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authorAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andi>2008-06-22 16:14:11 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andi>2008-06-22 16:14:11 +0200
commit405b86068e6a3d39970b9129ceec0a9108464b28 (patch)
treec0449946f54baae6ea88baf453157ddd7faa8f86 /doc/intern.txt
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/intern.txt')
1 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/intern.txt b/doc/intern.txt
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4f1a7a15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/intern.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+    Internals of the Nimrod Compiler
+:Author: Andreas Rumpf
+:Version: |nimrodversion|
+.. contents::
+Directory structure
+The Nimrod project's directory structure is:
+============   ==============================================
+Path           Purpose
+============   ==============================================
+``bin``        binary files go into here
+``nim``        Pascal sources of the Nimrod compiler; this
+               should be modified, not the Nimrod version in
+               ``rod``!
+``rod``        Nimrod sources of the Nimrod compiler;
+               automatically generated from the Pascal
+               version
+``data``       data files that are used for generating source
+               code go into here
+``doc``        the documentation lives here; it is a bunch of
+               reStructuredText files
+``dist``       download packages as zip archives go into here
+``config``     configuration files for Nimrod go into here
+``lib``        the Nimrod library lives here; ``rod`` depends
+               on it!
+``web``        website of Nimrod; generated by ````
+               from the ``*.txt`` and ``*.tmpl`` files
+``koch``       the Koch Build System (written for Nimrod)
+``obj``        generated ``*.obj`` files go into here
+============   ==============================================
+Bootstrapping the compiler
+The compiler is written in a subset of Pascal with special annotations so
+that it can be translated to Nimrod code automatically. This conversion is
+done by Nimrod itself via the undocumented ``boot`` command. Thus both Nimrod
+and Free Pascal can compile the Nimrod compiler.
+Requirements for bootstrapping:
+- Free Pascal (I used version 2.2); it may not be needed
+- Python (should work with 2.4 or higher) and the code generator *cog* 
+  (included in this distribution!)
+- C compiler -- one of:
+  * win32-lcc
+  * Borland C++ (tested with 5.5)
+  * Microsoft C++
+  * Digital Mars C++
+  * Watcom C++ (currently broken; a fix is welcome!)
+  * GCC
+  * Intel C++
+  * Pelles C
+  * llvm-gcc
+| Compiling the compiler is a simple matter of running:
+| `` boot``
+| Or you can compile by hand, this is not difficult.
+If you want to debug the compiler, use the command::
+ boot --debugger:on
+The ```` script is Nimrod's maintainance script: Everything that has 
+been automated is accessible with it. It is a replacement for make and shell
+scripting with the advantage that it is more portable and is easier to read.
+Coding standards
+The compiler is written in a subset of Pascal with special annotations so
+that it can be translated to Nimrod code automatically. As a generell rule,
+Pascal code that does not translate to Nimrod automatically is forbidden.
+Porting to new platforms
+Porting Nimrod to a new architecture is pretty easy, since C is the most
+portable programming language (within certain limits) and Nimrod generates
+C code, porting the code generator is not necessary.
+POSIX-compliant systems on conventional hardware are usually pretty easy to
+port: Add the platform to ``platform`` (if it is not already listed there),
+check that the OS, System modules work and recompile Nimrod.
+The only case where things aren't as easy is when the garbage
+collector needs some assembler tweaking to work. The standard
+version of the GC uses C's ``setjmp`` function to store all registers
+on the hardware stack. It may be that the new platform needs to
+replace this generic code by some assembler code.
+Runtime type information
+*Runtime type information* (RTTI) is needed for several aspects of the Nimrod
+programming language:
+Garbage collection
+  The most important reason for RTTI. Generating
+  traversal procedures produces bigger code and is likely to be slower on
+  modern hardware as dynamic procedure binding is hard to predict.
+Complex assignments
+  Sequences and strings are implemented as
+  pointers to resizeable buffers, but Nimrod requires copying for
+  assignments. Apart from RTTI the compiler could generate copy procedures
+  for any type that needs one. However, this would make the code bigger and
+  the RTTI is likely already there for the GC.
+We already knew the type information as a graph in the compiler.
+Thus we need to serialize this graph as RTTI for C code generation.
+Look at the files ``lib/typeinfo.nim``, ``lib/hti.nim`` for more information.
+However, generating type information proved to be difficult and the format
+wastes memory. Variant records make problems too. We use a mix of iterator
+procedures and constant data structures:
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  type
+    TNimTypeSlot {.export.} = record
+      offset: int
+      typ: int
+      name: CString
+    TSlotIterator = proc (obj: pointer, field: int): ptr TNimTypeSlot
+    TNimType {.export.} = record
+      Kind: TNimTypeKind
+      baseType, indexType: int
+      size, len: int
+      slots: TSlotIterator # instead of: ptr array [0..10_000, TNimTypeSlot]
+This is not easy to understand either. Best is to use just the ``rodgen``
+module and store type information as string constants.
+After thinking I came to the conclusion that this is again premature
+optimization. We should just construct the type graph at runtime. In the init
+section new types should be constructed and registered:
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  type
+    TSlotTriple = record
+      offset: int
+      typ: PRTL_Type
+      name: Cstring
+    PSlots = ptr TSlots
+    TSlots = record
+      case kind
+      of linear:
+        fields: array [TSlotTriple]
+      of nested:
+        discriminant: TSlotTriple
+        otherSlots: array [discriminant, PSlots]
+    TTypeKind = enum ...
+    RTL_Type = record
+      size: int
+      base: PRTL_Type
+      case kind
+      of tyArray, tySequence:
+        elemSize: int
+      of tyRecord, tyObject, tyEnum:
+        slots: PSlots
+The Garbage Collector
+We use the term *cell* here to refer to everything that is traced
+(sequences, refs, strings).
+This section describes how the new GC works. The old algorithms
+all had the same problem: Too complex to get them right. This one
+tries to find the right compromise.
+The basic algorithm is *Deferrent reference counting* with cycle detection.
+References in the stack are not counted for better performance and easier C
+code generation. The GC starts by traversing the hardware stack and increments
+the reference count (RC) of every cell that it encounters. After the GC has
+done its work the stack is traversed again and the RC of every cell
+that it encounters are decremented again. Thus no marking bits in the RC are
+needed. Between these stack traversals the GC has a complete accurate view over
+the RCs.
+Each cell has a header consisting of a RC and a pointer to its type
+descriptor. However the program does not know about these, so they are placed at
+negative offsets. In the GC code the type ``PCell`` denotes a pointer
+decremented by the right offset, so that the header can be accessed easily. It
+is extremely important that ``pointer`` is not confused with a ``PCell``
+as this would lead to a memory corruption.
+When to trigger a collection
+Since there are really two different garbage collectors (reference counting
+and mark and sweep) we use two different heuristics when to run the passes.
+The RC-GC pass is fairly cheap: Thus we use an additive increase (7 pages)
+for the RC_Threshold and a multiple increase for the CycleThreshold.
+The AT and ZCT sets
+The GC maintains two sets throughout the lifetime of
+the program (plus two temporary ones). The AT (*any table*) simply contains
+every cell. The ZCT (*zero count table*) contains every cell whose RC is
+zero. This is used to reclaim most cells fast.
+The ZCT contains redundant information -- the AT alone would suffice.
+However, traversing the AT and look if the RC is zero would touch every living
+cell in the heap! That's why the ZCT is updated whenever a RC drops to zero.
+The ZCT is not updated when a RC is incremented from zero to one, as
+this would be too costly.
+The CellSet data structure
+The AT and ZCT depend on an extremely efficient datastructure for storing a
+set of pointers - this is called a ``PCellSet`` in the source code.
+Inserting, deleting and searching are done in constant time. However,
+modifying a ``PCellSet`` during traversation leads to undefined behaviour.
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  type
+    PCellSet # hidden
+  proc allocCellSet: PCellSet # make a new set
+  proc deallocCellSet(s: PCellSet) # empty the set and free its memory
+  proc incl(s: PCellSet, elem: PCell) # include an element
+  proc excl(s: PCellSet, elem: PCell) # exclude an element
+  proc `in`(elem: PCell, s: PCellSet): bool
+  iterator elements(s: PCellSet): (elem: PCell)
+All the operations have to be performed efficiently. Because a Cellset can
+become huge (the AT contains every allocated cell!) a hash table is not
+suitable for this.
+We use a mixture of bitset and patricia tree for this. One node in the
+patricia tree contains a bitset that decribes a page of the operating system
+(not always, but that doesn't matter).
+So including a cell is done as follows:
+- Find the page descriptor for the page the cell belongs to.
+- Set the appropriate bit in the page descriptor indicating that the
+  cell points to the start of a memory block.
+Removing a cell is analogous - the bit has to be set to zero.
+Single page descriptors are never deleted from the tree. Typically a page
+descriptor is only 19 words big, so it does not waste much by not deleting
+it. Apart from that the AT and ZCT are rebuilt frequently, so removing a
+single page descriptor from the tree is never necessary.
+Complete traversal is done like so::
+  for each page decriptor d:
+    for each bit in d:
+      if bit == 1:
+        traverse the pointer belonging to this bit
+Further complications
+In Nimrod the compiler cannot always know if a reference
+is stored on the stack or not. This is caused by var parameters.
+Consider this example:
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  proc setRef(r: var ref TNode) =
+    new(r)
+  proc usage =
+    var
+      r: ref TNode
+    setRef(r) # here we should not update the reference counts, because
+              # r is on the stack
+    setRef(r.left) # here we should update the refcounts!
+Though it would be possible to produce code updating the refcounts (if
+necessary) before and after the call to ``setRef``, it is a complex task to
+do so in the code generator. So we don't and instead decide at runtime
+whether the reference is on the stack or not. The generated code looks
+roughly like this:
+.. code-block:: C
+  void setref(TNode** ref) {
+    unsureAsgnRef(ref, newObj(TNode_TI, sizeof(TNode)))
+  }
+  void usage(void) {
+    setRef(&r)
+    setRef(&r->left)
+  }
+Note that for systems with a continous stack (which most systems have)
+the check whether the ref is on the stack is very cheap (only two
+comparisons). Another advantage of this scheme is that the code produced is
+a tiny bit smaller.
+The algorithm in pseudo-code
+Now we come to the nitty-gritty. The algorithm works in several phases.
+Phase 1 - Consider references from stack
+  for each pointer p in the stack: incRef(p)
+This is necessary because references in the hardware stack are not traced for
+better performance. After Phase 1 the RCs are accurate.
+Phase 2 - Free the ZCT
+This is how things used to (not) work::
+  for p in elements(ZCT):
+    if RC(p) == 0:
+      call finalizer of p
+      for c in children(p): decRef(c) # free its children recursively
+      # if necessary; the childrens RC >= 1, BUT they may still be in the ZCT!
+      free(p)
+    else:
+      remove p from the ZCT
+Instead we do it this way. Note that the recursion is gone too!
+  newZCT = nil
+  for p in elements(ZCT):
+    if RC(p) == 0:
+      call finalizer of p
+      for c in children(p):
+        assert(RC(c) > 0)
+        dec(RC(c))
+        if RC(c) == 0:
+          if newZCT == nil: newZCT = allocCellSet()
+          incl(newZCT, c)
+      free(p)
+    else:
+      # nothing to do! We will use the newZCS
+  deallocCellSet(ZCT)
+  ZCT = newZCT
+This phase is repeated until enough memory is available or the ZCT is nil.
+If still not enough memory is available the cyclic detector gets its chance
+to do something.
+Phase 3 - Cycle detection
+Cycle detection works by subtracting internal reference counts::
+  newAT = allocCellSet()
+  for y in elements(AT):
+    # pretend that y is dead:
+    for c in children(y):
+      dec(RC(c))
+    # note that this should not be done recursively as we have all needed
+    # pointers in the AT! This makes it more efficient too!
+  proc restore(y: PCell) =
+    # unfortunately, the recursion here cannot be eliminated easily
+    if y not_in newAT:
+      incl(newAT, y)
+      for c in children(y):
+        inc(RC(c)) # restore proper reference counts!
+        restore(c)
+  for y in elements(AT) with rc > 0:
+    restore(y)
+  for y in elements(AT) with rc == 0:
+    free(y) # if pretending worked, it was part of a cycle
+  AT = newAT
+Phase 4 - Ignore references from stack again
+  for each pointer p in the stack:
+    dec(RC(p))
+    if RC(p) == 0: incl(ZCT, p)
+Now the RCs correctly discard any references from the stack. One can also see
+this as a temporary marking operation. Things that are referenced from stack
+are marked during the GC's operarion and now have to be unmarked.
+The compiler's architecture
+Nimrod uses the classic compiler architecture: A scanner feds tokens to a
+parser. The parser builds a syntax tree that is used by the code generator.
+This syntax tree is the interface between the parser and the code generator.
+It is essential to understand most of the compiler's code.
+In order to compile Nimrod correctly, type-checking has to be seperated from
+parsing. Otherwise generics would not work. Code generation is done for a 
+whole module only after it has been checked for semantics.
+.. include:: filelist.txt
+The first command line argument selects the backend. Thus the backend is
+responsible for calling the parser and semantic checker. However, when 
+compiling ``import`` or ``include`` statements, the semantic checker needs to
+call the backend, this is done by embedding a PBackend into a TContext.
+The syntax tree
+The synax tree consists of nodes which may have an arbitrary number of
+children. Types and symbols are represented by other nodes, because they
+may contain cycles. The AST changes its shape after semantic checking. This
+is needed to make life easier for the code generators. See the "ast" module
+for the type definitions.
+We use the notation ``nodeKind(fields, [sons])`` for describing
+nodes. ``nodeKind[sons]`` is a short-cut for ``nodeKind([sons])``.
+XXX: Description of the language's syntax and the corresponding trees.
+How the RTL is compiled
+The system module contains the part of the RTL which needs support by
+compiler magic (and the stuff that needs to be in it because the spec
+says so). The C code generator generates the C code for it just like any other
+module. However, calls to some procedures like ``addInt`` are inserted by
+the CCG. Therefore the module ``magicsys`` contains a table
+(``compilerprocs``) with all symbols that are marked as ``compilerproc``.
+How separate compilation will work
+Soon compiling from scratch every module that's needed will become too slow as
+programs grow. For easier cleaning all generated files are generated in the
+directory: ``$base/rod_gen``. This cannot be changed. The generated C files
+get the names of the modules they result from. A compiled Nimrod module has the
+extension ``.rod`` and is a binary file. The format may change from release
+to release. The rod-file is mostly a binary representation of the parse trees.
+Nimrod currently compiles any module into its own C file. Some things like
+type-information, common string literals, common constant sets need to be
+shared though. We deal with this problem by writing the shared data
+in the main C file. Only "headers" are generated in the other modules. However,
+each precompiled Nimrod module lists the shared data it depends on. The same
+holds for procedures that have to generated from generics.
+A big problem is that the data must get the same name each time it is compiled.
+The C compiler is only called for the C files, that changed after the last
+compilation (or if their object file does not exist anymore). To work
+reliably, in the header comment of the C file these things are listed, so
+that the C compiler is called again should they change:
+* Nimrod's Version
+* the target CC
+* the target OS
+* the target CPU
+The version is questionable: If the resulting C file is the same, it does not
+matter that Nimrods's version has increased. We do it anyway to be on the safe
+Generation of dynamic link libraries
+Generation of dynamic link libraries or shared libraries is not difficult; the
+underlying C compiler already does all the hard work for us. The problem is the
+common runtime library, especially the memory manager. Note that Borland's
+Delphi had exactly the same problem. The workaround is to not link the GC with
+the Dll and provide an extra runtime dll that needs to be initialized.
+How to implement closures
+A closure is a record of a proc pointer and a context ref. The context ref
+points to a garbage collected record that contains the needed variables.
+An example:
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  type
+    TListRec = record
+      data: string
+      next: ref TListRec
+  proc forEach(head: ref TListRec, visitor: proc (s: string) {.closure.}) =
+    var it = head
+    while it != nil:
+      visit(
+      it =
+  proc sayHello() =
+    var L = new List(["hallo", "Andreas"])
+    var temp = "jup\xff"
+    forEach(L, lambda(s: string) =
+                 io.write(temp)
+                 io.write(s)
+           )
+This should become the following in C:
+.. code-block:: C
+  typedef struct ... /* List type */
+  typedef struct closure {
+    void (*PrcPart)(string, void*);
+    void* ClPart;
+  }
+  typedef struct Tcl_data {
+    string temp; // all accessed variables are put in here!
+  }
+  void forEach(TListRec* head, const closure visitor) {
+    TListRec* it = head;
+    while (it != NIM_NULL) {
+      visitor.prc(it->data, visitor->cl_data);
+      it = it->next;
+    }
+  }
+  void printStr(string s, void* cl_data) {
+    Tcl_data* x = (Tcl_data*) cl_data;
+    io_write(x->temp);
+    io_write(s);
+  }
+  void sayhello() {
+    Tcl_data* data = new(...);
+    asgnRef(&data->temp, "jup\xff");
+    ...
+    closure cl;
+    cl.prc = printStr;
+    cl.cl_data = data;
+    foreach(L, cl);
+  }
+What about nested closure? - There's not much difference: Just put all used
+variables in the data record.