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path: root/lib/pure/sockets.nim
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mode: <>2010-01-03 12:31:21 +0100 <>2010-01-03 12:31:21 +0100
commita58a2f3823c33104992dc0e4129fa53e66a18f44 (patch)
treeaf97f1c6634d7ef2d4468c70607c20731e6c1512 /lib/pure/sockets.nim
parent2169fd63bdf9caf539ca7ca5b661ee703206500c (diff)
better subscript overloading
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure/sockets.nim')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/sockets.nim b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f9221b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## This module implements a simple portable type-safe sockets layer. **Note**:
+## This module is incomplete and probably buggy. It does not work on Windows
+## yet. Help if you are interested.
+# TODO:
+# getservbyname(name, proto)
+# getservbyport(port, proto)
+# gethostbyname(name)
+# gethostbyaddr(addr)
+# shutdown(sock, how)
+# connect(sock, address, port)
+# select({ socket, ... }, timeout)
+# sendto
+# recvfrom
+# bind(socket, address, port)
+# getsockopt(socket, level, optname)
+# setsockopt(socket, level, optname, value)
+import os
+when defined(Windows):
+  import winlean
+  import posix
+  TSocket* = distinct cint ## socket type
+  TPort* = distinct int16  ## port type
+  TDomain* = enum   ## domain, which specifies the protocol family of the
+                    ## created socket. Other domains than those that are listed
+                    ## here are unsupported.
+    AF_UNIX,        ## for local socket (using a file).
+    AF_INET,        ## for network protocol IPv4 or
+    AF_INET6        ## for network protocol IPv6.
+  TType* = enum     ## second argument to `socket` proc
+    SOCK_STREAM,    ## reliable stream-oriented service or Stream Sockets
+    SOCK_DGRAM,     ## datagram service or Datagram Sockets
+    SOCK_SEQPACKET, ## reliable sequenced packet service, or
+    SOCK_RAW        ## raw protocols atop the network layer.
+  TProtocol* = enum ## third argument to `socket` proc
+    IPPROTO_TCP,    ## Transmission control protocol. 
+    IPPROTO_UDP,    ## User datagram protocol.
+    IPPROTO_IP,     ## Internet protocol. 
+    IPPROTO_IPV6,   ## Internet Protocol Version 6. 
+    IPPROTO_RAW,    ## Raw IP Packets Protocol. 
+    IPPROTO_ICMP    ## Control message protocol. 
+  InvalidSocket* = TSocket(-1'i32) ## invalid socket number
+proc `==`*(a, b: TSocket): bool {.borrow.}
+proc `==`*(a, b: TPort): bool {.borrow.}
+proc ToInt(domain: TDomain): cint =
+  case domain
+  of AF_UNIX:        result = posix.AF_UNIX
+  of AF_INET:        result = posix.AF_INET
+  of AF_INET6:       result = posix.AF_INET6
+proc ToInt(typ: TType): cint =
+  case typ
+  of SOCK_STREAM:    result = posix.SOCK_STREAM
+  of SOCK_DGRAM:     result = posix.SOCK_DGRAM
+  of SOCK_RAW:       result = posix.SOCK_RAW
+proc ToInt(p: TProtocol): cint =
+  case p
+  of IPPROTO_TCP:    result = posix.IPPROTO_TCP
+  of IPPROTO_UDP:    result = posix.IPPROTO_UDP
+  of IPPROTO_IP:     result = posix.IPPROTO_IP
+  of IPPROTO_IPV6:   result = posix.IPPROTO_IPV6
+  of IPPROTO_RAW:    result = posix.IPPROTO_RAW
+  of IPPROTO_ICMP:   result = posix.IPPROTO_ICMP
+proc socket*(domain: TDomain = AF_INET6, typ: TType = SOCK_STREAM,
+             protocol: TProtocol = IPPROTO_TCP): TSocket =
+  ## creates a new socket; returns `InvalidSocket` if an error occurs.  
+  result = TSocket(posix.socket(ToInt(domain), ToInt(typ), ToInt(protocol)))
+proc listen*(socket: TSocket, attempts = 5) =
+  ## listens to socket.
+  if posix.listen(cint(socket), cint(attempts)) < 0'i32: OSError()
+proc bindAddr*(socket: TSocket, port = TPort(0)) =
+  var name: Tsockaddr_in
+  name.sin_family = posix.AF_INET
+  name.sin_port = htons(int16(port))
+  name.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY)
+  if bindSocket(cint(socket), cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(name)),
+                sizeof(name)) < 0'i32:
+    OSError()
+proc getSockName*(socket: TSocket): TPort = 
+  var name: Tsockaddr_in
+  name.sin_family = posix.AF_INET
+  #name.sin_port = htons(cint16(port))
+  #name.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY)
+  var namelen: cint = sizeof(name)
+  if getsockname(cint(socket), cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(name)),
+                 addr(namelen)) == -1'i32:
+    OSError()
+  result = TPort(ntohs(name.sin_port))
+proc accept*(server: TSocket): TSocket =
+  ## waits for a client and returns its socket
+  var client: Tsockaddr_in
+  var clientLen: TsockLen = sizeof(client)
+  result = TSocket(accept(cint(server), cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(client)),
+                          addr(clientLen)))
+proc close*(socket: TSocket) =
+  ## closes a socket.
+  when defined(windows):
+    discard winlean.closeSocket(cint(socket))
+  else:
+    discard posix.close(cint(socket))
+proc recvLine*(socket: TSocket, line: var string): bool =
+  ## returns false if no further data is available.
+  setLen(line, 0)
+  while true:
+    var c: char
+    var n = recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, 0'i32)
+    if n <= 0: return
+    if c == '\r':
+      n = recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, MSG_PEEK)
+      if n > 0 and c == '\L':
+        discard recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, 0'i32)
+      elif n <= 0: return false
+      return true
+    elif c == '\L': return true
+    add(line, c)
+proc recv*(socket: TSocket, data: pointer, size: int): int =
+  ## receive data from a socket
+  result = posix.recv(cint(socket), data, size, 0'i32)
+proc recv*(socket: TSocket): string =
+  ## receive all the data from the socket
+  const bufSize = 200
+  var buf = newString(bufSize)
+  result = ""
+  while true:
+    var bytesRead = recv(socket, cstring(buf), bufSize-1)
+    buf[bytesRead] = '\0' # might not be necessary
+    setLen(buf, bytesRead)
+    add(result, buf)
+    if bytesRead != bufSize-1: break
+proc skip*(socket: TSocket) =
+  ## skips all the data that is pending for the socket
+  const bufSize = 200
+  var buf = alloc(bufSize)
+  while recv(socket, buf, bufSize) == bufSize: nil
+  dealloc(buf)
+proc send*(socket: TSocket, data: pointer, size: int): int =
+  result = posix.send(cint(socket), data, size, 0'i32)
+proc send*(socket: TSocket, data: string) =
+  if send(socket, cstring(data), data.len) != data.len: OSError()
+proc ntohl*(x: int32): int32 = 
+  ## Convert 32-bit integers from network to host byte order.
+  ## On machines where the host byte order is the same as network byte order,
+  ## this is a no-op; otherwise, it performs a 4-byte swap operation.
+  when cpuEndian == bigEndian: result = x
+  else: result = (x shr 24'i32) or
+                 (x shr 8'i32 and 0xff00'i32) or
+                 (x shl 8'i32 and 0xff0000'i32) or
+                 (x shl 24'i32)
+proc ntohs*(x: int16): int16 =
+  ## Convert 16-bit integers from network to host byte order. On machines
+  ## where the host byte order is the same as network byte order, this is
+  ## a no-op; otherwise, it performs a 2-byte swap operation.
+  when cpuEndian == bigEndian: result = x
+  else: result = (x shr 8'i16) or (x shl 8'i16)
+proc htonl*(x: int32): int32 =
+  ## Convert 32-bit integers from host to network byte order. On machines
+  ## where the host byte order is the same as network byte order, this is
+  ## a no-op; otherwise, it performs a 4-byte swap operation.
+  result = sockets.ntohl(x)
+proc htons*(x: int16): int16 =
+  ## Convert 16-bit positive integers from host to network byte order.
+  ## On machines where the host byte order is the same as network byte
+  ## order, this is a no-op; otherwise, it performs a 2-byte swap operation.
+  result = sockets.ntohs(x)