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path: root/compiler/pathutils.nim
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authorAraq <>2018-12-13 12:05:36 +0100
committerAraq <>2018-12-13 12:05:50 +0100
commit9cc4a57768156883acc4e8190c78a69ed2c3d526 (patch)
tree693e8b338654b3e9a00b726545fa99eab042466c /compiler/pathutils.nim
parent467f53512fa77d6d7a706d8f946c2ec72594c8a5 (diff)
os.nim: big refactoring, use the new pathnorm that was extracted by compiler/pathutils.nim; added os.relativePath
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/pathutils.nim')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/pathutils.nim b/compiler/pathutils.nim
index 703467bc4..80c479898 100644
--- a/compiler/pathutils.nim
+++ b/compiler/pathutils.nim
@@ -9,9 +9,8 @@
 ## Path handling utilities for Nim. Strictly typed code in order
 ## to avoid the never ending time sink in getting path handling right.
-## Might be a candidate for the stdlib later.
-import os, strutils
+import os, strutils, pathnorm
   AbsoluteFile* = distinct string
@@ -45,130 +44,9 @@ proc cmpPaths*(x, y: AbsoluteDir): int {.borrow.}
 proc createDir*(x: AbsoluteDir) {.borrow.}
-  PathIter = object
-    i, prev: int
-    notFirst: bool
-proc hasNext(it: PathIter; x: string): bool =
-  it.i < x.len
-proc next(it: var PathIter; x: string): (int, int) =
-  it.prev = it.i
-  if not it.notFirst and x[it.i] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
-    # absolute path:
-    inc it.i
-  else:
-    while it.i < x.len and x[it.i] notin {DirSep, AltSep}: inc it.i
-  if it.i > it.prev:
-    result = (it.prev, it.i-1)
-  elif hasNext(it, x):
-    result = next(it, x)
-  # skip all separators:
-  while it.i < x.len and x[it.i] in {DirSep, AltSep}: inc it.i
-  it.notFirst = true
-iterator dirs(x: string): (int, int) =
-  var it: PathIter
-  while hasNext(it, x): yield next(it, x)
-proc isDot(x: string; bounds: (int, int)): bool =
-  bounds[1] == bounds[0] and x[bounds[0]] == '.'
-proc isDotDot(x: string; bounds: (int, int)): bool =
-  bounds[1] == bounds[0] + 1 and x[bounds[0]] == '.' and x[bounds[0]+1] == '.'
-proc isSlash(x: string; bounds: (int, int)): bool =
-  bounds[1] == bounds[0] and x[bounds[0]] in {DirSep, AltSep}
-const canonDirSep = when isMainModule: '/' else: DirSep
-proc canon(x: string; result: var string; state: var int) =
-  # state: 0th bit set if isAbsolute path. Other bits count
-  # the number of path components.
-  for b in dirs(x):
-    if (state shr 1 == 0) and isSlash(x, b):
-      result.add canonDirSep
-      state = state or 1
-    elif result.len > (state and 1) and isDotDot(x, b):
-      var d = result.len
-      # f/..
-      while (d-1) > (state and 1) and result[d-1] notin {DirSep, AltSep}:
-        dec d
-      if d > 0: setLen(result, d-1)
-    elif isDot(x, b):
-      discard "discard the dot"
-    elif b[1] >= b[0]:
-      if result.len > 0 and result[^1] notin {DirSep, AltSep}:
-        result.add canonDirSep
-      result.add substr(x, b[0], b[1])
-    inc state, 2
-proc canon(x: string): string =
-  # - Turn multiple slashes into single slashes.
-  # - Resolve '/foo/../bar' to '/bar'.
-  # - Remove './' from the path.
-  result = newStringOfCap(x.len)
-  var state = 0
-  canon(x, result, state)
-when FileSystemCaseSensitive:
-  template `!=?`(a, b: char): bool = toLowerAscii(a) != toLowerAscii(b)
-  template `!=?`(a, b: char): bool = a != b
-proc relativeTo(full, base: string; sep = canonDirSep): string =
-  if full.len == 0: return ""
-  var f, b: PathIter
-  var ff = (0, -1)
-  var bb = (0, -1) # (int, int)
-  result = newStringOfCap(full.len)
-  # skip the common prefix:
-  while f.hasNext(full) and b.hasNext(base):
-    ff = next(f, full)
-    bb = next(b, base)
-    let diff = ff[1] - ff[0]
-    if diff != bb[1] - bb[0]: break
-    var same = true
-    for i in 0..diff:
-      if full[i + ff[0]] !=? base[i + bb[0]]:
-        same = false
-        break
-    if not same: break
-    ff = (0, -1)
-    bb = (0, -1)
-  #  for i in 0..diff:
-  #    result.add base[i + bb[0]]
-  # /foo/bar/xxx/ -- base
-  # /foo/bar/baz  -- full path
-  #   ../baz
-  # every directory that is in 'base', needs to add '..'
-  while true:
-    if bb[1] >= bb[0]:
-      if result.len > 0 and result[^1] != sep:
-        result.add sep
-      result.add ".."
-    if not b.hasNext(base): break
-    bb =
-  # add the rest of 'full':
-  while true:
-    if ff[1] >= ff[0]:
-      if result.len > 0 and result[^1] != sep:
-        result.add sep
-      for i in 0..ff[1] - ff[0]:
-        result.add full[i + ff[0]]
-    if not f.hasNext(full): break
-    ff =
 when true:
-  proc eqImpl(x, y: string): bool =
-    when FileSystemCaseSensitive:
-      result = cmpIgnoreCase(canon x, canon y) == 0
-    else:
-      result = canon(x) == canon(y)
+  proc eqImpl(x, y: string): bool {.inline.} =
+    result = cmpPaths(x, y) == 0
   proc `==`*(x, y: AbsoluteFile): bool = eqImpl(x.string, y.string)
   proc `==`*(x, y: AbsoluteDir): bool = eqImpl(x.string, y.string)
@@ -180,20 +58,20 @@ when true:
     assert(not isAbsolute(f.string))
     result = AbsoluteFile newStringOfCap(base.string.len + f.string.len)
     var state = 0
-    canon(base.string, result.string, state)
-    canon(f.string, result.string, state)
+    addNormalizePath(base.string, result.string, state)
+    addNormalizePath(f.string, result.string, state)
   proc `/`*(base: AbsoluteDir; f: RelativeDir): AbsoluteDir =
     #assert isAbsolute(base.string)
     assert(not isAbsolute(f.string))
     result = AbsoluteDir newStringOfCap(base.string.len + f.string.len)
     var state = 0
-    canon(base.string, result.string, state)
-    canon(f.string, result.string, state)
+    addNormalizePath(base.string, result.string, state)
+    addNormalizePath(f.string, result.string, state)
   proc relativeTo*(fullPath: AbsoluteFile, baseFilename: AbsoluteDir;
-                   sep = canonDirSep): RelativeFile =
-    RelativeFile(relativeTo(fullPath.string, baseFilename.string, sep))
+                   sep = DirSep): RelativeFile =
+    RelativeFile(relativePath(fullPath.string, baseFilename.string, sep))
   proc toAbsolute*(file: string; base: AbsoluteDir): AbsoluteFile =
     if isAbsolute(file): result = AbsoluteFile(file)
@@ -208,37 +86,8 @@ when true:
   proc writeFile*(x: AbsoluteFile; content: string) {.borrow.}
 when isMainModule:
-  doAssert canon"/foo/../bar" == "/bar"
-  doAssert canon"foo/../bar" == "bar"
-  doAssert canon"/f/../bar///" == "/bar"
-  doAssert canon"f/..////bar" == "bar"
-  doAssert canon"../bar" == "../bar"
-  doAssert canon"/../bar" == "/../bar"
-  doAssert canon("foo/../../bar/") == "../bar"
-  doAssert canon("./bla/blob/") == "bla/blob"
-  doAssert canon(".hiddenFile") == ".hiddenFile"
-  doAssert canon("./bla/../../blob/./zoo.nim") == "../blob/zoo.nim"
-  doAssert canon("C:/file/to/this/long") == "C:/file/to/this/long"
-  doAssert canon("") == ""
-  doAssert canon("foobar") == "foobar"
-  doAssert canon("f/////////") == "f"
-  doAssert relativeTo("/foo/bar//baz.nim", "/foo") == "bar/baz.nim"
-  doAssert relativeTo("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/other/bad") == "../../me/bar/z.nim"
-  doAssert relativeTo("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/other") == "../me/bar/z.nim"
-  doAssert relativeTo("/Users///me/bar//z.nim", "//Users/") == "me/bar/z.nim"
-  doAssert relativeTo("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/me") == "bar/z.nim"
-  doAssert relativeTo("", "/users/moo") == ""
-  doAssert relativeTo("foo", "") == "foo"
   doAssert AbsoluteDir"/Users/me///" / RelativeFile"z.nim" == AbsoluteFile"/Users/me/z.nim"
-  doAssert relativeTo("/foo/bar.nim", "/foo/") == "bar.nim"
+  doAssert relativePath("/foo/bar.nim", "/foo/", '/') == "bar.nim"
 when isMainModule and defined(windows):
   let nasty = string(AbsoluteDir(r"C:\Users\rumpf\projects\nim\tests\nimble\nimbleDir\linkedPkgs\pkgB-#head\../../simplePkgs/pkgB-#head/") / RelativeFile"pkgA/module.nim")