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path: root/lib
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authorAndrey Sobolev <>2015-09-25 14:05:33 +0600
committerAndrey Sobolev <>2015-09-25 14:05:33 +0600
commit30362315a08f7e3a7e74a5c6fccca59f193e5333 (patch)
treeb96e63c5bc48b7168aa7df6fb3b2b112f819e641 /lib
parented103e8e382853a1fe7a377c2fc451c6b159f0b7 (diff)
parent308a0d0a553c8d44f321a1b6e4772c388bb79059 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'nim-lang/devel' into emscripten-support
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
6 files changed, 94 insertions, 601 deletions
diff --git a/lib/impure/graphics.nim b/lib/impure/graphics.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bd769fd8..000000000
--- a/lib/impure/graphics.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf, Dominik Picheta
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## This module implements graphical output for Nim; the current
-## implementation uses SDL but the interface is meant to support multiple
-## backends some day. There is no need to init SDL as this module does that
-## implicitly.
-import colors, math
-from sdl import PSurface # Bug
-from sdl_ttf import openFont, closeFont
-  Rect* = tuple[x, y, width, height: int]
-  Point* = tuple[x, y: int]
-  PSurface* = ref Surface ## a surface to draw onto
-  Surface* {.pure, final.} = object
-    w*, h*: Natural
-    s*: sdl.PSurface
-  EGraphics* = object of IOError
-  Font {.pure, final.} = object
-    f: sdl_ttf.PFont
-    color: sdl.Color
-  PFont* = ref Font ## represents a font
-{.deprecated: [TSurface: Surface, TFont: Font, TRect: Rect, TPoint: Point].}
-proc toSdlColor*(c: Color): sdl.Color =
-  ## Convert colors.Color to sdl.Color
-  var x = c.extractRGB
-  result.r = x.r and 0xff
-  result.g = x.g and 0xff
-  result.b = x.b and 0xff
-proc createSdlColor*(sur: PSurface, c: Color, alpha: int = 0): int32 =
-  ## Creates a color using ``sdl.MapRGBA``.
-  var x = c.extractRGB
-  return sdl.mapRGBA(sur.s.format, x.r and 0xff, x.g and 0xff,
-                     x.b and 0xff, alpha and 0xff)
-proc toSdlRect*(r: Rect): sdl.Rect =
-  ## Convert ``graphics.Rect`` to ``sdl.Rect``.
-  result.x = int16(r.x)
-  result.y = int16(r.y)
-  result.w = uint16(r.width)
-  result.h = uint16(r.height)
-proc raiseEGraphics =
-  raise newException(EGraphics, $sdl.getError())
-proc surfaceFinalizer(s: PSurface) = sdl.freeSurface(s.s)
-proc newSurface*(width, height: int): PSurface =
-  ## creates a new surface.
-  new(result, surfaceFinalizer)
-  result.w = width
-  result.h = height
-  result.s = sdl.createRGBSurface(sdl.SWSURFACE, width, height,
-      32, 0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF, 0)
-  if result.s == nil:
-    raiseEGraphics()
-  assert(not sdl.mustLock(result.s))
-proc fontFinalizer(f: PFont) = closeFont(f.f)
-proc newFont*(name = "VeraMono.ttf", size = 9, color = colBlack): PFont =
-  ## Creates a new font object. Raises ``EIO`` if the font cannot be loaded.
-  new(result, fontFinalizer)
-  result.f = openFont(name, size.cint)
-  if result.f == nil:
-    raise newException(IOError, "Could not open font file: " & name)
-  result.color = toSdlColor(color)
-  defaultFont*: PFont ## default font that is used; this needs to initialized
-                      ## by the client!
-proc initDefaultFont*(name = "VeraMono.ttf", size = 9, color = colBlack) =
-  ## initializes the `defaultFont` var.
-  defaultFont = newFont(name, size, color)
-proc newScreenSurface*(width, height: int): PSurface =
-  ## Creates a new screen surface
-  new(result, surfaceFinalizer)
-  result.w = width
-  result.h = height
-  result.s = sdl.setVideoMode(width, height, 0, 0)
-  if result.s == nil:
-    raiseEGraphics()
-proc writeToBMP*(sur: PSurface, filename: string) =
-  ## Saves the contents of the surface `sur` to the file `filename` as a
-  ## BMP file.
-  if sdl.saveBMP(sur.s, filename) != 0:
-    raise newException(IOError, "cannot write: " & filename)
-  Pixels = array[0..1000_000-1, int32]
-  PPixels = ptr Pixels
-{.deprecated: [TPixels: Pixels].}
-template setPix(video, pitch, x, y, col: expr): stmt =
-  video[y * pitch + x] = int32(col)
-template getPix(video, pitch, x, y: expr): expr =
-  colors.Color(video[y * pitch + x])
-  ColSize = 4
-proc getPixel(sur: PSurface, x, y: Natural): colors.Color {.inline.} =
-  assert x <% sur.w
-  assert y <% sur.h
-  result = getPix(cast[PPixels](sur.s.pixels), div ColSize,
-                  x, y)
-proc setPixel(sur: PSurface, x, y: Natural, col: colors.Color) {.inline.} =
-  assert x <% sur.w
-  assert y <% sur.h
-  var pixs = cast[PPixels](sur.s.pixels)
-  #pixs[y * (sur.s.pitch div colSize) + x] = int(col)
-  setPix(pixs, div ColSize, x, y, col)
-proc `[]`*(sur: PSurface, p: Point): Color =
-  ## get pixel at position `p`. No range checking is done!
-  result = getPixel(sur, p.x, p.y)
-proc `[]`*(sur: PSurface, x, y: int): Color =
-  ## get pixel at position ``(x, y)``. No range checking is done!
-  result = getPixel(sur, x, y)
-proc `[]=`*(sur: PSurface, p: Point, col: Color) =
-  ## set the pixel at position `p`. No range checking is done!
-  setPixel(sur, p.x, p.y, col)
-proc `[]=`*(sur: PSurface, x, y: int, col: Color) =
-  ## set the pixel at position ``(x, y)``. No range checking is done!
-  setPixel(sur, x, y, col)
-proc blit*(destSurf: PSurface, destRect: Rect, srcSurf: PSurface,
-           srcRect: Rect) =
-  ## Copies ``srcSurf`` into ``destSurf``
-  var destTRect, srcTRect: sdl.Rect
-  destTRect.x = int16(destRect.x)
-  destTRect.y = int16(destRect.y)
-  destTRect.w = uint16(destRect.width)
-  destTRect.h = uint16(destRect.height)
-  srcTRect.x = int16(srcRect.x)
-  srcTRect.y = int16(srcRect.y)
-  srcTRect.w = uint16(srcRect.width)
-  srcTRect.h = uint16(srcRect.height)
-  if sdl.blitSurface(srcSurf.s, addr(srcTRect), destSurf.s, addr(destTRect)) != 0:
-    raiseEGraphics()
-proc textBounds*(text: string, font = defaultFont): tuple[width, height: int] =
-  var w, h: cint
-  if sdl_ttf.sizeUTF8(font.f, text, w, h) < 0: raiseEGraphics()
-  result.width = int(w)
-  result.height = int(h)
-proc drawText*(sur: PSurface, p: Point, text: string, font = defaultFont) =
-  ## Draws text with a transparent background, at location ``p`` with the given
-  ## font.
-  var textSur: PSurface # This surface will have the text drawn on it
-  new(textSur, surfaceFinalizer)
-  # Render the text
-  textSur.s = sdl_ttf.renderTextBlended(font.f, text, font.color)
-  # Merge the text surface with sur
-  sur.blit((p.x, p.y, sur.w, sur.h), textSur, (0, 0, sur.w, sur.h))
-proc drawText*(sur: PSurface, p: Point, text: string,
-               bg: Color, font = defaultFont) =
-  ## Draws text, at location ``p`` with font ``font``. ``bg``
-  ## is the background color.
-  var textSur: PSurface # This surface will have the text drawn on it
-  new(textSur, surfaceFinalizer)
-  textSur.s = sdl_ttf.renderTextShaded(font.f, text, font.color, toSdlColor(bg))
-  # Merge the text surface with sur
-  sur.blit((p.x, p.y, sur.w, sur.h), textSur, (0, 0, sur.w, sur.h))
-proc drawCircle*(sur: PSurface, p: Point, r: Natural, color: Color) =
-  ## draws a circle with center `p` and radius `r` with the given color
-  ## onto the surface `sur`.
-  var video = cast[PPixels](sur.s.pixels)
-  var pitch = div ColSize
-  var a = 1 - r
-  var py = r
-  var px = 0
-  var x = p.x
-  var y = p.y
-  while px <= py + 1:
-    if x+px <% sur.w:
-      if y+py <% sur.h: setPix(video, pitch, x+px, y+py, color)
-      if y-py <% sur.h: setPix(video, pitch, x+px, y-py, color)
-    if x-px <% sur.w:
-      if y+py <% sur.h: setPix(video, pitch, x-px, y+py, color)
-      if y-py <% sur.h: setPix(video, pitch, x-px, y-py, color)
-    if x+py <% sur.w:
-      if y+px <% sur.h: setPix(video, pitch, x+py, y+px, color)
-      if y-px <% sur.h: setPix(video, pitch, x+py, y-px, color)
-    if x-py <% sur.w:
-      if y+px <% sur.h: setPix(video, pitch, x-py, y+px, color)
-      if y-px <% sur.h: setPix(video, pitch, x-py, y-px, color)
-    if a < 0:
-      a = a + (2 * px + 3)
-    else:
-      a = a + (2 * (px - py) + 5)
-      py = py - 1
-    px = px + 1
-proc `>-<`(val: int, s: PSurface): int {.inline.} =
-  return if val < 0: 0 elif val >= s.w: s.w-1 else: val
-proc `>|<`(val: int, s: PSurface): int {.inline.} =
-  return if val < 0: 0 elif val >= s.h: s.h-1 else: val
-proc drawLine*(sur: PSurface, p1, p2: Point, color: Color) =
-  ## draws a line between the two points `p1` and `p2` with the given color
-  ## onto the surface `sur`.
-  var stepx, stepy: int = 0
-  var x0 = p1.x >-< sur
-  var x1 = p2.x >-< sur
-  var y0 = p1.y >|< sur
-  var y1 = p2.y >|< sur
-  var dy = y1 - y0
-  var dx = x1 - x0
-  if dy < 0:
-    dy = -dy
-    stepy = -1
-  else:
-    stepy = 1
-  if dx < 0:
-    dx = -dx
-    stepx = -1
-  else:
-    stepx = 1
-  dy = dy * 2
-  dx = dx * 2
-  var video = cast[PPixels](sur.s.pixels)
-  var pitch = div ColSize
-  setPix(video, pitch, x0, y0, color)
-  if dx > dy:
-    var fraction = dy - (dx div 2)
-    while x0 != x1:
-      if fraction >= 0:
-        y0 = y0 + stepy
-        fraction = fraction - dx
-      x0 = x0 + stepx
-      fraction = fraction + dy
-      setPix(video, pitch, x0, y0, color)
-  else:
-    var fraction = dx - (dy div 2)
-    while y0 != y1:
-      if fraction >= 0:
-        x0 = x0 + stepx
-        fraction = fraction - dy
-      y0 = y0 + stepy
-      fraction = fraction + dx
-      setPix(video, pitch, x0, y0, color)
-proc drawHorLine*(sur: PSurface, x, y, w: Natural, color: Color) =
-  ## draws a horizontal line from (x,y) to (x+w-1, y).
-  var video = cast[PPixels](sur.s.pixels)
-  var pitch = div ColSize
-  if y >= 0 and y <= sur.s.h:
-    for i in 0 .. min(sur.s.w-x, w)-1:
-      setPix(video, pitch, x + i, y, color)
-proc drawVerLine*(sur: PSurface, x, y, h: Natural, color: Color) =
-  ## draws a vertical line from (x,y) to (x, y+h-1).
-  var video = cast[PPixels](sur.s.pixels)
-  var pitch = div ColSize
-  if x >= 0 and x <= sur.s.w:
-    for i in 0 .. min(sur.s.h-y, h)-1:
-      setPix(video, pitch, x, y + i, color)
-proc fillCircle*(s: PSurface, p: Point, r: Natural, color: Color) =
-  ## draws a circle with center `p` and radius `r` with the given color
-  ## onto the surface `sur` and fills it.
-  var a = 1 - r
-  var py: int = r
-  var px = 0
-  var x = p.x
-  var y = p.y
-  while px <= py:
-    # Fill up the middle half of the circle
-    drawVerLine(s, x + px, y, py + 1, color)
-    drawVerLine(s, x + px, y - py, py, color)
-    if px != 0:
-      drawVerLine(s, x - px, y, py + 1, color)
-      drawVerLine(s, x - px, y - py, py, color)
-    if a < 0:
-      a = a + (2 * px + 3)
-    else:
-      a = a + (2 * (px - py) + 5)
-      py = py - 1
-      # Fill up the left/right half of the circle
-      if py >= px:
-        drawVerLine(s, x + py + 1, y, px + 1, color)
-        drawVerLine(s, x + py + 1, y - px, px, color)
-        drawVerLine(s, x - py - 1, y, px + 1, color)
-        drawVerLine(s, x - py - 1, y - px,  px, color)
-    px = px + 1
-proc drawRect*(sur: PSurface, r: Rect, color: Color) =
-  ## draws a rectangle.
-  var video = cast[PPixels](sur.s.pixels)
-  var pitch = div ColSize
-  if (r.x >= 0 and r.x <= sur.s.w) and (r.y >= 0 and r.y <= sur.s.h):
-    var minW = min(sur.s.w - r.x, r.width)
-    var minH = min(sur.s.h - r.y, r.height)
-    # Draw Top
-    for i in 0 .. minW - 1:
-      setPix(video, pitch, r.x + i, r.y, color)
-      setPix(video, pitch, r.x + i, r.y + minH - 1, color) # Draw bottom
-    # Draw left side
-    for i in 0 .. minH - 1:
-      setPix(video, pitch, r.x, r.y + i, color)
-      setPix(video, pitch, r.x + minW - 1, r.y + i, color) # Draw right side
-proc fillRect*(sur: PSurface, r: Rect, col: Color) =
-  ## Fills a rectangle using sdl's ``FillRect`` function.
-  var rect = toSdlRect(r)
-  if sdl.fillRect(sur.s, addr(rect), sur.createSdlColor(col)) == -1:
-    raiseEGraphics()
-proc plot4EllipsePoints(sur: PSurface, cx, cy, x, y: Natural, col: Color) =
-  var video = cast[PPixels](sur.s.pixels)
-  var pitch = div ColSize
-  if cx+x <= sur.s.w-1:
-    if cy+y <= sur.s.h-1: setPix(video, pitch, cx+x, cy+y, col)
-    if cy-y <= sur.s.h-1: setPix(video, pitch, cx+x, cy-y, col)
-  if cx-x <= sur.s.w-1:
-    if cy+y <= sur.s.h-1: setPix(video, pitch, cx-x, cy+y, col)
-    if cy-y <= sur.s.h-1: setPix(video, pitch, cx-x, cy-y, col)
-proc drawEllipse*(sur: PSurface, cx, cy, xRadius, yRadius: Natural,
-                  col: Color) =
-  ## Draws an ellipse, ``CX`` and ``CY`` specify the center X and Y of the
-  ## ellipse, ``XRadius`` and ``YRadius`` specify half the width and height
-  ## of the ellipse.
-  var
-    x, y: Natural
-    xChange, yChange: int
-    ellipseError: Natural
-    twoASquare, twoBSquare: Natural
-    stoppingX, stoppingY: Natural
-  twoASquare = 2 * xRadius * xRadius
-  twoBSquare = 2 * yRadius * yRadius
-  x = xRadius
-  y = 0
-  xChange = yRadius * yRadius * (1 - 2 * xRadius)
-  yChange = xRadius * xRadius
-  ellipseError = 0
-  stoppingX = twoBSquare * xRadius
-  stoppingY = 0
-  while stoppingX >=  stoppingY: # 1st set of points, y` > - 1
-    sur.plot4EllipsePoints(cx, cy, x, y, col)
-    inc(y)
-    inc(stoppingY, twoASquare)
-    inc(ellipseError, yChange)
-    inc(yChange, twoASquare)
-    if (2 * ellipseError + xChange) > 0 :
-      dec(x)
-      dec(stoppingX, twoBSquare)
-      inc(ellipseError, xChange)
-      inc(xChange, twoBSquare)
-  # 1st point set is done; start the 2nd set of points
-  x = 0
-  y = yRadius
-  xChange = yRadius * yRadius
-  yChange = xRadius * xRadius * (1 - 2 * yRadius)
-  ellipseError = 0
-  stoppingX = 0
-  stoppingY = twoASquare * yRadius
-  while stoppingX <= stoppingY:
-    sur.plot4EllipsePoints(cx, cy, x, y, col)
-    inc(x)
-    inc(stoppingX, twoBSquare)
-    inc(ellipseError, xChange)
-    inc(xChange,twoBSquare)
-    if (2 * ellipseError + yChange) > 0:
-      dec(y)
-      dec(stoppingY, twoASquare)
-      inc(ellipseError, yChange)
-      inc(yChange,twoASquare)
-proc plotAA(sur: PSurface, x, y: int, c: float, color: Color) =
-  if (x > 0 and x < sur.s.w) and (y > 0 and y < sur.s.h):
-    var video = cast[PPixels](sur.s.pixels)
-    var pitch = div ColSize
-    var pixColor = getPix(video, pitch, x, y)
-    setPix(video, pitch, x, y,
-           pixColor.intensity(1.0 - c) + color.intensity(c))
-template ipart(x: expr): expr = floor(x)
-template cround(x: expr): expr = ipart(x + 0.5)
-template fpart(x: expr): expr = x - ipart(x)
-template rfpart(x: expr): expr = 1.0 - fpart(x)
-proc drawLineAA*(sur: PSurface, p1, p2: Point, color: Color) =
-  ## Draws a anti-aliased line from ``p1`` to ``p2``, using Xiaolin Wu's
-  ## line algorithm
-  var (x1, x2, y1, y2) = (p1.x.toFloat(), p2.x.toFloat(),
-                          p1.y.toFloat(), p2.y.toFloat())
-  var dx = x2 - x1
-  var dy = y2 - y1
-  var ax = dx
-  if ax < 0'f64:
-    ax = 0'f64 - ax
-  var ay = dy
-  if ay < 0'f64:
-    ay = 0'f64 - ay
-  if ax < ay:
-    swap(x1, y1)
-    swap(x2, y2)
-    swap(dx, dy)
-  template doPlot(x, y: int, c: float, color: Color): stmt =
-    if ax < ay:
-      sur.plotAA(y, x, c, color)
-    else:
-      sur.plotAA(x, y, c, color)
-  if x2 < x1:
-    swap(x1, x2)
-    swap(y1, y2)
-  var gradient = dy / dx
-  # handle first endpoint
-  var xend = cround(x1)
-  var yend = y1 + gradient * (xend - x1)
-  var xgap = rfpart(x1 + 0.5)
-  var xpxl1 = int(xend) # this will be used in the main loop
-  var ypxl1 = int(ipart(yend))
-  doPlot(xpxl1, ypxl1, rfpart(yend)*xgap, color)
-  doPlot(xpxl1, ypxl1 + 1, fpart(yend)*xgap, color)
-  var intery = yend + gradient # first y-intersection for the main loop
-  # handle second endpoint
-  xend = cround(x2)
-  yend = y2 + gradient * (xend - x2)
-  xgap = fpart(x2 + 0.5)
-  var xpxl2 = int(xend) # this will be used in the main loop
-  var ypxl2 = int(ipart(yend))
-  doPlot(xpxl2, ypxl2, rfpart(yend) * xgap, color)
-  doPlot(xpxl2, ypxl2 + 1, fpart(yend) * xgap, color)
-  # main loop
-  var x = xpxl1 + 1
-  while x <= xpxl2-1:
-    doPlot(x, int(ipart(intery)), rfpart(intery), color)
-    doPlot(x, int(ipart(intery)) + 1, fpart(intery), color)
-    intery = intery + gradient
-    inc(x)
-proc fillSurface*(sur: PSurface, color: Color) =
-  ## Fills the entire surface with ``color``.
-  if sdl.fillRect(sur.s, nil, sur.createSdlColor(color)) == -1:
-    raiseEGraphics()
-template withEvents*(surf: PSurface, event: expr, actions: stmt): stmt {.
-  immediate.} =
-  ## Simple template which creates an event loop. ``Event`` is the name of the
-  ## variable containing the Event object.
-  while true:
-    var event: sdl.Event
-    if sdl.waitEvent(addr(event)) == 1:
-      actions
-if sdl.init(sdl.INIT_VIDEO) < 0: raiseEGraphics()
-if sdl_ttf.init() < 0: raiseEGraphics()
-when not defined(testing) and isMainModule:
-  var surf = newScreenSurface(800, 600)
-  surf.fillSurface(colWhite)
-  # Draw the shapes
-  surf.drawLineAA((150, 170), (400, 471), colTan)
-  surf.drawLine((100, 170), (400, 471), colRed)
-  surf.drawEllipse(200, 300, 200, 30, colSeaGreen)
-  surf.drawHorLine(1, 300, 400, colViolet)
-  # Check if the ellipse is the size it's suppose to be.
-  surf.drawVerLine(200, 300 - 30 + 1, 60, colViolet) # ^^ | i suppose it is
-  surf.drawEllipse(400, 300, 300, 300, colOrange)
-  surf.drawEllipse(5, 5, 5, 5, colGreen)
-  surf.drawHorLine(5, 5, 900, colRed)
-  surf.drawVerLine(5, 60, 800, colRed)
-  surf.drawCircle((600, 500), 60, colRed)
-  surf.fillRect((50, 50, 100, 100), colFuchsia)
-  surf.fillRect((150, 50, 100, 100), colGreen)
-  surf.drawRect((50, 150, 100, 100), colGreen)
-  surf.drawRect((150, 150, 100, 100), colAqua)
-  surf.drawRect((250, 150, 100, 100), colBlue)
-  surf.drawHorLine(250, 150, 100, colRed)
-  surf.drawLineAA((592, 160), (592, 280), colPurple)
-  #surf.drawText((300, 300), "TEST", colMidnightBlue)
-  #var textSize = textBounds("TEST")
-  #surf.drawText((300, 300 + textSize.height), $textSize.width & ", " &
-  #  $textSize.height, colDarkGreen)
-  var mouseStartX = -1
-  var mouseStartY = -1
-  withEvents(surf, event):
-    var eventp = addr(event)
-    case event.kind:
-    of sdl.QUITEV:
-      break
-    of sdl.KEYDOWN:
-      var evk = sdl.evKeyboard(eventp)
-      if evk.keysym.sym == sdl.K_LEFT:
-        surf.drawHorLine(395, 300, 50, colBlack)
-        echo("Drawing")
-      elif evk.keysym.sym == sdl.K_ESCAPE:
-        break
-      else:
-        echo(evk.keysym.sym)
-      var mbd = sdl.evMouseButton(eventp)
-      if mouseStartX == -1 or mouseStartY == -1:
-        mouseStartX = int(mbd.x)
-        mouseStartY = int(mbd.y)
-      else:
-        surf.drawLineAA((mouseStartX, mouseStartY), (int(mbd.x), int(mbd.y)), colPurple)
-        mouseStartX = -1
-        mouseStartY = -1
-    of sdl.MOUSEMOTION:
-      var mm = sdl.evMouseMotion(eventp)
-      if mouseStartX != -1 and mouseStartY != -1:
-        surf.drawLineAA((mouseStartX, mouseStartY), (int(mm.x), int(mm.y)), colPurple)
-      #echo(mm.x, " ", mm.y, " ", mm.yrel)
-    else:
-      discard "echo(event.kind)"
-    sdl.updateRect(surf.s, 0, 0, 800, 600)
-  surf.writeToBMP("test.bmp")
-  sdl.quit()
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim b/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim
index ab462c57b..110bc6d74 100644
--- a/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim
@@ -1468,16 +1468,25 @@ proc asyncSingleProc(prc: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
   hint("Processing " & prc[0].getName & " as an async proc.")
   let returnType = prc[3][0]
+  var baseType: NimNode
   # Verify that the return type is a Future[T]
-  if returnType.kind == nnkIdent:
-    error("Expected return type of 'Future' got '" & $returnType & "'")
-  elif returnType.kind == nnkBracketExpr:
-    if $returnType[0] != "Future":
-      error("Expected return type of 'Future' got '" & $returnType[0] & "'")
+  if returnType.kind == nnkBracketExpr:
+    let fut = repr(returnType[0])
+    if fut != "Future":
+      error("Expected return type of 'Future' got '" & fut & "'")
+    baseType = returnType[1]
+  elif returnType.kind in nnkCallKinds and $returnType[0] == "[]":
+    let fut = repr(returnType[1])
+    if fut != "Future":
+      error("Expected return type of 'Future' got '" & fut & "'")
+    baseType = returnType[2]
+  elif returnType.kind == nnkEmpty:
+    baseType = returnType
+  else:
+    error("Expected return type of 'Future' got '" & repr(returnType) & "'")
   let subtypeIsVoid = returnType.kind == nnkEmpty or
-        (returnType.kind == nnkBracketExpr and
-         returnType[1].kind == nnkIdent and returnType[1].ident == !"void")
+        (baseType.kind == nnkIdent and returnType[1].ident == !"void")
   var outerProcBody = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, prc[6])
@@ -1485,7 +1494,7 @@ proc asyncSingleProc(prc: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
   var retFutureSym = genSym(nskVar, "retFuture")
   var subRetType =
     if returnType.kind == nnkEmpty: newIdentNode("void")
-    else: returnType[1]
+    else: baseType
@@ -1509,7 +1518,7 @@ proc asyncSingleProc(prc: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
       newIdentNode("off")))) # -> {.push warning[resultshadowed]: off.}
     procBody.insert(1, newNimNode(nnkVarSection, prc[6]).add(
-      newIdentDefs(newIdentNode("result"), returnType[1]))) # -> var result: T
+      newIdentDefs(newIdentNode("result"), baseType))) # -> var result: T
     procBody.insert(2, newNimNode(nnkPragma).add(
       newIdentNode("pop"))) # -> {.pop.})
@@ -1550,8 +1559,8 @@ proc asyncSingleProc(prc: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
   result[6] = outerProcBody
-  if prc[0].getName == "hubConnectionLoop":
-    echo(toStrLit(result))
+  #if prc[0].getName == "hubConnectionLoop":
+  #  echo(toStrLit(result))
 macro async*(prc: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
   ## Macro which processes async procedures into the appropriate
diff --git a/lib/pure/memfiles.nim b/lib/pure/memfiles.nim
index 27b989597..b9c574944 100644
--- a/lib/pure/memfiles.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/memfiles.nim
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ type
     size*: int       ## size of the memory mapped file
     when defined(windows):
-      fHandle: int
-      mapHandle: int
+      fHandle: Handle
+      mapHandle: Handle
+      wasOpened: bool   ## only close if wasOpened
       handle: cint
@@ -115,7 +116,8 @@ proc open*(filename: string, mode: FileMode = fmRead,
     template callCreateFile(winApiProc, filename: expr): expr =
-        if readonly: GENERIC_READ else: GENERIC_ALL,
+        if readonly: GENERIC_READ else: GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
         if newFileSize != -1: CREATE_ALWAYS else: OPEN_EXISTING,
@@ -172,6 +174,8 @@ proc open*(filename: string, mode: FileMode = fmRead,
       if mappedSize != -1: result.size = min(fileSize, mappedSize).int
       else: result.size =
+    result.wasOpened = true
     template fail(errCode: OSErrorCode, msg: expr) =
@@ -226,7 +230,7 @@ proc close*(f: var MemFile) =
   var lastErr: OSErrorCode
   when defined(windows):
-    if f.fHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE:
+    if f.fHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE and f.wasOpened:
       error = unmapViewOfFile(f.mem) == 0
       lastErr = osLastError()
       error = (closeHandle(f.mapHandle) == 0) or error
@@ -243,6 +247,7 @@ proc close*(f: var MemFile) =
   when defined(windows):
     f.fHandle = 0
     f.mapHandle = 0
+    f.wasOpened = false
     f.handle = 0
diff --git a/lib/pure/net.nim b/lib/pure/net.nim
index 0ce5b4d25..00a6c0c92 100644
--- a/lib/pure/net.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/net.nim
@@ -223,10 +223,7 @@ when defined(ssl):
     of protSSLv23:
       newCTX = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()) # SSlv2,3 and TLS1 support.
     of protSSLv2:
-      when not defined(linux):
-        newCTX = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv2_method())
-      else:
-        raiseSslError()
+      raiseSslError("SSLv2 is no longer secure and has been deprecated, use protSSLv3")
     of protSSLv3:
       newCTX = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_method())
     of protTLSv1:
diff --git a/lib/pure/options.nim b/lib/pure/options.nim
index ef01e1260..3122d58b1 100644
--- a/lib/pure/options.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/options.nim
@@ -108,6 +108,36 @@ proc get*[T](self: Option[T]): T =
     raise UnpackError(msg : "Can't obtain a value from a `none`")
+proc get*[T](self: Option[T], otherwise: T): T =
+  ## Returns the contents of this option or `otherwise` if the option is none.
+  if self.isSome:
+    self.val
+  else:
+    otherwise
+proc map*[T](self: Option[T], callback: proc (input: T)) =
+  ## Applies a callback to the value in this Option
+  if self.has:
+    callback(self.val)
+proc map*[T, R](self: Option[T], callback: proc (input: T): R): Option[R] =
+  ## Applies a callback to the value in this Option and returns an option
+  ## containing the new value. If this option is None, None will be returned
+  if self.has:
+    some[R]( callback(self.val) )
+  else:
+    none(R)
+proc filter*[T](self: Option[T], callback: proc (input: T): bool): Option[T] =
+  ## Applies a callback to the value in this Option. If the callback returns
+  ## `true`, the option is returned as a Some. If it returns false, it is
+  ## returned as a None.
+  if self.has and not callback(self.val):
+    none(T)
+  else:
+    self
 proc `==`*(a, b: Option): bool =
   ## Returns ``true`` if both ``Option``s are ``none``,
@@ -115,8 +145,16 @@ proc `==`*(a, b: Option): bool =
   (a.has and b.has and a.val == b.val) or (not a.has and not b.has)
+proc `$`*[T]( self: Option[T] ): string =
+  ## Returns the contents of this option or `otherwise` if the option is none.
+  if self.has:
+    "Some(" & $self.val & ")"
+  else:
+    "None[" & & "]"
 when isMainModule:
-  import unittest
+  import unittest, sequtils
   suite "optionals":
     # work around a bug in unittest
@@ -158,3 +196,27 @@ when isMainModule:
         check false
       when compiles(none(string) == none(int)):
         check false
+    test "get with a default value":
+      check( some("Correct").get("Wrong") == "Correct" )
+      check( stringNone.get("Correct") == "Correct" )
+    test "$":
+      check( $(some("Correct")) == "Some(Correct)" )
+      check( $(stringNone) == "None[string]" )
+    test "map with a void result":
+      var procRan = 0
+      some(123).map(proc (v: int) = procRan = v)
+      check procRan == 123
+ (v: int) = check false)
+    test "map":
+      check( some(123).map(proc (v: int): int = v * 2) == some(246) )
+      check( (v: int): int = v * 2).isNone )
+    test "filter":
+      check( some(123).filter(proc (v: int): bool = v == 123) == some(123) )
+      check( some(456).filter(proc (v: int): bool = v == 123).isNone )
+      check( intNone.filter(proc (v: int): bool = check false).isNone )
diff --git a/lib/pure/sockets.nim b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
index 29f0bf87d..8fa69256b 100644
--- a/lib/pure/sockets.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
@@ -314,10 +314,7 @@ when defined(ssl):
     of protSSLv23:
       newCTX = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()) # SSlv2,3 and TLS1 support.
     of protSSLv2:
-      when not defined(linux) and not defined(OpenBSD):
-        newCTX = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv2_method())
-      else:
-        raiseSslError()
+      raiseSslError("SSLv2 is no longer secure and has been deprecated, use protSSLv3")
     of protSSLv3:
       newCTX = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_method())
     of protTLSv1: