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path: root/examples/cross_todo/nimrod_commandline
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authorGrzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <>2012-10-31 21:39:07 +0100
committerGrzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <>2012-11-01 20:41:16 +0100
commita8df766fd9bbdfcf7c7549bdc53a6e43710d3d9e (patch)
tree8dc505efd2d998deb3d8cfa3acb5c3e9f9602413 /examples/cross_todo/nimrod_commandline
parentc71e0a409ab2b29adaffeec0a3e3ae9be6bb30a5 (diff)
Adds command line interface for todo example.
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/cross_todo/nimrod_commandline')
2 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/cross_todo/nimrod_commandline/nimtodo.nim b/examples/cross_todo/nimrod_commandline/nimtodo.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83405a4a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cross_todo/nimrod_commandline/nimtodo.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+# Implements a command line interface against the backend.
+import backend
+import db_sqlite
+import os
+import parseopt
+import parseutils
+import strutils
+import times
+  USAGE = """nimtodo - Nimrod cross platform todo manager
+  nimtodo [command] [list options]
+  -a=int text Adds a todo entry with the specified priority and text.
+  -c=int      Marks the specified todo entry as done.
+  -u=int      Marks the specified todo entry as not done.
+  -d=int|all  Deletes a single entry from the database, or all entries.
+  -g          Generates some rows with values for testing.
+  -l          Lists the contents of the database.
+  -h, --help  shows this help
+List options (optional):
+  -p=+|-      Sorts list by ascending|desdencing priority. Default:desdencing.
+  -m=+|-      Sorts list by ascending|desdencing date. Default:desdencing.
+  -t          Show checked entries. By default they are not shown.
+  -z          Hide unchecked entries. By default they are shown.
+  nimtodo -a=4 Water the plants
+  nimtodo -c:87
+  nimtodo -d:2
+  nimtodo -d:all
+  nimtodo -l -p=+ -m=- -t
+  TCommand = enum        # The possible types of commands
+    commandAdd          # The user wants to add a new todo entry.
+    commandCheck        # User wants to check a todo entry.
+    commandUncheck      # User wants to uncheck a todo entry.
+    commandDelete       # User wants to delete a single todo entry.
+    commandNuke         # User wants to purge all database entries.
+    commandGenerate     # Add random rows to the database, for testing.
+    commandList         # User wants to list contents.
+  TParamConfig = object of TObject
+    # Structure containing the parsed options from the commandline.
+    command: TCommand         # Store the type of operation
+    addPriority: int          # Only valid with commandAdd, stores priority.
+    addText: seq[string]      # Only valid with commandAdd, stores todo text.
+    todoId: int64             # The todo id for operations like check or delete.
+    listParams: TPagedParams  # Uses the backend structure directly for params.
+proc initDefaults(params: var TParamConfig) =
+  ## Initialises defaults value in the structure.
+  ##
+  ## Most importantly we want to have an empty list for addText.
+  params.listParams.initDefaults
+  params.addText = @[]
+proc parseCmdLine(): TParamConfig =
+  ## Parses the commandline.
+  ##
+  ## Returns a TParamConfig structure filled with the proper values or directly
+  ## calls quit() with the appropriate error message.
+  var
+    specifiedCommand = false
+    usesListParams = false
+    p = initOptParser()
+    key, val: TaintedString
+    newId: biggestInt
+  result.initDefaults
+  try:
+    while true:
+      next(p)
+      key = p.key
+      val = p.val
+      case p.kind
+      of cmdArgument:
+        if specifiedCommand and commandAdd == result.command:
+          result.addText.add(key)
+        else:
+          stdout.write(USAGE)
+          quit("Argument ($1) detected without add command." % [key], 1)
+      of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
+        case normalize(key)
+        of "help", "h":
+          stdout.write(USAGE)
+          quit(0)
+        of "a":
+          if specifiedCommand:
+            stdout.write(USAGE)
+            quit("Only one command can be specified at a time! ($1)" % [val], 2)
+          else:
+            result.command = commandAdd
+            result.addPriority = val.parseInt
+            specifiedCommand = true
+        of "c":
+          if specifiedCommand:
+            stdout.write(USAGE)
+            quit("Only one command can be specified at a time! ($1)" % [val], 2)
+          else:
+            result.command = commandCheck
+            let numChars = string(val).parseBiggestInt(newId)
+            if numChars < 1: raise newException(EInvalidValue, "Empty string?")
+            result.todoId = newId
+            specifiedCommand = true
+        of "u":
+          if specifiedCommand:
+            stdout.write(USAGE)
+            quit("Only one command can be specified at a time! ($1)" % [val], 2)
+          else:
+            result.command = commandUncheck
+            let numChars = val.parseBiggestInt(newId)
+            if numChars < 1: raise newException(EInvalidValue, "Empty string?")
+            result.todoId = newId
+            specifiedCommand = true
+        of "d":
+          if specifiedCommand:
+            stdout.write(USAGE)
+            quit("Only one command can be specified at a time! ($1)" % [val], 2)
+          else:
+            if "all" == val:
+              result.command = commandNuke
+            else:
+              result.command = commandDelete
+              let numChars = val.parseBiggestInt(newId)
+              if numChars < 1:
+                raise newException(EInvalidValue, "Empty string?")
+              result.todoId = newId
+            specifiedCommand = true
+        of "g":
+          if specifiedCommand:
+            stdout.write(USAGE)
+            quit("Only one command can be specified at a time! ($1)" % [val], 2)
+          else:
+            if val.len > 0:
+              stdout.write(USAGE)
+              quit("Unexpected value '$1' for switch l." % [val], 3)
+            result.command = commandGenerate
+            specifiedCommand = true
+        of "l":
+          if specifiedCommand:
+            stdout.write(USAGE)
+            quit("Only one command can be specified at a time! ($1)" % [val], 2)
+          else:
+            if val.len > 0:
+              stdout.write(USAGE)
+              quit("Unexpected value '$1' for switch l." % [val], 3)
+            result.command = commandList
+            specifiedCommand = true
+        of "p":
+          usesListParams = true
+          if "+" == val:
+            result.listParams.priorityAscending = true
+          elif "-" == val:
+            result.listParams.priorityAscending = false
+          else:
+            stdout.write(USAGE)
+            quit("Priority parameter ($1) should be + or |." % [val], 4)
+        of "m":
+          usesListParams = true
+          if "+" == val:
+            result.listParams.dateAscending = true
+          elif "-" == val:
+            result.listParams.dateAscending = false
+          else:
+            stdout.write(USAGE)
+            quit("Date parameter ($1) should be + or |." % [val], 4)
+        of "t":
+          usesListParams = true
+          if val.len > 0:
+            stdout.write(USAGE)
+            quit("Unexpected value '$1' for switch t." % [val], 5)
+          result.listParams.showChecked = true
+        of "z":
+          usesListParams = true
+          if val.len > 0:
+            stdout.write(USAGE)
+            quit("Unexpected value '$1' for switch z." % [val], 5)
+          result.listParams.showUnchecked = false
+        else:
+          stdout.write(USAGE)
+          quit("Unexpected option '$1'." % [key], 6)
+      of cmdEnd:
+        break
+  except EInvalidValue:
+    stdout.write(USAGE)
+    quit("Invalid int value '$1' for parameter '$2'." % [val, key], 7)
+  if not specifiedCommand:
+    stdout.write(USAGE)
+    quit("Didn't specify any command.", 8)
+  if commandAdd == result.command and result.addText.len < 1:
+    stdout.write(USAGE)
+    quit("Used the add command, but provided no text/description.", 9)
+  if usesListParams and commandList != result.command:
+    stdout.write(USAGE)
+    quit("Used list options, but didn't specify the list command.", 10)
+proc generateDatabaseRows(conn: TDbConn) =
+  ## Adds some rows to the database ignoring errors.
+  discard conn.addTodo(1, "Watch another random youtube video")
+  discard conn.addTodo(2, "Train some starcraft moves for the league")
+  discard conn.addTodo(3, "Spread the word about Nimrod")
+  discard conn.addTodo(4, "Give fruit superavit to neighbours")
+  var todo = conn.addTodo(4, "Send tax form through snail mail")
+  todo.isDone = true
+  discard
+  discard conn.addTodo(1, "Download new anime to watch")
+  todo = conn.addTodo(2, "Build train model from scraps")
+  todo.isDone = true
+  discard
+  discard conn.addTodo(5, "Buy latest Britney Spears album")
+  discard conn.addTodo(6, "Learn a functional programming language")
+  echo("Generated some entries, they were added to your database.")
+proc listDatabaseContents(conn: TDbConn; listParams: TPagedParams) =
+  ## Dumps the database contents formatted to the standard output.
+  ##
+  ## Pass the list/filter parameters parsed from the commandline.
+  var params = listParams
+  params.pageSize = -1
+  let todos = conn.getPagedTodos(params)
+  if todos.len < 1:
+    echo("Database empty")
+    return
+  echo("Todo id, is done, priority, last modification date, text:")
+  # First detect how long should be our columns for formatting.
+  var cols: array[0..2, int]
+  for todo in todos:
+    cols[0] = max(cols[0], ($todo.getId).len)
+    cols[1] = max(cols[1], ($todo.priority).len)
+    cols[2] = max(cols[2], ($todo.getModificationDate).len)
+  # Now dump all the rows using the calculated alignment sizes.
+  for todo in todos:
+    echo("$1 $2 $3, $4, $5" % [
+      ($todo.getId).align(cols[0]),
+      if todo.isDone: "[X]" else: "[-]",
+      ($todo.priority).align(cols[1]),
+      ($todo.getModificationDate).align(cols[2]),
+      todo.text])
+proc deleteOneTodo(conn: TDbConn; todoId: int64) =
+  ## Deletes a single todo entry from the database.
+  let numDeleted = conn.deleteTodo(todoId)
+  if numDeleted > 0:
+    echo("Deleted todo id " & $todoId)
+  else:
+    quit("Couldn't delete todo id " & $todoId, 11)
+proc deleteAllTodos(conn: TDbConn) =
+  ## Deletes all the contents from the database.
+  ##
+  ## Note that it would be more optimal to issue a direct DELETE sql statement
+  ## on the database, but for the sake of the example we will restrict
+  ## ourselfves to the API exported by backend.
+  var
+    counter: int64
+    params: TPagedParams
+  params.initDefaults
+  params.pageSize = -1
+  params.showUnchecked = true
+  params.showChecked = true
+  let todos = conn.getPagedTodos(params)
+  for todo in todos:
+    if conn.deleteTodo(todo.getId) > 0:
+      counter += 1
+    else:
+      quit("Couldn't delete todo id " & $todo.getId, 12)
+  echo("Deleted $1 todo entries from database." % $counter)
+proc setTodoCheck(conn: TDbConn; todoId: int64; value: bool) =
+  ## Changes the check state of a todo entry to the specified value.
+  let
+    newState = if value: "checked" else: "unchecked"
+    todo = conn.getTodo(todoId)
+  if todo == nil:
+    quit("Can't modify todo id $1, its not in the database." % $todoId, 13)
+  if todo[].isDone == value:
+    echo("Todo id $1 was already set to $2." % [$todoId, newState])
+    return
+  todo[].isDone = value
+  if todo[].save(conn):
+    echo("Todo id $1 set to $2." % [$todoId, newState])
+  else:
+    quit("Error updating todo id $1 to $2." % [$todoId, newState])
+proc addTodo(conn: TDbConn; priority: int; tokens: seq[string]) =
+  ## Adds to the database a todo with the specified priority.
+  ##
+  ## The tokens are joined as a single string using the space character. The
+  ## created id will be displayed to the user.
+  let todo = conn.addTodo(priority, tokens.join(" "))
+  echo("Created todo entry with id:$1 for priority $2 and text '$3'." % [
+    $todo.getId, $todo.priority, todo.text])
+when isMainModule:
+  ## Main entry point.
+  let
+    opt = parseCmdLine()
+    dbPath = getConfigDir() / "nimtodo.sqlite3"
+  if not dbPath.existsFile:
+    createDir(getConfigDir())
+    echo("No database found at $1, it will be created for you." % dbPath)
+  let conn = openDatabase(dbPath)
+  try:
+    case opt.command
+    of commandAdd: addTodo(conn, opt.addPriority, opt.addText)
+    of commandCheck: setTodoCheck(conn, opt.todoId, true)
+    of commandUncheck: setTodoCheck(conn, opt.todoId, false)
+    of commandDelete: deleteOneTodo(conn, opt.todoId)
+    of commandNuke: deleteAllTodos(conn)
+    of commandGenerate: generateDatabaseRows(conn)
+    of commandList: listDatabaseContents(conn, opt.listParams)
+  finally:
+    conn.close
diff --git a/examples/cross_todo/nimrod_commandline/readme.txt b/examples/cross_todo/nimrod_commandline/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17820a7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cross_todo/nimrod_commandline/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+This directory contains the nimrod commandline version of the todo cross
+platform example.
+The commandline interface can be used only through switches, running the binary
+once will spit out the basic help. The commands you can use are the typical on
+such an application: add, check/uncheck and delete (further could be added,
+like modification at expense of parsing/option complexity). The list command is
+the only one which dumps the contents of the database. The output can be
+filtered and sorted through additional parameters.
+When you run the program for the first time the todo database will be generated
+in your user's data directory. To cope with an empty database, a special
+generation switch can be used to fill the database with some basic todo entries
+you can play with.
+Compilation of the interface is fairly easy, just include the path to the
+backend in your compilation command. A basic is provided for unix like
+platforms with the correct parameters.