summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/lib/process.nim
diff options
authorAndreas Rumpf <>2008-11-16 22:08:15 +0100
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2008-11-16 22:08:15 +0100
commit8b2a9401a147bd0b26cd2976ae71a1022fbde8cc (patch)
treec1a1323003ee8148af5dc60bcf1b88157dd00eb8 /lib/process.nim
parent972c51086152bd45aef4eb17c099fa3472a19d04 (diff)
version 0.7.0
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/process.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1009 deletions
diff --git a/lib/process.nim b/lib/process.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 8806264b9..000000000
--- a/lib/process.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1009 +0,0 @@


-#            Nimrod's Runtime Library

-#        (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf


-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this

-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.







-  TProcess = opaque



-  open(out p: TProcess, command, workingDir: string,





-Uses Classes,

-     pipes,

-     SysUtils;



-  TProcessOption = (poRunSuspended,poWaitOnExit,

-                    poUsePipes,poStderrToOutPut,

-                    poNoConsole,poNewConsole,

-                    poDefaultErrorMode,poNewProcessGroup,

-                    poDebugProcess,poDebugOnlyThisProcess);


-  TShowWindowOptions = (swoNone,swoHIDE,swoMaximize,swoMinimize,swoRestore,swoShow,

-                        swoShowDefault,swoShowMaximized,swoShowMinimized,

-                        swoshowMinNOActive,swoShowNA,swoShowNoActivate,swoShowNormal);


-  TStartupOption = (suoUseShowWindow,suoUseSize,suoUsePosition,

-                    suoUseCountChars,suoUseFillAttribute);


-  TProcessPriority = (ppHigh,ppIdle,ppNormal,ppRealTime);


-  TProcessOptions = Set of TPRocessOption;

-  TstartUpoptions = set of TStartupOption;




-  TProcess = Class (TComponent)

-  Private

-    FProcessOptions : TProcessOptions;

-    FStartupOptions : TStartupOptions;

-    FProcessID : Integer;

-    FThreadID : Integer;

-    FProcessHandle : Thandle;

-    FThreadHandle : Thandle;

-    FFillAttribute : Cardinal;

-    FApplicationName : string;

-    FConsoleTitle : String;

-    FCommandLine : String;

-    FCurrentDirectory : String;

-    FDeskTop : String;

-    FEnvironment : Tstrings;

-    FExitCode : Cardinal;

-    FShowWindow : TShowWindowOptions;

-    FInherithandles : Boolean;

-    FInputSTream  : TOutputPipeStream;

-    FOutputStream : TInPutPipeStream;

-    FStdErrStream : TInputPipeStream;

-    FRunning : Boolean;

-    FPRocessPriority : TProcessPriority;

-    dwXCountchars,

-    dwXSize,

-    dwYsize,

-    dwx,

-    dwYcountChars,

-    dwy : Cardinal;

-    Procedure FreeStreams;

-    Function  GetExitStatus : Integer;

-    Function  GetRunning : Boolean;

-    Function  GetWindowRect : TRect;

-    Procedure SetWindowRect (Value : TRect);

-    Procedure SetShowWindow (Value : TShowWindowOptions);

-    Procedure SetWindowColumns (Value : Cardinal);

-    Procedure SetWindowHeight (Value : Cardinal);

-    Procedure SetWindowLeft (Value : Cardinal);

-    Procedure SetWindowRows (Value : Cardinal);

-    Procedure SetWindowTop (Value : Cardinal);

-    Procedure SetWindowWidth (Value : Cardinal);

-    Procedure CreateStreams(InHandle,OutHandle,Errhandle : Longint);

-    procedure SetApplicationname(const Value: String);

-    procedure SetProcessOptions(const Value: TProcessOptions);

-    procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean);

-    procedure SetEnvironment(const Value: TStrings);

-    function  PeekExitStatus: Boolean;

-    procedure CloseProcessHandles;

-  Public

-    Constructor Create (AOwner : TComponent);override;

-    Destructor Destroy; override;

-    Procedure Execute; virtual;

-    Function Resume : Integer; virtual;

-    Function Suspend : Integer; virtual;

-    Function Terminate (AExitCode : Integer): Boolean; virtual;

-    Function WaitOnExit : DWord;

-    Property WindowRect : Trect Read GetWindowRect Write SetWindowRect;

-    Property Handle : THandle Read FProcessHandle;

-    Property ProcessHandle : THandle Read FProcessHandle;

-    Property ThreadHandle : THandle Read FThreadHandle;

-    Property ProcessID : Integer Read FProcessID;

-    Property ThreadID : Integer Read FThreadID;

-    Property Input  : TOutPutPipeStream Read FInPutStream;

-    Property OutPut : TInputPipeStream  Read FOutPutStream;

-    Property StdErr : TinputPipeStream  Read FStdErrStream;

-    Property ExitStatus : Integer Read GetExitStatus;

-    Property InheritHandles : Boolean Read FInheritHandles Write FInheritHandles;

-  Published

-    Property Active : Boolean Read Getrunning Write SetActive;

-    Property ApplicationName : String Read FApplicationname Write SetApplicationname;

-    Property CommandLine : String Read FCommandLine Write FCommandLine;

-    Property ConsoleTitle : String Read FConsoleTitle Write FConsoleTitle;

-    Property CurrentDirectory : String Read FCurrentDirectory Write FCurrentDirectory;

-    Property DeskTop : String Read FDeskTop Write FDeskTop;

-    Property Environment : TStrings Read FEnvironment Write SetEnvironment;

-    Property Options : TProcessOptions Read FProcessOptions Write SetPRocessOptions;

-    Property Priority : TProcessPriority Read FProcessPriority Write FProcessPriority;

-    Property StartUpOptions : TStartUpOptions Read FStartUpOptions Write FStartupOptions;

-    Property Running : Boolean Read GetRunning;

-    Property ShowWindow : TShowWindowOptions Read FShowWindow Write SetShowWindow;

-    Property WindowColumns : Cardinal Read dwXCountchars Write SetWindowColumns;

-    Property WindowHeight : Cardinal Read dwYsize Write SetWindowHeight;

-    Property WindowLeft : Cardinal Read dwx Write SetWindowLeft;

-    Property WindowRows : Cardinal Read dwYcountChars Write SetWindowRows;

-    Property WindowTop : Cardinal Read dwy Write SetWindowTop ;

-    Property WindowWidth : Cardinal Read dwXsize Write SetWindowWidth;

-    Property FillAttribute : Cardinal read FFillAttribute Write FFillAttribute;

-  end;





-  Win32 Process .inc.



-uses Windows;



-  PriorityConstants : Array [TProcessPriority] of Cardinal =




-procedure TProcess.CloseProcessHandles;


-  if (FProcessHandle<>0) then

-    CloseHandle(FProcessHandle);

-  if (FThreadHandle<>0) then

-    CloseHandle(FThreadHandle);



-Function TProcess.PeekExitStatus : Boolean;



-  GetExitCodeProcess(ProcessHandle,FExitCode);

-  Result:=(FExitCode<>Still_Active);



-Function GetStartupFlags (P : TProcess): Cardinal;



-  With P do

-    begin

-    Result:=0;

-    if poUsePipes in FProcessOptions then

-       Result:=Result or Startf_UseStdHandles;

-    if suoUseShowWindow in FStartupOptions then

-      Result:=Result or startf_USESHOWWINDOW;

-    if suoUSESIZE in FStartupOptions then

-      Result:=Result or startf_usesize;

-    if suoUsePosition in FStartupOptions then

-      Result:=Result or startf_USEPOSITION;

-    if suoUSECOUNTCHARS in FStartupoptions then

-      Result:=Result or startf_usecountchars;

-    if suoUsefIllAttribute in FStartupOptions then

-      Result:=Result or startf_USEFILLATTRIBUTE;

-    end;



-Function GetCreationFlags(P : TProcess) : Cardinal;



-  With P do

-    begin

-    Result:=0;

-    if poNoConsole in FProcessOptions then

-      Result:=Result or Detached_Process;

-    if poNewConsole in FProcessOptions then

-      Result:=Result or Create_new_console;

-    if poNewProcessGroup in FProcessOptions then

-      Result:=Result or CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP;

-    If poRunSuspended in FProcessOptions Then

-      Result:=Result or Create_Suspended;

-    if poDebugProcess in FProcessOptions Then

-      Result:=Result or DEBUG_PROCESS;

-    if poDebugOnlyThisProcess in FProcessOptions Then

-      Result:=Result or DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS;

-    if poDefaultErrorMode in FProcessOptions Then

-      Result:=Result or CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE;

-    result:=result or PriorityConstants[FProcessPriority];

-    end;



-Function StringsToPChars(List : TStrings): pointer;



-  EnvBlock: string;

-  I: Integer;



-  EnvBlock := '';

-  For I:=0 to List.Count-1 do

-    EnvBlock := EnvBlock + List[i] + #0;

-  EnvBlock := EnvBlock + #0;

-  GetMem(Result, Length(EnvBlock));

-  CopyMemory(Result, @EnvBlock[1], Length(EnvBlock));



-Procedure InitProcessAttributes(P : TProcess; Var PA : TSecurityAttributes);



-  FillChar(PA,SizeOf(PA),0);

-  PA.nLength := SizeOf(PA);



-Procedure InitThreadAttributes(P : TProcess; Var TA : TSecurityAttributes);



-  FillChar(TA,SizeOf(TA),0);

-  TA.nLength := SizeOf(TA);



-Procedure InitStartupInfo(P : TProcess; Var SI : STARTUPINFO);



-  SWC : Array [TShowWindowOptions] of Cardinal =

-             (0,SW_HIDE,SW_Maximize,SW_Minimize,SW_Restore,SW_Show,

-             SW_ShowDefault,SW_ShowMaximized,SW_ShowMinimized,

-               SW_showMinNOActive,SW_ShowNA,SW_ShowNoActivate,SW_ShowNormal);



-  FillChar(SI,SizeOf(SI),0);

-  With SI do

-    begin

-    dwFlags:=GetStartupFlags(P);

-    if P.FShowWindow<>swoNone then

-     dwFlags:=dwFlags or Startf_UseShowWindow

-    else

-      dwFlags:=dwFlags and not Startf_UseShowWindow;

-    wShowWindow:=SWC[P.FShowWindow];

-    if (poUsePipes in P.Options) then

-      begin

-      dwFlags:=dwFlags or Startf_UseStdHandles;

-      end;

-    if P.FillAttribute<>0 then

-      begin

-      dwFlags:=dwFlags or Startf_UseFillAttribute;

-      dwFillAttribute:=P.FillAttribute;

-      end;

-     dwXCountChars:=P.WindowColumns;

-     dwYCountChars:=P.WindowRows;

-     dwYsize:=P.WindowHeight;

-     dwXsize:=P.WindowWidth;

-     dwy:=P.WindowTop;

-     dwX:=P.WindowLeft;

-     end;



-Procedure CreatePipes(Var HI,HO,HE : Thandle; Var SI : TStartupInfo; CE : Boolean);


-  Procedure DoCreatePipeHandles(Var H1,H2 : THandle);


-  Var

-    I,O : Longint;


-  begin

-    CreatePipeHandles(I,O);

-    H1:=Thandle(I);

-    H2:=THandle(O);

-  end;






-  DoCreatePipeHandles(SI.hStdInput,HI);

-  DoCreatePipeHandles(HO,Si.hStdOutput);

-  if CE then

-    DoCreatePipeHandles(HE,SI.hStdError)

-  else

-    begin

-    SI.hStdError:=SI.hStdOutput;

-    HE:=HO;

-    end;




-Procedure TProcess.Execute;




-  PName,PDir,PCommandLine : PChar;

-  FEnv: pointer;

-  FCreationFlags : Cardinal;

-  FProcessAttributes : TSecurityAttributes;

-  FThreadAttributes : TSecurityAttributes;

-  FProcessInformation : TProcessInformation;

-  FStartupInfo : STARTUPINFO;

-  HI,HO,HE : THandle;



-  FInheritHandles:=True;

-  PName:=Nil;

-  PCommandLine:=Nil;

-  PDir:=Nil;

-  If FApplicationName<>'' then

-    PName:=Pchar(FApplicationName);

-  If FCommandLine<>'' then

-    PCommandLine:=Pchar(FCommandLine);

-  If FCurrentDirectory<>'' then

-    PDir:=Pchar(FCurrentDirectory);

-  if FEnvironment.Count<>0 then

-    FEnv:=StringsToPChars(FEnvironment)

-  else

-    FEnv:=Nil;

-  Try

-    FCreationFlags:=GetCreationFlags(Self);

-    InitProcessAttributes(Self,FProcessAttributes);

-    InitThreadAttributes(Self,FThreadAttributes);

-    InitStartupInfo(Self,FStartUpInfo);

-    If poUsePipes in FProcessOptions then

-      CreatePipes(HI,HO,HE,FStartupInfo,Not(poStdErrToOutPut in FProcessOptions));

-    Try

-      If Not CreateProcess (PName,PCommandLine,@FProcessAttributes,@FThreadAttributes,

-                   FInheritHandles,FCreationFlags,FEnv,PDir,FStartupInfo,

-                   fProcessInformation) then

-        Raise Exception.CreateFmt('Failed to execute %s : %d',[FCommandLine,GetLastError]);

-      FProcessHandle:=FProcessInformation.hProcess;

-      FThreadHandle:=FProcessInformation.hThread;

-      FProcessID:=FProcessINformation.dwProcessID;

-    Finally

-      if POUsePipes in FProcessOptions then

-        begin

-        FileClose(FStartupInfo.hStdInput);

-        FileClose(FStartupInfo.hStdOutput);

-        if Not (poStdErrToOutPut in FProcessOptions) then

-          FileClose(FStartupInfo.hStdError);

-        CreateStreams(HI,HO,HE);

-        end;

-    end;

-    FRunning:=True;

-  Finally

-    If FEnv<>Nil then

-      FreeMem(FEnv);

-  end;

-  if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and // This would hang the IDE !

-     (poWaitOnExit in FProcessOptions) and

-      not (poRunSuspended in FProcessOptions) then

-    WaitOnExit;



-Function TProcess.WaitOnExit : Dword;



-  Result:=WaitForSingleObject (FProcessHandle,Infinite);

-  If Result<>Wait_Failed then

-    GetExitStatus;

-  FRunning:=False;



-Function TProcess.Suspend : Longint;



-  Result:=SuspendThread(ThreadHandle);



-Function TProcess.Resume : LongInt;



-  Result:=ResumeThread(ThreadHandle);



-Function TProcess.Terminate(AExitCode : Integer) : Boolean;



-  Result:=False;

-  If ExitStatus=Still_active then

-    Result:=TerminateProcess(Handle,AexitCode);



-Procedure TProcess.SetShowWindow (Value : TShowWindowOptions);




-  FShowWindow:=Value;



-// ---------------------------- end of platform dependant code --------------



-  Unix Process .inc.




-   Unix,

-   Baseunix;





-  PriorityConstants : Array [TProcessPriority] of Integer =

-                      (20,20,0,-20);



-  GeometryOption : String = '-geometry';

-  TitleOption : String ='-title';




-procedure TProcess.CloseProcessHandles;



- // Do nothing. Win32 call.



-Function TProcess.PeekExitStatus : Boolean;



-  Result:=fpWaitPid(Handle,@FExitCode,WNOHANG)=Handle;

-  If Result then

-    FExitCode:=wexitstatus(FExitCode)

-  else

-    FexitCode:=0;




-  TPCharArray = Array[Word] of pchar;

-  PPCharArray = ^TPcharArray;


-Function StringsToPCharList(List : TStrings) : PPChar;



-  I : Integer;

-  S : String;



-  I:=(List.Count)+1;

-  GetMem(Result,I*sizeOf(PChar));

-  PPCharArray(Result)^[List.Count]:=Nil;

-  For I:=0 to List.Count-1 do

-    begin

-    S:=List[i];

-    Result[i]:=StrNew(PChar(S));

-    end;



-Procedure FreePCharList(List : PPChar);



-  I : integer;



-  I:=0;

-  While List[i]<>Nil do

-    begin

-    StrDispose(List[i]);

-    Inc(I);

-    end;

-  FreeMem(List);




-Procedure CommandToList(S : String; List : TStrings);


-  Function GetNextWord : String;


-  Const

-    WhiteSpace = [' ',#8,#10];

-    Literals = ['"',''''];


-  Var

-    Wstart,wend : Integer;

-    InLiteral : Boolean;

-    LastLiteral : char;


-  begin

-    WStart:=1;

-    While (WStart<=Length(S)) and (S[WStart] in WhiteSpace) do

-      Inc(WStart);

-    WEnd:=WStart;

-    InLiteral:=False;

-    LastLiteral:=#0;

-    While (Wend<=Length(S)) and (Not (S[Wend] in WhiteSpace) or InLiteral) do

-      begin

-      if S[Wend] in Literals then

-        If InLiteral then

-          InLiteral:=Not (S[Wend]=LastLiteral)

-        else

-          begin

-          InLiteral:=True;

-          LastLiteral:=S[Wend];

-          end;

-       inc(wend);

-       end;

-     Result:=Copy(S,WStart,WEnd-WStart);

-     Result:=StringReplace(Result,'"','',[rfReplaceAll]);

-     Result:=StringReplace(Result,'''','',[rfReplaceAll]);

-     While (WEnd<=Length(S)) and (S[Wend] in WhiteSpace) do

-       inc(Wend);

-     Delete(S,1,WEnd-1);


-  end;



-  W : String;



-  While Length(S)>0 do

-    begin

-    W:=GetNextWord;

-    If (W<>'') then

-      List.Add(W);

-    end;




-Function MakeCommand(P : TProcess) : PPchar;



-  SNoCommandLine = 'Cannot execute empty command-line';



-  Cmd : String;

-  S  : TStringList;

-  G : String;



-  if (P.ApplicationName='') then

-    begin

-    If (P.CommandLine='') then

-      Raise Exception.Create(SNoCommandline);

-    Cmd:=P.CommandLine;

-    end

-  else

-    begin

-    If (P.CommandLine='') then

-      Cmd:=P.ApplicationName

-    else

-      Cmd:=P.CommandLine;

-    end;

-  S:=TStringList.Create;

-  try

-    CommandToList(Cmd,S);

-    if poNewConsole in P.Options then

-      begin

-      S.Insert(0,'-e');

-      If (P.ApplicationName<>'') then

-        begin

-        S.Insert(0,P.ApplicationName);

-        S.Insert(0,'-title');

-        end;

-      if suoUseCountChars in P.StartupOptions then

-        begin

-        S.Insert(0,Format('%dx%d',[P.dwXCountChars,P.dwYCountChars]));

-        S.Insert(0,'-geometry');

-        end;

-      S.Insert(0,'xterm');

-      end;

-    if (P.ApplicationName<>'') then

-      begin

-      S.Add(TitleOption);

-      S.Add(P.ApplicationName);

-      end;

-    G:='';

-    if (suoUseSize in P.StartupOptions) then

-      g:=format('%dx%d',[P.dwXSize,P.dwYsize]);

-    if (suoUsePosition in P.StartupOptions) then

-      g:=g+Format('+%d+%d',[P.dwX,P.dwY]);

-    if G<>'' then

-      begin

-      S.Add(GeometryOption);

-      S.Add(g);

-      end;

-    Result:=StringsToPcharList(S);

-  Finally


-  end;



-Function GetLastError : Integer;



-  Result:=-1;




-  TPipeEnd = (peRead,peWrite);

-  TPipePair = Array[TPipeEnd] of Integer;


-Procedure CreatePipes(Var HI,HO,HE : TPipePair; CE : Boolean);


-  Procedure CreatePair(Var P : TPipePair);


-   begin

-    If not CreatePipeHandles(P[peRead],P[peWrite]) then

-      Raise Exception.Create('Failed to create pipes');

-   end;


-  Procedure ClosePair(Var P : TPipePair);


-  begin

-    if (P[peRead]<>-1) then

-      FileClose(P[peRead]);

-    if (P[peWrite]<>-1) then

-      FileClose(P[peWrite]);

-  end;



-  HO[peRead]:=-1;HO[peWrite]:=-1;

-  HI[peRead]:=-1;HI[peWrite]:=-1;

-  HE[peRead]:=-1;HE[peWrite]:=-1;

-  Try

-    CreatePair(HO);

-    CreatePair(HI);

-    If CE then

-      CreatePair(HE);

-  except

-    ClosePair(HO);

-    ClosePair(HI);

-    If CE then

-      ClosePair(HE);

-    Raise;

-  end;



-Procedure TProcess.Execute;



-  HI,HO,HE : TPipePair;

-  PID      : Longint;

-  FEnv     : PPChar;

-  Argv     : PPChar;

-  fd       : Integer;

-  PName    : String;



-  If (poUsePipes in FProcessOptions) then

-    CreatePipes(HI,HO,HE,Not (poStdErrToOutPut in FProcessOptions));

-  Try

-    if FEnvironment.Count<>0 then

-      FEnv:=StringsToPcharList(FEnvironment)

-    else

-      FEnv:=Nil;

-    Try

-      Argv:=MakeCommand(Self);

-      Try

-        If (Argv<>Nil) and (ArgV[0]<>Nil) then

-          PName:=StrPas(Argv[0])

-        else

-          begin

-          // This should never happen, actually.

-          PName:=ApplicationName;

-          If (PName='') then

-            PName:=CommandLine;

-          end;

-        if (pos('/',PName)<>1) then

-          PName:=FileSearch(Pname,fpgetenv('PATH'));

-        Pid:=fpfork;

-        if Pid<0 then

-          Raise Exception.Create('Failed to Fork process');

-        if (PID>0) then

-          begin

-          // Parent process. Copy process information.

-          FProcessHandle:=PID;

-          FThreadHandle:=PID;

-          FProcessId:=PID;

-          //FThreadId:=PID;

-          end

-        else

-          begin

-          { We're in the child }

-          if (FCurrentDirectory<>'') then

-             ChDir(FCurrentDirectory);

-          if PoUsePipes in Options then

-            begin

-            fpdup2(HI[peRead],0);

-            fpdup2(HO[peWrite],1);

-            if (poStdErrToOutPut in Options) then

-              fpdup2(HO[peWrite],2)

-            else

-              fpdup2(HE[peWrite],2);

-            end

-          else if poNoConsole in Options then

-            begin

-            fd:=FileOpen('/dev/null',fmOpenReadWrite);

-            fpdup2(fd,0);

-            fpdup2(fd,1);

-            fpdup2(fd,2);

-            end;

-          if (poRunSuspended in Options) then

-            sigraise(SIGSTOP);

-          if FEnv<>Nil then

-            fpexecve(PName,Argv,Fenv)

-          else

-            fpexecv(PName,argv);

-          Halt(127);

-          end

-      Finally

-        FreePcharList(Argv);

-      end;

-    Finally

-      If (FEnv<>Nil) then

-        FreePCharList(FEnv);

-    end;

-  Finally

-    if POUsePipes in FProcessOptions then

-      begin

-      FileClose(HO[peWrite]);

-      FileClose(HI[peRead]);

-      if Not (poStdErrToOutPut in FProcessOptions) then

-        FileClose(HE[peWrite]);

-      CreateStreams(HI[peWrite],HO[peRead],HE[peRead]);

-      end;

-  end;

-  FRunning:=True;

-  if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and // This would hang the IDE !

-     (poWaitOnExit in FProcessOptions) and

-      not (poRunSuspended in FProcessOptions) then

-    WaitOnExit;



-Function TProcess.WaitOnExit : Dword;



-  Result:=fpWaitPid(Handle,@FExitCode,0);

-  If Result=Handle then

-    FExitCode:=WexitStatus(FExitCode);

-  FRunning:=False;



-Function TProcess.Suspend : Longint;



-  If fpkill(Handle,SIGSTOP)<>0 then

-    Result:=-1

-  else

-    Result:=1;



-Function TProcess.Resume : LongInt;



-  If fpKill(Handle,SIGCONT)<>0 then

-    Result:=-1

-  else

-    Result:=0;



-Function TProcess.Terminate(AExitCode : Integer) : Boolean;



-  Result:=False;

-  Result:=fpkill(Handle,SIGTERM)=0;

-  If Result then

-    begin

-    If Running then

-      Result:=fpkill(Handle,SIGKILL)=0;

-    end;

-  GetExitStatus;



-Procedure TProcess.SetShowWindow (Value : TShowWindowOptions);



-  FShowWindow:=Value;



-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------



-Constructor TProcess.Create (AOwner : TComponent);


-  Inherited;

-  FProcessPriority:=ppNormal;

-  FShowWindow:=swoNone;

-  FInheritHandles:=True;

-  FEnvironment:=TStringList.Create;



-Destructor TProcess.Destroy;



-  FEnvironment.Free;

-  FreeStreams;

-  CloseProcessHandles;

-  Inherited Destroy;



-Procedure TProcess.FreeStreams;


-  procedure FreeStream(var S: THandleStream);


-  begin

-    if (S<>Nil) then

-      begin

-      FileClose(S.Handle);

-      FreeAndNil(S);

-      end;

-  end;



-  If FStdErrStream<>FOutputStream then

-    FreeStream(FStdErrStream);

-  FreeStream(FOutputStream);

-  FreeStream(FInputStream);




-Function TProcess.GetExitStatus : Integer;



-  If FRunning then

-    PeekExitStatus;

-  Result:=FExitCode;




-Function TProcess.GetRunning : Boolean;



-  IF FRunning then

-    FRunning:=Not PeekExitStatus;

-  Result:=FRunning;




-Procedure TProcess.CreateStreams(InHandle,OutHandle,Errhandle : Longint);



-  FreeStreams;

-  FInputStream:=TOutputPipeStream.Create (InHandle);

-  FOutputStream:=TInputPipeStream.Create (OutHandle);

-  if Not (poStdErrToOutPut in FProcessOptions) then

-    FStdErrStream:=TInputPipeStream.Create(ErrHandle);




-Procedure TProcess.SetWindowColumns (Value : Cardinal);



-  if Value<>0 then

-    Include(FStartUpOptions,suoUseCountChars);

-  dwXCountChars:=Value;




-Procedure TProcess.SetWindowHeight (Value : Cardinal);



-  if Value<>0 then

-    include(FStartUpOptions,suoUsePosition);

-  dwYSize:=Value;



-Procedure TProcess.SetWindowLeft (Value : Cardinal);



-  if Value<>0 then

-    Include(FStartUpOptions,suoUseSize);

-  dwx:=Value;



-Procedure TProcess.SetWindowTop (Value : Cardinal);



-  if Value<>0 then

-    Include(FStartUpOptions,suoUsePosition);

-  dwy:=Value;



-Procedure TProcess.SetWindowWidth (Value : Cardinal);


-  If (Value<>0) then

-    Include(FStartUpOptions,suoUseSize);

-  dwXSize:=Value;



-Function TProcess.GetWindowRect : TRect;


-  With Result do

-    begin

-    Left:=dwx;

-    Right:=dwx+dwxSize;

-    Top:=dwy;

-    Bottom:=dwy+dwysize;

-    end;



-Procedure TProcess.SetWindowRect (Value : Trect);


-  Include(FStartupOptions,suouseSize);

-  Include(FStartupOptions,suoUsePosition);

-  With Value do

-    begin

-    dwx:=Left;

-    dwxSize:=Right-Left;

-    dwy:=Top;

-    dwySize:=Bottom-top;

-    end;




-Procedure TProcess.SetWindowRows (Value : Cardinal);



-  if Value<>0 then

-    Include(FStartUpOptions,suoUseCountChars);

-  dwYCountChars:=Value;



-procedure TProcess.SetApplicationname(const Value: String);


-  FApplicationname := Value;

-  If (csdesigning in ComponentState) and

-     (FCommandLine='') then

-    FCommandLine:=Value;



-procedure TProcess.SetProcessOptions(const Value: TProcessOptions);


-  FProcessOptions := Value;

-  If poNewConsole in FPRocessOptions then

-    Exclude(FProcessoptions,poNoConsole);

-  if poRunSuspended in FProcessOptions then

-    Exclude(FPRocessoptions,poWaitOnExit);



-procedure TProcess.SetActive(const Value: Boolean);


-  if (Value<>GetRunning) then

-    If Value then

-      Execute

-    else

-      Terminate(0);



-procedure TProcess.SetEnvironment(const Value: TStrings);


-  FEnvironment.Assign(Value);



-function CallProcess(const command: string): string;


-  READ_BYTES = 2048;

-// executes the command and returns the program's output


-  M: TMemoryStream;

-  P: TProcess;

-  n: LongInt;

-  BytesRead: LongInt;


-  // We cannot use poWaitOnExit here since we don't

-  // know the size of the output. On Linux the size of the

-  // output pipe is 2 kB. If the output data is more, we

-  // need to read the data. This isn't possible since we are

-  // waiting. So we get a deadlock here.

-  //

-  // A temp Memorystream is used to buffer the output


-  M := TMemoryStream.Create;

-  BytesRead := 0;


-  P := TProcess.Create(nil);

-  P.CommandLine := Command;

-  P.Options := [poUsePipes];

-  P.Execute;

-  while P.Running do begin

-    // make sure we have room

-    M.SetSize(BytesRead + READ_BYTES);


-    // try reading it

-    n := P.Output.Read((M.Memory + BytesRead)^, READ_BYTES);

-    if n > 0 then

-      Inc(BytesRead, n)

-    else

-      // no data, wait 100 ms

-      Sleep(100)

-  end;

-  // read last part

-  repeat

-    // make sure we have room

-    M.SetSize(BytesRead + READ_BYTES);

-    // try reading it

-    n := P.Output.Read((M.Memory + BytesRead)^, READ_BYTES);

-    if n > 0 then Inc(BytesRead, n)

-  until n <= 0;

-  M.SetSize(BytesRead);


-  setLength(result, bytesRead);

-[1], bytesRead);

-  P.Free; M.Free;


