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path: root/doc
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authorAraq <>2012-09-10 19:34:16 +0200
committerAraq <>2012-09-10 19:34:16 +0200
commit92b449562e4815b69b07e74a4f37ff38e27c6a3d (patch)
tree1d8791285b2fd9a7e5c416bdf8d5f0e798f90510 /doc
parent6d94e4590244fe6174181ca4d0928a06d5c6a257 (diff)
tr macros now documented
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
4 files changed, 305 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/doc/docs.txt b/doc/docs.txt
index 42294ea1c..14bdd64b2 100755
--- a/doc/docs.txt
+++ b/doc/docs.txt
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ The documentation consists of several documents:
   | The Nimrod compiler supports source code filters as a simple yet powerful
     builtin templating system.
+- | `Term rewriting macros <trmacros.html>`_
+  | Term rewriting macros enhance the compilation process with user defined 
+    optimizations.
 - | `Internal documentation <intern.html>`_
   | The internal documentation describes how the compiler is implemented. Read
     this if you want to hack the compiler.
diff --git a/doc/manual.txt b/doc/manual.txt
index c8d40c476..042163de9 100755
--- a/doc/manual.txt
+++ b/doc/manual.txt
@@ -3662,7 +3662,9 @@ warnings         on|off           Turns the warning messages of the compiler
 hints            on|off           Turns the hint messages of the compiler

                                   on or off.

 optimization     none|speed|size  Optimize the code for speed or size, or

-                                  disable optimization.

+                                  disable optimization.
+patterns         on|off           Turns the term rewriting templates/macros
+                                  on or off.

 callconv         cdecl|...        Specifies the default calling convention for

                                   all procedures (and procedure types) that


diff --git a/doc/trmacros.txt b/doc/trmacros.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb6591827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/trmacros.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+   Term rewriting macros for Nimrod
+:Author: Andreas Rumpf
+Term rewriting macros are macros or templates that have not only a *name* but
+also a *pattern* that is searched for after the semantic checking phase of
+the compiler: This means they provide an easy way to enhance the compilation
+pipeline with user defined optimizations:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template optMul{`*`(a, 2)}(a: int): int = a+a
+  let x = 3
+  echo x * 2
+The compiler now rewrites ``x * 2`` as ``x + x``. The code inside the
+curlies is the pattern to match against. The operators ``*``,  ``**``,
+ ``|``, ``~`` have a special meaning in patterns if they are written in infix 
+notation, so to match verbatim against ``*`` the ordinary function call syntax
+needs to be used.
+Unfortunately optimizations are hard to get right and even the tiny example
+is **wrong**: 
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template optMul{`*`(a, 2)}(a: int): int = a+a
+  proc f(): int =
+    echo "side effect!"
+    result = 55
+  echo f() * 2
+We cannot duplicate 'a' if it denotes an expression that has a side effect!
+Fortunately Nimrod supports side effect analysis:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template optMul{`*`(a, 2)}(a: int{noSideEffect}): int = a+a
+  proc f(): int =
+    echo "side effect!"
+    result = 55
+  echo f() * 2 # and still optimized ;-)
+The reason is that the compiler does not consider 'echo' to have side effects
+for debugging convenience (this is comparable to Haskell's ``UnsafeIO`` monad).
+So lets try it with a "real" side effect: 
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template optMul{`*`(a, 2)}(a: int{noSideEffect}): int = a+a
+  proc f(): int =
+    writeln stdout, "side effect!"
+    result = 55
+  echo f() * 2 # not optimized ;-)
+So what about ``2 * a``? We should tell the compiler ``*`` is commutative. We
+cannot really do that however as the following code only swaps arguments
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template mulIsCommutative{`*`(a, b)}(a, b: int): int = b*a
+What optimizers really need to do is a *canonicalization*:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template canonMul{`*`(a, b)}(a: int{lit}, b: int): int = b*a
+The ``int{lit}`` parameter pattern matches against an expression of 
+type ``int``, but only if it's a literal.
+Parameter constraints
+The parameter constraint expression can use the operators ``|`` (or), 
+``&`` (and) and ``~`` (not) and the following predicates:
+===================      =====================================================
+Predicate                Meaning
+===================      =====================================================
+``atom``                 The matching node has no children.
+``lit``                  The matching node is a literal like "abc", 12.
+``sym``                  The matching node must be a symbol (a bound 
+                         identifier).
+``ident``                The matching node must be an identifier (an unbound
+                         identifier).
+``call``                 The matching AST must be a call/apply expression.
+``lvalue``               The matching AST must be an lvalue.
+``sideeffect``           The matching AST must have a side effect.
+``nosideeffect``         The matching AST must have no side effect.
+``param``                A symbol which is a parameter.
+``genericparam``         A symbol which is a generic parameter.
+``module``               A symbol which is a module.
+``type``                 A symbol which is a type.
+``var``                  A symbol which is a variable.
+``let``                  A symbol which is a ``let`` variable.
+``const``                A symbol which is a constant.
+``result``               The special ``result`` variable.
+``proc``                 A symbol which is a proc.
+``method``               A symbol which is a method.
+``iterator``             A symbol which is an iterator.
+``converter``            A symbol which is a converter.
+``macro``                A symbol which is a macro.
+``template``             A symbol which is a template.
+``field``                A symbol which is a field in a tuple or an object.
+``enumfield``            A symbol which is a field in an enumeration.
+``forvar``               A for loop variable.
+``label``                A label (used in ``block`` statements).
+``nk*``                  The matching AST must have the specified kind. 
+                         (Example: ``nkIfStmt`` denotes an ``if`` statement.)
+``alias``                States that the marked parameter needs to alias 
+                         with *some* other parameter.
+``noalias``              States that *every* other parameter must not alias
+                         with the marked parameter.
+===================      =====================================================
+The ``alias`` and ``noalias`` predicates refer not only to the matching AST,
+but also to every other bound parameter; syntactially they need to occur after
+the ordinary AST predicates:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template ex{a = b + c}(a: int{noalias}, b, c: int) =
+    # this transformation is only valid if 'b' and 'c' do not alias 'a':
+    a = b
+    inc a, b
+Pattern operators
+The operators ``*``,  ``**``, ``|``, ``~`` have a special meaning in patterns
+if they are written in infix notation.
+The ``|`` operator
+The ``|`` operator if used as infix operator creates an ordered choice:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template t{0|1}(): expr = 3
+  let a = 1
+  # outputs 3:
+  echo a
+The matching is performed after the compiler performed some optimizations like
+constant folding, so the following does not work:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template t{0|1}(): expr = 3
+  # outputs 1:
+  echo 1
+The reason is that the compiler already transformed the 1 into "1" for
+the ``echo`` statement. However, a term rewriting macro should not change the
+semantics anyway. In fact they can be deactived with the ``--patterns:off``
+command line option or temporarily with the ``patterns`` pragma. 
+The ``{}`` operator
+A pattern expression can be bound to a pattern parameter via the ``expr{param}``
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template t{(0|1|2){x}}(x: expr): expr = x+1
+  let a = 1
+  # outputs 2:
+  echo a
+The ``~`` operator
+The ``~`` operator is the **not** operator in patterns:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template t{x = (~x){y} and (~x){z}}(x, y, z: bool): stmt =
+    x = y
+    if x: x = z
+  var
+    a = false
+    b = true
+    c = false
+  a = b and c
+  echo a
+The ``*`` operator
+The ``*`` operator can *flatten* a nested binary expression like ``a & b & c``
+to ``&(a, b, c)``: 
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  var
+    calls = 0
+  proc `&&`(s: varargs[string]): string =
+    result = s[0]
+    for i in 1..len(s)-1: result.add s[i]
+    inc calls
+  template optConc{ `&&` * a }(a: string): expr = &&a
+  let space = " "
+  echo "my" && (space & "awe" && "some " ) && "concat"
+  # check that it's been optimized properly:
+  doAssert calls == 1
+The second operator of `*` must be a parameter; it is used to gather all the
+arguments. The expression ``"my" && (space & "awe" && "some " ) && "concat"``
+is passed to ``optConc`` in ``a`` as a special list (of kind ``nkArgList``) 
+which is flattened into a call expression; thus the invocation of ``optConc`` 
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+   `&&`("my", space & "awe", "some ", "concat")
+The ``**`` operator
+The ``**`` is much like the ``*`` operator, except that it gathers not only
+all the arguments, but also the matched operators in reverse polish notation:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  import macros
+  type
+    TMatrix = object
+      dummy: int
+  proc `*`(a, b: TMatrix): TMatrix = nil
+  proc `+`(a, b: TMat): TMatrix = nil
+  proc `-`(a, b: TMatrix): TMatrix = nil
+  proc `$`(a: TMatrix): string = result = $a.dummy
+  proc mat21(): TMatrix =
+    result.dummy = 21
+  macro optM{ (`+`|`-`|`*`) ** a }(a: TMatrix): expr =
+    echo treeRepr(a)
+    result = newCall(bindSym"mat21")
+  var x, y, z: TMatrix
+  echo x + y * z - x 
+This transforms passes expression ``x + y * z - x`` to the ``optM`` macro as
+an ``nnkArgList`` node containing::
+  Arglist
+    Sym "x"
+    Sym "y"
+    Sym "z"
+    Sym "*"
+    Sym "+"
+    Sym "x"
+    Sym "-"
+(Which is the reverse polish notation of ``x + y * z - x``.)
+Parameters in a pattern are type checked in the matching process. If a 
+parameter is of the type ``varargs`` it is treated specially and it can match
+0 or more arguments in the AST to be matched against:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  template optWrite{
+    write(f, x)
+    ((write|writeln){w})(f, y)
+  }(x, y: varargs[expr], f: TFile, w: expr) =
+    w(f, x, y)
diff --git a/doc/tut2.txt b/doc/tut2.txt
index 85a68c983..3882296be 100755
--- a/doc/tut2.txt
+++ b/doc/tut2.txt
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Procedures always use static dispatch. For dynamic dispatch replace the
 .. code-block:: nimrod
-    TExpr = object ## abstract base class for an expression
+    TExpr = object of TObject ## abstract base class for an expression
     TLiteral = object of TExpr
       x: int
     TPlusExpr = object of TExpr
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ dispatching:
 .. code-block:: nimrod
-    TThing = object
+    TThing = object of TObject
     TUnit = object of TThing
       x: int
@@ -702,3 +702,11 @@ regular expressions:
     return tkOperator
     return tkUnknown
+Term rewriting macros
+Term rewriting macros can be used to enhance the compilation process
+with user defined optimizations; see this `document <trmacros.html>`_ for 
+further information.