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path: root/compiler
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authorAraq <>2015-01-22 13:32:20 +0100
committerAraq <>2015-01-23 00:36:58 +0100
commit60042805222d1261592db9d782df96ae190d71d5 (patch)
tree7ac4060d24ea3e799c1e6cfa0fbf0d54231f4c7a /compiler
parente2147c9f0d57ad03cd2c1fbf386b90fcbc1c658f (diff)
preparations for C++ template support
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
5 files changed, 24 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
index 90aefd7d6..98fb25899 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -229,8 +229,9 @@ proc genOptAsgnTuple(p: BProc, dest, src: TLoc, flags: TAssignmentFlags) =
       flags - {needToCopy}
-  for i in 0 .. <dest.t.len:
-    let t = dest.t.sons[i]
+  let t = skipTypes(dest.t, abstractInst)
+  for i in 0 .. <t.len:
+    let t = t.sons[i]
     let field = ropef("Field$1", i.toRope)
     genAssignment(p, optAsgnLoc(dest, t, field), 
                      optAsgnLoc(src, t, field), newflags)
@@ -328,7 +329,9 @@ proc genAssignment(p: BProc, dest, src: TLoc, flags: TAssignmentFlags) =
       linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = $2;$n", rdLoc(dest), rdLoc(src))
   of tyObject:
     # XXX: check for subtyping?
-    if not isObjLackingTypeField(ty):
+    if ty.isImportedCppType:
+      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = $2;$n", rdLoc(dest), rdLoc(src))
+    elif not isObjLackingTypeField(ty):
       genGenericAsgn(p, dest, src, flags)
     elif needsComplexAssignment(ty):
       if ty.sons[0].isNil and asgnComplexity(ty.n) <= 4:
@@ -411,7 +414,7 @@ proc putDataIntoDest(p: BProc, d: var TLoc, t: PType, r: PRope) =
   var a: TLoc
   if d.k != locNone:
     # need to generate an assignment here
-    initLoc(a, locData, getUniqueType(t), OnUnknown)
+    initLoc(a, locData, t, OnUnknown)
     a.r = r
     if lfNoDeepCopy in d.flags: genAssignment(p, d, a, {})
     else: genAssignment(p, d, a, {needToCopy})
@@ -419,14 +422,14 @@ proc putDataIntoDest(p: BProc, d: var TLoc, t: PType, r: PRope) =
     # we cannot call initLoc() here as that would overwrite
     # the flags field!
     d.k = locData
-    d.t = getUniqueType(t)
+    d.t = t
     d.r = r
 proc putIntoDest(p: BProc, d: var TLoc, t: PType, r: PRope) =
   var a: TLoc
   if d.k != locNone:
     # need to generate an assignment here
-    initLoc(a, locExpr, getUniqueType(t), OnUnknown)
+    initLoc(a, locExpr, t, OnUnknown)
     a.r = r
     if lfNoDeepCopy in d.flags: genAssignment(p, d, a, {})
     else: genAssignment(p, d, a, {needToCopy})
@@ -434,7 +437,7 @@ proc putIntoDest(p: BProc, d: var TLoc, t: PType, r: PRope) =
     # we cannot call initLoc() here as that would overwrite
     # the flags field!
     d.k = locExpr
-    d.t = getUniqueType(t)
+    d.t = t
     d.r = r
 proc binaryStmt(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, frmt: string) =
@@ -684,7 +687,7 @@ proc genDeref(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc; enforceDeref=false) =
       # so the '&' and '*' cancel out:
       putIntoDest(p, d, a.t.sons[0], rdLoc(a))
-      putIntoDest(p, d, a.t.sons[0], ropef("(*$1)", [rdLoc(a)]))
+      putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef("(*$1)", [rdLoc(a)]))
 proc genAddr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
   # careful  'addr(myptrToArray)' needs to get the ampersand:
@@ -710,7 +713,7 @@ proc genRecordFieldAux(p: BProc, e: PNode, d, a: var TLoc): PType =
   if e.sons[1].kind != nkSym: internalError(, "genRecordFieldAux")
   discard getTypeDesc(p.module, a.t) # fill the record's fields.loc
-  result = a.t
+  result = a.t.getUniqueType
 proc genTupleElem(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
@@ -719,7 +722,7 @@ proc genTupleElem(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) =
   initLocExpr(p, e.sons[0], a)
   discard getTypeDesc(p.module, a.t) # fill the record's fields.loc
-  var ty = a.t
+  var ty = a.t.getUniqueType
   var r = rdLoc(a)
   case e.sons[1].kind
   of nkIntLit..nkUInt64Lit: i = int(e.sons[1].intVal)
diff --git a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
index 12dd2a8de..cfddd0efe 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgtypes.nim
@@ -298,7 +298,10 @@ proc genProcParams(m: BModule, t: PType, rettype, params: var PRope,
   params = con("(", params)
 proc isImportedType(t: PType): bool = 
-  result = (t.sym != nil) and (sfImportc in t.sym.flags)
+  result = t.sym != nil and sfImportc in t.sym.flags
+proc isImportedCppType(t: PType): bool = 
+  result = t.sym != nil and sfInfixCall in t.sym.flags
 proc typeNameOrLiteral(t: PType, literal: string): PRope = 
   if (t.sym != nil) and (sfImportc in t.sym.flags) and (t.sym.magic == mNone): 
diff --git a/compiler/ccgutils.nim b/compiler/ccgutils.nim
index 7396c0bf8..1e1fcd6fb 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgutils.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgutils.nim
@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ proc getUniqueType*(key: PType): PType =
   if key == nil: return 
   var k = key.kind
   case k
-  of  tyBool, tyChar, 
-      tyInt..tyUInt64:
+  of tyBool, tyChar, tyInt..tyUInt64:
     # no canonicalization for integral types, so that e.g. ``pid_t`` is
     # produced instead of ``NI``.
     result = key
@@ -86,8 +85,7 @@ proc getUniqueType*(key: PType): PType =
     if result == nil:
       gCanonicalTypes[k] = key
       result = key
-  of tyTypeDesc, tyTypeClasses, tyGenericParam,
-     tyFromExpr, tyFieldAccessor:
+  of tyTypeDesc, tyTypeClasses, tyGenericParam, tyFromExpr, tyFieldAccessor:
   of tyDistinct:
     if key.deepCopy != nil: result = key
diff --git a/compiler/cgen.nim b/compiler/cgen.nim
index f3fa6a63e..480c131ae 100644
--- a/compiler/cgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/cgen.nim
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ proc emitLazily(s: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
 proc initLoc(result: var TLoc, k: TLocKind, typ: PType, s: TStorageLoc) = 
   result.k = k
   result.s = s
-  result.t = getUniqueType(typ)
+  result.t = typ
   result.r = nil
   result.flags = {}
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ proc fillLoc(a: var TLoc, k: TLocKind, typ: PType, r: PRope, s: TStorageLoc) =
   # fills the loc if it is not already initialized
   if a.k == locNone: 
     a.k = k
-    a.t = getUniqueType(typ)
+    a.t = typ
     a.s = s
     if a.r == nil: a.r = r
diff --git a/compiler/sem.nim b/compiler/sem.nim
index 5e7ce6bb7..90037fccd 100644
--- a/compiler/sem.nim
+++ b/compiler/sem.nim
@@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ proc semStmtScope(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode
 proc typeAllowedCheck(info: TLineInfo; typ: PType; kind: TSymKind) =
   let t = typeAllowed(typ, kind)
   if t != nil:
-    if t == typ: localError(info, "invalid type: " & typeToString(typ))
-    else: localError(info, "invalid type: " & typeToString(t) & 
-                           " in this context: " & typeToString(typ))
+    if t == typ: localError(info, "invalid type: '" & typeToString(typ) & "'")
+    else: localError(info, "invalid type: '" & typeToString(t) & 
+                           "' in this context: '" & typeToString(typ) & "'")
 proc paramsTypeCheck(c: PContext, typ: PType) {.inline.} =
   typeAllowedCheck(, typ, skConst)