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path: root/lib/excpt.nim
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authorAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andi>2008-06-22 16:14:11 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andi>2008-06-22 16:14:11 +0200
commit405b86068e6a3d39970b9129ceec0a9108464b28 (patch)
treec0449946f54baae6ea88baf453157ddd7faa8f86 /lib/excpt.nim
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/excpt.nim')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/excpt.nim b/lib/excpt.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ae057cc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/excpt.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2006 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+# Exception handling code. This is difficult because it has
+# to work if there is no more memory. Thus we have to use
+# a static string. Do not use ``sprintf``, etc. as they are
+# unsafe!
+when not defined(windows) or not defined(guiapp):
+  proc writeToStdErr(msg: CString) = write(stdout, msg)
+  proc MessageBoxA(hWnd: cint, lpText, lpCaption: cstring, uType: int): int32 {.
+    header: "<windows.h>", nodecl.}
+  proc writeToStdErr(msg: CString) =
+    discard MessageBoxA(0, msg, nil, 0)
+proc raiseException(e: ref E_Base, ename: CString) {.compilerproc.}
+proc reraiseException() {.compilerproc.}
+proc registerSignalHandler() {.compilerproc.}
+proc chckIndx(i, a, b: int): int {.inline, compilerproc.}
+proc chckRange(i, a, b: int): int {.inline, compilerproc.}
+proc chckRangeF(x, a, b: float): float {.inline, compilerproc.}
+proc chckNil(p: pointer) {.inline, compilerproc.}
+  PSafePoint = ptr TSafePoint
+  TSafePoint {.compilerproc.} = record
+    prev: PSafePoint # points to next safe point ON THE STACK
+    exc: ref E_Base
+    status: int
+    context: C_JmpBuf
+  excHandler {.compilerproc, volatile.}: PSafePoint = nil
+    # list of exception handlers
+    # a global variable for the root of all try blocks
+proc reraiseException() =
+  if excHandler != nil:
+    raise newException(ENoExceptionToReraise, "no exception to reraise")
+  else:
+    c_longjmp(excHandler.context, 1)
+  PFrame = ptr TFrame
+  TFrame {.importc, nodecl.} = record
+    prev: PFrame
+    procname: CString
+    line: int # current line number
+    filename: CString
+    len: int  # length of slots (when not debugging always zero)
+  TTempFrame = record # used for recursion elimination in WriteStackTrace
+    procname: CString
+    line: int
+  buf: string       # cannot be allocated on the stack!
+  assertBuf: string # we need a different buffer for
+                    # assert, as it raises an exception and
+                    # exception handler needs the buffer too
+  framePtr {.exportc, volatile.}: PFrame
+  tempFrames: array [0..255, TTempFrame] # cannot be allocated
+                                         # on the stack!
+proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PFrame, s: var string) =
+  var
+    it = f
+    i = 0
+    total = 0
+  while it != nil and i <= high(tempFrames):
+    tempFrames[i].procname = it.procname
+    tempFrames[i].line = it.line
+    inc(i)
+    inc(total)
+    it = it.prev
+  while it != nil:
+    inc(total)
+    it = it.prev
+  # if the buffer overflowed print '...':
+  if total != i:
+    add(s, "(")
+    add(s, $(total-i))
+    add(s, " calls omitted) ...\n")
+  for j in countdown(i-1, 0):
+    add(s, $tempFrames[j].procname)
+    if tempFrames[j].line > 0:
+      add(s, ", line: ")
+      add(s, $tempFrames[j].line)
+    add(s, "\n")
+proc rawWriteStackTrace(s: var string) =
+  if framePtr == nil:
+    add(s, "No stack traceback available\n")
+  else:
+    add(s, "Traceback (most recent call last)\n")
+    auxWriteStackTrace(framePtr, s)
+proc quitOrDebug() {.inline.} =
+  when not defined(emdb):
+    quit(1)
+  else:
+    emdbStep() # call the debugger
+proc raiseException(e: ref E_Base, ename: CString) =
+  GC_disable() # a bad thing is an error in the GC while raising an exception
+ = ename
+  if excHandler != nil:
+    excHandler.exc = e
+    c_longjmp(excHandler.context, 1)
+  else:
+    if cast[pointer](buf) != nil:
+      setLen(buf, 0)
+      rawWriteStackTrace(buf)
+      if e.msg != nil and e.msg[0] != '\0':
+        add(buf, "Error: unhandled exception: ")
+        add(buf, $e.msg)
+      else:
+        add(buf, "Error: unhandled exception")
+      add(buf, " [")
+      add(buf, $ename)
+      add(buf, "]\n")
+      writeToStdErr(buf)
+    else:
+      writeToStdErr("*** FATAL ERROR *** ")
+      writeToStdErr(ename)
+      writeToStdErr("\n")
+    quitOrDebug()
+  GC_enable()
+  gAssertionFailed: ref EAssertionFailed
+proc internalAssert(file: cstring, line: int, cond: bool) {.compilerproc.} =
+  if not cond:
+    GC_disable() # BUGFIX: `$` allocates a new string object!
+    if cast[pointer](assertBuf) != nil: # BUGFIX: when debugging the GC, assertBuf may be nil
+      setLen(assertBuf, 0)
+      add(assertBuf, "[Assertion failure] file: ")
+      add(assertBuf, file)
+      add(assertBuf, " line: ")
+      add(assertBuf, $line)
+      add(assertBuf, "\n")
+      gAssertionFailed.msg = assertBuf
+    GC_enable()
+    raise gAssertionFailed # newException(EAssertionFailed, assertBuf)
+proc WriteStackTrace() =
+  var
+    s: string = ""
+  rawWriteStackTrace(s)
+  writeToStdErr(s)
+  dbgAborting: bool # whether the debugger wants to abort
+proc signalHandler(sig: cint) {.exportc: "signalHandler", noconv.} =
+  # print stack trace and quit
+  var
+    s = int(sig)
+  setLen(buf, 0)
+  rawWriteStackTrace(buf)
+  if s == SIGINT: add(buf, "SIGINT: Interrupted by Ctrl-C.\n")
+  elif s == SIGSEGV: add(buf, "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access.\n")
+  elif s == SIGABRT:
+    if dbgAborting: return # the debugger wants to abort
+    add(buf, "SIGABRT: Abnormal termination.\n")
+  elif s == SIGFPE: add(buf, "SIGFPE: Arithmetic error.\n")
+  elif s == SIGILL: add(buf, "SIGILL: Illegal operation.\n")
+  elif s == SIGBUS: add(buf, "SIGBUS: Illegal storage access.\n")
+  else: add(buf, "unknown signal\n")
+  writeToStdErr(buf)
+  dbgAborting = True # play safe here...
+  quit(1) # always quit when SIGABRT
+proc registerSignalHandler() =
+  c_signal(SIGINT, signalHandler)
+  c_signal(SIGSEGV, signalHandler)
+  c_signal(SIGABRT, signalHandler)
+  c_signal(SIGFPE, signalHandler)
+  c_signal(SIGILL, signalHandler)
+  c_signal(SIGBUS, signalHandler)
+registerSignalHandler() # call it in initialization section 
+# for easier debugging of the GC, this memory is only allocated after the 
+# signal handlers have been registered
+buf = newString(2048)
+assertBuf = newString(2048)
+setLen(buf, 0)
+setLen(assertBuf, 0)
+proc raiseRangeError() {.compilerproc, noreturn.} =
+  raise newException(EOutOfRange, "value out of range")
+proc raiseIndexError() {.compilerproc, noreturn.} =
+  raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "index out of bounds")
+proc chckIndx(i, a, b: int): int =
+  if i >= a and i <= b:
+    return i
+  else:
+    raiseIndexError()
+proc chckRange(i, a, b: int): int =
+  if i >= a and i <= b:
+    return i
+  else:
+    raiseRangeError()
+proc chckRange64(i, a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerproc.} =
+  if i >= a and i <= b:
+    return i
+  else:
+    raiseRangeError()
+proc chckRangeF(x, a, b: float): float =
+  if x >= a and x <= b:
+    return x
+  else:
+    raiseRangeError()
+proc chckNil(p: pointer) =
+  if p == nil: c_raise(SIGSEGV)
+proc chckObj(obj, subclass: PNimType) {.compilerproc.} =
+  # checks if obj is of type subclass:
+  var x = obj
+  if x == subclass: return # optimized fast path
+  while x != subclass:
+    if x == nil:
+      raise newException(EInvalidObjectConversion, "invalid object conversion")
+    x = x.base
+proc chckObjAsgn(a, b: PNimType) {.compilerproc, inline.} =
+  if a != b:
+    raise newException(EInvalidObjectAssignment, "invalid object assignment")