b/compiler/semparallel.nim
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ proc transformSlices(g: ModuleGraph; idgen: IdGenerator; n: PNode): PNode =
     if == "[]" and op.fromSystem:
       result = copyNode(n)
       var typ = newType(tyOpenArray, idgen, result.typ.owner)
-      typ.add result.typ[0]
+      typ.add result.typ.elementType
       result.typ = typ
       let opSlice = newSymNode(createMagic(g, idgen, "slice", mSlice))
       opSlice.typ = getSysType(g,, tyInt)
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ proc transformSpawn(g: ModuleGraph; idgen: IdGenerator; owner: PSym; n, barrier:
         if result.isNil:
           result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
           result.add n
-        let t = b[1][0].typ[0]
+        let t = b[1][0].typ.returnType
         if spawnResult(t, true) == srByVar:
           result.add wrapProcForSpawn(g, idgen, owner, m, b.typ, barrier, it[0])
           it[^1] = newNodeI(nkEmpty,
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ proc transformSpawn(g: ModuleGraph; idgen: IdGenerator; owner: PSym; n, barrier:
     if result.isNil: result = n
   of nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn, nkSinkAsgn:
     let b = n[1]
-    if getMagic(b) == mSpawn and (let t = b[1][0].typ[0];
+    if getMagic(b) == mSpawn and (let t = b[1][0].typ.returnType;
         spawnResult(t, true) == srByVar):
       let m = transformSlices(g, idgen, b)
       return wrapProcForSpawn(g, idgen, owner, m, b.typ, barrier, n[0])
diff --git a/compiler/sempass2.nim b/compiler/sempass2.nim
index 448f4d26a..8fc218955 100644
--- a/compiler/sempass2.nim
+++ b/compiler/sempass2.nim
@@ -24,9 +24,6 @@ when defined(useDfa):
 import liftdestructors
 include sinkparameter_inference
-import std/options as opt
 #[ Second semantic checking pass over the AST. Necessary because the old
    way had some inherent problems. Performs:
@@ -94,29 +91,26 @@ const
   errXCannotBeAssignedTo = "'$1' cannot be assigned to"
   errLetNeedsInit = "'let' symbol requires an initialization"
-proc getObjDepth(t: PType): Option[tuple[depth: int, root: ItemId]] =
+proc getObjDepth(t: PType): (int, ItemId) =
   var x = t
-  var res: tuple[depth: int, root: ItemId]
-  res.depth = -1
+  result = (-1, default(ItemId))
   var stack = newSeq[ItemId]()
   while x != nil:
     x = skipTypes(x, skipPtrs)
     if x.kind != tyObject:
-      return none(tuple[depth: int, root: ItemId])
+      return (-3, default(ItemId))
     stack.add x.itemId
-    x = x[0]
-    inc(res.depth)
-  res.root = stack[^2]
-  result = some(res)
+    x = x.baseClass
+    inc(result[0])
+  result[1] = stack[^2]
 proc collectObjectTree(graph: ModuleGraph, n: PNode) =
   for section in n:
     if section.kind == nkTypeDef and section[^1].kind in {nkObjectTy, nkRefTy, nkPtrTy}:
       let typ = section[^1].typ.skipTypes(skipPtrs)
-      if typ.len > 0 and typ[0] != nil:
-        let depthItem = getObjDepth(typ)
-        if isSome(depthItem):
-          let (depthLevel, root) = depthItem.unsafeGet
+      if typ.kind == tyObject and typ.baseClass != nil:
+        let (depthLevel, root) = getObjDepth(typ)
+        if depthLevel != -3:
           if depthLevel == 1:
             graph.objectTree[root] = @[]
diff --git a/compiler/semstmts.nim b/compiler/semstmts.nim
index 3104f3158..22e863c5c 100644
--- a/compiler/semstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/semstmts.nim
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ proc typeSectionLeftSidePass(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
     inc i
 proc checkCovariantParamsUsages(c: PContext; genericType: PType) =
-  var body = genericType[^1]
+  var body = genericType.typeBodyImpl
   proc traverseSubTypes(c: PContext; t: PType): bool =
     template error(msg) = localError(c.config,, msg)
@@ -1360,7 +1360,7 @@ proc checkCovariantParamsUsages(c: PContext; genericType: PType) =
       for field in t.n:
         subresult traverseSubTypes(c, field.typ)
     of tyArray:
-      return traverseSubTypes(c, t[1])
+      return traverseSubTypes(c, t.elementType)
     of tyProc:
       for subType in t:
         if subType != nil:
@@ -1368,9 +1368,9 @@ proc checkCovariantParamsUsages(c: PContext; genericType: PType) =
       if result:
         error("non-invariant type param used in a proc type: " & $t)
     of tySequence:
-      return traverseSubTypes(c, t[0])
+      return traverseSubTypes(c, t.elementType)
     of tyGenericInvocation:
-      let targetBody = t[0]
+      let targetBody = t.genericHead
       for i in 1..<t.len:
         let param = t[i]
         if param.kind == tyGenericParam:
@@ -1439,7 +1439,11 @@ proc typeSectionRightSidePass(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
       # we fill it out later. For magic generics like 'seq', it won't be filled
       # so we use tyNone instead of nil to not crash for strange conversions
       # like: mydata.seq
-      rawAddSon(s.typ, newTypeS(tyNone, c))
+      if s.typ.kind in {tyOpenArray, tyVarargs} and s.typ.len == 1:
+        # XXX investigate why `tySequence` cannot be added here for now.
+        discard
+      else:
+        rawAddSon(s.typ, newTypeS(tyNone, c))
       s.ast = a
       inc c.inGenericContext
       var body = semTypeNode(c, a[2], s.typ)
@@ -1544,7 +1548,7 @@ proc typeSectionRightSidePass(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
 proc checkForMetaFields(c: PContext; n: PNode) =
   proc checkMeta(c: PContext; n: PNode; t: PType) =
     if t != nil and t.isMetaType and tfGenericTypeParam notin t.flags:
-      if t.kind == tyBuiltInTypeClass and t.len == 1 and t[0].kind == tyProc:
+      if t.kind == tyBuiltInTypeClass and t.len == 1 and t.elementType.kind == tyProc:
         localError(c.config,, ("'$1' is not a concrete type; " &
           "for a callback without parameters use 'proc()'") % t.typeToString)
@@ -1873,20 +1877,20 @@ proc whereToBindTypeHook(c: PContext; t: PType): PType =
 proc bindDupHook(c: PContext; s: PSym; n: PNode; op: TTypeAttachedOp) =
   let t = s.typ
   var noError = false
-  let cond = t.len == 2 and t[0] != nil
+  let cond = t.len == 2 and t.returnType != nil
   if cond:
-    var obj = t[1]
+    var obj = t.firstParamType
     while true:
       incl(obj.flags, tfHasAsgn)
       if obj.kind in {tyGenericBody, tyGenericInst}: obj = obj.skipModifier
-      elif obj.kind == tyGenericInvocation: obj = obj[0]
+      elif obj.kind == tyGenericInvocation: obj = obj.genericHead
       else: break
-    var res = t[0]
+    var res = t.returnType
     while true:
       if res.kind in {tyGenericBody, tyGenericInst}: res = res.skipModifier
-      elif res.kind == tyGenericInvocation: res = res[0]
+      elif res.kind == tyGenericInvocation: res = res.genericHead
       else: break
     if obj.kind in {tyObject, tyDistinct, tySequence, tyString} and sameType(obj, res):
@@ -1915,21 +1919,21 @@ proc bindTypeHook(c: PContext; s: PSym; n: PNode; op: TTypeAttachedOp; suppressV
   var noError = false
   let cond = case op
              of attachedWasMoved:
-               t.len == 2 and t[0] == nil and t[1].kind == tyVar
+               t.len == 2 and t.returnType == nil and t.firstParamType.kind == tyVar
              of attachedTrace:
-               t.len == 3 and t[0] == nil and t[1].kind == tyVar and t[2].kind == tyPointer
+               t.len == 3 and t.returnType == nil and t.firstParamType.kind == tyVar and t[2].kind == tyPointer
-               t.len >= 2 and t[0] == nil
+               t.len >= 2 and t.returnType == nil
   if cond:
-    var obj = t[1].skipTypes({tyVar})
+    var obj = t.firstParamType.skipTypes({tyVar})
     while true:
       incl(obj.flags, tfHasAsgn)
       if obj.kind in {tyGenericBody, tyGenericInst}: obj = obj.skipModifier
-      elif obj.kind == tyGenericInvocation: obj = obj[0]
+      elif obj.kind == tyGenericInvocation: obj = obj.genericHead
       else: break
     if obj.kind in {tyObject, tyDistinct, tySequence, tyString}:
-      if (not suppressVarDestructorWarning) and op == attachedDestructor and t[1].kind == tyVar:
+      if (not suppressVarDestructorWarning) and op == attachedDestructor and t.firstParamType.kind == tyVar:
         message(c.config,, warnDeprecated, "A custom '=destroy' hook which takes a 'var T' parameter is deprecated; it should take a 'T' parameter")
       obj = canonType(c, obj)
       let ao = getAttachedOp(c.graph, obj, op)
@@ -1976,7 +1980,7 @@ proc semOverride(c: PContext, s: PSym, n: PNode) =
       var t = s.typ.firstParamType.skipTypes(abstractInst).elementType.skipTypes(abstractInst)
       while true:
         if t.kind == tyGenericBody: t = t.typeBodyImpl
-        elif t.kind == tyGenericInvocation: t = t[0]
+        elif t.kind == tyGenericInvocation: t = t.genericHead
         else: break
       if t.kind in {tyObject, tyDistinct, tyEnum, tySequence, tyString}:
         if getAttachedOp(c.graph, t, attachedDeepCopy).isNil:
@@ -2004,18 +2008,18 @@ proc semOverride(c: PContext, s: PSym, n: PNode) =
     if name == "=":
       message(c.config,, warnDeprecated, "Overriding `=` hook is deprecated; Override `=copy` hook instead")
     let t = s.typ
-    if t.len == 3 and t[0] == nil and t[1].kind == tyVar:
-      var obj = t[1][0]
+    if t.len == 3 and t.returnType == nil and t.firstParamType.kind == tyVar:
+      var obj = t.firstParamType.elementType
       while true:
         incl(obj.flags, tfHasAsgn)
         if obj.kind == tyGenericBody: obj = obj.skipModifier
-        elif obj.kind == tyGenericInvocation: obj = obj[0]
+        elif obj.kind == tyGenericInvocation: obj = obj.genericHead
         else: break
       var objB = t[2]
       while true:
         if objB.kind == tyGenericBody: objB = objB.skipModifier
         elif objB.kind in {tyGenericInvocation, tyGenericInst}:
-          objB = objB[0]
+          objB = objB.genericHead
         else: break
       if obj.kind in {tyObject, tyDistinct, tySequence, tyString} and sameType(obj, objB):
         # attach these ops to the canonical tySequence
@@ -2132,7 +2136,7 @@ proc semMethodPrototype(c: PContext; s: PSym; n: PNode) =
     for col in 1..<tt.len:
       let t = tt[col]
       if t != nil and t.kind == tyGenericInvocation:
-        var x = skipTypes(t[0], {tyVar, tyLent, tyPtr, tyRef, tyGenericInst,
+        var x = skipTypes(t.genericHead, {tyVar, tyLent, tyPtr, tyRef, tyGenericInst,
                                  tyGenericInvocation, tyGenericBody,
                                  tyAlias, tySink, tyOwned})
         if x.kind == tyObject and t.len-1 == n[genericParamsPos].len:
@@ -2446,7 +2450,7 @@ proc semIterator(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
   if result.kind != n.kind: return
   var s = result[namePos].sym
   var t = s.typ
-  if t[0] == nil and s.typ.callConv != ccClosure:
+  if t.returnType == nil and s.typ.callConv != ccClosure:
     localError(c.config,, "iterator needs a return type")
   # iterators are either 'inline' or 'closure'; for backwards compatibility,
   # we require first class iterators to be marked with 'closure' explicitly
@@ -2501,7 +2505,7 @@ proc semConverterDef(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
   if result.kind != nkConverterDef: return
   var s = result[namePos].sym
   var t = s.typ
-  if t[0] == nil: localError(c.config,, errXNeedsReturnType % "converter")
+  if t.returnType == nil: localError(c.config,, errXNeedsReturnType % "converter")
   if t.len != 2: localError(c.config,, "a converter takes exactly one argument")
   addConverterDef(c, LazySym(sym: s))
diff --git a/compiler/semtypes.nim b/compiler/semtypes.nim
index e27713522..337714142 100644
--- a/compiler/semtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/semtypes.nim
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ const
   errNoGenericParamsAllowedForX = "no generic parameters allowed for $1"
   errInOutFlagNotExtern = "the '$1' modifier can be used only with imported types"
-proc newOrPrevType(kind: TTypeKind, prev: PType, c: PContext, sons: seq[PType]): PType =
+proc newOrPrevType(kind: TTypeKind, prev: PType, c: PContext, son: sink PType): PType =
   if prev == nil or prev.kind == tyGenericBody:
-    result = newTypeS(kind, c, sons = sons)
+    result = newTypeS(kind, c, son)
     result = prev
-    result.setSons(sons)
+    result.setSon(son)
     if result.kind == tyForward: result.kind = kind
   #if kind == tyError: result.flags.incl tfCheckedForDestructor
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ proc semArray(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
     # ensure we only construct a tyArray when there was no error (bug #3048):
     # bug #6682: Do not propagate initialization requirements etc for the
     # index type:
-    result = newOrPrevType(tyArray, prev, c, @[indx])
+    result = newOrPrevType(tyArray, prev, c, indx)
     addSonSkipIntLit(result, base, c.idgen)
     localError(c.config,, errArrayExpectsTwoTypeParams)
@@ -556,14 +556,14 @@ proc checkForOverlap(c: PContext, t: PNode, currentEx, branchIndex: int) =
       if overlap(t[i][j].skipConv, ex):
         localError(c.config,, errDuplicateCaseLabel)
-proc semBranchRange(c: PContext, t, a, b: PNode, covered: var Int128): PNode =
-  checkMinSonsLen(t, 1, c.config)
+proc semBranchRange(c: PContext, n, a, b: PNode, covered: var Int128): PNode =
+  checkMinSonsLen(n, 1, c.config)
   let ac = semConstExpr(c, a)
   let bc = semConstExpr(c, b)
   if ac.kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit} or bc.kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}:
     localError(c.config,, "range of string is invalid")
-  let at = fitNode(c, t[0].typ, ac,
-  let bt = fitNode(c, t[0].typ, bc,
+  let at = fitNode(c, n[0].typ, ac,
+  let bt = fitNode(c, n[0].typ, bc,
   result = newNodeI(nkRange,
@@ -576,19 +576,19 @@ proc semCaseBranchRange(c: PContext, t, b: PNode,
   checkSonsLen(b, 3, c.config)
   result = semBranchRange(c, t, b[1], b[2], covered)
-proc semCaseBranchSetElem(c: PContext, t, b: PNode,
+proc semCaseBranchSetElem(c: PContext, n, b: PNode,
                           covered: var Int128): PNode =
   if isRange(b):
     checkSonsLen(b, 3, c.config)
-    result = semBranchRange(c, t, b[1], b[2], covered)
+    result = semBranchRange(c, n, b[1], b[2], covered)
   elif b.kind == nkRange:
     checkSonsLen(b, 2, c.config)
-    result = semBranchRange(c, t, b[0], b[1], covered)
+    result = semBranchRange(c, n, b[0], b[1], covered)
-    result = fitNode(c, t[0].typ, b,
+    result = fitNode(c, n[0].typ, b,
-proc semCaseBranch(c: PContext, t, branch: PNode, branchIndex: int,
+proc semCaseBranch(c: PContext, n, branch: PNode, branchIndex: int,
                    covered: var Int128) =
   let lastIndex = branch.len - 2
   for i in 0..lastIndex:
@@ -596,22 +596,22 @@ proc semCaseBranch(c: PContext, t, branch: PNode, branchIndex: int,
     if b.kind == nkRange:
       branch[i] = b
     elif isRange(b):
-      branch[i] = semCaseBranchRange(c, t, b, covered)
+      branch[i] = semCaseBranchRange(c, n, b, covered)
       # constant sets and arrays are allowed:
       # set expected type to selector type for type inference
       # even if it can be a different type like a set or array
-      var r = semConstExpr(c, b, expectedType = t[0].typ)
+      var r = semConstExpr(c, b, expectedType = n[0].typ)
       if r.kind in {nkCurly, nkBracket} and r.len == 0 and branch.len == 2:
         # discarding ``{}`` and ``[]`` branches silently
         delSon(branch, 0)
       elif r.kind notin {nkCurly, nkBracket} or r.len == 0:
-        checkMinSonsLen(t, 1, c.config)
-        var tmp = fitNode(c, t[0].typ, r,
+        checkMinSonsLen(n, 1, c.config)
+        var tmp = fitNode(c, n[0].typ, r,
         # the call to fitNode may introduce a call to a converter
         if tmp.kind == nkHiddenCallConv or
-            (tmp.kind == nkHiddenStdConv and t[0].typ.kind == tyCstring):
+            (tmp.kind == nkHiddenStdConv and n[0].typ.kind == tyCstring):
           tmp = semConstExpr(c, tmp)
         branch[i] = skipConv(tmp)
@@ -620,18 +620,18 @@ proc semCaseBranch(c: PContext, t, branch: PNode, branchIndex: int,
           r = deduplicate(c.config, r)
         # first element is special and will overwrite: branch[i]:
-        branch[i] = semCaseBranchSetElem(c, t, r[0], covered)
+        branch[i] = semCaseBranchSetElem(c, n, r[0], covered)
         # other elements have to be added to ``branch``
         for j in 1..<r.len:
-          branch.add(semCaseBranchSetElem(c, t, r[j], covered))
+          branch.add(semCaseBranchSetElem(c, n, r[j], covered))
           # caution! last son of branch must be the actions to execute:
           swap(branch[^2], branch[^1])
-    checkForOverlap(c, t, i, branchIndex)
+    checkForOverlap(c, n, i, branchIndex)
   # Elements added above needs to be checked for overlaps.
   for i in lastIndex.succ..<branch.len - 1:
-    checkForOverlap(c, t, i, branchIndex)
+    checkForOverlap(c, n, i, branchIndex)
 proc toCover(c: PContext, t: PType): Int128 =
   let t2 = skipTypes(t, abstractVarRange-{tyTypeDesc})
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ proc semRecordCase(c: PContext, n: PNode, check: var IntSet, pos: var int,
   of tyFloat..tyFloat128, tyError:
   of tyRange:
-    if skipTypes(typ[0], abstractInst).kind in shouldChckCovered:
+    if skipTypes(typ.elementType, abstractInst).kind in shouldChckCovered:
       chckCovered = true
   of tyForward:
     errorUndeclaredIdentifier(c, n[0].info,
@@ -1018,11 +1018,11 @@ proc semAnyRef(c: PContext; n: PNode; kind: TTypeKind; prev: PType): PType =
     case wrapperKind
     of tyOwned:
       if optOwnedRefs in c.config.globalOptions:
-        let t = newTypeS(tyOwned, c, @[result])
+        let t = newTypeS(tyOwned, c, result)
         t.flags.incl tfHasOwned
         result = t
     of tySink:
-      let t = newTypeS(tySink, c, @[result])
+      let t = newTypeS(tySink, c, result)
       result = t
     else: discard
     if result.kind == tyRef and c.config.selectedGC in {gcArc, gcOrc, gcAtomicArc}:
@@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ proc liftParamType(c: PContext, procKind: TSymKind, genericParams: PNode,
     let base = (if lifted != nil: lifted else: paramType.base)
     if base.isMetaType and procKind == skMacro:
       localError(c.config, info, errMacroBodyDependsOnGenericTypes % paramName)
-    result = addImplicitGeneric(c, c.newTypeWithSons(tyStatic, @[base]),
+    result = addImplicitGeneric(c, newTypeS(tyStatic, c, base),
         paramTypId, info, genericParams, paramName)
     if result != nil: result.flags.incl({tfHasStatic, tfUnresolved})
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ proc liftParamType(c: PContext, procKind: TSymKind, genericParams: PNode,
  == getIdent(c.cache, "type").id):
         # XXX Why doesn't this check for tyTypeDesc instead?
         paramTypId = nil
-      let t = c.newTypeWithSons(tyTypeDesc, @[paramType.base])
+      let t = newTypeS(tyTypeDesc, c, paramType.base)
       incl t.flags, tfCheckedForDestructor
       result = addImplicitGeneric(c, t, paramTypId, info, genericParams, paramName)
@@ -1160,8 +1160,8 @@ proc liftParamType(c: PContext, procKind: TSymKind, genericParams: PNode,
     # Maybe there is another better place to associate
     # the seq type class with the seq identifier.
     if paramType.kind == tySequence and paramType.elementType.kind == tyNone:
-      let typ = c.newTypeWithSons(tyBuiltInTypeClass,
-                                  @[newTypeS(paramType.kind, c)])
+      let typ = newTypeS(tyBuiltInTypeClass, c,
+                         newTypeS(paramType.kind, c))
       result = addImplicitGeneric(c, typ, paramTypId, info, genericParams, paramName)
       result = nil
@@ -1192,9 +1192,9 @@ proc liftParamType(c: PContext, procKind: TSymKind, genericParams: PNode,
     let x = instGenericContainer(c,, result,
                                   allowMetaTypes = true)
-    result = newTypeWithSons(c, tyCompositeTypeClass, @[paramType, x])
-    #result = newTypeS(tyCompositeTypeClass, c)
-    #for i in 0..<x.len: result.rawAddSon(x[i])
+    result = newTypeS(tyCompositeTypeClass, c)
+    result.rawAddSon paramType
+    result.rawAddSon x
     result = addImplicitGeneric(c, result, paramTypId, info, genericParams, paramName)
   of tyGenericInst:
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ proc semProcTypeNode(c: PContext, n, genericParams: PNode,
           # which will prevent other types from matching - clearly a very
           # surprising behavior. We must instead fix the expected type of
           # the proc to be the unbound typedesc type:
-          typ = newTypeWithSons(c, tyTypeDesc, @[newTypeS(tyNone, c)])
+          typ = newTypeS(tyTypeDesc, c, newTypeS(tyNone, c))
           typ.flags.incl tfCheckedForDestructor
@@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@ proc trySemObjectTypeForInheritedGenericInst(c: PContext, n: PNode, t: PType): b
     check = initIntSet()
     pos = 0
-    realBase = t[0]
+    realBase = t.baseClass
     base = skipTypesOrNil(realBase, skipPtrs)
   result = true
   if base.isNil:
@@ -1693,8 +1693,8 @@ proc semTypeClass(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
     inherited = n[2]
   var owner = getCurrOwner(c)
-  var candidateTypeSlot = newTypeWithSons(owner, tyAlias, @[c.errorType], c.idgen)
-  result = newOrPrevType(tyUserTypeClass, prev, c, sons =  @[candidateTypeSlot])
+  var candidateTypeSlot = newTypeS(tyAlias, c, c.errorType)
+  result = newOrPrevType(tyUserTypeClass, prev, c, son = candidateTypeSlot)
   result.flags.incl tfCheckedForDestructor
   result.n = n
@@ -1857,7 +1857,7 @@ proc semTypeIdent(c: PContext, n: PNode): PSym =
         # it's not bound when it's used multiple times in the
         # proc signature for example
         if c.inGenericInst > 0:
-          let bound = result.typ[0].sym
+          let bound = result.typ.elementType.sym
           if bound != nil: return bound
           return result
         if result.typ.sym == nil:
@@ -2296,7 +2296,7 @@ proc processMagicType(c: PContext, m: PSym) =
   else: localError(c.config,, errTypeExpected)
 proc semGenericConstraints(c: PContext, x: PType): PType =
-  result = newTypeWithSons(c, tyGenericParam, @[x])
+  result = newTypeS(tyGenericParam, c, x)
 proc semGenericParamList(c: PContext, n: PNode, father: PType = nil): PNode =
@@ -2322,8 +2322,8 @@ proc semGenericParamList(c: PContext, n: PNode, father: PType = nil): PNode =
         typ = semTypeNode(c, constraint, nil)
         if typ.kind != tyStatic or typ.len == 0:
           if typ.kind == tyTypeDesc:
-            if typ[0].kind == tyNone:
-              typ = newTypeWithSons(c, tyTypeDesc, @[newTypeS(tyNone, c)])
+            if typ.elementType.kind == tyNone:
+              typ = newTypeS(tyTypeDesc, c, newTypeS(tyNone, c))
               incl typ.flags, tfCheckedForDestructor
             typ = semGenericConstraints(c, typ)
@@ -2332,7 +2332,7 @@ proc semGenericParamList(c: PContext, n: PNode, father: PType = nil): PNode =
         def = semConstExpr(c, def)
         if typ == nil:
           if def.typ.kind != tyTypeDesc:
-            typ = newTypeWithSons(c, tyStatic, @[def.typ])
+            typ = newTypeS(tyStatic, c, def.typ)
           # the following line fixes ``TV2*[T:SomeNumber=TR] = array[0..1, T]``
           # from manyloc/named_argument_bug/triengine:
diff --git a/compiler/semtypinst.nim b/compiler/semtypinst.nim
index b514cc8fa..58d684a8f 100644
--- a/compiler/semtypinst.nim
+++ b/compiler/semtypinst.nim
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ proc instCopyType*(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
 proc handleGenericInvocation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
   # tyGenericInvocation[A, tyGenericInvocation[A, B]]
   # is difficult to handle:
-  var body = t[0]
+  var body = t.genericHead
   if body.kind != tyGenericBody:
     internalError(cl.c.config,, "no generic body")
   var header = t
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ proc handleGenericInvocation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
     header = instCopyType(cl, t)
-  result = newType(tyGenericInst, cl.c.idgen, t[0].owner, sons = @[header[0]])
+  result = newType(tyGenericInst, cl.c.idgen, t.genericHead.owner, son = header.genericHead)
   result.flags = header.flags
   # be careful not to propagate unnecessary flags here (don't use rawAddSon)
   # ugh need another pass for deeply recursive generic types (e.g. PActor)
@@ -469,8 +469,8 @@ proc handleGenericInvocation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
 proc eraseVoidParams*(t: PType) =
   # transform '(): void' into '()' because old parts of the compiler really
   # don't deal with '(): void':
-  if t[0] != nil and t[0].kind == tyVoid:
-    t[0] = nil
+  if t.returnType != nil and t.returnType.kind == tyVoid:
+    t.setReturnType nil
   for i in 1..<t.len:
     # don't touch any memory unless necessary
@@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ proc skipIntLiteralParams*(t: PType; idgen: IdGenerator) =
   # when the typeof operator is used on a static input
   # param, the results gets infected with static as well:
-  if t[0] != nil and t[0].kind == tyStatic:
-    t[0] = t[0].base
+  if t.returnType != nil and t.returnType.kind == tyStatic:
+    t.setReturnType t.returnType.skipModifier
 proc propagateFieldFlags(t: PType, n: PNode) =
   # This is meant for objects and tuples
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ proc replaceTypeVarsTAux(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
         # return tyStatic values to let anyone make
         # use of this knowledge. The patching here
         # won't be necessary then.
-        result = newTypeS(tyStatic, cl.c, sons = @[n.typ])
+        result = newTypeS(tyStatic, cl.c, son = n.typ)
         result.n = n
         result = n.typ
@@ -601,8 +601,8 @@ proc replaceTypeVarsTAux(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
         result = makeTypeDesc(cl.c, result)
       elif tfUnresolved in t.flags or cl.skipTypedesc:
         result = result.base
-    elif t[0].kind != tyNone:
-      result = makeTypeDesc(cl.c, replaceTypeVarsT(cl, t[0]))
+    elif t.elementType.kind != tyNone:
+      result = makeTypeDesc(cl.c, replaceTypeVarsT(cl, t.elementType))
   of tyUserTypeClass, tyStatic:
     result = t
@@ -667,8 +667,8 @@ proc replaceTypeVarsTAux(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
       result = t
       # Slow path, we have some work to do
-      if t.kind == tyRef and t.len > 0 and t[0].kind == tyObject and t[0].n != nil:
-        discard replaceObjBranches(cl, t[0].n)
+      if t.kind == tyRef and t.len > 0 and t.elementType.kind == tyObject and t.elementType.n != nil:
+        discard replaceObjBranches(cl, t.elementType.n)
       elif result.n != nil and t.kind == tyObject:
         # Invalidate the type size as we may alter its structure
@@ -703,8 +703,8 @@ when false:
 proc recomputeFieldPositions*(t: PType; obj: PNode; currPosition: var int) =
-  if t != nil and t.len > 0 and t[0] != nil:
-    let b = skipTypes(t[0], skipPtrs)
+  if t != nil and t.len > 0 and t.baseClass != nil:
+    let b = skipTypes(t.baseClass, skipPtrs)
     recomputeFieldPositions(b, b.n, currPosition)
   case obj.kind
   of nkRecList:
diff --git a/compiler/sigmatch.nim b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
index 1cfb630e3..38cc66637 100644
--- a/compiler/sigmatch.nim
+++ b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ proc concreteType(c: TCandidate, t: PType; f: PType = nil): PType =
     if c.isNoCall: result = t
     else: result = nil
   of tySequence, tySet:
-    if t[0].kind == tyEmpty: result = nil
+    if t.elementType.kind == tyEmpty: result = nil
     else: result = t
   of tyGenericParam, tyAnything, tyConcept:
     result = t
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ proc isObjectSubtype(c: var TCandidate; a, f, fGenericOrigin: PType): int =
   while t != nil and not sameObjectTypes(f, t):
     if t.kind != tyObject:  # avoid entering generic params etc
       return -1
-    t = t[0]
+    t = t.baseClass
     if t == nil: break
     last = t
     t = skipTypes(t, skipPtrs)
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ proc isGenericSubtype(c: var TCandidate; a, f: PType, d: var int, fGenericOrigin
   # XXX sameObjectType can return false here. Need to investigate
   # why that is but sameObjectType does way too much work here anyway.
   while t != nil and r.sym != t.sym and askip == fskip:
-    t = t[0]
+    t = t.baseClass
     if t == nil: break
     last = t
     t = t.skipToObject(askip)
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ proc matchUserTypeClass*(m: var TCandidate; ff, a: PType): PType =
           param = paramSym skType
           param.typ = if typ.isMetaType:
-                        c.newTypeWithSons(tyInferred, @[typ])
+                        newTypeS(tyInferred, c, typ)
                         makeTypeDesc(c, typ)
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ proc inferStaticParam*(c: var TCandidate, lhs: PNode, rhs: BiggestInt): bool =
     else: discard
   elif lhs.kind == nkSym and lhs.typ.kind == tyStatic and lhs.typ.n == nil:
-    var inferred = newTypeWithSons(c.c, tyStatic, @[lhs.typ.elementType])
+    var inferred = newTypeS(tyStatic, c.c, lhs.typ.elementType)
     inferred.n = newIntNode(nkIntLit, rhs)
     put(c, lhs.typ, inferred)
     if c.c.matchedConcept != nil:
@@ -1868,7 +1868,7 @@ proc typeRel(c: var TCandidate, f, aOrig: PType,
                    typeRel(c, f.last, aOrig.n.typ, flags)
                  else: isGeneric
         if result != isNone:
-          var boundType = newTypeWithSons(c.c, tyStatic, @[aOrig.n.typ])
+          var boundType = newTypeS(tyStatic, c.c, aOrig.n.typ)
           boundType.n = aOrig.n
           put(c, f, boundType)
@@ -2004,7 +2004,7 @@ proc implicitConv(kind: TNodeKind, f: PType, arg: PNode, m: TCandidate,
   if result.typ == nil: internalError(c.graph.config,, "implicitConv")
   result.add c.graph.emptyNode
   if arg.typ != nil and arg.typ.kind == tyLent:
-    let a = newNodeIT(nkHiddenDeref,, arg.typ[0])
+    let a = newNodeIT(nkHiddenDeref,, arg.typ.elementType)
     a.add arg
     result.add a
@@ -2117,8 +2117,8 @@ proc incMatches(m: var TCandidate; r: TTypeRelation; convMatch = 1) =
   of isNone: discard
 template matchesVoidProc(t: PType): bool =
-  (t.kind == tyProc and t.len == 1 and t[0] == nil) or
-    (t.kind == tyBuiltInTypeClass and t[0].kind == tyProc)
+  (t.kind == tyProc and t.len == 1 and t.returnType == nil) or
+    (t.kind == tyBuiltInTypeClass and t.elementType.kind == tyProc)
 proc paramTypesMatchAux(m: var TCandidate, f, a: PType,
                         argSemantized, argOrig: PNode): PNode =
@@ -2151,7 +2151,7 @@ proc paramTypesMatchAux(m: var TCandidate, f, a: PType,
       if evaluated != nil:
         # Don't build the type in-place because `evaluated` and `arg` may point
         # to the same object and we'd end up creating recursive types (#9255)
-        let typ = newTypeS(tyStatic, c, sons = @[evaluated.typ])
+        let typ = newTypeS(tyStatic, c, son = evaluated.typ)
         typ.n = evaluated
         arg = copyTree(arg) # fix #12864
         arg.typ = typ
@@ -2456,7 +2456,7 @@ proc arrayConstr(c: PContext, info: TLineInfo): PType =
 proc incrIndexType(t: PType) =
   assert t.kind == tyArray
-  inc t[0].n[1].intVal
+  inc t.indexType.n[1].intVal
 template isVarargsUntyped(x): untyped =
   x.kind == tyVarargs and x[0].kind == tyUntyped
diff --git a/compiler/spawn.nim b/compiler/spawn.nim
index b140729a8..972d49d3e 100644
--- a/compiler/spawn.nim
+++ b/compiler/spawn.nim
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from trees import getMagic, getRoot
 proc callProc(a: PNode): PNode =
   result = newNodeI(nkCall,
   result.add a
-  result.typ = a.typ[0]
+  result.typ = a.typ.returnType
 # we have 4 cases to consider:
 # - a void proc --> nothing to do
@@ -141,10 +141,10 @@ proc createWrapperProc(g: ModuleGraph; f: PNode; threadParam, argsParam: PSym;
   if spawnKind == srByVar:
     body.add newAsgnStmt(genDeref(threadLocalProm.newSymNode), call)
   elif fv != nil:
-    let fk = flowVarKind(g.config, fv.typ[1])
+    let fk = flowVarKind(g.config, fv.typ.firstGenericParam)
     if fk == fvInvalid:
       localError(g.config,, "cannot create a flowVar of type: " &
-        typeToString(fv.typ[1]))
+        typeToString(fv.typ.firstGenericParam))
     body.add newAsgnStmt(indirectAccess(threadLocalProm.newSymNode,
       if fk == fvGC: "data" else: "blob",, g.cache), call)
     if fk == fvGC:
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ proc createCastExpr(argsParam: PSym; objType: PType; idgen: IdGenerator): PNode
 template checkMagicProcs(g: ModuleGraph, n: PNode, formal: PNode) =
-  if (formal.typ.kind == tyVarargs and formal.typ[0].kind in {tyTyped, tyUntyped}) or
+  if (formal.typ.kind == tyVarargs and formal.typ.elementType.kind in {tyTyped, tyUntyped}) or
           formal.typ.kind in {tyTyped, tyUntyped}:
     localError(g.config,, "'spawn'ed function cannot have a 'typed' or 'untyped' parameter")
diff --git a/compiler/suggest.nim b/compiler/suggest.nim
index 802da1c3e..4f90fe00b 100644
--- a/compiler/suggest.nim
+++ b/compiler/suggest.nim
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ proc fieldVisible*(c: PContext, f: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
 proc getQuality(s: PSym): range[0..100] =
   result = 100
   if s.typ != nil and s.typ.len > 1:
-    var exp = s.typ[1].skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar, tyLent, tyAlias, tySink})
+    var exp = s.typ.firstParamType.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar, tyLent, tyAlias, tySink})
     if exp.kind == tyVarargs: exp = elemType(exp)
     if exp.kind in {tyUntyped, tyTyped, tyGenericParam, tyAnything}: result = 50
@@ -396,17 +396,17 @@ proc suggestVar(c: PContext, n: PNode, outputs: var Suggestions) =
   wholeSymTab(nameFits(c, it, n), ideCon)
 proc typeFits(c: PContext, s: PSym, firstArg: PType): bool {.inline.} =
-  if s.typ != nil and s.typ.len > 1 and s.typ[1] != nil:
+  if s.typ != nil and s.typ.len > 1 and s.typ.firstParamType != nil:
     # special rule: if system and some weird generic match via 'tyUntyped'
     # or 'tyGenericParam' we won't list it either to reduce the noise (nobody
     # wants 'system.`-|` as suggestion
     let m = s.getModule()
     if m != nil and sfSystemModule in m.flags:
       if s.kind == skType: return
-      var exp = s.typ[1].skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar, tyLent, tyAlias, tySink})
+      var exp = s.typ.firstParamType.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar, tyLent, tyAlias, tySink})
       if exp.kind == tyVarargs: exp = elemType(exp)
       if exp.kind in {tyUntyped, tyTyped, tyGenericParam, tyAnything}: return
-    result = sigmatch.argtypeMatches(c, s.typ[1], firstArg)
+    result = sigmatch.argtypeMatches(c, s.typ.firstParamType, firstArg)
     result = false
@@ -476,13 +476,13 @@ proc suggestFieldAccess(c: PContext, n, field: PNode, outputs: var Suggestions)
       var t = typ
       while t != nil:
         suggestSymList(c, t.n, field,, outputs)
-        t = t[0]
+        t = t.baseClass
     elif typ.kind == tyObject:
       var t = typ
       while true:
         suggestObject(c, t.n, field,, outputs)
-        if t[0] == nil: break
-        t = skipTypes(t[0], skipPtrs)
+        if t.baseClass == nil: break
+        t = skipTypes(t.baseClass, skipPtrs)
     elif typ.kind == tyTuple and typ.n != nil:
       # All tuple fields are in scope
       # So go through each field and add it to the suggestions (If it passes the filter)
@@ -761,11 +761,11 @@ proc suggestPragmas*(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
   # Now show suggestions for user pragmas
   for pragma in c.userPragmas:
-      var pm = default(PrefixMatch)
-      if filterSym(pragma, n, pm):
-        outputs &= symToSuggest(c.graph, pragma, isLocal=true, ideSug, info,
-                                 pragma.getQuality, pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, 0,
-                                 extractDocs=false)
+    var pm = default(PrefixMatch)
+    if filterSym(pragma, n, pm):
+      outputs &= symToSuggest(c.graph, pragma, isLocal=true, ideSug, info,
+                                pragma.getQuality, pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, 0,
+                                extractDocs=false)
   produceOutput(outputs, c.config)
   if outputs.len > 0:
diff --git a/compiler/typeallowed.nim b/compiler/typeallowed.nim
index e82de29f3..04dbc69c5 100644
--- a/compiler/typeallowed.nim
+++ b/compiler/typeallowed.nim
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ proc typeAllowedAux(marker: var IntSet, typ: PType, kind: TSymKind,
     elif isOutParam(t) and kind != skParam:
       result = t
-      var t2 = skipTypes(t[0], abstractInst-{tyTypeDesc, tySink})
+      var t2 = skipTypes(t.elementType, abstractInst-{tyTypeDesc, tySink})
       case t2.kind
       of tyVar, tyLent:
         if taHeap notin flags: result = t2 # ``var var`` is illegal on the heap
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ proc typeAllowedAux(marker: var IntSet, typ: PType, kind: TSymKind,
       for i in 1..<t.len:
         if result != nil: break
         result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t[i], skParam, c, f-{taIsOpenArray})
-      if result.isNil and t[0] != nil:
-        result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t[0], skResult, c, flags)
+      if result.isNil and t.returnType != nil:
+        result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t.returnType, skResult, c, flags)
   of tyTypeDesc:
     if kind in {skVar, skLet, skConst} and taProcContextIsNotMacro in flags:
       result = t
@@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ proc typeAllowedAux(marker: var IntSet, typ: PType, kind: TSymKind,
     if (kind != skParam or taIsOpenArray in flags) and views notin c.features:
       result = t
-      result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t[0], kind, c, flags+{taIsOpenArray})
+      result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t.elementType, kind, c, flags+{taIsOpenArray})
   of tyVarargs:
     # you cannot nest openArrays/sinks/etc.
     if kind != skParam or taIsOpenArray in flags:
       result = t
-      result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t[0], kind, c, flags+{taIsOpenArray})
+      result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t.elementType, kind, c, flags+{taIsOpenArray})
   of tySink:
     # you cannot nest openArrays/sinks/etc.
     if kind != skParam or taIsOpenArray in flags or t.elementType.kind in {tySink, tyLent, tyVar}:
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ proc typeAllowedAux(marker: var IntSet, typ: PType, kind: TSymKind,
     if t.elementType.kind != tyEmpty:
       result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t.elementType, kind, c, flags+{taHeap})
     elif kind in {skVar, skLet}:
-      result = t[0]
+      result = t.elementType
   of tyArray:
     if t.elementType.kind == tyTypeDesc:
       result = t.elementType
@@ -178,9 +178,7 @@ proc typeAllowedAux(marker: var IntSet, typ: PType, kind: TSymKind,
   of tyPtr:
     result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t.elementType, kind, c, flags+{taHeap})
   of tySet:
-    for i in 0..<t.len:
-      result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t[i], kind, c, flags)
-      if result != nil: break
+    result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t.elementType, kind, c, flags)
   of tyObject, tyTuple:
     if kind in {skProc, skFunc, skConst} and
         t.kind == tyObject and t.baseClass != nil and taIsDefaultField notin flags:
@@ -199,7 +197,7 @@ proc typeAllowedAux(marker: var IntSet, typ: PType, kind: TSymKind,
     # prevent cascading errors:
     result = nil
   of tyOwned:
-    if t.len == 1 and t[0].skipTypes(abstractInst).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr, tyProc}:
+    if t.len == 1 and t.skipModifier.skipTypes(abstractInst).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr, tyProc}:
       result = typeAllowedAux(marker, t.skipModifier, kind, c, flags+{taHeap})
       result = t
diff --git a/compiler/types.nim b/compiler/types.nim
index 8166db6ae..eef85f36a 100644
--- a/compiler/types.nim
+++ b/compiler/types.nim
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ proc invalidGenericInst*(f: PType): bool =
 proc isPureObject*(typ: PType): bool =
   var t = typ
-  while t.kind == tyObject and t[0] != nil:
-    t = t[0].skipTypes(skipPtrs)
+  while t.kind == tyObject and t.baseClass != nil:
+    t = t.baseClass.skipTypes(skipPtrs)
   result = t.sym != nil and sfPure in t.sym.flags
 proc isUnsigned*(t: PType): bool =
@@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ proc searchTypeForAux(t: PType, predicate: TTypePredicate,
   if result: return
   case t.kind
   of tyObject:
-    if t[0] != nil:
-      result = searchTypeForAux(t[0].skipTypes(skipPtrs), predicate, marker)
+    if t.baseClass != nil:
+      result = searchTypeForAux(t.baseClass.skipTypes(skipPtrs), predicate, marker)
     if not result: result = searchTypeNodeForAux(t.n, predicate, marker)
   of tyGenericInst, tyDistinct, tyAlias, tySink:
     result = searchTypeForAux(skipModifier(t), predicate, marker)
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ proc containsObject*(t: PType): bool =
   result = searchTypeFor(t, isObjectPredicate)
 proc isObjectWithTypeFieldPredicate(t: PType): bool =
-  result = t.kind == tyObject and t[0] == nil and
+  result = t.kind == tyObject and t.baseClass == nil and
       not (t.sym != nil and {sfPure, sfInfixCall} * t.sym.flags != {}) and
       tfFinal notin t.flags
@@ -548,8 +548,8 @@ proc typeToString(typ: PType, prefer: TPreferedDesc = preferName): string =
           result =
           result = & " literal(" & $t.n.intVal & ")"
-      elif t.kind == tyAlias and t[0].kind != tyAlias:
-        result = typeToString(t[0])
+      elif t.kind == tyAlias and t.elementType.kind != tyAlias:
+        result = typeToString(t.elementType)
       elif prefer in {preferResolved, preferMixed}:
         case t.kind
         of IntegralTypes + {tyFloat..tyFloat128} + {tyString, tyCstring}:
@@ -590,13 +590,13 @@ proc typeToString(typ: PType, prefer: TPreferedDesc = preferName): string =
           result = "int literal(" & $t.n.intVal & ")"
     of tyGenericInst, tyGenericInvocation:
-      result = typeToString(t[0]) & '['
+      result = typeToString(t.genericHead) & '['
       for i in 1..<t.len-ord(t.kind != tyGenericInvocation):
         if i > 1: result.add(", ")
         result.add(typeToString(t[i], preferGenericArg))
     of tyGenericBody:
-      result = typeToString(t.last) & '['
+      result = typeToString(t.typeBodyImpl) & '['
       for i in 0..<t.len-1:
         if i > 0: result.add(", ")
         result.add(typeToString(t[i], preferTypeName))
@@ -881,8 +881,8 @@ proc lastOrd*(conf: ConfigRef; t: PType): Int128 =
   case t.kind
   of tyBool: result = toInt128(1'u)
   of tyChar: result = toInt128(255'u)
-  of tySet, tyVar: result = lastOrd(conf, t[0])
-  of tyArray: result = lastOrd(conf, t[0])
+  of tySet, tyVar: result = lastOrd(conf, t.elementType)
+  of tyArray: result = lastOrd(conf, t.indexType)
   of tyRange:
     assert(t.n != nil)        # range directly given:
     assert(t.n.kind == nkRange)
@@ -1810,8 +1810,8 @@ proc isException*(t: PType): bool =
   var t = t.skipTypes(abstractInst)
   while t.kind == tyObject:
     if t.sym != nil and t.sym.magic == mException: return true
-    if t[0] == nil: break
-    t = skipTypes(t[0], abstractPtrs)
+    if t.baseClass == nil: break
+    t = skipTypes(t.baseClass, abstractPtrs)
   return false
 proc isDefectException*(t: PType): bool =
diff --git a/compiler/varpartitions.nim b/compiler/varpartitions.nim
index 957497bb6..44d38ebff 100644
--- a/compiler/varpartitions.nim
+++ b/compiler/varpartitions.nim
@@ -407,8 +407,8 @@ proc allRoots(n: PNode; result: var seq[(PSym, int)]; level: int) =
           if typ != nil and i < typ.len:
             assert(typ.n[i].kind == nkSym)
             let paramType = typ.n[i].typ
-            if not paramType.isCompileTimeOnly and not typ[0].isEmptyType and
-                canAlias(paramType, typ[0]):
+            if not paramType.isCompileTimeOnly and not typ.returnType.isEmptyType and
+                canAlias(paramType, typ.returnType):
               allRoots(it, result, RootEscapes)
             allRoots(it, result, RootEscapes)
diff --git a/compiler/vm.nim b/compiler/vm.nim
index 1584b2893..6b00ff9d3 100644
--- a/compiler/vm.nim
+++ b/compiler/vm.nim
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ proc setLenSeq(c: PCtx; node: PNode; newLen: int; info: TLineInfo) =
   setLen(node.sons, newLen)
   if oldLen < newLen:
     for i in oldLen..<newLen:
-      node[i] = getNullValue(typ[0], info, c.config)
+      node[i] = getNullValue(typ.elementType, info, c.config)
   errNilAccess = "attempt to access a nil address"
diff --git a/compiler/vmdeps.nim b/compiler/vmdeps.nim
index d85caa281..b58ae109f 100644
--- a/compiler/vmdeps.nim
+++ b/compiler/vmdeps.nim
@@ -107,19 +107,19 @@ proc mapTypeToAstX(cache: IdentCache; t: PType; info: TLineInfo;
   of tyUncheckedArray:
     result = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr, if t.n.isNil: info else:, t)
     result.add atomicType("UncheckedArray", mUncheckedArray)
-    result.add mapTypeToAst(t[0], info)
+    result.add mapTypeToAst(t.elementType, info)
   of tyArray:
     result = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr, if t.n.isNil: info else:, t)
     result.add atomicType("array", mArray)
-    if inst and t[0].kind == tyRange:
+    if inst and t.indexType.kind == tyRange:
       var rng = newNodeX(nkInfix)
       rng.add newIdentNode(getIdent(cache, ".."), info)
-      rng.add t[0].n[0].copyTree
-      rng.add t[0].n[1].copyTree
+      rng.add t.indexType.n[0].copyTree
+      rng.add t.indexType.n[1].copyTree
       result.add rng
-      result.add mapTypeToAst(t[0], info)
-    result.add mapTypeToAst(t[1], info)
+      result.add mapTypeToAst(t.indexType, info)
+    result.add mapTypeToAst(t.elementType, info)
   of tyTypeDesc:
     if t.base != nil:
       result = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr, if t.n.isNil: info else:, t)
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ proc mapTypeToAstX(cache: IdentCache; t: PType; info: TLineInfo;
         result = newNodeX(nkBracketExpr)
         #result.add mapTypeToAst(t.last, info)
-        result.add mapTypeToAst(t[0], info)
+        result.add mapTypeToAst(t.genericHead, info)
         for i in 1..<t.len-1:
           result.add mapTypeToAst(t[i], info)
@@ -174,11 +174,11 @@ proc mapTypeToAstX(cache: IdentCache; t: PType; info: TLineInfo;
       if objectDef.kind == nkRefTy:
         objectDef = objectDef[0]
       result.add objectDef[0].copyTree  # copy object pragmas
-      if t[0] == nil:
+      if t.baseClass == nil:
         result.add newNodeI(nkEmpty, info)
       else:  # handle parent object
         var nn = newNodeX(nkOfInherit)
-        nn.add mapTypeToAst(t[0], info)
+        nn.add mapTypeToAst(t.baseClass, info)
         result.add nn
       if t.n.len > 0:
         result.add objectNode(cache, t.n, idgen)
@@ -217,19 +217,19 @@ proc mapTypeToAstX(cache: IdentCache; t: PType; info: TLineInfo;
   of tyPtr:
     if inst:
       result = newNodeX(nkPtrTy)
-      result.add mapTypeToAst(t[0], info)
+      result.add mapTypeToAst(t.elementType, info)
       result = mapTypeToBracket("ptr", mPtr, t, info)
   of tyRef:
     if inst:
       result = newNodeX(nkRefTy)
-      result.add mapTypeToAst(t[0], info)
+      result.add mapTypeToAst(t.elementType, info)
       result = mapTypeToBracket("ref", mRef, t, info)
   of tyVar:
     if inst:
       result = newNodeX(nkVarTy)
-      result.add mapTypeToAst(t[0], info)
+      result.add mapTypeToAst(t.elementType, info)
       result = mapTypeToBracket("var", mVar, t, info)
   of tyLent: result = mapTypeToBracket("lent", mBuiltinType, t, info)
@@ -239,10 +239,10 @@ proc mapTypeToAstX(cache: IdentCache; t: PType; info: TLineInfo;
     if inst:
       result = newNodeX(nkProcTy)
       var fp = newNodeX(nkFormalParams)
-      if t[0] == nil:
+      if t.returnType == nil:
         fp.add newNodeI(nkEmpty, info)
-        fp.add mapTypeToAst(t[0], t.n[0].info)
+        fp.add mapTypeToAst(t.returnType, t.n[0].info)
       for i in 1..<t.len:
         fp.add newIdentDefs(t.n[i], t[i])
       result.add fp
diff --git a/compiler/vmgen.nim b/compiler/vmgen.nim
index 7ef231f57..9667daa3d 100644
--- a/compiler/vmgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/vmgen.nim
@@ -2053,7 +2053,7 @@ proc genObjConstr(c: PCtx, n: PNode, dest: var TDest) =
   if dest < 0: dest = c.getTemp(n.typ)
   let t = n.typ.skipTypes(abstractRange+{tyOwned}-{tyTypeDesc})
   if t.kind == tyRef:
-    c.gABx(n, opcNew, dest, c.genType(t[0]))
+    c.gABx(n, opcNew, dest, c.genType(t.elementType))
     c.gABx(n, opcLdNull, dest, c.genType(n.typ))
   for i in 1..<n.len:
diff --git a/compiler/vtables.nim b/compiler/vtables.nim
index eeacc7b47..b9b13badc 100644
--- a/compiler/vtables.nim
+++ b/compiler/vtables.nim
@@ -1,167 +1,167 @@
-import ast, modulegraphs, magicsys, lineinfos, options, cgmeth, types

-import std/[algorithm, tables, intsets, assertions]




-proc genVTableDispatcher(g: ModuleGraph; methods: seq[PSym]; index: int): PSym =


-proc dispatch(x: Base, params: ...) =

-  cast[proc bar(x: Base, params: ...)](x.vTable[index])(x, params)


-  var base = methods[0].ast[dispatcherPos].sym

-  result = base

-  var paramLen = base.typ.len

-  var body = newNodeI(nkStmtList,


-  var disp = newNodeI(nkIfStmt,


-  var vTableAccess = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr,, base.typ)

-  let nimGetVTableSym = getCompilerProc(g, "nimGetVTable")

-  let ptrPNimType = nimGetVTableSym.typ.n[1].sym.typ


-  var nTyp = base.typ.n[1].sym.typ

-  var dispatchObject = newSymNode(base.typ.n[1].sym)

-  if nTyp.kind == tyObject:

-    dispatchObject = newTree(nkAddr, dispatchObject)

-  else:

-    if g.config.backend != backendCpp: # TODO: maybe handle ptr?

-      if nTyp.kind == tyVar and nTyp.skipTypes({tyVar}).kind != tyObject:

-        dispatchObject = newTree(nkDerefExpr, dispatchObject)


-  var getVTableCall = newTree(nkCall,

-    newSymNode(nimGetVTableSym),

-    dispatchObject,

-    newIntNode(nkIntLit, index)

-  )

-  getVTableCall.typ = base.typ

-  var vTableCall = newNodeIT(nkCall,, base.typ[0])

-  var castNode = newTree(nkCast,

-        newNodeIT(nkType,, base.typ),

-        getVTableCall)


-  castNode.typ = base.typ

-  vTableCall.add castNode

-  for col in 1..<paramLen:

-    let param = base.typ.n[col].sym

-    vTableCall.add newSymNode(param)


-  var ret: PNode

-  if base.typ[0] != nil:

-    var a = newNodeI(nkFastAsgn,

-    a.add newSymNode(base.ast[resultPos].sym)

-    a.add vTableCall

-    ret = newNodeI(nkReturnStmt,

-    ret.add a

-  else:

-    ret = vTableCall


-  if base.typ.n[1].sym.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}:

-    let ifBranch = newNodeI(nkElifBranch,

-    let boolType = getSysType(g, unknownLineInfo, tyBool)

-    var isNil = getSysMagic(g, unknownLineInfo, "isNil", mIsNil)

-    let checkSelf = newNodeIT(nkCall,, boolType)

-    checkSelf.add newSymNode(isNil)

-    checkSelf.add newSymNode(base.typ.n[1].sym)

-    ifBranch.add checkSelf

-    ifBranch.add newTree(nkCall,

-        newSymNode(getCompilerProc(g, "chckNilDisp")), newSymNode(base.typ.n[1].sym))

-    let elseBranch = newTree(nkElifBranch, ret)

-    disp.add ifBranch

-    disp.add elseBranch

-  else:

-    disp = ret


-  body.add disp

-  body.flags.incl nfTransf # should not be further transformed

-  result.ast[bodyPos] = body


-proc containGenerics(base: PType, s: seq[tuple[depth: int, value: PType]]): bool =

-  result = tfHasMeta in base.flags

-  for i in s:

-    if tfHasMeta in i.value.flags:

-      result = true

-      break


-proc collectVTableDispatchers*(g: ModuleGraph) =

-  var itemTable = initTable[ItemId, seq[LazySym]]()

-  var rootTypeSeq = newSeq[PType]()

-  var rootItemIdCount = initCountTable[ItemId]()

-  for bucket in 0..<g.methods.len:

-    var relevantCols = initIntSet()

-    if relevantCol(g.methods[bucket].methods, 1): incl(relevantCols, 1)

-    sortBucket(g.methods[bucket].methods, relevantCols)

-    let base = g.methods[bucket].methods[^1]

-    let baseType = base.typ.firstParamType.skipTypes(skipPtrs-{tyTypeDesc})

-    if baseType.itemId in g.objectTree and not containGenerics(baseType, g.objectTree[baseType.itemId]):

-      let methodIndexLen = g.bucketTable[baseType.itemId]

-      if baseType.itemId notin itemTable: # once is enough

-        rootTypeSeq.add baseType

-        itemTable[baseType.itemId] = newSeq[LazySym](methodIndexLen)


-        sort(g.objectTree[baseType.itemId], cmp = proc (x, y: tuple[depth: int, value: PType]): int =

-          if x.depth >= y.depth: 1

-          else: -1

-          )


-        for item in g.objectTree[baseType.itemId]:

-          if item.value.itemId notin itemTable:

-            itemTable[item.value.itemId] = newSeq[LazySym](methodIndexLen)


-      var mIndex = 0 # here is the correpsonding index

-      if baseType.itemId notin rootItemIdCount:

-        rootItemIdCount[baseType.itemId] = 1

-      else:

-        mIndex = rootItemIdCount[baseType.itemId]


-      for idx in 0..<g.methods[bucket].methods.len:

-        let obj = g.methods[bucket].methods[idx].typ.firstParamType.skipTypes(skipPtrs)

-        itemTable[obj.itemId][mIndex] = LazySym(sym: g.methods[bucket].methods[idx])

-      g.addDispatchers genVTableDispatcher(g, g.methods[bucket].methods, mIndex)

-    else: # if the base object doesn't have this method

-      g.addDispatchers genIfDispatcher(g, g.methods[bucket].methods, relevantCols, g.idgen)


-proc sortVTableDispatchers*(g: ModuleGraph) =

-  var itemTable = initTable[ItemId, seq[LazySym]]()

-  var rootTypeSeq = newSeq[ItemId]()

-  var rootItemIdCount = initCountTable[ItemId]()

-  for bucket in 0..<g.methods.len:

-    var relevantCols = initIntSet()

-    if relevantCol(g.methods[bucket].methods, 1): incl(relevantCols, 1)

-    sortBucket(g.methods[bucket].methods, relevantCols)

-    let base = g.methods[bucket].methods[^1]

-    let baseType = base.typ.firstParamType.skipTypes(skipPtrs-{tyTypeDesc})

-    if baseType.itemId in g.objectTree and not containGenerics(baseType, g.objectTree[baseType.itemId]):

-      let methodIndexLen = g.bucketTable[baseType.itemId]

-      if baseType.itemId notin itemTable: # once is enough

-        rootTypeSeq.add baseType.itemId

-        itemTable[baseType.itemId] = newSeq[LazySym](methodIndexLen)


-        sort(g.objectTree[baseType.itemId], cmp = proc (x, y: tuple[depth: int, value: PType]): int =

-          if x.depth >= y.depth: 1

-          else: -1

-          )


-        for item in g.objectTree[baseType.itemId]:

-          if item.value.itemId notin itemTable:

-            itemTable[item.value.itemId] = newSeq[LazySym](methodIndexLen)


-      var mIndex = 0 # here is the correpsonding index

-      if baseType.itemId notin rootItemIdCount:

-        rootItemIdCount[baseType.itemId] = 1

-      else:

-        mIndex = rootItemIdCount[baseType.itemId]


-      for idx in 0..<g.methods[bucket].methods.len:

-        let obj = g.methods[bucket].methods[idx].typ.firstParamType.skipTypes(skipPtrs)

-        itemTable[obj.itemId][mIndex] = LazySym(sym: g.methods[bucket].methods[idx])


-  for baseType in rootTypeSeq:

-    g.setMethodsPerType(baseType, itemTable[baseType])

-    for item in g.objectTree[baseType]:

-      let typ = item.value.skipTypes(skipPtrs)

-      let idx = typ.itemId

-      for mIndex in 0..<itemTable[idx].len:

-        if itemTable[idx][mIndex].sym == nil:

-          let parentIndex = typ[0].skipTypes(skipPtrs).itemId

-          itemTable[idx][mIndex] = itemTable[parentIndex][mIndex]

-      g.setMethodsPerType(idx, itemTable[idx])

+import ast, modulegraphs, magicsys, lineinfos, options, cgmeth, types
+import std/[algorithm, tables, intsets, assertions]
+proc genVTableDispatcher(g: ModuleGraph; methods: seq[PSym]; index: int): PSym =
+proc dispatch(x: Base, params: ...) =
+  cast[proc bar(x: Base, params: ...)](x.vTable[index])(x, params)
+  var base = methods[0].ast[dispatcherPos].sym
+  result = base
+  var paramLen = base.typ.len
+  var body = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+  var disp = newNodeI(nkIfStmt,
+  var vTableAccess = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr,, base.typ)
+  let nimGetVTableSym = getCompilerProc(g, "nimGetVTable")
+  let ptrPNimType = nimGetVTableSym.typ.n[1].sym.typ
+  var nTyp = base.typ.n[1].sym.typ
+  var dispatchObject = newSymNode(base.typ.n[1].sym)
+  if nTyp.kind == tyObject:
+    dispatchObject = newTree(nkAddr, dispatchObject)
+  else:
+    if g.config.backend != backendCpp: # TODO: maybe handle ptr?
+      if nTyp.kind == tyVar and nTyp.skipTypes({tyVar}).kind != tyObject:
+        dispatchObject = newTree(nkDerefExpr, dispatchObject)
+  var getVTableCall = newTree(nkCall,
+    newSymNode(nimGetVTableSym),
+    dispatchObject,
+    newIntNode(nkIntLit, index)
+  )
+  getVTableCall.typ = base.typ
+  var vTableCall = newNodeIT(nkCall,, base.typ.returnType)
+  var castNode = newTree(nkCast,
+        newNodeIT(nkType,, base.typ),
+        getVTableCall)
+  castNode.typ = base.typ
+  vTableCall.add castNode
+  for col in 1..<paramLen:
+    let param = base.typ.n[col].sym
+    vTableCall.add newSymNode(param)
+  var ret: PNode
+  if base.typ.returnType != nil:
+    var a = newNodeI(nkFastAsgn,
+    a.add newSymNode(base.ast[resultPos].sym)
+    a.add vTableCall
+    ret = newNodeI(nkReturnStmt,
+    ret.add a
+  else:
+    ret = vTableCall
+  if base.typ.n[1].sym.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}:
+    let ifBranch = newNodeI(nkElifBranch,
+    let boolType = getSysType(g, unknownLineInfo, tyBool)
+    var isNil = getSysMagic(g, unknownLineInfo, "isNil", mIsNil)
+    let checkSelf = newNodeIT(nkCall,, boolType)
+    checkSelf.add newSymNode(isNil)
+    checkSelf.add newSymNode(base.typ.n[1].sym)
+    ifBranch.add checkSelf
+    ifBranch.add newTree(nkCall,
+        newSymNode(getCompilerProc(g, "chckNilDisp")), newSymNode(base.typ.n[1].sym))
+    let elseBranch = newTree(nkElifBranch, ret)
+    disp.add ifBranch
+    disp.add elseBranch
+  else:
+    disp = ret
+  body.add disp
+  body.flags.incl nfTransf # should not be further transformed
+  result.ast[bodyPos] = body
+proc containGenerics(base: PType, s: seq[tuple[depth: int, value: PType]]): bool =
+  result = tfHasMeta in base.flags
+  for i in s:
+    if tfHasMeta in i.value.flags:
+      result = true
+      break
+proc collectVTableDispatchers*(g: ModuleGraph) =
+  var itemTable = initTable[ItemId, seq[LazySym]]()
+  var rootTypeSeq = newSeq[PType]()
+  var rootItemIdCount = initCountTable[ItemId]()
+  for bucket in 0..<g.methods.len:
+    var relevantCols = initIntSet()
+    if relevantCol(g.methods[bucket].methods, 1): incl(relevantCols, 1)
+    sortBucket(g.methods[bucket].methods, relevantCols)
+    let base = g.methods[bucket].methods[^1]
+    let baseType = base.typ.firstParamType.skipTypes(skipPtrs-{tyTypeDesc})
+    if baseType.itemId in g.objectTree and not containGenerics(baseType, g.objectTree[baseType.itemId]):
+      let methodIndexLen = g.bucketTable[baseType.itemId]
+      if baseType.itemId notin itemTable: # once is enough
+        rootTypeSeq.add baseType
+        itemTable[baseType.itemId] = newSeq[LazySym](methodIndexLen)
+        sort(g.objectTree[baseType.itemId], cmp = proc (x, y: tuple[depth: int, value: PType]): int =
+          if x.depth >= y.depth: 1
+          else: -1
+          )
+        for item in g.objectTree[baseType.itemId]:
+          if item.value.itemId notin itemTable:
+            itemTable[item.value.itemId] = newSeq[LazySym](methodIndexLen)
+      var mIndex = 0 # here is the correpsonding index
+      if baseType.itemId notin rootItemIdCount:
+        rootItemIdCount[baseType.itemId] = 1
+      else:
+        mIndex = rootItemIdCount[baseType.itemId]
+      for idx in 0..<g.methods[bucket].methods.len:
+        let obj = g.methods[bucket].methods[idx].typ.firstParamType.skipTypes(skipPtrs)
+        itemTable[obj.itemId][mIndex] = LazySym(sym: g.methods[bucket].methods[idx])
+      g.addDispatchers genVTableDispatcher(g, g.methods[bucket].methods, mIndex)
+    else: # if the base object doesn't have this method
+      g.addDispatchers genIfDispatcher(g, g.methods[bucket].methods, relevantCols, g.idgen)
+proc sortVTableDispatchers*(g: ModuleGraph) =
+  var itemTable = initTable[ItemId, seq[LazySym]]()
+  var rootTypeSeq = newSeq[ItemId]()
+  var rootItemIdCount = initCountTable[ItemId]()
+  for bucket in 0..<g.methods.len:
+    var relevantCols = initIntSet()
+    if relevantCol(g.methods[bucket].methods, 1): incl(relevantCols, 1)
+    sortBucket(g.methods[bucket].methods, relevantCols)
+    let base = g.methods[bucket].methods[^1]
+    let baseType = base.typ.firstParamType.skipTypes(skipPtrs-{tyTypeDesc})
+    if baseType.itemId in g.objectTree and not containGenerics(baseType, g.objectTree[baseType.itemId]):
+      let methodIndexLen = g.bucketTable[baseType.itemId]
+      if baseType.itemId notin itemTable: # once is enough
+        rootTypeSeq.add baseType.itemId
+        itemTable[baseType.itemId] = newSeq[LazySym](methodIndexLen)
+        sort(g.objectTree[baseType.itemId], cmp = proc (x, y: tuple[depth: int, value: PType]): int =
+          if x.depth >= y.depth: 1
+          else: -1
+          )
+        for item in g.objectTree[baseType.itemId]:
+          if item.value.itemId notin itemTable:
+            itemTable[item.value.itemId] = newSeq[LazySym](methodIndexLen)
+      var mIndex = 0 # here is the correpsonding index
+      if baseType.itemId notin rootItemIdCount:
+        rootItemIdCount[baseType.itemId] = 1
+      else:
+        mIndex = rootItemIdCount[baseType.itemId]
+      for idx in 0..<g.methods[bucket].methods.len:
+        let obj = g.methods[bucket].methods[idx].typ.firstParamType.skipTypes(skipPtrs)
+        itemTable[obj.itemId][mIndex] = LazySym(sym: g.methods[bucket].methods[idx])
+  for baseType in rootTypeSeq:
+    g.setMethodsPerType(baseType, itemTable[baseType])
+    for item in g.objectTree[baseType]:
+      let typ = item.value.skipTypes(skipPtrs)
+      let idx = typ.itemId
+      for mIndex in 0..<itemTable[idx].len:
+        if itemTable[idx][mIndex].sym == nil:
+          let parentIndex = typ.baseClass.skipTypes(skipPtrs).itemId
+          itemTable[idx][mIndex] = itemTable[parentIndex][mIndex]
+      g.setMethodsPerType(idx, itemTable[idx])