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path: root/lib/system/sysstr.nim
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authorAndreas Rumpf <>2018-07-10 10:39:53 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2018-07-10 10:39:53 +0200
commitce01472ff395138a71b3fac35b4e0bb65ca20188 (patch)
treee38138468777861fd90b5fbd19de9323b1015aed /lib/system/sysstr.nim
parent470949f2e0b0b09d660169276a15e04e30a204ee (diff)
refactorings in preparations for the new runtime
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/system/sysstr.nim')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/lib/system/sysstr.nim b/lib/system/sysstr.nim
index 90ae91cf5..24ba02af6 100644
--- a/lib/system/sysstr.nim
+++ b/lib/system/sysstr.nim
@@ -20,37 +20,6 @@ proc resize(old: int): int {.inline.} =
   elif old < 65536: result = old * 2
   else: result = old * 3 div 2 # for large arrays * 3/2 is better
-proc cmpStrings(a, b: NimString): int {.inline, compilerProc.} =
-  if a == b: return 0
-  when defined(nimNoNil):
-    let alen = if a == nil: 0 else: a.len
-    let blen = if b == nil: 0 else: b.len
-  else:
-    if a == nil: return -1
-    if b == nil: return 1
-    let alen = a.len
-    let blen = b.len
-  let minlen = min(alen, blen)
-  if minlen > 0:
-    result = c_memcmp(addr, addr, minlen.csize)
-    if result == 0:
-      result = alen - blen
-  else:
-    result = alen - blen
-proc eqStrings(a, b: NimString): bool {.inline, compilerProc.} =
-  if a == b: return true
-  when defined(nimNoNil):
-    let alen = if a == nil: 0 else: a.len
-    let blen = if b == nil: 0 else: b.len
-  else:
-    if a == nil or b == nil: return false
-    let alen = a.len
-    let blen = b.len
-  if alen == blen:
-    if alen == 0: return true
-    return equalMem(addr(, addr(, alen)
 when declared(allocAtomic):
   template allocStr(size: untyped): untyped =
@@ -162,19 +131,6 @@ proc copyDeepString(src: NimString): NimString {.inline.} =
     result.len = src.len
     copyMem(addr(, addr(, src.len + 1)
-proc hashString(s: string): int {.compilerproc.} =
-  # the compiler needs exactly the same hash function!
-  # this used to be used for efficient generation of string case statements
-  var h = 0
-  for i in 0..len(s)-1:
-    h = h +% ord(s[i])
-    h = h +% h shl 10
-    h = h xor (h shr 6)
-  h = h +% h shl 3
-  h = h xor (h shr 11)
-  h = h +% h shl 15
-  result = h
 proc addChar(s: NimString, c: char): NimString =
   # is compilerproc!
   if s == nil:
@@ -246,7 +202,7 @@ proc appendChar(dest: NimString, c: char) {.compilerproc, inline.} =
 proc setLengthStr(s: NimString, newLen: int): NimString {.compilerRtl.} =
-  var n = max(newLen, 0)
+  let n = max(newLen, 0)
   if s == nil:
     result = mnewString(newLen)
   elif n <=
@@ -340,243 +296,3 @@ proc setLengthSeqV2(s: PGenericSeq, typ: PNimType, newLen: int): PGenericSeq {.
     result = cast[PGenericSeq](newSeq(typ, newLen))
     result = setLengthSeq(s, typ.base.size, newLen)
-# --------------- other string routines ----------------------------------
-proc add*(result: var string; x: int64) =
-  let base = result.len
-  setLen(result, base + sizeof(x)*4)
-  var i = 0
-  var y = x
-  while true:
-    var d = y div 10
-    result[base+i] = chr(abs(int(y - d*10)) + ord('0'))
-    inc(i)
-    y = d
-    if y == 0: break
-  if x < 0:
-    result[base+i] = '-'
-    inc(i)
-  setLen(result, base+i)
-  # mirror the string:
-  for j in 0..i div 2 - 1:
-    swap(result[base+j], result[base+i-j-1])
-proc nimIntToStr(x: int): string {.compilerRtl.} =
-  result = newStringOfCap(sizeof(x)*4)
-  result.add x
-proc add*(result: var string; x: float) =
-  when nimvm:
-    result.add $x
-  else:
-    var buf: array[0..64, char]
-    when defined(nimNoArrayToCstringConversion):
-      var n: int = c_sprintf(addr buf, "%.16g", x)
-    else:
-      var n: int = c_sprintf(buf, "%.16g", x)
-    var hasDot = false
-    for i in 0..n-1:
-      if buf[i] == ',':
-        buf[i] = '.'
-        hasDot = true
-      elif buf[i] in {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '.'}:
-        hasDot = true
-    if not hasDot:
-      buf[n] = '.'
-      buf[n+1] = '0'
-      buf[n+2] = '\0'
-    # On Windows nice numbers like '1.#INF', '-1.#INF' or '1.#NAN'
-    # of '-1.#IND' are produced.
-    # We want to get rid of these here:
-    if buf[n-1] in {'n', 'N', 'D', 'd'}:
-      result.add "nan"
-    elif buf[n-1] == 'F':
-      if buf[0] == '-':
-        result.add "-inf"
-      else:
-        result.add "inf"
-    else:
-      var i = 0
-      while buf[i] != '\0':
-        result.add buf[i]
-        inc i
-proc nimFloatToStr(f: float): string {.compilerproc.} =
-  result = newStringOfCap(8)
-  result.add f
-proc c_strtod(buf: cstring, endptr: ptr cstring): float64 {.
-  importc: "strtod", header: "<stdlib.h>", noSideEffect.}
-  IdentChars = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_'}
-  powtens =  [1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9,
-              1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19,
-              1e20, 1e21, 1e22]
-proc nimParseBiggestFloat(s: string, number: var BiggestFloat,
-                          start = 0): int {.compilerProc.} =
-  # This routine attempt to parse float that can parsed quickly.
-  # ie whose integer part can fit inside a 53bits integer.
-  # their real exponent must also be <= 22. If the float doesn't follow
-  # these restrictions, transform the float into this form:
-  #  INTEGER * 10 ^ exponent and leave the work to standard `strtod()`.
-  # This avoid the problems of decimal character portability.
-  # see:
-  var
-    i = start
-    sign = 1.0
-    kdigits, fdigits = 0
-    exponent: int
-    integer: uint64
-    frac_exponent = 0
-    exp_sign = 1
-    first_digit = -1
-    has_sign = false
-  # Sign?
-  if s[i] == '+' or s[i] == '-':
-    has_sign = true
-    if s[i] == '-':
-      sign = -1.0
-    inc(i)
-  # NaN?
-  if s[i] == 'N' or s[i] == 'n':
-    if s[i+1] == 'A' or s[i+1] == 'a':
-      if s[i+2] == 'N' or s[i+2] == 'n':
-        if s[i+3] notin IdentChars:
-          number = NaN
-          return i+3 - start
-    return 0
-  # Inf?
-  if s[i] == 'I' or s[i] == 'i':
-    if s[i+1] == 'N' or s[i+1] == 'n':
-      if s[i+2] == 'F' or s[i+2] == 'f':
-        if s[i+3] notin IdentChars:
-          number = Inf*sign
-          return i+3 - start
-    return 0
-  if s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
-    first_digit = (s[i].ord - '0'.ord)
-  # Integer part?
-  while s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
-    inc(kdigits)
-    integer = integer * 10'u64 + (s[i].ord - '0'.ord).uint64
-    inc(i)
-    while s[i] == '_': inc(i)
-  # Fractional part?
-  if s[i] == '.':
-    inc(i)
-    # if no integer part, Skip leading zeros
-    if kdigits <= 0:
-      while s[i] == '0':
-        inc(frac_exponent)
-        inc(i)
-        while s[i] == '_': inc(i)
-    if first_digit == -1 and s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
-      first_digit = (s[i].ord - '0'.ord)
-    # get fractional part
-    while s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
-      inc(fdigits)
-      inc(frac_exponent)
-      integer = integer * 10'u64 + (s[i].ord - '0'.ord).uint64
-      inc(i)
-      while s[i] == '_': inc(i)
-  # if has no digits: return error
-  if kdigits + fdigits <= 0 and
-     (i == start or # no char consumed (empty string).
-     (i == start + 1 and has_sign)): # or only '+' or '-
-    return 0
-  if s[i] in {'e', 'E'}:
-    inc(i)
-    if s[i] == '+' or s[i] == '-':
-      if s[i] == '-':
-        exp_sign = -1
-      inc(i)
-    if s[i] notin {'0'..'9'}:
-      return 0
-    while s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
-      exponent = exponent * 10 + (ord(s[i]) - ord('0'))
-      inc(i)
-      while s[i] == '_': inc(i) # underscores are allowed and ignored
-  var real_exponent = exp_sign*exponent - frac_exponent
-  let exp_negative = real_exponent < 0
-  var abs_exponent = abs(real_exponent)
-  # if exponent greater than can be represented: +/- zero or infinity
-  if abs_exponent > 999:
-    if exp_negative:
-      number = 0.0*sign
-    else:
-      number = Inf*sign
-    return i - start
-  # if integer is representable in 53 bits:  fast path
-  # max fast path integer is  1<<53 - 1 or  8999999999999999 (16 digits)
-  let digits = kdigits + fdigits
-  if digits <= 15 or (digits <= 16 and first_digit <= 8):
-    # max float power of ten with set bits above the 53th bit is 10^22
-    if abs_exponent <= 22:
-      if exp_negative:
-        number = sign * integer.float / powtens[abs_exponent]
-      else:
-        number = sign * integer.float * powtens[abs_exponent]
-      return i - start
-    # if exponent is greater try to fit extra exponent above 22 by multiplying
-    # integer part is there is space left.
-    let slop = 15 - kdigits - fdigits
-    if  abs_exponent <= 22 + slop and not exp_negative:
-      number = sign * integer.float * powtens[slop] * powtens[abs_exponent-slop]
-      return i - start
-  # if failed: slow path with strtod.
-  var t: array[500, char] # flaviu says: 325 is the longest reasonable literal
-  var ti = 0
-  let maxlen = t.high - "e+000".len # reserve enough space for exponent
-  result = i - start
-  i = start
-  # re-parse without error checking, any error should be handled by the code above.
-  if s[i] == '.':
-  while s[i] in {'0'..'9','+','-'}:
-    if ti < maxlen:
-      t[ti] = s[i]; inc(ti)
-    inc(i)
-    while s[i] in {'.', '_'}: # skip underscore and decimal point
-      inc(i)
-  # insert exponent
-  t[ti] = 'E'; inc(ti)
-  t[ti] = (if exp_negative: '-' else: '+'); inc(ti)
-  inc(ti, 3)
-  # insert adjusted exponent
-  t[ti-1] = ('0'.ord + abs_exponent mod 10).char; abs_exponent = abs_exponent div 10
-  t[ti-2] = ('0'.ord + abs_exponent mod 10).char; abs_exponent = abs_exponent div 10
-  t[ti-3] = ('0'.ord + abs_exponent mod 10).char
-  when defined(nimNoArrayToCstringConversion):
-    number = c_strtod(addr t, nil)
-  else:
-    number = c_strtod(t, nil)
-proc nimInt64ToStr(x: int64): string {.compilerRtl.} =
-  result = newStringOfCap(sizeof(x)*4)
-  result.add x
-proc nimBoolToStr(x: bool): string {.compilerRtl.} =
-  return if x: "true" else: "false"
-proc nimCharToStr(x: char): string {.compilerRtl.} =
-  result = newString(1)
-  result[0] = x