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path: root/lib/pure/streams.nim
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authorAraq <>2018-05-04 14:03:16 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2018-05-05 21:45:07 +0200
commitbbb0fd4eb734ed1a0445865077c27b05b46d0cbd (patch)
tree6a3fd735f1d9f39a4f1610d370d572b7826bafbe /lib/pure/streams.nim
parent608017801d3625dc8c7991073a0ef84440314c24 (diff)
remove deprecated stuff from the stdlib; introduce better deprecation warnings
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure/streams.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/streams.nim b/lib/pure/streams.nim
index 8fb14b6f6..68922f730 100644
--- a/lib/pure/streams.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/streams.nim
@@ -57,8 +57,6 @@ type
       tags: [WriteIOEffect], gcsafe.}
     flushImpl*: proc (s: Stream) {.nimcall, tags: [WriteIOEffect], gcsafe.}
-{.deprecated: [PStream: Stream, TStream: StreamObj].}
 proc flush*(s: Stream) =
   ## flushes the buffers that the stream `s` might use.
   if not isNil(s.flushImpl): s.flushImpl(s)
@@ -76,27 +74,14 @@ proc atEnd*(s: Stream): bool =
   ## been read.
   result = s.atEndImpl(s)
-proc atEnd*(s, unused: Stream): bool {.deprecated.} =
-  ## checks if more data can be read from `f`. Returns true if all data has
-  ## been read.
-  result = s.atEndImpl(s)
 proc setPosition*(s: Stream, pos: int) =
   ## sets the position `pos` of the stream `s`.
   s.setPositionImpl(s, pos)
-proc setPosition*(s, unused: Stream, pos: int) {.deprecated.} =
-  ## sets the position `pos` of the stream `s`.
-  s.setPositionImpl(s, pos)
 proc getPosition*(s: Stream): int =
   ## retrieves the current position in the stream `s`.
   result = s.getPositionImpl(s)
-proc getPosition*(s, unused: Stream): int {.deprecated.} =
-  ## retrieves the current position in the stream `s`.
-  result = s.getPositionImpl(s)
 proc readData*(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int =
   ## low level proc that reads data into an untyped `buffer` of `bufLen` size.
   result = s.readDataImpl(s, buffer, bufLen)
@@ -114,11 +99,6 @@ proc readAll*(s: Stream): string =
     inc r, bufferSize
     setLen(result, r+bufferSize)
-proc readData*(s, unused: Stream, buffer: pointer,
-               bufLen: int): int {.deprecated.} =
-  ## low level proc that reads data into an untyped `buffer` of `bufLen` size.
-  result = s.readDataImpl(s, buffer, bufLen)
 proc peekData*(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int =
   ## low level proc that reads data into an untyped `buffer` of `bufLen` size
   ## without moving stream position
@@ -153,11 +133,6 @@ proc write*(s: Stream, x: string) =
     if x.len > 0: writeData(s, unsafeAddr x[0], x.len)
-proc writeLn*(s: Stream, args: varargs[string, `$`]) {.deprecated.} =
-  ## **Deprecated since version 0.11.4:** Use **writeLine** instead.
-  for str in args: write(s, str)
-  write(s, "\n")
 proc writeLine*(s: Stream, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
   ## writes one or more strings to the the stream `s` followed
   ## by a new line. No length field or terminating zero is written.
@@ -348,8 +323,6 @@ when not defined(js):
       data*: string
       pos: int
-  {.deprecated: [PStringStream: StringStream, TStringStream: StringStreamObj].}
   proc ssAtEnd(s: Stream): bool =
     var s = StringStream(s)
     return s.pos >=
@@ -409,7 +382,6 @@ when not defined(js):
     FileStream* = ref FileStreamObj ## a stream that encapsulates a `File`
     FileStreamObj* = object of Stream
       f: File
-  {.deprecated: [PFileStream: FileStream, TFileStream: FileStreamObj].}
   proc fsClose(s: Stream) =
     if FileStream(s).f != nil:
@@ -472,9 +444,6 @@ else:
       handle*: FileHandle
       pos: int
-  {.deprecated: [PFileHandleStream: FileHandleStream,
-     TFileHandleStream: FileHandleStreamObj].}
   proc newEOS(msg: string): ref OSError =
     result.msg = msg