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path: root/lib/pure/includes
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authorAndreas Rumpf <>2017-09-01 10:35:50 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2017-09-01 10:35:50 +0200
commit50666a1f8bc5961ada8e9ecdcd9c3bc9bc8561d0 (patch)
treec7ff1ac85a5d29ba3056f3d178c9bb19c76687f1 /lib/pure/includes
parent8ce42738648e70e562e7f1bbe925257cddf0b392 (diff)
refactor os.nim and ospaths.nim
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure/includes')
2 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/includes/osenv.nim b/lib/pure/includes/osenv.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63500c5fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/includes/osenv.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+## Include file that implements 'getEnv' and friends. Do not import it!
+when not declared(ospaths):
+  {.error: "This is an include file for ospaths.nim!".}
+proc c_getenv(env: cstring): cstring {.
+  importc: "getenv", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
+proc c_putenv(env: cstring): cint {.
+  importc: "putenv", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
+# Environment handling cannot be put into RTL, because the ``envPairs``
+# iterator depends on ``environment``.
+  envComputed {.threadvar.}: bool
+  environment {.threadvar.}: seq[string]
+when defined(windows):
+  # because we support Windows GUI applications, things get really
+  # messy here...
+  when useWinUnicode:
+    when defined(cpp):
+      proc strEnd(cstr: WideCString, c = 0'i32): WideCString {.
+        importcpp: "(NI16*)wcschr((const wchar_t *)#, #)", header: "<string.h>".}
+    else:
+      proc strEnd(cstr: WideCString, c = 0'i32): WideCString {.
+        importc: "wcschr", header: "<string.h>".}
+  else:
+    proc strEnd(cstr: cstring, c = 0'i32): cstring {.
+      importc: "strchr", header: "<string.h>".}
+  proc getEnvVarsC() =
+    if not envComputed:
+      environment = @[]
+      when useWinUnicode:
+        var
+          env = getEnvironmentStringsW()
+          e = env
+        if e == nil: return # an error occurred
+        while true:
+          var eend = strEnd(e)
+          add(environment, $e)
+          e = cast[WideCString](cast[ByteAddress](eend)+2)
+          if eend[1].int == 0: break
+        discard freeEnvironmentStringsW(env)
+      else:
+        var
+          env = getEnvironmentStringsA()
+          e = env
+        if e == nil: return # an error occurred
+        while true:
+          var eend = strEnd(e)
+          add(environment, $e)
+          e = cast[cstring](cast[ByteAddress](eend)+1)
+          if eend[1] == '\0': break
+        discard freeEnvironmentStringsA(env)
+      envComputed = true
+  const
+    useNSGetEnviron = defined(macosx) and not defined(ios)
+  when useNSGetEnviron:
+    # From the manual:
+    # Shared libraries and bundles don't have direct access to environ,
+    # which is only available to the loader ld(1) when a complete program
+    # is being linked.
+    # The environment routines can still be used, but if direct access to
+    # environ is needed, the _NSGetEnviron() routine, defined in
+    # <crt_externs.h>, can be used to retrieve the address of environ
+    # at runtime.
+    proc NSGetEnviron(): ptr cstringArray {.
+      importc: "_NSGetEnviron", header: "<crt_externs.h>".}
+  else:
+    var gEnv {.importc: "environ".}: cstringArray
+  proc getEnvVarsC() =
+    # retrieves the variables of char** env of C's main proc
+    if not envComputed:
+      environment = @[]
+      when useNSGetEnviron:
+        var gEnv = NSGetEnviron()[]
+      var i = 0
+      while true:
+        if gEnv[i] == nil: break
+        add environment, $gEnv[i]
+        inc(i)
+      envComputed = true
+proc findEnvVar(key: string): int =
+  getEnvVarsC()
+  var temp = key & '='
+  for i in 0..high(environment):
+    if startsWith(environment[i], temp): return i
+  return -1
+proc getEnv*(key: string): TaintedString {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
+  ## Returns the value of the `environment variable`:idx: named `key`.
+  ##
+  ## If the variable does not exist, "" is returned. To distinguish
+  ## whether a variable exists or it's value is just "", call
+  ## `existsEnv(key)`.
+  when nimvm:
+    discard "built into the compiler"
+  else:
+    var i = findEnvVar(key)
+    if i >= 0:
+      return TaintedString(substr(environment[i], find(environment[i], '=')+1))
+    else:
+      var env = c_getenv(key)
+      if env == nil: return TaintedString("")
+      result = TaintedString($env)
+proc existsEnv*(key: string): bool {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
+  ## Checks whether the environment variable named `key` exists.
+  ## Returns true if it exists, false otherwise.
+  when nimvm:
+    discard "built into the compiler"
+  else:
+    if c_getenv(key) != nil: return true
+    else: return findEnvVar(key) >= 0
+proc putEnv*(key, val: string) {.tags: [WriteEnvEffect].} =
+  ## Sets the value of the `environment variable`:idx: named `key` to `val`.
+  ## If an error occurs, `EInvalidEnvVar` is raised.
+  # Note: by storing the string in the environment sequence,
+  # we guarantee that we don't free the memory before the program
+  # ends (this is needed for POSIX compliance). It is also needed so that
+  # the process itself may access its modified environment variables!
+  when nimvm:
+    discard "built into the compiler"
+  else:
+    var indx = findEnvVar(key)
+    if indx >= 0:
+      environment[indx] = key & '=' & val
+    else:
+      add environment, (key & '=' & val)
+      indx = high(environment)
+    when defined(windows):
+      when useWinUnicode:
+        var k = newWideCString(key)
+        var v = newWideCString(val)
+        if setEnvironmentVariableW(k, v) == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
+      else:
+        if setEnvironmentVariableA(key, val) == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
+    else:
+      if c_putenv(environment[indx]) != 0'i32:
+        raiseOSError(osLastError())
+iterator envPairs*(): tuple[key, value: TaintedString] {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
+  ## Iterate over all `environments variables`:idx:. In the first component
+  ## of the tuple is the name of the current variable stored, in the second
+  ## its value.
+  getEnvVarsC()
+  for i in 0..high(environment):
+    var p = find(environment[i], '=')
+    yield (TaintedString(substr(environment[i], 0, p-1)),
+           TaintedString(substr(environment[i], p+1)))
diff --git a/lib/pure/includes/oserr.nim b/lib/pure/includes/oserr.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef3f82628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/includes/oserr.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+## Include file that implements 'osErrorMsg' and friends. Do not import it!
+when not declared(ospaths):
+  {.error: "This is an include file for ospaths.nim!".}
+when not defined(nimscript):
+  var errno {.importc, header: "<errno.h>".}: cint
+  proc c_strerror(errnum: cint): cstring {.
+    importc: "strerror", header: "<string.h>".}
+proc osErrorMsg*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", deprecated.} =
+  ## Retrieves the operating system's error flag, ``errno``.
+  ## On Windows ``GetLastError`` is checked before ``errno``.
+  ## Returns "" if no error occurred.
+  ##
+  ## **Deprecated since version 0.9.4**: use the other ``osErrorMsg`` proc.
+  result = ""
+  when defined(Windows) and not defined(nimscript):
+    var err = getLastError()
+    if err != 0'i32:
+      when useWinUnicode:
+        var msgbuf: WideCString
+        if formatMessageW(0x00000100 or 0x00001000 or 0x00000200 or 0x000000FF,
+                          nil, err, 0, addr(msgbuf), 0, nil) != 0'i32:
+          result = $msgbuf
+          if msgbuf != nil: localFree(cast[pointer](msgbuf))
+      else:
+        var msgbuf: cstring
+        if formatMessageA(0x00000100 or 0x00001000 or 0x00000200 or 0x000000FF,
+                          nil, err, 0, addr(msgbuf), 0, nil) != 0'i32:
+          result = $msgbuf
+          if msgbuf != nil: localFree(msgbuf)
+  when not defined(nimscript):
+    if errno != 0'i32:
+      result = $c_strerror(errno)
+{.push warning[deprecated]: off.}
+proc raiseOSError*(msg: string = "") {.noinline, rtl, extern: "nos$1",
+                                       deprecated.} =
+  ## raises an OSError exception with the given message ``msg``.
+  ## If ``msg == ""``, the operating system's error flag
+  ## (``errno``) is converted to a readable error message. On Windows
+  ## ``GetLastError`` is checked before ``errno``.
+  ## If no error flag is set, the message ``unknown OS error`` is used.
+  ##
+  ## **Deprecated since version 0.9.4**: use the other ``raiseOSError`` proc.
+  if len(msg) == 0:
+    var m = osErrorMsg()
+    raise newException(OSError, if m.len > 0: m else: "unknown OS error")
+  else:
+    raise newException(OSError, msg)
+when not defined(nimfix):
+  {.deprecated: [osError: raiseOSError].}
+proc `==`*(err1, err2: OSErrorCode): bool {.borrow.}
+proc `$`*(err: OSErrorCode): string {.borrow.}
+proc osErrorMsg*(errorCode: OSErrorCode): string =
+  ## Converts an OS error code into a human readable string.
+  ##
+  ## The error code can be retrieved using the ``osLastError`` proc.
+  ##
+  ## If conversion fails, or ``errorCode`` is ``0`` then ``""`` will be
+  ## returned.
+  ##
+  ## On Windows, the ``-d:useWinAnsi`` compilation flag can be used to
+  ## make this procedure use the non-unicode Win API calls to retrieve the
+  ## message.
+  result = ""
+  when defined(nimscript):
+    discard
+  elif defined(Windows):
+    if errorCode != OSErrorCode(0'i32):
+      when useWinUnicode:
+        var msgbuf: WideCString
+        if formatMessageW(0x00000100 or 0x00001000 or 0x00000200,
+                        nil, errorCode.int32, 0, addr(msgbuf), 0, nil) != 0'i32:
+          result = $msgbuf
+          if msgbuf != nil: localFree(cast[pointer](msgbuf))
+      else:
+        var msgbuf: cstring
+        if formatMessageA(0x00000100 or 0x00001000 or 0x00000200,
+                        nil, errorCode.int32, 0, addr(msgbuf), 0, nil) != 0'i32:
+          result = $msgbuf
+          if msgbuf != nil: localFree(msgbuf)
+  else:
+    if errorCode != OSErrorCode(0'i32):
+      result = $c_strerror(errorCode.int32)
+proc raiseOSError*(errorCode: OSErrorCode; additionalInfo = "") {.noinline.} =
+  ## Raises an ``OSError`` exception. The ``errorCode`` will determine the
+  ## message, ``osErrorMsg`` will be used to get this message.
+  ##
+  ## The error code can be retrieved using the ``osLastError`` proc.
+  ##
+  ## If the error code is ``0`` or an error message could not be retrieved,
+  ## the message ``unknown OS error`` will be used.
+  var e: ref OSError; new(e)
+  e.errorCode = errorCode.int32
+  if additionalInfo.len == 0:
+    e.msg = osErrorMsg(errorCode)
+  else:
+    e.msg = osErrorMsg(errorCode) & "\nAdditional info: " & additionalInfo
+  if e.msg == "":
+    e.msg = "unknown OS error"
+  raise e
+{.push stackTrace:off.}
+proc osLastError*(): OSErrorCode =
+  ## Retrieves the last operating system error code.
+  ##
+  ## This procedure is useful in the event when an OS call fails. In that case
+  ## this procedure will return the error code describing the reason why the
+  ## OS call failed. The ``OSErrorMsg`` procedure can then be used to convert
+  ## this code into a string.
+  ##
+  ## **Warning**:
+  ## The behaviour of this procedure varies between Windows and POSIX systems.
+  ## On Windows some OS calls can reset the error code to ``0`` causing this
+  ## procedure to return ``0``. It is therefore advised to call this procedure
+  ## immediately after an OS call fails. On POSIX systems this is not a problem.
+  when defined(nimscript):
+    discard
+  elif defined(windows):
+    result = OSErrorCode(getLastError())
+  else:
+    result = OSErrorCode(errno)