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path: root/lib/pure
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authorAraq <>2013-01-27 00:42:51 +0100
committerAraq <>2013-01-27 00:42:51 +0100
commit0a5344b595f0617d9da2be9d3f0f909e9337b517 (patch)
treecdc7a7d7cf0fc5a06f37907c15be6626c0218c66 /lib/pure
parent18534b7dde8686f6aacf74a33b24facb0517d705 (diff)
parentbb38420ac77b4913f1810a98b3b4d48e7f411158 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure')
3 files changed, 68 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim b/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim
index 73713eec9..298e7f27e 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 ## This module implements operations for the built-in `seq`:idx: type which
 ## were inspired by functional programming languages. If you are looking for
 ## the typical `map` function which applies a function to every element in a
-## sequence, it already exists as the `each` proc in the `system
-## <system.html>`_ module in both mutable and immutable styles.
+## sequence, it already exists in the `system <system.html>`_ module in both
+## mutable and immutable styles.
 ## Also, for functional style programming you may want to pass `anonymous procs
 ## <manual.html#anonymous-procs>`_ to procs like ``filter`` to reduce typing.
diff --git a/lib/pure/math.nim b/lib/pure/math.nim
index 53594db62..f9ab6d0f8 100755
--- a/lib/pure/math.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/math.nim
@@ -141,6 +141,11 @@ proc randomize*()
   ## number, i.e. a tickcount. Note: Does nothing for the ECMAScript target,
   ## as ECMAScript does not support this.
+proc randomize*(seed: int)
+  ## initializes the random number generator with a specific seed.
+  ## Note: Does nothing for the ECMAScript target,
+  ## as ECMAScript does not support this.
 when not defined(ECMAScript):
   proc sqrt*(x: float): float {.importc: "sqrt", header: "<math.h>".}
     ## computes the square root of `x`.
@@ -190,15 +195,17 @@ when not defined(ECMAScript):
   proc rand(): cint {.importc: "rand", nodecl.}
   when not defined(windows):
-    proc srand48(seed: cint) {.importc: "srand48", nodecl.}
+    proc srand48(seed: clong) {.importc: "srand48", nodecl.}
     proc drand48(): float {.importc: "drand48", nodecl.}
     proc random(max: float): float =
       result = drand48() * max
   proc randomize() =
-    let x = gettime(nil)
-    srand(x)
-    when defined(srand48): srand48(x)
+    randomize(gettime(nil))
+  proc randomize(seed: int) =
+    srand(cint(seed))
+    when defined(srand48): srand48(seed)
   proc random(max: int): int =
     result = int(rand()) mod max
@@ -217,6 +224,7 @@ else:
   proc random(max: float): float =
     result = float(mathrandom() * float(max))
   proc randomize() = nil
+  proc randomize(seed: int) = nil
   proc sqrt*(x: float): float {.importc: "Math.sqrt", nodecl.}
   proc ln*(x: float): float {.importc: "Math.log", nodecl.}
@@ -301,3 +309,18 @@ proc standardDeviation*(s: TRunningStat): float =
+when isMainModule and not defined(ECMAScript):
+  # Verifies random seed initialization.
+  let seed = gettime(nil)
+  randomize(seed)
+  const SIZE = 10
+  var buf : array[0..SIZE, int]
+  # Fill the buffer with random values
+  for i in 0..SIZE-1:
+    buf[i] = random(high(int))
+  # Check that the second random calls are the same for each position.
+  randomize(seed)
+  for i in 0..SIZE-1:
+    assert buf[i] == random(high(int)), "non deterministic random seeding"
+  echo "random values equal after reseeding"
diff --git a/lib/pure/strutils.nim b/lib/pure/strutils.nim
index 8a5061037..8b64434d8 100755
--- a/lib/pure/strutils.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/strutils.nim
@@ -850,13 +850,51 @@ proc escape*(s: string, prefix = "\"", suffix = "\""): string {.noSideEffect,
   for c in items(s):

     case c

     of '\0'..'\31', '\128'..'\255':

-      add(result, '\\')

+      add(result, "\\x")

       add(result, toHex(ord(c), 2))

     of '\\': add(result, "\\\\")

     of '\'': add(result, "\\'")

     of '\"': add(result, "\\\"")

     else: add(result, c)

   add(result, suffix)

+proc unescape*(s: string, prefix = "\"", suffix = "\""): string {.noSideEffect,
+  rtl, extern: "nsuUnescape".} =
+  ## Unescapes a string `s`. This complements ``escape`` as it performs the
+  ## opposite operations.
+  ##
+  ## If `s` does not begin with ``prefix`` and end with ``suffix`` a EInvalidValue
+  ## exception will be raised.
+  result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
+  var i = 0
+  if s[0 .. prefix.len-1] != prefix:
+    raise newException(EInvalidValue,
+                       "String does not start with a prefix of: " & prefix)
+  while True:
+    if i == s.len-suffix.len: break
+    case s[i]
+    of '\\':
+      case s[i+1]:
+      of 'x':
+        let j = parseHexInt(s[i+2 .. i+3])
+        result.add(chr(j))
+        inc(i, 2)
+      of '\\':
+        result.add('\\')
+      of '\'':
+        result.add('\'')
+      of '\"':
+        result.add('\"')
+      else: result.add("\\" & s[i+1])
+      inc(i)
+    of '\0': break
+    else:
+      result.add(s[i])
+  if s[i .. -1] != suffix:
+    raise newException(EInvalidValue,
+                       "String does not end with a suffix of: " & suffix)

 proc validIdentifier*(s: string): bool {.noSideEffect,

   rtl, extern: "nsuValidIdentifier".} =