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path: root/compiler/nimconf.nim
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authorAraq <>2015-09-03 14:11:33 +0200
committerAraq <>2015-09-03 14:30:11 +0200
commita373bdd0c973fd1db2ab988aea8bcfc3d8dd4245 (patch)
tree3572b008f7fe36a6dfd40f0156de3f74f8a40e86 /compiler/nimconf.nim
parente90c15526082d0b5f644c3d92b0f34353eb884b7 (diff)
improvements for NimScript support
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/nimconf.nim')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nimconf.nim b/compiler/nimconf.nim
index b9c78cecc..496bd0123 100644
--- a/compiler/nimconf.nim
+++ b/compiler/nimconf.nim
@@ -9,106 +9,106 @@
 # This module handles the reading of the config file.
-  llstream, nversion, commands, os, strutils, msgs, platform, condsyms, lexer, 
+  llstream, nversion, commands, os, strutils, msgs, platform, condsyms, lexer,
   options, idents, wordrecg, strtabs
 # ---------------- configuration file parser -----------------------------
 # we use Nim's scanner here to save space and work
-proc ppGetTok(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+proc ppGetTok(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   # simple filter
   rawGetTok(L, tok)
   while tok.tokType in {tkComment}: rawGetTok(L, tok)
 proc parseExpr(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken): bool
-proc parseAtom(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken): bool = 
-  if tok.tokType == tkParLe: 
+proc parseAtom(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken): bool =
+  if tok.tokType == tkParLe:
     ppGetTok(L, tok)
     result = parseExpr(L, tok)
     if tok.tokType == tkParRi: ppGetTok(L, tok)
     else: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "\')\'")
-  elif == ord(wNot): 
+  elif == ord(wNot):
     ppGetTok(L, tok)
     result = not parseAtom(L, tok)
     result = isDefined(tok.ident)
     ppGetTok(L, tok)
-proc parseAndExpr(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken): bool = 
+proc parseAndExpr(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken): bool =
   result = parseAtom(L, tok)
-  while == ord(wAnd): 
+  while == ord(wAnd):
     ppGetTok(L, tok)          # skip "and"
     var b = parseAtom(L, tok)
     result = result and b
-proc parseExpr(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken): bool = 
+proc parseExpr(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken): bool =
   result = parseAndExpr(L, tok)
-  while == ord(wOr): 
+  while == ord(wOr):
     ppGetTok(L, tok)          # skip "or"
     var b = parseAndExpr(L, tok)
     result = result or b
-proc evalppIf(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken): bool = 
+proc evalppIf(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken): bool =
   ppGetTok(L, tok)            # skip 'if' or 'elif'
   result = parseExpr(L, tok)
   if tok.tokType == tkColon: ppGetTok(L, tok)
   else: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "\':\'")
 var condStack: seq[bool] = @[]
-proc doEnd(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+proc doEnd(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   if high(condStack) < 0: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "@if")
   ppGetTok(L, tok)            # skip 'end'
   setLen(condStack, high(condStack))
-  TJumpDest = enum 
+  TJumpDest = enum
     jdEndif, jdElseEndif
 proc jumpToDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, dest: TJumpDest)
-proc doElse(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+proc doElse(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   if high(condStack) < 0: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "@if")
   ppGetTok(L, tok)
   if tok.tokType == tkColon: ppGetTok(L, tok)
   if condStack[high(condStack)]: jumpToDirective(L, tok, jdEndif)
-proc doElif(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+proc doElif(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   if high(condStack) < 0: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "@if")
   var res = evalppIf(L, tok)
   if condStack[high(condStack)] or not res: jumpToDirective(L, tok, jdElseEndif)
   else: condStack[high(condStack)] = true
-proc jumpToDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, dest: TJumpDest) = 
+proc jumpToDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, dest: TJumpDest) =
   var nestedIfs = 0
-  while true: 
+  while true:
     if tok.ident != nil and tok.ident.s == "@":
       ppGetTok(L, tok)
       case whichKeyword(tok.ident)
-      of wIf: 
+      of wIf:
-      of wElse: 
+      of wElse:
         if dest == jdElseEndif and nestedIfs == 0:
           doElse(L, tok)
-          break 
-      of wElif: 
+          break
+      of wElif:
         if dest == jdElseEndif and nestedIfs == 0:
           doElif(L, tok)
-          break 
-      of wEnd: 
-        if nestedIfs == 0: 
+          break
+      of wEnd:
+        if nestedIfs == 0:
           doEnd(L, tok)
-          break 
+          break
         if nestedIfs > 0: dec(nestedIfs)
-      else: 
+      else:
       ppGetTok(L, tok)
     elif tok.tokType == tkEof:
       lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "@end")
       ppGetTok(L, tok)
-proc parseDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+proc parseDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   ppGetTok(L, tok)            # skip @
   case whichKeyword(tok.ident)
   of wIf:
@@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ proc parseDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
     ppGetTok(L, tok)
     case tok.ident.s.normalize
-    of "putenv": 
+    of "putenv":
       ppGetTok(L, tok)
       var key = tokToStr(tok)
       ppGetTok(L, tok)
       os.putEnv(key, tokToStr(tok))
       ppGetTok(L, tok)
-    of "prependenv": 
+    of "prependenv":
       ppGetTok(L, tok)
       var key = tokToStr(tok)
       ppGetTok(L, tok)
@@ -145,17 +145,17 @@ proc parseDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
       os.putEnv(key, os.getEnv(key) & tokToStr(tok))
       ppGetTok(L, tok)
     else: lexMessage(L, errInvalidDirectiveX, tokToStr(tok))
-proc confTok(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+proc confTok(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   ppGetTok(L, tok)
-  while tok.ident != nil and tok.ident.s == "@": 
+  while tok.ident != nil and tok.ident.s == "@":
     parseDirective(L, tok)    # else: give the token to the parser
-proc checkSymbol(L: TLexer, tok: TToken) = 
-  if tok.tokType notin {tkSymbol..pred(tkIntLit), tkStrLit..tkTripleStrLit}: 
+proc checkSymbol(L: TLexer, tok: TToken) =
+  if tok.tokType notin {tkSymbol..pred(tkIntLit), tkStrLit..tkTripleStrLit}:
     lexMessage(L, errIdentifierExpected, tokToStr(tok))
-proc parseAssignment(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+proc parseAssignment(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   if == getIdent("-").id or == getIdent("--").id:
     confTok(L, tok)           # skip unnecessary prefix
   var info = getLineInfo(L, tok) # save for later in case of an error
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ proc parseAssignment(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   var s = tokToStr(tok)
   confTok(L, tok)             # skip symbol
   var val = ""
-  while tok.tokType == tkDot: 
+  while tok.tokType == tkDot:
     add(s, '.')
     confTok(L, tok)
     checkSymbol(L, tok)
     add(s, tokToStr(tok))
     confTok(L, tok)
-  if tok.tokType == tkBracketLe: 
+  if tok.tokType == tkBracketLe:
     # BUGFIX: val, not s!
     # BUGFIX: do not copy '['!
     confTok(L, tok)
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ proc parseAssignment(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
     else: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "']'")
     add(val, ']')
   let percent = == getIdent("%=").id
-  if tok.tokType in {tkColon, tkEquals} or percent: 
+  if tok.tokType in {tkColon, tkEquals} or percent:
     if len(val) > 0: add(val, ':')
     confTok(L, tok)           # skip ':' or '=' or '%'
     checkSymbol(L, tok)
@@ -226,15 +226,7 @@ proc getSystemConfigPath(filename: string): string =
     if not existsFile(result): result = "/etc/" & filename
 proc loadConfigs*(cfg: string) =
-  # set default value (can be overwritten):
-  if libpath == "": 
-    # choose default libpath:
-    var prefix = getPrefixDir()
-    when defined(posix):
-      if prefix == "/usr": libpath = "/usr/lib/nim"
-      elif prefix == "/usr/local": libpath = "/usr/local/lib/nim"
-      else: libpath = joinPath(prefix, "lib")
-    else: libpath = joinPath(prefix, "lib")
+  setDefaultLibpath()
   if optSkipConfigFile notin gGlobalOptions:
@@ -246,10 +238,10 @@ proc loadConfigs*(cfg: string) =
   if optSkipParentConfigFiles notin gGlobalOptions:
     for dir in parentDirs(pd, fromRoot=true, inclusive=false):
       readConfigFile(dir / cfg)
   if optSkipProjConfigFile notin gGlobalOptions:
     readConfigFile(pd / cfg)
     if gProjectName.len != 0:
       # new project wide config file:
       var projectConfig = changeFileExt(gProjectFull, "nimcfg")