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path: root/lib/system/osalloc.nim
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authorAraq <>2018-07-06 18:41:00 +0200
committerAraq <>2018-07-06 18:41:00 +0200
commit5384de685fd8f1eaf306f3e3dbb54f862c2ebf2f (patch)
tree69f3c1671dc85c6246bfbd8396bd2862446076c7 /lib/system/osalloc.nim
parent8bcaee1fdf2054f026d6fdb760f67624b6dfe0e6 (diff)
parent5e338c371e56ff6193c8bc3581b0e268e9e5fa63 (diff)
Merge branch 'devel' of into araq-devel
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/system/osalloc.nim')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/lib/system/osalloc.nim b/lib/system/osalloc.nim
index 048077b50..85c796ba0 100644
--- a/lib/system/osalloc.nim
+++ b/lib/system/osalloc.nim
@@ -81,41 +81,115 @@ elif defined(genode):
   include genode/alloc # osAllocPages, osTryAllocPages, osDeallocPages
 elif defined(nintendoswitch):
   import nintendoswitch/switch_memory
-  var
-    stack: pointer
-  proc alignSize(size: int): int =
-    (size + 0x00000FFF) and not 0x00000FFF
-  proc freeMem(p: pointer, msize: int) =
-    let size = alignSize(msize)
-    discard svcUnmapMemory(p, stack, size.uint64)
-    virtmemFreeMap(p, size.csize)
-    free(stack)
-  proc osAllocPages(msize: int): pointer {.inline.} =
-    let size = alignSize(msize)
-    stack = memalign(0x1000, size)
-    result = virtmemReserveMap(size.csize)
-    let rc = svcMapMemory(result, stack, size.uint64)
+  type
+    PSwitchBlock = ptr NSwitchBlock
+    ## This will hold the heap pointer data in a separate
+    ## block of memory that is PageSize bytes above
+    ## the requested memory. It's the only good way
+    ## to pass around data with heap allocations
+    NSwitchBlock {.pure, inheritable.} = object
+      realSize: int
+      heap: pointer           # pointer to main heap alloc
+      heapMirror: pointer     # pointer to virtmem mapped heap
+  proc alignSize(size: int): int {.inline.} =
+    ## Align a size integer to be in multiples of PageSize
+    ## The nintendo switch will not allocate memory that is not
+    ## aligned to 0x1000 bytes and will just crash.
+    (size + (PageSize - 1)) and not (PageSize - 1)
+  proc deallocate(heapMirror: pointer, heap: pointer, size: int) =
+    # Unmap the allocated memory
+    discard svcUnmapMemory(heapMirror, heap, size.uint64)
+    # These should be called (theoretically), but referencing them crashes the switch.
+    # The above call seems to free all heap memory, so these are not needed.
+    # virtmemFreeMap(nswitchBlock.heapMirror, nswitchBlock.realSize.csize)
+    # free(nswitchBlock.heap)
+  proc freeMem(p: pointer) =
+    # Retrieve the switch block data from the pointer we set before
+    # The data is located just sizeof(NSwitchBlock) bytes below
+    # the top of the pointer to the heap
+    let
+      nswitchDescrPos = cast[ByteAddress](p) -% sizeof(NSwitchBlock)
+      nswitchBlock = cast[PSwitchBlock](nswitchDescrPos)
+    deallocate(
+      nswitchBlock.heapMirror, nswitchBlock.heap, nswitchBlock.realSize
+    )
+  proc storeHeapData(address, heapMirror, heap: pointer, size: int) {.inline.} =
+    ## Store data in the heap for deallocation purposes later
+    # the position of our heap pointer data. Since we allocated PageSize extra
+    # bytes, we should have a buffer on top of the requested size of at least
+    # PageSize bytes, which is much larger than sizeof(NSwitchBlock). So we
+    # decrement the address by sizeof(NSwitchBlock) and use that address
+    # to store our pointer data
+    let nswitchBlockPos = cast[ByteAddress](address) -% sizeof(NSwitchBlock)
+    # We need to store this in a pointer obj (PSwitchBlock) so that the data sticks
+    # at the address we've chosen. If NSwitchBlock is used here, the data will
+    # be all 0 when we try to retrieve it later.
+    var nswitchBlock = cast[PSwitchBlock](nswitchBlockPos)
+    nswitchBlock.realSize = size
+    nswitchBlock.heap = heap
+    nswitchBlock.heapMirror = heapMirror
+  proc getOriginalHeapPosition(address: pointer, difference: int): pointer {.inline.} =
+    ## This function sets the heap back to the originally requested
+    ## size
+    let
+      pos = cast[int](address)
+      newPos = cast[ByteAddress](pos) +% difference
+    return cast[pointer](newPos)
+  template allocPages(size: int, outOfMemoryStmt: untyped): untyped =
+    # This is to ensure we get a block of memory the requested
+    # size, as well as space to store our structure
+    let realSize = alignSize(size + sizeof(NSwitchBlock))
+    let heap = memalign(PageSize, realSize)
+    if heap.isNil:
+      outOfMemoryStmt
+    let heapMirror = virtmemReserveMap(realSize.csize)
+    result = heapMirror
+    let rc = svcMapMemory(heapMirror, heap, realSize.uint64)
+    # Any return code not equal 0 means an error in libnx
     if rc.uint32 != 0:
-      freeMem(result, size)
-      raiseOutOfMem()
+      deallocate(heapMirror, heap, realSize)
+      outOfMemoryStmt
-  proc osTryAllocPages(msize: int): pointer {.inline.} =
-    let size = alignSize(msize)
-    stack = memalign(0x1000, size)
-    result = virtmemReserveMap(size.csize)
-    let rc = svcMapMemory(result, stack, size.uint64)
-    if rc.uint32 != 0:
-      freeMem(result, size)
-      result = nil
+    # set result to be the original size requirement
+    result = getOriginalHeapPosition(result, realSize - size)
-  proc osDeallocPages(p: pointer, size: int) {.inline.} =
+    storeHeapData(result, heapMirror, heap, realSize)
+  proc osAllocPages(size: int): pointer {.inline.} =
+    allocPages(size):
+      raiseOutOfMem()
+  proc osTryAllocPages(size: int): pointer =
+    allocPages(size):
+      return nil
+  proc osDeallocPages(p: pointer, size: int) =
+    # Note that in order for the Switch not to crash, a call to
+    # deallocHeap(runFinalizers = true, allowGcAfterwards = false)
+    # must be run before gfxExit(). The Switch requires all memory
+    # to be deallocated before the graphics application has exited.
+    #
+    # gfxExit() can be found in <switch/gfx/gfx.h> in the github
+    # repo
     when reallyOsDealloc:
-      freeMem(p, size)
+      freeMem(p)
 elif defined(posix):