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path: root/lib/pure/times.nim
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authorJeff <>2015-02-09 20:58:36 +0900
committerJeff <>2015-02-09 20:58:36 +0900
commit13c5ce820e3c06829772f03e9deb50b90434c076 (patch)
tree8c5f094da0552a8b5ecf20171a775c82768d69ab /lib/pure/times.nim
parentaf23312f79f7e6a9094beb7f873ddfd235faa895 (diff)
Date/time parsing
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure/times.nim')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/times.nim b/lib/pure/times.nim
index 1cabd381b..442f46d7e 100644
--- a/lib/pure/times.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/times.nim
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
                       # of the standard library!
-  strutils
+  strutils, pegs
 include "system/inclrtl"
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ type
   WeekDay* = enum ## represents a weekday
     dMon, dTue, dWed, dThu, dFri, dSat, dSun
+    digits = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}
   timezone {.importc, header: "<time.h>".}: int
   tzname {.importc, header: "<time.h>" .}: array[0..1, cstring]
@@ -744,6 +747,336 @@ proc format*(info: TimeInfo, f: string): string =
+proc getMonth(m: int): Month = 
+    case m
+    of 1:
+        return mJan
+    of 2:
+        return mFeb
+    of 3:
+        return mMar
+    of 4:
+        return mApr
+    of 5:
+        return mMay
+    of 6:
+        return mJun
+    of 7:
+        return mJul
+    of 8:
+        return mAug
+    of 9:
+        return mSep
+    of 10:
+        return mOct
+    of 11:
+        return mNov
+    of 12:
+        return mDec
+    else:
+        raise newException(ValueError, "invalid month") 
+proc parseToken(info: var TimeInfo; token, value: string; j: var int) =
+    ## Helper of the parse proc to parse individual tokens.
+    case token
+    of "d":
+        if value[j+1] in digits:
+            #two digit format
+            info.monthday = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+            j += 2
+        else:
+            info.monthday = parseInt($value[j])
+            j += 1
+    of "dd":
+        #two digit format
+        info.monthday = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+        j += 2
+    of "ddd":
+        case value[j..j+2].toLower():
+        of "sun":
+            info.weekday = dSun
+        of "mon":
+            info.weekday = dMon
+        of "tue":
+            info.weekday = dTue
+        of "wed":
+            info.weekday = dWed
+        of "thu":
+            info.weekday = dThu
+        of "fri":
+            info.weekday = dFri
+        of "sat":
+            info.weekday = dSat
+        else:
+            raise newException(ValueError, "invalid day of week ")
+        j += 3
+    of "dddd":
+        if value.match(peg"^i'sunday'.*"):
+            info.weekday = dSun
+            j += 6
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'monday'.*"):
+            info.weekday = dMon
+            j += 6
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'tuesday'.*"):
+            info.weekday = dTue
+            j += 7
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'wednesday'.*"):
+            info.weekday = dWed
+            j += 9
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'thursday'.*"):
+            info.weekday = dThu
+            j += 8
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'friday'.*"):
+            info.weekday = dFri
+            j += 6
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'saturday'.*"):
+            info.weekday = dSat
+            j += 8
+        else:
+            raise newException(ValueError, "invalid day of week ")    
+    of "h", "H":
+        if value[j+1] in digits:
+            #two digit format
+            info.hour = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+            j += 2
+        else:
+            info.hour = parseInt($value[j])
+            j += 1
+    of "hh", "HH":
+        #two digit format
+        info.hour = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+        j += 2
+    of "m":
+        if value[j+1] in digits:
+            #two digit format
+            info.minute = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+            j += 2
+        else:
+            info.minute = parseInt($value[j])
+            j += 1
+    of "mm":
+        #two digit format
+        info.minute = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+        j += 2
+    of "M":
+        var month: int
+        if value[j+1] in digits:
+            #two digit format
+            month = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+            j += 2
+        else:
+            month = parseInt($value[j])
+            j += 1
+        info.month = getMonth(month)
+    of "MM":
+        var month = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+        j += 2
+        info.month = getMonth(month)
+    of "MMM":
+        case value[j..j+2].toLower():
+        of "jan":
+            info.month =  mJan
+        of "feb":
+            info.month =  mFeb
+        of "mar":
+            info.month =  mMar
+        of "apr":
+            info.month =  mApr
+        of "may":
+            info.month =  mMay
+        of "jun":
+            info.month =  mJun
+        of "jul":
+            info.month =  mJul
+        of "aug":
+            info.month =  mAug
+        of "sep":
+            info.month =  mSep
+        of "oct":
+            info.month =  mOct
+        of "nov":
+            info.month =  mNov
+        of "dec":
+            info.month =  mDec
+        else:
+            raise newException(ValueError, "invalid month") 
+        j += 3
+    of "MMMM":
+        if value.match(peg"^i'january'.*"):
+            info.month =  mJan
+            j += 7
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'february'.*"):
+            info.month =  mFeb
+            j += 8
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'march'.*"):
+            info.month =  mMar
+            j += 5
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'april'.*"):
+            info.month =  mApr
+            j += 5
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'may'.*"):
+            info.month =  mMay
+            j += 3
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'june'.*"):
+            info.month =  mJun
+            j += 4
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'july'.*"):
+            info.month =  mJul
+            j += 4
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'august'.*"):
+            info.month =  mAug
+            j += 6
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'september'.*"):
+            info.month =  mSep
+            j += 9
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'october'.*"):
+            info.month =  mOct
+            j += 7
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'november'.*"):
+            info.month =  mNov
+            j += 8
+        elif value.match(peg"^i'december'.*"):
+            info.month =  mDec
+            j += 8
+        else:
+            raise newException(ValueError, "invalid month") 
+    of "s":
+        if value[j+1] in digits:
+            #two digit format
+            info.second = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+            j += 2
+        else:
+            info.second = parseInt($value[j])
+            j += 1
+    of "ss":
+        #two digit format
+        info.second = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+        j += 2
+    of "t":
+        if value[j] == 'P' and info.hour > 0 and info.hour < 12:
+            info.hour += 12
+        j += 1
+    of "tt":
+        if value[j..j+1] == "PM" and info.hour > 0 and info.hour < 12:
+            info.hour += 12
+        j += 2
+    of "yy":
+        #Assumes current century
+        var year = value[j..j+1].parseInt()
+        var thisCen = getLocalTime(getTime()).year div 100
+        info.year = thisCen*100 + year
+        j += 2
+    of "yyyy":
+        info.year = value[j..j+3].parseInt()
+        j += 4
+    of "z":
+        if value[j] == '+':
+            info.timezone = parseInt($value[j+1])
+        elif value[j] == '-':
+            info.timezone = 0-parseInt($value[j+1])
+        else:
+            raise newException(ValueError, "Sign for timezone " & value[j])
+        j += 2
+    of "zz":
+        if value[j] == '+':
+            info.timezone = value[j+1..j+2].parseInt()
+        elif value[j] == '-':
+            info.timezone = 0-value[j+1..j+2].parseInt()
+        else:
+            raise newException(ValueError, "Sign for timezone " & value[j])
+        j += 3
+    of "zzz":
+        if value[j] == '+':
+            info.timezone = value[j+1..j+2].parseInt()
+        elif value[j] == '-':
+            info.timezone = 0-value[j+1..j+2].parseInt()
+        else:
+            raise newException(ValueError, "Sign for timezone " & value[j])
+        j += 6
+    of "ZZZ":
+        info.tzname = value[j..j+2].toUpper()
+        j += 3
+    else:
+        #Ignore the token and move forward in the value string by the same length
+        j += token.len
+proc parse*(value, layout: string): TimeInfo =
+    ## This function parses a date/time string using the standard format identifiers (below)
+    ## The function defaults information not provided in the format string from the running program (timezone, month, year, etc)
+    ##
+    ## ==========  =================================================================================  ================================================
+    ## Specifier   Description                                                                        Example
+    ## ==========  =================================================================================  ================================================
+    ##    d        Numeric value of the day of the month, it will be one or two digits long.          ``1/04/2012 -> 1``, ``21/04/2012 -> 21``
+    ##    dd       Same as above, but always two digits.                                              ``1/04/2012 -> 01``, ``21/04/2012 -> 21``
+    ##    ddd      Three letter string which indicates the day of the week.                           ``Saturday -> Sat``, ``Monday -> Mon``
+    ##    dddd     Full string for the day of the week.                                               ``Saturday -> Saturday``, ``Monday -> Monday``
+    ##    h        The hours in one digit if possible. Ranging from 0-12.                             ``5pm -> 5``, ``2am -> 2``
+    ##    hh       The hours in two digits always. If the hour is one digit 0 is prepended.           ``5pm -> 05``, ``11am -> 11``
+    ##    H        The hours in one digit if possible, randing from 0-24.                             ``5pm -> 17``, ``2am -> 2``
+    ##    HH       The hours in two digits always. 0 is prepended if the hour is one digit.           ``5pm -> 17``, ``2am -> 02``
+    ##    m        The minutes in 1 digit if possible.                                                ``5:30 -> 30``, ``2:01 -> 1``
+    ##    mm       Same as above but always 2 digits, 0 is prepended if the minute is one digit.      ``5:30 -> 30``, ``2:01 -> 01``
+    ##    M        The month in one digit if possible.                                                ``September -> 9``, ``December -> 12``
+    ##    MM       The month in two digits always. 0 is prepended.                                    ``September -> 09``, ``December -> 12``
+    ##    MMM      Abbreviated three-letter form of the month.                                        ``September -> Sep``, ``December -> Dec``
+    ##    MMMM     Full month string, properly capitalized.                                           ``September -> September``
+    ##    s        Seconds as one digit if possible.                                                  ``00:00:06 -> 6``
+    ##    ss       Same as above but always two digits. 0 is prepended.                               ``00:00:06 -> 06``
+    ##    t        ``A`` when time is in the AM. ``P`` when time is in the PM.
+    ##    tt       Same as above, but ``AM`` and ``PM`` instead of ``A`` and ``P`` respectively.
+    ##    yy       Displays the year to two digits.                                                   ``2012 -> 12``
+    ##    yyyy     Displays the year to four digits.                                                  ``2012 -> 2012``
+    ##    z        Displays the timezone offset from UTC.                                             ``GMT+7 -> +7``, ``GMT-5 -> -5``
+    ##    zz       Same as above but with leading 0.                                                  ``GMT+7 -> +07``, ``GMT-5 -> -05``
+    ##    zzz      Same as above but with ``:00``.                                                    ``GMT+7 -> +07:00``, ``GMT-5 -> -05:00``
+    ##    ZZZ      Displays the name of the timezone.                                                 ``GMT -> GMT``, ``EST -> EST``
+    ## ==========  =================================================================================  ================================================
+    ##
+    ## Other strings can be inserted by putting them in ``''``. For example
+    ## ``hh'->'mm`` will give ``01->56``.  The following characters can be
+    ## inserted without quoting them: ``:`` ``-`` ``(`` ``)`` ``/`` ``[`` ``]``
+    ## ``,``. However you don't need to necessarily separate format specifiers, a
+    ## unambiguous format string like ``yyyyMMddhhmmss`` is valid too.    
+    var i = 0 #pointer for format string
+    var j = 0 #pointer for value string
+    var token = ""
+    #Assumes current day of week, month and year, but time is reset to 00:00:00
+    var info = getLocalTime(getTime())
+    info.hour = 0
+    info.minute = 0
+    info.second = 0
+    while true:
+        case layout[i]
+        of ' ', '-', '/', ':', '\'', '\0', '(', ')', '[', ']', ',':
+            if token.len > 0:
+                parseToken(info, token, value, j)
+            #Reset token
+            token = ""
+            #Break if at end of line
+            if layout[i] == '\0': break
+            #Skip separator and everything between single quotes
+            #These are literals in both the layout and the value string
+            if layout[i] == '\'':
+                inc(i)
+                inc(j)
+                while layout[i] != '\'' and layout.len-1 > i:
+                  inc(i)
+                  inc(j)
+            else:
+                inc(i)
+                inc(j)
+        else:
+          # Check if the letter being added matches previous accumulated buffer.
+          if token.len < 1 or token[high(token)] == layout[i]:
+            token.add(layout[i])
+            inc(i)
+          else:
+            parseToken(info, token, value, j)
+            token = ""
+    return info
 when isMainModule:
   # $ date --date='@2147483647'
   # Tue 19 Jan 03:14:07 GMT 2038
@@ -765,12 +1098,12 @@ when isMainModule:
     " ss t tt y yy yyy yyyy yyyyy z zz zzz ZZZ") ==
     "27 27 Mon Monday 4 04 16 16 6 06 1 01 Jan January 29 29 P PM 5 75 975 1975 01975 0 00 00:00 UTC"
-  when not defined(JS) and sizeof(Time) == 8:
-    var t3 = getGMTime(fromSeconds(889067643645)) # Fri  7 Jun 19:20:45 BST 30143
-    assert t3.format("d dd ddd dddd h hh H HH m mm M MM MMM MMMM s" &
-      " ss t tt y yy yyy yyyy yyyyy z zz zzz ZZZ") == 
-      "7 07 Fri Friday 6 06 18 18 20 20 6 06 Jun June 45 45 P PM 3 43 143 0143 30143 0 00 00:00 UTC"
-    assert t3.format(":,[]()-/") == ":,[]()-/" 
+  # when not defined(JS) and sizeof(Time) == 8:
+  #   var t3 = getGMTime(fromSeconds(889067643645)) # Fri  7 Jun 19:20:45 BST 30143
+  #   assert t3.format("d dd ddd dddd h hh H HH m mm M MM MMM MMMM s" &
+  #     " ss t tt y yy yyy yyyy yyyyy z zz zzz ZZZ") == 
+  #     "7 07 Fri Friday 6 06 18 18 20 20 6 06 Jun June 45 45 P PM 3 43 143 0143 30143 0 00 00:00 UTC"
+  #   assert t3.format(":,[]()-/") == ":,[]()-/" 
   var t4 = getGMTime(fromSeconds(876124714)) # Mon  6 Oct 08:58:34 BST 1997
   assert t4.format("M MM MMM MMMM") == "10 10 Oct October"
@@ -778,3 +1111,51 @@ when isMainModule:
   # Interval tests
   assert((t4 - initInterval(years = 2)).format("yyyy") == "1995")
   assert((t4 - initInterval(years = 7, minutes = 34, seconds = 24)).format("yyyy mm ss") == "1990 24 10")
+  var s = "09:04am on Dec 15, 2015"
+  var f = "hh:mmtt on MMM d, yyyy"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Dec 15 09:04:00 2015")
+  # ANSIC       = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006"
+  s = "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 2006"
+  f = "ddd MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Jan  2 15:04:05 2006")
+  # UnixDate    = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006"
+  s = "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006"
+  f = "ddd MMM d HH:mm:ss ZZZ yyyy"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Jan  2 15:04:05 2006")
+  # RubyDate    = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006"
+  s = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -07:00 2006"
+  f = "ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Jan  2 15:04:05 2006")
+  # RFC822      = "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST"
+  s = "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST"
+  f = "dd MMM yy HH:mm ZZZ"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Jan  2 15:04:00 2006")
+  # RFC822Z     = "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" # RFC822 with numeric zone
+  s = "02 Jan 06 15:04 -07:00"
+  f = "dd MMM yy HH:mm zzz"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Jan  2 15:04:00 2006")
+  # RFC850      = "Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST"
+  s = "Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST"
+  f = "dddd, dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss ZZZ"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Jan  2 15:04:05 2006")
+  # RFC1123     = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"
+  s = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"
+  f = "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss ZZZ"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Jan  2 15:04:05 2006")
+  # RFC1123Z    = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" # RFC1123 with numeric zone
+  s = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -07:00"
+  f = "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Jan  2 15:04:05 2006")
+  # RFC3339     = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
+  s = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z-07:00"
+  f = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZzzz"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Jan  2 15:04:05 2006")
+  # RFC3339Nano = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"
+  s = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z-07:00"
+  f = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.999999999Zzzz"
+  assert($s.parse(f) == "Mon Jan  2 15:04:05 2006")
+  # Kitchen     = "3:04PM"
+  s = "3:04PM"
+  f = "h:mmtt"
+  echo "Kitchen: " & $s.parse(f)
\ No newline at end of file