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path: root/
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authorAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andi>2008-06-22 16:14:11 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andi>2008-06-22 16:14:11 +0200
commit405b86068e6a3d39970b9129ceec0a9108464b28 (patch)
treec0449946f54baae6ea88baf453157ddd7faa8f86 /
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 982 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..330db5720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,982 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+##                                                                      ##
+##             Build script of the Nimrod Compiler                      ##
+##                      (c) 2008 Andreas Rumpf                          ##
+##                                                                      ##
+import os, os.path, sys, re, zipfile, filecmp, shutil, cPickle, time
+import string, getopt, textwrap, glob, shutil, getopt, string
+if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # this script does not work with Python 3.0
+  sys.exit("wrong python version: use Python 2.x")
+from kochmod import *
+# --------------------- constants  ----------------------------------------
+CFLAGS = ""  # modify to set flags to the first compilation step
+# This string contains Nimrod's version. It is the only place
+# where the version needs to be updated. The rest is done by
+# the build process automatically. It is replaced **everywhere**
+# automatically!
+# Format is: Major.Minor.Patch
+# Major part: plan is to use number 1 for the first version that is stable;
+#             higher versions may be incompatible with previous versions
+# Minor part: incremented if new features are added (but is completely
+#             backwards-compatible)
+# Patch level: is increased for every patch
+force = False
+INNOSETUP = r"c:\programme\innosetup5\iscc.exe /Q "
+ADV_SETUP = r"C:\Programme\AdvancedInstaller6.1\ " \
+            r"/build %s -force"
+PYINSTALLER = r"C:\Eigenes\DownLoad\Python\pyinstaller-1.3"
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def ask():
+  return sys.stdin.readline().strip("\t \n\r\f").lower()
+def CogRule(name, filename, dependson):
+  def processCog():
+    from cogapp import Cog
+    ret = Cog().main([sys.argv[0], "-r", Path(filename)])
+    return ret
+  c = Changed(name, filename + " " + dependson, EXPLAIN)
+  if c or force:
+    if processCog() == 0:
+      c.update(filename)
+      c.success()
+_nim_exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "bin", ExeExt("nim"))
+_output_obj = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "obj")
+FPC_CMD = (r"fpc -Cs16777216  -gl -bl -Crtoi -Sgidh -vw -Se1 -o%s "
+           r"-FU%s %s") % (_nim_exe, _output_obj,
+           os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "nim", "nimrod.pas"))
+def buildRod(options):
+  Exec("nim compile --compile:build/platdef.c %s rod/nimrod" % options)
+  Move(ExeExt("rod/nimrod"), ExeExt("bin/nimrod"))
+def cmd_nim():
+  CogRule("nversion", "nim/nversion.pas", "")
+  CogRule("msgs", "nim/msgs.pas", "data/messages.yml")
+  CogRule("ast", "nim/ast.pas", " data/magic.yml data/ast.yml")
+  CogRule("scanner", "nim/scanner.pas", "data/keywords.txt")
+  CogRule("paslex", "nim/paslex.pas", "data/pas_keyw.yml")
+  CogRule("wordrecg", "nim/wordrecg.pas", "data/keywords.txt")
+  CogRule("commands", "nim/commands.pas",
+          "data/basicopt.txt data/advopt.txt data/changes.txt")
+  c = Changed("nim", Glob("nim/*.pas"),
+              EXPLAIN)
+  if c or force:
+    Exec(FPC_CMD)
+    if Exists(ExeExt("bin/nim")):
+      c.success()
+def cmd_rod(options):
+  cmd_nim()
+  prereqs = Glob("lib/*.nim") + Glob("rod/*.nim") + [
+    "lib/nimbase.h", "lib/dlmalloc.c", "lib/dlmalloc.h",
+    "config/nimrod.cfg"]
+  c = Changed("rod", prereqs, EXPLAIN)
+  if c or force:
+    buildRod(options)
+    if Exists(ExeExt("bin/nimrod")):
+      c.success()
+# ------------------- constants -----------------------------------------------
+HELP = """\
+|         Maintenance script for Nimrod                           |
+|             Version %s|
+|             (c) 2008 Andreas Rumpf                              |
+ [options] command [options for command]
+  --force, -f, -B, -b      force rebuild
+  --help, -h               shows this help and quits
+Possible Commands:
+  install [options]        installs the Nimrod Compiler: options
+                           are --cc=<compile command>, --ld=<link command>
+  nim                      builds the Pascal version of Nimrod
+  rod [options]            builds the Nimrod version of Nimrod (with options)
+  installer                builds the installer (needs Inno Setup 5 on Windows)
+  configure                configures the environment for developing Nimrod
+  doc                      builds the documentation in HTML
+  clean                    cleans Nimrod project; removes generated files
+  dist                     produces a distribution as
+                           nimrod_$target_$
+  boot [options]           bootstraps with given command line options
+  tests [options]          runs the complete testsuite (with options)
+  rodsrc                   generates Nimrod version from Pascal version
+  web                      generates the website (requires Cheetah)
+""" % (NIMROD_VERSION + ' ' * (44-len(NIMROD_VERSION)))
+def main(args):
+  if len(args) == 0:
+    print HELP
+  else:
+    i = 0
+    while args[i].startswith("-"):
+      a = args[i]
+      if a in ("--force", "-f", "-B", "-b"):
+        global force
+        force = True
+      elif a in ("-h", "--help", "-?"):
+        print HELP
+        return
+      else:
+        Error("illegal option: " + a)
+      i += 1
+    cmd = args[i]
+    if cmd == "rod": cmd_rod(" ".join(args[i+1:]))
+    elif cmd == "nim": cmd_nim()
+    elif cmd == "installer": cmd_installer()
+    elif cmd == "configure": cmd_configure()
+    elif cmd == "doc": cmd_doc()
+    elif cmd == "clean": cmd_clean()
+    elif cmd == "dist": cmd_dist()
+    elif cmd == "boot": cmd_boot(" ".join(args[i+1:]))
+    elif cmd == "tests": cmd_tests(" ".join(args[i+1:]))
+    elif cmd == "install": cmd_install(args[i+1:])
+    elif cmd == "rodsrc": cmd_rodsrc()
+    elif cmd == "web": cmd_web()
+    else: Error("illegal command: " + cmd)
+# -------------------------- bootstrap ----------------------------------------
+def cmd_rodsrc():
+  "converts the src/*.pas files into Nimrod syntax"
+  PAS_FILES_BLACKLIST = """nsystem nmath nos ntime strutils""".split()
+  CMD = "nim boot --skip_proj_cfg -o:rod/%s.nim nim/%s"
+  cmd_nim()
+  result = False
+  for fi in Glob("nim/*.pas"):
+    f = FilenameNoExt(fi)
+    if f in PAS_FILES_BLACKLIST: continue
+    c = Changed(f+"__rodsrc", fi, EXPLAIN)
+    if c or force:
+      Exec(CMD % (f, f+".pas"))
+      Exec("nim parse rod/%s.nim" % f)
+      c.success()
+      result = True
+  return result
+def cmd_boot(args):
+  writePlatdefC(getNimrodPath())
+  d = detect("fpc -h")
+  if d:
+    Echo("'%s' detected" % d)
+    cmd_nim()
+    compiler = "nim"
+  else:
+    Warn("Free Pascal is not installed; skipping Pascal step")
+    cmd_install(args)
+    compiler = "nimrod"
+  cmd_rodsrc() # regenerate nimrod version of the files
+  # move the new executable to bin directory (is done by cmd_rod())
+  # use the new executable to compile the files in the bootstrap directory:
+  Exec("%s compile --compile:build/platdef.c %s rod/nimrod.nim" %
+       (compiler, args))
+  # move the new executable to bin directory:
+  Move(ExeExt("rod/nimrod"), ExeExt("bin/nimrod"))
+  # compile again and compare:
+  Exec("nimrod compile --compile:build/platdef.c %s rod/nimrod.nim" % args)
+  # check if the executables are the same (they should!):
+  if filecmp.cmp(Path(ExeExt("rod/nimrod")),
+                 Path(ExeExt("bin/nimrod"))):
+    Echo("files are equal: everything seems fine!")
+  else:
+    Warn("files are not equal: cycle once again...")
+    # move the new executable to bin directory:
+    Move(ExeExt("rod/nimrod"), ExeExt("bin/nimrod"))
+    # use the new executable to compile Nimrod:
+    Exec("nimrod compile %s rod/nimrod.nim" % args)
+    if filecmp.cmp(Path(ExeExt("rod/nimrod")),
+                   Path(ExeExt("bin/nimrod"))):
+      Echo("files are equal: everything seems fine!")
+    else:
+      Error("files are still not equal")
+# ------------------ web ------------------------------------------------------
+def buildDoc(destPath):
+  DOC = "endb intern lib manual nimrodc tutorial overview".split()
+  SRCDOC = "system os strutils base/regexprs math complex times".split()
+  # call nim for the documentation:
+  for d in DOC:
+    Exec("nim rst2html --putenv:nimrodversion=%s -o:%s/%s.html "
+          "--index=%s/theindex doc/%s" %
+         (NIMROD_VERSION, destPath, d, destPath, d))
+  for d in SRCDOC:
+    Exec("nim doc --putenv:nimrodversion=%s -o:%s/%s.html "
+         "--index=%s/theindex lib/%s" %
+         (NIMROD_VERSION, destPath, FilenameNoExt(d), destPath, d))
+  Exec("nim rst2html -o:%s/theindex.html %s/theindex" % (destPath, destPath))
+def cmd_web():
+  import Cheetah.Template
+  TABS = [ # Our tabs: (Menu entry, filename)
+    ("home", "index"),
+    ("documentation", "documentation"),
+    ("download", "download"),
+    ("FAQ", "question"),
+    ("links", "links")
+  ]
+  TEMPLATE_FILE = "web/sunset.tmpl"
+  #CMD = " --template=web/docutils.tmpl web/%s.txt web/%s.temp "
+  CMD = "nim rst2html --compileonly -o:web/%s.temp web/%s.txt"
+  c = Changed("web", Glob("web/*.txt") + [TEMPLATE_FILE, ""] +
+                     Glob("doc/*.txt") + Glob("lib/*.txt") + Glob("lib/*.nim")+
+                     Glob("config/*.cfg"),
+              EXPLAIN)
+  if c or force:
+    cmd_nim() # we need Nimrod for processing the documentation
+    Exec(CMD % ("news","news"))
+    newsText = file("web/news.temp").read()
+    for t in TABS:
+      Exec(CMD % (t[1],t[1]))
+      tmpl = Cheetah.Template.Template(file=TEMPLATE_FILE)
+      tmpl.content = file("web/%s.temp" % t[1]).read()
+ = newsText
+ = t[1]
+      tmpl.tabs = TABS
+      tmpl.lastupdate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X", time.gmtime())
+      f = file("web/%s.html" % t[1], "w+")
+      f.write(str(tmpl))
+      f.close()
+    # remove temporaries:
+    Remove("web/news.temp")
+    for t in TABS: Remove("web/%s.temp" % t[1])
+    buildDoc("web")
+    if Exists("web/index.html"):
+      c.success()
+# ------------------ doc ------------------------------------------------------
+def cmd_doc():
+  c = Changed("doc", [""] +
+                     Glob("doc/*.txt") + Glob("lib/*.txt") + Glob("lib/*.nim")+
+                     Glob("config/*.cfg"),
+              EXPLAIN)
+  if c or force:
+    cmd_nim() # we need Nimrod for processing the documentation
+    buildDoc("doc")
+    if Exists("doc/overview.html"):
+      c.success()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def getVersion():
+# ------------------------------ clean ----------------------------------------
+CLEAN_EXT = "ppu o obj dcu ~pas ~inc ~dsk ~dpr map tds err bak pyc exe rod"
+def cmd_clean(dir = "."):
+  extRegEx = re.compile("|".join([r".*\."+ x +"$" for x in CLEAN_EXT.split()]))
+  Remove("koch.dat")
+  for f in Glob("web/*.html"): Remove(f)
+  for f in Glob("doc/html/*.html"): Remove(f)
+  for f in Glob("doc/*.html"): Remove(f)
+  for f in Glob("rod/*.nim"): Remove(f) # remove generated source code
+  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir, topdown=False):
+    for name in files:
+      if (extRegEx.match(name)
+      or (root == "tests" and ('.' not in name))):
+        Remove(os.path.join(root, name))
+    for name in dirs:
+      if name == "rod_gen":
+        shutil.rmtree(path=os.path.join(root, name), ignore_errors=True)
+# ----------------- distributions ---------------------------------------------
+# Here are listed all files that should be included in the different
+# distributions.
+distlist = {
+  'common': (
+    "copying.txt",
+    "gpl.html",
+    "",
+    "lib/nimbase.h -> lib/nimbase.h",
+    "lib/*.nim -> lib",
+    "rod/*.nim -> rod",
+    "nim/*.pas -> nim",
+    "nim/*.txt -> nim",
+    "data/*.yml -> data",
+    "data/*.txt -> data",
+    "config/nimrod.cfg -> config/nimrod.cfg",
+    # documentation:
+    "doc/*.txt",      # only include the text documentation; saves bandwidth!
+                      # the installation program should generate the HTML
+    "readme.txt -> readme.txt",
+    "install.txt -> install.txt",
+    # library:
+    "lib/base/pcre_all.c -> lib/base/pcre_all.c",
+    "lib/base/pcre.nim   -> lib/base/pcre.nim",
+    "lib/base/regexprs.nim -> lib/base/regexprs.nim",
+    #"lib/windows/winapi.nim -> lib/windows/winapi.nim"
+      # don't be too clever here; maybe useful on Linux
+      # for cross-compiling to Windows?
+  ),
+  'windows': (
+    "bin/nim.exe -> bin/nim.exe",
+    "koch.exe -> koch.exe",
+    "lib/dlmalloc.h -> lib/dlmalloc.h",
+    "lib/dlmalloc.c -> lib/dlmalloc.c",
+  ),
+  'linux': (
+    "lib/rod_gen/*.c -> build",
+    "rod/rod_gen/*.c -> build",
+  ),
+  'macosx': (
+    "lib/rod_gen/*.c -> build",
+    "rod/rod_gen/*.c -> build",
+  )
+def getHost():
+  if == 'nt': return "windows"
+  elif "linux" in sys.platform: return "linux"
+  elif "darwin" in sys.platform: return "macosx" # probably Mac OS X
+  # a heuristic that could work (most likely not :-):
+  else: return re.sub(r"[0-9]+$", r"", sys.platform).lower()
+def iterInstallFiles(target=getHost()):
+  for section in ['common', target]:
+    for rule in distlist[section]:
+      splittedRule = re.split(r"\s*\-\>\s*", rule)
+      if len(splittedRule) == 2:
+        source, dest = splittedRule
+        if '*' in source:
+          for f in Glob(source):
+            yield (Path(f), Path(dest + '/' + os.path.split(f)[1]))
+        else:
+          yield (Path(source), Path(dest))
+      else:
+        for f in Glob(rule):
+          yield (Path(f), Path(f))
+def cmd_dist(target=getHost()):
+  from zipfile import ZipFile
+  distfile = Path('dist/' % (target, getVersion()))
+  Echo("creating: %s..." % distfile)
+  z = ZipFile(distfile, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+  for source, dest in iterInstallFiles(target):
+    z.write(source, Path(dest))
+  z.close()
+  Echo("... done!")
+# ------------------------------ windows installer ----------------------------
+; File generated by
+; Template by Andreas Rumpf
+AppName=Nimrod Compiler
+AppVerName=Nimrod Compiler $version
+Name: english; MessagesFile: compiler:Default.isl
+Name: {group}\Console for Nimrod; Filename: {cmd}
+Name: {group}\Documentation; Filename: {app}\doc\index.html
+Name: {group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,Nimrod Compiler}; Filename: {uninstallexe}
+Type: files; Name: "{app}\config\nimrod.cfg"
+Filename: "{app}\bin\nimconf.exe"; Description: "Launch configuration"; """ +
+"""Flags: postinstall nowait skipifsilent
+function GiveMeAPath(const DefaultPathName: string): string;
+  if IsAdminLoggedOn then Result := ExpandConstant('{pf}')
+  else Result := ExpandConstant('{userdocs}');
+  Result := Result + '\' + DefaultPathName;
+function setEnvCmd(const default: string): string;
+  op, app: string;
+  app := ExpandConstant('{app}');
+  if IsAdminLoggedOn then op := '' else op := 'u';
+  result := '"' + app + '\bin\setenv.exe" -' + op + 'a PATH "%' + app + '\bin"'
+def makeKochExe():
+  c = Changed("kochexe",
+             (" " +
+              "misc/koch.ico").split(), EXPLAIN)
+  if c or force:
+    Exec("python " + Join(PYINSTALLER, "") +
+         " --onefile --ascii --icon=misc/koch.ico")
+    Exec("python " + Join(PYINSTALLER, "") + " koch.spec")
+    Remove("koch.spec")
+    Remove("warnkoch.txt")
+    RemoveDir("buildkoch")
+    c.success()
+def cmd_wininstaller():
+  FILENAME = "install_nimrod.iss"
+  makeKochExe()
+  # generate an installer file
+  files = ""
+  for source, dest in iterInstallFiles("windows"):
+    files += ("Source: " + source + "; DestDir: {app}\\" +
+              os.path.split(dest)[0] + "; Flags: ignoreversion\n")
+  f = file(FILENAME, "w+")
+  f.write(Subs(WIN_INSTALLER_TEMPLATE, files=files, version=getVersion()))
+  f.close()
+  if RawExec(INNOSETUP + FILENAME) == 0:
+    # we cannot use ``Exec()`` here as this would
+    # mangle the ``/Q`` switch to ``\Q``
+    Remove(FILENAME)
+# -------------------------- testing the compiler -----------------------------
+# This part verifies Nimrod against the testcases.
+# The testcases may contain the directives '#ERROR' or '#ERROR_IN'.
+# '#ERROR' is used to indicate that the compiler should report
+# an error in the marked line (the line that contains the '#ERROR'
+# directive.)
+# The format for '#ERROR_IN' is:
+#      #ERROR_IN filename linenumber
+# One can omit the extension of the filename ('.nim' is then assumed).
+# Tests which contain none of the two directives should compile. Thus they
+# are executed after successful compilation and their output is verified
+# against the results specified with the '#OUT' directive.
+# (Tests which require user interaction are currently not possible.)
+# Tests can have an #ERROR_MSG directive specifiying the error message
+# Nimrod shall produce.
+# The code here needs reworking or at least documentation, but I don't have
+# the time and it has been debugged and optimized.
+  import subprocess
+except ImportError:
+def runProg(args, inp=None):
+  """Executes the program + args given in args and
+     returns the output of the program as a string."""
+    process = subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=0, shell=True,
+      stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=inp,
+      universal_newlines=True)
+    standardOut, standardErr = process.communicate(inp)
+    process.wait() # be on the safe side
+    return standardOut
+  else:
+    if inp:
+      standardIn = file('buildin.tmp', 'w')
+      standardIn.write(inp)
+      standardIn.close()
+      b = " <buildin.tmp"
+    else:
+      b = ""
+    os.system(args + b + " >build.tmp")
+    result = file('build.tmp').read()
+    if not result: result = ""
+    return result
+    # system() is not optimal, but every Python version should have it
+class Spec(object): pass # specification object
+def parseTest(filename):
+  # spec is a table
+  reError = re.compile(r"#ERROR$")
+  reErrorIn = re.compile(r"#ERROR_IN\s*(\S*)\s*(\d*)")
+  reErrorMsg = re.compile(r"#ERROR_MSG\s*(.*)")
+  reOut = re.compile(r"#OUT\s*(.*)")
+  i = 0  # the line counter
+  spec = Spec()
+  spec.line = None # line number where compiler should throw an error
+  spec.file = None # file where compiler should throw an error
+  spec.err = False # true if the specification says there should be an error
+  spec.out = None  # output that should be produced
+  for s in file(filename, 'rU'):
+    # we have to use this inefficient method for getting the current line
+    i += 1 # our line-counter
+    obj =
+    if obj:
+      spec.line = i
+      spec.file = filename
+      spec.err = True
+      break
+    obj =
+    if obj:
+      spec.file =
+      spec.line = int(
+      spec.err = True
+      if '.' not in specfile: specfile += ".nim"
+      break
+    obj =
+    if obj:
+      spec.out =
+      break
+    obj =
+    if obj:
+      spec.out =
+      spec.err = True
+      break
+  return spec
+def doTest(filename, spec, options):
+  # call the compiler
+  # short filename for messages (better readability):
+  shortfile = os.path.split(filename)[1]
+  comp = Spec()
+  comp.line = 0
+  comp.file = None
+  comp.out = None
+  comp.err = False
+  # call the compiler and read the compiler message:
+  results = runProg("nim compile --hints:on " + options + " " + filename)
+  print results
+  # compiled regular expressions:
+  reLineInfoError = re.compile(r"^((.*)\((\d+), \d+\)\s*Error\:\s*(.*))",
+                               re.MULTILINE)
+  reError = re.compile(r"^Error\:\s*(.*)", re.MULTILINE)
+  reSuccess = re.compile(r"^Hint\:\s*operation successful", re.MULTILINE)
+  obj =
+  if obj:
+    comp.err = True
+    comp.file =
+    comp.line = int(
+    comp.out =
+    comp.puremsg =
+  else:
+    comp.puremsg = ''
+    obj =
+    if obj:
+      comp.err = True
+      comp.out = results
+      comp.puremsg =
+      comp.line = 1
+    else:
+      obj =
+      if not obj: comp.err = True
+  if comp.err and not comp.out:
+  # the compiler did not say "[Error]" nor "Compilation sucessful"
+    Echo("[Tester] %s -- FAILED; COMPILER BROKEN" % shortfile)
+    return False
+  if (spec.err != comp.err
+  or (spec.line and (abs(spec.line - comp.line) > 1))
+  or (spec.file and (spec.file.lower() != comp.file.lower()))
+  or (spec.out and not (spec.out.strip() in comp.puremsg.strip()))):
+    if spec.out:
+      Echo("[Tester] %s -- FAILED\n"
+           "Compiler says: %s\n"
+           "But specification says: Error %s"
+           % (shortfile, comp.out, spec.out) )
+    elif spec.err:
+      if spec.file is None: spec.file = filename
+      if spec.line is None: spec.line = -1
+      Echo("[Tester] %s -- FAILED\n"
+           "Compiler says: %s\n"
+           "But specification says: Error in %s line %d"
+           % (shortfile, comp.out, spec.file, spec.line) )
+    else:
+      Echo("[Tester] %s -- FAILED\n"
+           "Compiler says: %s\n"
+           "But specification says: no error"
+           % (shortfile, comp.out) )
+    return False
+  else:
+    if spec.err:
+      Echo("[Tester] " + shortfile + ' -- OK') # error correctly reported
+      return True
+    else:
+      # run the compiled program and check if it works
+      fileNoExt = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+      if os.path.isfile(ExeExt(fileNoExt)):
+        if spec.out:
+          buf = runProg(fileNoExt)
+          if buf.strip() == spec.out.strip():
+            Echo("[Tester] " + shortfile + " -- compiled program OK")
+            return True
+          else:
+            Echo("[Tester] " + shortfile + " -- compiled program FAILED")
+            return False
+        else:
+          Echo("[Tester] " + shortfile + ' -- OK')
+          return True
+          # we have no output to validate against, but compilation succeeded,
+          # so it's okay
+      elif '--compile_only' in options:
+        Echo("[Tester] " + shortfile + ' -- OK')
+        return True
+      else:
+        Echo("[Tester] " + shortfile + " -- FAILED\n"
+             "no compiled program found")
+        return False
+def cmd_tests(options): # run the testsuite
+  """runs the complete testsuite"""
+  #clean(True) # first clean before running the testsuite
+  total = 0
+  passed = 0
+  for filename in Glob("tests/t*.nim"):
+    spec = parseTest(filename)
+    res = doTest(filename, spec, options)
+    assert(res is not None)
+    if res: passed += 1
+    total += 1
+    break
+  Echo("[Tester] %d/%d tests passed\n" % (passed, total))
+# --------------- install target ----------------------------------------------
+CONFIG_TEMPLATE = r"""# Configuration file for the Nimrod Compiler.
+# Generated by the script.
+# (c) 2008 Andreas Rumpf
+# Feel free to edit the default values as you need.
+# You may set environment variables with
+# @putenv "key" "val"
+# Environment variables cannot be used in the options, however!
+# Just call the compiler with several options:
+cc = @if unix: %(cc)s @else: vcc @end
+# additional defines:
+# additional options always passed to the compiler:
+@if unix:
+  passl= "-ldl"
+  path = "$lib/base/gtk"
+@if icc:
+  passl = "-cxxlib"
+  passc = "-cxxlib"
+# Configuration for the Borland C++ Compiler:
+@if windows:
+  bcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\cbuilder5\bin"
+bcc.options.debug = ""
+# turn off warnings about unreachable code and inline procs:
+bcc.options.always = "-w- -H- -q -RT- -a8 -w-8027 -w-8066"
+bcc.options.speed = "-O2 -6"
+bcc.options.size = "-O1 -6"
+# Configuration for the Visual C/C++ compiler:
+@if vcc:
+  @prepend_env path r"C:\Eigenes\compiler\vcc2005\Common7\IDE;"
+  @prepend_env INCLUDE r"C:\Eigenes\compiler\vcc2005\VC\include;C:\Eigenes\compiler\vcc2005\VC\ATLMFC\INCLUDE;"
+  @prepend_env LIB r"C:\Eigenes\compiler\vcc2005\VC\lib;C:\Eigenes\compiler\vcc2005\SDK\v2.0\Lib;"
+@if windows:
+  vcc.path = r"C:\Eigenes\compiler\vcc2005\VC\bin"
+vcc.options.debug = "/GZ /ZI"
+vcc.options.always = "/nologo"
+vcc.options.speed = "/Ogityb2 /G7 /arch:SSE2"
+vcc.options.size = "/O1 /G7"
+# Configuration for the Watcom C/C++ compiler:
+@if windows:
+  wcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\watcom\binnt"
+wcc.options.debug = "-d2"
+wcc.options.always = "-6 -zw -w-"
+wcc.options.speed = "-ox -on -6 -d0 -fp6 -zW"
+wcc.options.size = "-ox -on -6 -d0 -fp6 -zW"
+# Configuration for the GNU C/C++ compiler:
+@if windows:
+  gcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\mingw\bin"
+gcc.options.debug = "-g"
+@if macosx:
+  gcc.options.always = "-w -fasm-blocks"
+  gcc.options.always = "-w"
+gcc.options.speed = "-O3 -ffast-math"
+gcc.options.size = "-Os -ffast-math"
+# Configuration for the Digital Mars C/C++ compiler:
+@if windows:
+  dmc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\d\dm\bin"
+dmc.options.debug = "-g"
+dmc.options.always = "-Jm"
+dmc.options.speed = "-ff -o -6"
+dmc.options.size = "-ff -o -6"
+# Configuration for the LCC compiler:
+@if windows:
+  lcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\lcc\bin"
+lcc.options.debug = "-g5"
+lcc.options.always = "-e1"
+lcc.options.speed = "-O -p6"
+lcc.options.size = "-O -p6"
+# Configuration for the Tiny C Compiler:
+@if windows:
+  tcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\tcc\bin"
+tcc.options.debug = "-b"
+tcc.options.always = ""
+tcc.options.speed = ""
+tcc.options.size = ""
+# Configuration for the Pelles C compiler:
+@if windows:
+  pcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\pellesc\bin"
+pcc.options.debug = "-Zi"
+pcc.options.always = "-Ze"
+pcc.options.speed = "-Ox"
+pcc.options.size = "-Os"
+# Configuration for the LLVM GCC compiler:
+@if windows:
+  llvm_gcc.path = r"c:\eignes\compiler\llvm-gcc\bin"
+llvm_gcc.options.debug = "-g"
+llvm_gcc.options.always = "-w"
+llvm_gcc.options.speed = "-O3 -ffast-math"
+llvm_gcc.options.size = "-Os -ffast-math"
+@if windows:
+  icc.path = r"c:\eignes\compiler\icc\bin"
+icc.options.debug = "-g"
+icc.options.always = "-w"
+icc.options.speed = "-O3 -ffast-math"
+icc.options.size = "-Os -ffast-math"
+@write "used default config file"
+def writePlatdefC(nimrodpath):
+  import os
+  host = getHost()
+  if host == "windows": processor = "i386" # BUGFIX
+  else: processor = os.uname()[4]
+  if processor.lower() in ("i686", "i586", "i468", "i386"):
+    processor = "i386"
+  if "sparc" in processor.lower():
+    processor = "sparc"
+  f = file(os.path.join(nimrodpath, "build/platdef.c"), "w+")
+  f.write('/* Generated by */\n'
+          '#include "nimbase.h"\n'
+          'N_NIMCALL(char*, nimOS)(void) { return "%s"; }\n'
+          'N_NIMCALL(char*, nimCPU)(void) { return "%s"; }\n'
+          '\n' % (host, processor))
+  f.close()
+def detect(cmd, lookFor="version"):
+  pipe = os.popen4(cmd)[1]
+  result = None
+  for line in pipe:
+    if lookFor in line:
+      result = line[:-1]
+      break
+  pipe.close()
+  return result
+def lookForCC():
+  if "CC" in os.environ:
+    Echo("using $CC environment variable (%s)" % os.environ["CC"])
+    return os.environ["CC"]
+  d = detect("gcc -v")
+  if d:
+    Echo("'%s' detected" % d)
+    return "gcc"
+  Echo("GCC not found. Testing for generic CC...")
+  d = detect("cc -v")
+  if d:
+    Echo("'%s' detected" % d)
+    return "ucc"
+  Echo("...not found!")
+  Error("No C compiler could be found!")
+  return ""
+def getNimrodPath():
+  if == "posix":
+    # Does not work 100% reliably. It is the best solution though.
+    p = sys.argv[0].replace("./", "")
+    return os.path.split(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), p))[0]
+  else: # Windows
+    return os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]
+def writeCfg(nimrodpath, ccSymbol=None):
+  if not ccSymbol:
+    ccSymbol = lookForCC()
+  configFile = os.path.join(nimrodpath, "config/nimrod.cfg")
+  script = CONFIG_TEMPLATE % {'cc': ccSymbol, 'nimrodpath': nimrodpath}
+  config = file(configFile)
+  if config:
+    if != script.strip():
+      config.close()
+      Echo("Configuration file already exists and "
+           "seems to have been modified.\n"
+           "Do you want to override it? (y/n) ")
+      while True:
+        a = ask()
+        if a in ("y", "yes"):
+          f = file(configFile, "w+")
+          f.write(script)
+          f.close()
+          break
+        elif a in ("n", "no"):
+          break
+        else:
+          Echo("What do you mean? (y/n) ")
+    else:
+      config.close()
+  return ccSymbol
+def cmd_install(args):
+  Echo("Nimrod should be in '%s'" % getNimrodPath())
+  # We know that the user has already unzipped this archive into the
+  # final directory. So we just create the config file and build Nimrod.
+  # write the configuration file, but check if one exists!
+  nimrodpath = getNimrodPath()
+  try:
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", ["cc=", "ld="])
+  except getopt.GetoptError:
+    # print help information and exit:
+    Error("Command line contains errors")
+  ccSymbol = None
+  ldSymbol = None
+  for o, a in opts:
+    if o == "--cc":   ccSymbol = a
+    elif o == "--ld": ldSymbol = a
+  ccSymbol = writeCfg(nimrodpath, ccSymbol)
+  if not ldSymbol:
+    ldSymbol = ccSymbol.split()[0] + " -ldl -o bin/nimrod "
+  writePlatdefC(nimrodpath)
+  # build Nimrod
+  link = "" # store the .o files in here for final linking step
+  for f in Glob("build/*.c"):
+    objfile = os.path.splitext(f)[0] + ".o"
+    link += " " + objfile
+    # compile only:
+    if Exec(ccSymbol + " " + CFLAGS + " -c -o " + objfile + " " + f) != 0:
+      Error("the C compiler did not like: " + f)
+  if link == "":
+    Error("could not find Nimrod's sources\n"
+          "    (they should be in the build subdirectory)")
+  # now link the stuff together:
+  if Exec(ldSymbol + link) != 0:
+    Error("the linking step failed!")
+  # now we have a Nimrod executable :-)
+  nimrodpath = getNimrodPath()
+  writeScript(CONFIG_TEMPLATE % {'cc': ccSymbol, 'nimrodpath': nimrodpath},
+              os.path.join(nimrodpath, "config/nimrod.cfg"))
+  # remove the generated .o files as they take 1 MB:
+  for f in Glob("build/*.o"): Remove(f)
+  Echo("SUCCESS!")
+def cmd_installer():
+  if == "posix":
+    Echo("Nothing to do")
+  else: # Windows
+    cmd_wininstaller()
+# ------------------ configure ------------------------------------------------
+def writeScript(script, filename):
+  if != "posix": filename += ".bat"
+  f = file(filename, "w+")
+  f.write(script)
+  f.close()
+  # make the script executable:
+  if == "posix":
+    os.chmod(filename, 493) # 0o755
+def cmd_configure():
+  d = detect("fpc -h")
+  if d:
+    Echo("'%s' detected" % d)
+  else:
+    Warn("Free Pascal is not installed, bootstrapping may not work properly.")
+  writeCfg(getNimrodPath())
+  Echo("Configuration sucessful!")
+# ------------------- main ----------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  main(sys.argv[1:])