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path: root/doc
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mode: <>2009-10-21 10:20:15 +0200 <>2009-10-21 10:20:15 +0200
commit053309e60aee1eda594a4817ac8ac2fb8c18fb04 (patch)
tree0f1ce8b0de0b493045eb97eeca6ebf06542de601 /doc
parent581572b28c65bc9fe47974cfd625210a69be0f3f (diff)
version 0.8.2
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
13 files changed, 1000 insertions, 276 deletions
diff --git a/doc/apis.txt b/doc/apis.txt
index 02caa8c24..b926e4988 100644..100755
--- a/doc/apis.txt
+++ b/doc/apis.txt
@@ -66,4 +66,7 @@ function                func
 coordinate              coord
 rectangle               rect
 point                   point
+symbol                  sym
+identifier              ident
+indentation             indent
 -------------------     ------------   --------------------------------------
diff --git a/doc/effects.txt b/doc/effects.txt
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..85de1ffdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/effects.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+               Side effects in Nimrod
+Note: Side effects are implicit produced values! Maybe they should be
+explicit like in Haskell?
+The idea is that side effects and partial evaluation belong together:
+Iff a proc is side effect free and all its argument are evaluable at
+compile time, it can be evaluated by the compiler. However, really
+difficult is the ``newString`` proc: If it is simply wrapped, it 
+should not be evaluated at compile time! On other occasions it can
+and should be evaluted:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  proc toUpper(s: string): string =
+    result = newString(len(s))
+    for i in 0..len(s) - 1:
+      result[i] = toUpper(s[i])
+No, it really can always be evaluated. The code generator should transform
+``s = "\0\0\0..."`` back into ``s = newString(...)``. 
+``new`` cannot be evaluated at compile time either. 
+Raise statement
+It is impractical to consider ``raise`` a statement with side effects.
+Being side effect free does not suffice for compile time evaluation. However,
+the evaluator can attempt to evaluate at compile time. 
diff --git a/doc/filelist.txt b/doc/filelist.txt
index 0e636652a..c29b3b6aa 100755
--- a/doc/filelist.txt
+++ b/doc/filelist.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ nimrod          main module: parses the command line and calls
 main            implements the top-level command dispatching
 nimconf         implements the config file reader
+syntaxes        dispatcher for the different parsers and filters
+ptmplsyn        standard template filter (``#! stdtempl``)
 lexbase         buffer handling of the lexical analyser
 scanner         lexical analyser
 pnimsyn         Nimrod's parser
diff --git a/doc/filters.txt b/doc/filters.txt
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ffeb6808a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/filters.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+Parsers and Filters
+.. contents::
+The Nimrod compiler contains multiple parsers. (The standard is 
+indentation-based.) Two others are available: The `braces`:idx: parser and the
+`endX`:idx: parser. Both parsers use the same lexer as the standard parser.
+To use a different parser for a source file the *shebang* notation is used:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  #! braces
+  if (x == 10) {
+    echo "x is ten"
+  } else {
+    echo "x isn't ten"
+  }
+The special ``#!`` comment for specifying a parser needs to be in the first
+line with no leading whitespace, unless an UNIX shebang line is used. Then the
+parser shebang can occur in the second line:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  #! /usr/bin/env nimrod c -r
+  #! braces
+  if (x == 10) {
+    echo "x is ten"
+  } else {
+    echo "x isn't ten"
+  }
+An UNIX shebang line is defined by the pattern ``'#!' \s* '/' .*`` 
+(``#!`` followed by optional whitespace followed by ``/``). 
+Nimrod's shebang also supports the invokation of `source filters`:idx: before
+the source code file is passed to the parser::
+  #! stdtmpl(subsChar = '$', metaChar = '#')
+  #proc generateXML(name, age: string): string =
+  #  result = ""
+  <xml>
+    <name>$name</name>
+    <age>$age</age>
+  </xml>
+Filters transform the input character stream to an in-memory output stream.
+They are used to provide templating systems or preprocessors. 
+As the example shows, passing arguments to a filter (or parser) can be done
+just like an ordinary procedure call with named or positional arguments. The
+available parameters depend on the invoked filter/parser.
+Pipe operator
+Filters and parsers can be combined with the ``|`` `pipe operator`:idx:. Only
+the last operand can be a parser because a parser returns an abstract syntax
+tree which a filter cannot process::
+  #! strip(startswith="<") | stdtmpl | standard
+  #proc generateXML(name, age: string): string =
+  #  result = ""
+  <xml>
+    <name>$name</name>
+    <age>$age</age>
+  </xml>
+Available filters
+**Hint:** With ``--verbosity:2`` (or higher) Nimrod lists the processed code
+after each filter application.
+Replace filter
+The `replace`:idx: filter replaces substrings in each line.
+Parameters and their defaults:
+  ``sub: string = ""``
+    the substring that is searched for
+  ``by: string = ""``
+    the string the substring is replaced with
+Strip filter
+The `strip`:idx: filter simply removes leading and trailing whitespace from
+each line.
+Parameters and their defaults:
+  ``startswith: string = ""``
+    strip only the lines that start with *startswith* (ignoring leading
+    whitespace). If empty every line is stripped.
+  ``leading: bool = true``
+    strip leading whitespace
+  ``trailing: bool = true``
+    strip trailing whitespace
+StdTmpl filter
+The `stdtmpl`:idx: filter provides a simple templating engine for Nimrod. The
+filter uses a line based parser: Lines prefixed with a *meta character*
+(default: ``#``) contain Nimrod code, other lines are verbatim. Because
+indentation-based parsing is not suited for a templating engine, control flow
+statements need ``end X`` delimiters.
+Parameters and their defaults:
+  ``metaChar: char = '#'``
+    prefix for a line that contains Nimrod code
+  ``subsChar: char = '$'``
+    prefix for a Nimrod expression within a template line
+  ``conc: string = " & "``
+    the operation for concatenation
+  ``emit: string = "result.add"``
+    the operation to emit a string literal
+  ``toString: string = "$"``
+    the operation that is applied to each expression
+  #! stdtmpl | standard
+  #proc generateHTMLPage(title, currentTab, content: string,
+  #                      tabs: openArray[string]): string = 
+  #  result = ""
+  <head><title>$title</title></head>
+  <body>
+    <div id="menu">
+      <ul>
+    #for tab in items(tabs):
+      #if currentTab == tab:
+      <li><a id="selected" 
+      #else:
+      <li><a
+      #end if
+      href="${tab}.html">$tab</a></li>
+    #end for
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+    <div id="content">
+      $content
+      A dollar: $$.
+    </div>
+  </body>
+The filter transforms this into:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  proc generateHTMLPage(title, currentTab, content: string,
+                        tabs: openArray[string]): string = 
+    result = ""
+    result.add("<head><title>" & $(title) & "</title></head>\n" & 
+      "<body>\n" & 
+      "  <div id=\"menu\">\n" & 
+      "    <ul>\n")
+    for tab in items(tabs):
+      if currentTab == tab:
+        result.add("    <li><a id=\"selected\" \n")
+      else:
+        result.add("    <li><a\n")
+      #end
+      result.add("    href=\"" & $(tab) & ".html\">" & $(tab) & "</a></li>\n")
+    #end
+    result.add("    </ul>\n" & 
+      "  </div>\n" & 
+      "  <div id=\"content\">\n" & 
+      "    " & $(content) & "\n" & 
+      "    A dollar: $.\n" & 
+      "  </div>\n" & 
+      "</body>\n")
+Each line that does not start with the meta character (ignoring leading
+whitespace) is converted to a string literal that is added to ``result``. 
+The substitution character introduces a Nimrod expression *e* within the
+string literal. *e* is converted to a string with the *toString* operation
+which defaults to ``$``. For strong type checking, set ``toString`` to the
+empty string. *e* must match this PEG pattern::
+  e <- [a-zA-Z\128-\255][a-zA-Z0-9\128-\255_.]* / '{' x '}'
+  x <- '{' x+ '}' / [^}]*
+To produce a single substitution character it has to be doubled: ``$$``
+produces ``$``.
+The template engine is quite flexible. It is easy to produce a procedure that
+writes the template code directly to a file::
+  #! stdtmpl(emit="f.write") | standard
+  #proc writeHTMLPage(f: TFile, title, currentTab, content: string,
+  #                   tabs: openArray[string]) = 
+  <head><title>$title</title></head>
+  <body>
+    <div id="menu">
+      <ul>
+    #for tab in items(tabs):
+      #if currentTab == tab:
+      <li><a id="selected" 
+      #else:
+      <li><a
+      #end if
+      href="${tab}.html" title = "$title - $tab">$tab</a></li>
+    #end for
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+    <div id="content">
+      $content
+      A dollar: $$.
+    </div>
+  </body>
diff --git a/doc/gramcurl.txt b/doc/gramcurl.txt
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3ac9294c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/gramcurl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+module ::= stmt*
+comma ::= ',' [COMMENT] [IND]
+operator ::= OP0 | OR | XOR | AND | OP3 | OP4 | OP5 | OP6 | OP7
+           | 'is' | 'isnot' | 'in' | 'notin'
+           | 'div' | 'mod' | 'shl' | 'shr' | 'not'
+prefixOperator ::= OP0 | OP3 | OP4 | OP5 | OP6 | OP7 | 'not'
+optInd ::= [COMMENT] [IND]
+lowestExpr ::= orExpr (OP0 optInd orExpr)*
+orExpr ::= andExpr (OR | 'xor' optInd andExpr)*
+andExpr ::= cmpExpr ('and' optInd cmpExpr)*
+cmpExpr ::= ampExpr (OP3 | 'is' | 'isnot' | 'in' | 'notin' optInd ampExpr)*
+ampExpr ::= plusExpr (OP4 optInd plusExpr)*
+plusExpr ::= mulExpr (OP5 optInd mulExpr)*
+mulExpr ::= dollarExpr (OP6 | 'div' | 'mod' | 'shl' | 'shr' optInd dollarExpr)*
+dollarExpr ::= primary (OP7 optInd primary)*
+indexExpr ::= '..' [expr] | expr ['=' expr | '..' expr]
+castExpr ::= 'cast' '[' optInd typeDesc [SAD] ']' '(' optInd expr [SAD] ')'
+addrExpr ::= 'addr' '(' optInd expr ')'
+symbol ::= '`' (KEYWORD | IDENT | operator | '(' ')'
+               | '[' ']' | '=' | literal)+ '`'
+         | IDENT
+primaryPrefix ::= (prefixOperator | 'bind') optInd
+primarySuffix ::= '.' optInd symbol
+                | '(' optInd namedExprList [SAD] ')'
+                | '[' optInd [indexExpr (comma indexExpr)* [comma]] [SAD] ']'
+                | '^'
+                | pragma
+primary ::= primaryPrefix* (symbol | constructor | castExpr | addrExpr)
+            primarySuffix*
+literal ::= INT_LIT | INT8_LIT | INT16_LIT | INT32_LIT | INT64_LIT
+          | FLOAT_LIT | FLOAT32_LIT | FLOAT64_LIT
+          | CHAR_LIT
+          | NIL
+constructor ::= literal
+          | '[' optInd colonExprList [SAD] ']'
+          | '{' optInd sliceExprList [SAD] '}'
+          | '(' optInd colonExprList [SAD] ')'
+colonExpr ::= expr [':' expr]
+colonExprList ::= [colonExpr (comma colonExpr)* [comma]]
+namedExpr ::= expr ['=' expr]
+namedExprList ::= [namedExpr (comma namedExpr)* [comma]]
+sliceExpr ::= expr ['..' expr]
+sliceExprList ::= [sliceExpr (comma sliceExpr)* [comma]]
+exprOrType ::= lowestExpr
+            | 'if' '(' expr ')' expr ('elif' '(' expr ')' expr)* 'else' expr
+            | 'var' exprOrType
+            | 'ref' exprOrType
+            | 'ptr' exprOrType
+            | 'type' exprOrType
+            | 'tuple' tupleDesc
+expr ::= exprOrType
+     | 'proc' paramList [pragma] ['=' stmt] 
+qualifiedIdent ::= symbol ['.' symbol]
+typeDesc ::= exprOrType
+         | 'proc' paramList [pragma]
+macroStmt ::= '{' [stmt] '}' ('of' [sliceExprList] stmt
+                         |'elif' '(' expr ')' stmt
+                         |'except' '(' exceptList ')' stmt )*
+                         ['else' stmt]
+simpleStmt ::= returnStmt
+             | yieldStmt
+             | discardStmt
+             | raiseStmt
+             | breakStmt
+             | continueStmt
+             | pragma
+             | importStmt
+             | fromStmt
+             | includeStmt
+             | exprStmt
+complexStmt ::= ifStmt | whileStmt | caseStmt | tryStmt | forStmt
+              | blockStmt | asmStmt
+              | procDecl | iteratorDecl | macroDecl | templateDecl | methodDecl
+              | constSection | typeSection | whenStmt | varSection
+stmt ::= simpleStmt
+       | indPush (complexStmt | simpleStmt) (';' (complexStmt | simpleStmt))*
+         DED indPop
+exprStmt ::= lowestExpr ['=' expr | [expr (comma expr)*] [macroStmt]]
+returnStmt ::= 'return' [expr]
+yieldStmt ::= 'yield' expr
+discardStmt ::= 'discard' expr
+raiseStmt ::= 'raise' [expr]
+breakStmt ::= 'break' [symbol]
+continueStmt ::= 'continue'
+ifStmt ::= 'if' '(' expr ')' stmt ('elif' '(' expr ')' stmt)* ['else' stmt]
+whenStmt ::= 'when' '(' expr ')' stmt ('elif' '(' expr ')' stmt)* ['else' stmt]
+caseStmt ::= 'case' '(' expr ')' ('of' sliceExprList ':' stmt)*
+                               ('elif' '(' expr ')' stmt)*
+                               ['else' stmt]
+whileStmt ::= 'while' '(' expr ')' stmt
+forStmt ::= 'for' '(' symbol (comma symbol)* 'in' expr ['..' expr] ')' stmt
+exceptList ::= [qualifiedIdent (comma qualifiedIdent)*]
+tryStmt ::= 'try' stmt
+           ('except' '(' exceptList ')' stmt)*
+           ['finally' stmt]
+asmStmt ::= 'asm' [pragma] (STR_LIT | RSTR_LIT | TRIPLESTR_LIT)
+blockStmt ::= 'block' [symbol] stmt
+filename ::= symbol | STR_LIT | RSTR_LIT | TRIPLESTR_LIT
+importStmt ::= 'import' filename (comma filename)*
+includeStmt ::= 'include' filename (comma filename)*
+fromStmt ::= 'from' filename 'import' symbol (comma symbol)*
+pragma ::= '{.' optInd (colonExpr [comma])* [SAD] ('.}' | '}')
+param ::= symbol (comma symbol)* (':' typeDesc ['=' expr] | '=' expr)
+paramList ::= ['(' [param (comma param)*] [SAD] ')'] [':' typeDesc]
+genericParam ::= symbol [':' typeDesc] ['=' expr]
+genericParams ::= '[' genericParam (comma genericParam)* [SAD] ']'
+routineDecl := symbol ['*'] [genericParams] paramList [pragma] ['=' stmt]
+procDecl ::= 'proc' routineDecl
+macroDecl ::= 'macro' routineDecl
+iteratorDecl ::= 'iterator' routineDecl
+templateDecl ::= 'template' routineDecl
+methodDecl ::= 'method' routineDecl
+colonAndEquals ::= [':' typeDesc] '=' expr
+constDecl ::= symbol ['*'] [pragma] colonAndEquals ';' [COMMENT]
+constSection ::= 'const' [COMMENT] (constDecl | '{' constDecl+ '}')
+typeDef ::= typeDesc | objectDef | enumDef | 'distinct' typeDesc
+objectField ::= symbol ['*'] [pragma]
+objectIdentPart ::= objectField (comma objectField)* ':' typeDesc
+                    [COMMENT|IND COMMENT]
+objectWhen ::= 'when' expr ':' [COMMENT] objectPart
+              ('elif' expr ':' [COMMENT] objectPart)*
+              ['else' ':' [COMMENT] objectPart]
+objectCase ::= 'case' expr ':' typeDesc [COMMENT]
+              ('of' sliceExprList ':' [COMMENT] objectPart)*
+              ['else' ':' [COMMENT] objectPart]
+objectPart ::= objectWhen | objectCase | objectIdentPart | 'nil'
+             | indPush objectPart (SAD objectPart)* DED indPop
+tupleDesc ::= '[' optInd [param (comma param)*] [SAD] ']'
+objectDef ::= 'object' [pragma] ['of' typeDesc] objectPart
+enumField ::= symbol ['=' expr]
+enumDef ::= 'enum' ['of' typeDesc] (enumField [comma] [COMMENT | IND COMMENT])+
+typeDecl ::= COMMENT
+           | symbol ['*'] [genericParams] ['=' typeDef] [COMMENT | IND COMMENT]
+typeSection ::= 'type' indPush typeDecl (SAD typeDecl)* DED indPop
+colonOrEquals ::= ':' typeDesc ['=' expr] | '=' expr
+varField ::= symbol ['*'] [pragma]
+varPart ::= symbol (comma symbol)* colonOrEquals [COMMENT | IND COMMENT]
+varSection ::= 'var' (varPart
+                   | indPush (COMMENT|varPart)
+                     (SAD (COMMENT|varPart))* DED indPop)
diff --git a/doc/grammar.txt b/doc/grammar.txt
index 2fcb68236..18722116e 100755
--- a/doc/grammar.txt
+++ b/doc/grammar.txt
@@ -19,25 +19,23 @@ plusExpr ::= mulExpr (OP5 optInd mulExpr)*
 mulExpr ::= dollarExpr (OP6 | 'div' | 'mod' | 'shl' | 'shr' optInd dollarExpr)*
 dollarExpr ::= primary (OP7 optInd primary)*
-namedTypeOrExpr ::=
-  '..' [expr]
-  | expr ['=' (expr ['..' expr] | typeDescK | '..' [expr]) | '..' [expr]]
-  | typeDescK
+indexExpr ::= '..' [expr] | expr ['=' expr | '..' expr]
 castExpr ::= 'cast' '[' optInd typeDesc [SAD] ']' '(' optInd expr [SAD] ')'
 addrExpr ::= 'addr' '(' optInd expr ')'
 symbol ::= '`' (KEYWORD | IDENT | operator | '(' ')'
                | '[' ']' | '=' | literal)+ '`'
          | IDENT
-primary ::= ((prefixOperator | 'bind') optInd)* (symbol | constructor |
-                                                 castExpr | addrExpr) (
-               '.' optInd symbol
-             | '(' optInd namedExprList [SAD] ')'
-             | '[' optInd
-               [namedTypeOrExpr (comma namedTypeOrExpr)* [comma]]
-               [SAD] ']'
-             | '^'
-             | pragma)*
+primaryPrefix ::= (prefixOperator | 'bind') optInd
+primarySuffix ::= '.' optInd symbol
+                | '(' optInd namedExprList [SAD] ')'
+                | '[' optInd [indexExpr (comma indexExpr)* [comma]] [SAD] ']'
+                | '^'
+                | pragma
+primary ::= primaryPrefix* (symbol | constructor | castExpr | addrExpr)
+            primarySuffix*
 literal ::= INT_LIT | INT8_LIT | INT16_LIT | INT32_LIT | INT64_LIT
           | FLOAT_LIT | FLOAT32_LIT | FLOAT64_LIT
@@ -59,24 +57,21 @@ namedExprList ::= [namedExpr (comma namedExpr)* [comma]]
 sliceExpr ::= expr ['..' expr]
 sliceExprList ::= [sliceExpr (comma sliceExpr)* [comma]]
-anonymousProc ::= 'lambda' paramList [pragma] '=' stmt
-expr ::= lowestExpr
-     | anonymousProc
-     | 'if' expr ':' expr ('elif' expr ':' expr)* 'else' ':' expr
+exprOrType ::= lowestExpr
+            | 'if' expr ':' expr ('elif' expr ':' expr)* 'else' ':' expr
+            | 'var' exprOrType
+            | 'ref' exprOrType
+            | 'ptr' exprOrType
+            | 'type' exprOrType
+            | 'tuple' tupleDesc
-namedTypeDesc ::= typeDescK | expr ['=' (typeDescK | expr)]
-namedTypeDescList ::= [namedTypeDesc (comma namedTypeDesc)* [comma]]
+expr ::= exprOrType
+     | 'proc' paramList [pragma] ['=' stmt] 
 qualifiedIdent ::= symbol ['.' symbol]
-typeDescK ::= 'var' typeDesc
-            | 'ref' typeDesc
-            | 'ptr' typeDesc
-            | 'type' expr
-            | 'tuple' tupleDesc
-            | 'proc' paramList [pragma]
-typeDesc ::= typeDescK | primary
+typeDesc ::= exprOrType
+         | 'proc' paramList [pragma]
 macroStmt ::= ':' [stmt] ('of' [sliceExprList] ':' stmt
                          |'elif' expr ':' stmt
@@ -84,20 +79,20 @@ macroStmt ::= ':' [stmt] ('of' [sliceExprList] ':' stmt
                          ['else' ':' stmt]
 simpleStmt ::= returnStmt
-           | yieldStmt
-           | discardStmt
-           | raiseStmt
-           | breakStmt
-           | continueStmt
-           | pragma
-           | importStmt
-           | fromStmt
-           | includeStmt
-           | exprStmt
+             | yieldStmt
+             | discardStmt
+             | raiseStmt
+             | breakStmt
+             | continueStmt
+             | pragma
+             | importStmt
+             | fromStmt
+             | includeStmt
+             | exprStmt
 complexStmt ::= ifStmt | whileStmt | caseStmt | tryStmt | forStmt
-                 | blockStmt | asmStmt
-                 | procDecl | iteratorDecl | macroDecl | templateDecl
-                 | constSection | typeSection | whenStmt | varSection
+              | blockStmt | asmStmt
+              | procDecl | iteratorDecl | macroDecl | templateDecl | methodDecl
+              | constSection | typeSection | whenStmt | varSection
 indPush ::= IND # and push indentation onto the stack
 indPop ::= # pop indentation from the stack
@@ -141,25 +136,24 @@ paramList ::= ['(' [param (comma param)*] [SAD] ')'] [':' typeDesc]
 genericParam ::= symbol [':' typeDesc] ['=' expr]
 genericParams ::= '[' genericParam (comma genericParam)* [SAD] ']'
-procDecl ::= 'proc' symbol ['*'] [genericParams] paramList [pragma]
-             ['=' stmt]
-macroDecl ::= 'macro' symbol ['*'] [genericParams] paramList [pragma]
-             ['=' stmt]
-iteratorDecl ::= 'iterator' symbol ['*'] [genericParams] paramList [pragma]
-             ['=' stmt]
-templateDecl ::= 'template' symbol ['*'] [genericParams] paramList [pragma]
-             ['=' stmt]
+routineDecl := symbol ['*'] [genericParams] paramList [pragma] ['=' stmt]
+procDecl ::= 'proc' routineDecl
+macroDecl ::= 'macro' routineDecl
+iteratorDecl ::= 'iterator' routineDecl
+templateDecl ::= 'template' routineDecl
+methodDecl ::= 'method' routineDecl
 colonAndEquals ::= [':' typeDesc] '=' expr
 constDecl ::= symbol ['*'] [pragma] colonAndEquals [COMMENT | IND COMMENT]
             | COMMENT
 constSection ::= 'const' indPush constDecl (SAD constDecl)* DED indPop
-typeDef ::= typeDesc | objectDef | enumDef | 'abstract' typeDesc
+typeDef ::= typeDesc | objectDef | enumDef | 'distinct' typeDesc
 objectField ::= symbol ['*'] [pragma]
-objectIdentPart ::=
-  objectField (comma objectField)* ':' typeDesc [COMMENT|IND COMMENT]
+objectIdentPart ::= objectField (comma objectField)* ':' typeDesc
+                    [COMMENT|IND COMMENT]
 objectWhen ::= 'when' expr ':' [COMMENT] objectPart
               ('elif' expr ':' [COMMENT] objectPart)*
diff --git a/doc/lib.txt b/doc/lib.txt
index c15303b99..b75dd446b 100755
--- a/doc/lib.txt
+++ b/doc/lib.txt
@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ Generic Operating System Services
 * `os <os.html>`_
   Basic operating system facilities like retrieving environment variables,
   reading command line arguments, working with directories, running shell
-  commands, etc. This module is -- like any other basic library --
-  platform independant.
+  commands, etc.
 * `osproc <osproc.html>`_
   Module for process communication beyond ``os.execShellCmd``.
diff --git a/doc/manual.txt b/doc/manual.txt
index 3c24e4b1a..9cf1f3bc2 100755
--- a/doc/manual.txt
+++ b/doc/manual.txt
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ Syntax
 This section lists Nimrod's standard syntax in ENBF. How the parser receives
-indentation tokens is already described in the Lexical Analysis section.
+indentation tokens is already described in the `Lexical Analysis`_ section.
 Nimrod allows user-definable operators.
 Binary operators have 8 different levels of precedence. For user-defined
@@ -363,8 +363,7 @@ Precedence level    Operators                                     First characte
 ================  ==============================================  ==================  ===============
-The grammar's start symbol is ``module``. The grammar is LL(1) and therefore
-not ambiguous.
+The grammar's start symbol is ``module``.
 .. include:: grammar.txt
@@ -875,8 +874,7 @@ Procedural type
 A `procedural type`:idx: is internally a pointer to a procedure. ``nil`` is
 an allowed value for variables of a procedural type. Nimrod uses procedural
-types to achieve `functional`:idx: programming techniques. Dynamic dispatch
-for OOP constructs can also be implemented with procedural types.
+types to achieve `functional`:idx: programming techniques.
@@ -946,6 +944,16 @@ each other:
 Most calling conventions exist only for the Windows 32-bit platform.
+Assigning/passing a procedure to a procedural variable is only allowed if one 
+of the following conditions hold: 
+1) The procedure that is accessed resists in the current module.
+2) The procedure is marked with the ``procvar`` pragma (see `procvar pragma`_).
+3) The procedure has a calling convention that differs from ``nimcall``. 
+4) The procedure is anonymous.
+These rules should prevent the case that extending a non-``procvar`` 
+procedure with default parameters breaks client code.
 Distinct type
@@ -1054,7 +1062,7 @@ describe the type checking done by the compiler.
 Type equality
 Nimrod uses structural type equivalence for most types. Only for objects,
-enumerations and abstract types name equivalence is used. The following
+enumerations and distinct types name equivalence is used. The following
 algorithm determines type equality:
 .. code-block:: nimrod
@@ -1800,6 +1808,77 @@ Even more elegant is to use `tuple unpacking`:idx: to access the tuple's fields:
   assert y == 3
+Procedures always use static dispatch. Dynamic dispatch is achieved by
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  type
+    TExpr = object ## abstract base class for an expression
+    TLiteral = object of TExpr
+      x: int
+    TPlusExpr = object of TExpr
+      a, b: ref TExpr
+  method eval(e: ref TExpr): int =
+    # override this base method
+    quit "to override!"
+  method eval(e: ref TLiteral): int = return e.x
+  method eval(e: ref TPlusExpr): int =
+    # watch out: relies on dynamic binding
+    return eval(e.a) + eval(e.b)
+  proc newLit(x: int): ref TLiteral =
+    new(result)
+    result.x = x
+  proc newPlus(a, b: ref TExpr): ref TPlusExpr =
+    new(result)
+    result.a = a
+    result.b = b
+  echo eval(newPlus(newPlus(newLit(1), newLit(2)), newLit(4)))
+In the example the constructors ``newLit`` and ``newPlus`` are procs
+because they should use static binding, but ``eval`` is a method because it
+requires dynamic binding.
+In a multi-method all parameters that have an object type are used for the
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  type
+    TThing = object
+    TUnit = object of TThing
+      x: int
+  method collide(a, b: TThing) {.inline.} =
+    quit "to override!"
+  method collide(a: TThing, b: TUnit) {.inline.} =
+    echo "1"
+  method collide(a: TUnit, b: TThing) {.inline.} =
+    echo "2"
+  var
+    a, b: TUnit
+  collide(a, b) # output: 2
+Invokation of a multi-method cannot be ambiguous: Collide 2 is prefered over 
+collide 1 because the resolution works from left to right. 
+Thus ``TUnit, TThing`` is prefered over ``TThing, TUnit``.
+**Perfomance note**: Nimrod does not produce a virtual method table, but
+generates dispatch trees. This avoids the expensive indirect branch for method
+calls and enables inlining. However, other optimizations like compile time
+evaluation or dead code elimination do not work with methods.
 Iterators and the for statement
@@ -2275,6 +2354,12 @@ error to mark a proc/iterator to have no side effect if the compiler cannot
 verify this.
+procvar pragma
+The `procvar`:idx: pragma is used to mark a proc that it can be passed to a 
+procedural variable. 
 compileTime pragma
 The `compileTime`:idx: pragma is used to mark a proc to be used at compile
diff --git a/doc/nimrodc.txt b/doc/nimrodc.txt
index 26bf38a0b..f43994cb8 100755
--- a/doc/nimrodc.txt
+++ b/doc/nimrodc.txt
@@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ New Pragmas and Options
 Because Nimrod generates C code it needs some "red tape" to work properly.
-Thus lots of options and pragmas for tweaking the generated C code are
+Lots of options and pragmas for tweaking the generated C code are available.
 Importc Pragma
@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ and instead the generated code should contain an ``#include``:
     PFile {.importc: "FILE*", header: "<stdio.h>".} = distinct pointer
       # import C's FILE* type; Nimrod will treat it as a new pointer type
-The ``header`` pragma expects always a string constant. The string contant
+The ``header`` pragma always expects a string constant. The string contant
 contains the header file: As usual for C, a system header file is enclosed
 in angle brackets: ``<>``. If no angle brackets are given, Nimrod
 encloses the header file in ``""`` in the generated C code.
@@ -145,9 +144,9 @@ encloses the header file in ``""`` in the generated C code.
 Varargs Pragma
-The `varargs`:idx: pragma can be applied to procedures only. It tells Nimrod
-that the proc can take a variable number of parameters after the last
-specified parameter. Nimrod string values will be converted to C
+The `varargs`:idx: pragma can be applied to procedures only (and procedure 
+types). It tells Nimrod that the proc can take a variable number of parameters 
+after the last specified parameter. Nimrod string values will be converted to C
 strings automatically:
 .. code-block:: Nimrod
@@ -218,7 +217,7 @@ collector to not consider objects of this type as part of a cycle:
       data: string
 In the example a tree structure is declared with the ``TNode`` type. Note that
-the type definition is recursive thus the GC has to assume that objects of
+the type definition is recursive and the GC has to assume that objects of
 this type may form a cyclic graph. The ``acyclic`` pragma passes the
 information that this cannot happen to the GC. If the programmer uses the
 ``acyclic`` pragma for data types that are in reality cyclic, the GC may leak
diff --git a/doc/pegdocs.txt b/doc/pegdocs.txt
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..943acc545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pegdocs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+PEG syntax and semantics
+A PEG (Parsing expression grammar) is a simple deterministic grammar, that can
+be directly used for parsing. The current implementation has been designed as
+a more powerful replacement for regular expressions. UTF-8 is supported.
+The notation used for a PEG is similar to that of EBNF:
+===============    ============================================================
+notation           meaning
+===============    ============================================================
+``A / ... / Z``    Ordered choice: Apply expressions `A`, ..., `Z`, in this
+                   order, to the text ahead, until one of them succeeds and
+                   possibly consumes some text. Indicate success if one of
+                   expressions succeeded. Otherwise do not consume any text
+                   and indicate failure. 
+``A ... Z``        Sequence: Apply expressions `A`, ..., `Z`, in this order,
+                   to consume consecutive portions of the text ahead, as long
+                   as they succeed. Indicate success if all succeeded.
+                   Otherwise do not consume any text and indicate failure.
+                   The sequence's precedence is higher than that of ordered
+                   choice: ``A B / C`` means ``(A B) / Z`` and
+                   not ``A (B / Z)``.
+``(E)``            Grouping: Parenthesis can be used to change
+                   operator priority.
+``{E}``            Capture: Apply expression `E` and store the substring
+                   that matched `E` into a *capture* that can be accessed
+                   after the matching process.                   
+``&E``             And predicate: Indicate success if expression `E` matches
+                   the text ahead; otherwise indicate failure. Do not consume
+                   any text.
+``!E``             Not predicate: Indicate failure if expression E matches the
+                   text ahead; otherwise indicate success. Do not consume any
+                   text.
+``E+``             One or more: Apply expression `E` repeatedly to match
+                   the text ahead, as long as it succeeds. Consume the matched
+                   text (if any) and indicate success if there was at least
+                   one match. Otherwise indicate failure. 
+``E*``             Zero or more: Apply expression `E` repeatedly to match
+                   the text ahead, as long as it succeeds. Consume the matched
+                   text (if any). Always indicate success. 
+``E?``             Zero or one: If expression `E` matches the text ahead,
+                   consume it. Always indicate success. 
+``[s]``            Character class: If the character ahead appears in the
+                   string `s`, consume it and indicate success. Otherwise
+                   indicate failure. 
+``[a-b]``          Character range: If the character ahead is one from the
+                   range `a` through `b`, consume it and indicate success.
+                   Otherwise indicate failure.
+``'s'``            String: If the text ahead is the string `s`, consume it
+                   and indicate success. Otherwise indicate failure.
+``i's'``           String match ignoring case.
+``y's'``           String match ignoring style.
+``v's'``           Verbatim string match: Use this to override a global
+                   ``\i`` or ``\y`` modifier.
+``.``              Any character: If there is a character ahead, consume it
+                   and indicate success. Otherwise (that is, at the end of
+                   input) indicate failure.
+``_``              Any Unicode character: If there is an UTF-8 character
+                   ahead, consume it and indicate success. Otherwise indicate
+                   failure.
+``A <- E``         Rule: Bind the expression `E` to the *nonterminal symbol*
+                   `A`. **Left recursive rules are not possible and crash the
+                   matching engine.**
+``\identifier``    Built-in macro for a longer expression.
+``\ddd``           Character with decimal code *ddd*.
+``\"``, etc        Literal ``"``, etc. 
+===============    ============================================================
+Built-in macros
+==============     ============================================================
+macro              meaning
+==============     ============================================================
+``\d``             any decimal digit: ``[0-9]``
+``\D``             any character that is not a decimal digit: ``[^0-9]``
+``\s``             any whitespace character: ``[ \9-\13]``
+``\S``             any character that is not a whitespace character:
+                   ``[^ \9-\13]``
+``\w``             any "word" character: ``[a-zA-Z_]``
+``\W``             any "non-word" character: ``[^a-zA-Z_]``
+``\n``             any newline combination: ``\10 / \13\10 / \13``
+``\i``             ignore case for matching; use this at the start of the PEG
+``\y``             ignore style for matching; use this at the start of the PEG
+``\ident``         a standard ASCII identifier: ``[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*``
+==============     ============================================================
+A backslash followed by a letter is a built-in macro, otherwise it
+is used for ordinary escaping:
+==============     ============================================================
+notation           meaning
+==============     ============================================================
+``\\``             a single backslash
+``\*``             same as ``'*'``
+``\t``             not a tabulator, but an (unknown) built-in
+==============     ============================================================
+Supported PEG grammar
+The PEG parser implements this grammar (written in PEG syntax)::
+  # Example grammar of PEG in PEG syntax.
+  # Comments start with '#'.
+  # First symbol is the start symbol.
+  grammar <- rule* / expr
+  identifier <- [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*
+  charsetchar <- "\\" . / [^\]]
+  charset <- "[" "^"? (charsetchar ("-" charsetchar)?)+ "]"
+  stringlit <- identifier? ("\"" ("\\" . / [^"])* "\"" /
+                            "'" ("\\" . / [^'])* "'")
+  builtin <- "\\" identifier / [^\13\10]
+  comment <- '#' !\n* \n
+  ig <- (\s / comment)* # things to ignore
+  rule <- identifier \s* "<-" expr ig
+  identNoArrow <- identifier !(\s* "<-")
+  primary <- (ig '&' / ig '!')* ((ig identNoArrow / ig charset / ig stringlit
+                                / ig builtin / ig '.' / ig '_'
+                                / (ig "(" expr ig ")"))
+             (ig '?' / ig '*' / ig '+')*)
+  # Concatenation has higher priority than choice:
+  # ``a b / c`` means ``(a b) / c``
+  seqExpr <- primary+
+  expr <- seqExpr (ig "/" expr)*
+Check if `s` matches Nimrod's "while" keyword:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  s =~ peg" y'while'"
+Exchange (key, val)-pairs: 
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  "key: val; key2: val2".replace(peg"{\ident} \s* ':' \s* {\ident}", "$2: $1")
+Determine the ``#include``'ed files of a C file:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  for line in lines("myfile.c"):
+    if line =~ peg"""s <- ws '#include' ws '"' {[^"]+} '"' ws
+                     comment <- '/*' (!'*/' . )* '*/' / '//' .*
+                     ws <- (comment / \s+)* """:    
+      echo matches[0]
+PEG vs regular expression
+As a regular expression ``\[.*\]`` maches longest possible text between ``'['``
+and ``']'``. As a PEG it never matches anything, because a PEG is
+deterministic: ``.*`` consumes the rest of the input, so ``\]`` never matches.
+As a PEG this needs to be written as: ``\[ ( !\] . )* \]``
+Note that the regular expression does not behave as intended either:
+``*`` should not be greedy, so ``\[.*?\]`` should be used.
+PEG construction
+There are two ways to construct a PEG in Nimrod code:
+(1) Parsing a string into an AST which consists of `TPeg` nodes with the
+    `peg` proc.
+(2) Constructing the AST directly with proc calls. This method does not
+    support constructing rules, only simple expressions and is not as
+    convenient. It's only advantage is that it does not pull in the whole PEG
+    parser into your executable.
diff --git a/doc/theindex.txt b/doc/theindex.txt
index 7eb5f84e3..922dab769 100755
--- a/doc/theindex.txt
+++ b/doc/theindex.txt
@@ -8,13 +8,12 @@ Index
      * `pegs.html#114 <pegs.html#114>`_
-     * `macros.html#113 <macros.html#113>`_
+     * `macros.html#114 <macros.html#114>`_
      `system.html#347 <system.html#347>`_
-     * `system.html#418 <system.html#418>`_
      * `system.html#419 <system.html#419>`_
      * `system.html#420 <system.html#420>`_
      * `system.html#421 <system.html#421>`_
@@ -22,10 +21,11 @@ Index
      * `system.html#423 <system.html#423>`_
      * `system.html#424 <system.html#424>`_
      * `system.html#425 <system.html#425>`_
+     * `system.html#426 <system.html#426>`_
      * `times.html#109 <times.html#109>`_
      * `times.html#110 <times.html#110>`_
      * `pegs.html#148 <pegs.html#148>`_
-     * `macros.html#114 <macros.html#114>`_
+     * `macros.html#115 <macros.html#115>`_
      * `strutils.html#109 <strutils.html#109>`_
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ Index
      * `system.html#362 <system.html#362>`_
      * `system.html#363 <system.html#363>`_
      * `system.html#364 <system.html#364>`_
-     * `system.html#461 <system.html#461>`_
      * `system.html#462 <system.html#462>`_
      * `system.html#463 <system.html#463>`_
      * `system.html#464 <system.html#464>`_
@@ -182,15 +181,15 @@ Index
      `times.html#115 <times.html#115>`_
-     `unicode.html#103 <unicode.html#103>`_
-   `<=%`:idx:
      * `system.html#297 <system.html#297>`_
      * `system.html#298 <system.html#298>`_
      * `system.html#299 <system.html#299>`_
      * `system.html#300 <system.html#300>`_
      * `system.html#301 <system.html#301>`_
+   `<=%`:idx:
+     `unicode.html#103 <unicode.html#103>`_
      * `md5.html#107 <md5.html#107>`_
      * `system.html#252 <system.html#252>`_
@@ -211,25 +210,25 @@ Index
      * `system.html#465 <system.html#465>`_
      * `complex.html#102 <complex.html#102>`_
      * `unicode.html#105 <unicode.html#105>`_
-     * `macros.html#115 <macros.html#115>`_
+     * `macros.html#116 <macros.html#116>`_
-     `regexprs.html#111 <regexprs.html#111>`_
+     `pegs.html#138 <pegs.html#138>`_
-     `pegs.html#138 <pegs.html#138>`_
+     `regexprs.html#108 <regexprs.html#108>`_
      `system.html#349 <system.html#349>`_
-     `system.html#417 <system.html#417>`_
+     `system.html#418 <system.html#418>`_
      `system.html#348 <system.html#348>`_
-     `system.html#416 <system.html#416>`_
+     `system.html#417 <system.html#417>`_
      `pegs.html#110 <pegs.html#110>`_
@@ -241,13 +240,13 @@ Index
      `strtabs.html#107 <strtabs.html#107>`_
-     `macros.html#111 <macros.html#111>`_
+     `macros.html#112 <macros.html#112>`_
-     `strtabs.html#106 <strtabs.html#106>`_
+     `macros.html#113 <macros.html#113>`_
-     `macros.html#112 <macros.html#112>`_
+     `strtabs.html#106 <strtabs.html#106>`_
      `manual.html#134 <manual.html#134>`_
@@ -280,8 +279,8 @@ Index
      * `system.html#368 <system.html#368>`_
      * `system.html#369 <system.html#369>`_
      * `parsesql.html#108 <parsesql.html#108>`_
-     * `macros.html#117 <macros.html#117>`_
      * `macros.html#118 <macros.html#118>`_
+     * `macros.html#119 <macros.html#119>`_
      `strutils.html#111 <strutils.html#111>`_
@@ -301,13 +300,13 @@ Index
      `xmlgen.html#109 <xmlgen.html#109>`_
-     `strutils.html#152 <strutils.html#152>`_
+     `strutils.html#149 <strutils.html#149>`_
      `manual.html#131 <manual.html#131>`_
-     `strutils.html#153 <strutils.html#153>`_
+     `strutils.html#150 <strutils.html#150>`_
      `system.html#410 <system.html#410>`_
@@ -382,7 +381,7 @@ Index
      `manual.html#199 <manual.html#199>`_
-     `system.html#414 <system.html#414>`_
+     `system.html#415 <system.html#415>`_
      `macros.html#101 <macros.html#101>`_
@@ -404,8 +403,7 @@ Index
      `xmlgen.html#111 <xmlgen.html#111>`_
-     * `manual.html#127 <manual.html#127>`_
-     * `regexprs.html#101 <regexprs.html#101>`_
+     `manual.html#127 <manual.html#127>`_
      `manual.html#132 <manual.html#132>`_
@@ -657,10 +655,10 @@ Index
      * `system.html#356 <system.html#356>`_
-     `strutils.html#138 <strutils.html#138>`_
+     `strutils.html#135 <strutils.html#135>`_
-     `strutils.html#139 <strutils.html#139>`_
+     `strutils.html#136 <strutils.html#136>`_
      `os.html#139 <os.html#139>`_
@@ -701,7 +699,7 @@ Index
      `system.html#391 <system.html#391>`_
-     `manual.html#227 <manual.html#227>`_
+     `manual.html#229 <manual.html#229>`_
    `complex statements`:idx:
      `manual.html#178 <manual.html#178>`_
@@ -718,9 +716,9 @@ Index
      * `system.html#350 <system.html#350>`_
-     * `strutils.html#140 <strutils.html#140>`_
-     * `strutils.html#141 <strutils.html#141>`_
-     * `strutils.html#142 <strutils.html#142>`_
+     * `strutils.html#137 <strutils.html#137>`_
+     * `strutils.html#138 <strutils.html#138>`_
+     * `strutils.html#139 <strutils.html#139>`_
      * `pegs.html#139 <pegs.html#139>`_
      * `pegs.html#140 <pegs.html#140>`_
@@ -738,10 +736,10 @@ Index
      `system.html#407 <system.html#407>`_
-     `macros.html#134 <macros.html#134>`_
+     `macros.html#135 <macros.html#135>`_
-     `macros.html#135 <macros.html#135>`_
+     `macros.html#136 <macros.html#136>`_
      `xmlgen.html#103 <xmlgen.html#103>`_
@@ -756,16 +754,19 @@ Index
      `math.html#109 <math.html#109>`_
-     `system.html#435 <system.html#435>`_
+     `system.html#436 <system.html#436>`_
+   `countProcessors`:idx:
+     `osproc.html#117 <osproc.html#117>`_
-     `system.html#436 <system.html#436>`_
+     `system.html#437 <system.html#437>`_
      `system.html#396 <system.html#396>`_
-     * `os.html#156 <os.html#156>`_
+     * `os.html#159 <os.html#159>`_
      * `zipfiles.html#104 <zipfiles.html#104>`_
@@ -1156,7 +1157,7 @@ Index
      `manual.html#179 <manual.html#179>`_
-     `system.html#431 <system.html#431>`_
+     `system.html#432 <system.html#432>`_
      `xmlgen.html#123 <xmlgen.html#123>`_
@@ -1184,24 +1185,24 @@ Index
      * `xmlgen.html#124 <xmlgen.html#124>`_
-     * `macros.html#119 <macros.html#119>`_
+     * `macros.html#120 <macros.html#120>`_
-     `strutils.html#159 <strutils.html#159>`_
+     `strutils.html#156 <strutils.html#156>`_
-     * `strutils.html#127 <strutils.html#127>`_
-     * `strutils.html#160 <strutils.html#160>`_
+     * `strutils.html#124 <strutils.html#124>`_
+     * `strutils.html#157 <strutils.html#157>`_
      `xmlgen.html#125 <xmlgen.html#125>`_
-   `Digits`:idx:
-     `strutils.html#104 <strutils.html#104>`_
      `pegs.html#125 <pegs.html#125>`_
+   `Digits`:idx:
+     `strutils.html#104 <strutils.html#104>`_
      `os.html#103 <os.html#103>`_
@@ -1220,7 +1221,7 @@ Index
      `xmlgen.html#127 <xmlgen.html#127>`_
    `domain specific languages`:idx:
-     `manual.html#215 <manual.html#215>`_
+     `manual.html#216 <manual.html#216>`_
      `xmlgen.html#128 <xmlgen.html#128>`_
@@ -1265,7 +1266,7 @@ Index
      `system.html#151 <system.html#151>`_
-     `strutils.html#166 <strutils.html#166>`_
+     `strutils.html#163 <strutils.html#163>`_
      `system.html#147 <system.html#147>`_
@@ -1292,7 +1293,7 @@ Index
      `pegs.html#149 <pegs.html#149>`_
-     `regexprs.html#104 <regexprs.html#104>`_
+     `regexprs.html#101 <regexprs.html#101>`_
      `parsesql.html#103 <parsesql.html#103>`_
@@ -1320,7 +1321,7 @@ Index
      * `lexbase.html#101 <lexbase.html#101>`_
-     * `strutils.html#151 <strutils.html#151>`_
+     * `strutils.html#148 <strutils.html#148>`_
      * `pegs.html#142 <pegs.html#142>`_
@@ -1387,9 +1388,9 @@ Index
      `system.html#145 <system.html#145>`_
-     * `manual.html#225 <manual.html#225>`_
-     * `manual.html#228 <manual.html#228>`_
-     * `macros.html#136 <macros.html#136>`_
+     * `manual.html#226 <manual.html#226>`_
+     * `manual.html#230 <manual.html#230>`_
+     * `macros.html#137 <macros.html#137>`_
      `parsexml.html#120 <parsexml.html#120>`_
@@ -1405,7 +1406,7 @@ Index
      * `manual.html#133 <manual.html#133>`_
-     * `strutils.html#163 <strutils.html#163>`_
+     * `strutils.html#160 <strutils.html#160>`_
    `escape sequences`:idx:
      `manual.html#120 <manual.html#120>`_
@@ -1435,7 +1436,7 @@ Index
      `system.html#174 <system.html#174>`_
-     `os.html#162 <os.html#162>`_
+     `os.html#165 <os.html#165>`_
      `osproc.html#105 <osproc.html#105>`_
@@ -1443,6 +1444,9 @@ Index
      `osproc.html#103 <osproc.html#103>`_
+   `execProcesses`:idx:
+     `osproc.html#118 <osproc.html#118>`_
      `os.html#146 <os.html#146>`_
@@ -1474,13 +1478,13 @@ Index
      `os.html#132 <os.html#132>`_
-     `macros.html#145 <macros.html#145>`_
+     `macros.html#146 <macros.html#146>`_
-     `macros.html#147 <macros.html#147>`_
+     `macros.html#148 <macros.html#148>`_
-     `macros.html#146 <macros.html#146>`_
+     `macros.html#147 <macros.html#147>`_
      `nimrodc.html#102 <nimrodc.html#102>`_
@@ -1516,7 +1520,7 @@ Index
      `unicode.html#108 <unicode.html#108>`_
-     `manual.html#229 <manual.html#229>`_
+     `manual.html#231 <manual.html#231>`_
      `xmlgen.html#130 <xmlgen.html#130>`_
@@ -1625,20 +1629,13 @@ Index
      * `system.html#466 <system.html#466>`_
-     * `strutils.html#122 <strutils.html#122>`_
-     * `strutils.html#123 <strutils.html#123>`_
-     * `strutils.html#124 <strutils.html#124>`_
-     * `regexprs.html#109 <regexprs.html#109>`_
-     * `regexprs.html#110 <regexprs.html#110>`_
-     * `pegs.html#136 <pegs.html#136>`_
-     * `pegs.html#137 <pegs.html#137>`_
-   `findChars`:idx:
-     `strutils.html#121 <strutils.html#121>`_
-   `findSubStr`:idx:
      * `strutils.html#119 <strutils.html#119>`_
      * `strutils.html#120 <strutils.html#120>`_
+     * `strutils.html#121 <strutils.html#121>`_
+     * `regexprs.html#106 <regexprs.html#106>`_
+     * `regexprs.html#107 <regexprs.html#107>`_
+     * `pegs.html#136 <pegs.html#136>`_
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+     `macros.html#108 <macros.html#108>`_
      `macros.html#102 <macros.html#102>`_
@@ -5073,7 +5082,7 @@ Index
      `system.html#402 <system.html#402>`_
-     `strutils.html#162 <strutils.html#162>`_
+     `strutils.html#159 <strutils.html#159>`_
      `system.html#136 <system.html#136>`_
@@ -5082,7 +5091,7 @@ Index
      `system.html#399 <system.html#399>`_
-     `strutils.html#143 <strutils.html#143>`_
+     `strutils.html#140 <strutils.html#140>`_
      `system.html#401 <system.html#401>`_
@@ -5093,19 +5102,19 @@ Index
      * `unicode.html#111 <unicode.html#111>`_
-     `strutils.html#161 <strutils.html#161>`_
+     `strutils.html#158 <strutils.html#158>`_
-     `strutils.html#128 <strutils.html#128>`_
+     `strutils.html#125 <strutils.html#125>`_
      `parseopt.html#102 <parseopt.html#102>`_
-     `strutils.html#148 <strutils.html#148>`_
+     `strutils.html#145 <strutils.html#145>`_
-     `macros.html#144 <macros.html#144>`_
+     `macros.html#145 <macros.html#145>`_
      `unicode.html#113 <unicode.html#113>`_
@@ -5235,15 +5244,15 @@ Index
      `parsexml.html#106 <parsexml.html#106>`_
-     `macros.html#125 <macros.html#125>`_
+     `macros.html#126 <macros.html#126>`_
-     `macros.html#131 <macros.html#131>`_
+     `macros.html#132 <macros.html#132>`_
      * `manual.html#102 <manual.html#102>`_
      * `manual.html#141 <manual.html#141>`_
-     * `manual.html#210 <manual.html#210>`_
+     * `manual.html#211 <manual.html#211>`_
    `type casts`:idx:
      `tut2.html#101 <tut2.html#101>`_
@@ -5252,7 +5261,7 @@ Index
      `tut2.html#102 <tut2.html#102>`_
    `type parameters`:idx:
-     * `manual.html#212 <manual.html#212>`_
+     * `manual.html#213 <manual.html#213>`_
      * `tut2.html#110 <tut2.html#110>`_
    `type suffix`:idx:
@@ -5331,17 +5340,17 @@ Index
      `cgi.html#109 <cgi.html#109>`_
-     `strutils.html#164 <strutils.html#164>`_
+     `strutils.html#161 <strutils.html#161>`_
-     `strutils.html#165 <strutils.html#165>`_
-   `var`:idx:
-     `xmlgen.html#181 <xmlgen.html#181>`_
+     `strutils.html#162 <strutils.html#162>`_
      `manual.html#181 <manual.html#181>`_
+   `var`:idx:
+     `xmlgen.html#181 <xmlgen.html#181>`_
      `nimrodc.html#106 <nimrodc.html#106>`_
@@ -5354,7 +5363,7 @@ Index
      * `tut2.html#103 <tut2.html#103>`_
-     `regexprs.html#121 <regexprs.html#121>`_
+     `regexprs.html#118 <regexprs.html#118>`_
    `vertical tabulator`:idx:
      `manual.html#126 <manual.html#126>`_
@@ -5366,16 +5375,19 @@ Index
      `osproc.html#113 <osproc.html#113>`_
-     `os.html#154 <os.html#154>`_
+     `os.html#156 <os.html#156>`_
+   `walkDirRec`:idx:
+     `os.html#157 <os.html#157>`_
      * `os.html#152 <os.html#152>`_
      * `zipfiles.html#110 <zipfiles.html#110>`_
-     * `manual.html#224 <manual.html#224>`_
-     * `manual.html#230 <manual.html#230>`_
-     * `macros.html#137 <macros.html#137>`_
+     * `manual.html#225 <manual.html#225>`_
+     * `manual.html#232 <manual.html#232>`_
+     * `macros.html#138 <macros.html#138>`_
      * `manual.html#185 <manual.html#185>`_
@@ -5384,12 +5396,12 @@ Index
      `manual.html#197 <manual.html#197>`_
-   `whitespace`:idx:
-     `pegs.html#126 <pegs.html#126>`_
      `strutils.html#102 <strutils.html#102>`_
+   `whitespace`:idx:
+     `pegs.html#126 <pegs.html#126>`_
      `times.html#118 <times.html#118>`_
diff --git a/doc/tut1.txt b/doc/tut1.txt
index 69f218a31..c3d7b0039 100755
--- a/doc/tut1.txt
+++ b/doc/tut1.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 Nimrod Tutorial (Part I)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Nimrod Tutorial (Part I)
-  "Before you run you must learn to walk."
+  "Der Mensch ist doch ein Augentier -- schöne Dinge wünsch ich mir."
 This document is a tutorial for the programming language *Nimrod*. After this
 tutorial you will have a decent knowledge about Nimrod. This tutorial assumes
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Save this code to the file "greetings.nim". Now compile and run it::
   nimrod compile --run greetings.nim
-As you see, with the ``--run`` switch Nimrod executes the file automatically
-after compilation. You can even give your program command line arguments by
+With the ``--run`` switch Nimrod executes the file automatically
+after compilation. You can give your program command line arguments by
 appending them after the filename::
   nimrod compile --run greetings.nim arg1 arg2
diff --git a/doc/tut2.txt b/doc/tut2.txt
index 4515ffbd5..c81f98e77 100755
--- a/doc/tut2.txt
+++ b/doc/tut2.txt
@@ -177,8 +177,7 @@ bound to a class. This has disadvantages:
 * Adding a method to a class the programmer has no control over is 
   impossible or needs ugly workarounds.
 * Often it is unclear where the method should belong to: Is
-  ``join`` a string method or an array method? Should the complex 
-  ``vertexCover`` algorithm really be a method of the ``graph`` class?
+  ``join`` a string method or an array method?
 Nimrod avoids these problems by not assigning methods to a class. All methods
 in Nimrod are `multi-methods`:idx:. As we will see later, multi-methods are
@@ -206,7 +205,7 @@ for any type:
 (Another way to look at the method call syntax is that it provides the missing
 postfix notation.)
-So code that looks "pure object oriented" is easy to write:
+So "pure object oriented" code is easy to write:
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   import strutils
@@ -277,7 +276,7 @@ already provides ``v[]`` access.
 Dynamic dispatch
-Procedures always use static dispatch. To get dynamic dispatch, replace the
+Procedures always use static dispatch. For dynamic dispatch replace the
 ``proc`` keyword by ``method``:
 .. code-block:: nimrod