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path: root/lib
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authorAraq <>2018-04-06 11:58:12 +0200
committerAraq <>2018-04-06 11:59:49 +0200
commit0872e7a27e08c551f21cfcf3f8963f6f452f62cf (patch)
tree45d1f1beff6c3844ffa3ed3048105b43752a1810 /lib
parent5a5ee937845020266b80a738cc86da7f745e7e49 (diff)
renamed future.nim to sugar.nim
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 202 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/future.nim b/lib/pure/future.nim
index 1a3ab688d..40dba7846 100644
--- a/lib/pure/future.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/future.nim
@@ -1,200 +1,4 @@
-#            Nim's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2015 Dominik Picheta
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## This module implements experimental features which may soon be moved to
-## the system module (or other more appropriate modules).
+{.deprecated: "Use the new 'sugar' module instead".}
-import macros
-proc createProcType(p, b: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
-  #echo treeRepr(p)
-  #echo treeRepr(b)
-  result = newNimNode(nnkProcTy)
-  var formalParams = newNimNode(nnkFormalParams)
-  formalParams.add b
-  case p.kind
-  of nnkPar:
-    for i in 0 ..< p.len:
-      let ident = p[i]
-      var identDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs)
-      case ident.kind
-      of nnkExprColonExpr:
-        identDefs.add ident[0]
-        identDefs.add ident[1]
-      else:
-        identDefs.add newIdentNode("i" & $i)
-        identDefs.add(ident)
-      identDefs.add newEmptyNode()
-      formalParams.add identDefs
-  else:
-    var identDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs)
-    identDefs.add newIdentNode("i0")
-    identDefs.add(p)
-    identDefs.add newEmptyNode()
-    formalParams.add identDefs
-  result.add formalParams
-  result.add newEmptyNode()
-  #echo(treeRepr(result))
-  #echo(result.toStrLit())
-macro `=>`*(p, b: untyped): untyped =
-  ## Syntax sugar for anonymous procedures.
-  ##
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##
-  ##   proc passTwoAndTwo(f: (int, int) -> int): int =
-  ##     f(2, 2)
-  ##
-  ##   passTwoAndTwo((x, y) => x + y) # 4
-  #echo treeRepr(p)
-  #echo(treeRepr(b))
-  var params: seq[NimNode] = @[newIdentNode("auto")]
-  case p.kind
-  of nnkPar:
-    for c in children(p):
-      var identDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs)
-      case c.kind
-      of nnkExprColonExpr:
-        identDefs.add(c[0])
-        identDefs.add(c[1])
-        identDefs.add(newEmptyNode())
-      of nnkIdent:
-        identDefs.add(c)
-        identDefs.add(newIdentNode("auto"))
-        identDefs.add(newEmptyNode())
-      of nnkInfix:
-        if c[0].kind == nnkIdent and c[0].ident == !"->":
-          var procTy = createProcType(c[1], c[2])
-          params[0] = procTy[0][0]
-          for i in 1 ..< procTy[0].len:
-            params.add(procTy[0][i])
-        else:
-          error("Expected proc type (->) got (" & $c[0].ident & ").")
-        break
-      else:
-        echo treeRepr c
-        error("Incorrect procedure parameter list.")
-      params.add(identDefs)
-  of nnkIdent:
-    var identDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs)
-    identDefs.add(p)
-    identDefs.add(newIdentNode("auto"))
-    identDefs.add(newEmptyNode())
-    params.add(identDefs)
-  of nnkInfix:
-    if p[0].kind == nnkIdent and p[0].ident == !"->":
-      var procTy = createProcType(p[1], p[2])
-      params[0] = procTy[0][0]
-      for i in 1 ..< procTy[0].len:
-        params.add(procTy[0][i])
-    else:
-      error("Expected proc type (->) got (" & $p[0].ident & ").")
-  else:
-    error("Incorrect procedure parameter list.")
-  result = newProc(params = params, body = b, procType = nnkLambda)
-  #echo(result.treeRepr)
-  #echo(result.toStrLit())
-  #return result # TODO: Bug?
-macro `->`*(p, b: untyped): untyped =
-  ## Syntax sugar for procedure types.
-  ##
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##
-  ##   proc pass2(f: (float, float) -> float): float =
-  ##     f(2, 2)
-  ##
-  ##   # is the same as:
-  ##
-  ##   proc pass2(f: proc (x, y: float): float): float =
-  ##     f(2, 2)
-  result = createProcType(p, b)
-type ListComprehension = object
-var lc*: ListComprehension
-macro `[]`*(lc: ListComprehension, comp, typ: untyped): untyped =
-  ## List comprehension, returns a sequence. `comp` is the actual list
-  ## comprehension, for example ``x | (x <- 1..10, x mod 2 == 0)``. `typ` is
-  ## the type that will be stored inside the result seq.
-  ##
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##
-  ##   echo lc[x | (x <- 1..10, x mod 2 == 0), int]
-  ##
-  ##   const n = 20
-  ##   echo lc[(x,y,z) | (x <- 1..n, y <- x..n, z <- y..n, x*x + y*y == z*z),
-  ##           tuple[a,b,c: int]]
-  expectLen(comp, 3)
-  expectKind(comp, nnkInfix)
-  expectKind(comp[0], nnkIdent)
-  assert($comp[0].ident == "|")
-  result = newCall(
-    newDotExpr(
-      newIdentNode("result"),
-      newIdentNode("add")),
-    comp[1])
-  for i in countdown(comp[2].len-1, 0):
-    let x = comp[2][i]
-    expectMinLen(x, 1)
-    if x[0].kind == nnkIdent and $x[0].ident == "<-":
-      expectLen(x, 3)
-      result = newNimNode(nnkForStmt).add(x[1], x[2], result)
-    else:
-      result = newIfStmt((x, result))
-  result = newNimNode(nnkCall).add(
-    newNimNode(nnkPar).add(
-      newNimNode(nnkLambda).add(
-        newEmptyNode(),
-        newEmptyNode(),
-        newEmptyNode(),
-        newNimNode(nnkFormalParams).add(
-          newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr).add(
-            newIdentNode("seq"),
-            typ)),
-        newEmptyNode(),
-        newEmptyNode(),
-        newStmtList(
-          newAssignment(
-            newIdentNode("result"),
-            newNimNode(nnkPrefix).add(
-              newIdentNode("@"),
-              newNimNode(nnkBracket))),
-          result))))
-macro dump*(x: typed): untyped =
-  ## Dumps the content of an expression, useful for debugging.
-  ## It accepts any expression and prints a textual representation
-  ## of the tree representing the expression - as it would appear in
-  ## source code - together with the value of the expression.
-  ##
-  ## As an example,
-  ##
-  ## .. code-block:: nim
-  ##   let
-  ##     x = 10
-  ##     y = 20
-  ##   dump(x + y)
-  ##
-  ## will print ``x + y = 30``.
-  let s = x.toStrLit
-  let r = quote do:
-    debugEcho `s`, " = ", `x`
-  return r
+include sugar
diff --git a/lib/pure/sugar.nim b/lib/pure/sugar.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbeeef095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/sugar.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#            Nim's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2015 Dominik Picheta
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## This module implements nice syntactic sugar based on Nim's
+## macro system.
+import macros
+proc createProcType(p, b: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
+  #echo treeRepr(p)
+  #echo treeRepr(b)
+  result = newNimNode(nnkProcTy)
+  var formalParams = newNimNode(nnkFormalParams)
+  formalParams.add b
+  case p.kind
+  of nnkPar:
+    for i in 0 ..< p.len:
+      let ident = p[i]
+      var identDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs)
+      case ident.kind
+      of nnkExprColonExpr:
+        identDefs.add ident[0]
+        identDefs.add ident[1]
+      else:
+        identDefs.add newIdentNode("i" & $i)
+        identDefs.add(ident)
+      identDefs.add newEmptyNode()
+      formalParams.add identDefs
+  else:
+    var identDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs)
+    identDefs.add newIdentNode("i0")
+    identDefs.add(p)
+    identDefs.add newEmptyNode()
+    formalParams.add identDefs
+  result.add formalParams
+  result.add newEmptyNode()
+  #echo(treeRepr(result))
+  #echo(result.toStrLit())
+macro `=>`*(p, b: untyped): untyped =
+  ## Syntax sugar for anonymous procedures.
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block:: nim
+  ##
+  ##   proc passTwoAndTwo(f: (int, int) -> int): int =
+  ##     f(2, 2)
+  ##
+  ##   passTwoAndTwo((x, y) => x + y) # 4
+  #echo treeRepr(p)
+  #echo(treeRepr(b))
+  var params: seq[NimNode] = @[newIdentNode("auto")]
+  case p.kind
+  of nnkPar:
+    for c in children(p):
+      var identDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs)
+      case c.kind
+      of nnkExprColonExpr:
+        identDefs.add(c[0])
+        identDefs.add(c[1])
+        identDefs.add(newEmptyNode())
+      of nnkIdent:
+        identDefs.add(c)
+        identDefs.add(newIdentNode("auto"))
+        identDefs.add(newEmptyNode())
+      of nnkInfix:
+        if c[0].kind == nnkIdent and c[0].ident == !"->":
+          var procTy = createProcType(c[1], c[2])
+          params[0] = procTy[0][0]
+          for i in 1 ..< procTy[0].len:
+            params.add(procTy[0][i])
+        else:
+          error("Expected proc type (->) got (" & $c[0].ident & ").")
+        break
+      else:
+        echo treeRepr c
+        error("Incorrect procedure parameter list.")
+      params.add(identDefs)
+  of nnkIdent:
+    var identDefs = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs)
+    identDefs.add(p)
+    identDefs.add(newIdentNode("auto"))
+    identDefs.add(newEmptyNode())
+    params.add(identDefs)
+  of nnkInfix:
+    if p[0].kind == nnkIdent and p[0].ident == !"->":
+      var procTy = createProcType(p[1], p[2])
+      params[0] = procTy[0][0]
+      for i in 1 ..< procTy[0].len:
+        params.add(procTy[0][i])
+    else:
+      error("Expected proc type (->) got (" & $p[0].ident & ").")
+  else:
+    error("Incorrect procedure parameter list.")
+  result = newProc(params = params, body = b, procType = nnkLambda)
+  #echo(result.treeRepr)
+  #echo(result.toStrLit())
+  #return result # TODO: Bug?
+macro `->`*(p, b: untyped): untyped =
+  ## Syntax sugar for procedure types.
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block:: nim
+  ##
+  ##   proc pass2(f: (float, float) -> float): float =
+  ##     f(2, 2)
+  ##
+  ##   # is the same as:
+  ##
+  ##   proc pass2(f: proc (x, y: float): float): float =
+  ##     f(2, 2)
+  result = createProcType(p, b)
+type ListComprehension = object
+var lc*: ListComprehension
+macro `[]`*(lc: ListComprehension, comp, typ: untyped): untyped =
+  ## List comprehension, returns a sequence. `comp` is the actual list
+  ## comprehension, for example ``x | (x <- 1..10, x mod 2 == 0)``. `typ` is
+  ## the type that will be stored inside the result seq.
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block:: nim
+  ##
+  ##   echo lc[x | (x <- 1..10, x mod 2 == 0), int]
+  ##
+  ##   const n = 20
+  ##   echo lc[(x,y,z) | (x <- 1..n, y <- x..n, z <- y..n, x*x + y*y == z*z),
+  ##           tuple[a,b,c: int]]
+  expectLen(comp, 3)
+  expectKind(comp, nnkInfix)
+  expectKind(comp[0], nnkIdent)
+  assert($comp[0].ident == "|")
+  result = newCall(
+    newDotExpr(
+      newIdentNode("result"),
+      newIdentNode("add")),
+    comp[1])
+  for i in countdown(comp[2].len-1, 0):
+    let x = comp[2][i]
+    expectMinLen(x, 1)
+    if x[0].kind == nnkIdent and $x[0].ident == "<-":
+      expectLen(x, 3)
+      result = newNimNode(nnkForStmt).add(x[1], x[2], result)
+    else:
+      result = newIfStmt((x, result))
+  result = newNimNode(nnkCall).add(
+    newNimNode(nnkPar).add(
+      newNimNode(nnkLambda).add(
+        newEmptyNode(),
+        newEmptyNode(),
+        newEmptyNode(),
+        newNimNode(nnkFormalParams).add(
+          newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr).add(
+            newIdentNode("seq"),
+            typ)),
+        newEmptyNode(),
+        newEmptyNode(),
+        newStmtList(
+          newAssignment(
+            newIdentNode("result"),
+            newNimNode(nnkPrefix).add(
+              newIdentNode("@"),
+              newNimNode(nnkBracket))),
+          result))))
+macro dump*(x: typed): untyped =
+  ## Dumps the content of an expression, useful for debugging.
+  ## It accepts any expression and prints a textual representation
+  ## of the tree representing the expression - as it would appear in
+  ## source code - together with the value of the expression.
+  ##
+  ## As an example,
+  ##
+  ## .. code-block:: nim
+  ##   let
+  ##     x = 10
+  ##     y = 20
+  ##   dump(x + y)
+  ##
+  ## will print ``x + y = 30``.
+  let s = x.toStrLit
+  let r = quote do:
+    debugEcho `s`, " = ", `x`
+  return r