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path: root/lib
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authorAraq <>2018-05-18 01:49:49 +0200
committerAraq <>2018-05-18 01:49:49 +0200
commit221b34ad8313be854a6e27352ce67ffe8492b7ff (patch)
tree2b8d83cc7071afbe6f1f866bb94ee56d4111d33c /lib
parent4e63f0c267c43821b7d471c8bb56f21c5d5b6d6f (diff)
move parsejson logic into its own standard lib module
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 547 insertions, 505 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/json.nim b/lib/pure/json.nim
index 9f9339961..ca7e164b8 100644
--- a/lib/pure/json.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/json.nim
@@ -89,507 +89,22 @@
 ##    echo j2
-  hashes, tables, strutils, lexbase, streams, unicode, macros
+  hashes, tables, strutils, lexbase, streams, unicode, macros, parsejson
+  parsejson.JsonEventKind, parsejson.JsonError, JsonParser, JsonKindError,
+  open, close, str, getInt, getFloat, kind, getColumn, getLine, getFilename,
+  errorMsg, errorMsgExpected, next, JsonParsingError, raiseParseErr
 when defined(nimJsonGet):
   {.pragma: deprecatedGet, deprecated.}
   {.pragma: deprecatedGet.}
-  JsonEventKind* = enum  ## enumeration of all events that may occur when parsing
-    jsonError,           ## an error occurred during parsing
-    jsonEof,             ## end of file reached
-    jsonString,          ## a string literal
-    jsonInt,             ## an integer literal
-    jsonFloat,           ## a float literal
-    jsonTrue,            ## the value ``true``
-    jsonFalse,           ## the value ``false``
-    jsonNull,            ## the value ``null``
-    jsonObjectStart,     ## start of an object: the ``{`` token
-    jsonObjectEnd,       ## end of an object: the ``}`` token
-    jsonArrayStart,      ## start of an array: the ``[`` token
-    jsonArrayEnd         ## start of an array: the ``]`` token
-  TokKind = enum         # must be synchronized with TJsonEventKind!
-    tkError,
-    tkEof,
-    tkString,
-    tkInt,
-    tkFloat,
-    tkTrue,
-    tkFalse,
-    tkNull,
-    tkCurlyLe,
-    tkCurlyRi,
-    tkBracketLe,
-    tkBracketRi,
-    tkColon,
-    tkComma
-  JsonError* = enum        ## enumeration that lists all errors that can occur
-    errNone,               ## no error
-    errInvalidToken,       ## invalid token
-    errStringExpected,     ## string expected
-    errColonExpected,      ## ``:`` expected
-    errCommaExpected,      ## ``,`` expected
-    errBracketRiExpected,  ## ``]`` expected
-    errCurlyRiExpected,    ## ``}`` expected
-    errQuoteExpected,      ## ``"`` or ``'`` expected
-    errEOC_Expected,       ## ``*/`` expected
-    errEofExpected,        ## EOF expected
-    errExprExpected        ## expr expected
-  ParserState = enum
-    stateEof, stateStart, stateObject, stateArray, stateExpectArrayComma,
-    stateExpectObjectComma, stateExpectColon, stateExpectValue
-  JsonParser* = object of BaseLexer ## the parser object.
-    a: string
-    tok: TokKind
-    kind: JsonEventKind
-    err: JsonError
-    state: seq[ParserState]
-    filename: string
-  JsonKindError* = object of ValueError ## raised by the ``to`` macro if the
-                                        ## JSON kind is incorrect.
-  errorMessages: array[JsonError, string] = [
-    "no error",
-    "invalid token",
-    "string expected",
-    "':' expected",
-    "',' expected",
-    "']' expected",
-    "'}' expected",
-    "'\"' or \"'\" expected",
-    "'*/' expected",
-    "EOF expected",
-    "expression expected"
-  ]
-  tokToStr: array[TokKind, string] = [
-    "invalid token",
-    "EOF",
-    "string literal",
-    "int literal",
-    "float literal",
-    "true",
-    "false",
-    "null",
-    "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ","
-  ]
-proc open*(my: var JsonParser, input: Stream, filename: string) =
-  ## initializes the parser with an input stream. `Filename` is only used
-  ## for nice error messages.
-, input)
-  my.filename = filename
-  my.state = @[stateStart]
-  my.kind = jsonError
-  my.a = ""
-proc close*(my: var JsonParser) {.inline.} =
-  ## closes the parser `my` and its associated input stream.
-  lexbase.close(my)
-proc str*(my: JsonParser): string {.inline.} =
-  ## returns the character data for the events: ``jsonInt``, ``jsonFloat``,
-  ## ``jsonString``
-  assert(my.kind in {jsonInt, jsonFloat, jsonString})
-  return my.a
-proc getInt*(my: JsonParser): BiggestInt {.inline.} =
-  ## returns the number for the event: ``jsonInt``
-  assert(my.kind == jsonInt)
-  return parseBiggestInt(my.a)
-proc getFloat*(my: JsonParser): float {.inline.} =
-  ## returns the number for the event: ``jsonFloat``
-  assert(my.kind == jsonFloat)
-  return parseFloat(my.a)
-proc kind*(my: JsonParser): JsonEventKind {.inline.} =
-  ## returns the current event type for the JSON parser
-  return my.kind
-proc getColumn*(my: JsonParser): int {.inline.} =
-  ## get the current column the parser has arrived at.
-  result = getColNumber(my, my.bufpos)
-proc getLine*(my: JsonParser): int {.inline.} =
-  ## get the current line the parser has arrived at.
-  result = my.lineNumber
-proc getFilename*(my: JsonParser): string {.inline.} =
-  ## get the filename of the file that the parser processes.
-  result = my.filename
-proc errorMsg*(my: JsonParser): string =
-  ## returns a helpful error message for the event ``jsonError``
-  assert(my.kind == jsonError)
-  result = "$1($2, $3) Error: $4" % [
-    my.filename, $getLine(my), $getColumn(my), errorMessages[my.err]]
-proc errorMsgExpected*(my: JsonParser, e: string): string =
-  ## returns an error message "`e` expected" in the same format as the
-  ## other error messages
-  result = "$1($2, $3) Error: $4" % [
-    my.filename, $getLine(my), $getColumn(my), e & " expected"]
-proc handleHexChar(c: char, x: var int): bool =
-  result = true # Success
-  case c
-  of '0'..'9': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('0'))
-  of 'a'..'f': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('a') + 10)
-  of 'A'..'F': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('A') + 10)
-  else: result = false # error
-proc parseEscapedUTF16(buf: cstring, pos: var int): int =
-  result = 0
-  #UTF-16 escape is always 4 bytes.
-  for _ in 0..3:
-    if handleHexChar(buf[pos], result):
-      inc(pos)
-    else:
-      return -1
-proc parseString(my: var JsonParser): TokKind =
-  result = tkString
-  var pos = my.bufpos + 1
-  var buf = my.buf
-  while true:
-    case buf[pos]
-    of '\0':
-      my.err = errQuoteExpected
-      result = tkError
-      break
-    of '"':
-      inc(pos)
-      break
-    of '\\':
-      case buf[pos+1]
-      of '\\', '"', '\'', '/':
-        add(my.a, buf[pos+1])
-        inc(pos, 2)
-      of 'b':
-        add(my.a, '\b')
-        inc(pos, 2)
-      of 'f':
-        add(my.a, '\f')
-        inc(pos, 2)
-      of 'n':
-        add(my.a, '\L')
-        inc(pos, 2)
-      of 'r':
-        add(my.a, '\C')
-        inc(pos, 2)
-      of 't':
-        add(my.a, '\t')
-        inc(pos, 2)
-      of 'u':
-        inc(pos, 2)
-        var r = parseEscapedUTF16(buf, pos)
-        if r < 0:
-          my.err = errInvalidToken
-          break
-        # Deal with surrogates
-        if (r and 0xfc00) == 0xd800:
-          if buf[pos] & buf[pos+1] != "\\u":
-            my.err = errInvalidToken
-            break
-          inc(pos, 2)
-          var s = parseEscapedUTF16(buf, pos)
-          if (s and 0xfc00) == 0xdc00 and s > 0:
-            r = 0x10000 + (((r - 0xd800) shl 10) or (s - 0xdc00))
-          else:
-            my.err = errInvalidToken
-            break
-        add(my.a, toUTF8(Rune(r)))
-      else:
-        # don't bother with the error
-        add(my.a, buf[pos])
-        inc(pos)
-    of '\c':
-      pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos)
-      buf = my.buf
-      add(my.a, '\c')
-    of '\L':
-      pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos)
-      buf = my.buf
-      add(my.a, '\L')
-    else:
-      add(my.a, buf[pos])
-      inc(pos)
-  my.bufpos = pos # store back
-proc skip(my: var JsonParser) =
-  var pos = my.bufpos
-  var buf = my.buf
-  while true:
-    case buf[pos]
-    of '/':
-      if buf[pos+1] == '/':
-        # skip line comment:
-        inc(pos, 2)
-        while true:
-          case buf[pos]
-          of '\0':
-            break
-          of '\c':
-            pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos)
-            buf = my.buf
-            break
-          of '\L':
-            pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos)
-            buf = my.buf
-            break
-          else:
-            inc(pos)
-      elif buf[pos+1] == '*':
-        # skip long comment:
-        inc(pos, 2)
-        while true:
-          case buf[pos]
-          of '\0':
-            my.err = errEOC_Expected
-            break
-          of '\c':
-            pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos)
-            buf = my.buf
-          of '\L':
-            pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos)
-            buf = my.buf
-          of '*':
-            inc(pos)
-            if buf[pos] == '/':
-              inc(pos)
-              break
-          else:
-            inc(pos)
-      else:
-        break
-    of ' ', '\t':
-      inc(pos)
-    of '\c':
-      pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos)
-      buf = my.buf
-    of '\L':
-      pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos)
-      buf = my.buf
-    else:
-      break
-  my.bufpos = pos
-proc parseNumber(my: var JsonParser) =
-  var pos = my.bufpos
-  var buf = my.buf
-  if buf[pos] == '-':
-    add(my.a, '-')
-    inc(pos)
-  if buf[pos] == '.':
-    add(my.a, "0.")
-    inc(pos)
-  else:
-    while buf[pos] in Digits:
-      add(my.a, buf[pos])
-      inc(pos)
-    if buf[pos] == '.':
-      add(my.a, '.')
-      inc(pos)
-  # digits after the dot:
-  while buf[pos] in Digits:
-    add(my.a, buf[pos])
-    inc(pos)
-  if buf[pos] in {'E', 'e'}:
-    add(my.a, buf[pos])
-    inc(pos)
-    if buf[pos] in {'+', '-'}:
-      add(my.a, buf[pos])
-      inc(pos)
-    while buf[pos] in Digits:
-      add(my.a, buf[pos])
-      inc(pos)
-  my.bufpos = pos
-proc parseName(my: var JsonParser) =
-  var pos = my.bufpos
-  var buf = my.buf
-  if buf[pos] in IdentStartChars:
-    while buf[pos] in IdentChars:
-      add(my.a, buf[pos])
-      inc(pos)
-  my.bufpos = pos
-proc getTok(my: var JsonParser): TokKind =
-  setLen(my.a, 0)
-  skip(my) # skip whitespace, comments
-  case my.buf[my.bufpos]
-  of '-', '.', '0'..'9':
-    parseNumber(my)
-    if {'.', 'e', 'E'} in my.a:
-      result = tkFloat
-    else:
-      result = tkInt
-  of '"':
-    result = parseString(my)
-  of '[':
-    inc(my.bufpos)
-    result = tkBracketLe
-  of '{':
-    inc(my.bufpos)
-    result = tkCurlyLe
-  of ']':
-    inc(my.bufpos)
-    result = tkBracketRi
-  of '}':
-    inc(my.bufpos)
-    result = tkCurlyRi
-  of ',':
-    inc(my.bufpos)
-    result = tkComma
-  of ':':
-    inc(my.bufpos)
-    result = tkColon
-  of '\0':
-    result = tkEof
-  of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_':
-    parseName(my)
-    case my.a
-    of "null": result = tkNull
-    of "true": result = tkTrue
-    of "false": result = tkFalse
-    else: result = tkError
-  else:
-    inc(my.bufpos)
-    result = tkError
-  my.tok = result
-proc next*(my: var JsonParser) =
-  ## retrieves the first/next event. This controls the parser.
-  var tk = getTok(my)
-  var i = my.state.len-1
-  # the following code is a state machine. If we had proper coroutines,
-  # the code could be much simpler.
-  case my.state[i]
-  of stateEof:
-    if tk == tkEof:
-      my.kind = jsonEof
-    else:
-      my.kind = jsonError
-      my.err = errEofExpected
-  of stateStart:
-    # tokens allowed?
-    case tk
-    of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull:
-      my.state[i] = stateEof # expect EOF next!
-      my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk))
-    of tkBracketLe:
-      my.state.add(stateArray) # we expect any
-      my.kind = jsonArrayStart
-    of tkCurlyLe:
-      my.state.add(stateObject)
-      my.kind = jsonObjectStart
-    of tkEof:
-      my.kind = jsonEof
-    else:
-      my.kind = jsonError
-      my.err = errEofExpected
-  of stateObject:
-    case tk
-    of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull:
-      my.state.add(stateExpectColon)
-      my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk))
-    of tkBracketLe:
-      my.state.add(stateExpectColon)
-      my.state.add(stateArray)
-      my.kind = jsonArrayStart
-    of tkCurlyLe:
-      my.state.add(stateExpectColon)
-      my.state.add(stateObject)
-      my.kind = jsonObjectStart
-    of tkCurlyRi:
-      my.kind = jsonObjectEnd
-      discard my.state.pop()
-    else:
-      my.kind = jsonError
-      my.err = errCurlyRiExpected
-  of stateArray:
-    case tk
-    of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull:
-      my.state.add(stateExpectArrayComma) # expect value next!
-      my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk))
-    of tkBracketLe:
-      my.state.add(stateExpectArrayComma)
-      my.state.add(stateArray)
-      my.kind = jsonArrayStart
-    of tkCurlyLe:
-      my.state.add(stateExpectArrayComma)
-      my.state.add(stateObject)
-      my.kind = jsonObjectStart
-    of tkBracketRi:
-      my.kind = jsonArrayEnd
-      discard my.state.pop()
-    else:
-      my.kind = jsonError
-      my.err = errBracketRiExpected
-  of stateExpectArrayComma:
-    case tk
-    of tkComma:
-      discard my.state.pop()
-      next(my)
-    of tkBracketRi:
-      my.kind = jsonArrayEnd
-      discard my.state.pop() # pop stateExpectArrayComma
-      discard my.state.pop() # pop stateArray
-    else:
-      my.kind = jsonError
-      my.err = errBracketRiExpected
-  of stateExpectObjectComma:
-    case tk
-    of tkComma:
-      discard my.state.pop()
-      next(my)
-    of tkCurlyRi:
-      my.kind = jsonObjectEnd
-      discard my.state.pop() # pop stateExpectObjectComma
-      discard my.state.pop() # pop stateObject
-    else:
-      my.kind = jsonError
-      my.err = errCurlyRiExpected
-  of stateExpectColon:
-    case tk
-    of tkColon:
-      my.state[i] = stateExpectValue
-      next(my)
-    else:
-      my.kind = jsonError
-      my.err = errColonExpected
-  of stateExpectValue:
-    case tk
-    of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull:
-      my.state[i] = stateExpectObjectComma
-      my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk))
-    of tkBracketLe:
-      my.state[i] = stateExpectObjectComma
-      my.state.add(stateArray)
-      my.kind = jsonArrayStart
-    of tkCurlyLe:
-      my.state[i] = stateExpectObjectComma
-      my.state.add(stateObject)
-      my.kind = jsonObjectStart
-    else:
-      my.kind = jsonError
-      my.err = errExprExpected
-# ------------- higher level interface ---------------------------------------
   JsonNodeKind* = enum ## possible JSON node types
@@ -617,12 +132,6 @@ type
     of JArray:
       elems*: seq[JsonNode]
-  JsonParsingError* = object of ValueError ## is raised for a JSON error
-proc raiseParseErr*(p: JsonParser, msg: string) {.noinline, noreturn.} =
-  ## raises an `EJsonParsingError` exception.
-  raise newException(JsonParsingError, errorMsgExpected(p, msg))
 proc newJString*(s: string): JsonNode =
   ## Creates a new `JString JsonNode`.
@@ -1194,10 +703,6 @@ iterator mpairs*(node: var JsonNode): tuple[key: string, val: var JsonNode] =
   for key, val in mpairs(node.fields):
     yield (key, val)
-proc eat(p: var JsonParser, tok: TokKind) =
-  if p.tok == tok: discard getTok(p)
-  else: raiseParseErr(p, tokToStr[tok])
 proc parseJson(p: var JsonParser): JsonNode =
   ## Parses JSON from a JSON Parser `p`.
   case p.tok
@@ -1253,10 +758,12 @@ when not defined(js):
     ## If `s` contains extra data, it will raise `JsonParsingError`.
     var p: JsonParser, filename)
-    defer: p.close()
-    discard getTok(p) # read first token
-    result = p.parseJson()
-    eat(p, tkEof) # check if there is no extra data
+    try:
+      discard getTok(p) # read first token
+      result = p.parseJson()
+      eat(p, tkEof) # check if there is no extra data
+    finally:
+      p.close()
   proc parseJson*(buffer: string): JsonNode =
     ## Parses JSON from `buffer`.
diff --git a/lib/pure/parsejson.nim b/lib/pure/parsejson.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c53af6a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/parsejson.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+#            Nim's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2018 Nim contributors
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## This module implements a json parser. It is used
+## and exported by the ``json`` standard library
+## module, but can also be used in its own right.
+  strutils, lexbase, streams, unicode
+  JsonEventKind* = enum  ## enumeration of all events that may occur when parsing
+    jsonError,           ## an error occurred during parsing
+    jsonEof,             ## end of file reached
+    jsonString,          ## a string literal
+    jsonInt,             ## an integer literal
+    jsonFloat,           ## a float literal
+    jsonTrue,            ## the value ``true``
+    jsonFalse,           ## the value ``false``
+    jsonNull,            ## the value ``null``
+    jsonObjectStart,     ## start of an object: the ``{`` token
+    jsonObjectEnd,       ## end of an object: the ``}`` token
+    jsonArrayStart,      ## start of an array: the ``[`` token
+    jsonArrayEnd         ## start of an array: the ``]`` token
+  TokKind* = enum         # must be synchronized with TJsonEventKind!
+    tkError,
+    tkEof,
+    tkString,
+    tkInt,
+    tkFloat,
+    tkTrue,
+    tkFalse,
+    tkNull,
+    tkCurlyLe,
+    tkCurlyRi,
+    tkBracketLe,
+    tkBracketRi,
+    tkColon,
+    tkComma
+  JsonError* = enum        ## enumeration that lists all errors that can occur
+    errNone,               ## no error
+    errInvalidToken,       ## invalid token
+    errStringExpected,     ## string expected
+    errColonExpected,      ## ``:`` expected
+    errCommaExpected,      ## ``,`` expected
+    errBracketRiExpected,  ## ``]`` expected
+    errCurlyRiExpected,    ## ``}`` expected
+    errQuoteExpected,      ## ``"`` or ``'`` expected
+    errEOC_Expected,       ## ``*/`` expected
+    errEofExpected,        ## EOF expected
+    errExprExpected        ## expr expected
+  ParserState = enum
+    stateEof, stateStart, stateObject, stateArray, stateExpectArrayComma,
+    stateExpectObjectComma, stateExpectColon, stateExpectValue
+  JsonParser* = object of BaseLexer ## the parser object.
+    a*: string
+    tok*: TokKind
+    kind: JsonEventKind
+    err: JsonError
+    state: seq[ParserState]
+    filename: string
+    rawStringLiterals: bool
+  JsonKindError* = object of ValueError ## raised by the ``to`` macro if the
+                                        ## JSON kind is incorrect.
+  JsonParsingError* = object of ValueError ## is raised for a JSON error
+  errorMessages*: array[JsonError, string] = [
+    "no error",
+    "invalid token",
+    "string expected",
+    "':' expected",
+    "',' expected",
+    "']' expected",
+    "'}' expected",
+    "'\"' or \"'\" expected",
+    "'*/' expected",
+    "EOF expected",
+    "expression expected"
+  ]
+  tokToStr: array[TokKind, string] = [
+    "invalid token",
+    "EOF",
+    "string literal",
+    "int literal",
+    "float literal",
+    "true",
+    "false",
+    "null",
+    "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ","
+  ]
+proc open*(my: var JsonParser, input: Stream, filename: string;
+           rawStringLiterals = false) =
+  ## initializes the parser with an input stream. `Filename` is only used
+  ## for nice error messages. If `rawStringLiterals` is true, string literals
+  ## are kepts with their surrounding quotes and escape sequences in them are
+  ## left untouched too.
+, input)
+  my.filename = filename
+  my.state = @[stateStart]
+  my.kind = jsonError
+  my.a = ""
+  my.rawStringLiterals = rawStringLiterals
+proc close*(my: var JsonParser) {.inline.} =
+  ## closes the parser `my` and its associated input stream.
+  lexbase.close(my)
+proc str*(my: JsonParser): string {.inline.} =
+  ## returns the character data for the events: ``jsonInt``, ``jsonFloat``,
+  ## ``jsonString``
+  assert(my.kind in {jsonInt, jsonFloat, jsonString})
+  return my.a
+proc getInt*(my: JsonParser): BiggestInt {.inline.} =
+  ## returns the number for the event: ``jsonInt``
+  assert(my.kind == jsonInt)
+  return parseBiggestInt(my.a)
+proc getFloat*(my: JsonParser): float {.inline.} =
+  ## returns the number for the event: ``jsonFloat``
+  assert(my.kind == jsonFloat)
+  return parseFloat(my.a)
+proc kind*(my: JsonParser): JsonEventKind {.inline.} =
+  ## returns the current event type for the JSON parser
+  return my.kind
+proc getColumn*(my: JsonParser): int {.inline.} =
+  ## get the current column the parser has arrived at.
+  result = getColNumber(my, my.bufpos)
+proc getLine*(my: JsonParser): int {.inline.} =
+  ## get the current line the parser has arrived at.
+  result = my.lineNumber
+proc getFilename*(my: JsonParser): string {.inline.} =
+  ## get the filename of the file that the parser processes.
+  result = my.filename
+proc errorMsg*(my: JsonParser): string =
+  ## returns a helpful error message for the event ``jsonError``
+  assert(my.kind == jsonError)
+  result = "$1($2, $3) Error: $4" % [
+    my.filename, $getLine(my), $getColumn(my), errorMessages[my.err]]
+proc errorMsgExpected*(my: JsonParser, e: string): string =
+  ## returns an error message "`e` expected" in the same format as the
+  ## other error messages
+  result = "$1($2, $3) Error: $4" % [
+    my.filename, $getLine(my), $getColumn(my), e & " expected"]
+proc handleHexChar(c: char, x: var int): bool =
+  result = true # Success
+  case c
+  of '0'..'9': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('0'))
+  of 'a'..'f': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('a') + 10)
+  of 'A'..'F': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('A') + 10)
+  else: result = false # error
+proc parseEscapedUTF16*(buf: cstring, pos: var int): int =
+  result = 0
+  #UTF-16 escape is always 4 bytes.
+  for _ in 0..3:
+    if handleHexChar(buf[pos], result):
+      inc(pos)
+    else:
+      return -1
+proc parseString(my: var JsonParser): TokKind =
+  result = tkString
+  var pos = my.bufpos + 1
+  var buf = my.buf
+  if my.rawStringLiterals:
+    add(my.a, '"')
+  while true:
+    case buf[pos]
+    of '\0':
+      my.err = errQuoteExpected
+      result = tkError
+      break
+    of '"':
+      if my.rawStringLiterals:
+        add(my.a, '"')
+      inc(pos)
+      break
+    of '\\':
+      if my.rawStringLiterals:
+        add(my.a, '\\')
+      case buf[pos+1]
+      of '\\', '"', '\'', '/':
+        add(my.a, buf[pos+1])
+        inc(pos, 2)
+      of 'b':
+        add(my.a, '\b')
+        inc(pos, 2)
+      of 'f':
+        add(my.a, '\f')
+        inc(pos, 2)
+      of 'n':
+        add(my.a, '\L')
+        inc(pos, 2)
+      of 'r':
+        add(my.a, '\C')
+        inc(pos, 2)
+      of 't':
+        add(my.a, '\t')
+        inc(pos, 2)
+      of 'u':
+        if my.rawStringLiterals:
+          add(my.a, 'u')
+        inc(pos, 2)
+        var pos2 = pos
+        var r = parseEscapedUTF16(buf, pos)
+        if r < 0:
+          my.err = errInvalidToken
+          break
+        # Deal with surrogates
+        if (r and 0xfc00) == 0xd800:
+          if buf[pos] != '\\' or buf[pos+1] != 'u':
+            my.err = errInvalidToken
+            break
+          inc(pos, 2)
+          var s = parseEscapedUTF16(buf, pos)
+          if (s and 0xfc00) == 0xdc00 and s > 0:
+            r = 0x10000 + (((r - 0xd800) shl 10) or (s - 0xdc00))
+          else:
+            my.err = errInvalidToken
+            break
+        if my.rawStringLiterals:
+          let length = pos - pos2
+          for i in 1 .. length:
+            if buf[pos2] in {'0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f'}:
+              add(my.a, buf[pos2])
+              inc pos2
+            else:
+              break
+        else:
+          add(my.a, toUTF8(Rune(r)))
+      else:
+        # don't bother with the error
+        add(my.a, buf[pos])
+        inc(pos)
+    of '\c':
+      pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos)
+      buf = my.buf
+      add(my.a, '\c')
+    of '\L':
+      pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos)
+      buf = my.buf
+      add(my.a, '\L')
+    else:
+      add(my.a, buf[pos])
+      inc(pos)
+  my.bufpos = pos # store back
+proc skip(my: var JsonParser) =
+  var pos = my.bufpos
+  var buf = my.buf
+  while true:
+    case buf[pos]
+    of '/':
+      if buf[pos+1] == '/':
+        # skip line comment:
+        inc(pos, 2)
+        while true:
+          case buf[pos]
+          of '\0':
+            break
+          of '\c':
+            pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos)
+            buf = my.buf
+            break
+          of '\L':
+            pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos)
+            buf = my.buf
+            break
+          else:
+            inc(pos)
+      elif buf[pos+1] == '*':
+        # skip long comment:
+        inc(pos, 2)
+        while true:
+          case buf[pos]
+          of '\0':
+            my.err = errEOC_Expected
+            break
+          of '\c':
+            pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos)
+            buf = my.buf
+          of '\L':
+            pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos)
+            buf = my.buf
+          of '*':
+            inc(pos)
+            if buf[pos] == '/':
+              inc(pos)
+              break
+          else:
+            inc(pos)
+      else:
+        break
+    of ' ', '\t':
+      inc(pos)
+    of '\c':
+      pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos)
+      buf = my.buf
+    of '\L':
+      pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos)
+      buf = my.buf
+    else:
+      break
+  my.bufpos = pos
+proc parseNumber(my: var JsonParser) =
+  var pos = my.bufpos
+  var buf = my.buf
+  if buf[pos] == '-':
+    add(my.a, '-')
+    inc(pos)
+  if buf[pos] == '.':
+    add(my.a, "0.")
+    inc(pos)
+  else:
+    while buf[pos] in Digits:
+      add(my.a, buf[pos])
+      inc(pos)
+    if buf[pos] == '.':
+      add(my.a, '.')
+      inc(pos)
+  # digits after the dot:
+  while buf[pos] in Digits:
+    add(my.a, buf[pos])
+    inc(pos)
+  if buf[pos] in {'E', 'e'}:
+    add(my.a, buf[pos])
+    inc(pos)
+    if buf[pos] in {'+', '-'}:
+      add(my.a, buf[pos])
+      inc(pos)
+    while buf[pos] in Digits:
+      add(my.a, buf[pos])
+      inc(pos)
+  my.bufpos = pos
+proc parseName(my: var JsonParser) =
+  var pos = my.bufpos
+  var buf = my.buf
+  if buf[pos] in IdentStartChars:
+    while buf[pos] in IdentChars:
+      add(my.a, buf[pos])
+      inc(pos)
+  my.bufpos = pos
+proc getTok*(my: var JsonParser): TokKind =
+  setLen(my.a, 0)
+  skip(my) # skip whitespace, comments
+  case my.buf[my.bufpos]
+  of '-', '.', '0'..'9':
+    parseNumber(my)
+    if {'.', 'e', 'E'} in my.a:
+      result = tkFloat
+    else:
+      result = tkInt
+  of '"':
+    result = parseString(my)
+  of '[':
+    inc(my.bufpos)
+    result = tkBracketLe
+  of '{':
+    inc(my.bufpos)
+    result = tkCurlyLe
+  of ']':
+    inc(my.bufpos)
+    result = tkBracketRi
+  of '}':
+    inc(my.bufpos)
+    result = tkCurlyRi
+  of ',':
+    inc(my.bufpos)
+    result = tkComma
+  of ':':
+    inc(my.bufpos)
+    result = tkColon
+  of '\0':
+    result = tkEof
+  of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_':
+    parseName(my)
+    case my.a
+    of "null": result = tkNull
+    of "true": result = tkTrue
+    of "false": result = tkFalse
+    else: result = tkError
+  else:
+    inc(my.bufpos)
+    result = tkError
+  my.tok = result
+proc next*(my: var JsonParser) =
+  ## retrieves the first/next event. This controls the parser.
+  var tk = getTok(my)
+  var i = my.state.len-1
+  # the following code is a state machine. If we had proper coroutines,
+  # the code could be much simpler.
+  case my.state[i]
+  of stateEof:
+    if tk == tkEof:
+      my.kind = jsonEof
+    else:
+      my.kind = jsonError
+      my.err = errEofExpected
+  of stateStart:
+    # tokens allowed?
+    case tk
+    of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull:
+      my.state[i] = stateEof # expect EOF next!
+      my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk))
+    of tkBracketLe:
+      my.state.add(stateArray) # we expect any
+      my.kind = jsonArrayStart
+    of tkCurlyLe:
+      my.state.add(stateObject)
+      my.kind = jsonObjectStart
+    of tkEof:
+      my.kind = jsonEof
+    else:
+      my.kind = jsonError
+      my.err = errEofExpected
+  of stateObject:
+    case tk
+    of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull:
+      my.state.add(stateExpectColon)
+      my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk))
+    of tkBracketLe:
+      my.state.add(stateExpectColon)
+      my.state.add(stateArray)
+      my.kind = jsonArrayStart
+    of tkCurlyLe:
+      my.state.add(stateExpectColon)
+      my.state.add(stateObject)
+      my.kind = jsonObjectStart
+    of tkCurlyRi:
+      my.kind = jsonObjectEnd
+      discard my.state.pop()
+    else:
+      my.kind = jsonError
+      my.err = errCurlyRiExpected
+  of stateArray:
+    case tk
+    of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull:
+      my.state.add(stateExpectArrayComma) # expect value next!
+      my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk))
+    of tkBracketLe:
+      my.state.add(stateExpectArrayComma)
+      my.state.add(stateArray)
+      my.kind = jsonArrayStart
+    of tkCurlyLe:
+      my.state.add(stateExpectArrayComma)
+      my.state.add(stateObject)
+      my.kind = jsonObjectStart
+    of tkBracketRi:
+      my.kind = jsonArrayEnd
+      discard my.state.pop()
+    else:
+      my.kind = jsonError
+      my.err = errBracketRiExpected
+  of stateExpectArrayComma:
+    case tk
+    of tkComma:
+      discard my.state.pop()
+      next(my)
+    of tkBracketRi:
+      my.kind = jsonArrayEnd
+      discard my.state.pop() # pop stateExpectArrayComma
+      discard my.state.pop() # pop stateArray
+    else:
+      my.kind = jsonError
+      my.err = errBracketRiExpected
+  of stateExpectObjectComma:
+    case tk
+    of tkComma:
+      discard my.state.pop()
+      next(my)
+    of tkCurlyRi:
+      my.kind = jsonObjectEnd
+      discard my.state.pop() # pop stateExpectObjectComma
+      discard my.state.pop() # pop stateObject
+    else:
+      my.kind = jsonError
+      my.err = errCurlyRiExpected
+  of stateExpectColon:
+    case tk
+    of tkColon:
+      my.state[i] = stateExpectValue
+      next(my)
+    else:
+      my.kind = jsonError
+      my.err = errColonExpected
+  of stateExpectValue:
+    case tk
+    of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull:
+      my.state[i] = stateExpectObjectComma
+      my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk))
+    of tkBracketLe:
+      my.state[i] = stateExpectObjectComma
+      my.state.add(stateArray)
+      my.kind = jsonArrayStart
+    of tkCurlyLe:
+      my.state[i] = stateExpectObjectComma
+      my.state.add(stateObject)
+      my.kind = jsonObjectStart
+    else:
+      my.kind = jsonError
+      my.err = errExprExpected
+proc raiseParseErr*(p: JsonParser, msg: string) {.noinline, noreturn.} =
+  ## raises an `EJsonParsingError` exception.
+  raise newException(JsonParsingError, errorMsgExpected(p, msg))
+proc eat*(p: var JsonParser, tok: TokKind) =
+  if p.tok == tok: discard getTok(p)
+  else: raiseParseErr(p, tokToStr[tok])