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path: root/compiler
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authorAraq <>2014-02-25 01:06:35 +0100
committerAraq <>2014-02-25 01:06:35 +0100
commit10768904eb65da1899d0d48cc1a2f3547af3bef0 (patch)
tree79676143be1663cacdbb5a8790451fde4e7366bc /compiler
parentab72377ce64cf2b563ea90204925b793082971cb (diff)
parente6b0b7ecc9bb81d94eec19fbc4fc62e104f59253 (diff)
Merge branch 'devel' of into devel
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
9 files changed, 135 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ccgstmts.nim b/compiler/ccgstmts.nim
index 443d845f6..4576a54b5 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgstmts.nim
@@ -263,33 +263,33 @@ proc genIf(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
 proc blockLeaveActions(p: BProc, howManyTrys, howManyExcepts: int) = 
-  # This is called by return and break stmts.
-  # When jumping out of try/except/finally stmts,
-  # we need to pop safe points from try statements,
-  # execute finally-stmts, and pop exceptions
-  # from except stmts
+  # Called by return and break stmts.
+  # Deals with issues faced when jumping out of try/except/finally stmts,
-  let L = p.nestedTryStmts.len
-  # danger of endless recursion! we workaround this here by a temp stack
   var stack: seq[PNode]
-  newSeq(stack, howManyTrys)
-  for i in countup(1, howManyTrys): 
-    stack[i-1] = p.nestedTryStmts[L-i]
-  setLen(p.nestedTryStmts, L-howManyTrys)
+  newSeq(stack, 0)
   var alreadyPoppedCnt = p.inExceptBlock
-  for tryStmt in items(stack):
+  for i in countup(1, howManyTrys):
     if gCmd != cmdCompileToCpp:
+      # Pop safe points generated by try
       if alreadyPoppedCnt > 0:
         dec alreadyPoppedCnt
         linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#popSafePoint();$n")
-    # Find finally-stmts for this try-stmt
-    # and generate a copy of the finally stmts here
+    # Pop this try-stmt of the list of nested trys
+    # so we don't infinite recurse on it in the next step.
+    var tryStmt = p.nestedTryStmts.pop
+    stack.add(tryStmt)
+    # Find finally-stmt for this try-stmt
+    # and generate a copy of its sons
     var finallyStmt = lastSon(tryStmt)
     if finallyStmt.kind == nkFinally: 
       genStmts(p, finallyStmt.sons[0])
   # push old elements again:
   for i in countdown(howManyTrys-1, 0): 
@@ -304,7 +304,14 @@ proc genReturnStmt(p: BProc, t: PNode) =
   p.beforeRetNeeded = true
   genLineDir(p, t)
   if (t.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty): genStmts(p, t.sons[0])
-  blockLeaveActions(p, min(1, p.nestedTryStmts.len), p.inExceptBlock)
+  blockLeaveActions(p, 
+    howManyTrys    = p.nestedTryStmts.len,
+    howManyExcepts = p.inExceptBlock)
+  if (p.finallySafePoints.len > 0):
+    # If we're in a finally block, and we came here by exception
+    # consume it before we return.
+    var safePoint = p.finallySafePoints[p.finallySafePoints.len-1]
+    linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1.status != 0) #popCurrentException();$n", safePoint)    
   lineFF(p, cpsStmts, "goto BeforeRet;$n", "br label %BeforeRet$n", [])
 proc genComputedGoto(p: BProc; n: PNode) =
@@ -843,7 +850,9 @@ proc genTry(p: BProc, t: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
   discard pop(p.nestedTryStmts)
   endBlock(p) # end of else block
   if i < length and t.sons[i].kind == nkFinally:
+    p.finallySafePoints.add(safePoint)
     exprBlock(p, t.sons[i].sons[0], d)
+    discard pop(p.finallySafePoints)
   linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1.status != 0) #reraiseException();$n", safePoint)
 proc genAsmOrEmitStmt(p: BProc, t: PNode, isAsmStmt=false): PRope =
diff --git a/compiler/cgen.nim b/compiler/cgen.nim
index 5057ae558..87ed23f36 100644
--- a/compiler/cgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgen.nim
@@ -962,8 +962,8 @@ proc genMainProc(m: BModule) =
     NimMainBody =
       "N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void) {$N" &
         "\tPreMain();$N" &
-        "$1$N" &
-      "}$N"
+        "$1" &
+      "}$N$N"
     PosixNimMain =
       "int cmdCount;$N" &
@@ -977,20 +977,20 @@ proc genMainProc(m: BModule) =
         "\tcmdCount = argc;$N" &
         "\tgEnv = env;$N" &
         MainProcsWithResult &
-      "}$N"
+      "}$N$N"
     StandaloneCMain =
       "int main(void) {$N" &
         MainProcs &
         "\treturn 0;$N" &
-      "}$N"
+      "}$N$N"
     WinNimMain = NimMainBody
     WinCMain = "N_STDCALL(int, WinMain)(HINSTANCE hCurInstance, $N" &
       "                        HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, $N" &
       "                        LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {$N" &
-      MainProcsWithResult & "}$N"
+      MainProcsWithResult & "}$N$N"
     WinNimDllMain = "N_LIB_EXPORT " & NimMainBody
@@ -998,14 +998,14 @@ proc genMainProc(m: BModule) =
       "BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fwdreason, $N" &
       "                    LPVOID lpvReserved) {$N" &
       "\tif(fwdreason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {$N" & MainProcs & "}$N" &
-      "\treturn 1;$N}$N"
+      "\treturn 1;$N}$N$N"
     PosixNimDllMain = WinNimDllMain
     PosixCDllMain =
       "void NIM_POSIX_INIT NimMainInit(void) {$N" &
         MainProcs &
-      "}$N"
+      "}$N$N"
   var nimMain, otherMain: TFormatStr
   if platform.targetOS == osWindows and
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ proc genMainProc(m: BModule) =
                               platform.targetOS == osStandalone: "".toRope
                             else: ropecg(m, "\t#initStackBottom();$N")
-  appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], "void PreMain() {$N" & PreMainBody & "}$N", [
+  appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], "void PreMain() {$N" & PreMainBody & "}$N$N", [
     mainDatInit, initStackBottomCall, gBreakpoints, otherModsInit])
   appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], nimMain, [mainModInit, toRope(m.labels)])
diff --git a/compiler/cgendata.nim b/compiler/cgendata.nim
index 71479abdd..0df7bb6dc 100644
--- a/compiler/cgendata.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgendata.nim
@@ -65,11 +65,13 @@ type
     prc*: PSym                # the Nimrod proc that this C proc belongs to
     beforeRetNeeded*: bool    # true iff 'BeforeRet' label for proc is needed
     threadVarAccessed*: bool  # true if the proc already accessed some threadvar
-    nestedTryStmts*: seq[PNode] # in how many nested try statements we are
-                                # (the vars must be volatile then)
+    nestedTryStmts*: seq[PNode]   # in how many nested try statements we are
+                                  # (the vars must be volatile then)
     inExceptBlock*: int       # are we currently inside an except block?
                               # leaving such scopes by raise or by return must
                               # execute any applicable finally blocks
+    finallySafePoints*: seq[PRope]  # For correctly cleaning up exceptions when
+                                    # using return in finally statements
     labels*: Natural          # for generating unique labels in the C proc
     blocks*: seq[TBlock]      # nested blocks
     breakIdx*: int            # the block that will be exited
@@ -142,6 +144,7 @@ proc newProc*(prc: PSym, module: BModule): BProc =
   else: result.options = gOptions
   newSeq(result.blocks, 1)
   result.nestedTryStmts = @[]
+  result.finallySafePoints = @[]
 iterator cgenModules*: var BModule =
   for i in 0..high(gModules):
diff --git a/compiler/msgs.nim b/compiler/msgs.nim
index 268205361..b44ca2ff0 100644
--- a/compiler/msgs.nim
+++ b/compiler/msgs.nim
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ type
     errNewSectionExpected, errWhitespaceExpected, errXisNoValidIndexFile, 
     errCannotRenderX, errVarVarTypeNotAllowed, errInstantiateXExplicitely,
     errOnlyACallOpCanBeDelegator, errUsingNoSymbol,
+    errMacroBodyDependsOnGenericTypes,
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ type
     errXhasSideEffects, errIteratorExpected, errLetNeedsInit,
     errThreadvarCannotInit, errWrongSymbolX, errIllegalCaptureX,
     errXCannotBeClosure, errXMustBeCompileTime,
+    errCannotInferTypeOfTheLiteral,
     warnOctalEscape, warnXIsNeverRead, warnXmightNotBeenInit, 
@@ -325,6 +327,8 @@ const
     errInstantiateXExplicitely: "instantiate '$1' explicitely",
     errOnlyACallOpCanBeDelegator: "only a call operator can be a delegator",
     errUsingNoSymbol: "'$1' is not a variable, constant or a proc name",
+    errMacroBodyDependsOnGenericTypes: "the macro body cannot be compiled, " &
+                                       "because the parameter '$1' has a generic type",
     errDestructorNotGenericEnough: "Destructor signarue is too specific. " &
                                    "A destructor must be associated will all instantiations of a generic type",
     errXExpectsTwoArguments: "\'$1\' expects two arguments", 
@@ -348,6 +352,7 @@ const
     errIllegalCaptureX: "illegal capture '$1'",
     errXCannotBeClosure: "'$1' cannot have 'closure' calling convention",
     errXMustBeCompileTime: "'$1' can only be used in compile-time context",
+    errCannotInferTypeOfTheLiteral: "cannot infer the type of the $1",
     errUser: "$1", 
     warnCannotOpenFile: "cannot open \'$1\' [CannotOpenFile]",
     warnOctalEscape: "octal escape sequences do not exist; leading zero is ignored [OctalEscape]", 
diff --git a/compiler/pragmas.nim b/compiler/pragmas.nim
index 602c70f4d..4304e5fb7 100644
--- a/compiler/pragmas.nim
+++ b/compiler/pragmas.nim
@@ -97,8 +97,25 @@ proc makeExternImport(s: PSym, extname: string) =
   incl(s.flags, sfImportc)
   excl(s.flags, sfForward)
-proc makeExternExport(s: PSym, extname: string) = 
+const invalidIdentChars = AllChars - IdentChars
+proc validateExternCName(s: PSym, info: TLineInfo) =
+  ## Validates that the symbol name in s.loc.r is a valid C identifier.
+  ##
+  ## Valid identifiers are those alphanumeric including the underscore not
+  ## starting with a number. If the check fails, a generic error will be
+  ## displayed to the user.
+  let target = ropeToStr(s.loc.r)
+  if target.len < 1 or (not (target[0] in IdentStartChars)) or
+      (not target.allCharsInSet(IdentChars)):
+    localError(info, errGenerated, "invalid exported symbol")
+proc makeExternExport(s: PSym, extname: string, info: TLineInfo) =
   setExternName(s, extname)
+  case gCmd
+  of cmdCompileToC, cmdCompileToCpp, cmdCompileToOC:
+    validateExternCName(s, info)
+  else: discard
   incl(s.flags, sfExportc)
 proc processImportCompilerProc(s: PSym, extname: string) =
@@ -515,7 +532,7 @@ proc singlePragma(c: PContext, sym: PSym, n: PNode, i: int,
       if k in validPragmas: 
         case k
         of wExportc: 
-          makeExternExport(sym, getOptionalStr(c, it, "$1"))
+          makeExternExport(sym, getOptionalStr(c, it, "$1"),
           incl(sym.flags, sfUsed) # avoid wrong hints
         of wImportc: makeExternImport(sym, getOptionalStr(c, it, "$1"))
         of wImportCompilerProc:
@@ -603,7 +620,7 @@ proc singlePragma(c: PContext, sym: PSym, n: PNode, i: int,
           processDynLib(c, it, sym)
         of wCompilerproc: 
           noVal(it)           # compilerproc may not get a string!
-          makeExternExport(sym, "$1")
+          makeExternExport(sym, "$1",
           incl(sym.flags, sfCompilerProc)
           incl(sym.flags, sfUsed) # suppress all those stupid warnings
diff --git a/compiler/semstmts.nim b/compiler/semstmts.nim
index 503ea4bc1..6c4e29f29 100644
--- a/compiler/semstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/semstmts.nim
@@ -143,10 +143,11 @@ proc discardCheck(c: PContext, result: PNode) =
       while n.kind in skipForDiscardable:
         n = n.lastSon
         n.typ = nil
-    elif c.inTypeClass > 0 and result.typ.kind == tyBool:
-      let verdict = semConstExpr(c, result)
-      if verdict.intVal == 0:
-        localError(, "type class predicate failed")
+    elif c.inTypeClass > 0:
+      if result.typ.kind == tyBool:
+        let verdict = semConstExpr(c, result)
+        if verdict.intVal == 0:
+          localError(, "type class predicate failed")
     elif result.typ.kind != tyError and gCmd != cmdInteractive:
       if result.typ.kind == tyNil:
@@ -349,7 +350,12 @@ proc semVarOrLet(c: PContext, n: PNode, symkind: TSymKind): PNode =
       # BUGFIX: ``fitNode`` is needed here!
       # check type compability between def.typ and typ:
       if typ != nil: def = fitNode(c, typ, def)
-      else: typ = skipIntLit(def.typ)
+      else:
+        typ = skipIntLit(def.typ)
+        if typ.kind in {tySequence, tyArray, tySet} and
+           typ.lastSon.kind == tyEmpty:
+          localError(, errCannotInferTypeOfTheLiteral,
+                     ($typ.kind).substr(2).toLower)
       def = ast.emptyNode
       if symkind == skLet: localError(, errLetNeedsInit)
diff --git a/compiler/semtypes.nim b/compiler/semtypes.nim
index 184aca4f8..809b80428 100644
--- a/compiler/semtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/semtypes.nim
@@ -653,6 +653,10 @@ proc liftParamType(c: PContext, procKind: TSymKind, genericParams: PNode,
   var paramTypId = if not anon and paramType.sym != nil:
                    else: nil
+  template maybeLift(typ: PType): expr =
+    let lifted = liftingWalk(typ)
+    (if lifted != nil: lifted else: typ)
   template addImplicitGeneric(e: expr): expr =
     addImplicitGenericImpl(e, paramTypId)
@@ -663,15 +667,19 @@ proc liftParamType(c: PContext, procKind: TSymKind, genericParams: PNode,
   of tyStatic:
     # proc(a: expr{string}, b: expr{nkLambda})
     # overload on compile time values and AST trees
-    result = addImplicitGeneric(c.newTypeWithSons(tyStatic, paramType.sons))
+    let base = paramType.base.maybeLift
+    if base.isMetaType and procKind == skMacro:
+      localError(info, errMacroBodyDependsOnGenericTypes, paramName)
+    result = addImplicitGeneric(c.newTypeWithSons(tyStatic, @[base]))
     result.flags.incl tfHasStatic
   of tyTypeDesc:
     if tfUnresolved notin paramType.flags:
       # naked typedescs are not bindOnce types
-      if paramType.sonsLen == 0 and paramTypId != nil and
+      if paramType.base.kind == tyNone and paramTypId != nil and
 == paramTypId = nil
-      result = addImplicitGeneric(c.newTypeWithSons(tyTypeDesc, paramType.sons))
+      result = addImplicitGeneric(
+        c.newTypeWithSons(tyTypeDesc, @[paramType.base]))
   of tyDistinct:
     if paramType.sonsLen == 1:
@@ -705,7 +713,6 @@ proc liftParamType(c: PContext, procKind: TSymKind, genericParams: PNode,
       # result.rawAddSon(copyType(paramType.sons[i], getCurrOwner(), true))
     result = instGenericContainer(c,, result,
                                   allowMetaTypes = true)
-    result.lastSon.shouldHaveMeta
     result = newTypeWithSons(c, tyCompositeTypeClass, @[paramType, result])
     result = addImplicitGeneric(result)
@@ -1011,7 +1018,8 @@ proc semTypeNode(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType =
     of mOrdinal: result = semOrdinal(c, n, prev)
     of mSeq: result = semContainer(c, n, tySequence, "seq", prev)
     of mVarargs: result = semVarargs(c, n, prev)
-    of mExpr, mTypeDesc:
+    of mTypeDesc: result = makeTypeDesc(c, semTypeNode(c, n[1], nil))
+    of mExpr:
       result = semTypeNode(c, n.sons[0], nil)
       if result != nil:
         result = copyType(result, getCurrOwner(), false)
diff --git a/compiler/semtypinst.nim b/compiler/semtypinst.nim
index f08214f1e..22edc6e32 100644
--- a/compiler/semtypinst.nim
+++ b/compiler/semtypinst.nim
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ proc handleGenericInvokation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
   # is difficult to handle: 
   var body = t.sons[0]
   if body.kind != tyGenericBody: internalError(, "no generic body")
-  var header: PType = nil
+  var header: PType = t
   # search for some instantiation here:
   if cl.allowMetaTypes:
     result = PType(idTableGet(cl.localCache, t))
@@ -232,11 +232,13 @@ proc handleGenericInvokation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
     if x.kind == tyGenericParam:
       x = lookupTypeVar(cl, x)
       if x != nil:
-        if header == nil: header = instCopyType(cl, t)
+        if header == t: header = instCopyType(cl, t)
         header.sons[i] = x
         propagateToOwner(header, x)
+    else:
+      propagateToOwner(header, x)
-  if header != nil:
+  if header != t:
     # search again after first pass:
     result = searchInstTypes(header)
     if result != nil: return
@@ -244,6 +246,7 @@ proc handleGenericInvokation(cl: var TReplTypeVars, t: PType): PType =
     header = instCopyType(cl, t)
   result = newType(tyGenericInst, t.sons[0].owner)
+  result.flags = header.flags
   # be careful not to propagate unnecessary flags here (don't use rawAddSon)
   result.sons = @[header.sons[0]]
   # ugh need another pass for deeply recursive generic types (e.g. PActor)
diff --git a/compiler/sigmatch.nim b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
index 5fe474ef3..f8e3459df 100644
--- a/compiler/sigmatch.nim
+++ b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
@@ -900,20 +900,27 @@ proc typeRel(c: var TCandidate, f, aOrig: PType, doBind = true): TTypeRelation =
       result = isNone
   of tyTypeDesc:
-    if a.kind != tyTypeDesc: return isNone
     var prev = PType(idTableGet(c.bindings, f))
     if prev == nil:
+      # proc foo(T: typedesc, x: T)
+      # when `f` is an unresolved typedesc, `a` could be any
+      # type, so we should not perform this check earlier
+      if a.kind != tyTypeDesc: return isNone
       if f.base.kind == tyNone:
         result = isGeneric
         result = typeRel(c, f.base, a.base)
       if result != isNone:
         put(c.bindings, f, a)
-      let toMatch = if tfUnresolved in f.flags: a
-                    else: a.base
-      result = typeRel(c, prev.base, toMatch)
+      if tfUnresolved in f.flags:
+        result = typeRel(c, prev.base, a)
+      elif a.kind == tyTypeDesc:
+        result = typeRel(c, prev.base, a.base)
+      else:
+        result = isNone
   of tyStmt:
     result = isGeneric
@@ -1022,6 +1029,28 @@ proc paramTypesMatchAux(m: var TCandidate, f, argType: PType,
     r = typeRel(m, f, a)
+  if r != isNone and m.calleeSym != nil and
+     m.calleeSym.kind in {skMacro, skTemplate}:
+    # XXX: duplicating this is ugly, maybe we should move this
+    # directly into typeRel using return-like templates
+    case r
+    of isConvertible, isIntConv: inc(m.convMatches)
+    of isSubtype, isSubrange: inc(m.subtypeMatches)
+    of isGeneric, isInferred: inc(m.genericMatches)
+    of isInferredConvertible: inc(m.genericMatches); inc(m.convMatches)
+    of isFromIntLit: inc(m.intConvMatches, 256)
+    of isEqual: inc(m.exactMatches)
+    of isNone: discard
+    if f.kind == tyStmt and argOrig.kind == nkDo:
+      return argOrig[bodyPos]
+    elif f.kind == tyTypeDesc:
+      return arg
+    elif f.kind == tyStatic:
+      return arg.typ.n
+    else:
+      return argOrig
   case r
   of isConvertible:
@@ -1039,31 +1068,23 @@ proc paramTypesMatchAux(m: var TCandidate, f, argType: PType,
     #result = copyTree(arg)
     result = implicitConv(nkHiddenStdConv, f, copyTree(arg), m, c)
   of isInferred, isInferredConvertible:
+    inc(m.genericMatches)
     if arg.kind in {nkProcDef, nkIteratorDef} + nkLambdaKinds:
       result = c.semInferredLambda(c, m.bindings, arg)
       let inferred = c.semGenerateInstance(c, arg.sym, m.bindings,
       result = newSymNode(inferred,
     if r == isInferredConvertible:
+      inc(m.convMatches)
       result = implicitConv(nkHiddenStdConv, f, result, m, c)
   of isGeneric:
-    if m.calleeSym != nil and m.calleeSym.kind in {skMacro, skTemplate}:
-      if f.kind == tyStmt and argOrig.kind == nkDo:
-        result = argOrig[bodyPos]
-      elif f.kind == tyTypeDesc:
-        result = arg
-      elif f.kind == tyStatic:
-        result = arg.typ.n
-      else:
-        result = argOrig
-    else:
-      result = copyTree(arg)
-      result.typ = getInstantiatedType(c, arg, m, f)
-      # BUG: f may not be the right key!
-      if skipTypes(result.typ, abstractVar-{tyTypeDesc}).kind in {tyTuple}:
-        result = implicitConv(nkHiddenStdConv, f, copyTree(arg), m, c)
-        # BUGFIX: use ``result.typ`` and not `f` here
+    result = copyTree(arg)
+    result.typ = getInstantiatedType(c, arg, m, f)
+    # BUG: f may not be the right key!
+    if skipTypes(result.typ, abstractVar-{tyTypeDesc}).kind in {tyTuple}:
+      result = implicitConv(nkHiddenStdConv, f, copyTree(arg), m, c)
+      # BUGFIX: use ``result.typ`` and not `f` here
   of isFromIntLit:
     # too lazy to introduce another ``*matches`` field, so we conflate
     # ``isIntConv`` and ``isIntLit`` here: