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path: root/compiler
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authorAndreas Rumpf <>2017-10-29 15:40:50 +0100
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2017-10-29 15:40:50 +0100
commit29c075299d12111cf8925a14d544008fb416ec7e (patch)
tree2ceed8eb9991249961f680c77ebe00a4d7dc8d84 /compiler
parent6a3288a60e78c9b17f2640fff20ab94969914974 (diff)
made nimresolve part of the compiler
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
4 files changed, 98 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/gorgeimpl.nim b/compiler/gorgeimpl.nim
index 4e1ce6d50..2c51752cd 100644
--- a/compiler/gorgeimpl.nim
+++ b/compiler/gorgeimpl.nim
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## Module that implements ``gorge`` for the compiler as well as
-## the scriptable import mechanism.
+## Module that implements ``gorge`` for the compiler.
 import msgs, securehash, os, osproc, streams, strutils, options
@@ -56,28 +55,3 @@ proc opGorge*(cmd, input, cache: string, info: TLineInfo): (string, int) =
       result = p.readOutput
     except IOError, OSError:
       result = ("", -1)
-proc scriptableImport*(pkg, subdir: string; info: TLineInfo): string =
-  var cmd = getConfigVar("resolver.exe")
-  if cmd.len == 0: cmd = "nimresolve"
-  else: cmd = quoteShell(cmd)
-  cmd.add " --source:"
-  cmd.add quoteShell(info.toFullPath())
-  cmd.add " --stdlib:"
-  cmd.add quoteShell(options.libpath)
-  cmd.add "  --project:"
-  cmd.add quoteShell(gProjectFull)
-  if subdir.len != 0:
-    cmd.add " --subdir:"
-    cmd.add quoteShell(subdir)
-  if options.gNoNimblePath:
-    cmd.add " --nonimblepath"
-  cmd.add ' '
-  cmd.add quoteShell(pkg)
-  let (res, exitCode) = opGorge(cmd, "", cmd, info)
-  if exitCode == 0:
-    result = res.strip()
-  elif res.len > 0:
-    localError(info, res)
-  else:
-    localError(info, "cannot resolve: " & (pkg / subdir))
diff --git a/compiler/modulepaths.nim b/compiler/modulepaths.nim
index 6b9865677..d7b5f147d 100644
--- a/compiler/modulepaths.nim
+++ b/compiler/modulepaths.nim
@@ -1,9 +1,103 @@
+#           The Nim Compiler
+#        (c) Copyright 2017 Contributors
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-import ast, renderer, gorgeimpl, strutils, msgs, options, idents, ospaths
+import ast, renderer, strutils, msgs, options, idents, os
+import nimblecmd
+  considerParentDirs = not defined(noParentProjects)
+  considerNimbleDirs = not defined(noNimbleDirs)
+proc findInNimbleDir(pkg, subdir, dir: string): string =
+  var best = ""
+  var bestv = ""
+  for k, p in os.walkDir(dir, relative=true):
+    if k == pcDir and p.len > pkg.len+1 and
+        p[pkg.len] == '-' and p.startsWith(pkg):
+      let (_, a) = getPathVersion(p)
+      if bestv.len == 0 or bestv < a:
+        bestv = a
+        best = dir / p
+  if best.len > 0:
+    var f: File
+    if open(f, best / changeFileExt(pkg, ".nimble-link")):
+      # the second line contains what we're interested in, see:
+      #
+      var override = ""
+      discard readLine(f, override)
+      discard readLine(f, override)
+      close(f)
+      if not override.isAbsolute():
+        best = best / override
+      else:
+        best = override
+  let f = if subdir.len == 0: pkg else: subdir
+  let res = addFileExt(best / f, "nim")
+  if best.len > 0 and fileExists(res):
+    result = res
+const stdlibDirs = [
+  "pure", "core", "arch",
+  "pure/collections",
+  "pure/concurrency", "impure",
+  "wrappers", "wrappers/linenoise",
+  "windows", "posix", "js"]
+proc resolveDollar(project, source, pkg, subdir: string; info: TLineInfo): string =
+  template attempt(a) =
+    let x = addFileExt(a, "nim")
+    if fileExists(x): return x
+  case pkg
+  of "stdlib":
+    if subdir.len == 0:
+      return options.libpath
+    else:
+      for candidate in stdlibDirs:
+        attempt(options.libpath / candidate / subdir)
+  of "root":
+    let root = project.splitFile.dir
+    if subdir.len == 0:
+      return root
+    else:
+      attempt(root / subdir)
+  else:
+    when considerParentDirs:
+      var p = parentDir(source.splitFile.dir)
+      # support 'import $karax':
+      let f = if subdir.len == 0: pkg else: subdir
+      while p.len > 0:
+        let dir = p / pkg
+        if dirExists(dir):
+          attempt(dir / f)
+          # 2nd attempt: try to use 'karax/karax'
+          attempt(dir / pkg / f)
+          # 3rd attempt: try to use 'karax/src/karax'
+          attempt(dir / "src" / f)
+          attempt(dir / "src" / pkg / f)
+        p = parentDir(p)
+    when considerNimbleDirs:
+      if not options.gNoNimblePath:
+        var nimbleDir = getEnv("NIMBLE_DIR")
+        if nimbleDir.len == 0: nimbleDir = getHomeDir() / ".nimble"
+        result = findInNimbleDir(pkg, subdir, nimbleDir / "pkgs")
+        if result.len > 0: return result
+        when not defined(windows):
+          result = findInNimbleDir(pkg, subdir, "/opt/nimble/pkgs")
+          if result.len > 0: return result
+proc scriptableImport(pkg, sub: string; info: TLineInfo): string =
+  result = resolveDollar(gProjectFull, info.toFullPath(), pkg, sub, info)
 proc lookupPackage(pkg, subdir: PNode): string =
   let sub = if subdir != nil: renderTree(subdir, {renderNoComments}).replace(" ") else: ""
diff --git a/compiler/semcall.nim b/compiler/semcall.nim
index 71afba324..5c0624a77 100644
--- a/compiler/semcall.nim
+++ b/compiler/semcall.nim
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ proc sameMethodDispatcher(a, b: PSym): bool =
       # method collide[T](a: TThing, b: TUnit[T]) is instantiated and not
       # method collide[T](a: TUnit[T], b: TThing)! This means we need to
       # *instantiate* every candidate! However, we don't keep more than 2-3
-      # candidated around so we cannot implement that for now. So in order
+      # candidates around so we cannot implement that for now. So in order
       # to avoid subtle problems, the call remains ambiguous and needs to
       # be disambiguated by the programmer; this way the right generic is
       # instantiated.
diff --git a/compiler/sigmatch.nim b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
index 38899182d..1494c5316 100644
--- a/compiler/sigmatch.nim
+++ b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ type
                              # a distrinct type
     typedescMatched*: bool
     isNoCall*: bool          # misused for generic type instantiations C[T]
+    mutabilityProblem*: uint8 # tyVar mismatch
     inferredTypes: seq[PType] # inferred types during the current signature
                               # matching. they will be reset if the matching
                               # is not successful. may replace the bindings
@@ -66,7 +67,6 @@ type
                               # or when the explain pragma is used. may be
                               # triggered with an idetools command in the
                               # future.
-    mutabilityProblem*: uint8 # tyVar mismatch
     inheritancePenalty: int  # to prefer closest father object type
   TTypeRelFlag* = enum