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path: root/data
diff options
authorAndreas Rumpf <>2009-06-24 17:13:22 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2009-06-24 17:13:22 +0200
commit300430fbba28b408f7ac86ca46b03d9d50839399 (patch)
treeb8a84f8efdccda7bfa909b3db911d9e2b9a4b39b /data
parent36818817bd61594ea6d106328bb8df0f5a25cfc4 (diff)
overload resolution for proc vars
Diffstat (limited to 'data')
3 files changed, 17 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/data/ast.yml b/data/ast.yml
index 82776a8f9..cedc039a0 100644
--- a/data/ast.yml
+++ b/data/ast.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-'SymFlag': [          # already 28 flags!
+'SymFlag': [          # already 29 flags!
   'sfUsed',           # read access of sym (for warnings) or simply used
   'sfStar',           # symbol has * visibility
   'sfMinus',          # symbol has - visibility
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
   'sfResult',         # variable is 'result' in proc
   'sfNoSideEffect',   # proc has no side effects
+  'sfSideEffect',     # proc may have side effects; cannot prove it has none
   'sfMainModule',     # module is the main module
   'sfSystemModule',   # module is the system module
   'sfNoReturn',       # proc never returns (an exit proc)
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
 'TypeFlag': [
   'tfVarargs',        # procedure has C styled varargs
+  'tfNoSideEffect',   # procedure type does not allow side effects
   'tfFinal',          # is the object final?
   'tfAcyclic',        # type is acyclic (for GC optimization)
   'tfEnumHasWholes'   # enum cannot be mapped into a range
@@ -146,10 +148,11 @@
   'nkLambda',             # lambda expression
   'nkAccQuoted',          # `a` as a node
-  'nkHeaderQuoted',       # `a(x: int)` as a node
   'nkTableConstr',        # a table constructor {expr: expr}
   'nkQualified',          # describes a.b for qualified identifiers
+  'nkBind',               # ``bind expr`` node
+  'nkSymChoice',          # symbol choice node
   'nkHiddenStdConv',      # an implicit standard type conversion
   'nkHiddenSubConv',      # an implicit type conversion from a subtype
                           # to a supertype
diff --git a/data/keywords.txt b/data/keywords.txt
index d6cba0635..5d20e8aeb 100644
--- a/data/keywords.txt
+++ b/data/keywords.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 abstract addr and as asm
-block break
+bind block break
 case cast const continue converter
 discard div
-elif else end enum except exception
+elif else end enum except
 finally for from generic
 if implies import in include is isnot iterator
diff --git a/data/messages.yml b/data/messages.yml
index 5cbfe60a7..83f591e0f 100644
--- a/data/messages.yml
+++ b/data/messages.yml
@@ -36,19 +36,15 @@
 {'errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpected': "'none', 'speed' or 'size' expected"},
 {'errInvalidPragma': 'invalid pragma'},
 {'errUnknownPragma': "unknown pragma: '$1'"},
-{'errPragmaXHereNotAllowed': "pragma '$1' here not allowed"},
 {'errUnknownDirective': "unknown directive: '$1'"},
 {'errInvalidDirective': 'invalid directive'},
 {'errAtPopWithoutPush': "'pop' without a 'push' pragma"},
 {'errEmptyAsm': 'empty asm statement makes no sense'},
-{'errAsgnInvalidInExpr': "'=' invalid in an expression; probably '==' meant"},
 {'errInvalidIndentation': 'invalid indentation'},
 {'errExceptionExpected': 'exception expected'},
 {'errExceptionAlreadyHandled': 'exception already handled'},
-{'errReturnNotAllowedHere': "'return' only allowed in routine"},
 {'errYieldNotAllowedHere': "'yield' only allowed in a loop of an iterator"},
 {'errInvalidNumberOfYieldExpr': "invalid number of 'yield' expresions"},
-{'errReturnInvalidInIterator': "'return' not allowed in iterator"},
 {'errCannotReturnExpr': 'current routine cannot return an expression'},
 {'errAttemptToRedefine': "attempt to redefine '$1'"},
@@ -78,21 +74,18 @@
 {'errColonOrEqualsExpected': "':' or '=' expected, but found '$1'"},
 {'errExprExpected': "expression expected, but found '$1'"},
 {'errUndeclaredIdentifier': "undeclared identifier: '$1'"},
-{'errUseQualifier': "ambigious identifier: '$1' -- use a qualifier"},
-{'errTwiceForwarded': "'$1' is forwarded twice"},
+{'errUseQualifier': "ambiguous identifier: '$1' -- use a qualifier"},
 {'errTypeExpected': 'type expected'},
 {'errSystemNeeds': "system module needs '$1'"},
 {'errExecutionOfProgramFailed': 'execution of an external program failed'},
-{'errNotOverloadable': "overloaded '$1' leads to ambigious calls"},
+{'errNotOverloadable': "overloaded '$1' leads to ambiguous calls"},
 {'errInvalidArgForX': "invalid argument for '$1'"},
 {'errStmtHasNoEffect': 'statement has no effect'},
 {'errXExpectsTypeOrValue': "'$1' expects a type or value"},
 {'errXExpectsArrayType': "'$1' expects an array type"},
   "'$1' cannot be instantiated because its body has not been compiled yet"},
-  'expression with no type cannot be converted'},
-{'errExprWithNoTypeCannotBeCasted': 'expression with no type cannot be casted'},
+{'errExprXAmbiguous': "expression '$1' ambiguous in this context"},
 {'errConstantDivisionByZero': 'constant division by zero'},
 {'errOrdinalTypeExpected': 'ordinal type expected'},
 {'errOrdinalOrFloatTypeExpected': 'ordinal or float type expected'},
@@ -112,21 +105,17 @@
 {'errValueOutOfSetBounds': 'value out of set bounds'},
 {'errFieldInitTwice': "field initialized twice: '$1'"},
 {'errFieldNotInit': "field '$1' not initialized"},
-{'errExprCannotBeCalled': 'expression cannot be called'},
+{'errExprXCannotBeCalled': "expression '$1' cannot be called"},
 {'errExprHasNoType': 'expression has no type'},
-{'errExprXHasNoType': "expression '$1' has no type"},
+{'errExprXHasNoType': "expression '$1' has no type (or is ambiguous)"},
 {'errCastNotInSafeMode': "'cast' not allowed in safe mode"},
 {'errExprCannotBeCastedToX': 'expression cannot be casted to $1'},
-{'errUndefinedPrefixOpr': 'undefined prefix operator: $1'},
 {'errCommaOrParRiExpected': "',' or ')' expected"},
 {'errCurlyLeOrParLeExpected': "'{' or '(' expected"},
 {'errSectionExpected': "section ('type', 'proc', etc.) expected"},
-{'errImplemenationExpected': "'implementation' or end of file expected"},
 {'errRangeExpected': 'range expected'},
-{'errInvalidTypeDescription': 'invalid type description'},
 {'errAttemptToRedefineX': "attempt to redefine '$1'"},
 {'errMagicOnlyInSystem': "'magic' only allowed in system module"},
-{'errUnknownOperatorX': "unkown operator: '$1'"},
 {'errPowerOfTwoExpected': 'power of two expected'},
 {'errStringMayNotBeEmpty': 'string literal may not be empty'},
 {'errCallConvExpected': 'calling convention expected'},
@@ -165,9 +154,8 @@
 {'errTypeMismatch': 'type mismatch: got ('},
 {'errButExpected': 'but expected one of: '},
 {'errButExpectedX': "but expected '$1'"},
-{'errAmbigiousCallXYZ': 'ambigious call; both $1 and $2 match for: $3'},
+{'errAmbiguousCallXYZ': 'ambiguous call; both $1 and $2 match for: $3'},
 {'errWrongNumberOfTypeParams': 'wrong number of type parameters'},
-{'errOutParamNoDefaultValue': 'out parameters cannot have default values'},
 {'errInlineProcHasNoAddress': 'an inline proc has no address'},
 {'errXCannotBeInParamDecl': '$1 cannot be declared in parameter declaration'},
@@ -177,22 +165,15 @@
 {'errNoSymbolToBorrowFromFound': "no symbol to borrow from found"},
 {'errDiscardValue': 'value returned by statement has to be discarded'},
 {'errInvalidDiscard': 'statement returns no value that can be discarded'},
-  "unknown precedence for operator; use 'infix: prec' pragma"},
 {'errIllegalConvFromXtoY': 'conversion from $1 to $2 is invalid'},
-{'errTypeMismatchExpectedXGotY': "type mismatch: expected '$1', but got '$2'"},
 {'errCannotBindXTwice': "cannot bind parameter '$1' twice"},
 {'errInvalidOrderInEnumX': "invalid order in enum '$1'"},
 {'errEnumXHasWholes': "enum '$1' has wholes"},
 {'errExceptExpected': "'except' or 'finally' expected"},
 {'errInvalidTry': "after catch all 'except' or 'finally' no section may follow"},
-{'errEofExpectedButXFound': "end of file expected, but found token '$1'"},
 {'errOptionExpected': "option expected, but found '$1'"},
-{'errCannotEvaluateForwardConst': 'cannot evaluate forwarded constant'},
 {'errXisNoLabel': "'$1' is not a label"},
-{'errXNeedsConcreteType': "'$1' needs to be of a non-generic type"},
 {'errNotAllCasesCovered': 'not all cases are covered'},
-{'errStringRange': 'string range in case statement not allowed'},
 {'errUnkownSubstitionVar': "unknown substitution variable: '$1'"},
 {'errComplexStmtRequiresInd': 'complex statement requires indentation'},
 {'errXisNotCallable': "'$1' is not callable"},
@@ -204,7 +185,7 @@
 {'errNoReturnTypeForX': 'no return type for $1 allowed'},
 {'errConvNeedsOneArg': 'a type conversion needs exactly one argument'},
 {'errInvalidPragmaX': 'invalid pragma: $1'},
-{'errXNotAllowedHere': '$1 here not allowed'},
+{'errXNotAllowedHere': '$1 not allowed here'},
 {'errInvalidControlFlowX': 'invalid control flow: $1'},
 {'errATypeHasNoValue': 'a type has no value'},
 {'errXisNoType': "invalid type: '$1'"},
@@ -214,11 +195,11 @@
 {'errInvalidExpressionX': "invalid expression: '$1'"},
 {'errEnumHasNoValueX': "enum has no value '$1'"},
 {'errNamedExprExpected': 'named expression expected'},
-{'errNamedExprNotAllowed': 'named expression here not allowed'},
+{'errNamedExprNotAllowed': 'named expression not allowed here'},
 {'errXExpectsOneTypeParam': "'$1' expects one type parameter"},
 {'errArrayExpectsTwoTypeParams': 'array expects two type parameters'},
 {'errInvalidVisibilityX': "invalid invisibility: '$1'"},
-{'errInitHereNotAllowed': 'initialization here not allowed'},
+{'errInitHereNotAllowed': 'initialization not allowed here'},
 {'errXCannotBeAssignedTo': "'$1' cannot be assigned to"},
   "iterators can only be defined at the module's top level"},
@@ -254,6 +235,7 @@
 {'errUnhandledExceptionX': "unhandled exception: $1"},
 {'errCyclicTree': "macro returned a cyclic abstract syntax tree"},
 {'errXisNoMacroOrTemplate': "'$1' is no macro or template"},
+{'errXhasSideEffects': "'$1' can have side effects"},
 # user error message:
 {'errUser': '$1'},