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path: root/lib/system/ecmasys.nim
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authorAndreas Rumpf <>2009-06-08 08:06:25 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2009-06-08 08:06:25 +0200
commit4d4b3b1c04d41868ebb58bd9ccba7b303007e900 (patch)
tree909ed0aad0b145733521f4ac2bfb938dd4b43785 /lib/system/ecmasys.nim
parentce88dc3e67436939b03f97e624c11ca6058fedce (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/system/ecmasys.nim')
1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/system/ecmasys.nim b/lib/system/ecmasys.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0d0a5fd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/system/ecmasys.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Stubs for the GC interface:
+proc GC_disable() = nil
+proc GC_enable() = nil
+proc GC_fullCollect() = nil
+proc GC_setStrategy(strategy: TGC_Strategy) = nil
+proc GC_enableMarkAndSweep() = nil
+proc GC_disableMarkAndSweep() = nil
+proc GC_getStatistics(): string = return ""
+proc getOccupiedMem(): int = return -1
+proc getFreeMem(): int = return -1
+proc getTotalMem(): int = return -1
+proc alert(s: cstring) {.importc, nodecl.}
+  PSafePoint = ptr TSafePoint
+  TSafePoint {.compilerproc, final.} = object
+    prev: PSafePoint # points to next safe point
+    exc: ref E_Base
+  PCallFrame = ptr TCallFrame
+  TCallFrame {.importc, nodecl, final.} = object
+    prev: PCallFrame
+    procname: CString
+    line: int # current line number
+    filename: CString
+  framePtr {.importc, nodecl, volatile.}: PCallFrame
+  excHandler {.importc, nodecl, volatile.}: PSafePoint = nil
+    # list of exception handlers
+    # a global variable for the root of all try blocks
+{.push stacktrace: off.}
+proc nimBoolToStr(x: bool): string {.compilerproc.} =
+  if x: result = "true"
+  else: result = "false"
+proc nimCharToStr(x: char): string {.compilerproc.} =
+  result = newString(1)
+  result[0] = x
+proc getCurrentExceptionMsg(): string =
+  if excHandler != nil: return $excHandler.exc.msg
+  return ""
+proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PCallFrame): string =
+  type
+    TTempFrame = tuple[procname: CString, line: int]
+  var
+    it = f
+    i = 0
+    total = 0
+    tempFrames: array [0..63, TTempFrame]
+  while it != nil and i <= high(tempFrames):
+    tempFrames[i].procname = it.procname
+    tempFrames[i].line = it.line
+    inc(i)
+    inc(total)
+    it = it.prev
+  while it != nil:
+    inc(total)
+    it = it.prev
+  result = ""
+  # if the buffer overflowed print '...':
+  if total != i:
+    add(result, "(")
+    add(result, $(total-i))
+    add(result, " calls omitted) ...\n")
+  for j in countdown(i-1, 0):
+    add(result, tempFrames[j].procname)
+    if tempFrames[j].line > 0:
+      add(result, ", line: ")
+      add(result, $tempFrames[j].line)
+    add(result, "\n")
+proc rawWriteStackTrace(): string =
+  if framePtr == nil:
+    result = "No stack traceback available\n"
+  else:
+    result = "Traceback (most recent call last)\n"& auxWriteStackTrace(framePtr)
+    framePtr = nil
+proc raiseException(e: ref E_Base, ename: cstring) {.compilerproc, pure.} =
+ = ename
+  if excHandler != nil:
+    excHandler.exc = e
+  else:
+    var buf = rawWriteStackTrace()
+    if e.msg != nil and e.msg[0] != '\0':
+      add(buf, "Error: unhandled exception: ")
+      add(buf, e.msg)
+    else:
+      add(buf, "Error: unhandled exception")
+    add(buf, " [")
+    add(buf, ename)
+    add(buf, "]\n")
+    alert(buf)
+  asm """throw `e`;"""
+proc reraiseException() =
+  if excHandler == nil:
+    raise newException(ENoExceptionToReraise, "no exception to reraise")
+  else:
+    asm """throw excHandler.exc;"""
+proc raiseOverflow {.exportc: "raiseOverflow", noreturn.} =
+  raise newException(EOverflow, "over- or underflow")
+proc raiseDivByZero {.exportc: "raiseDivByZero", noreturn.} =
+  raise newException(EDivByZero, "divison by zero")
+proc raiseRangeError() {.compilerproc, noreturn.} =
+  raise newException(EOutOfRange, "value out of range")
+proc raiseIndexError() {.compilerproc, noreturn.} =
+  raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "index out of bounds")
+proc raiseFieldError(f: string) {.compilerproc, noreturn.} =
+  raise newException(EInvalidField, f & " is not accessible")
+proc SetConstr() {.varargs, pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = {};
+    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
+      var x = arguments[i];
+      if (typeof(x) == "object") {
+        for (var j = x[0]; j <= x[1]; ++j) {
+          result[j] = true;
+        }
+      } else {
+        result[x] = true;
+      }
+    }
+    return result;
+  """
+proc cstrToNimstr(c: cstring): string {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < `c`.length; ++i) {
+      result[i] = `c`.charCodeAt(i);
+    }
+    result[result.length] = 0; // terminating zero
+    return result;
+  """
+proc toEcmaStr(s: string): cstring {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    var len = `s`.length-1;
+    var result = new Array(len);
+    var fcc = String.fromCharCode;
+    for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+      result[i] = fcc(`s`[i]);
+    }
+    return result.join("");
+  """
+proc mnewString(len: int): string {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = new Array(`len`+1);
+    result[0] = 0;
+    result[`len`] = 0;
+    return result;
+  """
+proc SetCard(a: int): int {.compilerproc, pure.} =
+  # argument type is a fake
+  asm """
+    var result = 0;
+    for (var elem in `a`) { ++result; }
+    return result;
+  """
+proc SetEq(a, b: int): bool {.compilerproc, pure.} =
+  asm """
+    for (var elem in `a`) { if (!`b`[elem]) return false; }
+    for (var elem in `b`) { if (!`a`[elem]) return false; }
+    return true;
+  """
+proc SetLe(a, b: int): bool {.compilerproc, pure.} =
+  asm """
+    for (var elem in `a`) { if (!`b`[elem]) return false; }
+    return true;
+  """
+proc SetLt(a, b: int): bool {.compilerproc.} =
+  result = SetLe(a, b) and not SetEq(a, b)
+proc SetMul(a, b: int): int {.compilerproc, pure.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = {};
+    for (var elem in `a`) {
+      if (`b`[elem]) { result[elem] = true; }
+    }
+    return result;
+  """
+proc SetPlus(a, b: int): int {.compilerproc, pure.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = {};
+    for (var elem in `a`) { result[elem] = true; }
+    for (var elem in `b`) { result[elem] = true; }
+    return result;
+  """
+proc SetMinus(a, b: int): int {.compilerproc, pure.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = {};
+    for (var elem in `a`) {
+      if (!`b`[elem]) { result[elem] = true; }
+    }
+    return result;
+  """
+proc cmpStrings(a, b: string): int {.pure, compilerProc.} =
+  asm """
+    if (`a` == `b`) return 0;
+    if (!`a`) return -1;
+    if (!`b`) return 1;
+    for (var i = 0; i < `a`.length-1; ++i) {
+      var result = `a`[i] - `b`[i];
+      if (result != 0) return result;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  """
+proc cmp(x, y: string): int = return cmpStrings(x, y)
+proc eqStrings(a, b: string): bool {.pure, compilerProc.} =
+  asm """
+    if (`a == `b`) return true;
+    if ((!`a`) || (!`b`)) return false;
+    var alen = `a`.length;
+    if (alen != `b`.length) return false;
+    for (var i = 0; i < alen; ++i)
+      if (`a`[i] != `b`[i]) return false;
+    return true;
+  """
+  TDocument {.importc.} = object of TObject
+    write: proc (text: cstring)
+    writeln: proc (text: cstring)
+    createAttribute: proc (identifier: cstring): ref TNode
+    createElement: proc (identifier: cstring): ref TNode
+    createTextNode: proc (identifier: cstring): ref TNode
+    getElementById: proc (id: cstring): ref TNode
+    getElementsByName: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode]
+    getElementsByTagName: proc (name: cstring): seq[ref TNode]
+  TNodeType* = enum
+    ElementNode = 1,
+    AttributeNode,
+    TextNode,
+    CDATANode,
+    EntityRefNode,
+    EntityNode,
+    ProcessingInstructionNode,
+    CommentNode,
+    DocumentNode,
+    DocumentTypeNode,
+    DocumentFragmentNode,
+    NotationNode
+  TNode* {.importc.} = object of TObject
+    attributes*: seq[ref TNode]
+    childNodes*: seq[ref TNode]
+    data*: cstring
+    firstChild*: ref TNode
+    lastChild*: ref TNode
+    nextSibling*: ref TNode
+    nodeName*: cstring
+    nodeType*: TNodeType
+    nodeValue*: cstring
+    parentNode*: ref TNode
+    previousSibling*: ref TNode
+    appendChild*: proc (child: ref TNode)
+    appendData*: proc (data: cstring)
+    cloneNode*: proc (copyContent: bool)
+    deleteData*: proc (start, len: int)
+    getAttribute*: proc (attr: cstring): cstring
+    getAttributeNode*: proc (attr: cstring): ref TNode
+    getElementsByTagName*: proc (): seq[ref TNode]
+    hasChildNodes*: proc (): bool
+    insertBefore*: proc (newNode, before: ref TNode)
+    insertData*: proc (position: int, data: cstring)
+    removeAttribute*: proc (attr: cstring)
+    removeAttributeNode*: proc (attr: ref TNode)
+    removeChild*: proc (child: ref TNode)
+    replaceChild*: proc (newNode, oldNode: ref TNode)
+    replaceData*: proc (start, len: int, text: cstring)
+    setAttribute*: proc (name, value: cstring)
+    setAttributeNode*: proc (attr: ref TNode)
+  document {.importc, nodecl.}: ref TDocument
+proc ewriteln(x: cstring) = 
+  var node = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]
+  if node != nil: 
+    node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(x))
+    node.appendChild(document.createElement("br"))
+  else: 
+    raise newException(EInvalidValue, "<body> element does not exist yet!")
+proc echo*(x: int) = ewriteln($x)
+proc echo*(x: float) = ewriteln($x)
+proc echo*(x: bool) = ewriteln(if x: cstring("true") else: cstring("false"))
+proc echo*(x: string) = ewriteln(x)
+proc echo*(x: cstring) = ewriteln(x)
+proc echo[Ty](x: Ty) =
+  echo(x)
+proc echo[Ty](x: openArray[Ty]) =
+  for a in items(x): echo(a)
+# Arithmetic:
+proc addInt(a, b: int): int {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = `a` + `b`;
+    if (result > 2147483647 || result < -2147483648) raiseOverflow();
+    return result;
+  """
+proc subInt(a, b: int): int {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = `a` - `b`;
+    if (result > 2147483647 || result < -2147483648) raiseOverflow();
+    return result;
+  """
+proc mulInt(a, b: int): int {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = `a` * `b`;
+    if (result > 2147483647 || result < -2147483648) raiseOverflow();
+    return result;
+  """
+proc divInt(a, b: int): int {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    if (`b` == 0) raiseDivByZero();
+    if (`b` == -1 && `a` == 2147483647) raiseOverflow();
+    return Math.floor(`a` / `b`);
+  """
+proc modInt(a, b: int): int {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    if (`b` == 0) raiseDivByZero();
+    if (`b` == -1 && `a` == 2147483647) raiseOverflow();
+    return Math.floor(`a` % `b`);
+  """
+proc addInt64(a, b: int): int {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = `a` + `b`;
+    if (result > 9223372036854775807
+    || result < -9223372036854775808) raiseOverflow();
+    return result;
+  """
+proc subInt64(a, b: int): int {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = `a` - `b`;
+    if (result > 9223372036854775807
+    || result < -9223372036854775808) raiseOverflow();
+    return result;
+  """
+proc mulInt64(a, b: int): int {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    var result = `a` * `b`;
+    if (result > 9223372036854775807
+    || result < -9223372036854775808) raiseOverflow();
+    return result;
+  """
+proc divInt64(a, b: int): int {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    if (`b` == 0) raiseDivByZero();
+    if (`b` == -1 && `a` == 9223372036854775807) raiseOverflow();
+    return Math.floor(`a` / `b`);
+  """
+proc modInt64(a, b: int): int {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  asm """
+    if (`b` == 0) raiseDivByZero();
+    if (`b` == -1 && `a` == 9223372036854775807) raiseOverflow();
+    return Math.floor(`a` % `b`);
+  """
+proc nimMin(a, b: int): int {.compilerproc.} = return if a <= b: a else: b
+proc nimMax(a, b: int): int {.compilerproc.} = return if a >= b: a else: b
+proc internalAssert(file: cstring, line: int) {.pure, compilerproc.} =
+  var
+    e: ref EAssertionFailed
+  new(e)
+  asm """`e`.message = "[Assertion failure] file: "+`file`+", line: "+`line`"""
+  raise e
+include hti
+proc isFatPointer(ti: PNimType): bool =
+  # This has to be consistent with the code generator!
+  return ti.base.kind notin {tyRecord, tyRecordConstr, tyObject,
+    tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tyPureObject, tyTuple,
+    tyEmptySet, tyOpenArray, tySet, tyVar, tyRef, tyPtr}
+proc NimCopy(x: pointer, ti: PNimType): pointer {.compilerproc.}
+proc NimCopyAux(dest, src: Pointer, n: ptr TNimNode) {.exportc.} =
+  case n.kind
+  of nkNone: assert(false)
+  of nkSlot:
+    asm "`dest`[`n`.offset] = NimCopy(`src`[`n`.offset], `n`.typ);"
+  of nkList:
+    for i in 0..n.len-1:
+      NimCopyAux(dest, src, n.sons[i])
+  of nkCase:
+    asm """
+      `dest`[`n`.offset] = NimCopy(`src`[`n`.offset], `n`.typ);
+      for (var i = 0; i < `n`.sons.length; ++i) {
+        NimCopyAux(`dest`, `src`, `n`.sons[i][1]);
+      }
+    """
+proc NimCopy(x: pointer, ti: PNimType): pointer =
+  case ti.kind
+  of tyPtr, tyRef, tyVar, tyNil:
+    if not isFatPointer(ti):
+      result = x
+    else:
+      asm """
+        `result` = [null, 0];
+        `result`[0] = `x`[0];
+        `result`[1] = `x`[1];
+      """
+  of tyEmptySet, tySet:
+    asm """
+      `result` = {};
+      for (var key in `x`) { `result`[key] = `x`[key]; }
+    """
+  of tyPureObject, tyTuple, tyObject:
+    if ti.base != nil: result = NimCopy(x, ti.base)
+    elif ti.kind == tyObject:
+      asm "`result` = {m_type: `ti`};"
+    else:
+      asm "`result` = {};"
+    NimCopyAux(result, x, ti.node)
+  of tySequence, tyArrayConstr, tyOpenArray, tyArray:
+    asm """
+      `result` = new Array(`x`.length);
+      for (var i = 0; i < `x`.length; ++i) {
+        `result`[i] = NimCopy(`x`[i], `ti`.base);
+      }
+    """
+  of tyString:
+    asm "`result` = `x`.slice(0);"
+  else:
+    result = x
+proc ArrayConstr(len: int, value: pointer, typ: PNimType): pointer {.
+                 pure, compilerproc.} =
+  # types are fake
+  asm """
+    var result = new Array(`len`);
+    for (var i = 0; i < `len`; ++i) result[i] = NimCopy(`value`, `typ`);
+    return result;
+  """
+proc chckIndx(i, a, b: int): int {.compilerproc.} =
+  if i >= a and i <= b: return i
+  else: raiseIndexError()
+proc chckRange(i, a, b: int): int {.compilerproc.} =
+  if i >= a and i <= b: return i
+  else: raiseRangeError()
+proc chckObj(obj, subclass: PNimType) {.compilerproc.} =
+  # checks if obj is of type subclass:
+  var x = obj
+  if x == subclass: return # optimized fast path
+  while x != subclass:
+    if x == nil:
+      raise newException(EInvalidObjectConversion, "invalid object conversion")
+    x = x.base
+#proc AddU($1, $2)
+#SubU($1, $2)
+#MulU($1, $2)
+#DivU($1, $2)
+#ModU($1, $2)
+#AddU64($1, $2)
+#SubU64($1, $2)
+#MulU64($1, $2)
+#DivU64($1, $2)
+#ModU64($1, $2)
+#LeU($1, $2)
+#LtU($1, $2)
+#LeU64($1, $2)
+#LtU64($1, $2)