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path: root/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim
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authorAraq <>2014-09-18 23:08:55 +0200
committerAraq <>2014-09-18 23:08:55 +0200
commite7140f290b0f427ec6bd81cb75b555cdd672f9f0 (patch)
tree5dac8e727dfdc77864e5d168ea7ce49a5bf4f590 /lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim
parent03744be67ec6e48527ccfa9f5b631ee7ed8b32c3 (diff)
updated SDL wrapper
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 319 deletions
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim
index 753796274..e09dfd59a 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim
@@ -752,13 +752,13 @@ const                         # Enumeration of valid key mods (possibly OR'd tog
   THandle* = int              #SDL_types.h types
                               # Basic data types
-  TBool* = enum 
+  TBool* = enum
     sdlFALSE, sdlTRUE
   PUInt8Array* = ptr TUInt8Array
   TUInt8Array* = array[0..high(int) shr 1, byte]
-  PUInt16* = ptr uInt16
-  PUInt32* = ptr uInt32
-  PUInt64* = ptr uInt64
+  PUInt16* = ptr uint16
+  PUInt32* = ptr uint32
+  PUInt64* = ptr UInt64
   UInt64*{.final.} = object 
     hi*: int32
     lo*: int32
@@ -771,12 +771,12 @@ type
   TGrabMode* = int32         # SDL_error.h types
   Terrorcode* = enum 
-  errorcode* = Terrorcode
+  Errorcode* = Terrorcode
   TArg*{.final.} = object 
     buf*: array[0..ERR_MAX_STRLEN - 1, int8]
   Perror* = ptr Terror
-  Terror*{.final.} = object  # This is a numeric value corresponding to the current error
+  TError*{.final.} = object  # This is a numeric value corresponding to the current error
                              # SDL_rwops.h types
                              # This is the read/write operation structure -- very basic
                              # some helper types to handle the unions
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ type
     interval*: int32
     callback*: TNewTimerCallback
     param*: pointer
-    last_alarm*: int32
+    lastAlarm*: int32
     next*: PTimerID
   TAudioSpecCallback* = proc (userdata: pointer, stream: ptr byte, length: int){.
@@ -833,11 +833,11 @@ type
   PAudioSpec* = ptr TAudioSpec
   TAudioSpec*{.final.} = object  # A structure to hold a set of audio conversion filters and buffers
     freq*: int                # DSP frequency -- samples per second
-    format*: uInt16           # Audio data format
+    format*: uint16           # Audio data format
     channels*: byte          # Number of channels: 1 mono, 2 stereo
     silence*: byte           # Audio buffer silence value (calculated)
-    samples*: uInt16          # Audio buffer size in samples
-    padding*: uInt16          # Necessary for some compile environments
+    samples*: uint16          # Audio buffer size in samples
+    padding*: uint16          # Necessary for some compile environments
     size*: int32 # Audio buffer size in bytes (calculated)
                  # This function is called when the audio device needs more data.
                  # 'stream' is a pointer to the audio data buffer
@@ -857,16 +857,16 @@ type
   TAudioCVTFilterArray* = array[0..9, PAudioCVTFilter]
   TAudioCVT*{.final.} = object 
     needed*: int              # Set to 1 if conversion possible
-    src_format*: uint16       # Source audio format
-    dst_format*: uint16       # Target audio format
-    rate_incr*: float64       # Rate conversion increment
+    srcFormat*: uint16       # Source audio format
+    dstFormat*: uint16       # Target audio format
+    rateIncr*: float64       # Rate conversion increment
     buf*: ptr byte              # Buffer to hold entire audio data
     length*: int              # Length of original audio buffer
-    len_cvt*: int             # Length of converted audio buffer
-    len_mult*: int            # buffer must be len*len_mult big
-    len_ratio*: float64       # Given len, final size is len*len_ratio
+    lenCvt*: int             # Length of converted audio buffer
+    lenMult*: int            # buffer must be len*len_mult big
+    lenRatio*: float64       # Given len, final size is len*len_ratio
     filters*: TAudioCVTFilterArray
-    filter_index*: int        # Current audio conversion function
+    filterIndex*: int        # Current audio conversion function
   TAudiostatus* = enum        # SDL_cdrom.h types
@@ -886,8 +886,8 @@ type
     status*: TCDStatus        # Current drive status
                               # The rest of this structure is only valid if there's a CD in drive
     numtracks*: int           # Number of tracks on disk
-    cur_track*: int           # Current track position
-    cur_frame*: int           # Current frame offset within current track
+    curTrack*: int           # Current track position
+    curFrame*: int           # Current frame offset within current track
     track*: array[0..MAX_TRACKS, TCDTrack]
   PTransAxis* = ptr TTransAxis
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ type
     offset*: int
     scale*: float32
-  PJoystick_hwdata* = ptr TJoystick_hwdata
+  PJoystickHwdata* = ptr TJoystickHwdata
   TJoystick_hwdata*{.final.} = object  # joystick ID
     id*: int                  # values used to translate device-specific coordinates into  SDL-standard ranges
     transaxis*: array[0..5, TTransAxis]
@@ -918,8 +918,8 @@ type
     balls*: PBallDelta        # Current ball motion deltas
     nbuttons*: int            # Number of buttons on the joystick
     buttons*: ptr byte          # Current button states
-    hwdata*: PJoystick_hwdata # Driver dependent information
-    ref_count*: int           # Reference count for multiple opens
+    hwdata*: PJoystickHwdata # Driver dependent information
+    refCount*: int           # Reference count for multiple opens
   Pversion* = ptr Tversion
   Tversion*{.final.} = object  # SDL_keyboard.h types
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ when defined(WINDOWS):
       version*: Tversion
       hwnd*: THandle          # The window for the message
       msg*: int               # The type of message
-      w_Param*: int32         # WORD message parameter
+      wParam*: int32         # WORD message parameter
       lParam*: int32          # LONG message parameter
 elif defined(Unix): 
@@ -1155,34 +1155,34 @@ type
   PPixelFormat* = ptr TPixelFormat
   TPixelFormat*{.final.} = object  # The structure passed to the low level blit functions
     palette*: PPalette
-    BitsPerPixel*: byte
-    BytesPerPixel*: byte
-    Rloss*: byte
-    Gloss*: byte
-    Bloss*: byte
-    Aloss*: byte
-    Rshift*: byte
-    Gshift*: byte
-    Bshift*: byte
-    Ashift*: byte
-    RMask*: int32
-    GMask*: int32
-    BMask*: int32
-    AMask*: int32
+    bitsPerPixel*: byte
+    bytesPerPixel*: byte
+    rloss*: byte
+    gloss*: byte
+    bloss*: byte
+    aloss*: byte
+    rshift*: byte
+    gshift*: byte
+    bshift*: byte
+    ashift*: byte
+    rMask*: int32
+    gMask*: int32
+    bMask*: int32
+    aMask*: int32
     colorkey*: int32         # RGB color key information
     alpha*: byte             # Alpha value information (per-surface alpha)
   PBlitInfo* = ptr TBlitInfo
   TBlitInfo*{.final.} = object  # typedef for private surface blitting functions
-    s_pixels*: ptr byte
-    s_width*: int
-    s_height*: int
-    s_skip*: int
-    d_pixels*: ptr byte
-    d_width*: int
-    d_height*: int
-    d_skip*: int
-    aux_data*: pointer
+    sPixels*: ptr byte
+    sWidth*: int
+    sHeight*: int
+    sSkip*: int
+    dPixels*: ptr byte
+    dWidth*: int
+    dHeight*: int
+    dSkip*: int
+    auxData*: pointer
     src*: PPixelFormat
     table*: ptr byte
     dst*: PPixelFormat
@@ -1199,25 +1199,25 @@ type
     offset*: cint             # Private
     hwdata*: pointer          #TPrivate_hwdata;  Hardware-specific surface info
                               # clipping information:
-    clip_rect*: TRect         # Read-only
+    clipRect*: TRect         # Read-only
     unused1*: int32           # for binary compatibility
                               # Allow recursive locks
     locked*: int32            # Private
                               # info for fast blit mapping to other surfaces
-    Blitmap*: pointer         # PSDL_BlitMap; //   Private
+    blitmap*: pointer         # PSDL_BlitMap; //   Private
                               # format version, bumped at every change to invalidate blit maps
-    format_version*: cint      # Private
+    formatVersion*: cint      # Private
     refcount*: cint
   PVideoInfo* = ptr TVideoInfo
   TVideoInfo*{.final.} = object  # The YUV hardware video overlay
-    hw_available*: byte 
-    blit_hw*: byte 
-    UnusedBits3*: byte       # Unused at this point
-    video_mem*: int32        # The total amount of video memory (in K)
+    hwAvailable*: byte 
+    blitHw*: byte 
+    unusedBits3*: byte       # Unused at this point
+    videoMem*: int32        # The total amount of video memory (in K)
     vfmt*: PPixelFormat       # Value: The format of the video surface
-    current_w*: int32        # Value: The current video mode width
-    current_h*: int32        # Value: The current video mode height
+    currentW*: int32        # Value: The current video mode width
+    currentH*: int32        # Value: The current video mode height
   POverlay* = ptr TOverlay
   TOverlay*{.final.} = object  # Public enumeration for setting the OpenGL window attributes.
@@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ type
     planes*: int              # Number of planes in the overlay. Usually either 1 or 3
     pitches*: PUInt16         # An array of pitches, one for each plane. Pitch is the length of a row in bytes.
     pixels*: ptr ptr byte # An array of pointers to the data of each plane. The overlay should be locked before these pointers are used.
-    hw_overlay*: int32    # This will be set to 1 if the overlay is hardware accelerated.
+    hwOverlay*: int32    # This will be set to 1 if the overlay is hardware accelerated.
   TGLAttr* = enum 
@@ -1237,11 +1237,11 @@ type
   PCursor* = ptr TCursor
   TCursor*{.final.} = object  # SDL_mutex.h types
     area*: TRect              # The area of the mouse cursor
-    hot_x*, hot_y*: int16    # The "tip" of the cursor
+    hotX*, hot_y*: int16    # The "tip" of the cursor
     data*: ptr byte             # B/W cursor data
     mask*: ptr byte             # B/W cursor mask
     save*: array[1..2, ptr byte] # Place to save cursor area
-    wm_cursor*: pointer       # Window-manager cursor
+    wmCursor*: pointer       # Window-manager cursor
@@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ type
   Psemaphore* = ptr Tsemaphore
   Tsemaphore*{.final.} = object 
   PSem* = ptr TSem
-  TSem* = TSemaphore
+  TSem* = Tsemaphore
   PCond* = ptr TCond
   TCond*{.final.} = object    # SDL_thread.h types
@@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@ type                          # This is the system-independent thread info struc
     threadid*: int32
     handle*: TSYS_ThreadHandle
     status*: int
-    errbuf*: TError
+    errbuf*: Terror
     data*: pointer
   PKeyStateArr* = ptr TKeyStateArr
@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ type                          # This is the system-independent thread info struc
   TWordArray* = array[0..16383, int16] # Generic procedure pointer
 type TEventSeq = set[TEventKind]
-template evconv(procName: expr, ptrName: typeDesc, assertions: TEventSeq): stmt {.immediate.} =
+template evconv(procName: expr, ptrName: typedesc, assertions: TEventSeq): stmt {.immediate.} =
   proc `procName`*(event: PEvent): ptrName =
     assert(contains(assertions, event.kind))
     result = cast[ptrName](event)
@@ -1309,73 +1309,72 @@ evconv(EvSysWM, PSysWMEvent, {SYSWMEVENT})
 #  Unless the SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE flag is set, it will install cleanup
 #  signal handlers for some commonly ignored fatal signals (like SIGSEGV)
-proc Init*(flags: int32): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Init", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc init*(flags: int32): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Init", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function initializes specific SDL subsystems
-proc InitSubSystem*(flags: int32): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_InitSubSystem", 
+proc initSubSystem*(flags: int32): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_InitSubSystem", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function cleans up specific SDL subsystems
-proc QuitSubSystem*(flags: int32){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_QuitSubSystem", 
+proc quitSubSystem*(flags: int32){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_QuitSubSystem", 
                                     dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function returns mask of the specified subsystems which have
   #  been initialized.
   #  If 'flags' is 0, it returns a mask of all initialized subsystems.
-proc WasInit*(flags: int32): int32{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WasInit", 
+proc wasInit*(flags: int32): int32{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WasInit", 
                                       dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function cleans up all initialized subsystems and unloads the
   #  dynamically linked library.  You should call it upon all exit conditions.
-proc Quit*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Quit", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc quit*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Quit", dynlib: LibName.}
 when defined(WINDOWS): 
   # This should be called from your WinMain() function, if any
-  proc RegisterApp*(name: cstring, style: int32, h_Inst: pointer): int{.cdecl, 
+  proc registerApp*(name: cstring, style: int32, hInst: pointer): int{.cdecl, 
       importc: "SDL_RegisterApp", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc TableSize*(table: cstring): int
+proc tableSize*(table: cstring): int
   # error-handling
   # Public functions
-proc GetError*(): cstring{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetError", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc SetError*(fmt: cstring){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetError", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc ClearError*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_ClearError", dynlib: LibName.}
-when not (defined(WINDOWS)): 
-  proc Error*(Code: Terrorcode){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Error", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc OutOfMemory*()
+proc getError*(): cstring{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetError", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc setError*(fmt: cstring){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetError", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc clearError*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_ClearError", dynlib: LibName.}
+when not (defined(WINDOWS)):
+  proc error*(Code: Terrorcode){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Error", dynlib: LibName.}
   # io handling
   # Functions to create SDL_RWops structures from various data sources
-proc RWFromFile*(filename, mode: cstring): PRWops{.cdecl, 
+proc rwFromFile*(filename, mode: cstring): PRWops{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_RWFromFile", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc FreeRW*(area: PRWops){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeRW", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc freeRW*(area: PRWops){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeRW", dynlib: LibName.}
   #fp is FILE *fp ???
-proc RWFromFP*(fp: pointer, autoclose: int): PRWops{.cdecl, 
+proc rwFromFP*(fp: pointer, autoclose: int): PRWops{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_RWFromFP", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc RWFromMem*(mem: pointer, size: int): PRWops{.cdecl, 
+proc rwFromMem*(mem: pointer, size: int): PRWops{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_RWFromMem", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc RWFromConstMem*(mem: pointer, size: int): PRWops{.cdecl, 
+proc rwFromConstMem*(mem: pointer, size: int): PRWops{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_RWFromConstMem", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc AllocRW*(): PRWops{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_AllocRW", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc RWSeek*(context: PRWops, offset: int, whence: int): int
-proc RWTell*(context: PRWops): int
-proc RWRead*(context: PRWops, theptr: pointer, size: int, n: int): int
-proc RWWrite*(context: PRWops, theptr: pointer, size: int, n: int): int
-proc RWClose*(context: PRWops): int
+proc allocRW*(): PRWops{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_AllocRW", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc rwSeek*(context: PRWops, offset: int, whence: int): int
+proc rwTell*(context: PRWops): int
+proc rwRead*(context: PRWops, theptr: pointer, size: int, n: int): int
+proc rwWrite*(context: PRWops, theptr: pointer, size: int, n: int): int
+proc rwClose*(context: PRWops): int
   # time-handling
   # Get the number of milliseconds since the SDL library initialization.
   # Note that this value wraps if the program runs for more than ~49 days.
-proc GetTicks*(): int32{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetTicks", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc getTicks*(): int32{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetTicks", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Wait a specified number of milliseconds before returning
-proc Delay*(msec: int32){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Delay", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc delay*(msec: int32){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Delay", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Add a new timer to the pool of timers already running.
   # Returns a timer ID, or NULL when an error occurs.
-proc AddTimer*(interval: int32, callback: TNewTimerCallback, param: pointer): PTimerID{.
+proc addTimer*(interval: int32, callback: TNewTimerCallback, param: pointer): PTimerID{.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_AddTimer", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Remove one of the multiple timers knowing its ID.
   # Returns a boolean value indicating success.
-proc RemoveTimer*(t: PTimerID): TBool{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_RemoveTimer", 
+proc removeTimer*(t: PTimerID): TBool{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_RemoveTimer", 
                                        dynlib: LibName.}
-proc SetTimer*(interval: int32, callback: TTimerCallback): int{.cdecl, 
+proc setTimer*(interval: int32, callback: TTimerCallback): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_SetTimer", dynlib: LibName.}
   # audio-routines
@@ -1383,13 +1382,13 @@ proc SetTimer*(interval: int32, callback: TTimerCallback): int{.cdecl,
   # These functions are used internally, and should not be used unless you
   #  have a specific need to specify the audio driver you want to use.
   #  You should normally use SDL_Init() or SDL_InitSubSystem().
-proc AudioInit*(driver_name: cstring): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_AudioInit", 
+proc audioInit*(driverName: cstring): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_AudioInit", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
-proc AudioQuit*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_AudioQuit", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc audioQuit*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_AudioQuit", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function fills the given character buffer with the name of the
   #  current audio driver, and returns a pointer to it if the audio driver has
   #  been initialized.  It returns NULL if no driver has been initialized.
-proc AudioDriverName*(namebuf: cstring, maxlen: int): cstring{.cdecl, 
+proc audioDriverName*(namebuf: cstring, maxlen: int): cstring{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_AudioDriverName", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function opens the audio device with the desired parameters, and
   #  returns 0 if successful, placing the actual hardware parameters in the
@@ -1430,17 +1429,17 @@ proc AudioDriverName*(namebuf: cstring, maxlen: int): cstring{.cdecl,
   #  for your audio callback function to be called.  Since the audio driver
   #  may modify the requested size of the audio buffer, you should allocate
   #  any local mixing buffers after you open the audio device.
-proc OpenAudio*(desired, obtained: PAudioSpec): int{.cdecl, 
+proc openAudio*(desired, obtained: PAudioSpec): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_OpenAudio", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the current audio state:
-proc GetAudioStatus*(): TAudiostatus{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetAudioStatus", 
+proc getAudioStatus*(): TAudiostatus{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetAudioStatus", 
                                       dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function pauses and unpauses the audio callback processing.
   #  It should be called with a parameter of 0 after opening the audio
   #  device to start playing sound.  This is so you can safely initialize
   #  data for your callback function after opening the audio device.
   #  Silence will be written to the audio device during the pause.
-proc PauseAudio*(pause_on: int){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PauseAudio", 
+proc pauseAudio*(pauseOn: int){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PauseAudio", 
                                  dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function loads a WAVE from the data source, automatically freeing
   #  that source if 'freesrc' is non-zero.  For example, to load a WAVE file,
@@ -1457,22 +1456,22 @@ proc PauseAudio*(pause_on: int){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PauseAudio",
   #  This function returns NULL and sets the SDL error message if the
   #  wave file cannot be opened, uses an unknown data format, or is
   #  corrupt.  Currently raw and MS-ADPCM WAVE files are supported.
-proc LoadWAV_RW*(src: PRWops, freesrc: int, spec: PAudioSpec, audio_buf: ptr byte, 
+proc loadWAV_RW*(src: PRWops, freesrc: int, spec: PAudioSpec, audioBuf: ptr byte, 
                  audiolen: PUInt32): PAudioSpec{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_LoadWAV_RW", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Compatibility convenience function -- loads a WAV from a file
-proc LoadWAV*(filename: cstring, spec: PAudioSpec, audio_buf: ptr byte, 
+proc loadWAV*(filename: cstring, spec: PAudioSpec, audioBuf: ptr byte, 
               audiolen: PUInt32): PAudioSpec
   # This function frees data previously allocated with SDL_LoadWAV_RW()
-proc FreeWAV*(audio_buf: ptr byte){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeWAV", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc freeWAV*(audioBuf: ptr byte){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeWAV", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function takes a source format and rate and a destination format
   #  and rate, and initializes the 'cvt' structure with information needed
   #  by SDL_ConvertAudio() to convert a buffer of audio data from one format
   #  to the other.
   #  This function returns 0, or -1 if there was an error.
-proc BuildAudioCVT*(cvt: PAudioCVT, src_format: uint16, src_channels: byte, 
-                    src_rate: int, dst_format: uint16, dst_channels: byte, 
-                    dst_rate: int): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_BuildAudioCVT", 
+proc buildAudioCVT*(cvt: PAudioCVT, srcFormat: uint16, srcChannels: byte, 
+                    srcRate: int, dstFormat: uint16, dstChannels: byte, 
+                    dstRate: int): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_BuildAudioCVT", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # Once you have initialized the 'cvt' structure using SDL_BuildAudioCVT(),
   #  created an audio buffer cvt->buf, and filled it with cvt->len bytes of
@@ -1481,45 +1480,45 @@ proc BuildAudioCVT*(cvt: PAudioCVT, src_format: uint16, src_channels: byte,
   #  The data conversion may expand the size of the audio data, so the buffer
   #  cvt->buf should be allocated after the cvt structure is initialized by
   #  SDL_BuildAudioCVT(), and should be cvt->len*cvt->len_mult bytes long.
-proc ConvertAudio*(cvt: PAudioCVT): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_ConvertAudio", 
+proc convertAudio*(cvt: PAudioCVT): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_ConvertAudio", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # This takes two audio buffers of the playing audio format and mixes
   #  them, performing addition, volume adjustment, and overflow clipping.
   #  The volume ranges from 0 - 128, and should be set to SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME
   #  for full audio volume.  Note this does not change hardware volume.
   #  This is provided for convenience -- you can mix your own audio data.
-proc MixAudio*(dst, src: ptr byte, length: int32, volume: int){.cdecl, 
+proc mixAudio*(dst, src: ptr byte, length: int32, volume: int){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_MixAudio", dynlib: LibName.}
   # The lock manipulated by these functions protects the callback function.
   #  During a LockAudio/UnlockAudio pair, you can be guaranteed that the
   #  callback function is not running.  Do not call these from the callback
   #  function or you will cause deadlock.
-proc LockAudio*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_LockAudio", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc UnlockAudio*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_UnlockAudio", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc lockAudio*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_LockAudio", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc unlockAudio*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_UnlockAudio", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function shuts down audio processing and closes the audio device.
-proc CloseAudio*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CloseAudio", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc closeAudio*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CloseAudio", dynlib: LibName.}
   # CD-routines
   # Returns the number of CD-ROM drives on the system, or -1 if
   #  SDL_Init() has not been called with the SDL_INIT_CDROM flag.
-proc CDNumDrives*(): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDNumDrives", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc cdNumDrives*(): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDNumDrives", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Returns a human-readable, system-dependent identifier for the CD-ROM.
   #   Example:
   #   "/dev/cdrom"
   #   "E:"
   #   "/dev/disk/ide/1/master"
-proc CDName*(drive: int): cstring{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDName", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc cdName*(drive: int): cstring{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDName", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Opens a CD-ROM drive for access.  It returns a drive handle on success,
   #  or NULL if the drive was invalid or busy.  This newly opened CD-ROM
   #  becomes the default CD used when other CD functions are passed a NULL
   #  CD-ROM handle.
   #  Drives are numbered starting with 0.  Drive 0 is the system default CD-ROM.
-proc CDOpen*(drive: int): PCD{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDOpen", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc cdOpen*(drive: int): PCD{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDOpen", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function returns the current status of the given drive.
   #  If the drive has a CD in it, the table of contents of the CD and current
   #  play position of the CD will be stored in the SDL_CD structure.
-proc CDStatus*(cdrom: PCD): TCDStatus{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDStatus", 
+proc cdStatus*(cdrom: PCD): TCDStatus{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDStatus", 
                                        dynlib: LibName.}
   #  Play the given CD starting at 'start_track' and 'start_frame' for 'ntracks'
   #   tracks and 'nframes' frames.  If both 'ntrack' and 'nframe' are 0, play
@@ -1542,95 +1541,89 @@ proc CDStatus*(cdrom: PCD): TCDStatus{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDStatus",
   #    SDL_CDPlayTracks(cdrom, 0, 0, 2, 10);
   #   This function returns 0, or -1 if there was an error.
-proc CDPlayTracks*(cdrom: PCD, start_track: int, start_frame: int, ntracks: int, 
+proc cdPlayTracks*(cdrom: PCD, startTrack: int, startFrame: int, ntracks: int, 
                    nframes: int): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDPlayTracks", 
                                        dynlib: LibName.}
   #  Play the given CD starting at 'start' frame for 'length' frames.
   #   It returns 0, or -1 if there was an error.
-proc CDPlay*(cdrom: PCD, start: int, len: int): int{.cdecl, 
+proc cdPlay*(cdrom: PCD, start: int, len: int): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_CDPlay", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Pause play -- returns 0, or -1 on error
-proc CDPause*(cdrom: PCD): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDPause", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc cdPause*(cdrom: PCD): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDPause", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Resume play -- returns 0, or -1 on error
-proc CDResume*(cdrom: PCD): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDResume", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc cdResume*(cdrom: PCD): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDResume", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Stop play -- returns 0, or -1 on error
-proc CDStop*(cdrom: PCD): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDStop", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc cdStop*(cdrom: PCD): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDStop", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Eject CD-ROM -- returns 0, or -1 on error
-proc CDEject*(cdrom: PCD): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDEject", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc cdEject*(cdrom: PCD): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDEject", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Closes the handle for the CD-ROM drive
-proc CDClose*(cdrom: PCD){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDClose", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc cdClose*(cdrom: PCD){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CDClose", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Given a status, returns true if there's a disk in the drive
-proc CDInDrive*(status: TCDStatus): bool
-  # Conversion functions from frames to Minute/Second/Frames and vice versa
-proc FRAMES_TO_MSF*(frames: int, M: var int, S: var int, F: var int)
-proc MSF_TO_FRAMES*(M: int, S: int, F: int): int
-  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # JoyStick-routines
-  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # Count the number of joysticks attached to the system
-proc NumJoysticks*(): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_NumJoysticks", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc cdInDrive*(status: TCDStatus): bool
+proc numJoysticks*(): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_NumJoysticks", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the implementation dependent name of a joystick.
   #  This can be called before any joysticks are opened.
   #  If no name can be found, this function returns NULL.
-proc JoystickName*(index: int): cstring{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickName", 
+proc joystickName*(index: int): cstring{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickName", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # Open a joystick for use - the index passed as an argument refers to
   #  the N'th joystick on the system.  This index is the value which will
   #  identify this joystick in future joystick events.
   #  This function returns a joystick identifier, or NULL if an error occurred.
-proc JoystickOpen*(index: int): PJoystick{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickOpen", 
+proc joystickOpen*(index: int): PJoystick{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickOpen", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # Returns 1 if the joystick has been opened, or 0 if it has not.
-proc JoystickOpened*(index: int): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickOpened", 
+proc joystickOpened*(index: int): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickOpened", 
                                        dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the device index of an opened joystick.
-proc JoystickIndex*(joystick: PJoystick): int{.cdecl, 
+proc joystickIndex*(joystick: PJoystick): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_JoystickIndex", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the number of general axis controls on a joystick
-proc JoystickNumAxes*(joystick: PJoystick): int{.cdecl, 
+proc joystickNumAxes*(joystick: PJoystick): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_JoystickNumAxes", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the number of trackballs on a joystick
   #  Joystick trackballs have only relative motion events associated
   #  with them and their state cannot be polled.
-proc JoystickNumBalls*(joystick: PJoystick): int{.cdecl, 
+proc joystickNumBalls*(joystick: PJoystick): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_JoystickNumBalls", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the number of POV hats on a joystick
-proc JoystickNumHats*(joystick: PJoystick): int{.cdecl, 
+proc joystickNumHats*(joystick: PJoystick): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_JoystickNumHats", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the number of buttons on a joystick
-proc JoystickNumButtons*(joystick: PJoystick): int{.cdecl, 
+proc joystickNumButtons*(joystick: PJoystick): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_JoystickNumButtons", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Update the current state of the open joysticks.
   #  This is called automatically by the event loop if any joystick
   #  events are enabled.
-proc JoystickUpdate*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickUpdate", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc joystickUpdate*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickUpdate", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Enable/disable joystick event polling.
   #  If joystick events are disabled, you must call SDL_JoystickUpdate()
   #  yourself and check the state of the joystick when you want joystick
   #  information.
   #  The state can be one of SDL_QUERY, SDL_ENABLE or SDL_IGNORE.
-proc JoystickEventState*(state: int): int{.cdecl, 
+proc joystickEventState*(state: int): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_JoystickEventState", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the current state of an axis control on a joystick
   #  The state is a value ranging from -32768 to 32767.
   #  The axis indices start at index 0.
-proc JoystickGetAxis*(joystick: PJoystick, axis: int): int16{.cdecl, 
+proc joystickGetAxis*(joystick: PJoystick, axis: int): int16{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_JoystickGetAxis", dynlib: LibName.}
   # The hat indices start at index 0.
-proc JoystickGetHat*(joystick: PJoystick, hat: int): byte{.cdecl, 
+proc joystickGetHat*(joystick: PJoystick, hat: int): byte{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_JoystickGetHat", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the ball axis change since the last poll
   #  This returns 0, or -1 if you passed it invalid parameters.
   #  The ball indices start at index 0.
-proc JoystickGetBall*(joystick: PJoystick, ball: int, dx: var int, dy: var int): int{.
+proc joystickGetBall*(joystick: PJoystick, ball: int, dx: var int, dy: var int): int{.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickGetBall", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the current state of a button on a joystick
   #  The button indices start at index 0.
-proc JoystickGetButton*(joystick: PJoystick, Button: int): byte{.cdecl, 
+proc joystickGetButton*(joystick: PJoystick, button: int): byte{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_JoystickGetButton", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Close a joystick previously opened with SDL_JoystickOpen()
-proc JoystickClose*(joystick: PJoystick){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickClose", 
+proc joystickClose*(joystick: PJoystick){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickClose", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # event-handling
@@ -1638,7 +1631,7 @@ proc JoystickClose*(joystick: PJoystick){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_JoystickClose",
   # Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input devices.
   #  This function updates the event queue and internal input device state.
   #  This should only be run in the thread that sets the video mode.
-proc PumpEvents*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PumpEvents", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc pumpEvents*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PumpEvents", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Checks the event queue for messages and optionally returns them.
   #  If 'action' is SDL_ADDEVENT, up to 'numevents' events will be added to
   #  the back of the event queue.
@@ -1650,20 +1643,20 @@ proc PumpEvents*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PumpEvents", dynlib: LibName.}
   #  removed from the queue.
   #  This function returns the number of events actually stored, or -1
   #  if there was an error.  This function is thread-safe.
-proc PeepEvents*(events: PEvent, numevents: int, action: Teventaction, 
+proc peepEvents*(events: PEvent, numevents: int, action: TEventAction, 
                  mask: int32): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PeepEvents", 
                                      dynlib: LibName.}
   # Polls for currently pending events, and returns 1 if there are any pending
   #   events, or 0 if there are none available.  If 'event' is not NULL, the next
   #   event is removed from the queue and stored in that area.
-proc PollEvent*(event: PEvent): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PollEvent", 
+proc pollEvent*(event: PEvent): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PollEvent", 
                                      dynlib: LibName.}
   #  Waits indefinitely for the next available event, returning 1, or 0 if there
   #   was an error while waiting for events.  If 'event' is not NULL, the next
   #   event is removed from the queue and stored in that area.
-proc WaitEvent*(event: PEvent): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WaitEvent", 
+proc waitEvent*(event: PEvent): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WaitEvent", 
                                      dynlib: LibName.}
-proc PushEvent*(event: PEvent): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PushEvent", 
+proc pushEvent*(event: PEvent): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PushEvent", 
                                      dynlib: LibName.}
   # If the filter returns 1, then the event will be added to the internal queue.
   #  If it returns 0, then the event will be dropped from the queue, but the
@@ -1679,11 +1672,11 @@ proc PushEvent*(event: PEvent): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PushEvent",
   #  be closed, otherwise the window will remain open if possible.
   #  If the quit event is generated by an interrupt signal, it will bypass the
   #  internal queue and be delivered to the application at the next event poll.
-proc SetEventFilter*(filter: TEventFilter){.cdecl, 
+proc setEventFilter*(filter: TEventFilter){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_SetEventFilter", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Return the current event filter - can be used to "chain" filters.
   #  If there is no event filter set, this function returns NULL.
-proc GetEventFilter*(): TEventFilter{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetEventFilter", 
+proc getEventFilter*(): TEventFilter{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetEventFilter", 
                                       dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function allows you to set the state of processing certain events.
   #  If 'state' is set to SDL_IGNORE, that event will be automatically dropped
@@ -1691,26 +1684,26 @@ proc GetEventFilter*(): TEventFilter{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetEventFilter",
   #  If 'state' is set to SDL_ENABLE, that event will be processed normally.
   #  If 'state' is set to SDL_QUERY, SDL_EventState() will return the
   #  current processing state of the specified event.
-proc EventState*(theType: byte, state: int): byte{.cdecl, 
+proc eventState*(theType: byte, state: int): byte{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_EventState", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Version Routines
   # This macro can be used to fill a version structure with the compile-time
   #  version of the SDL library.
-proc VERSION*(X: var TVersion)
+proc version*(x: var Tversion)
   # This macro turns the version numbers into a numeric value:
   #   (1,2,3) -> (1203)
   #   This assumes that there will never be more than 100 patchlevels
-proc VERSIONNUM*(X, Y, Z: int): int
+proc versionnum*(x, y, z: int): int
   # This is the version number macro for the current SDL version
+proc compiledversion*(): int
   # This macro will evaluate to true if compiled with SDL at least X.Y.Z
-proc VERSION_ATLEAST*(X: int, Y: int, Z: int): bool
+proc versionAtleast*(x, y, z: int): bool
   # This function gets the version of the dynamically linked SDL library.
   #  it should NOT be used to fill a version structure, instead you should
   #  use the SDL_Version() macro.
-proc Linked_Version*(): Pversion{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Linked_Version", 
+proc linkedVersion*(): PVersion{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Linked_Version", 
                                   dynlib: LibName.}
   # video
@@ -1727,25 +1720,25 @@ proc Linked_Version*(): Pversion{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Linked_Version",
   #  If you use both sound and video in your application, you need to call
   #  SDL_Init() before opening the sound device, otherwise under Win32 DirectX,
   #  you won't be able to set full-screen display modes.
-proc VideoInit*(driver_name: cstring, flags: int32): int{.cdecl, 
+proc videoInit*(driverName: cstring, flags: int32): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_VideoInit", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc VideoQuit*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_VideoQuit", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc videoQuit*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_VideoQuit", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function fills the given character buffer with the name of the
   #  video driver, and returns a pointer to it if the video driver has
   #  been initialized.  It returns NULL if no driver has been initialized.
-proc VideoDriverName*(namebuf: cstring, maxlen: int): cstring{.cdecl, 
+proc videoDriverName*(namebuf: cstring, maxlen: int): cstring{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_VideoDriverName", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function returns a pointer to the current display surface.
   #  If SDL is doing format conversion on the display surface, this
   #  function returns the publicly visible surface, not the real video
   #  surface.
-proc GetVideoSurface*(): PSurface{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetVideoSurface", 
+proc getVideoSurface*(): PSurface{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetVideoSurface", 
                                    dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function returns a read-only pointer to information about the
   #  video hardware.  If this is called before SDL_SetVideoMode(), the 'vfmt'
   #  member of the returned structure will contain the pixel format of the
   #  "best" video mode.
-proc GetVideoInfo*(): PVideoInfo{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetVideoInfo", 
+proc getVideoInfo*(): PVideoInfo{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetVideoInfo", 
                                   dynlib: LibName.}
   # Check to see if a particular video mode is supported.
   #  It returns 0 if the requested mode is not supported under any bit depth,
@@ -1756,7 +1749,7 @@ proc GetVideoInfo*(): PVideoInfo{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetVideoInfo",
   #  The arguments to SDL_VideoModeOK() are the same ones you would pass to
   #  SDL_SetVideoMode()
-proc VideoModeOK*(width, height, bpp: int, flags: int32): int{.cdecl, 
+proc videoModeOK*(width, height, bpp: int, flags: int32): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_VideoModeOK", importc: "SDL_VideoModeOK", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Return a pointer to an array of available screen dimensions for the
   #  given format and video flags, sorted largest to smallest.  Returns
@@ -1765,7 +1758,7 @@ proc VideoModeOK*(width, height, bpp: int, flags: int32): int{.cdecl,
   #  if 'format' is NULL, the mode list will be for the format given
   #  by SDL_GetVideoInfo( ) - > vfmt
-proc ListModes*(format: PPixelFormat, flags: int32): PPSDL_Rect{.cdecl, 
+proc listModes*(format: PPixelFormat, flags: int32): PPSDL_Rect{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_ListModes", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Set up a video mode with the specified width, height and bits-per-pixel.
@@ -1808,15 +1801,15 @@ proc ListModes*(format: PPixelFormat, flags: int32): PPSDL_Rect{.cdecl,
   #  applications that redraw the entire screen on every update.
   #  This function returns the video framebuffer surface, or NULL if it fails.
-proc SetVideoMode*(width, height, bpp: int, flags: uint32): PSurface{.cdecl, 
+proc setVideoMode*(width, height, bpp: int, flags: uint32): PSurface{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_SetVideoMode", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on the given screen.
   #  If 'x', 'y', 'w' and 'h' are all 0, SDL_UpdateRect will update the entire
   #  screen.
   #  These functions should not be called while 'screen' is locked.
-proc UpdateRects*(screen: PSurface, numrects: int, rects: PRect){.cdecl, 
+proc updateRects*(screen: PSurface, numrects: int, rects: PRect){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_UpdateRects", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc UpdateRect*(screen: PSurface, x, y: int32, w, h: int32){.cdecl, 
+proc updateRect*(screen: PSurface, x, y: int32, w, h: int32){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_UpdateRect", dynlib: LibName.}
   # On hardware that supports double-buffering, this function sets up a flip
   #  and returns.  The hardware will wait for vertical retrace, and then swap
@@ -1826,14 +1819,14 @@ proc UpdateRect*(screen: PSurface, x, y: int32, w, h: int32){.cdecl,
   #  The SDL_DOUBLEBUF flag must have been passed to SDL_SetVideoMode() when
   #  setting the video mode for this function to perform hardware flipping.
   #  This function returns 0 if successful, or -1 if there was an error.
-proc Flip*(screen: PSurface): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Flip", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc flip*(screen: PSurface): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_Flip", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Set the gamma correction for each of the color channels.
   #  The gamma values range (approximately) between 0.1 and 10.0
   #  If this function isn't supported directly by the hardware, it will
   #  be emulated using gamma ramps, if available.  If successful, this
   #  function returns 0, otherwise it returns -1.
-proc SetGamma*(redgamma: float32, greengamma: float32, bluegamma: float32): int{.
+proc setGamma*(redgamma: float32, greengamma: float32, bluegamma: float32): int{.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetGamma", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Set the gamma translation table for the red, green, and blue channels
   #  of the video hardware.  Each table is an array of 256 16-bit quantities,
@@ -1845,7 +1838,7 @@ proc SetGamma*(redgamma: float32, greengamma: float32, bluegamma: float32): int{
   #  If the call succeeds, it will return 0.  If the display driver or
   #  hardware does not support gamma translation, or otherwise fails,
   #  this function will return -1.
-proc SetGammaRamp*(redtable: PUInt16, greentable: PUInt16, bluetable: PUInt16): int{.
+proc setGammaRamp*(redtable: PUInt16, greentable: PUInt16, bluetable: PUInt16): int{.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetGammaRamp", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Retrieve the current values of the gamma translation tables.
@@ -1854,7 +1847,7 @@ proc SetGammaRamp*(redtable: PUInt16, greentable: PUInt16, bluetable: PUInt16):
   #  If the call succeeds, it will return 0.  If the display driver or
   #  hardware does not support gamma translation, or otherwise fails,
   #  this function will return -1.
-proc GetGammaRamp*(redtable: PUInt16, greentable: PUInt16, bluetable: PUInt16): int{.
+proc getGammaRamp*(redtable: PUInt16, greentable: PUInt16, bluetable: PUInt16): int{.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetGammaRamp", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit surface.  If 'surface'
   #  is not a palettized surface, this function does nothing, returning 0.
@@ -1869,7 +1862,7 @@ proc GetGammaRamp*(redtable: PUInt16, greentable: PUInt16, bluetable: PUInt16):
   #  will always return 1, and the palette is guaranteed to be set the way
   #  you desire, even if the window colormap has to be warped or run under
   #  emulation.
-proc SetColors*(surface: PSurface, colors: PColor, firstcolor: int, ncolors: int): int{.
+proc setColors*(surface: PSurface, colors: PColor, firstcolor: int, ncolors: int): int{.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetColors", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Sets a portion of the colormap for a given 8-bit surface.
   #  'flags' is one or both of:
@@ -1885,20 +1878,20 @@ proc SetColors*(surface: PSurface, colors: PColor, firstcolor: int, ncolors: int
   #  SDL_SetColors() is equivalent to calling this function with
   #  flags = (SDL_LOGPAL or SDL_PHYSPAL).
-proc SetPalette*(surface: PSurface, flags: int, colors: PColor, firstcolor: int, 
+proc setPalette*(surface: PSurface, flags: int, colors: PColor, firstcolor: int, 
                  ncolors: int): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetPalette", 
                                      dynlib: LibName.}
   # Maps an RGB triple to an opaque pixel value for a given pixel format
-proc MapRGB*(format: PPixelFormat, r: byte, g: byte, b: byte): int32{.cdecl, 
+proc mapRGB*(format: PPixelFormat, r: byte, g: byte, b: byte): int32{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_MapRGB", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Maps an RGBA quadruple to a pixel value for a given pixel format
-proc MapRGBA*(format: PPixelFormat, r: byte, g: byte, b: byte, a: byte): int32{.
+proc mapRGBA*(format: PPixelFormat, r: byte, g: byte, b: byte, a: byte): int32{.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_MapRGBA", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Maps a pixel value into the RGB components for a given pixel format
-proc GetRGB*(pixel: int32, fmt: PPixelFormat, r: ptr byte, g: ptr byte, b: ptr byte){.
+proc getRGB*(pixel: int32, fmt: PPixelFormat, r: ptr byte, g: ptr byte, b: ptr byte){.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetRGB", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Maps a pixel value into the RGBA components for a given pixel format
-proc GetRGBA*(pixel: int32, fmt: PPixelFormat, r: ptr byte, g: ptr byte, b: ptr byte, 
+proc getRGBA*(pixel: int32, fmt: PPixelFormat, r: ptr byte, g: ptr byte, b: ptr byte, 
               a: ptr byte){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetRGBA", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Allocate and free an RGB surface (must be called after SDL_SetVideoMode)
   #  If the depth is 4 or 8 bits, an empty palette is allocated for the surface.
@@ -1932,17 +1925,17 @@ proc GetRGBA*(pixel: int32, fmt: PPixelFormat, r: ptr byte, g: ptr byte, b: ptr
   #  will be set in the flags member of the returned surface.  If for some
   #  reason the surface could not be placed in video memory, it will not have
   #  the SDL_HWSURFACE flag set, and will be created in system memory instead.
-proc AllocSurface*(flags: int32, width, height, depth: int, 
-                   RMask, GMask, BMask, AMask: int32): PSurface
-proc CreateRGBSurface*(flags: int32, width, height, depth: int, 
-                       RMask, GMask, BMask, AMask: int32): PSurface{.cdecl, 
+proc allocSurface*(flags: int32, width, height, depth: int, 
+                   rMask, gMask, bMask, aMask: int32): PSurface
+proc createRGBSurface*(flags: int32, width, height, depth: int, 
+                       rMask, gMask, bMask, aMask: int32): PSurface{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_CreateRGBSurface", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc CreateRGBSurfaceFrom*(pixels: pointer, width, height, depth, pitch: int, 
-                           RMask, GMask, BMask, AMask: int32): PSurface{.cdecl, 
+proc createRGBSurfaceFrom*(pixels: pointer, width, height, depth, pitch: int, 
+                           rMask, gMask, bMask, aMask: int32): PSurface{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc FreeSurface*(surface: PSurface){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeSurface", 
+proc freeSurface*(surface: PSurface){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeSurface", 
                                       dynlib: LibName.}
-proc MustLock*(surface: PSurface): bool
+proc mustLock*(surface: PSurface): bool
   # SDL_LockSurface() sets up a surface for directly accessing the pixels.
   #  Between calls to SDL_LockSurface()/SDL_UnlockSurface(), you can write
   #  to and read from 'surface->pixels', using the pixel format stored in
@@ -1959,25 +1952,25 @@ proc MustLock*(surface: PSurface): bool
   #  pairs, as critical system locks may be held during this time.
   #  SDL_LockSurface() returns 0, or -1 if the surface couldn't be locked.
-proc LockSurface*(surface: PSurface): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_LockSurface", 
+proc lockSurface*(surface: PSurface): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_LockSurface", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
-proc UnlockSurface*(surface: PSurface){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_UnlockSurface", 
+proc unlockSurface*(surface: PSurface){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_UnlockSurface", 
                                         dynlib: LibName.}
   # Load a surface from a seekable SDL data source (memory or file.)
   #  If 'freesrc' is non-zero, the source will be closed after being read.
   #  Returns the new surface, or NULL if there was an error.
   #  The new surface should be freed with SDL_FreeSurface().
-proc LoadBMP_RW*(src: PRWops, freesrc: int): PSurface{.cdecl, 
+proc loadBMP_RW*(src: PRWops, freesrc: int): PSurface{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_LoadBMP_RW", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Convenience macro -- load a surface from a file
-proc LoadBMP*(filename: cstring): PSurface
+proc loadBMP*(filename: cstring): PSurface
   # Save a surface to a seekable SDL data source (memory or file.)
   #  If 'freedst' is non-zero, the source will be closed after being written.
   #  Returns 0 if successful or -1 if there was an error.
-proc SaveBMP_RW*(surface: PSurface, dst: PRWops, freedst: int): int{.cdecl, 
+proc saveBMP_RW*(surface: PSurface, dst: PRWops, freedst: int): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_SaveBMP_RW", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Convenience macro -- save a surface to a file
-proc SaveBMP*(surface: PSurface, filename: cstring): int
+proc saveBMP*(surface: PSurface, filename: cstring): int
   # Sets the color key (transparent pixel) in a blittable surface.
   #  If 'flag' is SDL_SRCCOLORKEY (optionally OR'd with SDL_RLEACCEL),
   #  'key' will be the transparent pixel in the source image of a blit.
@@ -1985,7 +1978,7 @@ proc SaveBMP*(surface: PSurface, filename: cstring): int
   #  and removes RLE acceleration if absent.
   #  If 'flag' is 0, this function clears any current color key.
   #  This function returns 0, or -1 if there was an error.
-proc SetColorKey*(surface: PSurface, flag, key: int32): int{.cdecl, 
+proc setColorKey*(surface: PSurface, flag, key: int32): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_SetColorKey", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function sets the alpha value for the entire surface, as opposed to
   #  using the alpha component of each pixel. This value measures the range
@@ -1998,7 +1991,7 @@ proc SetColorKey*(surface: PSurface, flag, key: int32): int{.cdecl,
   #  If 'flag' is SDL_SRCALPHA, alpha blending is enabled for the surface.
   #  OR:ing the flag with SDL_RLEACCEL requests RLE acceleration for the
   #  surface; if SDL_RLEACCEL is not specified, the RLE accel will be removed.
-proc SetAlpha*(surface: PSurface, flag: int32, alpha: byte): int{.cdecl, 
+proc setAlpha*(surface: PSurface, flag: int32, alpha: byte): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_SetAlpha", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Sets the clipping rectangle for the destination surface in a blit.
@@ -2010,12 +2003,12 @@ proc SetAlpha*(surface: PSurface, flag: int32, alpha: byte): int{.cdecl,
   #  Note that blits are automatically clipped to the edges of the source
   #  and destination surfaces.
-proc SetClipRect*(surface: PSurface, rect: PRect){.cdecl, 
+proc setClipRect*(surface: PSurface, rect: PRect){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_SetClipRect", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Gets the clipping rectangle for the destination surface in a blit.
   #  'rect' must be a pointer to a valid rectangle which will be filled
   #  with the correct values.
-proc GetClipRect*(surface: PSurface, rect: PRect){.cdecl, 
+proc getClipRect*(surface: PSurface, rect: PRect){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_GetClipRect", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Creates a new surface of the specified format, and then copies and maps
   #  the given surface to it so the blit of the converted surface will be as
@@ -2027,7 +2020,7 @@ proc GetClipRect*(surface: PSurface, rect: PRect){.cdecl,
   #  surface.
   #  This function is used internally by SDL_DisplayFormat().
-proc ConvertSurface*(src: PSurface, fmt: PPixelFormat, flags: int32): PSurface{.
+proc convertSurface*(src: PSurface, fmt: PPixelFormat, flags: int32): PSurface{.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_ConvertSurface", dynlib: LibName.}
   #  This performs a fast blit from the source surface to the destination
@@ -2098,14 +2091,14 @@ proc ConvertSurface*(src: PSurface, fmt: PPixelFormat, flags: int32): PSurface{.
   #  to the video memory again.
   # You should call SDL_BlitSurface() unless you know exactly how SDL
   #   blitting works internally and how to use the other blit functions.
-proc BlitSurface*(src: PSurface, srcrect: PRect, dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect): int
+proc blitSurface*(src: PSurface, srcrect: PRect, dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect): int
   #  This is the public blit function, SDL_BlitSurface(), and it performs
   #   rectangle validation and clipping before passing it to SDL_LowerBlit()
-proc UpperBlit*(src: PSurface, srcrect: PRect, dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect): int{.
+proc upperBlit*(src: PSurface, srcrect: PRect, dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect): int{.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_UpperBlit", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This is a semi-private blit function and it performs low-level surface
   #  blitting only.
-proc LowerBlit*(src: PSurface, srcrect: PRect, dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect): int{.
+proc lowerBlit*(src: PSurface, srcrect: PRect, dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect): int{.
     cdecl, importc: "SDL_LowerBlit", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function performs a fast fill of the given rectangle with 'color'
   #  The given rectangle is clipped to the destination surface clip area
@@ -2114,7 +2107,7 @@ proc LowerBlit*(src: PSurface, srcrect: PRect, dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect): i
   #  The color should be a pixel of the format used by the surface, and
   #  can be generated by the SDL_MapRGB() function.
   #  This function returns 0 on success, or -1 on error.
-proc FillRect*(dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect, color: int32): int{.cdecl, 
+proc fillRect*(dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect, color: int32): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_FillRect", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function takes a surface and copies it to a new surface of the
   #  pixel format and colors of the video framebuffer, suitable for fast
@@ -2125,7 +2118,7 @@ proc FillRect*(dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect, color: int32): int{.cdecl,
   #  calling this function.
   #  If the conversion fails or runs out of memory, it returns NULL
-proc DisplayFormat*(surface: PSurface): PSurface{.cdecl, 
+proc displayFormat*(surface: PSurface): PSurface{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_DisplayFormat", dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function takes a surface and copies it to a new surface of the
   #  pixel format and colors of the video framebuffer (if possible),
@@ -2137,7 +2130,7 @@ proc DisplayFormat*(surface: PSurface): PSurface{.cdecl,
   #  calling this function.
   #  If the conversion fails or runs out of memory, it returns NULL
-proc DisplayFormatAlpha*(surface: PSurface): PSurface{.cdecl, 
+proc displayFormatAlpha*(surface: PSurface): PSurface{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha", dynlib: LibName.}
   #* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
   #* YUV video surface overlay functions                                       */
@@ -2146,23 +2139,23 @@ proc DisplayFormatAlpha*(surface: PSurface): PSurface{.cdecl,
   #  Calling the returned surface an overlay is something of a misnomer because
   #  the contents of the display surface underneath the area where the overlay
   #  is shown is undefined - it may be overwritten with the converted YUV data.
-proc CreateYUVOverlay*(width: int, height: int, format: int32, 
+proc createYUVOverlay*(width: int, height: int, format: int32, 
                        display: PSurface): POverlay{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_CreateYUVOverlay", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Lock an overlay for direct access, and unlock it when you are done
-proc LockYUVOverlay*(Overlay: POverlay): int{.cdecl, 
+proc lockYUVOverlay*(overlay: POverlay): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_LockYUVOverlay", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc UnlockYUVOverlay*(Overlay: POverlay){.cdecl, 
+proc unlockYUVOverlay*(overlay: POverlay){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Blit a video overlay to the display surface.
   #  The contents of the video surface underneath the blit destination are
   #  not defined.
   #  The width and height of the destination rectangle may be different from
   #  that of the overlay, but currently only 2x scaling is supported.
-proc DisplayYUVOverlay*(Overlay: POverlay, dstrect: PRect): int{.cdecl, 
+proc displayYUVOverlay*(overlay: POverlay, dstrect: PRect): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Free a video overlay
-proc FreeYUVOverlay*(Overlay: POverlay){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeYUVOverlay", 
+proc freeYUVOverlay*(overlay: POverlay){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeYUVOverlay", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # OpenGL Routines
@@ -2175,13 +2168,13 @@ proc FreeYUVOverlay*(Overlay: POverlay){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeYUVOverlay",
   #  your program from the dynamic library using SDL_GL_GetProcAddress().
   #  This is disabled in default builds of SDL.
-proc GL_LoadLibrary*(filename: cstring): int{.cdecl, 
+proc glLoadLibrary*(filename: cstring): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_GL_LoadLibrary", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the address of a GL function (for extension functions)
-proc GL_GetProcAddress*(procname: cstring): pointer{.cdecl, 
+proc glGetProcAddress*(procname: cstring): pointer{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_GL_GetProcAddress", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Set an attribute of the OpenGL subsystem before intialization.
-proc GL_SetAttribute*(attr: TGLAttr, value: int): int{.cdecl, 
+proc glSetAttribute*(attr: TGLAttr, value: int): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_GL_SetAttribute", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get an attribute of the OpenGL subsystem from the windowing
   #  interface, such as glX. This is of course different from getting
@@ -2190,34 +2183,34 @@ proc GL_SetAttribute*(attr: TGLAttr, value: int): int{.cdecl,
   #  Developers should track the values they pass into SDL_GL_SetAttribute
   #  themselves if they want to retrieve these values.
-proc GL_GetAttribute*(attr: TGLAttr, value: var int): int{.cdecl, 
+proc glGetAttribute*(attr: TGLAttr, value: var int): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_GL_GetAttribute", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Swap the OpenGL buffers, if double-buffering is supported.
-proc GL_SwapBuffers*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GL_SwapBuffers", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc glSwapBuffers*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GL_SwapBuffers", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Internal functions that should not be called unless you have read
   #  and understood the source code for these functions.
-proc GL_UpdateRects*(numrects: int, rects: PRect){.cdecl, 
+proc glUpdateRects*(numrects: int, rects: PRect){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_GL_UpdateRects", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc GL_Lock*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GL_Lock", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc GL_Unlock*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GL_Unlock", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc glLock*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GL_Lock", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc glUnlock*(){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GL_Unlock", dynlib: LibName.}
   #* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
   #* These functions allow interaction with the window manager, if any.        *
   #* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
   # Sets/Gets the title and icon text of the display window
-proc WM_GetCaption*(title: var cstring, icon: var cstring){.cdecl, 
+proc wmGetCaption*(title: var cstring, icon: var cstring){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_WM_GetCaption", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc WM_SetCaption*(title: cstring, icon: cstring){.cdecl, 
+proc wmSetCaption*(title: cstring, icon: cstring){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_WM_SetCaption", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Sets the icon for the display window.
   #  This function must be called before the first call to SDL_SetVideoMode().
   #  It takes an icon surface, and a mask in MSB format.
   #  If 'mask' is NULL, the entire icon surface will be used as the icon.
-proc WM_SetIcon*(icon: PSurface, mask: byte){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WM_SetIcon", 
+proc wmSetIcon*(icon: PSurface, mask: byte){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WM_SetIcon", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function iconifies the window, and returns 1 if it succeeded.
   #  If the function succeeds, it generates an SDL_APPACTIVE loss event.
   #  This function is a noop and returns 0 in non-windowed environments.
-proc WM_IconifyWindow*(): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WM_IconifyWindow", 
+proc wmIconifyWindow*(): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WM_IconifyWindow", 
                                dynlib: LibName.}
   # Toggle fullscreen mode without changing the contents of the screen.
   #  If the display surface does not require locking before accessing
@@ -2232,12 +2225,12 @@ proc WM_IconifyWindow*(): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WM_IconifyWindow",
   #  set, then the display will be windowed by default where supported.
   #  This is currently only implemented in the X11 video driver.
-proc WM_ToggleFullScreen*(surface: PSurface): int{.cdecl, 
+proc wmToggleFullScreen*(surface: PSurface): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Grabbing means that the mouse is confined to the application window,
   #  and nearly all keyboard input is passed directly to the application,
   #  and not interpreted by a window manager, if any.
-proc WM_GrabInput*(mode: TGrabMode): TGrabMode{.cdecl, 
+proc wmGrabInput*(mode: TGrabMode): TGrabMode{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_WM_GrabInput", dynlib: LibName.}
   # mouse-routines
@@ -2246,16 +2239,16 @@ proc WM_GrabInput*(mode: TGrabMode): TGrabMode{.cdecl,
   #  The current button state is returned as a button bitmask, which can
   #  be tested using the SDL_BUTTON(X) macros, and x and y are set to the
   #  current mouse cursor position.  You can pass NULL for either x or y.
-proc GetMouseState*(x: var int, y: var int): byte{.cdecl, 
+proc getMouseState*(x: var int, y: var int): byte{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_GetMouseState", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Retrieve the current state of the mouse.
   #  The current button state is returned as a button bitmask, which can
   #  be tested using the SDL_BUTTON(X) macros, and x and y are set to the
   #  mouse deltas since the last call to SDL_GetRelativeMouseState().
-proc GetRelativeMouseState*(x: var int, y: var int): byte{.cdecl, 
+proc getRelativeMouseState*(x: var int, y: var int): byte{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_GetRelativeMouseState", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Set the position of the mouse cursor (generates a mouse motion event)
-proc WarpMouse*(x, y: uint16){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WarpMouse", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc warpMouse*(x, y: uint16){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WarpMouse", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Create a cursor using the specified data and mask (in MSB format).
   #  The cursor width must be a multiple of 8 bits.
@@ -2267,26 +2260,26 @@ proc WarpMouse*(x, y: uint16){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WarpMouse", dynlib: LibName.
   #   1     0       Inverted color if possible, black if not.
   #  Cursors created with this function must be freed with SDL_FreeCursor().
-proc CreateCursor*(data, mask: ptr byte, w, h, hot_x, hot_y: int): PCursor{.cdecl, 
+proc createCursor*(data, mask: ptr byte, w, h, hotX, hotY: int): PCursor{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_CreateCursor", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Set the currently active cursor to the specified one.
   #  If the cursor is currently visible, the change will be immediately
   #  represented on the display.
-proc SetCursor*(cursor: PCursor){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetCursor", 
+proc setCursor*(cursor: PCursor){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetCursor", 
                                   dynlib: LibName.}
   # Returns the currently active cursor.
-proc GetCursor*(): PCursor{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetCursor", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc getCursor*(): PCursor{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetCursor", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Deallocates a cursor created with SDL_CreateCursor().
-proc FreeCursor*(cursor: PCursor){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeCursor", 
+proc freeCursor*(cursor: PCursor){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FreeCursor", 
                                    dynlib: LibName.}
   # Toggle whether or not the cursor is shown on the screen.
   #  The cursor start off displayed, but can be turned off.
   #  SDL_ShowCursor() returns 1 if the cursor was being displayed
   #  before the call, or 0 if it was not.  You can query the current
   #  state by passing a 'toggle' value of -1.
-proc ShowCursor*(toggle: int): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_ShowCursor", 
+proc showCursor*(toggle: int): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_ShowCursor", 
                                     dynlib: LibName.}
-proc BUTTON*(Button: int): int
+proc button*(b: int): int
   # Keyboard-routines
@@ -2296,12 +2289,12 @@ proc BUTTON*(Button: int): int
   #  If 'enable' is 0, translation is disabled.
   #  If 'enable' is -1, the translation state is not changed.
   #  It returns the previous state of keyboard translation.
-proc EnableUNICODE*(enable: int): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_EnableUNICODE", 
+proc enableUNICODE*(enable: int): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_EnableUNICODE", 
                                        dynlib: LibName.}
   # If 'delay' is set to 0, keyboard repeat is disabled.
-proc EnableKeyRepeat*(delay: int, interval: int): int{.cdecl, 
+proc enableKeyRepeat*(delay: int, interval: int): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_EnableKeyRepeat", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc GetKeyRepeat*(delay: PInteger, interval: PInteger){.cdecl, 
+proc getKeyRepeat*(delay: PInteger, interval: PInteger){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_GetKeyRepeat", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get a snapshot of the current state of the keyboard.
   #  Returns an array of keystates, indexed by the SDLK_* syms.
@@ -2309,16 +2302,16 @@ proc GetKeyRepeat*(delay: PInteger, interval: PInteger){.cdecl,
   #  byte *keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);
   #  if ( keystate[SDLK_RETURN] ) ... <RETURN> is pressed
-proc GetKeyState*(numkeys: pointer): ptr byte{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetKeyState", 
+proc getKeyState*(numkeys: pointer): ptr byte{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetKeyState", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the current key modifier state
-proc GetModState*(): TMod{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetModState", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc getModState*(): TMod{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetModState", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Set the current key modifier state
   #  This does not change the keyboard state, only the key modifier flags.
-proc SetModState*(modstate: TMod){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetModState", 
+proc setModState*(modstate: TMod){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetModState", 
                                    dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the name of an SDL virtual keysym
-proc GetKeyName*(key: TKey): cstring{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetKeyName", 
+proc getKeyName*(key: TKey): cstring{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetKeyName", 
                                       dynlib: LibName.}
   # Active Routines
@@ -2327,96 +2320,96 @@ proc GetKeyName*(key: TKey): cstring{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetKeyName",
   #  bitwise combination of SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS, SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS, and
   #  SDL_APPACTIVE.  If SDL_APPACTIVE is set, then the user is able to
   #  see your application, otherwise it has been iconified or disabled.
-proc GetAppState*(): byte{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetAppState", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc getAppState*(): byte{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetAppState", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Mutex functions
   # Create a mutex, initialized unlocked
-proc CreateMutex*(): PMutex{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CreateMutex", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc createMutex*(): PMutex{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CreateMutex", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Lock the mutex  (Returns 0, or -1 on error)
-proc mutexP*(mutex: Pmutex): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_mutexP", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc LockMutex*(mutex: Pmutex): int
+proc mutexP*(mutex: PMutex): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_mutexP", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc lockMutex*(mutex: PMutex): int
   # Unlock the mutex  (Returns 0, or -1 on error)
-proc mutexV*(mutex: Pmutex): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_mutexV", dynlib: LibName.}
-proc UnlockMutex*(mutex: Pmutex): int
+proc mutexV*(mutex: PMutex): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_mutexV", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc unlockMutex*(mutex: PMutex): int
   # Destroy a mutex
-proc DestroyMutex*(mutex: Pmutex){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_DestroyMutex", 
+proc destroyMutex*(mutex: PMutex){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_DestroyMutex", 
                                    dynlib: LibName.}
   # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
   # Semaphore functions
   # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
   # Create a semaphore, initialized with value, returns NULL on failure.
-proc CreateSemaphore*(initial_value: int32): PSem{.cdecl, 
+proc createSemaphore*(initialValue: int32): PSem{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_CreateSemaphore", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Destroy a semaphore
-proc DestroySemaphore*(sem: Psem){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_DestroySemaphore", 
+proc destroySemaphore*(sem: PSem){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_DestroySemaphore", 
                                    dynlib: LibName.}
   # This function suspends the calling thread until the semaphore pointed
   #  to by sem has a positive count. It then atomically decreases the semaphore
   #  count.
-proc SemWait*(sem: Psem): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SemWait", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc semWait*(sem: PSem): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SemWait", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Non-blocking variant of SDL_SemWait(), returns 0 if the wait succeeds,
   #   SDL_MUTEX_TIMEDOUT if the wait would block, and -1 on error.
-proc SemTryWait*(sem: Psem): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SemTryWait", 
+proc semTryWait*(sem: PSem): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SemTryWait", 
                                   dynlib: LibName.}
   # Variant of SDL_SemWait() with a timeout in milliseconds, returns 0 if
   #   the wait succeeds, SDL_MUTEX_TIMEDOUT if the wait does not succeed in
   #   the allotted time, and -1 on error.
   #   On some platforms this function is implemented by looping with a delay
   #   of 1 ms, and so should be avoided if possible.
-proc SemWaitTimeout*(sem: Psem, ms: int32): int{.cdecl, 
+proc semWaitTimeout*(sem: PSem, ms: int32): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_SemWaitTimeout", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Atomically increases the semaphore's count (not blocking), returns 0,
   #   or -1 on error.
-proc SemPost*(sem: Psem): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SemPost", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc semPost*(sem: PSem): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SemPost", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Returns the current count of the semaphore
-proc SemValue*(sem: Psem): int32{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SemValue", 
+proc semValue*(sem: PSem): int32{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SemValue", 
                                    dynlib: LibName.}
   # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
   # Condition variable functions
   # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
   # Create a condition variable
-proc CreateCond*(): PCond{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CreateCond", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc createCond*(): PCond{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CreateCond", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Destroy a condition variable
-proc DestroyCond*(cond: PCond){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_DestroyCond", 
+proc destroyCond*(cond: PCond){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_DestroyCond", 
                                 dynlib: LibName.}
   # Restart one of the threads that are waiting on the condition variable,
   #   returns 0 or -1 on error.
-proc CondSignal*(cond: Pcond): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CondSignal", 
+proc condSignal*(cond: PCond): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CondSignal", 
                                     dynlib: LibName.}
   # Restart all threads that are waiting on the condition variable,
   #  returns 0 or -1 on error.
-proc CondBroadcast*(cond: Pcond): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CondBroadcast", 
+proc condBroadcast*(cond: PCond): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CondBroadcast", 
                                        dynlib: LibName.}
   # Wait on the condition variable, unlocking the provided mutex.
   #  The mutex must be locked before entering this function!
   #  Returns 0 when it is signaled, or -1 on error.
-proc CondWait*(cond: Pcond, mut: Pmutex): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CondWait", 
+proc condWait*(cond: PCond, mut: PMutex): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_CondWait", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # Waits for at most 'ms' milliseconds, and returns 0 if the condition
   #  variable is signaled, SDL_MUTEX_TIMEDOUT if the condition is not
   #  signaled in the allotted time, and -1 on error.
   #  On some platforms this function is implemented by looping with a delay
   #  of 1 ms, and so should be avoided if possible.
-proc CondWaitTimeout*(cond: Pcond, mut: Pmutex, ms: int32): int{.cdecl, 
+proc condWaitTimeout*(cond: PCond, mut: PMutex, ms: int32): int{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_CondWaitTimeout", dynlib: LibName.}
   # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
   # Condition variable functions
   # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
   # Create a thread
-proc CreateThread*(fn, data: pointer): PThread{.cdecl, 
+proc createThread*(fn, data: pointer): PThread{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_CreateThread", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the 32-bit thread identifier for the current thread
-proc ThreadID*(): int32{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_ThreadID", dynlib: LibName.}
+proc threadID*(): int32{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_ThreadID", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get the 32-bit thread identifier for the specified thread,
   #  equivalent to SDL_ThreadID() if the specified thread is NULL.
-proc GetThreadID*(thread: PThread): int32{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetThreadID", 
+proc getThreadID*(thread: PThread): int32{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetThreadID", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   # Wait for a thread to finish.
   #  The return code for the thread function is placed in the area
   #  pointed to by 'status', if 'status' is not NULL.
-proc WaitThread*(thread: PThread, status: var int){.cdecl, 
+proc waitThread*(thread: PThread, status: var int){.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_WaitThread", dynlib: LibName.}
   # Forcefully kill a thread without worrying about its state
-proc KillThread*(thread: PThread){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_KillThread", 
+proc killThread*(thread: PThread){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_KillThread", 
                                    dynlib: LibName.}
   # Get Environment Routines
@@ -2427,7 +2420,7 @@ proc KillThread*(thread: PThread){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_KillThread",
   # * returns 1 if the function is implemented.  If it's not implemented, or
   # * the version member of the 'info' structure is invalid, it returns 0.
   # *
-proc GetWMInfo*(info: PSysWMinfo): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetWMInfo", 
+proc getWMInfo*(info: PSysWMinfo): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetWMInfo", 
                                         dynlib: LibName.}
@@ -2435,115 +2428,111 @@ proc GetWMInfo*(info: PSysWMinfo): int{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetWMInfo",
   # * to the object handle (or NULL if there was an error).
   # * The 'sofile' parameter is a system dependent name of the object file.
   # *
-proc LoadObject*(sofile: cstring): pointer{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_LoadObject", 
+proc loadObject*(sofile: cstring): pointer{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_LoadObject", 
     dynlib: LibName.}
   #* Given an object handle, this function looks up the address of the
   # * named function in the shared object and returns it.  This address
   # * is no longer valid after calling SDL_UnloadObject().
   # *
-proc LoadFunction*(handle: pointer, name: cstring): pointer{.cdecl, 
+proc loadFunction*(handle: pointer, name: cstring): pointer{.cdecl, 
     importc: "SDL_LoadFunction", dynlib: LibName.}
   #* Unload a shared object from memory *
-proc UnloadObject*(handle: pointer){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_UnloadObject", 
+proc unloadObject*(handle: pointer){.cdecl, importc: "SDL_UnloadObject", 
                                      dynlib: LibName.}
-proc Swap32*(D: int32): int32
+proc swap32*(d: int32): int32
   # Bitwise Checking functions
-proc IsBitOn*(value: int, bit: int8): bool
-proc TurnBitOn*(value: int, bit: int8): int
-proc TurnBitOff*(value: int, bit: int8): int
+proc isBitOn*(value: int, bit: int8): bool
+proc turnBitOn*(value: int, bit: int8): int
+proc turnBitOff*(value: int, bit: int8): int
 # implementation
-proc TABLESIZE(table: cstring): int = 
+proc tablesize(table: cstring): int = 
   result = sizeOf(table) div sizeOf(table[0])
-proc OutOfMemory() = 
-  when not (defined(WINDOWS)): Error(ENOMEM)
-proc RWSeek(context: PRWops, offset: int, whence: int): int = 
+proc rwSeek(context: PRWops, offset: int, whence: int): int = 
   result =, offset, whence)
-proc RWTell(context: PRWops): int = 
+proc rwTell(context: PRWops): int = 
   result =, 0, 1)
-proc RWRead(context: PRWops, theptr: pointer, size: int, n: int): int = 
+proc rwRead(context: PRWops, theptr: pointer, size: int, n: int): int = 
   result =, theptr, size, n)
-proc RWWrite(context: PRWops, theptr: pointer, size: int, n: int): int = 
+proc rwWrite(context: PRWops, theptr: pointer, size: int, n: int): int = 
   result = context.write(context, theptr, size, n)
-proc RWClose(context: PRWops): int = 
+proc rwClose(context: PRWops): int = 
   result = context.closeFile(context)
-proc LoadWAV(filename: cstring, spec: PAudioSpec, audio_buf: ptr byte, 
+proc loadWAV(filename: cstring, spec: PAudioSpec, audioBuf: ptr byte, 
              audiolen: PUInt32): PAudioSpec = 
-  result = LoadWAV_RW(RWFromFile(filename, "rb"), 1, spec, audio_buf, audiolen)
+  result = loadWAV_RW(rWFromFile(filename, "rb"), 1, spec, audioBuf, audiolen)
-proc CDInDrive(status: TCDStatus): bool = 
+proc cdInDrive(status: TCDStatus): bool = 
   result = ord(status) > ord(CD_ERROR)
-proc FRAMES_TO_MSF(frames: int, M: var int, S: var int, F: var int) = 
-  var value: int
-  value = frames
-  F = value mod CD_FPS
+proc framesToMsf*(frames: int; m, s, f: var int) =
+  var value = frames
+  f = value mod CD_FPS
   value = value div CD_FPS
-  S = value mod 60
+  s = value mod 60
   value = value div 60
-  M = value
+  m = value
-proc MSF_TO_FRAMES(M: int, S: int, F: int): int = 
-  result = M * 60 * CD_FPS + S * CD_FPS + F
+proc msfToFrames*(m, s, f: int): int = 
+  result = m * 60 * CD_FPS + s * CD_FPS + f
-proc VERSION(X: var TVersion) = 
-  X.major = MAJOR_VERSION
-  X.minor = MINOR_VERSION
-  X.patch = PATCHLEVEL
+proc version(x: var Tversion) = 
+  x.major = MAJOR_VERSION
+  x.minor = MINOR_VERSION
+  x.patch = PATCHLEVEL
-proc VERSIONNUM(X, Y, Z: int): int = 
-  result = X * 1000 + Y * 100 + Z
+proc versionnum(x, y, z: int): int = 
+  result = x * 1000 + y * 100 + z
-proc COMPILEDVERSION(): int = 
+proc compiledversion(): int = 
-proc VERSION_ATLEAST(X, Y, Z: int): bool = 
+proc versionAtleast(x, y, z: int): bool = 
+  result = (compiledversion() >= versionnum(x, y, z))
-proc LoadBMP(filename: cstring): PSurface = 
-  result = LoadBMP_RW(RWFromFile(filename, "rb"), 1)
+proc loadBMP(filename: cstring): PSurface = 
+  result = loadBMP_RW(rWFromFile(filename, "rb"), 1)
-proc SaveBMP(surface: PSurface, filename: cstring): int = 
-  result = SaveBMP_RW(surface, RWFromFile(filename, "wb"), 1)
+proc saveBMP(surface: PSurface, filename: cstring): int = 
+  result = saveBMP_RW(surface, rWFromFile(filename, "wb"), 1)
-proc BlitSurface(src: PSurface, srcrect: PRect, dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect): int = 
-  result = UpperBlit(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect)
+proc blitSurface(src: PSurface, srcrect: PRect, dst: PSurface, dstrect: PRect): int = 
+  result = upperBlit(src, srcrect, dst, dstrect)
-proc AllocSurface(flags: int32, width, height, depth: int, 
-                  RMask, GMask, BMask, AMask: int32): PSurface = 
-  result = CreateRGBSurface(flags, width, height, depth, RMask, GMask, BMask, 
-                            AMask)
+proc allocSurface(flags: int32, width, height, depth: int, 
+                  rMask, gMask, bMask, aMask: int32): PSurface = 
+  result = createRGBSurface(flags, width, height, depth, rMask, gMask, bMask, 
+                            aMask)
-proc MustLock(surface: PSurface): bool = 
+proc mustLock(surface: PSurface): bool = 
   result = ((surface.offset != 0) or
       ((surface.flags and (HWSURFACE or ASYNCBLIT or RLEACCEL)) != 0))
-proc LockMutex(mutex: Pmutex): int = 
+proc lockMutex(mutex: PMutex): int = 
   result = mutexP(mutex)
-proc UnlockMutex(mutex: Pmutex): int = 
+proc unlockMutex(mutex: PMutex): int = 
   result = mutexV(mutex)
-proc BUTTON(Button: int): int = 
-  result = PRESSED shl (Button - 1)
+proc button(b: int): int = 
+  result = PRESSED shl (b - 1)
-proc Swap32(D: int32): int32 = 
-  result = ((D shl 24) or ((D shl 8) and 0x00FF0000) or
-      ((D shr 8) and 0x0000FF00) or (D shr 24))
+proc swap32(d: int32): int32 = 
+  result = ((d shl 24) or ((d shl 8) and 0x00FF0000) or
+      ((d shr 8) and 0x0000FF00) or (d shr 24))
-proc IsBitOn(value: int, bit: int8): bool = 
+proc isBitOn(value: int, bit: int8): bool = 
   result = ((value and (1 shl ze(bit))) != 0)
-proc TurnBitOn(value: int, bit: int8): int = 
+proc turnBitOn(value: int, bit: int8): int = 
   result = (value or (1 shl ze(bit)))
-proc TurnBitOff(value: int, bit: int8): int = 
+proc turnBitOff(value: int, bit: int8): int = 
   result = (value and not (1 shl ze(bit)))