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path: root/lib/pure
diff options
authorAraq <>2011-09-24 19:18:08 +0200
committerAraq <>2011-09-24 19:18:08 +0200
commit485c371942cbbb1f9a10c64b6fcc699e59511460 (patch)
tree06afc132570838dd1b64c70b79d64f8fff3509b6 /lib/pure
parent72ceda98cbbef896c31102a2c90d5f9fe1033d03 (diff)
renamed optional to discardable
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pure')
4 files changed, 33 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/parseopt.nim b/lib/pure/parseopt.nim
index 347871bac..35f29ad2c 100755
--- a/lib/pure/parseopt.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/parseopt.nim
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ type
     pos: int
     inShortState: bool
     kind*: TCmdLineKind       ## the dected command line token
-    key*, val*: string        ## key and value pair; ``key`` is the option
+    key*, val*: TaintedString ## key and value pair; ``key`` is the option
                               ## or the argument, ``value`` is not "" if
                               ## the option was given a value
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ when defined(os.ParamCount):
       for i in countup(1, ParamCount()): 
         result.cmd = result.cmd & quoteIfContainsWhite(paramStr(i).string) & ' '
     result.kind = cmdEnd
-    result.key = ""
-    result.val = ""
+    result.key = TaintedString""
+    result.val = TaintedString""
 proc parseWord(s: string, i: int, w: var string, 
                delim: TCharSet = {'\x09', ' ', '\0'}): int = 
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ proc parseWord(s: string, i: int, w: var string,
 proc handleShortOption(p: var TOptParser) = 
   var i = p.pos
   p.kind = cmdShortOption
-  add(p.key, p.cmd[i])
+  add(p.key.string, p.cmd[i])
   p.inShortState = true
   while p.cmd[i] in {'\x09', ' '}: 
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ proc handleShortOption(p: var TOptParser) =
     p.inShortState = false
     while p.cmd[i] in {'\x09', ' '}: inc(i)
-    i = parseWord(p.cmd, i, p.val)
+    i = parseWord(p.cmd, i, p.val.string)
   if p.cmd[i] == '\0': p.inShortState = false
   p.pos = i
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ proc next*(p: var TOptParser) {.
   var i = p.pos
   while p.cmd[i] in {'\x09', ' '}: inc(i)
   p.pos = i
-  setlen(p.key, 0)
-  setlen(p.val, 0)
+  setlen(p.key.string, 0)
+  setlen(p.val.string, 0)
   if p.inShortState: 
@@ -104,29 +104,29 @@ proc next*(p: var TOptParser) {.
     if p.cmd[i] == '-': 
       p.kind = cmdLongOption
-      i = parseWord(p.cmd, i, p.key, {'\0', ' ', '\x09', ':', '='})
+      i = parseWord(p.cmd, i, p.key.string, {'\0', ' ', '\x09', ':', '='})
       while p.cmd[i] in {'\x09', ' '}: inc(i)
       if p.cmd[i] in {':', '='}: 
         while p.cmd[i] in {'\x09', ' '}: inc(i)
-        p.pos = parseWord(p.cmd, i, p.val)
+        p.pos = parseWord(p.cmd, i, p.val.string)
         p.pos = i
       p.pos = i
-  else: 
+  else:
     p.kind = cmdArgument
-    p.pos = parseWord(p.cmd, i, p.key)
+    p.pos = parseWord(p.cmd, i, p.key.string)
-proc cmdLineRest*(p: TOptParser): string {.
+proc cmdLineRest*(p: TOptParser): TaintedString {.
   rtl, extern: "npo$1".} = 
   ## retrieves the rest of the command line that has not been parsed yet.
-  result = strip(substr(p.cmd, p.pos, len(p.cmd) - 1)) 
+  result = strip(substr(p.cmd, p.pos, len(p.cmd) - 1)).TaintedString
 when defined(initOptParser):
-  iterator getopt*(): tuple[kind: TCmdLineKind, key, val: string] =
+  iterator getopt*(): tuple[kind: TCmdLineKind, key, val: TaintedString] =
     ## This is an convenience iterator for iterating over the command line.
     ## This uses the TOptParser object. Example:
diff --git a/lib/pure/sockets.nim b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
index f18cf2ba8..c07974897 100755
--- a/lib/pure/sockets.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
@@ -525,11 +525,11 @@ proc select*(readfds: var seq[TSocket], timeout = 500): int =
   pruneSocketSet(readfds, (rd))
-proc recvLine*(socket: TSocket, line: var string): bool =
+proc recvLine*(socket: TSocket, line: var TaintedString): bool =
   ## returns false if no further data is available. `Line` must be initialized
   ## and not nil! This does not throw an EOS exception, therefore
   ## it can be used in both blocking and non-blocking sockets.
-  setLen(line, 0)
+  setLen(line.string, 0)
   while true:
     var c: char
     var n = recv(cint(socket), addr(c), 1, 0'i32)
@@ -541,20 +541,20 @@ proc recvLine*(socket: TSocket, line: var string): bool =
       elif n <= 0: return false
       return true
     elif c == '\L': return true
-    add(line, c)
+    add(line.string, c)
 proc recv*(socket: TSocket, data: pointer, size: int): int =
   ## receives data from a socket
   result = recv(cint(socket), data, size, 0'i32)
-proc recv*(socket: TSocket): string =
+proc recv*(socket: TSocket): TaintedString =
   ## receives all the data from the socket.
   ## Socket errors will result in an ``EOS`` error.
   ## If socket is not a connectionless socket and socket is not connected
   ## ``""`` will be returned.
-  const bufSize = 200
+  const bufSize = 1000
   var buf = newString(bufSize)
-  result = ""
+  result = TaintedString""
   while true:
     var bytesRead = recv(socket, cstring(buf), bufSize-1)
     # Error
@@ -562,16 +562,16 @@ proc recv*(socket: TSocket): string =
     buf[bytesRead] = '\0' # might not be necessary
     setLen(buf, bytesRead)
-    add(result, buf)
+    add(result.string, buf)
     if bytesRead != bufSize-1: break
-proc recvAsync*(socket: TSocket, s: var string): bool =
+proc recvAsync*(socket: TSocket, s: var TaintedString): bool =
   ## receives all the data from a non-blocking socket. If socket is non-blocking 
   ## and there are no messages available, `False` will be returned.
   ## Other socket errors will result in an ``EOS`` error.
   ## If socket is not a connectionless socket and socket is not connected
   ## ``s`` will be set to ``""``.
-  const bufSize = 200
+  const bufSize = 1000
   var buf = newString(bufSize)
   s = ""
   while true:
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ proc recvAsync*(socket: TSocket, s: var string): bool =
 proc skip*(socket: TSocket) =
   ## skips all the data that is pending for the socket
-  const bufSize = 200
+  const bufSize = 1000
   var buf = alloc(bufSize)
   while recv(socket, buf, bufSize) == bufSize: nil
diff --git a/lib/pure/streams.nim b/lib/pure/streams.nim
index 62cb385d4..dc76bd95f 100755
--- a/lib/pure/streams.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/streams.nim
@@ -80,24 +80,24 @@ proc readFloat64*(s: PStream): float64 =
   ## reads a float64 from the stream `s`. Raises `EIO` if an error occured.
   read(s, result)
-proc readStr*(s: PStream, length: int): string = 
+proc readStr*(s: PStream, length: int): TaintedString = 
   ## reads a string of length `length` from the stream `s`. Raises `EIO` if 
   ## an error occured.
-  result = newString(length)
-  var L = s.readData(s, addr(result[0]), length)
-  if L != length: setLen(result, L)
+  result = newString(length).TaintedString
+  var L = s.readData(s, addr(string(result)[0]), length)
+  if L != length: setLen(result.string, L)
-proc readLine*(s: PStream): string =
+proc readLine*(s: PStream): TaintedString =
   ## Reads a line from a stream `s`. Note: This is not very efficient. Raises 
   ## `EIO` if an error occured.
-  result = ""
+  result = TaintedString""
   while not s.atEnd(s): 
     var c = readChar(s)
     if c == '\c': 
       c = readChar(s)
     elif c == '\L' or c == '\0': break
-    result.add(c)
+    result.string.add(c)
   PStringStream* = ref TStringStream ## a stream that encapsulates a string
diff --git a/lib/pure/strtabs.nim b/lib/pure/strtabs.nim
index a9ce9016c..15ff5a079 100755
--- a/lib/pure/strtabs.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/strtabs.nim
@@ -136,7 +136,8 @@ proc RaiseFormatException(s: string) =
 proc getValue(t: PStringTable, flags: set[TFormatFlag], key: string): string =
   if hasKey(t, key): return t[key]
-  if useEnvironment in flags: result = os.getEnv(key)
+  # hm difficult: assume safety in taint mode here. XXX This is dangerous!
+  if useEnvironment in flags: result = os.getEnv(key).string
   else: result = ""
   if result.len == 0:
     if useKey in flags: result = '$' & key