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authorAraq <>2013-11-25 13:06:11 +0100
committerAraq <>2013-11-25 13:06:11 +0100
commit4855055bca7f5b2900ac15ce0e5cae90c22fa7fa (patch)
tree19794ccc8ae9367fa94e8808021f1b313e431d65 /lib
parent52d1a637b95f7cea95ad6e9591a941ef1be113cb (diff)
parentb893bd074f9e90f517c3f84037f92f89ab6fbad3 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
30 files changed, 3274 insertions, 2236 deletions
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
index 91664cd50..6dd407155 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
@@ -868,6 +868,12 @@ proc parseLine(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) =
     case p.tok[p.idx].kind
     of tkWhite, tkWord, tkOther, tkPunct: parseInline(p, father)
     else: break 
+proc parseUntilNewline(p: var TRstParser, father: PRstNode) = 
+  while True: 
+    case p.tok[p.idx].kind
+    of tkWhite, tkWord, tkAdornment, tkOther, tkPunct: parseInline(p, father)
+    of tkEof, tkIndent: break
 proc parseSection(p: var TRstParser, result: PRstNode)
 proc parseField(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
@@ -1078,7 +1084,7 @@ proc parseParagraph(p: var TRstParser, result: PRstNode) =
 proc parseHeadline(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode = 
   result = newRstNode(rnHeadline)
-  parseLine(p, result)
+  parseUntilNewLine(p, result)
   assert(p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent)
   assert(p.tok[p.idx + 1].kind == tkAdornment)
   var c = p.tok[p.idx + 1].symbol[0]
@@ -1172,7 +1178,7 @@ proc parseOverline(p: var TRstParser): PRstNode =
   inc(p.idx, 2)
   result = newRstNode(rnOverline)
   while true: 
-    parseLine(p, result)
+    parseUntilNewline(p, result)
     if p.tok[p.idx].kind == tkIndent: 
       if p.tok[p.idx - 1].ival > currInd(p): 
diff --git a/lib/posix/posix.nim b/lib/posix/posix.nim
index cf260e9b7..806c255ee 100644
--- a/lib/posix/posix.nim
+++ b/lib/posix/posix.nim
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ else:
       ## A type representing a directory stream.   
+  TSocketHandle* = distinct cint # The type used to represent socket descriptors
   Tdirent* {.importc: "struct dirent", 
              header: "<dirent.h>", final, pure.} = object ## dirent_t struct
     d_ino*: TIno  ## File serial number.
@@ -1791,7 +1793,7 @@ proc dlopen*(a1: cstring, a2: cint): pointer {.importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
 proc dlsym*(a1: pointer, a2: cstring): pointer {.importc, header: "<dlfcn.h>".}
 proc creat*(a1: cstring, a2: Tmode): cint {.importc, header: "<fcntl.h>".}
-proc fcntl*(a1: cint, a2: cint): cint {.varargs, importc, header: "<fcntl.h>".}
+proc fcntl*(a1: cint | TSocketHandle, a2: cint): cint {.varargs, importc, header: "<fcntl.h>".}
 proc open*(a1: cstring, a2: cint): cint {.varargs, importc, header: "<fcntl.h>".}
 proc posix_fadvise*(a1: cint, a2, a3: Toff, a4: cint): cint {.
   importc, header: "<fcntl.h>".}
@@ -2068,7 +2070,7 @@ proc access*(a1: cstring, a2: cint): cint {.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
 proc alarm*(a1: cint): cint {.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
 proc chdir*(a1: cstring): cint {.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
 proc chown*(a1: cstring, a2: Tuid, a3: Tgid): cint {.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
-proc close*(a1: cint): cint {.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
+proc close*(a1: cint | TSocketHandle): cint {.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
 proc confstr*(a1: cint, a2: cstring, a3: int): int {.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
 proc crypt*(a1, a2: cstring): cstring {.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
 proc ctermid*(a1: cstring): cstring {.importc, header: "<unistd.h>".}
@@ -2346,9 +2348,9 @@ proc strerror*(errnum: cint): cstring {.importc, header: "<string.h>".}
 proc hstrerror*(herrnum: cint): cstring {.importc, header: "<netdb.h>".}
 proc FD_CLR*(a1: cint, a2: var Tfd_set) {.importc, header: "<sys/select.h>".}
-proc FD_ISSET*(a1: cint, a2: var Tfd_set): cint {.
+proc FD_ISSET*(a1: cint | TSocketHandle, a2: var Tfd_set): cint {.
   importc, header: "<sys/select.h>".}
-proc FD_SET*(a1: cint, a2: var Tfd_set) {.importc, header: "<sys/select.h>".}
+proc FD_SET*(a1: cint | TSocketHandle, a2: var Tfd_set) {.importc, header: "<sys/select.h>".}
 proc FD_ZERO*(a1: var Tfd_set) {.importc, header: "<sys/select.h>".}
 proc pselect*(a1: cint, a2, a3, a4: ptr Tfd_set, a5: ptr ttimespec,
@@ -2428,44 +2430,49 @@ proc CMSG_NXTHDR*(mhdr: ptr TMsgHdr, cmsg: ptr TCMsgHdr): ptr TCmsgHdr {.
 proc CMSG_FIRSTHDR*(mhdr: ptr TMsgHdr): ptr TCMsgHdr {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc accept*(a1: cint, a2: ptr Tsockaddr, a3: ptr Tsocklen): cint {.
+  INVALID_SOCKET* = TSocketHandle(-1)
+proc `==`*(x, y: TSocketHandle): bool {.borrow.}
+proc accept*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: ptr Tsockaddr, a3: ptr Tsocklen): TSocketHandle {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc bindSocket*(a1: cint, a2: ptr Tsockaddr, a3: Tsocklen): cint {.
+proc bindSocket*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: ptr Tsockaddr, a3: Tsocklen): cint {.
   importc: "bind", header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
   ## is Posix's ``bind``, because ``bind`` is a reserved word
-proc connect*(a1: cint, a2: ptr Tsockaddr, a3: Tsocklen): cint {.
+proc connect*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: ptr Tsockaddr, a3: Tsocklen): cint {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc getpeername*(a1: cint, a2: ptr Tsockaddr, a3: ptr Tsocklen): cint {.
+proc getpeername*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: ptr Tsockaddr, a3: ptr Tsocklen): cint {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc getsockname*(a1: cint, a2: ptr Tsockaddr, a3: ptr Tsocklen): cint {.
+proc getsockname*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: ptr Tsockaddr, a3: ptr Tsocklen): cint {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc getsockopt*(a1, a2, a3: cint, a4: pointer, a5: ptr Tsocklen): cint {.
+proc getsockopt*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2, a3: cint, a4: pointer, a5: ptr Tsocklen): cint {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc listen*(a1, a2: cint): cint {.
+proc listen*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: cint): cint {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc recv*(a1: cint, a2: pointer, a3: int, a4: cint): int {.
+proc recv*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: pointer, a3: int, a4: cint): int {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc recvfrom*(a1: cint, a2: pointer, a3: int, a4: cint,
+proc recvfrom*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: pointer, a3: int, a4: cint,
         a5: ptr Tsockaddr, a6: ptr Tsocklen): int {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc recvmsg*(a1: cint, a2: ptr Tmsghdr, a3: cint): int {.
+proc recvmsg*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: ptr Tmsghdr, a3: cint): int {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc send*(a1: cint, a2: pointer, a3: int, a4: cint): int {.
+proc send*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: pointer, a3: int, a4: cint): int {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc sendmsg*(a1: cint, a2: ptr Tmsghdr, a3: cint): int {.
+proc sendmsg*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: ptr Tmsghdr, a3: cint): int {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc sendto*(a1: cint, a2: pointer, a3: int, a4: cint, a5: ptr Tsockaddr,
+proc sendto*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: pointer, a3: int, a4: cint, a5: ptr Tsockaddr,
              a6: Tsocklen): int {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc setsockopt*(a1, a2, a3: cint, a4: pointer, a5: Tsocklen): cint {.
+proc setsockopt*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2, a3: cint, a4: pointer, a5: Tsocklen): cint {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc shutdown*(a1, a2: cint): cint {.
+proc shutdown*(a1: TSocketHandle, a2: cint): cint {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
-proc socket*(a1, a2, a3: cint): cint {.
+proc socket*(a1, a2, a3: cint): TSocketHandle {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
 proc sockatmark*(a1: cint): cint {.
   importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}
diff --git a/lib/pure/asyncio.nim b/lib/pure/asyncio.nim
index 4ff6e0ced..c4a07d751 100644
--- a/lib/pure/asyncio.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/asyncio.nim
@@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ import sockets, os
 ##      getSocket(s).accept(client)
 when defined(windows):
-  from winlean import TTimeVal, TFdSet, FD_ZERO, FD_SET, FD_ISSET, select
+  from winlean import TTimeVal, TSocketHandle, TFdSet, FD_ZERO, FD_SET, FD_ISSET, select
-  from posix import TTimeVal, TFdSet, FD_ZERO, FD_SET, FD_ISSET, select
+  from posix import TTimeVal, TSocketHandle, TFdSet, FD_ZERO, FD_SET, FD_ISSET, select
   TDelegate* = object
-    fd*: cint
+    fd*: TSocketHandle
     deleVal*: PObject
     handleRead*: proc (h: PObject) {.nimcall.}
@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ proc asyncSockHandleRead(h: PObject) =
+proc close*(sock: PAsyncSocket)
 proc asyncSockHandleWrite(h: PObject) =
   when defined(ssl):
     if PAsyncSocket(h).socket.isSSL and not
@@ -230,15 +231,19 @@ proc asyncSockHandleWrite(h: PObject) =
     if PAsyncSocket(h).sendBuffer != "":
       let sock = PAsyncSocket(h)
-      let bytesSent = sock.socket.sendAsync(sock.sendBuffer)
-      assert bytesSent > 0
-      if bytesSent != sock.sendBuffer.len:
-        sock.sendBuffer = sock.sendBuffer[bytesSent .. -1]
-      elif bytesSent == sock.sendBuffer.len:
-        sock.sendBuffer = ""
-      if PAsyncSocket(h).handleWrite != nil:
-        PAsyncSocket(h).handleWrite(PAsyncSocket(h))
+      try:
+        let bytesSent = sock.socket.sendAsync(sock.sendBuffer)
+        assert bytesSent > 0
+        if bytesSent != sock.sendBuffer.len:
+          sock.sendBuffer = sock.sendBuffer[bytesSent .. -1]
+        elif bytesSent == sock.sendBuffer.len:
+          sock.sendBuffer = ""
+        if PAsyncSocket(h).handleWrite != nil:
+          PAsyncSocket(h).handleWrite(PAsyncSocket(h))
+      except EOS:
+        # Most likely the socket closed before the full buffer could be sent to it.
+        sock.close() # TODO: Provide a handleError for users?
       if PAsyncSocket(h).handleWrite != nil:
diff --git a/lib/pure/base64.nim b/lib/pure/base64.nim
index 685313551..4e59a6ca6 100644
--- a/lib/pure/base64.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/base64.nim
@@ -1,117 +1,127 @@
-#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## This module implements a base64 encoder and decoder.
-  cb64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
-proc encode*(s: string, lineLen = 75, newLine="\13\10"): string = 
-  ## encodes `s` into base64 representation. After `lineLen` characters, a 
-  ## `newline` is added.
-  var total = ((len(s) + 2) div 3) * 4
-  var numLines = (total + lineLen - 1) div lineLen


+#            Nimrod's Runtime Library

+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf


+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this

+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.



+## This module implements a base64 encoder and decoder.



+  cb64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"


+template encodeInternal(s: expr, lineLen: int, newLine: string): stmt {.immediate.} = 

+  ## encodes `s` into base64 representation. After `lineLen` characters, a 

+  ## `newline` is added.

+  var total = ((len(s) + 2) div 3) * 4

+  var numLines = (total + lineLen - 1) div lineLen

   if numLines > 0: inc(total, (numLines-1) * newLine.len)

-  result = newString(total)
-  var i = 0
-  var r = 0
-  var currLine = 0
-  while i < s.len - 2:
-    var a = ord(s[i])
-    var b = ord(s[i+1])
-    var c = ord(s[i+2])
-    result[r] = cb64[a shr 2]
-    result[r+1] = cb64[((a and 3) shl 4) or ((b and 0xF0) shr 4)]
-    result[r+2] = cb64[((b and 0x0F) shl 2) or ((c and 0xC0) shr 6)] 
-    result[r+3] = cb64[c and 0x3F] 
-    inc(r, 4)
-    inc(i, 3)
-    inc(currLine, 4)
-    if currLine >= lineLen and i != s.len-2: 
-      for x in items(newLine): 
-        result[r] = x
-        inc(r)
-      currLine = 0
-  if i < s.len-1:
-    var a = ord(s[i])
-    var b = ord(s[i+1])
-    result[r] = cb64[a shr 2]
-    result[r+1] = cb64[((a and 3) shl 4) or ((b and 0xF0) shr 4)]
-    result[r+2] = cb64[((b and 0x0F) shl 2)] 
-    result[r+3] = '='
-    if r+4 != result.len:
-      setLen(result, r+4)
-  elif i < s.len:
-    var a = ord(s[i])
-    result[r] = cb64[a shr 2]
-    result[r+1] = cb64[(a and 3) shl 4]
-    result[r+2] = '='
-    result[r+3] = '='
-    if r+4 != result.len:
-      setLen(result, r+4)
-  else:
-    assert(r == result.len)
-proc decodeByte(b: char): int {.inline.} = 
-  case b
-  of '+': result = ord('>')
-  of '0'..'9': result = ord(b) + 4
-  of 'A'..'Z': result = ord(b) - ord('A')
-  of 'a'..'z': result = ord(b) - 71
-  else: result = 63
-proc decode*(s: string): string = 
-  ## decodes a string in base64 representation back into its original form.
-  ## Whitespace is skipped.
-  const Whitespace = {' ', '\t', '\v', '\r', '\l', '\f'}
-  var total = ((len(s) + 3) div 4) * 3
-  # total is an upper bound, as we will skip arbitrary whitespace:
-  result = newString(total)
-  var i = 0
-  var r = 0
-  while true:
-    while s[i] in Whitespace: inc(i)
-    if i < s.len-3:
-      var a = s[i].decodeByte
-      var b = s[i+1].decodeByte
-      var c = s[i+2].decodeByte
-      var d = s[i+3].decodeByte
-      result[r] = chr((a shl 2) and 0xff or ((b shr 4) and 0x03))
-      result[r+1] = chr((b shl 4) and 0xff or ((c shr 2) and 0x0F))
-      result[r+2] = chr((c shl 6) and 0xff or (d and 0x3F))
-      inc(r, 3)
-      inc(i, 4)
-    else: break
-  assert i == s.len
-  # adjust the length:
-  if i > 0 and s[i-1] == '=': 
-    dec(r)
-    if i > 1 and s[i-2] == '=': dec(r)
-  setLen(result, r)
-when isMainModule:
-  assert encode("leasure.") == "bGVhc3VyZS4="
-  assert encode("easure.") == "ZWFzdXJlLg=="
-  assert encode("asure.") == "YXN1cmUu"
-  assert encode("sure.") == "c3VyZS4="
-  const longText = """Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this
-    singular passion from other animals, which is a lust of the mind, 
-    that by a perseverance of delight in the continued and indefatigable
-    generation of knowledge, exceeds the short vehemence of any carnal
-    pleasure."""
-  const tests = ["", "abc", "xyz", "man", "leasure.", "sure.", "easure.",
-                 "asure.", longText]
-  for t in items(tests):
-    assert decode(encode(t)) == t

+  result = newString(total)

+  var i = 0

+  var r = 0

+  var currLine = 0

+  while i < s.len - 2:

+    var a = ord(s[i])

+    var b = ord(s[i+1])

+    var c = ord(s[i+2])

+    result[r] = cb64[a shr 2]

+    result[r+1] = cb64[((a and 3) shl 4) or ((b and 0xF0) shr 4)]

+    result[r+2] = cb64[((b and 0x0F) shl 2) or ((c and 0xC0) shr 6)] 

+    result[r+3] = cb64[c and 0x3F] 

+    inc(r, 4)

+    inc(i, 3)

+    inc(currLine, 4)

+    if currLine >= lineLen and i != s.len-2: 

+      for x in items(newLine): 

+        result[r] = x

+        inc(r)

+      currLine = 0


+  if i < s.len-1:

+    var a = ord(s[i])

+    var b = ord(s[i+1])

+    result[r] = cb64[a shr 2]

+    result[r+1] = cb64[((a and 3) shl 4) or ((b and 0xF0) shr 4)]

+    result[r+2] = cb64[((b and 0x0F) shl 2)] 

+    result[r+3] = '='

+    if r+4 != result.len:

+      setLen(result, r+4)

+  elif i < s.len:

+    var a = ord(s[i])

+    result[r] = cb64[a shr 2]

+    result[r+1] = cb64[(a and 3) shl 4]

+    result[r+2] = '='

+    result[r+3] = '='

+    if r+4 != result.len:

+      setLen(result, r+4)

+  else:

+    assert(r == result.len)


+proc encode*[T:TInteger|char](s: openarray[T], lineLen = 75, newLine="\13\10"): string = 

+  ## encodes `s` into base64 representation. After `lineLen` characters, a 

+  ## `newline` is added.

+  encodeInternal(s, lineLen, newLine)


+proc encode*(s: string, lineLen = 75, newLine="\13\10"): string = 

+  ## encodes `s` into base64 representation. After `lineLen` characters, a 

+  ## `newline` is added.

+  encodeInternal(s, lineLen, newLine)


+proc decodeByte(b: char): int {.inline.} = 

+  case b

+  of '+': result = ord('>')

+  of '0'..'9': result = ord(b) + 4

+  of 'A'..'Z': result = ord(b) - ord('A')

+  of 'a'..'z': result = ord(b) - 71

+  else: result = 63


+proc decode*(s: string): string = 

+  ## decodes a string in base64 representation back into its original form.

+  ## Whitespace is skipped.

+  const Whitespace = {' ', '\t', '\v', '\r', '\l', '\f'}

+  var total = ((len(s) + 3) div 4) * 3

+  # total is an upper bound, as we will skip arbitrary whitespace:

+  result = newString(total)


+  var i = 0

+  var r = 0

+  while true:

+    while s[i] in Whitespace: inc(i)

+    if i < s.len-3:

+      var a = s[i].decodeByte

+      var b = s[i+1].decodeByte

+      var c = s[i+2].decodeByte

+      var d = s[i+3].decodeByte


+      result[r] = chr((a shl 2) and 0xff or ((b shr 4) and 0x03))

+      result[r+1] = chr((b shl 4) and 0xff or ((c shr 2) and 0x0F))

+      result[r+2] = chr((c shl 6) and 0xff or (d and 0x3F))

+      inc(r, 3)

+      inc(i, 4)

+    else: break

+  assert i == s.len

+  # adjust the length:

+  if i > 0 and s[i-1] == '=': 

+    dec(r)

+    if i > 1 and s[i-2] == '=': dec(r)

+  setLen(result, r)


+when isMainModule:

+  assert encode("leasure.") == "bGVhc3VyZS4="

+  assert encode("easure.") == "ZWFzdXJlLg=="

+  assert encode("asure.") == "YXN1cmUu"

+  assert encode("sure.") == "c3VyZS4="


+  const longText = """Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this

+    singular passion from other animals, which is a lust of the mind, 

+    that by a perseverance of delight in the continued and indefatigable

+    generation of knowledge, exceeds the short vehemence of any carnal

+    pleasure."""

+  const tests = ["", "abc", "xyz", "man", "leasure.", "sure.", "easure.",

+                 "asure.", longText]

+  for t in items(tests):

+    assert decode(encode(t)) == t


diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/LockFreeHash.nim b/lib/pure/collections/LockFreeHash.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3a91763a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/LockFreeHash.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+#nimrod c -t:-march=i686 --cpu:amd64 --threads:on -d:release lockfreehash.nim
+import baseutils, unsigned, math, hashes
+  minTableSize = 8
+  reProbeLimit = 12
+  minCopyWork = 4096
+  intSize = sizeof(int)
+when sizeof(int) == 4: # 32bit
+  type 
+    TRaw = range[0..1073741823]
+    ## The range of uint values that can be stored directly in a value slot
+    ## when on a 32 bit platform
+elif sizeof(int) == 8: # 64bit
+  type
+    TRaw = range[0..4611686018427387903]
+    ## The range of uint values that can be stored directly in a value slot
+    ## when on a 64 bit platform
+else: echo("unsupported platform")
+  TEntry = tuple
+    key: int
+    value: int
+  TEntryArr = ptr array[0..10_000_000, TEntry]
+  PConcTable[K,V] = ptr object {.pure.}
+    len: int
+    used: int
+    active: int
+    copyIdx: int
+    copyDone: int
+    next: PConcTable[K,V]    
+    data: TEntryArr
+proc setVal[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V], key: int, val: int,
+  expVal: int, match: bool): int 
+# Create a new table
+proc newLFTable*[K,V](size: int = minTableSize): PConcTable[K,V]  =
+  let 
+    dataLen = max(nextPowerOfTwo(size), minTableSize)   
+    dataSize = dataLen*sizeof(TEntry) 
+    dataMem = allocShared0(dataSize) 
+    tableSize = 7 * intSize
+    tableMem = allocShared0(tableSize)
+    table = cast[PConcTable[K,V]](tableMem) 
+  table.len = dataLen
+  table.used = 0
+ = 0
+  table.copyIdx = 0
+  table.copyDone = 0
+ = nil
+ = cast[TEntryArr](dataMem)
+  result = table
+# Delete a table
+proc deleteConcTable[K,V](tbl: PConcTable[K,V]) =
+  deallocShared( 
+  deallocShared(tbl)
+proc `[]`[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V], i: int): var TEntry {.inline.} =
+# State flags stored in ptr
+proc pack[T](x: T): int {.inline.} =
+  result = (cast[int](x) shl 2)
+  #echo("packKey ",cast[int](x) , " -> ", result)
+# Pop the flags off returning a 4 byte aligned ptr to our Key or Val 
+proc pop(x: int): int  {.inline.} =
+  result = x and 0xFFFFFFFC'i32
+# Pop the raw value off of our Key or Val 
+proc popRaw(x: int): int  {.inline.} =
+  result = x shr 2  
+# Pop the flags off returning a 4 byte aligned ptr to our Key or Val 
+proc popPtr[V](x: int): ptr V  {.inline.} =
+  result = cast[ptr V](pop(x))
+  #echo("popPtr " & $x & " -> " & $cast[int](result))
+# Ghost (sentinel)
+# K or V is no longer valid use new table
+const Ghost = 0xFFFFFFFC
+proc isGhost(x: int): bool {.inline.} =
+  result = x == 0xFFFFFFFC  
+# Tombstone 
+# applied to V = K is dead 
+proc isTomb(x: int): bool {.inline.} = 
+  result = (x and 0x00000002) != 0
+proc setTomb(x: int): int {.inline.} =
+  result = x or 0x00000002
+# Prime
+# K or V is in new table copied from old  
+proc isPrime(x: int): bool {.inline.} = 
+  result = (x and 0x00000001) != 0
+proc setPrime(x: int): int {.inline.} =
+  result = x or 0x00000001
+##This is for i32 only need to override for i64
+proc hashInt(x: int):int {.inline.} = 
+  var h = uint32(x) #shr 2'u32  
+  h = h xor (h shr 16'u32)
+  h *= 0x85ebca6b'u32
+  h = h xor (h shr 13'u32)
+  h *= 0xc2b2ae35'u32
+  h = h xor (h shr 16'u32)  
+  result = int(h)
+proc resize[K,V](self: PConcTable[K,V]): PConcTable[K,V] =
+  var next = atomic_load_n(, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  #echo("next = " & $cast[int](next))
+  if next != nil:
+    #echo("A new table already exists, copy in progress")
+    return next
+  var
+    oldLen = atomic_load_n(self.len.addr, ATOMIC_RELAXED)     
+    newTable = newLFTable[K,V](oldLen*2)
+    success = atomic_compare_exchange_n(, next.addr, newTable,
+                  false, ATOMIC_RELAXED, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  if not success:
+    echo("someone beat us to it! delete table we just created and return his " & $cast[int](next))
+    deleteConcTable(newTable) 
+    return next     
+  else:
+    echo("Created New Table! " & $cast[int](newTable) & " Size = " & $newTable.len)
+    return newTable
+#proc keyEQ[K](key1: ptr K, key2: ptr K): bool {.inline.} = 
+proc keyEQ[K](key1: int, key2: int): bool {.inline.} = 
+  result = false
+  when K is TRaw:
+    if key1 == key2: 
+      result = true
+  else:
+    var 
+      p1 = popPtr[K](key1)
+      p2 = popPtr[K](key2)
+    if p1 != nil and p2 != nil:  
+      if cast[int](p1) == cast[int](p2):
+        return true
+      if p1[] == p2[]:
+        return true
+#proc tableFull(self: var PConcTable[K,V]) : bool {.inline.} =
+proc copySlot[K,V](idx: int, oldTbl: var PConcTable[K,V], newTbl: var PConcTable[K,V]): bool =
+  #echo("Copy idx " & $idx)
+  var 
+    oldVal = 0
+    oldkey = 0   
+    ok = false
+  result = false
+  #Block the key so no other threads waste time here
+  while not ok:
+    ok = atomic_compare_exchange_n(oldTbl[idx].key.addr, oldKey.addr, 
+      setTomb(oldKey), false, ATOMIC_RELAXED, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  #echo("oldKey was = " & $oldKey & "  set it to tomb " & $setTomb(oldKey)) 
+  #Prevent new values from appearing in the old table by priming 
+  oldVal = atomic_load_n(oldTbl[idx].value.addr, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  while not isPrime(oldVal):
+    var box = if oldVal == NULL or isTomb(oldVal) : oldVal.setTomb.setPrime 
+      else: oldVal.setPrime 
+    if atomic_compare_exchange_n(oldTbl[idx].value.addr, oldVal.addr, 
+      if isPrime(box) and isTomb(box):     
+        return true
+      oldVal = box
+      break
+  #echo("oldVal was = ", oldVal, "  set it to prime ", box)
+  if isPrime(oldVal) and isTomb(oldVal): 
+    #when not (K is TRaw):
+    #  deallocShared(popPtr[K](oldKey)) 
+    return false
+  if isTomb(oldVal): 
+    echo("oldVal is Tomb!!!, should not happen")
+  if pop(oldVal) != NULL:  
+    result = setVal(newTbl, pop(oldKey), pop(oldVal), NULL, true) == NULL
+  if result: 
+    #echo("Copied a Slot! idx= " & $idx & " key= " & $oldKey & " val= " & $oldVal)    
+  else: 
+    #echo("copy slot failed")    
+  # Our copy is done so we disable the old slot
+  while not ok:
+    ok = atomic_compare_exchange_n(oldTbl[idx].value.addr, oldVal.addr, 
+      oldVal.setTomb.setPrime , false, ATOMIC_RELAXED, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  #echo("disabled old slot") 
+  #echo"---------------------" 
+proc promote[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V]) =
+  var
+    newData = atomic_load_n(, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+    newLen = atomic_load_n(, ATOMIC_RELAXED) 
+    newUsed = atomic_load_n(, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  deallocShared(
+  atomic_store_n(, newData, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  atomic_store_n(table.len.addr, newLen, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  atomic_store_n(table.used.addr, newUsed, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  atomic_store_n(table.copyIdx.addr, 0, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  atomic_store_n(table.copyDone.addr, 0, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+  deallocShared(
+  atomic_store_n(, nil, ATOMIC_RELAXED) 
+  echo("new table swapped!")
+proc checkAndPromote[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V], workDone: int): bool =  
+  var 
+    oldLen = atomic_load_n(table.len.addr, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+    copyDone = atomic_load_n(table.copyDone.addr, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+    ok: bool
+  result = false  
+  if workDone > 0:
+    #echo("len to copy =" & $oldLen)
+    #echo("copyDone + workDone = " & $copyDone & " + " & $workDone) 
+    while not ok:
+      ok = atomic_compare_exchange_n(table.copyDone.addr, copyDone.addr, 
+        copyDone + workDone, false, ATOMIC_RELAXED, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+    #if ok: echo("set copyDone")                 
+    # If the copy is done we can promote this table 
+    if copyDone + workDone >= oldLen:
+      # Swap new data
+      #echo("work is done!")        
+      table.promote
+      result = true
+proc copySlotAndCheck[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V], idx: int):
+  PConcTable[K,V] =
+  var
+    newTable = cast[PConcTable[K,V]](atomic_load_n(, ATOMIC_RELAXED))
+  result = newTable  
+  if newTable != nil and copySlot(idx, table, newTable): 
+    #echo("copied a single slot, idx = " & $idx)   
+    if checkAndPromote(table, 1): return table
+proc helpCopy[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V]): PConcTable[K,V] =
+  var
+    newTable = cast[PConcTable[K,V]](atomic_load_n(, ATOMIC_RELAXED)) 
+  result = newTable   
+  if newTable != nil:     
+    var 
+      oldLen = atomic_load_n(table.len.addr, ATOMIC_RELAXED) 
+      copyDone = atomic_load_n(table.copyDone.addr, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+      copyIdx = 0
+      work = min(oldLen, minCopyWork)
+      #panicStart = -1
+      workDone = 0
+    if copyDone < oldLen:
+      var ok: bool
+      while not ok:
+        ok = atomic_compare_exchange_n(table.copyIdx.addr, copyIdx.addr, 
+          copyIdx + work, false, ATOMIC_RELAXED, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+      #echo("copy idx = ", copyIdx)  
+      for i in
+        var idx = (copyIdx + i) and (oldLen - 1)        
+        if copySlot(idx, table, newTable):
+          workDone += 1
+      if workDone > 0:
+        #echo("did work ", workDone, " on thread ", cast[int](myThreadID[pointer]()))
+        if checkAndPromote(table, workDone): return table
+    # In case a thread finished all the work then got stalled before promotion 
+    if checkAndPromote(table, 0): return table
+proc setVal[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V], key: int, val: int,
+  expVal: int, match: bool): int =
+  #echo("-try set- in table ", " key = ", (popPtr[K](key)[]), " val = ", val)   
+  when K is TRaw: 
+    var idx = hashInt(key)    
+  else:
+    var idx = popPtr[K](key)[].hash                
+  var    
+    nextTable: PConcTable[K,V]   
+    probes = 1
+  # spin until we find a key slot or build and jump to next table    
+  while true:     
+    idx = idx and (table.len - 1) 
+    #echo("try set idx = " & $idx & "for" & $key)
+    var
+      probedKey = NULL     
+      openKey = atomic_compare_exchange_n(table[idx].key.addr, probedKey.addr, 
+        key, false, ATOMIC_RELAXED, ATOMIC_RELAXED) 
+    if openKey:
+      if val.isTomb:
+        #echo("val was tomb, bail, no reason to set an open slot to tomb")
+        return val
+      #increment used slots 
+      #echo("found an open slot, total used = " & 
+      #$atomic_add_fetch(table.used.addr, 1, ATOMIC_RELAXED))
+      discard atomic_add_fetch(table.used.addr, 1, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+      break # We found an open slot 
+    #echo("set idx ", idx, " key = ", key, " probed = ", probedKey)       
+    if keyEQ[K](probedKey, key):
+      #echo("we found the matching slot")    
+      break # We found a matching slot      
+    if (not(expVal != NULL and match)) and (probes >= reProbeLimit or key.isTomb):
+      if key.isTomb: echo("Key is Tombstone")
+      #if probes >= reProbeLimit: echo("Too much probing " & $probes)
+      #echo("try to resize")
+      #create next bigger table
+      nextTable = resize(table)
+      #help do some copying
+      #echo("help copy old table to new")       
+      nextTable = helpCopy(table)      
+      #now setVal in the new table instead
+      #echo("jumping to next table to set val")       
+      return setVal(nextTable, key, val, expVal, match)      
+    else:
+      idx += 1
+      probes += 1
+  # Done spinning for a new slot
+  var oldVal = atomic_load_n(table[idx].value.addr, ATOMIC_RELAXED)     
+  if val == oldVal:
+    #echo("this val is alredy in the slot") 
+    return oldVal
+  nextTable = atomic_load_n(, ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)  
+  if nextTable == nil and 
+    ((oldVal == NULL and 
+    (probes >= reProbeLimit or table.used / table.len > 0.8)) or
+    (isPrime(oldVal))):
+    if table.used / table.len > 0.8: echo("resize because usage ratio = " &
+      $(table.used / table.len))
+    if isPrime(oldVal): echo("old val isPrime, should be a rare mem ordering event")
+    nextTable = resize(table)
+  if nextTable != nil:
+    #echo("tomb old slot then set in new table") 
+    nextTable = copySlotAndCheck(table,idx)
+    return setVal(nextTable, key, val, expVal, match)
+  # Finaly ready to add new val to table
+  while true:
+    if match and oldVal != expVal:
+      #echo("set failed, no match  oldVal= " & $oldVal & " expVal= " & $expVal)
+      return oldVal
+    if atomic_compare_exchange_n(table[idx].value.addr, oldVal.addr, 
+        val, false, ATOMIC_RELEASE, ATOMIC_RELAXED):
+      #echo("val set at table " & $cast[int](table))
+      if expVal != NULL:
+        if (oldVal == NULL or isTomb(oldVal)) and not isTomb(val):
+          discard atomic_add_fetch(, 1, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+        elif not (oldVal == NULL or isTomb(oldVal)) and isTomb(val):
+          discard atomic_add_fetch(, -1, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
+      if oldVal == NULL and expVal != NULL:
+        return setTomb(oldVal)
+      else: return oldVal
+    if isPrime(oldVal):
+      nextTable = copySlotAndCheck(table, idx)
+      return setVal(nextTable, key, val, expVal, match)
+proc getVal[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V], key: int): int = 
+  #echo("-try get-  key = " & $key)
+  when K is TRaw: 
+    var idx = hashInt(key)
+  else:
+    var idx = popPtr[K](key)[].hash 
+    #echo("get idx ", idx)    
+  var    
+    probes = 0
+    val: int  
+  while true:
+    idx = idx and (table.len - 1)        
+    var 
+      newTable: PConcTable[K,V] # = atomic_load_n(, ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)
+      probedKey = atomic_load_n(table[idx].key.addr, ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)    
+    if keyEQ[K](probedKey, key):
+      #echo("found key after ", probes+1)
+      val = atomic_load_n(table[idx].value.addr, ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)
+      if not isPrime(val):
+        if isTomb(val):
+          #echo("val was tomb but not prime") 
+          return NULL
+        else:
+          #echo("-GotIt- idx = ", idx, " key = ", key, " val ", val ) 
+          return val
+      else:
+        newTable = copySlotAndCheck(table, idx)
+        return getVal(newTable, key) 
+    else:
+      #echo("probe ", probes, " idx = ", idx, " key = ", key, " found ", probedKey )    
+      if probes >= reProbeLimit*4 or key.isTomb:
+        if newTable == nil:
+          #echo("too many probes and no new table ", key, "  ", idx )
+          return NULL
+        else: 
+          newTable = helpCopy(table)
+          return getVal(newTable, key)
+      idx += 1
+      probes += 1
+#proc set*(table: var PConcTable[TRaw,TRaw], key: TRaw, val: TRaw) =
+#  discard setVal(table, pack(key), pack(key), NULL, false)
+#proc set*[V](table: var PConcTable[TRaw,V], key: TRaw, val: ptr V) =
+#  discard setVal(table, pack(key), cast[int](val), NULL, false)
+proc set*[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V], key: var K, val: var V) =
+  when not (K is TRaw): 
+    var newKey = cast[int](copyShared(key))
+  else: 
+    var newKey = pack(key)
+  when not (V is TRaw): 
+    var newVal = cast[int](copyShared(val))
+  else: 
+    var newVal = pack(val)
+  var oldPtr = pop(setVal(table, newKey, newVal, NULL, false))
+    #echo("oldPtr = ", cast[int](oldPtr), " newPtr = ", cast[int](newPtr))
+  when not (V is TRaw): 
+    if newVal != oldPtr and oldPtr != NULL: 
+      deallocShared(cast[ptr V](oldPtr))
+proc get*[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V], key: var K): V =
+  when not (V is TRaw):
+    when not (K is TRaw):
+      return popPtr[V](getVal(table, cast[int](key.addr)))[]
+    else: 
+      return popPtr[V](getVal(table, pack(key)))[]
+  else:
+    when not (K is TRaw):
+      return popRaw(getVal(table, cast[int](key.addr)))
+    else: 
+      return popRaw(getVal(table, pack(key)))   
+#proc `[]`[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V], key: K): PEntry[K,V] {.inline.} =
+#  getVal(table, key)
+#proc `[]=`[K,V](table: var PConcTable[K,V], key: K, val: V): PEntry[K,V] {.inline.} =
+#  setVal(table, key, val)
+#Tests ----------------------------
+when isMainModule:
+  import locks, times, mersenne
+  const 
+    numTests  = 100000
+    numThreads = 10
+  type
+    TTestObj = tuple
+      thr: int      
+      f0: int
+      f1: int
+    TData = tuple[k: string,v: TTestObj]
+    PDataArr = array[0..numTests-1, TData]
+    Dict = PConcTable[string,TTestObj]
+  var 
+    thr: array[0..numThreads-1, TThread[Dict]]
+    table = newLFTable[string,TTestObj](8)        
+    rand = newMersenneTwister(2525)
+  proc createSampleData(len: int): PDataArr = 
+    #result = cast[PDataArr](allocShared0(sizeof(TData)*numTests))             
+    for i in 0..len-1:
+      result[i].k = "mark" & $(i+1)
+      #echo("mark" & $(i+1), " ", hash("mark" & $(i+1)))      
+      result[i].v.thr = 0
+      result[i].v.f0 = i+1 
+      result[i].v.f1 = 0       
+      #echo("key = " & $(i+1) & " Val ptr = " & $cast[int](result[i].v.addr))
+  proc threadProc(tp: Dict) {.thread.} = 
+    var t = cpuTime();     
+    for i in 1..numTests:
+      var key = "mark" & $(i)
+      var got = table.get(key)                         
+      got.thr = cast[int](myThreadID[pointer]())
+      got.f1 = got.f1 + 1                
+      table.set(key, got)
+    t = cpuTime() - t
+    echo t             
+  var testData = createSampleData(numTests)
+  for i in 0..numTests-1:
+    table.set(testData[i].k, testData[i].v)
+  var i = 0
+  while i < numThreads:
+    createThread(thr[i], threadProc, table)
+    i += 1
+  joinThreads(thr) 
+  var fails = 0
+  for i in 0..numTests-1: 
+    var got = table.get(testData[i].k) 
+    if got.f0 != i+1 or got.f1 != numThreads:
+      fails += 1
+      echo(got)
+  echo("Failed read or write = ", fails)
+  #for i in 1..numTests:
+  #  echo(i, " = ", hashInt(i) and 8191)
+  deleteConcTable(table)
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/baseutils.nim b/lib/pure/collections/baseutils.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..565a89ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/baseutils.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+## Useful Constants
+const NULL* = 0
+## Memory Utility Functions
+proc newHeap*[T](): ptr T =
+  result = cast[ptr T](alloc0(sizeof(T))) 
+proc copyNew*[T](x: var T): ptr T =
+  var 
+    size = sizeof(T)    
+    mem = alloc(size)  
+  copyMem(mem, x.addr, size)  
+  return cast[ptr T](mem)
+proc copyTo*[T](val: var T, dest: int) = 
+  copyMem(pointer(dest), val.addr, sizeof(T))    
+proc allocType*[T](): pointer = alloc(sizeof(T)) 
+proc newShared*[T](): ptr T =
+  result = cast[ptr T](allocShared0(sizeof(T))) 
+proc copyShared*[T](x: var T): ptr T =
+  var 
+    size = sizeof(T)    
+    mem = allocShared(size)  
+  copyMem(mem, x.addr, size)  
+  return cast[ptr T](mem)
+## Pointer arithmetic 
+proc `+`*(p: pointer, i: int): pointer {.inline.} =
+  cast[pointer](cast[int](p) + i)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim b/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim
index 705a97469..3a009a8cb 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/sequtils.nim
@@ -117,6 +117,57 @@ proc filter*[T](seq1: seq[T], pred: proc(item: T): bool {.closure.}): seq[T] =
   ##   assert f2 == @["yellow"]
   accumulateResult(filter(seq1, pred))
+proc delete*[T](s: var seq[T], first=0, last=0) =
+  ## Deletes in `s` the items at position `first` .. `last`. This modifies
+  ## `s` itself, it does not return a copy.
+  ##
+  ## Example:
+  ##
+  ##.. code-block:: nimrod
+  ##   let outcome = @[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
+  ##   var dest = @[1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1]
+  ##   dest.delete(3, 8)
+  ##   assert outcome == dest
+  var i = first
+  var j = last+1
+  var newLen = len(s)-j+i
+  while i < newLen:
+    s[i].shallowCopy(s[j])
+    inc(i)
+    inc(j)
+  setlen(s, newLen)
+proc insert*[T](dest: var seq[T], src: openArray[T], pos=0) =
+  ## Inserts items from `src` into `dest` at position `pos`. This modifies
+  ## `dest` itself, it does not return a copy.
+  ##
+  ## Example:
+  ##
+  ##.. code-block:: nimrod
+  ##   var dest = @[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
+  ##   let 
+  ##     src = @[2,2,2,2,2,2]
+  ##     outcome = @[1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1]
+  ##   dest.insert(src, 3)
+  ##   assert dest == outcome
+  var j = len(dest) - 1
+  var i = len(dest) + len(src) - 1
+  dest.setLen(i + 1)
+  # Move items after `pos` to the end of the sequence.
+  while j >= pos:
+    dest[i].shallowCopy(dest[j])
+    dec(i)
+    dec(j)
+  # Insert items from `dest` into `dest` at `pos`
+  inc(j)
+  for item in src:
+    dest[j] = item
+    inc(j)
 template filterIt*(seq1, pred: expr): expr {.immediate.} =
   ## Returns a new sequence with all the items that fulfilled the predicate.
@@ -312,4 +363,22 @@ when isMainModule:
     assert multiplication == 495, "Multiplication is (5*(9*(11)))"
     assert concatenation == "nimrodiscool"
+  block: # delete tests
+    let outcome = @[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
+    var dest = @[1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1]
+    dest.delete(3, 8)
+    assert outcome == dest, """\
+    Deleting range 3-9 from [1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1] 
+    is [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]"""
+  block: # insert tests
+    var dest = @[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
+    let 
+      src = @[2,2,2,2,2,2]
+      outcome = @[1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1]
+    dest.insert(src, 3)
+    assert dest == outcome, """\
+    Inserting [2,2,2,2,2,2] into [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
+    at 3 is [1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1]"""
   echo "Finished doc tests"
diff --git a/lib/pure/ftpclient.nim b/lib/pure/ftpclient.nim
index 7893eafa0..b6127a9bc 100644
--- a/lib/pure/ftpclient.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/ftpclient.nim
@@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ proc expectReply(ftp: PFTPClient): TaintedString =
 proc send*(ftp: PFTPClient, m: string): TaintedString =
   ## Send a message to the server, and wait for a primary reply.
   ## ``\c\L`` is added for you.
-  ftp.getCSock().send(m & "\c\L")
+  blockingOperation(ftp.getCSock()):
+    ftp.getCSock().send(m & "\c\L")
   return ftp.expectReply()
 proc assertReply(received: TaintedString, expected: string) =
diff --git a/lib/pure/httpserver.nim b/lib/pure/httpserver.nim
index e24709451..901fdc779 100644
--- a/lib/pure/httpserver.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/httpserver.nim
@@ -224,11 +224,13 @@ type
   TAsyncHTTPServer = object of TServer
     asyncSocket: PAsyncSocket
-proc open*(s: var TServer, port = TPort(80)) =
+proc open*(s: var TServer, port = TPort(80), reuseAddr = false) =
   ## creates a new server at port `port`. If ``port == 0`` a free port is
   ## acquired that can be accessed later by the ``port`` proc.
   s.socket = socket(AF_INET)
   if s.socket == InvalidSocket: OSError(OSLastError())
+  if reuseAddr:
+    s.socket.setSockOpt(OptReuseAddr, True)
   bindAddr(s.socket, port)
@@ -399,8 +401,9 @@ proc nextAsync(s: PAsyncHTTPServer) =
       var value = ""
       i = header.parseUntil(key, ':')
       inc(i) # skip :
-      i += header.skipWhiteSpace(i)
-      i += header.parseUntil(value, {'\c', '\L'}, i)
+      if i < header.len:
+        i += header.skipWhiteSpace(i)
+        i += header.parseUntil(value, {'\c', '\L'}, i)
       s.headers[key] = value
@@ -475,7 +478,8 @@ proc nextAsync(s: PAsyncHTTPServer) =
 proc asyncHTTPServer*(handleRequest: proc (server: PAsyncHTTPServer, client: TSocket, 
                         path, query: string): bool {.closure.},
-                     port = TPort(80), address = ""): PAsyncHTTPServer =
+                     port = TPort(80), address = "",
+                     reuseAddr = false): PAsyncHTTPServer =
   ## Creates an Asynchronous HTTP server at ``port``.
   var capturedRet: PAsyncHTTPServer
@@ -486,6 +490,8 @@ proc asyncHTTPServer*(handleRequest: proc (server: PAsyncHTTPServer, client: TSo
       let quit = handleRequest(capturedRet, capturedRet.client, capturedRet.path,
       if quit: capturedRet.asyncSocket.close()
+  if reuseAddr:
+    capturedRet.asyncSocket.setSockOpt(OptReuseAddr, True)
   capturedRet.asyncSocket.bindAddr(port, address)
diff --git a/lib/pure/irc.nim b/lib/pure/irc.nim
index 74ad7e26a..ee85d9c69 100644
--- a/lib/pure/irc.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/irc.nim
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ type
       params*: seq[string] ## Parameters of the IRC message
       origin*: string      ## The channel/user that this msg originated from
       raw*: string         ## Raw IRC message
+      timestamp*: TTime    ## UNIX epoch time the message was received
 proc send*(irc: PIRC, message: string, sendImmediately = false) =
   ## Sends ``message`` as a raw command. It adds ``\c\L`` for you.
@@ -160,9 +161,10 @@ proc isNumber(s: string): bool =
   result = i == s.len and s.len > 0
 proc parseMessage(msg: string): TIRCEvent =
-  result.typ = EvMsg
-  result.cmd = MUnknown
-  result.raw = msg
+  result.typ       = EvMsg
+  result.cmd       = MUnknown
+  result.raw       = msg
+  result.timestamp = times.getTime()
   var i = 0
   # Process the prefix
   if msg[i] == ':':
diff --git a/lib/pure/mersenne.nim b/lib/pure/mersenne.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b12cce73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/mersenne.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import unsigned
+  TMersenneTwister* = object
+    mt: array[0..623, uint32]
+    index: int
+proc newMersenneTwister*(seed: int): TMersenneTwister =   
+  result.index = 0
+[0]= uint32(seed)
+  for i in 1..623'u32:
+[i]= (0x6c078965'u32 * ([i-1] xor ([i-1] shr 30'u32)) + i)
+proc generateNumbers(m: var TMersenneTwister) =
+  for i in 0..623:
+    var y = ([i] and 0x80000000'u32) + ([(i+1) mod 624] and 0x7fffffff'u32)
+[i] =[(i+397) mod 624] xor uint32(y shr 1'u32)
+    if (y mod 2'u32) != 0:
+[i] =[i] xor 0x9908b0df'u32
+proc getNum*(m: var TMersenneTwister): int =
+  if m.index == 0:
+    generateNumbers(m)
+  var y =[m.index]
+  y = y xor (y shr 11'u32)
+  y = y xor ((7'u32 shl y) and 0x9d2c5680'u32)
+  y = y xor ((15'u32 shl y) and 0xefc60000'u32)
+  y = y xor (y shr 18'u32)
+  m.index = (m.index+1) mod 624
+  return int(y)
+# Test
+when isMainModule:
+  var mt = newMersenneTwister(2525)
+  for i in 0..99:
+    echo mt.getNum
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/pure/oids.nim b/lib/pure/oids.nim
index 0fd1d8cd2..fbe0dda95 100644
--- a/lib/pure/oids.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/oids.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #            Nimrod's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
+#        (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ proc oidToString*(oid: TOid, str: cstring) =
   str[24] = '\0'
+proc `$`*(oid: TOid): string =
+  result = newString(25)
+  oidToString(oid, result)
   incr: int 
   fuzz: int32
diff --git a/lib/pure/osproc.nim b/lib/pure/osproc.nim
index b9bde73bc..754e34b85 100644
--- a/lib/pure/osproc.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/osproc.nim
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ type
   TProcess = object of TObject
     when defined(windows):
       FProcessHandle: Thandle
-      inputHandle, outputHandle, errorHandle: TFileHandle
+      inHandle, outHandle, errHandle: TFileHandle
       id: THandle
-      inputHandle, outputHandle, errorHandle: TFileHandle
+      inHandle, outHandle, errHandle: TFileHandle
       inStream, outStream, errStream: PStream
       id: TPid
     exitCode: cint
@@ -113,23 +113,47 @@ proc peekExitCode*(p: PProcess): int {.tags: [].}
   ## return -1 if the process is still running. Otherwise the process' exit code
 proc inputStream*(p: PProcess): PStream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1", tags: [].}
-  ## returns ``p``'s input stream for writing to
+  ## returns ``p``'s input stream for writing to.
   ## **Warning**: The returned `PStream` should not be closed manually as it 
   ## is closed when closing the PProcess ``p``.
 proc outputStream*(p: PProcess): PStream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1", tags: [].}
-  ## returns ``p``'s output stream for reading from
+  ## returns ``p``'s output stream for reading from.
   ## **Warning**: The returned `PStream` should not be closed manually as it 
   ## is closed when closing the PProcess ``p``.
 proc errorStream*(p: PProcess): PStream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1", tags: [].}
-  ## returns ``p``'s output stream for reading from
+  ## returns ``p``'s error stream for reading from.
   ## **Warning**: The returned `PStream` should not be closed manually as it 
   ## is closed when closing the PProcess ``p``.
+proc inputHandle*(p: PProcess): TFileHandle {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1",
+  tags: [].} =
+  ## returns ``p``'s input file handle for writing to.
+  ##
+  ## **Warning**: The returned `TFileHandle` should not be closed manually as
+  ## it is closed when closing the PProcess ``p``.
+  result = p.inHandle
+proc outputHandle*(p: PProcess): TFileHandle {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1",
+  tags: [].} =
+  ## returns ``p``'s output file handle for reading from.
+  ##
+  ## **Warning**: The returned `TFileHandle` should not be closed manually as
+  ## it is closed when closing the PProcess ``p``.
+  result = p.outHandle
+proc errorHandle*(p: PProcess): TFileHandle {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1",
+  tags: [].} =
+  ## returns ``p``'s error file handle for reading from.
+  ##
+  ## **Warning**: The returned `TFileHandle` should not be closed manually as
+  ## it is closed when closing the PProcess ``p``.
+  result = p.errHandle
 when defined(macosx) or defined(bsd):
     CTL_HW = 6
@@ -212,8 +236,8 @@ proc execProcesses*(cmds: openArray[string],
             if i > high(cmds): break
     for j in 0..m-1:
-      if q[j] != nil: close(q[j])
       result = max(waitForExit(q[j]), result)
+      if q[j] != nil: close(q[j])
     for i in 0..high(cmds):
       var p = startCmd(cmds[i], options=options)
@@ -339,16 +363,16 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
         HE = HO
         CreatePipeHandles(HE, Si.hStdError)
-      result.inputHandle = TFileHandle(hi)
-      result.outputHandle = TFileHandle(ho)
-      result.errorHandle = TFileHandle(he)
+      result.inHandle = TFileHandle(hi)
+      result.outHandle = TFileHandle(ho)
+      result.errHandle = TFileHandle(he)
       SI.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
       SI.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
       SI.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
-      result.inputHandle = TFileHandle(si.hStdInput)
-      result.outputHandle = TFileHandle(si.hStdOutput)
-      result.errorHandle = TFileHandle(si.hStdError)
+      result.inHandle = TFileHandle(si.hStdInput)
+      result.outHandle = TFileHandle(si.hStdOutput)
+      result.errHandle = TFileHandle(si.hStdError)
     var cmdl: cstring
     when false: # poUseShell in options:
@@ -389,9 +413,9 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
   proc close(p: PProcess) =
     when false:
       # somehow this does not work on Windows:
-      discard CloseHandle(p.inputHandle)
-      discard CloseHandle(p.outputHandle)
-      discard CloseHandle(p.errorHandle)
+      discard CloseHandle(p.inHandle)
+      discard CloseHandle(p.outHandle)
+      discard CloseHandle(p.errHandle)
       discard CloseHandle(p.FProcessHandle)
   proc suspend(p: PProcess) =
@@ -425,13 +449,13 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
       return res
   proc inputStream(p: PProcess): PStream =
-    result = newFileHandleStream(p.inputHandle)
+    result = newFileHandleStream(p.inHandle)
   proc outputStream(p: PProcess): PStream =
-    result = newFileHandleStream(p.outputHandle)
+    result = newFileHandleStream(p.outHandle)
   proc errorStream(p: PProcess): PStream =
-    result = newFileHandleStream(p.errorHandle)
+    result = newFileHandleStream(p.errHandle)
   proc execCmd(command: string): int =
@@ -626,20 +650,20 @@ elif not defined(useNimRtl):
     if poParentStreams in options:
       # does not make much sense, but better than nothing:
-      result.inputHandle = 0
-      result.outputHandle = 1
+      result.inHandle = 0
+      result.outHandle = 1
       if poStdErrToStdOut in options:
-        result.errorHandle = result.outputHandle
+        result.errHandle = result.outHandle
-        result.errorHandle = 2
+        result.errHandle = 2
-      result.inputHandle = p_stdin[writeIdx]
-      result.outputHandle = p_stdout[readIdx]
+      result.inHandle = p_stdin[writeIdx]
+      result.outHandle = p_stdout[readIdx]
       if poStdErrToStdOut in options:
-        result.errorHandle = result.outputHandle
+        result.errHandle = result.outHandle
         discard close(p_stderr[readIdx])
-        result.errorHandle = p_stderr[readIdx]
+        result.errHandle = p_stderr[readIdx]
       discard close(p_stderr[writeIdx])
       discard close(p_stdin[readIdx])
       discard close(p_stdout[writeIdx])
@@ -648,9 +672,9 @@ elif not defined(useNimRtl):
     if p.inStream != nil: close(p.inStream)
     if p.outStream != nil: close(p.outStream)
     if p.errStream != nil: close(p.errStream)
-    discard close(p.inputHandle)
-    discard close(p.outputHandle)
-    discard close(p.errorHandle)
+    discard close(p.inHandle)
+    discard close(p.outHandle)
+    discard close(p.errHandle)
   proc suspend(p: PProcess) =
     if kill(, SIGSTOP) != 0'i32: OSError(OSLastError())
@@ -696,17 +720,17 @@ elif not defined(useNimRtl):
   proc inputStream(p: PProcess): PStream =
     if p.inStream == nil:
-      createStream(p.inStream, p.inputHandle, fmWrite)
+      createStream(p.inStream, p.inHandle, fmWrite)
     return p.inStream
   proc outputStream(p: PProcess): PStream =
     if p.outStream == nil:
-      createStream(p.outStream, p.outputHandle, fmRead)
+      createStream(p.outStream, p.outHandle, fmRead)
     return p.outStream
   proc errorStream(p: PProcess): PStream =
     if p.errStream == nil:
-      createStream(p.errStream, p.errorHandle, fmRead)
+      createStream(p.errStream, p.errHandle, fmRead)
     return p.errStream
   proc csystem(cmd: cstring): cint {.nodecl, importc: "system".}
@@ -717,14 +741,14 @@ elif not defined(useNimRtl):
   proc createFdSet(fd: var TFdSet, s: seq[PProcess], m: var int) = 
     for i in items(s): 
-      m = max(m, int(i.outputHandle))
-      FD_SET(cint(i.outputHandle), fd)
+      m = max(m, int(i.outHandle))
+      FD_SET(cint(i.outHandle), fd)
   proc pruneProcessSet(s: var seq[PProcess], fd: var TFdSet) = 
     var i = 0
     var L = s.len
     while i < L:
-      if FD_ISSET(cint(s[i].outputHandle), fd) != 0'i32:
+      if FD_ISSET(cint(s[i].outHandle), fd) != 0'i32:
         s[i] = s[L-1]
diff --git a/lib/pure/scgi.nim b/lib/pure/scgi.nim
index 8e45032c8..b18fe0094 100644
--- a/lib/pure/scgi.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/scgi.nim
@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ proc recvBuffer(s: var TScgiState, L: int) =
     scgiError("could not read all data")
   setLen(s.input, L)
-proc open*(s: var TScgiState, port = TPort(4000), address = "") = 
+proc open*(s: var TScgiState, port = TPort(4000), address = "",
+  reuseAddr = False) = 
   ## opens a connection.
   s.bufLen = 4000
   s.input = newString(s.buflen) # will be reused
@@ -104,6 +105,8 @@ proc open*(s: var TScgiState, port = TPort(4000), address = "") =
   new(s.client) # Initialise s.client for `next`
   if s.server == InvalidSocket: scgiError("could not open socket")
   #s.server.connect(connectionName, port)
+  if reuseAddr:
+    s.server.setSockOpt(OptReuseAddr, True)
   bindAddr(s.server, port, address)
@@ -243,7 +246,8 @@ proc handleAccept(sock: PAsyncSocket, s: PAsyncScgiState) =
 proc open*(handleRequest: proc (client: PAsyncSocket, 
                                 input: string, headers: PStringTable) {.closure.},
-           port = TPort(4000), address = ""): PAsyncScgiState =
+           port = TPort(4000), address = "",
+           reuseAddr = false): PAsyncScgiState =
   ## Creates an ``PAsyncScgiState`` object which serves as a SCGI server.
   ## After the execution of ``handleRequest`` the client socket will be closed
@@ -252,6 +256,8 @@ proc open*(handleRequest: proc (client: PAsyncSocket,
   cres.asyncServer = AsyncSocket()
   cres.asyncServer.handleAccept = proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = handleAccept(s, cres)
+  if reuseAddr:
+    cres.asyncServer.setSockOpt(OptReuseAddr, True)
   bindAddr(cres.asyncServer, port, address)
   cres.handleRequest = handleRequest
diff --git a/lib/pure/sockets.nim b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
index c8a4171ab..66bb1e6a9 100644
--- a/lib/pure/sockets.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ when hostos == "solaris":
 import os, parseutils
 from times import epochTime
+import unsigned
 when defined(ssl):
   import openssl
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ const
   TSocketImpl = object ## socket type
-    fd: cint
+    fd: TSocketHandle
     case isBuffered: bool # determines whether this socket is buffered.
     of true:
       buffer: array[0..BufferSize, char]
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ type
   TSocket* = ref TSocketImpl
-  TPort* = distinct int16  ## port type
+  TPort* = distinct uint16  ## port type
   TDomain* = enum   ## domain, which specifies the protocol family of the
                     ## created socket. Other domains than those that are listed
@@ -118,6 +119,10 @@ type
     length*: int
     addrList*: seq[string]
+  TSOBool* = enum ## Boolean socket options.
+    OptAcceptConn, OptBroadcast, OptDebug, OptDontRoute, OptKeepAlive,
+    OptOOBInline, OptReuseAddr
   TRecvLineResult* = enum ## result for recvLineAsync
     RecvFullLine, RecvPartialLine, RecvDisconnected, RecvFail
@@ -126,7 +131,19 @@ type
   ETimeout* = object of ESynch
-proc newTSocket(fd: int32, isBuff: bool): TSocket =
+  InvalidSocket*: TSocket = nil ## invalid socket
+when defined(windows):
+  let
+    OSInvalidSocket = winlean.INVALID_SOCKET
+  let
+    OSInvalidSocket = posix.INVALID_SOCKET
+proc newTSocket(fd: TSocketHandle, isBuff: bool): TSocket =
+  if fd == OSInvalidSocket:
+    return nil
   result.fd = fd
   result.isBuffered = isBuff
@@ -134,15 +151,11 @@ proc newTSocket(fd: int32, isBuff: bool): TSocket =
     result.currPos = 0
   result.nonblocking = false
-  InvalidSocket*: TSocket = nil ## invalid socket
 proc `==`*(a, b: TPort): bool {.borrow.}
   ## ``==`` for ports.
-proc `$`*(p: TPort): string = 
+proc `$`*(p: TPort): string {.borrow.}
   ## returns the port number as a string
-  result = $ze(int16(p))
 proc ntohl*(x: int32): int32 = 
   ## Converts 32-bit integers from network to host byte order.
@@ -211,7 +224,9 @@ else:
 proc socket*(domain: TDomain = AF_INET, typ: TType = SOCK_STREAM,
              protocol: TProtocol = IPPROTO_TCP, buffered = true): TSocket =
-  ## Creates a new socket; returns `InvalidSocket` if an error occurs.  
+  ## Creates a new socket; returns `InvalidSocket` if an error occurs.
+  # TODO: Perhaps this should just raise EOS when an error occurs.
   when defined(Windows):
     result = newTSocket(winlean.socket(ord(domain), ord(typ), ord(protocol)), buffered)
@@ -456,7 +471,7 @@ template acceptAddrPlain(noClientRet, successRet: expr,
   var sock = accept(server.fd, cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(sockAddress)),
-  if sock < 0:
+  if sock == OSInvalidSocket:
     let err = OSLastError()
     when defined(windows):
       if err.int32 == WSAEINPROGRESS:
@@ -529,7 +544,7 @@ proc acceptAddr*(server: TSocket, client: var TSocket, address: var string) {.
               SSLError("Unknown error")
 proc setBlocking*(s: TSocket, blocking: bool) {.tags: [].}
-  ## sets blocking mode on socket
+  ## Sets blocking mode on socket
 when defined(ssl):
   proc acceptAddrSSL*(server: TSocket, client: var TSocket,
@@ -623,24 +638,32 @@ proc close*(socket: TSocket) =
       discard SSLShutdown(socket.sslHandle)
 proc getServByName*(name, proto: string): TServent {.tags: [FReadIO].} =
-  ## well-known getservbyname proc.
+  ## Searches the database from the beginning and finds the first entry for 
+  ## which the service name specified by ``name`` matches the s_name member
+  ## and the protocol name specified by ``proto`` matches the s_proto member.
+  ##
+  ## On posix this will search through the ``/etc/services`` file.
   when defined(Windows):
     var s = winlean.getservbyname(name, proto)
     var s = posix.getservbyname(name, proto)
-  if s == nil: OSError(OSLastError())
+  if s == nil: raise newException(EOS, "Service not found.") = $s.s_name
   result.aliases = cstringArrayToSeq(s.s_aliases)
   result.port = TPort(s.s_port)
   result.proto = $s.s_proto
 proc getServByPort*(port: TPort, proto: string): TServent {.tags: [FReadIO].} = 
-  ## well-known getservbyport proc.
+  ## Searches the database from the beginning and finds the first entry for 
+  ## which the port specified by ``port`` matches the s_port member and the 
+  ## protocol name specified by ``proto`` matches the s_proto member.
+  ##
+  ## On posix this will search through the ``/etc/services`` file.
   when defined(Windows):
     var s = winlean.getservbyport(ze(int16(port)).cint, proto)
     var s = posix.getservbyport(ze(int16(port)).cint, proto)
-  if s == nil: OSError(OSLastError())
+  if s == nil: raise newException(EOS, "Service not found.") = $s.s_name
   result.aliases = cstringArrayToSeq(s.s_aliases)
   result.port = TPort(s.s_port)
@@ -676,7 +699,7 @@ proc getHostByAddr*(ip: string): THostEnt {.tags: [FReadIO].} =
   result.length = int(s.h_length)
 proc getHostByName*(name: string): THostEnt {.tags: [FReadIO].} = 
-  ## well-known gethostbyname proc.
+  ## This function will lookup the IP address of a hostname.
   when defined(Windows):
     var s = winlean.gethostbyname(name)
@@ -714,6 +737,34 @@ proc setSockOptInt*(socket: TSocket, level, optname, optval: int) {.
                 sizeof(value).TSockLen) < 0'i32:
+proc toCInt(opt: TSOBool): cint =
+  case opt
+  of OptAcceptConn: SO_ACCEPTCONN
+  of OptBroadcast: SO_BROADCAST
+  of OptDebug: SO_DEBUG
+  of OptDontRoute: SO_DONTROUTE
+  of OptKeepAlive: SO_KEEPALIVE
+  of OptOOBInline: SO_OOBINLINE
+  of OptReuseAddr: SO_REUSEADDR
+proc getSockOpt*(socket: TSocket, opt: TSOBool, level = SOL_SOCKET): bool {.
+  tags: [FReadIO].} =
+  ## Retrieves option ``opt`` as a boolean value.
+  var res: cint
+  var size = sizeof(res).TSockLen
+  if getsockopt(socket.fd, cint(level), toCInt(opt), 
+                addr(res), addr(size)) < 0'i32:
+    OSError(OSLastError())
+  result = res != 0
+proc setSockOpt*(socket: TSocket, opt: TSOBool, value: bool, level = SOL_SOCKET) {.
+  tags: [FWriteIO].} =
+  ## Sets option ``opt`` to a boolean value specified by ``value``.
+  var valuei = cint(if value: 1 else: 0)
+  if setsockopt(socket.fd, cint(level), toCInt(opt), addr(valuei),  
+                sizeof(valuei).TSockLen) < 0'i32:
+    OSError(OSLastError())
 proc connect*(socket: TSocket, address: string, port = TPort(0), 
               af: TDomain = AF_INET) {.tags: [FReadIO].} =
   ## Connects socket to ``address``:``port``. ``Address`` can be an IP address or a
@@ -866,11 +917,6 @@ proc timeValFromMilliseconds(timeout = 500): TTimeVal =
     var seconds = timeout div 1000
     result.tv_sec = seconds.int32
     result.tv_usec = ((timeout - seconds * 1000) * 1000).int32
-#proc recvfrom*(s: TWinSocket, buf: cstring, len, flags: cint, 
-#               fromm: ptr TSockAddr, fromlen: ptr cint): cint 
-#proc sendto*(s: TWinSocket, buf: cstring, len, flags: cint,
-#             to: ptr TSockAddr, tolen: cint): cint
 proc createFdSet(fd: var TFdSet, s: seq[TSocket], m: var int) = 
@@ -1608,14 +1654,14 @@ when defined(Windows):
     FIONBIO = IOC_IN.int32 or ((sizeof(int32) and IOCPARM_MASK) shl 16) or 
                              (102 shl 8) or 126
-  proc ioctlsocket(s: TWinSocket, cmd: clong, 
+  proc ioctlsocket(s: TSocketHandle, cmd: clong, 
                    argptr: ptr clong): cint {.
                    stdcall, importc:"ioctlsocket", dynlib: "ws2_32.dll".}
 proc setBlocking(s: TSocket, blocking: bool) =
   when defined(Windows):
     var mode = clong(ord(not blocking)) # 1 for non-blocking, 0 for blocking
-    if ioctlsocket(TWinSocket(s.fd), FIONBIO, addr(mode)) == -1:
+    if ioctlsocket(TSocketHandle(s.fd), FIONBIO, addr(mode)) == -1:
   else: # BSD sockets
     var x: int = fcntl(s.fd, F_GETFL, 0)
@@ -1656,9 +1702,12 @@ proc connect*(socket: TSocket, address: string, port = TPort(0), timeout: int,
 proc isSSL*(socket: TSocket): bool = return socket.isSSL
   ## Determines whether ``socket`` is a SSL socket.
-proc getFD*(socket: TSocket): cint = return socket.fd
+proc getFD*(socket: TSocket): TSocketHandle = return socket.fd
   ## Returns the socket's file descriptor
+proc isBlocking*(socket: TSocket): bool = not socket.nonblocking
+  ## Determines whether ``socket`` is blocking.
 when defined(Windows):
   var wsa: TWSADATA
   if WSAStartup(0x0101'i16, addr wsa) != 0: OSError(OSLastError())
diff --git a/lib/pure/times.nim b/lib/pure/times.nim
index 80a5ad8d3..e967ef683 100644
--- a/lib/pure/times.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/times.nim
@@ -246,7 +246,8 @@ proc toSeconds(a: TTimeInfo, interval: TTimeInterval): float =
   result += float(newinterv.days * 24 * 60 * 60)
-  result += float(newinterv.minutes * 60 * 60)
+  result += float(newinterv.hours * 60 * 60)
+  result += float(newinterv.minutes * 60)
   result += float(newinterv.seconds)
   result += newinterv.miliseconds / 1000
diff --git a/lib/pure/unicode.nim b/lib/pure/unicode.nim
index 142178a86..4aacb2f71 100644
--- a/lib/pure/unicode.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/unicode.nim
@@ -55,31 +55,31 @@ template fastRuneAt*(s: string, i: int, result: expr, doInc = true) =
     result = TRune(ord(s[i]))
     when doInc: inc(i)
   elif ord(s[i]) shr 5 == 0b110:
-    assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)
     result = TRune((ord(s[i]) and (ones(5))) shl 6 or 
                    (ord(s[i+1]) and ones(6)))
     when doInc: inc(i, 2)
   elif ord(s[i]) shr 4 == 0b1110:
-    assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)
-    assert(ord(s[i+2]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+2]) shr 6 == 0b10)
     result = TRune((ord(s[i]) and ones(4)) shl 12 or
              (ord(s[i+1]) and ones(6)) shl 6 or
              (ord(s[i+2]) and ones(6)))
     when doInc: inc(i, 3)
   elif ord(s[i]) shr 3 == 0b11110:
-    assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)
-    assert(ord(s[i+2]) shr 6 == 0b10)
-    assert(ord(s[i+3]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+2]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+3]) shr 6 == 0b10)
     result = TRune((ord(s[i]) and ones(3)) shl 18 or
              (ord(s[i+1]) and ones(6)) shl 12 or
              (ord(s[i+2]) and ones(6)) shl 6 or
              (ord(s[i+3]) and ones(6)))
     when doInc: inc(i, 4)
   elif ord(s[i]) shr 2 == 0b111110: 
-    assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)
-    assert(ord(s[i+2]) shr 6 == 0b10)
-    assert(ord(s[i+3]) shr 6 == 0b10)
-    assert(ord(s[i+4]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+2]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+3]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+4]) shr 6 == 0b10)
     result = TRune((ord(s[i]) and ones(2)) shl 24 or
              (ord(s[i+1]) and ones(6)) shl 18 or
              (ord(s[i+2]) and ones(6)) shl 12 or
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ template fastRuneAt*(s: string, i: int, result: expr, doInc = true) =
              (ord(s[i+4]) and ones(6)))
     when doInc: inc(i, 5)
   elif ord(s[i]) shr 1 == 0b1111110: 
-    assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)
-    assert(ord(s[i+2]) shr 6 == 0b10)
-    assert(ord(s[i+3]) shr 6 == 0b10)
-    assert(ord(s[i+4]) shr 6 == 0b10)
-    assert(ord(s[i+5]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+1]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+2]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+3]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+4]) shr 6 == 0b10)
+    # assert(ord(s[i+5]) shr 6 == 0b10)
     result = TRune((ord(s[i]) and ones(1)) shl 30 or
              (ord(s[i+1]) and ones(6)) shl 24 or
              (ord(s[i+2]) and ones(6)) shl 18 or
diff --git a/lib/system.nim b/lib/system.nim
index 9beead0b7..34b67267f 100644
--- a/lib/system.nim
+++ b/lib/system.nim
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ const
     ## a string that describes the application type. Possible values:
     ## "console", "gui", "lib".
-  seqShallowFlag = 1 shl (sizeof(int)*8-1)
+  seqShallowFlag = low(int)
 proc compileOption*(option: string): bool {.
   magic: "CompileOption", noSideEffect.}
@@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ when defined(JS):
 elif hostOS != "standalone":
   {.push stack_trace:off, profiler:off.}
-  proc add*(x: var string, y: cstring) {.noStackFrame.} =
+  proc add*(x: var string, y: cstring) =
     var i = 0
     while y[i] != '\0':
       add(x, y[i])
diff --git a/lib/system/alloc.nim b/lib/system/alloc.nim
index 744c26d36..2bab79212 100644
--- a/lib/system/alloc.nim
+++ b/lib/system/alloc.nim
@@ -520,11 +520,18 @@ proc allocInv(a: TMemRegion): bool =
   for s in low(a.freeSmallChunks)..high(a.freeSmallChunks):
     var c = a.freeSmallChunks[s]
     while c != nil:
-      if == c: return false
-      if c.size != s * MemAlign: return false
+      if == c: 
+        echo "[SYSASSERT] == c"
+        return false
+      if c.size != s * MemAlign: 
+        echo "[SYSASSERT] c.size != s * MemAlign"
+        return false
       var it = c.freeList
       while it != nil:
-        if it.zeroField != 0: return false
+        if it.zeroField != 0: 
+          echo "[SYSASSERT] it.zeroField != 0"
+          cprintf("%ld %p\n", it.zeroField, it)
+          return false
         it =
       c =
   result = true
@@ -591,6 +598,7 @@ proc rawAlloc(a: var TMemRegion, requestedSize: int): pointer =
     add(a, a.root, cast[TAddress](result), cast[TAddress](result)+%size)
   sysAssert(isAccessible(a, result), "rawAlloc 14")
   sysAssert(allocInv(a), "rawAlloc: end")
+  when logAlloc: cprintf("rawAlloc: %ld %p\n", requestedSize, result)
 proc rawAlloc0(a: var TMemRegion, requestedSize: int): pointer =
   result = rawAlloc(a, requestedSize)
@@ -638,6 +646,7 @@ proc rawDealloc(a: var TMemRegion, p: pointer) =
     del(a, a.root, cast[int](addr(
     freeBigChunk(a, c)
   sysAssert(allocInv(a), "rawDealloc: end")
+  when logAlloc: cprintf("rawDealloc: %p\n", p)
 proc isAllocatedPtr(a: TMemRegion, p: pointer): bool = 
   if isAccessible(a, p):
diff --git a/lib/system/atomics.nim b/lib/system/atomics.nim
index 623f8d0d2..36185e0a8 100644
--- a/lib/system/atomics.nim
+++ b/lib/system/atomics.nim
@@ -9,68 +9,207 @@
 # Atomic operations for Nimrod.
-when (defined(gcc) or defined(llvm_gcc)) and hasThreadSupport and 
-    not defined(windows):
-  proc sync_add_and_fetch(p: var int, val: int): int {.
-    importc: "__sync_add_and_fetch", nodecl.}
-  proc sync_sub_and_fetch(p: var int, val: int): int {.
-    importc: "__sync_sub_and_fetch", nodecl.}
+when (defined(gcc) or defined(llvm_gcc)) and hasThreadSupport: 
+  type 
+    AtomMemModel* = enum
+    ## No barriers or synchronization. 
+    ## Data dependency only for both barrier and synchronization with another thread.
+    ## Barrier to hoisting of code and synchronizes with release (or stronger) 
+    ## semantic stores from another thread.
+    ## Barrier to sinking of code and synchronizes with acquire (or stronger) 
+    ## semantic loads from another thread. 
+    ## Full barrier in both directions and synchronizes with acquire loads 
+    ## and release stores in another thread.
+    ## Full barrier in both directions and synchronizes with acquire loads 
+    ## and release stores in all threads.
+    TAtomType* = TNumber|pointer|ptr|char
+    ## Type Class representing valid types for use with atomic procs
+  proc atomic_load_n*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+    importc: "__atomic_load_n", nodecl.}
+    ## This proc implements an atomic load operation. It returns the contents at p.
+  proc atomic_load*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, ret: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
+    importc: "__atomic_load", nodecl.}  
+    ## This is the generic version of an atomic load. It returns the contents at p in ret.
+  proc atomic_store_n*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
+    importc: "__atomic_store_n", nodecl.} 
+    ## This proc implements an atomic store operation. It writes val at p.
+  proc atomic_store*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
+    importc: "__atomic_store", nodecl.}
+    ## This is the generic version of an atomic store. It stores the value of val at p
+  proc atomic_exchange_n*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+    importc: "__atomic_exchange_n", nodecl.}
+    ## This proc implements an atomic exchange operation. It writes val at p, 
+    ## and returns the previous contents at p.
+  proc atomic_exchange*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: ptr T, ret: ptr T, mem: AtomMemModel) {.
+    importc: "__atomic_exchange", nodecl.}
+    ## This is the generic version of an atomic exchange. It stores the contents at val at p. 
+    ## The original value at p is copied into ret.
+  proc atomic_compare_exchange_n*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, expected: ptr T, desired: T,
+    weak: bool, success_memmodel: AtomMemModel, failure_memmodel: AtomMemModel): bool {.
+    importc: "__atomic_compare_exchange_n ", nodecl.} 
+    ## This proc implements an atomic compare and exchange operation. This compares the
+    ## contents at p with the contents at expected and if equal, writes desired at p. 
+    ## If they are not equal, the current contents at p is written into expected. 
+    ## Weak is true for weak compare_exchange, and false for the strong variation. 
+    ## Many targets only offer the strong variation and ignore the parameter. 
+    ## When in doubt, use the strong variation.
+    ## True is returned if desired is written at p and the execution is considered 
+    ## to conform to the memory model specified by success_memmodel. There are no 
+    ## restrictions on what memory model can be used here. False is returned otherwise, 
+    ## and the execution is considered to conform to failure_memmodel. This memory model 
+    ## cannot be __ATOMIC_RELEASE nor __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL. It also cannot be a stronger model 
+    ## than that specified by success_memmodel.
+  proc atomic_compare_exchange*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, expected: ptr T, desired: ptr T,
+    weak: bool, success_memmodel: AtomMemModel, failure_memmodel: AtomMemModel): bool {.
+    importc: "__atomic_compare_exchange_n ", nodecl.}  
+    ## This proc implements the generic version of atomic_compare_exchange. 
+    ## The proc is virtually identical to atomic_compare_exchange_n, except the desired 
+    ## value is also a pointer. 
+  ## Perform the operation return the new value, all memory models are valid 
+  proc atomic_add_fetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+    importc: "__atomic_add_fetch", nodecl.}
+  proc atomic_sub_fetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+    importc: "__atomic_sub_fetch", nodecl.}
+  proc atomic_or_fetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+    importc: "__atomic_or_fetch ", nodecl.}
+  proc atomic_and_fetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+    importc: "__atomic_and_fetch", nodecl.}
+  proc atomic_xor_fetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.   
+    importc: "__atomic_xor_fetch", nodecl.}
+  proc atomic_nand_fetch*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.   
+    importc: "__atomic_nand_fetch ", nodecl.} 
+  ## Perform the operation return the old value, all memory models are valid 
+  proc atomic_fetch_add*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.
+    importc: "__atomic_fetch_add ", nodecl.}
+  proc atomic_fetch_sub*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.  
+    importc: "__atomic_fetch_sub ", nodecl.}
+  proc atomic_fetch_or*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.  
+    importc: "__atomic_fetch_or ", nodecl.}
+  proc atomic_fetch_and*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.   
+    importc: "__atomic_fetch_and ", nodecl.}
+  proc atomic_fetch_xor*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.  
+    importc: "__atomic_fetch_xor ", nodecl.}
+  proc atomic_fetch_nand*[T: TAtomType](p: ptr T, val: T, mem: AtomMemModel): T {.  
+    importc: "__atomic_fetch_nand", nodecl.} 
+  proc atomic_test_and_set*(p: pointer, mem: AtomMemModel): bool {.  
+    importc: "__atomic_test_and_set ", nodecl.} 
+    ## This built-in function performs an atomic test-and-set operation on the byte at p. 
+    ## The byte is set to some implementation defined nonzero “set” value and the return
+    ## value is true if and only if the previous contents were “set”.
+    ## All memory models are valid.
+  proc atomic_clear*(p: pointer, mem: AtomMemModel) {.  
+    importc: "__atomic_clear", nodecl.}
+    ## This built-in function performs an atomic clear operation at p. 
+    ## After the operation, at p contains 0.
+  proc atomic_thread_fence*(mem: AtomMemModel) {.  
+    importc: "__atomic_thread_fence ", nodecl.}
+    ## This built-in function acts as a synchronization fence between threads based 
+    ## on the specified memory model. All memory orders are valid.
+  proc atomic_signal_fence*(mem: AtomMemModel) {.  
+    importc: "__atomic_signal_fence  ", nodecl.}
+    ## This built-in function acts as a synchronization fence between a thread and 
+    ## signal handlers based in the same thread. All memory orders are valid.
+  proc atomic_always_lock_free*(size: int, p: pointer): bool {.  
+    importc: "__atomic_always_lock_free   ", nodecl.}
+    ## This built-in function returns true if objects of size bytes always generate 
+    ## lock free atomic instructions for the target architecture. size must resolve 
+    ## to a compile-time constant and the result also resolves to a compile-time constant.
+    ## ptr is an optional pointer to the object that may be used to determine alignment. 
+    ## A value of 0 indicates typical alignment should be used. The compiler may also 
+    ## ignore this parameter.
+  proc atomic_is_lock_free*(size: int, p: pointer): bool {.  
+    importc: "__atomic_is_lock_free    ", nodecl.}
+    ## This built-in function returns true if objects of size bytes always generate 
+    ## lock free atomic instructions for the target architecture. If it is not known 
+    ## to be lock free a call is made to a runtime routine named __atomic_is_lock_free.
+    ## ptr is an optional pointer to the object that may be used to determine alignment. 
+    ## A value of 0 indicates typical alignment should be used. The compiler may also 
+    ## ignore this parameter.
 elif defined(vcc) and hasThreadSupport:
-  proc sync_add_and_fetch(p: var int, val: int): int {.
+  proc add_and_fetch*(p: ptr int, val: int): int {.
     importc: "NimXadd", nodecl.}
-  proc sync_add_and_fetch(p: var int, val: int): int {.inline.} =
-    inc(p, val)
-    result = p
+  proc add_and_fetch*(p: ptr int, val: int): int {.inline.} =
+    inc(p[], val)
+    result = p[]
+# atomic compare and swap (CAS) funcitons to implement lock-free algorithms  
+#if defined(windows) and not defined(gcc) and hasThreadSupport:
+#    proc InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(mem: ptr pointer,
+#      newValue: pointer, comparand: pointer) : pointer {.nodecl, 
+#        importc: "InterlockedCompareExchangePointer", header:"windows.h".}
+#    proc compareAndSwap*[T](mem: ptr T, 
+#      expected: T, newValue: T): bool {.inline.}=
+#      ## Returns true if successfully set value at mem to newValue when value
+#      ## at mem == expected
+#      return InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(addr(mem), 
+#        addr(newValue), addr(expected))[] == expected
+#elif not hasThreadSupport:
+#  proc compareAndSwap*[T](mem: ptr T, 
+#    expected: T, newValue: T): bool {.inline.} =
+#      ## Returns true if successfully set value at mem to newValue when value
+#      ## at mem == expected
+#      var oldval = mem[]
+#      if oldval == expected:
+#        mem[] = newValue
+#        return true
+#      return false
-proc atomicInc(memLoc: var int, x: int = 1): int =
-  when hasThreadSupport:
-    result = sync_add_and_fetch(memLoc, x)
+# Some convenient functions 
+proc atomicInc*(memLoc: var int, x: int = 1): int =
+  when defined(gcc) and hasThreadSupport:
+    result = atomic_add_fetch(memLoc.addr, x, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
     inc(memLoc, x)
     result = memLoc
-proc atomicDec(memLoc: var int, x: int = 1): int =
-  when hasThreadSupport:
-    when defined(sync_sub_and_fetch):
-      result = sync_sub_and_fetch(memLoc, x)
+proc atomicDec*(memLoc: var int, x: int = 1): int =
+  when defined(gcc) and hasThreadSupport:
+    when defined(atomic_sub_fetch):
+      result = atomic_sub_fetch(memLoc.addr, x, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
-      result = sync_add_and_fetch(memLoc, -x)
+      result = atomic_add_fetch(memLoc.addr, -x, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
     dec(memLoc, x)
     result = memLoc  
-# atomic compare and swap (CAS) funcitons to implement lock-free algorithms
-when (defined(gcc) or defined(llvm_gcc)) and hasThreadSupport:
-  proc compareAndSwap*[T: ptr|ref|pointer](mem: var T, expected: T, newValue: T): bool {.nodecl, 
-      importc: " __sync_bool_compare_and_swap".}
-    ## Returns true if successfully set value at mem to newValue when value
-    ## at mem == expected
-elif defined(windows) and hasThreadSupport:
-    proc InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(mem: ptr pointer,
-      newValue: pointer, comparand: pointer) : pointer {.nodecl, 
-        importc: "InterlockedCompareExchangePointer", header:"windows.h".}
-    proc compareAndSwap*[T: ptr|ref|pointer](mem: var T, 
-      expected: T, newValue: T): bool {.inline.}=
-      ## Returns true if successfully set value at mem to newValue when value
-      ## at mem == expected
-      return InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(addr(mem), 
-        newValue, expected) == expected
-elif not hasThreadSupport:
-  proc compareAndSwap*[T: ptr|ref|pointer](mem: var T, 
-    expected: T, newValue: T): bool {.inline.} =
-      ## Returns true if successfully set value at mem to newValue when value
-      ## at mem == expected
-      var oldval = mem
-      if oldval == expected:
-        mem = newValue
-        return true
-      return false
diff --git a/lib/system/gc.nim b/lib/system/gc.nim
index c5d4d2aa2..48705db96 100644
--- a/lib/system/gc.nim
+++ b/lib/system/gc.nim
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #            Garbage Collector
-# The basic algorithm is *Deferrent Reference Counting* with cycle detection.
+# The basic algorithm is *Deferred Reference Counting* with cycle detection.
 # This is achieved by combining a Deutsch-Bobrow garbage collector
 # together with Christoper's partial mark-sweep garbage collector.
@@ -407,12 +407,17 @@ proc addNewObjToZCT(res: PCell, gch: var TGcHeap) {.inline.} =
     add(gch.zct, res)
+{.push stackTrace: off, profiler:off.}
+proc gcInvariant*(msg: string) =
+  sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), msg)
 proc rawNewObj(typ: PNimType, size: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
   # generates a new object and sets its reference counter to 0
+  sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "rawNewObj begin")
   gcAssert(typ.kind in {tyRef, tyString, tySequence}, "newObj: 1")
-  sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "rawNewObj begin")
   var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, size + sizeof(TCell)))
   gcAssert((cast[TAddress](res) and (MemAlign-1)) == 0, "newObj: 2")
   # now it is buffered in the ZCT
@@ -517,7 +522,9 @@ proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var TGcHeap): pointer =
     writeCell("growObj new cell", res)
   gcTrace(ol, csZctFreed)
   gcTrace(res, csAllocated)
-  when reallyDealloc: rawDealloc(gch.region, ol)
+  when reallyDealloc: 
+    sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "growObj before dealloc")
+    rawDealloc(gch.region, ol)
     sysAssert(ol.typ != nil, "growObj: 5")
     zeroMem(ol, sizeof(TCell))
@@ -537,7 +544,9 @@ proc freeCyclicCell(gch: var TGcHeap, c: PCell) =
   gcTrace(c, csCycFreed)
   when logGC: writeCell("cycle collector dealloc cell", c)
-  when reallyDealloc: rawDealloc(gch.region, c)
+  when reallyDealloc: 
+    sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "free cyclic cell")
+    rawDealloc(gch.region, c)
     gcAssert(c.typ != nil, "freeCyclicCell")
     zeroMem(c, sizeof(TCell))
@@ -910,7 +919,9 @@ proc collectZCT(gch: var TGcHeap): bool =
       # access invalid memory. This is done by prepareDealloc():
       forAllChildren(c, waZctDecRef)
-      when reallyDealloc: rawDealloc(gch.region, c)
+      when reallyDealloc: 
+        sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "collectZCT: rawDealloc")
+        rawDealloc(gch.region, c)
         sysAssert(c.typ != nil, "collectZCT 2")
         zeroMem(c, sizeof(TCell))
diff --git a/lib/system/gc2.nim b/lib/system/gc2.nim
index 05c291371..31c99a601 100644
--- a/lib/system/gc2.nim
+++ b/lib/system/gc2.nim
@@ -387,8 +387,7 @@ template `--`(rc: TRefCount): expr =
   rc <% rcIncrement
 template `--` (rc: TRefCount, heapType: THeapType): expr =
-  (when heapType == SharedHeap: atomicDec(rc, rcIncrement) <% rcIncrement
-   else: --rc)
+  (when heapType == SharedHeap: atomicDec(rc, rcIncrement) <% rcIncrement else: --rc)
 template doDecRef(cc: PCell,
                   heapType = LocalHeap,
diff --git a/lib/system/mmdisp.nim b/lib/system/mmdisp.nim
index c9801abad..118272ee3 100644
--- a/lib/system/mmdisp.nim
+++ b/lib/system/mmdisp.nim
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ const
   reallyOsDealloc = true
   coalescRight = true
   coalescLeft = true
+  logAlloc = false
   PPointer = ptr pointer
diff --git a/lib/windows/winlean.nim b/lib/windows/winlean.nim
index d448d2b10..56d279db6 100644
--- a/lib/windows/winlean.nim
+++ b/lib/windows/winlean.nim
@@ -335,6 +335,9 @@ const
 proc WSAGetLastError*(): cint {.importc: "WSAGetLastError", dynlib: ws2dll.}
+  TSocketHandle* = distinct int
   TWSAData* {.pure, final, importc: "WSADATA", header: "Winsock2.h".} = object 
     wVersion, wHighVersion: int16
     szDescription: array[0..WSADESCRIPTION_LEN, char]
@@ -389,12 +392,10 @@ type
     h_addrtype*: int16
     h_length*: int16
     h_addr_list*: cstringArray
-  TWinSocket* = cint
   TFdSet* {.pure, final.} = object
     fd_count*: cint # unsigned
-    fd_array*: array[0..FD_SETSIZE-1, TWinSocket]
+    fd_array*: array[0..FD_SETSIZE-1, TSocketHandle]
   TTimeval* {.pure, final.} = object
     tv_sec*, tv_usec*: int32
@@ -413,6 +414,22 @@ type
   SOMAXCONN* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint
+  INVALID_SOCKET* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: TSocketHandle
+  SOL_SOCKET* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint
+  SO_DEBUG* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint ## turn on debugging info recording

+  SO_ACCEPTCONN* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint # socket has had listen()

+  SO_REUSEADDR* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint # allow local address reuse

+  SO_KEEPALIVE* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint # keep connections alive

+  SO_DONTROUTE* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint # just use interface addresses

+  SO_BROADCAST* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint # permit sending of broadcast msgs

+  SO_USELOOPBACK* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint # bypass hardware when possible

+  SO_LINGER* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint # linger on close if data present

+  SO_OOBINLINE* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint # leave received OOB data in line


+  SO_DONTLINGER* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint

+  SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE* {.importc, header: "Winsock2.h".}: cint # disallow local address reuse
+proc `==`*(x, y: TSocketHandle): bool {.borrow.}
 proc getservbyname*(name, proto: cstring): ptr TServent {.
   stdcall, importc: "getservbyname", dynlib: ws2dll.}
@@ -426,45 +443,45 @@ proc gethostbyaddr*(ip: ptr TInAddr, len: cuint, theType: cint): ptr THostEnt {.
 proc gethostbyname*(name: cstring): ptr THostEnt {.
   stdcall, importc: "gethostbyname", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc socket*(af, typ, protocol: cint): TWinSocket {.
+proc socket*(af, typ, protocol: cint): TSocketHandle {.
   stdcall, importc: "socket", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc closesocket*(s: TWinSocket): cint {.
+proc closesocket*(s: TSocketHandle): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "closesocket", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc accept*(s: TWinSocket, a: ptr TSockAddr, addrlen: ptr TSockLen): TWinSocket {.
+proc accept*(s: TSocketHandle, a: ptr TSockAddr, addrlen: ptr TSockLen): TSocketHandle {.
   stdcall, importc: "accept", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc bindSocket*(s: TWinSocket, name: ptr TSockAddr, namelen: TSockLen): cint {.
+proc bindSocket*(s: TSocketHandle, name: ptr TSockAddr, namelen: TSockLen): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "bind", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc connect*(s: TWinSocket, name: ptr TSockAddr, namelen: TSockLen): cint {.
+proc connect*(s: TSocketHandle, name: ptr TSockAddr, namelen: TSockLen): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "connect", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc getsockname*(s: TWinSocket, name: ptr TSockAddr, 
+proc getsockname*(s: TSocketHandle, name: ptr TSockAddr, 
                   namelen: ptr TSockLen): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "getsockname", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc getsockopt*(s: TWinSocket, level, optname: cint, optval: pointer,
+proc getsockopt*(s: TSocketHandle, level, optname: cint, optval: pointer,
                  optlen: ptr TSockLen): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "getsockopt", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc setsockopt*(s: TWinSocket, level, optname: cint, optval: pointer,
+proc setsockopt*(s: TSocketHandle, level, optname: cint, optval: pointer,
                  optlen: TSockLen): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "setsockopt", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc listen*(s: TWinSocket, backlog: cint): cint {.
+proc listen*(s: TSocketHandle, backlog: cint): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "listen", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc recv*(s: TWinSocket, buf: pointer, len, flags: cint): cint {.
+proc recv*(s: TSocketHandle, buf: pointer, len, flags: cint): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "recv", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc recvfrom*(s: TWinSocket, buf: cstring, len, flags: cint, 
+proc recvfrom*(s: TSocketHandle, buf: cstring, len, flags: cint, 
                fromm: ptr TSockAddr, fromlen: ptr Tsocklen): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "recvfrom", dynlib: ws2dll.}
 proc select*(nfds: cint, readfds, writefds, exceptfds: ptr TFdSet,
              timeout: ptr TTimeval): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "select", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc send*(s: TWinSocket, buf: pointer, len, flags: cint): cint {.
+proc send*(s: TSocketHandle, buf: pointer, len, flags: cint): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "send", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc sendto*(s: TWinSocket, buf: pointer, len, flags: cint,
+proc sendto*(s: TSocketHandle, buf: pointer, len, flags: cint,
              to: ptr TSockAddr, tolen: Tsocklen): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "sendto", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc shutdown*(s: TWinSocket, how: cint): cint {.
+proc shutdown*(s: TSocketHandle, how: cint): cint {.
   stdcall, importc: "shutdown", dynlib: ws2dll.}
 proc getnameinfo*(a1: ptr Tsockaddr, a2: Tsocklen,
@@ -475,13 +492,13 @@ proc getnameinfo*(a1: ptr Tsockaddr, a2: Tsocklen,
 proc inet_addr*(cp: cstring): int32 {.
   stdcall, importc: "inet_addr", dynlib: ws2dll.} 
-proc WSAFDIsSet(s: TWinSocket, FDSet: var TFDSet): bool {.
+proc WSAFDIsSet(s: TSocketHandle, FDSet: var TFDSet): bool {.
   stdcall, importc: "__WSAFDIsSet", dynlib: ws2dll.}
-proc FD_ISSET*(Socket: TWinSocket, FDSet: var TFDSet): cint = 
+proc FD_ISSET*(Socket: TSocketHandle, FDSet: var TFDSet): cint = 
   result = if WSAFDIsSet(Socket, FDSet): 1'i32 else: 0'i32
-proc FD_SET*(Socket: TWinSocket, FDSet: var TFDSet) = 
+proc FD_SET*(Socket: TSocketHandle, FDSet: var TFDSet) = 
   if FDSet.fd_count < FD_SETSIZE:
     FDSet.fd_array[int(FDSet.fd_count)] = Socket
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/opengl/glx.nim b/lib/wrappers/opengl/glx.nim
index 76c052d70..ae5ca75b5 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/opengl/glx.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/opengl/glx.nim
@@ -36,23 +36,23 @@ else:
     dllname = ""
-  GLX_USE_GL* = 1
-  GLX_LEVEL* = 3
-  GLX_RGBA* = 4
-  GLX_STEREO* = 6
-  GLX_RED_SIZE* = 8
-  GLX_BLUE_SIZE* = 10
-  GLX_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE* = 17  # GLX_EXT_visual_info extension
+  GLX_USE_GL* = 1'i32
+  GLX_BUFFER_SIZE* = 2'i32
+  GLX_LEVEL* = 3'i32
+  GLX_RGBA* = 4'i32
+  GLX_STEREO* = 6'i32
+  GLX_AUX_BUFFERS* = 7'i32
+  GLX_RED_SIZE* = 8'i32
+  GLX_GREEN_SIZE* = 9'i32
+  GLX_BLUE_SIZE* = 10'i32
+  GLX_ALPHA_SIZE* = 11'i32
+  GLX_DEPTH_SIZE* = 12'i32
+  GLX_STENCIL_SIZE* = 13'i32
+  GLX_ACCUM_RED_SIZE* = 14'i32
+  GLX_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE* = 16'i32
+  GLX_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE* = 17'i32  # GLX_EXT_visual_info extension
   GLX_X_VISUAL_TYPE_EXT* = 0x00000022
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/openssl.nim b/lib/wrappers/openssl.nim
index f310c969b..af72d04eb 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/openssl.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/openssl.nim
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ when defined(WINDOWS):
     DLLSSLName = "(ssleay32|libssl32).dll"
     DLLUtilName = "libeay32.dll"
+  from winlean import TSocketHandle
     versions = "(|.1.0.0|.0.9.9|.0.9.8|.0.9.7|.0.9.6|.0.9.5|.0.9.4)"
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ else:
       DLLSSLName = "" & versions
       DLLUtilName = "" & versions
+  from posix import TSocketHandle
   SslStruct {.final, pure.} = object
@@ -225,7 +227,7 @@ proc SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file*(ctx: PSSL_CTX,
 proc SSL_CTX_check_private_key*(ctx: PSSL_CTX): cInt{.cdecl, dynlib: DLLSSLName, 
-proc SSL_set_fd*(ssl: PSSL, fd: cint): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: DLLSSLName, importc.}
+proc SSL_set_fd*(ssl: PSSL, fd: TSocketHandle): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: DLLSSLName, importc.}
 proc SSL_shutdown*(ssl: PSSL): cInt{.cdecl, dynlib: DLLSSLName, importc.}
 proc SSL_connect*(ssl: PSSL): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: DLLSSLName, importc.}
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/x11/keysym.nim b/lib/wrappers/x11/keysym.nim
index b1fe13b80..c001ab622 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/x11/keysym.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/x11/keysym.nim
@@ -11,9 +11,10 @@
 #* default keysyms *
+import x
-  XK_VoidSymbol* = 0x00FFFFFF # void symbol 
+  XK_VoidSymbol*: TKeySym = 0x00FFFFFF # void symbol 
 when defined(XK_MISCELLANY) or true: 
@@ -22,186 +23,186 @@ when defined(XK_MISCELLANY) or true:
     # * programming, but could have been arbitrary (at the cost of lookup
     # * tables in client code.
     # *
-    XK_BackSpace* = 0x0000FF08  # back space, back char 
-    XK_Tab* = 0x0000FF09
-    XK_Linefeed* = 0x0000FF0A   # Linefeed, LF 
-    XK_Clear* = 0x0000FF0B
-    XK_Return* = 0x0000FF0D     # Return, enter 
-    XK_Pause* = 0x0000FF13      # Pause, hold 
-    XK_Scroll_Lock* = 0x0000FF14
-    XK_Sys_Req* = 0x0000FF15
-    XK_Escape* = 0x0000FF1B
-    XK_Delete* = 0x0000FFFF     # Delete, rubout 
+    XK_BackSpace*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF08  # back space, back char 
+    XK_Tab*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF09
+    XK_Linefeed*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF0A   # Linefeed, LF 
+    XK_Clear*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF0B
+    XK_Return*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF0D     # Return, enter 
+    XK_Pause*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF13      # Pause, hold 
+    XK_Scroll_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF14
+    XK_Sys_Req*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF15
+    XK_Escape*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF1B
+    XK_Delete*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFFF     # Delete, rubout \
                                 # International & multi-key character composition 
-    XK_Multi_key* = 0x0000FF20  # Multi-key character compose 
-    XK_Codeinput* = 0x0000FF37
-    XK_SingleCandidate* = 0x0000FF3C
-    XK_MultipleCandidate* = 0x0000FF3D
-    XK_PreviousCandidate* = 0x0000FF3E # Japanese keyboard support 
-    XK_Kanji* = 0x0000FF21      # Kanji, Kanji convert 
-    XK_Muhenkan* = 0x0000FF22   # Cancel Conversion 
-    XK_Henkan_Mode* = 0x0000FF23 # Start/Stop Conversion 
-    XK_Henkan* = 0x0000FF23     # Alias for Henkan_Mode 
-    XK_Romaji* = 0x0000FF24     # to Romaji 
-    XK_Hiragana* = 0x0000FF25   # to Hiragana 
-    XK_Katakana* = 0x0000FF26   # to Katakana 
-    XK_Hiragana_Katakana* = 0x0000FF27 # Hiragana/Katakana toggle 
-    XK_Zenkaku* = 0x0000FF28    # to Zenkaku 
-    XK_Hankaku* = 0x0000FF29    # to Hankaku 
-    XK_Zenkaku_Hankaku* = 0x0000FF2A # Zenkaku/Hankaku toggle 
-    XK_Touroku* = 0x0000FF2B    # Add to Dictionary 
-    XK_Massyo* = 0x0000FF2C     # Delete from Dictionary 
-    XK_Kana_Lock* = 0x0000FF2D  # Kana Lock 
-    XK_Kana_Shift* = 0x0000FF2E # Kana Shift 
-    XK_Eisu_Shift* = 0x0000FF2F # Alphanumeric Shift 
-    XK_Eisu_toggle* = 0x0000FF30 # Alphanumeric toggle 
-    XK_Kanji_Bangou* = 0x0000FF37 # Codeinput 
-    XK_Zen_Koho* = 0x0000FF3D   # Multiple/All Candidate(s) 
-    XK_Mae_Koho* = 0x0000FF3E   # Previous Candidate 
+    XK_Multi_key*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF20  # Multi-key character compose 
+    XK_Codeinput*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF37
+    XK_SingleCandidate*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3C
+    XK_MultipleCandidate*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3D
+    XK_PreviousCandidate*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3E # Japanese keyboard support 
+    XK_Kanji*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF21      # Kanji, Kanji convert 
+    XK_Muhenkan*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF22   # Cancel Conversion 
+    XK_Henkan_Mode*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF23 # Start/Stop Conversion 
+    XK_Henkan*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF23     # Alias for Henkan_Mode 
+    XK_Romaji*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF24     # to Romaji 
+    XK_Hiragana*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF25   # to Hiragana 
+    XK_Katakana*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF26   # to Katakana 
+    XK_Hiragana_Katakana*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF27 # Hiragana/Katakana toggle 
+    XK_Zenkaku*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF28    # to Zenkaku 
+    XK_Hankaku*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF29    # to Hankaku 
+    XK_Zenkaku_Hankaku*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF2A # Zenkaku/Hankaku toggle 
+    XK_Touroku*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF2B    # Add to Dictionary 
+    XK_Massyo*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF2C     # Delete from Dictionary 
+    XK_Kana_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF2D  # Kana Lock 
+    XK_Kana_Shift*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF2E # Kana Shift 
+    XK_Eisu_Shift*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF2F # Alphanumeric Shift 
+    XK_Eisu_toggle*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF30 # Alphanumeric toggle 
+    XK_Kanji_Bangou*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF37 # Codeinput 
+    XK_Zen_Koho*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3D   # Multiple/All Candidate(s) 
+    XK_Mae_Koho*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3E   # Previous Candidate \
                                 # = $FF31 thru = $FF3F are under XK_KOREAN 
                                 # Cursor control & motion 
-    XK_Home* = 0x0000FF50
-    XK_Left* = 0x0000FF51       # Move left, left arrow 
-    XK_Up* = 0x0000FF52         # Move up, up arrow 
-    XK_Right* = 0x0000FF53      # Move right, right arrow 
-    XK_Down* = 0x0000FF54       # Move down, down arrow 
-    XK_Prior* = 0x0000FF55      # Prior, previous 
-    XK_Page_Up* = 0x0000FF55
-    XK_Next* = 0x0000FF56       # Next 
-    XK_Page_Down* = 0x0000FF56
-    XK_End* = 0x0000FF57        # EOL 
-    XK_Begin* = 0x0000FF58      # BOL 
+    XK_Home*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF50
+    XK_Left*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF51       # Move left, left arrow 
+    XK_Up*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF52         # Move up, up arrow 
+    XK_Right*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF53      # Move right, right arrow 
+    XK_Down*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF54       # Move down, down arrow 
+    XK_Prior*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF55      # Prior, previous 
+    XK_Page_Up*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF55
+    XK_Next*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF56       # Next 
+    XK_Page_Down*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF56
+    XK_End*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF57        # EOL 
+    XK_Begin*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF58      # BOL \
                                 # Misc Functions 
-    XK_Select* = 0x0000FF60     # Select, mark 
-    XK_Print* = 0x0000FF61
-    XK_Execute* = 0x0000FF62    # Execute, run, do 
-    XK_Insert* = 0x0000FF63     # Insert, insert here 
-    XK_Undo* = 0x0000FF65       # Undo, oops 
-    XK_Redo* = 0x0000FF66       # redo, again 
-    XK_Menu* = 0x0000FF67
-    XK_Find* = 0x0000FF68       # Find, search 
-    XK_Cancel* = 0x0000FF69     # Cancel, stop, abort, exit 
-    XK_Help* = 0x0000FF6A       # Help 
-    XK_Break* = 0x0000FF6B
-    XK_Mode_switch* = 0x0000FF7E # Character set switch 
-    XK_script_switch* = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
-    XK_Num_Lock* = 0x0000FF7F   # Keypad Functions, keypad numbers cleverly chosen to map to ascii 
-    XK_KP_Space* = 0x0000FF80   # space 
-    XK_KP_Tab* = 0x0000FF89
-    XK_KP_Enter* = 0x0000FF8D   # enter 
-    XK_KP_F1* = 0x0000FF91      # PF1, KP_A, ... 
-    XK_KP_F2* = 0x0000FF92
-    XK_KP_F3* = 0x0000FF93
-    XK_KP_F4* = 0x0000FF94
-    XK_KP_Home* = 0x0000FF95
-    XK_KP_Left* = 0x0000FF96
-    XK_KP_Up* = 0x0000FF97
-    XK_KP_Right* = 0x0000FF98
-    XK_KP_Down* = 0x0000FF99
-    XK_KP_Prior* = 0x0000FF9A
-    XK_KP_Page_Up* = 0x0000FF9A
-    XK_KP_Next* = 0x0000FF9B
-    XK_KP_Page_Down* = 0x0000FF9B
-    XK_KP_End* = 0x0000FF9C
-    XK_KP_Begin* = 0x0000FF9D
-    XK_KP_Insert* = 0x0000FF9E
-    XK_KP_Delete* = 0x0000FF9F
-    XK_KP_Equal* = 0x0000FFBD   # equals 
-    XK_KP_Multiply* = 0x0000FFAA
-    XK_KP_Add* = 0x0000FFAB
-    XK_KP_Separator* = 0x0000FFAC # separator, often comma 
-    XK_KP_Subtract* = 0x0000FFAD
-    XK_KP_Decimal* = 0x0000FFAE
-    XK_KP_Divide* = 0x0000FFAF
-    XK_KP_0* = 0x0000FFB0
-    XK_KP_1* = 0x0000FFB1
-    XK_KP_2* = 0x0000FFB2
-    XK_KP_3* = 0x0000FFB3
-    XK_KP_4* = 0x0000FFB4
-    XK_KP_5* = 0x0000FFB5
-    XK_KP_6* = 0x0000FFB6
-    XK_KP_7* = 0x0000FFB7
-    XK_KP_8* = 0x0000FFB8
-    XK_KP_9* = 0x0000FFB9 #*
+    XK_Select*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF60     # Select, mark 
+    XK_Print*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF61
+    XK_Execute*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF62    # Execute, run, do 
+    XK_Insert*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF63     # Insert, insert here 
+    XK_Undo*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF65       # Undo, oops 
+    XK_Redo*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF66       # redo, again 
+    XK_Menu*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF67
+    XK_Find*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF68       # Find, search 
+    XK_Cancel*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF69     # Cancel, stop, abort, exit 
+    XK_Help*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF6A       # Help 
+    XK_Break*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF6B
+    XK_Mode_switch*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF7E # Character set switch 
+    XK_script_switch*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
+    XK_Num_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF7F   # Keypad Functions, keypad numbers cleverly chosen to map to ascii 
+    XK_KP_Space*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF80   # space 
+    XK_KP_Tab*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF89
+    XK_KP_Enter*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF8D   # enter 
+    XK_KP_F1*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF91      # PF1, KP_A, ... 
+    XK_KP_F2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF92
+    XK_KP_F3*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF93
+    XK_KP_F4*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF94
+    XK_KP_Home*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF95
+    XK_KP_Left*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF96
+    XK_KP_Up*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF97
+    XK_KP_Right*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF98
+    XK_KP_Down*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF99
+    XK_KP_Prior*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF9A
+    XK_KP_Page_Up*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF9A
+    XK_KP_Next*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF9B
+    XK_KP_Page_Down*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF9B
+    XK_KP_End*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF9C
+    XK_KP_Begin*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF9D
+    XK_KP_Insert*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF9E
+    XK_KP_Delete*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF9F
+    XK_KP_Equal*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFBD   # equals 
+    XK_KP_Multiply*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFAA
+    XK_KP_Add*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFAB
+    XK_KP_Separator*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFAC # separator, often comma 
+    XK_KP_Subtract*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFAD
+    XK_KP_Decimal*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFAE
+    XK_KP_Divide*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFAF
+    XK_KP_0*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFB0
+    XK_KP_1*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFB1
+    XK_KP_2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFB2
+    XK_KP_3*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFB3
+    XK_KP_4*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFB4
+    XK_KP_5*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFB5
+    XK_KP_6*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFB6
+    XK_KP_7*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFB7
+    XK_KP_8*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFB8
+    XK_KP_9*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFB9 #*\
                           # * Auxilliary Functions; note the duplicate definitions for left and right
                           # * function keys;  Sun keyboards and a few other manufactures have such
                           # * function key groups on the left and/or right sides of the keyboard.
                           # * We've not found a keyboard with more than 35 function keys total.
                           # *
-    XK_F1* = 0x0000FFBE
-    XK_F2* = 0x0000FFBF
-    XK_F3* = 0x0000FFC0
-    XK_F4* = 0x0000FFC1
-    XK_F5* = 0x0000FFC2
-    XK_F6* = 0x0000FFC3
-    XK_F7* = 0x0000FFC4
-    XK_F8* = 0x0000FFC5
-    XK_F9* = 0x0000FFC6
-    XK_F10* = 0x0000FFC7
-    XK_F11* = 0x0000FFC8
-    XK_L1* = 0x0000FFC8
-    XK_F12* = 0x0000FFC9
-    XK_L2* = 0x0000FFC9
-    XK_F13* = 0x0000FFCA
-    XK_L3* = 0x0000FFCA
-    XK_F14* = 0x0000FFCB
-    XK_L4* = 0x0000FFCB
-    XK_F15* = 0x0000FFCC
-    XK_L5* = 0x0000FFCC
-    XK_F16* = 0x0000FFCD
-    XK_L6* = 0x0000FFCD
-    XK_F17* = 0x0000FFCE
-    XK_L7* = 0x0000FFCE
-    XK_F18* = 0x0000FFCF
-    XK_L8* = 0x0000FFCF
-    XK_F19* = 0x0000FFD0
-    XK_L9* = 0x0000FFD0
-    XK_F20* = 0x0000FFD1
-    XK_L10* = 0x0000FFD1
-    XK_F21* = 0x0000FFD2
-    XK_R1* = 0x0000FFD2
-    XK_F22* = 0x0000FFD3
-    XK_R2* = 0x0000FFD3
-    XK_F23* = 0x0000FFD4
-    XK_R3* = 0x0000FFD4
-    XK_F24* = 0x0000FFD5
-    XK_R4* = 0x0000FFD5
-    XK_F25* = 0x0000FFD6
-    XK_R5* = 0x0000FFD6
-    XK_F26* = 0x0000FFD7
-    XK_R6* = 0x0000FFD7
-    XK_F27* = 0x0000FFD8
-    XK_R7* = 0x0000FFD8
-    XK_F28* = 0x0000FFD9
-    XK_R8* = 0x0000FFD9
-    XK_F29* = 0x0000FFDA
-    XK_R9* = 0x0000FFDA
-    XK_F30* = 0x0000FFDB
-    XK_R10* = 0x0000FFDB
-    XK_F31* = 0x0000FFDC
-    XK_R11* = 0x0000FFDC
-    XK_F32* = 0x0000FFDD
-    XK_R12* = 0x0000FFDD
-    XK_F33* = 0x0000FFDE
-    XK_R13* = 0x0000FFDE
-    XK_F34* = 0x0000FFDF
-    XK_R14* = 0x0000FFDF
-    XK_F35* = 0x0000FFE0
-    XK_R15* = 0x0000FFE0        # Modifiers 
-    XK_Shift_L* = 0x0000FFE1    # Left shift 
-    XK_Shift_R* = 0x0000FFE2    # Right shift 
-    XK_Control_L* = 0x0000FFE3  # Left control 
-    XK_Control_R* = 0x0000FFE4  # Right control 
-    XK_Caps_Lock* = 0x0000FFE5  # Caps lock 
-    XK_Shift_Lock* = 0x0000FFE6 # Shift lock 
-    XK_Meta_L* = 0x0000FFE7     # Left meta 
-    XK_Meta_R* = 0x0000FFE8     # Right meta 
-    XK_Alt_L* = 0x0000FFE9      # Left alt 
-    XK_Alt_R* = 0x0000FFEA      # Right alt 
-    XK_Super_L* = 0x0000FFEB    # Left super 
-    XK_Super_R* = 0x0000FFEC    # Right super 
-    XK_Hyper_L* = 0x0000FFED    # Left hyper 
-    XK_Hyper_R* = 0x0000FFEE    # Right hyper 
+    XK_F1*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFBE
+    XK_F2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFBF
+    XK_F3*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC0
+    XK_F4*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC1
+    XK_F5*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC2
+    XK_F6*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC3
+    XK_F7*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC4
+    XK_F8*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC5
+    XK_F9*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC6
+    XK_F10*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC7
+    XK_F11*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC8
+    XK_L1*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC8
+    XK_F12*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC9
+    XK_L2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFC9
+    XK_F13*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCA
+    XK_L3*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCA
+    XK_F14*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCB
+    XK_L4*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCB
+    XK_F15*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCC
+    XK_L5*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCC
+    XK_F16*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCD
+    XK_L6*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCD
+    XK_F17*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCE
+    XK_L7*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCE
+    XK_F18*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCF
+    XK_L8*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFCF
+    XK_F19*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD0
+    XK_L9*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD0
+    XK_F20*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD1
+    XK_L10*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD1
+    XK_F21*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD2
+    XK_R1*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD2
+    XK_F22*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD3
+    XK_R2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD3
+    XK_F23*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD4
+    XK_R3*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD4
+    XK_F24*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD5
+    XK_R4*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD5
+    XK_F25*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD6
+    XK_R5*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD6
+    XK_F26*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD7
+    XK_R6*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD7
+    XK_F27*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD8
+    XK_R7*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD8
+    XK_F28*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD9
+    XK_R8*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFD9
+    XK_F29*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDA
+    XK_R9*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDA
+    XK_F30*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDB
+    XK_R10*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDB
+    XK_F31*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDC
+    XK_R11*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDC
+    XK_F32*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDD
+    XK_R12*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDD
+    XK_F33*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDE
+    XK_R13*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDE
+    XK_F34*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDF
+    XK_R14*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFDF
+    XK_F35*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE0
+    XK_R15*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE0        # Modifiers 
+    XK_Shift_L*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE1    # Left shift 
+    XK_Shift_R*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE2    # Right shift 
+    XK_Control_L*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE3  # Left control 
+    XK_Control_R*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE4  # Right control 
+    XK_Caps_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE5  # Caps lock 
+    XK_Shift_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE6 # Shift lock 
+    XK_Meta_L*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE7     # Left meta 
+    XK_Meta_R*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE8     # Right meta 
+    XK_Alt_L*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFE9      # Left alt 
+    XK_Alt_R*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFEA      # Right alt 
+    XK_Super_L*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFEB    # Left super 
+    XK_Super_R*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFEC    # Right super 
+    XK_Hyper_L*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFED    # Left hyper 
+    XK_Hyper_R*: TKeySym = 0x0000FFEE    # Right hyper 
 # * ISO 9995 Function and Modifier Keys
@@ -210,108 +211,108 @@ when defined(XK_MISCELLANY) or true:
 when defined(XK_XKB_KEYS) or true: 
-    XK_ISO_Lock* = 0x0000FE01
-    XK_ISO_Level2_Latch* = 0x0000FE02
-    XK_ISO_Level3_Shift* = 0x0000FE03
-    XK_ISO_Level3_Latch* = 0x0000FE04
-    XK_ISO_Level3_Lock* = 0x0000FE05
-    XK_ISO_Group_Shift* = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
-    XK_ISO_Group_Latch* = 0x0000FE06
-    XK_ISO_Group_Lock* = 0x0000FE07
-    XK_ISO_Next_Group* = 0x0000FE08
-    XK_ISO_Next_Group_Lock* = 0x0000FE09
-    XK_ISO_Prev_Group* = 0x0000FE0A
-    XK_ISO_Prev_Group_Lock* = 0x0000FE0B
-    XK_ISO_First_Group* = 0x0000FE0C
-    XK_ISO_First_Group_Lock* = 0x0000FE0D
-    XK_ISO_Last_Group* = 0x0000FE0E
-    XK_ISO_Last_Group_Lock* = 0x0000FE0F
-    XK_ISO_Left_Tab* = 0x0000FE20
-    XK_ISO_Move_Line_Up* = 0x0000FE21
-    XK_ISO_Move_Line_Down* = 0x0000FE22
-    XK_ISO_Partial_Line_Up* = 0x0000FE23
-    XK_ISO_Partial_Line_Down* = 0x0000FE24
-    XK_ISO_Partial_Space_Left* = 0x0000FE25
-    XK_ISO_Partial_Space_Right* = 0x0000FE26
-    XK_ISO_Set_Margin_Left* = 0x0000FE27
-    XK_ISO_Set_Margin_Right* = 0x0000FE28
-    XK_ISO_Release_Margin_Left* = 0x0000FE29
-    XK_ISO_Release_Margin_Right* = 0x0000FE2A
-    XK_ISO_Release_Both_Margins* = 0x0000FE2B
-    XK_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Left* = 0x0000FE2C
-    XK_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Right* = 0x0000FE2D
-    XK_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Up* = 0x0000FE2E
-    XK_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Down* = 0x0000FE2F
-    XK_ISO_Continuous_Underline* = 0x0000FE30
-    XK_ISO_Discontinuous_Underline* = 0x0000FE31
-    XK_ISO_Emphasize* = 0x0000FE32
-    XK_ISO_Center_Object* = 0x0000FE33
-    XK_ISO_Enter* = 0x0000FE34
-    XK_dead_grave* = 0x0000FE50
-    XK_dead_acute* = 0x0000FE51
-    XK_dead_circumflex* = 0x0000FE52
-    XK_dead_tilde* = 0x0000FE53
-    XK_dead_macron* = 0x0000FE54
-    XK_dead_breve* = 0x0000FE55
-    XK_dead_abovedot* = 0x0000FE56
-    XK_dead_diaeresis* = 0x0000FE57
-    XK_dead_abovering* = 0x0000FE58
-    XK_dead_doubleacute* = 0x0000FE59
-    XK_dead_caron* = 0x0000FE5A
-    XK_dead_cedilla* = 0x0000FE5B
-    XK_dead_ogonek* = 0x0000FE5C
-    XK_dead_iota* = 0x0000FE5D
-    XK_dead_voiced_sound* = 0x0000FE5E
-    XK_dead_semivoiced_sound* = 0x0000FE5F
-    XK_dead_belowdot* = 0x0000FE60
-    XK_dead_hook* = 0x0000FE61
-    XK_dead_horn* = 0x0000FE62
-    XK_First_Virtual_Screen* = 0x0000FED0
-    XK_Prev_Virtual_Screen* = 0x0000FED1
-    XK_Next_Virtual_Screen* = 0x0000FED2
-    XK_Last_Virtual_Screen* = 0x0000FED4
-    XK_Terminate_Server* = 0x0000FED5
-    XK_AccessX_Enable* = 0x0000FE70
-    XK_AccessX_Feedback_Enable* = 0x0000FE71
-    XK_RepeatKeys_Enable* = 0x0000FE72
-    XK_SlowKeys_Enable* = 0x0000FE73
-    XK_BounceKeys_Enable* = 0x0000FE74
-    XK_StickyKeys_Enable* = 0x0000FE75
-    XK_MouseKeys_Enable* = 0x0000FE76
-    XK_MouseKeys_Accel_Enable* = 0x0000FE77
-    XK_Overlay1_Enable* = 0x0000FE78
-    XK_Overlay2_Enable* = 0x0000FE79
-    XK_AudibleBell_Enable* = 0x0000FE7A
-    XK_Pointer_Left* = 0x0000FEE0
-    XK_Pointer_Right* = 0x0000FEE1
-    XK_Pointer_Up* = 0x0000FEE2
-    XK_Pointer_Down* = 0x0000FEE3
-    XK_Pointer_UpLeft* = 0x0000FEE4
-    XK_Pointer_UpRight* = 0x0000FEE5
-    XK_Pointer_DownLeft* = 0x0000FEE6
-    XK_Pointer_DownRight* = 0x0000FEE7
-    XK_Pointer_Button_Dflt* = 0x0000FEE8
-    XK_Pointer_Button1* = 0x0000FEE9
-    XK_Pointer_Button2* = 0x0000FEEA
-    XK_Pointer_Button3* = 0x0000FEEB
-    XK_Pointer_Button4* = 0x0000FEEC
-    XK_Pointer_Button5* = 0x0000FEED
-    XK_Pointer_DblClick_Dflt* = 0x0000FEEE
-    XK_Pointer_DblClick1* = 0x0000FEEF
-    XK_Pointer_DblClick2* = 0x0000FEF0
-    XK_Pointer_DblClick3* = 0x0000FEF1
-    XK_Pointer_DblClick4* = 0x0000FEF2
-    XK_Pointer_DblClick5* = 0x0000FEF3
-    XK_Pointer_Drag_Dflt* = 0x0000FEF4
-    XK_Pointer_Drag1* = 0x0000FEF5
-    XK_Pointer_Drag2* = 0x0000FEF6
-    XK_Pointer_Drag3* = 0x0000FEF7
-    XK_Pointer_Drag4* = 0x0000FEF8
-    XK_Pointer_Drag5* = 0x0000FEFD
-    XK_Pointer_EnableKeys* = 0x0000FEF9
-    XK_Pointer_Accelerate* = 0x0000FEFA
-    XK_Pointer_DfltBtnNext* = 0x0000FEFB
-    XK_Pointer_DfltBtnPrev* = 0x0000FEFC
+    XK_ISO_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE01
+    XK_ISO_Level2_Latch*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE02
+    XK_ISO_Level3_Shift*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE03
+    XK_ISO_Level3_Latch*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE04
+    XK_ISO_Level3_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE05
+    XK_ISO_Group_Shift*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
+    XK_ISO_Group_Latch*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE06
+    XK_ISO_Group_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE07
+    XK_ISO_Next_Group*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE08
+    XK_ISO_Next_Group_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE09
+    XK_ISO_Prev_Group*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE0A
+    XK_ISO_Prev_Group_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE0B
+    XK_ISO_First_Group*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE0C
+    XK_ISO_First_Group_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE0D
+    XK_ISO_Last_Group*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE0E
+    XK_ISO_Last_Group_Lock*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE0F
+    XK_ISO_Left_Tab*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE20
+    XK_ISO_Move_Line_Up*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE21
+    XK_ISO_Move_Line_Down*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE22
+    XK_ISO_Partial_Line_Up*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE23
+    XK_ISO_Partial_Line_Down*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE24
+    XK_ISO_Partial_Space_Left*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE25
+    XK_ISO_Partial_Space_Right*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE26
+    XK_ISO_Set_Margin_Left*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE27
+    XK_ISO_Set_Margin_Right*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE28
+    XK_ISO_Release_Margin_Left*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE29
+    XK_ISO_Release_Margin_Right*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE2A
+    XK_ISO_Release_Both_Margins*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE2B
+    XK_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Left*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE2C
+    XK_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Right*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE2D
+    XK_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Up*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE2E
+    XK_ISO_Fast_Cursor_Down*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE2F
+    XK_ISO_Continuous_Underline*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE30
+    XK_ISO_Discontinuous_Underline*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE31
+    XK_ISO_Emphasize*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE32
+    XK_ISO_Center_Object*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE33
+    XK_ISO_Enter*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE34
+    XK_dead_grave*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE50
+    XK_dead_acute*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE51
+    XK_dead_circumflex*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE52
+    XK_dead_tilde*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE53
+    XK_dead_macron*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE54
+    XK_dead_breve*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE55
+    XK_dead_abovedot*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE56
+    XK_dead_diaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE57
+    XK_dead_abovering*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE58
+    XK_dead_doubleacute*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE59
+    XK_dead_caron*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE5A
+    XK_dead_cedilla*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE5B
+    XK_dead_ogonek*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE5C
+    XK_dead_iota*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE5D
+    XK_dead_voiced_sound*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE5E
+    XK_dead_semivoiced_sound*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE5F
+    XK_dead_belowdot*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE60
+    XK_dead_hook*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE61
+    XK_dead_horn*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE62
+    XK_First_Virtual_Screen*: TKeySym = 0x0000FED0
+    XK_Prev_Virtual_Screen*: TKeySym = 0x0000FED1
+    XK_Next_Virtual_Screen*: TKeySym = 0x0000FED2
+    XK_Last_Virtual_Screen*: TKeySym = 0x0000FED4
+    XK_Terminate_Server*: TKeySym = 0x0000FED5
+    XK_AccessX_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE70
+    XK_AccessX_Feedback_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE71
+    XK_RepeatKeys_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE72
+    XK_SlowKeys_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE73
+    XK_BounceKeys_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE74
+    XK_StickyKeys_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE75
+    XK_MouseKeys_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE76
+    XK_MouseKeys_Accel_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE77
+    XK_Overlay1_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE78
+    XK_Overlay2_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE79
+    XK_AudibleBell_Enable*: TKeySym = 0x0000FE7A
+    XK_Pointer_Left*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEE0
+    XK_Pointer_Right*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEE1
+    XK_Pointer_Up*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEE2
+    XK_Pointer_Down*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEE3
+    XK_Pointer_UpLeft*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEE4
+    XK_Pointer_UpRight*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEE5
+    XK_Pointer_DownLeft*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEE6
+    XK_Pointer_DownRight*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEE7
+    XK_Pointer_Button_Dflt*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEE8
+    XK_Pointer_Button1*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEE9
+    XK_Pointer_Button2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEEA
+    XK_Pointer_Button3*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEEB
+    XK_Pointer_Button4*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEEC
+    XK_Pointer_Button5*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEED
+    XK_Pointer_DblClick_Dflt*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEEE
+    XK_Pointer_DblClick1*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEEF
+    XK_Pointer_DblClick2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEF0
+    XK_Pointer_DblClick3*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEF1
+    XK_Pointer_DblClick4*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEF2
+    XK_Pointer_DblClick5*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEF3
+    XK_Pointer_Drag_Dflt*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEF4
+    XK_Pointer_Drag1*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEF5
+    XK_Pointer_Drag2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEF6
+    XK_Pointer_Drag3*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEF7
+    XK_Pointer_Drag4*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEF8
+    XK_Pointer_Drag5*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEFD
+    XK_Pointer_EnableKeys*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEF9
+    XK_Pointer_Accelerate*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEFA
+    XK_Pointer_DfltBtnNext*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEFB
+    XK_Pointer_DfltBtnPrev*: TKeySym = 0x0000FEFC
   # * 3270 Terminal Keys
   # * Byte 3 = = $FD
@@ -319,36 +320,36 @@ when defined(XK_XKB_KEYS) or true:
 when defined(XK_3270) or true: 
-    XK_3270_Duplicate* = 0x0000FD01
-    XK_3270_FieldMark* = 0x0000FD02
-    XK_3270_Right2* = 0x0000FD03
-    XK_3270_Left2* = 0x0000FD04
-    XK_3270_BackTab* = 0x0000FD05
-    XK_3270_EraseEOF* = 0x0000FD06
-    XK_3270_EraseInput* = 0x0000FD07
-    XK_3270_Reset* = 0x0000FD08
-    XK_3270_Quit* = 0x0000FD09
-    XK_3270_PA1* = 0x0000FD0A
-    XK_3270_PA2* = 0x0000FD0B
-    XK_3270_PA3* = 0x0000FD0C
-    XK_3270_Test* = 0x0000FD0D
-    XK_3270_Attn* = 0x0000FD0E
-    XK_3270_CursorBlink* = 0x0000FD0F
-    XK_3270_AltCursor* = 0x0000FD10
-    XK_3270_KeyClick* = 0x0000FD11
-    XK_3270_Jump* = 0x0000FD12
-    XK_3270_Ident* = 0x0000FD13
-    XK_3270_Rule* = 0x0000FD14
-    XK_3270_Copy* = 0x0000FD15
-    XK_3270_Play* = 0x0000FD16
-    XK_3270_Setup* = 0x0000FD17
-    XK_3270_Record* = 0x0000FD18
-    XK_3270_ChangeScreen* = 0x0000FD19
-    XK_3270_DeleteWord* = 0x0000FD1A
-    XK_3270_ExSelect* = 0x0000FD1B
-    XK_3270_CursorSelect* = 0x0000FD1C
-    XK_3270_PrintScreen* = 0x0000FD1D
-    XK_3270_Enter* = 0x0000FD1E
+    XK_3270_Duplicate*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD01
+    XK_3270_FieldMark*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD02
+    XK_3270_Right2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD03
+    XK_3270_Left2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD04
+    XK_3270_BackTab*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD05
+    XK_3270_EraseEOF*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD06
+    XK_3270_EraseInput*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD07
+    XK_3270_Reset*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD08
+    XK_3270_Quit*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD09
+    XK_3270_PA1*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD0A
+    XK_3270_PA2*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD0B
+    XK_3270_PA3*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD0C
+    XK_3270_Test*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD0D
+    XK_3270_Attn*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD0E
+    XK_3270_CursorBlink*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD0F
+    XK_3270_AltCursor*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD10
+    XK_3270_KeyClick*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD11
+    XK_3270_Jump*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD12
+    XK_3270_Ident*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD13
+    XK_3270_Rule*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD14
+    XK_3270_Copy*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD15
+    XK_3270_Play*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD16
+    XK_3270_Setup*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD17
+    XK_3270_Record*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD18
+    XK_3270_ChangeScreen*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD19
+    XK_3270_DeleteWord*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD1A
+    XK_3270_ExSelect*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD1B
+    XK_3270_CursorSelect*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD1C
+    XK_3270_PrintScreen*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD1D
+    XK_3270_Enter*: TKeySym = 0x0000FD1E
 # *  Latin 1
 # *  Byte 3 = 0
@@ -356,201 +357,201 @@ when defined(XK_3270) or true:
 when defined(XK_LATIN1) or true: 
-    XK_space* = 0x00000020
-    XK_exclam* = 0x00000021
-    XK_quotedbl* = 0x00000022
-    XK_numbersign* = 0x00000023
-    XK_dollar* = 0x00000024
-    XK_percent* = 0x00000025
-    XK_ampersand* = 0x00000026
-    XK_apostrophe* = 0x00000027
-    XK_quoteright* = 0x00000027 # deprecated 
-    XK_parenleft* = 0x00000028
-    XK_parenright* = 0x00000029
-    XK_asterisk* = 0x0000002A
-    XK_plus* = 0x0000002B
-    XK_comma* = 0x0000002C
-    XK_minus* = 0x0000002D
-    XK_period* = 0x0000002E
-    XK_slash* = 0x0000002F
-    XK_0* = 0x00000030
-    XK_1* = 0x00000031
-    XK_2* = 0x00000032
-    XK_3* = 0x00000033
-    XK_4* = 0x00000034
-    XK_5* = 0x00000035
-    XK_6* = 0x00000036
-    XK_7* = 0x00000037
-    XK_8* = 0x00000038
-    XK_9* = 0x00000039
-    XK_colon* = 0x0000003A
-    XK_semicolon* = 0x0000003B
-    XK_less* = 0x0000003C
-    XK_equal* = 0x0000003D
-    XK_greater* = 0x0000003E
-    XK_question* = 0x0000003F
-    XK_at* = 0x00000040
-    XKc_A* = 0x00000041
-    XKc_B* = 0x00000042
-    XKc_C* = 0x00000043
-    XKc_D* = 0x00000044
-    XKc_E* = 0x00000045
-    XKc_F* = 0x00000046
-    XKc_G* = 0x00000047
-    XKc_H* = 0x00000048
-    XKc_I* = 0x00000049
-    XKc_J* = 0x0000004A
-    XKc_K* = 0x0000004B
-    XKc_L* = 0x0000004C
-    XKc_M* = 0x0000004D
-    XKc_N* = 0x0000004E
-    XKc_O* = 0x0000004F
-    XKc_P* = 0x00000050
-    XKc_Q* = 0x00000051
-    XKc_R* = 0x00000052
-    XKc_S* = 0x00000053
-    XKc_T* = 0x00000054
-    XKc_U* = 0x00000055
-    XKc_V* = 0x00000056
-    XKc_W* = 0x00000057
-    XKc_X* = 0x00000058
-    XKc_Y* = 0x00000059
-    XKc_Z* = 0x0000005A
-    XK_bracketleft* = 0x0000005B
-    XK_backslash* = 0x0000005C
-    XK_bracketright* = 0x0000005D
-    XK_asciicircum* = 0x0000005E
-    XK_underscore* = 0x0000005F
-    XK_grave* = 0x00000060
-    XK_quoteleft* = 0x00000060  # deprecated 
-    XK_a* = 0x00000061
-    XK_b* = 0x00000062
-    XK_c* = 0x00000063
-    XK_d* = 0x00000064
-    XK_e* = 0x00000065
-    XK_f* = 0x00000066
-    XK_g* = 0x00000067
-    XK_h* = 0x00000068
-    XK_i* = 0x00000069
-    XK_j* = 0x0000006A
-    XK_k* = 0x0000006B
-    XK_l* = 0x0000006C
-    XK_m* = 0x0000006D
-    XK_n* = 0x0000006E
-    XK_o* = 0x0000006F
-    XK_p* = 0x00000070
-    XK_q* = 0x00000071
-    XK_r* = 0x00000072
-    XK_s* = 0x00000073
-    XK_t* = 0x00000074
-    XK_u* = 0x00000075
-    XK_v* = 0x00000076
-    XK_w* = 0x00000077
-    XK_x* = 0x00000078
-    XK_y* = 0x00000079
-    XK_z* = 0x0000007A
-    XK_braceleft* = 0x0000007B
-    XK_bar* = 0x0000007C
-    XK_braceright* = 0x0000007D
-    XK_asciitilde* = 0x0000007E
-    XK_nobreakspace* = 0x000000A0
-    XK_exclamdown* = 0x000000A1
-    XK_cent* = 0x000000A2
-    XK_sterling* = 0x000000A3
-    XK_currency* = 0x000000A4
-    XK_yen* = 0x000000A5
-    XK_brokenbar* = 0x000000A6
-    XK_section* = 0x000000A7
-    XK_diaeresis* = 0x000000A8
-    XK_copyright* = 0x000000A9
-    XK_ordfeminine* = 0x000000AA
-    XK_guillemotleft* = 0x000000AB # left angle quotation mark 
-    XK_notsign* = 0x000000AC
-    XK_hyphen* = 0x000000AD
-    XK_registered* = 0x000000AE
-    XK_macron* = 0x000000AF
-    XK_degree* = 0x000000B0
-    XK_plusminus* = 0x000000B1
-    XK_twosuperior* = 0x000000B2
-    XK_threesuperior* = 0x000000B3
-    XK_acute* = 0x000000B4
-    XK_mu* = 0x000000B5
-    XK_paragraph* = 0x000000B6
-    XK_periodcentered* = 0x000000B7
-    XK_cedilla* = 0x000000B8
-    XK_onesuperior* = 0x000000B9
-    XK_masculine* = 0x000000BA
-    XK_guillemotright* = 0x000000BB # right angle quotation mark 
-    XK_onequarter* = 0x000000BC
-    XK_onehalf* = 0x000000BD
-    XK_threequarters* = 0x000000BE
-    XK_questiondown* = 0x000000BF
-    XKc_Agrave* = 0x000000C0
-    XKc_Aacute* = 0x000000C1
-    XKc_Acircumflex* = 0x000000C2
-    XKc_Atilde* = 0x000000C3
-    XKc_Adiaeresis* = 0x000000C4
-    XKc_Aring* = 0x000000C5
-    XKc_AE* = 0x000000C6
-    XKc_Ccedilla* = 0x000000C7
-    XKc_Egrave* = 0x000000C8
-    XKc_Eacute* = 0x000000C9
-    XKc_Ecircumflex* = 0x000000CA
-    XKc_Ediaeresis* = 0x000000CB
-    XKc_Igrave* = 0x000000CC
-    XKc_Iacute* = 0x000000CD
-    XKc_Icircumflex* = 0x000000CE
-    XKc_Idiaeresis* = 0x000000CF
-    XKc_ETH* = 0x000000D0
-    XKc_Ntilde* = 0x000000D1
-    XKc_Ograve* = 0x000000D2
-    XKc_Oacute* = 0x000000D3
-    XKc_Ocircumflex* = 0x000000D4
-    XKc_Otilde* = 0x000000D5
-    XKc_Odiaeresis* = 0x000000D6
-    XK_multiply* = 0x000000D7
-    XKc_Ooblique* = 0x000000D8
-    XKc_Oslash* = XKc_Ooblique
-    XKc_Ugrave* = 0x000000D9
-    XKc_Uacute* = 0x000000DA
-    XKc_Ucircumflex* = 0x000000DB
-    XKc_Udiaeresis* = 0x000000DC
-    XKc_Yacute* = 0x000000DD
-    XKc_THORN* = 0x000000DE
-    XK_ssharp* = 0x000000DF
-    XK_agrave* = 0x000000E0
-    XK_aacute* = 0x000000E1
-    XK_acircumflex* = 0x000000E2
-    XK_atilde* = 0x000000E3
-    XK_adiaeresis* = 0x000000E4
-    XK_aring* = 0x000000E5
-    XK_ae* = 0x000000E6
-    XK_ccedilla* = 0x000000E7
-    XK_egrave* = 0x000000E8
-    XK_eacute* = 0x000000E9
-    XK_ecircumflex* = 0x000000EA
-    XK_ediaeresis* = 0x000000EB
-    XK_igrave* = 0x000000EC
-    XK_iacute* = 0x000000ED
-    XK_icircumflex* = 0x000000EE
-    XK_idiaeresis* = 0x000000EF
-    XK_eth* = 0x000000F0
-    XK_ntilde* = 0x000000F1
-    XK_ograve* = 0x000000F2
-    XK_oacute* = 0x000000F3
-    XK_ocircumflex* = 0x000000F4
-    XK_otilde* = 0x000000F5
-    XK_odiaeresis* = 0x000000F6
-    XK_division* = 0x000000F7
-    XK_oslash* = 0x000000F8
-    XK_ooblique* = XK_oslash
-    XK_ugrave* = 0x000000F9
-    XK_uacute* = 0x000000FA
-    XK_ucircumflex* = 0x000000FB
-    XK_udiaeresis* = 0x000000FC
-    XK_yacute* = 0x000000FD
-    XK_thorn* = 0x000000FE
-    XK_ydiaeresis* = 0x000000FF
+    XK_space*: TKeySym = 0x00000020
+    XK_exclam*: TKeySym = 0x00000021
+    XK_quotedbl*: TKeySym = 0x00000022
+    XK_numbersign*: TKeySym = 0x00000023
+    XK_dollar*: TKeySym = 0x00000024
+    XK_percent*: TKeySym = 0x00000025
+    XK_ampersand*: TKeySym = 0x00000026
+    XK_apostrophe*: TKeySym = 0x00000027
+    XK_quoteright*: TKeySym = 0x00000027 # deprecated 
+    XK_parenleft*: TKeySym = 0x00000028
+    XK_parenright*: TKeySym = 0x00000029
+    XK_asterisk*: TKeySym = 0x0000002A
+    XK_plus*: TKeySym = 0x0000002B
+    XK_comma*: TKeySym = 0x0000002C
+    XK_minus*: TKeySym = 0x0000002D
+    XK_period*: TKeySym = 0x0000002E
+    XK_slash*: TKeySym = 0x0000002F
+    XK_0*: TKeySym = 0x00000030
+    XK_1*: TKeySym = 0x00000031
+    XK_2*: TKeySym = 0x00000032
+    XK_3*: TKeySym = 0x00000033
+    XK_4*: TKeySym = 0x00000034
+    XK_5*: TKeySym = 0x00000035
+    XK_6*: TKeySym = 0x00000036
+    XK_7*: TKeySym = 0x00000037
+    XK_8*: TKeySym = 0x00000038
+    XK_9*: TKeySym = 0x00000039
+    XK_colon*: TKeySym = 0x0000003A
+    XK_semicolon*: TKeySym = 0x0000003B
+    XK_less*: TKeySym = 0x0000003C
+    XK_equal*: TKeySym = 0x0000003D
+    XK_greater*: TKeySym = 0x0000003E
+    XK_question*: TKeySym = 0x0000003F
+    XK_at*: TKeySym = 0x00000040
+    XKc_A*: TKeySym = 0x00000041
+    XKc_B*: TKeySym = 0x00000042
+    XKc_C*: TKeySym = 0x00000043
+    XKc_D*: TKeySym = 0x00000044
+    XKc_E*: TKeySym = 0x00000045
+    XKc_F*: TKeySym = 0x00000046
+    XKc_G*: TKeySym = 0x00000047
+    XKc_H*: TKeySym = 0x00000048
+    XKc_I*: TKeySym = 0x00000049
+    XKc_J*: TKeySym = 0x0000004A
+    XKc_K*: TKeySym = 0x0000004B
+    XKc_L*: TKeySym = 0x0000004C
+    XKc_M*: TKeySym = 0x0000004D
+    XKc_N*: TKeySym = 0x0000004E
+    XKc_O*: TKeySym = 0x0000004F
+    XKc_P*: TKeySym = 0x00000050
+    XKc_Q*: TKeySym = 0x00000051
+    XKc_R*: TKeySym = 0x00000052
+    XKc_S*: TKeySym = 0x00000053
+    XKc_T*: TKeySym = 0x00000054
+    XKc_U*: TKeySym = 0x00000055
+    XKc_V*: TKeySym = 0x00000056
+    XKc_W*: TKeySym = 0x00000057
+    XKc_X*: TKeySym = 0x00000058
+    XKc_Y*: TKeySym = 0x00000059
+    XKc_Z*: TKeySym = 0x0000005A
+    XK_bracketleft*: TKeySym = 0x0000005B
+    XK_backslash*: TKeySym = 0x0000005C
+    XK_bracketright*: TKeySym = 0x0000005D
+    XK_asciicircum*: TKeySym = 0x0000005E
+    XK_underscore*: TKeySym = 0x0000005F
+    XK_grave*: TKeySym = 0x00000060
+    XK_quoteleft*: TKeySym = 0x00000060  # deprecated 
+    XK_a*: TKeySym = 0x00000061
+    XK_b*: TKeySym = 0x00000062
+    XK_c*: TKeySym = 0x00000063
+    XK_d*: TKeySym = 0x00000064
+    XK_e*: TKeySym = 0x00000065
+    XK_f*: TKeySym = 0x00000066
+    XK_g*: TKeySym = 0x00000067
+    XK_h*: TKeySym = 0x00000068
+    XK_i*: TKeySym = 0x00000069
+    XK_j*: TKeySym = 0x0000006A
+    XK_k*: TKeySym = 0x0000006B
+    XK_l*: TKeySym = 0x0000006C
+    XK_m*: TKeySym = 0x0000006D
+    XK_n*: TKeySym = 0x0000006E
+    XK_o*: TKeySym = 0x0000006F
+    XK_p*: TKeySym = 0x00000070
+    XK_q*: TKeySym = 0x00000071
+    XK_r*: TKeySym = 0x00000072
+    XK_s*: TKeySym = 0x00000073
+    XK_t*: TKeySym = 0x00000074
+    XK_u*: TKeySym = 0x00000075
+    XK_v*: TKeySym = 0x00000076
+    XK_w*: TKeySym = 0x00000077
+    XK_x*: TKeySym = 0x00000078
+    XK_y*: TKeySym = 0x00000079
+    XK_z*: TKeySym = 0x0000007A
+    XK_braceleft*: TKeySym = 0x0000007B
+    XK_bar*: TKeySym = 0x0000007C
+    XK_braceright*: TKeySym = 0x0000007D
+    XK_asciitilde*: TKeySym = 0x0000007E
+    XK_nobreakspace*: TKeySym = 0x000000A0
+    XK_exclamdown*: TKeySym = 0x000000A1
+    XK_cent*: TKeySym = 0x000000A2
+    XK_sterling*: TKeySym = 0x000000A3
+    XK_currency*: TKeySym = 0x000000A4
+    XK_yen*: TKeySym = 0x000000A5
+    XK_brokenbar*: TKeySym = 0x000000A6
+    XK_section*: TKeySym = 0x000000A7
+    XK_diaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000A8
+    XK_copyright*: TKeySym = 0x000000A9
+    XK_ordfeminine*: TKeySym = 0x000000AA
+    XK_guillemotleft*: TKeySym = 0x000000AB # left angle quotation mark 
+    XK_notsign*: TKeySym = 0x000000AC
+    XK_hyphen*: TKeySym = 0x000000AD
+    XK_registered*: TKeySym = 0x000000AE
+    XK_macron*: TKeySym = 0x000000AF
+    XK_degree*: TKeySym = 0x000000B0
+    XK_plusminus*: TKeySym = 0x000000B1
+    XK_twosuperior*: TKeySym = 0x000000B2
+    XK_threesuperior*: TKeySym = 0x000000B3
+    XK_acute*: TKeySym = 0x000000B4
+    XK_mu*: TKeySym = 0x000000B5
+    XK_paragraph*: TKeySym = 0x000000B6
+    XK_periodcentered*: TKeySym = 0x000000B7
+    XK_cedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000000B8
+    XK_onesuperior*: TKeySym = 0x000000B9
+    XK_masculine*: TKeySym = 0x000000BA
+    XK_guillemotright*: TKeySym = 0x000000BB # right angle quotation mark 
+    XK_onequarter*: TKeySym = 0x000000BC
+    XK_onehalf*: TKeySym = 0x000000BD
+    XK_threequarters*: TKeySym = 0x000000BE
+    XK_questiondown*: TKeySym = 0x000000BF
+    XKc_Agrave*: TKeySym = 0x000000C0
+    XKc_Aacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000C1
+    XKc_Acircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000000C2
+    XKc_Atilde*: TKeySym = 0x000000C3
+    XKc_Adiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000C4
+    XKc_Aring*: TKeySym = 0x000000C5
+    XKc_AE*: TKeySym = 0x000000C6
+    XKc_Ccedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000000C7
+    XKc_Egrave*: TKeySym = 0x000000C8
+    XKc_Eacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000C9
+    XKc_Ecircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000000CA
+    XKc_Ediaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000CB
+    XKc_Igrave*: TKeySym = 0x000000CC
+    XKc_Iacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000CD
+    XKc_Icircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000000CE
+    XKc_Idiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000CF
+    XKc_ETH*: TKeySym = 0x000000D0
+    XKc_Ntilde*: TKeySym = 0x000000D1
+    XKc_Ograve*: TKeySym = 0x000000D2
+    XKc_Oacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000D3
+    XKc_Ocircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000000D4
+    XKc_Otilde*: TKeySym = 0x000000D5
+    XKc_Odiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000D6
+    XK_multiply*: TKeySym = 0x000000D7
+    XKc_Ooblique*: TKeySym = 0x000000D8
+    XKc_Oslash*: TKeySym = XKc_Ooblique
+    XKc_Ugrave*: TKeySym = 0x000000D9
+    XKc_Uacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000DA
+    XKc_Ucircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000000DB
+    XKc_Udiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000DC
+    XKc_Yacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000DD
+    XKc_THORN*: TKeySym = 0x000000DE
+    XK_ssharp*: TKeySym = 0x000000DF
+    XK_agrave*: TKeySym = 0x000000E0
+    XK_aacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000E1
+    XK_acircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000000E2
+    XK_atilde*: TKeySym = 0x000000E3
+    XK_adiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000E4
+    XK_aring*: TKeySym = 0x000000E5
+    XK_ae*: TKeySym = 0x000000E6
+    XK_ccedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000000E7
+    XK_egrave*: TKeySym = 0x000000E8
+    XK_eacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000E9
+    XK_ecircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000000EA
+    XK_ediaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000EB
+    XK_igrave*: TKeySym = 0x000000EC
+    XK_iacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000ED
+    XK_icircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000000EE
+    XK_idiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000EF
+    XK_eth*: TKeySym = 0x000000F0
+    XK_ntilde*: TKeySym = 0x000000F1
+    XK_ograve*: TKeySym = 0x000000F2
+    XK_oacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000F3
+    XK_ocircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000000F4
+    XK_otilde*: TKeySym = 0x000000F5
+    XK_odiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000F6
+    XK_division*: TKeySym = 0x000000F7
+    XK_oslash*: TKeySym = 0x000000F8
+    XK_ooblique*: TKeySym = XK_oslash
+    XK_ugrave*: TKeySym = 0x000000F9
+    XK_uacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000FA
+    XK_ucircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000000FB
+    XK_udiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000FC
+    XK_yacute*: TKeySym = 0x000000FD
+    XK_thorn*: TKeySym = 0x000000FE
+    XK_ydiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000000FF
 # *   Latin 2
@@ -559,63 +560,63 @@ when defined(XK_LATIN1) or true:
 when defined(XK_LATIN2) or true: 
-    XKc_Aogonek* = 0x000001A1
-    XK_breve* = 0x000001A2
-    XKc_Lstroke* = 0x000001A3
-    XKc_Lcaron* = 0x000001A5
-    XKc_Sacute* = 0x000001A6
-    XKc_Scaron* = 0x000001A9
-    XKc_Scedilla* = 0x000001AA
-    XKc_Tcaron* = 0x000001AB
-    XKc_Zacute* = 0x000001AC
-    XKc_Zcaron* = 0x000001AE
-    XKc_Zabovedot* = 0x000001AF
-    XK_aogonek* = 0x000001B1
-    XK_ogonek* = 0x000001B2
-    XK_lstroke* = 0x000001B3
-    XK_lcaron* = 0x000001B5
-    XK_sacute* = 0x000001B6
-    XK_caron* = 0x000001B7
-    XK_scaron* = 0x000001B9
-    XK_scedilla* = 0x000001BA
-    XK_tcaron* = 0x000001BB
-    XK_zacute* = 0x000001BC
-    XK_doubleacute* = 0x000001BD
-    XK_zcaron* = 0x000001BE
-    XK_zabovedot* = 0x000001BF
-    XKc_Racute* = 0x000001C0
-    XKc_Abreve* = 0x000001C3
-    XKc_Lacute* = 0x000001C5
-    XKc_Cacute* = 0x000001C6
-    XKc_Ccaron* = 0x000001C8
-    XKc_Eogonek* = 0x000001CA
-    XKc_Ecaron* = 0x000001CC
-    XKc_Dcaron* = 0x000001CF
-    XKc_Dstroke* = 0x000001D0
-    XKc_Nacute* = 0x000001D1
-    XKc_Ncaron* = 0x000001D2
-    XKc_Odoubleacute* = 0x000001D5
-    XKc_Rcaron* = 0x000001D8
-    XKc_Uring* = 0x000001D9
-    XKc_Udoubleacute* = 0x000001DB
-    XKc_Tcedilla* = 0x000001DE
-    XK_racute* = 0x000001E0
-    XK_abreve* = 0x000001E3
-    XK_lacute* = 0x000001E5
-    XK_cacute* = 0x000001E6
-    XK_ccaron* = 0x000001E8
-    XK_eogonek* = 0x000001EA
-    XK_ecaron* = 0x000001EC
-    XK_dcaron* = 0x000001EF
-    XK_dstroke* = 0x000001F0
-    XK_nacute* = 0x000001F1
-    XK_ncaron* = 0x000001F2
-    XK_odoubleacute* = 0x000001F5
-    XK_udoubleacute* = 0x000001FB
-    XK_rcaron* = 0x000001F8
-    XK_uring* = 0x000001F9
-    XK_tcedilla* = 0x000001FE
-    XK_abovedot* = 0x000001FF
+    XKc_Aogonek*: TKeySym = 0x000001A1
+    XK_breve*: TKeySym = 0x000001A2
+    XKc_Lstroke*: TKeySym = 0x000001A3
+    XKc_Lcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001A5
+    XKc_Sacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001A6
+    XKc_Scaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001A9
+    XKc_Scedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000001AA
+    XKc_Tcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001AB
+    XKc_Zacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001AC
+    XKc_Zcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001AE
+    XKc_Zabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000001AF
+    XK_aogonek*: TKeySym = 0x000001B1
+    XK_ogonek*: TKeySym = 0x000001B2
+    XK_lstroke*: TKeySym = 0x000001B3
+    XK_lcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001B5
+    XK_sacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001B6
+    XK_caron*: TKeySym = 0x000001B7
+    XK_scaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001B9
+    XK_scedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000001BA
+    XK_tcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001BB
+    XK_zacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001BC
+    XK_doubleacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001BD
+    XK_zcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001BE
+    XK_zabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000001BF
+    XKc_Racute*: TKeySym = 0x000001C0
+    XKc_Abreve*: TKeySym = 0x000001C3
+    XKc_Lacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001C5
+    XKc_Cacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001C6
+    XKc_Ccaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001C8
+    XKc_Eogonek*: TKeySym = 0x000001CA
+    XKc_Ecaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001CC
+    XKc_Dcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001CF
+    XKc_Dstroke*: TKeySym = 0x000001D0
+    XKc_Nacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001D1
+    XKc_Ncaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001D2
+    XKc_Odoubleacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001D5
+    XKc_Rcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001D8
+    XKc_Uring*: TKeySym = 0x000001D9
+    XKc_Udoubleacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001DB
+    XKc_Tcedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000001DE
+    XK_racute*: TKeySym = 0x000001E0
+    XK_abreve*: TKeySym = 0x000001E3
+    XK_lacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001E5
+    XK_cacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001E6
+    XK_ccaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001E8
+    XK_eogonek*: TKeySym = 0x000001EA
+    XK_ecaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001EC
+    XK_dcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001EF
+    XK_dstroke*: TKeySym = 0x000001F0
+    XK_nacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001F1
+    XK_ncaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001F2
+    XK_odoubleacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001F5
+    XK_udoubleacute*: TKeySym = 0x000001FB
+    XK_rcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000001F8
+    XK_uring*: TKeySym = 0x000001F9
+    XK_tcedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000001FE
+    XK_abovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000001FF
 # *   Latin 3
@@ -624,28 +625,28 @@ when defined(XK_LATIN2) or true:
 when defined(XK_LATIN3) or true: 
-    XKc_Hstroke* = 0x000002A1
-    XKc_Hcircumflex* = 0x000002A6
-    XKc_Iabovedot* = 0x000002A9
-    XKc_Gbreve* = 0x000002AB
-    XKc_Jcircumflex* = 0x000002AC
-    XK_hstroke* = 0x000002B1
-    XK_hcircumflex* = 0x000002B6
-    XK_idotless* = 0x000002B9
-    XK_gbreve* = 0x000002BB
-    XK_jcircumflex* = 0x000002BC
-    XKc_Cabovedot* = 0x000002C5
-    XKc_Ccircumflex* = 0x000002C6
-    XKc_Gabovedot* = 0x000002D5
-    XKc_Gcircumflex* = 0x000002D8
-    XKc_Ubreve* = 0x000002DD
-    XKc_Scircumflex* = 0x000002DE
-    XK_cabovedot* = 0x000002E5
-    XK_ccircumflex* = 0x000002E6
-    XK_gabovedot* = 0x000002F5
-    XK_gcircumflex* = 0x000002F8
-    XK_ubreve* = 0x000002FD
-    XK_scircumflex* = 0x000002FE
+    XKc_Hstroke*: TKeySym = 0x000002A1
+    XKc_Hcircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000002A6
+    XKc_Iabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000002A9
+    XKc_Gbreve*: TKeySym = 0x000002AB
+    XKc_Jcircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000002AC
+    XK_hstroke*: TKeySym = 0x000002B1
+    XK_hcircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000002B6
+    XK_idotless*: TKeySym = 0x000002B9
+    XK_gbreve*: TKeySym = 0x000002BB
+    XK_jcircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000002BC
+    XKc_Cabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000002C5
+    XKc_Ccircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000002C6
+    XKc_Gabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000002D5
+    XKc_Gcircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000002D8
+    XKc_Ubreve*: TKeySym = 0x000002DD
+    XKc_Scircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000002DE
+    XK_cabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000002E5
+    XK_ccircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000002E6
+    XK_gabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000002F5
+    XK_gcircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000002F8
+    XK_ubreve*: TKeySym = 0x000002FD
+    XK_scircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000002FE
 # *   Latin 4
@@ -654,42 +655,42 @@ when defined(XK_LATIN3) or true:
 when defined(XK_LATIN4) or true: 
-    XK_kra* = 0x000003A2
-    XK_kappa* = 0x000003A2      # deprecated 
-    XKc_Rcedilla* = 0x000003A3
-    XKc_Itilde* = 0x000003A5
-    XKc_Lcedilla* = 0x000003A6
-    XKc_Emacron* = 0x000003AA
-    XKc_Gcedilla* = 0x000003AB
-    XKc_Tslash* = 0x000003AC
-    XK_rcedilla* = 0x000003B3
-    XK_itilde* = 0x000003B5
-    XK_lcedilla* = 0x000003B6
-    XK_emacron* = 0x000003BA
-    XK_gcedilla* = 0x000003BB
-    XK_tslash* = 0x000003BC
-    XKc_ENG* = 0x000003BD
-    XK_eng* = 0x000003BF
-    XKc_Amacron* = 0x000003C0
-    XKc_Iogonek* = 0x000003C7
-    XKc_Eabovedot* = 0x000003CC
-    XKc_Imacron* = 0x000003CF
-    XKc_Ncedilla* = 0x000003D1
-    XKc_Omacron* = 0x000003D2
-    XKc_Kcedilla* = 0x000003D3
-    XKc_Uogonek* = 0x000003D9
-    XKc_Utilde* = 0x000003DD
-    XKc_Umacron* = 0x000003DE
-    XK_amacron* = 0x000003E0
-    XK_iogonek* = 0x000003E7
-    XK_eabovedot* = 0x000003EC
-    XK_imacron* = 0x000003EF
-    XK_ncedilla* = 0x000003F1
-    XK_omacron* = 0x000003F2
-    XK_kcedilla* = 0x000003F3
-    XK_uogonek* = 0x000003F9
-    XK_utilde* = 0x000003FD
-    XK_umacron* = 0x000003FE
+    XK_kra*: TKeySym = 0x000003A2
+    XK_kappa*: TKeySym = 0x000003A2      # deprecated 
+    XKc_Rcedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000003A3
+    XKc_Itilde*: TKeySym = 0x000003A5
+    XKc_Lcedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000003A6
+    XKc_Emacron*: TKeySym = 0x000003AA
+    XKc_Gcedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000003AB
+    XKc_Tslash*: TKeySym = 0x000003AC
+    XK_rcedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000003B3
+    XK_itilde*: TKeySym = 0x000003B5
+    XK_lcedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000003B6
+    XK_emacron*: TKeySym = 0x000003BA
+    XK_gcedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000003BB
+    XK_tslash*: TKeySym = 0x000003BC
+    XKc_ENG*: TKeySym = 0x000003BD
+    XK_eng*: TKeySym = 0x000003BF
+    XKc_Amacron*: TKeySym = 0x000003C0
+    XKc_Iogonek*: TKeySym = 0x000003C7
+    XKc_Eabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000003CC
+    XKc_Imacron*: TKeySym = 0x000003CF
+    XKc_Ncedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000003D1
+    XKc_Omacron*: TKeySym = 0x000003D2
+    XKc_Kcedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000003D3
+    XKc_Uogonek*: TKeySym = 0x000003D9
+    XKc_Utilde*: TKeySym = 0x000003DD
+    XKc_Umacron*: TKeySym = 0x000003DE
+    XK_amacron*: TKeySym = 0x000003E0
+    XK_iogonek*: TKeySym = 0x000003E7
+    XK_eabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000003EC
+    XK_imacron*: TKeySym = 0x000003EF
+    XK_ncedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000003F1
+    XK_omacron*: TKeySym = 0x000003F2
+    XK_kcedilla*: TKeySym = 0x000003F3
+    XK_uogonek*: TKeySym = 0x000003F9
+    XK_utilde*: TKeySym = 0x000003FD
+    XK_umacron*: TKeySym = 0x000003FE
 # * Latin-8
@@ -698,32 +699,32 @@ when defined(XK_LATIN4) or true:
 when defined(XK_LATIN8) or true: 
-    XKc_Babovedot* = 0x000012A1
-    XK_babovedot* = 0x000012A2
-    XKc_Dabovedot* = 0x000012A6
-    XKc_Wgrave* = 0x000012A8
-    XKc_Wacute* = 0x000012AA
-    XK_dabovedot* = 0x000012AB
-    XKc_Ygrave* = 0x000012AC
-    XKc_Fabovedot* = 0x000012B0
-    XK_fabovedot* = 0x000012B1
-    XKc_Mabovedot* = 0x000012B4
-    XK_mabovedot* = 0x000012B5
-    XKc_Pabovedot* = 0x000012B7
-    XK_wgrave* = 0x000012B8
-    XK_pabovedot* = 0x000012B9
-    XK_wacute* = 0x000012BA
-    XKc_Sabovedot* = 0x000012BB
-    XK_ygrave* = 0x000012BC
-    XKc_Wdiaeresis* = 0x000012BD
-    XK_wdiaeresis* = 0x000012BE
-    XK_sabovedot* = 0x000012BF
-    XKc_Wcircumflex* = 0x000012D0
-    XKc_Tabovedot* = 0x000012D7
-    XKc_Ycircumflex* = 0x000012DE
-    XK_wcircumflex* = 0x000012F0
-    XK_tabovedot* = 0x000012F7
-    XK_ycircumflex* = 0x000012FE
+    XKc_Babovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012A1
+    XK_babovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012A2
+    XKc_Dabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012A6
+    XKc_Wgrave*: TKeySym = 0x000012A8
+    XKc_Wacute*: TKeySym = 0x000012AA
+    XK_dabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012AB
+    XKc_Ygrave*: TKeySym = 0x000012AC
+    XKc_Fabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012B0
+    XK_fabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012B1
+    XKc_Mabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012B4
+    XK_mabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012B5
+    XKc_Pabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012B7
+    XK_wgrave*: TKeySym = 0x000012B8
+    XK_pabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012B9
+    XK_wacute*: TKeySym = 0x000012BA
+    XKc_Sabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012BB
+    XK_ygrave*: TKeySym = 0x000012BC
+    XKc_Wdiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000012BD
+    XK_wdiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000012BE
+    XK_sabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012BF
+    XKc_Wcircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000012D0
+    XKc_Tabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012D7
+    XKc_Ycircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000012DE
+    XK_wcircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000012F0
+    XK_tabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000012F7
+    XK_ycircumflex*: TKeySym = 0x000012FE
 # * Latin-9 (a.k.a. Latin-0)
@@ -732,9 +733,9 @@ when defined(XK_LATIN8) or true:
 when defined(XK_LATIN9) or true: 
-    XKc_OE* = 0x000013BC
-    XK_oe* = 0x000013BD
-    XKc_Ydiaeresis* = 0x000013BE
+    XKc_OE*: TKeySym = 0x000013BC
+    XK_oe*: TKeySym = 0x000013BD
+    XKc_Ydiaeresis*: TKeySym = 0x000013BE
 # * Katakana
@@ -743,76 +744,76 @@ when defined(XK_LATIN9) or true:
 when defined(XK_KATAKANA) or true: 
-    XK_overline* = 0x0000047E
-    XK_kana_fullstop* = 0x000004A1
-    XK_kana_openingbracket* = 0x000004A2
-    XK_kana_closingbracket* = 0x000004A3
-    XK_kana_comma* = 0x000004A4
-    XK_kana_conjunctive* = 0x000004A5
-    XK_kana_middledot* = 0x000004A5 # deprecated 
-    XKc_kana_WO* = 0x000004A6
-    XK_kana_a* = 0x000004A7
-    XK_kana_i* = 0x000004A8
-    XK_kana_u* = 0x000004A9
-    XK_kana_e* = 0x000004AA
-    XK_kana_o* = 0x000004AB
-    XK_kana_ya* = 0x000004AC
-    XK_kana_yu* = 0x000004AD
-    XK_kana_yo* = 0x000004AE
-    XK_kana_tsu* = 0x000004AF
-    XK_kana_tu* = 0x000004AF    # deprecated 
-    XK_prolongedsound* = 0x000004B0
-    XKc_kana_A* = 0x000004B1
-    XKc_kana_I* = 0x000004B2
-    XKc_kana_U* = 0x000004B3
-    XKc_kana_E* = 0x000004B4
-    XKc_kana_O* = 0x000004B5
-    XKc_kana_KA* = 0x000004B6
-    XKc_kana_KI* = 0x000004B7
-    XKc_kana_KU* = 0x000004B8
-    XKc_kana_KE* = 0x000004B9
-    XKc_kana_KO* = 0x000004BA
-    XKc_kana_SA* = 0x000004BB
-    XKc_kana_SHI* = 0x000004BC
-    XKc_kana_SU* = 0x000004BD
-    XKc_kana_SE* = 0x000004BE
-    XKc_kana_SO* = 0x000004BF
-    XKc_kana_TA* = 0x000004C0
-    XKc_kana_CHI* = 0x000004C1
-    XKc_kana_TI* = 0x000004C1   # deprecated 
-    XKc_kana_TSU* = 0x000004C2
-    XKc_kana_TU* = 0x000004C2   # deprecated 
-    XKc_kana_TE* = 0x000004C3
-    XKc_kana_TO* = 0x000004C4
-    XKc_kana_NA* = 0x000004C5
-    XKc_kana_NI* = 0x000004C6
-    XKc_kana_NU* = 0x000004C7
-    XKc_kana_NE* = 0x000004C8
-    XKc_kana_NO* = 0x000004C9
-    XKc_kana_HA* = 0x000004CA
-    XKc_kana_HI* = 0x000004CB
-    XKc_kana_FU* = 0x000004CC
-    XKc_kana_HU* = 0x000004CC   # deprecated 
-    XKc_kana_HE* = 0x000004CD
-    XKc_kana_HO* = 0x000004CE
-    XKc_kana_MA* = 0x000004CF
-    XKc_kana_MI* = 0x000004D0
-    XKc_kana_MU* = 0x000004D1
-    XKc_kana_ME* = 0x000004D2
-    XKc_kana_MO* = 0x000004D3
-    XKc_kana_YA* = 0x000004D4
-    XKc_kana_YU* = 0x000004D5
-    XKc_kana_YO* = 0x000004D6
-    XKc_kana_RA* = 0x000004D7
-    XKc_kana_RI* = 0x000004D8
-    XKc_kana_RU* = 0x000004D9
-    XKc_kana_RE* = 0x000004DA
-    XKc_kana_RO* = 0x000004DB
-    XKc_kana_WA* = 0x000004DC
-    XKc_kana_N* = 0x000004DD
-    XK_voicedsound* = 0x000004DE
-    XK_semivoicedsound* = 0x000004DF
-    XK_kana_switch* = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
+    XK_overline*: TKeySym = 0x0000047E
+    XK_kana_fullstop*: TKeySym = 0x000004A1
+    XK_kana_openingbracket*: TKeySym = 0x000004A2
+    XK_kana_closingbracket*: TKeySym = 0x000004A3
+    XK_kana_comma*: TKeySym = 0x000004A4
+    XK_kana_conjunctive*: TKeySym = 0x000004A5
+    XK_kana_middledot*: TKeySym = 0x000004A5 # deprecated 
+    XKc_kana_WO*: TKeySym = 0x000004A6
+    XK_kana_a*: TKeySym = 0x000004A7
+    XK_kana_i*: TKeySym = 0x000004A8
+    XK_kana_u*: TKeySym = 0x000004A9
+    XK_kana_e*: TKeySym = 0x000004AA
+    XK_kana_o*: TKeySym = 0x000004AB
+    XK_kana_ya*: TKeySym = 0x000004AC
+    XK_kana_yu*: TKeySym = 0x000004AD
+    XK_kana_yo*: TKeySym = 0x000004AE
+    XK_kana_tsu*: TKeySym = 0x000004AF
+    XK_kana_tu*: TKeySym = 0x000004AF    # deprecated 
+    XK_prolongedsound*: TKeySym = 0x000004B0
+    XKc_kana_A*: TKeySym = 0x000004B1
+    XKc_kana_I*: TKeySym = 0x000004B2
+    XKc_kana_U*: TKeySym = 0x000004B3
+    XKc_kana_E*: TKeySym = 0x000004B4
+    XKc_kana_O*: TKeySym = 0x000004B5
+    XKc_kana_KA*: TKeySym = 0x000004B6
+    XKc_kana_KI*: TKeySym = 0x000004B7
+    XKc_kana_KU*: TKeySym = 0x000004B8
+    XKc_kana_KE*: TKeySym = 0x000004B9
+    XKc_kana_KO*: TKeySym = 0x000004BA
+    XKc_kana_SA*: TKeySym = 0x000004BB
+    XKc_kana_SHI*: TKeySym = 0x000004BC
+    XKc_kana_SU*: TKeySym = 0x000004BD
+    XKc_kana_SE*: TKeySym = 0x000004BE
+    XKc_kana_SO*: TKeySym = 0x000004BF
+    XKc_kana_TA*: TKeySym = 0x000004C0
+    XKc_kana_CHI*: TKeySym = 0x000004C1
+    XKc_kana_TI*: TKeySym = 0x000004C1   # deprecated 
+    XKc_kana_TSU*: TKeySym = 0x000004C2
+    XKc_kana_TU*: TKeySym = 0x000004C2   # deprecated 
+    XKc_kana_TE*: TKeySym = 0x000004C3
+    XKc_kana_TO*: TKeySym = 0x000004C4
+    XKc_kana_NA*: TKeySym = 0x000004C5
+    XKc_kana_NI*: TKeySym = 0x000004C6
+    XKc_kana_NU*: TKeySym = 0x000004C7
+    XKc_kana_NE*: TKeySym = 0x000004C8
+    XKc_kana_NO*: TKeySym = 0x000004C9
+    XKc_kana_HA*: TKeySym = 0x000004CA
+    XKc_kana_HI*: TKeySym = 0x000004CB
+    XKc_kana_FU*: TKeySym = 0x000004CC
+    XKc_kana_HU*: TKeySym = 0x000004CC   # deprecated 
+    XKc_kana_HE*: TKeySym = 0x000004CD
+    XKc_kana_HO*: TKeySym = 0x000004CE
+    XKc_kana_MA*: TKeySym = 0x000004CF
+    XKc_kana_MI*: TKeySym = 0x000004D0
+    XKc_kana_MU*: TKeySym = 0x000004D1
+    XKc_kana_ME*: TKeySym = 0x000004D2
+    XKc_kana_MO*: TKeySym = 0x000004D3
+    XKc_kana_YA*: TKeySym = 0x000004D4
+    XKc_kana_YU*: TKeySym = 0x000004D5
+    XKc_kana_YO*: TKeySym = 0x000004D6
+    XKc_kana_RA*: TKeySym = 0x000004D7
+    XKc_kana_RI*: TKeySym = 0x000004D8
+    XKc_kana_RU*: TKeySym = 0x000004D9
+    XKc_kana_RE*: TKeySym = 0x000004DA
+    XKc_kana_RO*: TKeySym = 0x000004DB
+    XKc_kana_WA*: TKeySym = 0x000004DC
+    XKc_kana_N*: TKeySym = 0x000004DD
+    XK_voicedsound*: TKeySym = 0x000004DE
+    XK_semivoicedsound*: TKeySym = 0x000004DF
+    XK_kana_switch*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
 # *  Arabic
@@ -821,97 +822,97 @@ when defined(XK_KATAKANA) or true:
 when defined(XK_ARABIC) or true: 
-    XK_Farsi_0* = 0x00000590
-    XK_Farsi_1* = 0x00000591
-    XK_Farsi_2* = 0x00000592
-    XK_Farsi_3* = 0x00000593
-    XK_Farsi_4* = 0x00000594
-    XK_Farsi_5* = 0x00000595
-    XK_Farsi_6* = 0x00000596
-    XK_Farsi_7* = 0x00000597
-    XK_Farsi_8* = 0x00000598
-    XK_Farsi_9* = 0x00000599
-    XK_Arabic_percent* = 0x000005A5
-    XK_Arabic_superscript_alef* = 0x000005A6
-    XK_Arabic_tteh* = 0x000005A7
-    XK_Arabic_peh* = 0x000005A8
-    XK_Arabic_tcheh* = 0x000005A9
-    XK_Arabic_ddal* = 0x000005AA
-    XK_Arabic_rreh* = 0x000005AB
-    XK_Arabic_comma* = 0x000005AC
-    XK_Arabic_fullstop* = 0x000005AE
-    XK_Arabic_0* = 0x000005B0
-    XK_Arabic_1* = 0x000005B1
-    XK_Arabic_2* = 0x000005B2
-    XK_Arabic_3* = 0x000005B3
-    XK_Arabic_4* = 0x000005B4
-    XK_Arabic_5* = 0x000005B5
-    XK_Arabic_6* = 0x000005B6
-    XK_Arabic_7* = 0x000005B7
-    XK_Arabic_8* = 0x000005B8
-    XK_Arabic_9* = 0x000005B9
-    XK_Arabic_semicolon* = 0x000005BB
-    XK_Arabic_question_mark* = 0x000005BF
-    XK_Arabic_hamza* = 0x000005C1
-    XK_Arabic_maddaonalef* = 0x000005C2
-    XK_Arabic_hamzaonalef* = 0x000005C3
-    XK_Arabic_hamzaonwaw* = 0x000005C4
-    XK_Arabic_hamzaunderalef* = 0x000005C5
-    XK_Arabic_hamzaonyeh* = 0x000005C6
-    XK_Arabic_alef* = 0x000005C7
-    XK_Arabic_beh* = 0x000005C8
-    XK_Arabic_tehmarbuta* = 0x000005C9
-    XK_Arabic_teh* = 0x000005CA
-    XK_Arabic_theh* = 0x000005CB
-    XK_Arabic_jeem* = 0x000005CC
-    XK_Arabic_hah* = 0x000005CD
-    XK_Arabic_khah* = 0x000005CE
-    XK_Arabic_dal* = 0x000005CF
-    XK_Arabic_thal* = 0x000005D0
-    XK_Arabic_ra* = 0x000005D1
-    XK_Arabic_zain* = 0x000005D2
-    XK_Arabic_seen* = 0x000005D3
-    XK_Arabic_sheen* = 0x000005D4
-    XK_Arabic_sad* = 0x000005D5
-    XK_Arabic_dad* = 0x000005D6
-    XK_Arabic_tah* = 0x000005D7
-    XK_Arabic_zah* = 0x000005D8
-    XK_Arabic_ain* = 0x000005D9
-    XK_Arabic_ghain* = 0x000005DA
-    XK_Arabic_tatweel* = 0x000005E0
-    XK_Arabic_feh* = 0x000005E1
-    XK_Arabic_qaf* = 0x000005E2
-    XK_Arabic_kaf* = 0x000005E3
-    XK_Arabic_lam* = 0x000005E4
-    XK_Arabic_meem* = 0x000005E5
-    XK_Arabic_noon* = 0x000005E6
-    XK_Arabic_ha* = 0x000005E7
-    XK_Arabic_heh* = 0x000005E7 # deprecated 
-    XK_Arabic_waw* = 0x000005E8
-    XK_Arabic_alefmaksura* = 0x000005E9
-    XK_Arabic_yeh* = 0x000005EA
-    XK_Arabic_fathatan* = 0x000005EB
-    XK_Arabic_dammatan* = 0x000005EC
-    XK_Arabic_kasratan* = 0x000005ED
-    XK_Arabic_fatha* = 0x000005EE
-    XK_Arabic_damma* = 0x000005EF
-    XK_Arabic_kasra* = 0x000005F0
-    XK_Arabic_shadda* = 0x000005F1
-    XK_Arabic_sukun* = 0x000005F2
-    XK_Arabic_madda_above* = 0x000005F3
-    XK_Arabic_hamza_above* = 0x000005F4
-    XK_Arabic_hamza_below* = 0x000005F5
-    XK_Arabic_jeh* = 0x000005F6
-    XK_Arabic_veh* = 0x000005F7
-    XK_Arabic_keheh* = 0x000005F8
-    XK_Arabic_gaf* = 0x000005F9
-    XK_Arabic_noon_ghunna* = 0x000005FA
-    XK_Arabic_heh_doachashmee* = 0x000005FB
-    XK_Farsi_yeh* = 0x000005FC
-    XK_Arabic_farsi_yeh* = XK_Farsi_yeh
-    XK_Arabic_yeh_baree* = 0x000005FD
-    XK_Arabic_heh_goal* = 0x000005FE
-    XK_Arabic_switch* = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
+    XK_Farsi_0*: TKeySym = 0x00000590
+    XK_Farsi_1*: TKeySym = 0x00000591
+    XK_Farsi_2*: TKeySym = 0x00000592
+    XK_Farsi_3*: TKeySym = 0x00000593
+    XK_Farsi_4*: TKeySym = 0x00000594
+    XK_Farsi_5*: TKeySym = 0x00000595
+    XK_Farsi_6*: TKeySym = 0x00000596
+    XK_Farsi_7*: TKeySym = 0x00000597
+    XK_Farsi_8*: TKeySym = 0x00000598
+    XK_Farsi_9*: TKeySym = 0x00000599
+    XK_Arabic_percent*: TKeySym = 0x000005A5
+    XK_Arabic_superscript_alef*: TKeySym = 0x000005A6
+    XK_Arabic_tteh*: TKeySym = 0x000005A7
+    XK_Arabic_peh*: TKeySym = 0x000005A8
+    XK_Arabic_tcheh*: TKeySym = 0x000005A9
+    XK_Arabic_ddal*: TKeySym = 0x000005AA
+    XK_Arabic_rreh*: TKeySym = 0x000005AB
+    XK_Arabic_comma*: TKeySym = 0x000005AC
+    XK_Arabic_fullstop*: TKeySym = 0x000005AE
+    XK_Arabic_0*: TKeySym = 0x000005B0
+    XK_Arabic_1*: TKeySym = 0x000005B1
+    XK_Arabic_2*: TKeySym = 0x000005B2
+    XK_Arabic_3*: TKeySym = 0x000005B3
+    XK_Arabic_4*: TKeySym = 0x000005B4
+    XK_Arabic_5*: TKeySym = 0x000005B5
+    XK_Arabic_6*: TKeySym = 0x000005B6
+    XK_Arabic_7*: TKeySym = 0x000005B7
+    XK_Arabic_8*: TKeySym = 0x000005B8
+    XK_Arabic_9*: TKeySym = 0x000005B9
+    XK_Arabic_semicolon*: TKeySym = 0x000005BB
+    XK_Arabic_question_mark*: TKeySym = 0x000005BF
+    XK_Arabic_hamza*: TKeySym = 0x000005C1
+    XK_Arabic_maddaonalef*: TKeySym = 0x000005C2
+    XK_Arabic_hamzaonalef*: TKeySym = 0x000005C3
+    XK_Arabic_hamzaonwaw*: TKeySym = 0x000005C4
+    XK_Arabic_hamzaunderalef*: TKeySym = 0x000005C5
+    XK_Arabic_hamzaonyeh*: TKeySym = 0x000005C6
+    XK_Arabic_alef*: TKeySym = 0x000005C7
+    XK_Arabic_beh*: TKeySym = 0x000005C8
+    XK_Arabic_tehmarbuta*: TKeySym = 0x000005C9
+    XK_Arabic_teh*: TKeySym = 0x000005CA
+    XK_Arabic_theh*: TKeySym = 0x000005CB
+    XK_Arabic_jeem*: TKeySym = 0x000005CC
+    XK_Arabic_hah*: TKeySym = 0x000005CD
+    XK_Arabic_khah*: TKeySym = 0x000005CE
+    XK_Arabic_dal*: TKeySym = 0x000005CF
+    XK_Arabic_thal*: TKeySym = 0x000005D0
+    XK_Arabic_ra*: TKeySym = 0x000005D1
+    XK_Arabic_zain*: TKeySym = 0x000005D2
+    XK_Arabic_seen*: TKeySym = 0x000005D3
+    XK_Arabic_sheen*: TKeySym = 0x000005D4
+    XK_Arabic_sad*: TKeySym = 0x000005D5
+    XK_Arabic_dad*: TKeySym = 0x000005D6
+    XK_Arabic_tah*: TKeySym = 0x000005D7
+    XK_Arabic_zah*: TKeySym = 0x000005D8
+    XK_Arabic_ain*: TKeySym = 0x000005D9
+    XK_Arabic_ghain*: TKeySym = 0x000005DA
+    XK_Arabic_tatweel*: TKeySym = 0x000005E0
+    XK_Arabic_feh*: TKeySym = 0x000005E1
+    XK_Arabic_qaf*: TKeySym = 0x000005E2
+    XK_Arabic_kaf*: TKeySym = 0x000005E3
+    XK_Arabic_lam*: TKeySym = 0x000005E4
+    XK_Arabic_meem*: TKeySym = 0x000005E5
+    XK_Arabic_noon*: TKeySym = 0x000005E6
+    XK_Arabic_ha*: TKeySym = 0x000005E7
+    XK_Arabic_heh*: TKeySym = 0x000005E7 # deprecated 
+    XK_Arabic_waw*: TKeySym = 0x000005E8
+    XK_Arabic_alefmaksura*: TKeySym = 0x000005E9
+    XK_Arabic_yeh*: TKeySym = 0x000005EA
+    XK_Arabic_fathatan*: TKeySym = 0x000005EB
+    XK_Arabic_dammatan*: TKeySym = 0x000005EC
+    XK_Arabic_kasratan*: TKeySym = 0x000005ED
+    XK_Arabic_fatha*: TKeySym = 0x000005EE
+    XK_Arabic_damma*: TKeySym = 0x000005EF
+    XK_Arabic_kasra*: TKeySym = 0x000005F0
+    XK_Arabic_shadda*: TKeySym = 0x000005F1
+    XK_Arabic_sukun*: TKeySym = 0x000005F2
+    XK_Arabic_madda_above*: TKeySym = 0x000005F3
+    XK_Arabic_hamza_above*: TKeySym = 0x000005F4
+    XK_Arabic_hamza_below*: TKeySym = 0x000005F5
+    XK_Arabic_jeh*: TKeySym = 0x000005F6
+    XK_Arabic_veh*: TKeySym = 0x000005F7
+    XK_Arabic_keheh*: TKeySym = 0x000005F8
+    XK_Arabic_gaf*: TKeySym = 0x000005F9
+    XK_Arabic_noon_ghunna*: TKeySym = 0x000005FA
+    XK_Arabic_heh_doachashmee*: TKeySym = 0x000005FB
+    XK_Farsi_yeh*: TKeySym = 0x000005FC
+    XK_Arabic_farsi_yeh*: TKeySym = XK_Farsi_yeh
+    XK_Arabic_yeh_baree*: TKeySym = 0x000005FD
+    XK_Arabic_heh_goal*: TKeySym = 0x000005FE
+    XK_Arabic_switch*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
 # * Cyrillic
@@ -920,145 +921,145 @@ when defined(XK_ARABIC) or true:
 when defined(XK_CYRILLIC) or true: 
-    XKc_Cyrillic_GHE_bar* = 0x00000680
-    XK_Cyrillic_ghe_bar* = 0x00000690
-    XKc_Cyrillic_ZHE_descender* = 0x00000681
-    XK_Cyrillic_zhe_descender* = 0x00000691
-    XKc_Cyrillic_KA_descender* = 0x00000682
-    XK_Cyrillic_ka_descender* = 0x00000692
-    XKc_Cyrillic_KA_vertstroke* = 0x00000683
-    XK_Cyrillic_ka_vertstroke* = 0x00000693
-    XKc_Cyrillic_EN_descender* = 0x00000684
-    XK_Cyrillic_en_descender* = 0x00000694
-    XKc_Cyrillic_U_straight* = 0x00000685
-    XK_Cyrillic_u_straight* = 0x00000695
-    XKc_Cyrillic_U_straight_bar* = 0x00000686
-    XK_Cyrillic_u_straight_bar* = 0x00000696
-    XKc_Cyrillic_HA_descender* = 0x00000687
-    XK_Cyrillic_ha_descender* = 0x00000697
-    XKc_Cyrillic_CHE_descender* = 0x00000688
-    XK_Cyrillic_che_descender* = 0x00000698
-    XKc_Cyrillic_CHE_vertstroke* = 0x00000689
-    XK_Cyrillic_che_vertstroke* = 0x00000699
-    XKc_Cyrillic_SHHA* = 0x0000068A
-    XK_Cyrillic_shha* = 0x0000069A
-    XKc_Cyrillic_SCHWA* = 0x0000068C
-    XK_Cyrillic_schwa* = 0x0000069C
-    XKc_Cyrillic_I_macron* = 0x0000068D
-    XK_Cyrillic_i_macron* = 0x0000069D
-    XKc_Cyrillic_O_bar* = 0x0000068E
-    XK_Cyrillic_o_bar* = 0x0000069E
-    XKc_Cyrillic_U_macron* = 0x0000068F
-    XK_Cyrillic_u_macron* = 0x0000069F
-    XK_Serbian_dje* = 0x000006A1
-    XK_Macedonia_gje* = 0x000006A2
-    XK_Cyrillic_io* = 0x000006A3
-    XK_Ukrainian_ie* = 0x000006A4
-    XK_Ukranian_je* = 0x000006A4 # deprecated 
-    XK_Macedonia_dse* = 0x000006A5
-    XK_Ukrainian_i* = 0x000006A6
-    XK_Ukranian_i* = 0x000006A6 # deprecated 
-    XK_Ukrainian_yi* = 0x000006A7
-    XK_Ukranian_yi* = 0x000006A7 # deprecated 
-    XK_Cyrillic_je* = 0x000006A8
-    XK_Serbian_je* = 0x000006A8 # deprecated 
-    XK_Cyrillic_lje* = 0x000006A9
-    XK_Serbian_lje* = 0x000006A9 # deprecated 
-    XK_Cyrillic_nje* = 0x000006AA
-    XK_Serbian_nje* = 0x000006AA # deprecated 
-    XK_Serbian_tshe* = 0x000006AB
-    XK_Macedonia_kje* = 0x000006AC
-    XK_Ukrainian_ghe_with_upturn* = 0x000006AD
-    XK_Byelorussian_shortu* = 0x000006AE
-    XK_Cyrillic_dzhe* = 0x000006AF
-    XK_Serbian_dze* = 0x000006AF # deprecated 
-    XK_numerosign* = 0x000006B0
-    XKc_Serbian_DJE* = 0x000006B1
-    XKc_Macedonia_GJE* = 0x000006B2
-    XKc_Cyrillic_IO* = 0x000006B3
-    XKc_Ukrainian_IE* = 0x000006B4
-    XKc_Ukranian_JE* = 0x000006B4 # deprecated 
-    XKc_Macedonia_DSE* = 0x000006B5
-    XKc_Ukrainian_I* = 0x000006B6
-    XKc_Ukranian_I* = 0x000006B6 # deprecated 
-    XKc_Ukrainian_YI* = 0x000006B7
-    XKc_Ukranian_YI* = 0x000006B7 # deprecated 
-    XKc_Cyrillic_JE* = 0x000006B8
-    XKc_Serbian_JE* = 0x000006B8 # deprecated 
-    XKc_Cyrillic_LJE* = 0x000006B9
-    XKc_Serbian_LJE* = 0x000006B9 # deprecated 
-    XKc_Cyrillic_NJE* = 0x000006BA
-    XKc_Serbian_NJE* = 0x000006BA # deprecated 
-    XKc_Serbian_TSHE* = 0x000006BB
-    XKc_Macedonia_KJE* = 0x000006BC
-    XKc_Ukrainian_GHE_WITH_UPTURN* = 0x000006BD
-    XKc_Byelorussian_SHORTU* = 0x000006BE
-    XKc_Cyrillic_DZHE* = 0x000006BF
-    XKc_Serbian_DZE* = 0x000006BF # deprecated 
-    XK_Cyrillic_yu* = 0x000006C0
-    XK_Cyrillic_a* = 0x000006C1
-    XK_Cyrillic_be* = 0x000006C2
-    XK_Cyrillic_tse* = 0x000006C3
-    XK_Cyrillic_de* = 0x000006C4
-    XK_Cyrillic_ie* = 0x000006C5
-    XK_Cyrillic_ef* = 0x000006C6
-    XK_Cyrillic_ghe* = 0x000006C7
-    XK_Cyrillic_ha* = 0x000006C8
-    XK_Cyrillic_i* = 0x000006C9
-    XK_Cyrillic_shorti* = 0x000006CA
-    XK_Cyrillic_ka* = 0x000006CB
-    XK_Cyrillic_el* = 0x000006CC
-    XK_Cyrillic_em* = 0x000006CD
-    XK_Cyrillic_en* = 0x000006CE
-    XK_Cyrillic_o* = 0x000006CF
-    XK_Cyrillic_pe* = 0x000006D0
-    XK_Cyrillic_ya* = 0x000006D1
-    XK_Cyrillic_er* = 0x000006D2
-    XK_Cyrillic_es* = 0x000006D3
-    XK_Cyrillic_te* = 0x000006D4
-    XK_Cyrillic_u* = 0x000006D5
-    XK_Cyrillic_zhe* = 0x000006D6
-    XK_Cyrillic_ve* = 0x000006D7
-    XK_Cyrillic_softsign* = 0x000006D8
-    XK_Cyrillic_yeru* = 0x000006D9
-    XK_Cyrillic_ze* = 0x000006DA
-    XK_Cyrillic_sha* = 0x000006DB
-    XK_Cyrillic_e* = 0x000006DC
-    XK_Cyrillic_shcha* = 0x000006DD
-    XK_Cyrillic_che* = 0x000006DE
-    XK_Cyrillic_hardsign* = 0x000006DF
-    XKc_Cyrillic_YU* = 0x000006E0
-    XKc_Cyrillic_A* = 0x000006E1
-    XKc_Cyrillic_BE* = 0x000006E2
-    XKc_Cyrillic_TSE* = 0x000006E3
-    XKc_Cyrillic_DE* = 0x000006E4
-    XKc_Cyrillic_IE* = 0x000006E5
-    XKc_Cyrillic_EF* = 0x000006E6
-    XKc_Cyrillic_GHE* = 0x000006E7
-    XKc_Cyrillic_HA* = 0x000006E8
-    XKc_Cyrillic_I* = 0x000006E9
-    XKc_Cyrillic_SHORTI* = 0x000006EA
-    XKc_Cyrillic_KA* = 0x000006EB
-    XKc_Cyrillic_EL* = 0x000006EC
-    XKc_Cyrillic_EM* = 0x000006ED
-    XKc_Cyrillic_EN* = 0x000006EE
-    XKc_Cyrillic_O* = 0x000006EF
-    XKc_Cyrillic_PE* = 0x000006F0
-    XKc_Cyrillic_YA* = 0x000006F1
-    XKc_Cyrillic_ER* = 0x000006F2
-    XKc_Cyrillic_ES* = 0x000006F3
-    XKc_Cyrillic_TE* = 0x000006F4
-    XKc_Cyrillic_U* = 0x000006F5
-    XKc_Cyrillic_ZHE* = 0x000006F6
-    XKc_Cyrillic_VE* = 0x000006F7
-    XKc_Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN* = 0x000006F8
-    XKc_Cyrillic_YERU* = 0x000006F9
-    XKc_Cyrillic_ZE* = 0x000006FA
-    XKc_Cyrillic_SHA* = 0x000006FB
-    XKc_Cyrillic_E* = 0x000006FC
-    XKc_Cyrillic_SHCHA* = 0x000006FD
-    XKc_Cyrillic_CHE* = 0x000006FE
-    XKc_Cyrillic_HARDSIGN* = 0x000006FF
+    XKc_Cyrillic_GHE_bar*: TKeySym = 0x00000680
+    XK_Cyrillic_ghe_bar*: TKeySym = 0x00000690
+    XKc_Cyrillic_ZHE_descender*: TKeySym = 0x00000681
+    XK_Cyrillic_zhe_descender*: TKeySym = 0x00000691
+    XKc_Cyrillic_KA_descender*: TKeySym = 0x00000682
+    XK_Cyrillic_ka_descender*: TKeySym = 0x00000692
+    XKc_Cyrillic_KA_vertstroke*: TKeySym = 0x00000683
+    XK_Cyrillic_ka_vertstroke*: TKeySym = 0x00000693
+    XKc_Cyrillic_EN_descender*: TKeySym = 0x00000684
+    XK_Cyrillic_en_descender*: TKeySym = 0x00000694
+    XKc_Cyrillic_U_straight*: TKeySym = 0x00000685
+    XK_Cyrillic_u_straight*: TKeySym = 0x00000695
+    XKc_Cyrillic_U_straight_bar*: TKeySym = 0x00000686
+    XK_Cyrillic_u_straight_bar*: TKeySym = 0x00000696
+    XKc_Cyrillic_HA_descender*: TKeySym = 0x00000687
+    XK_Cyrillic_ha_descender*: TKeySym = 0x00000697
+    XKc_Cyrillic_CHE_descender*: TKeySym = 0x00000688
+    XK_Cyrillic_che_descender*: TKeySym = 0x00000698
+    XKc_Cyrillic_CHE_vertstroke*: TKeySym = 0x00000689
+    XK_Cyrillic_che_vertstroke*: TKeySym = 0x00000699
+    XKc_Cyrillic_SHHA*: TKeySym = 0x0000068A
+    XK_Cyrillic_shha*: TKeySym = 0x0000069A
+    XKc_Cyrillic_SCHWA*: TKeySym = 0x0000068C
+    XK_Cyrillic_schwa*: TKeySym = 0x0000069C
+    XKc_Cyrillic_I_macron*: TKeySym = 0x0000068D
+    XK_Cyrillic_i_macron*: TKeySym = 0x0000069D
+    XKc_Cyrillic_O_bar*: TKeySym = 0x0000068E
+    XK_Cyrillic_o_bar*: TKeySym = 0x0000069E
+    XKc_Cyrillic_U_macron*: TKeySym = 0x0000068F
+    XK_Cyrillic_u_macron*: TKeySym = 0x0000069F
+    XK_Serbian_dje*: TKeySym = 0x000006A1
+    XK_Macedonia_gje*: TKeySym = 0x000006A2
+    XK_Cyrillic_io*: TKeySym = 0x000006A3
+    XK_Ukrainian_ie*: TKeySym = 0x000006A4
+    XK_Ukranian_je*: TKeySym = 0x000006A4 # deprecated 
+    XK_Macedonia_dse*: TKeySym = 0x000006A5
+    XK_Ukrainian_i*: TKeySym = 0x000006A6
+    XK_Ukranian_i*: TKeySym = 0x000006A6 # deprecated 
+    XK_Ukrainian_yi*: TKeySym = 0x000006A7
+    XK_Ukranian_yi*: TKeySym = 0x000006A7 # deprecated 
+    XK_Cyrillic_je*: TKeySym = 0x000006A8
+    XK_Serbian_je*: TKeySym = 0x000006A8 # deprecated 
+    XK_Cyrillic_lje*: TKeySym = 0x000006A9
+    XK_Serbian_lje*: TKeySym = 0x000006A9 # deprecated 
+    XK_Cyrillic_nje*: TKeySym = 0x000006AA
+    XK_Serbian_nje*: TKeySym = 0x000006AA # deprecated 
+    XK_Serbian_tshe*: TKeySym = 0x000006AB
+    XK_Macedonia_kje*: TKeySym = 0x000006AC
+    XK_Ukrainian_ghe_with_upturn*: TKeySym = 0x000006AD
+    XK_Byelorussian_shortu*: TKeySym = 0x000006AE
+    XK_Cyrillic_dzhe*: TKeySym = 0x000006AF
+    XK_Serbian_dze*: TKeySym = 0x000006AF # deprecated 
+    XK_numerosign*: TKeySym = 0x000006B0
+    XKc_Serbian_DJE*: TKeySym = 0x000006B1
+    XKc_Macedonia_GJE*: TKeySym = 0x000006B2
+    XKc_Cyrillic_IO*: TKeySym = 0x000006B3
+    XKc_Ukrainian_IE*: TKeySym = 0x000006B4
+    XKc_Ukranian_JE*: TKeySym = 0x000006B4 # deprecated 
+    XKc_Macedonia_DSE*: TKeySym = 0x000006B5
+    XKc_Ukrainian_I*: TKeySym = 0x000006B6
+    XKc_Ukranian_I*: TKeySym = 0x000006B6 # deprecated 
+    XKc_Ukrainian_YI*: TKeySym = 0x000006B7
+    XKc_Ukranian_YI*: TKeySym = 0x000006B7 # deprecated 
+    XKc_Cyrillic_JE*: TKeySym = 0x000006B8
+    XKc_Serbian_JE*: TKeySym = 0x000006B8 # deprecated 
+    XKc_Cyrillic_LJE*: TKeySym = 0x000006B9
+    XKc_Serbian_LJE*: TKeySym = 0x000006B9 # deprecated 
+    XKc_Cyrillic_NJE*: TKeySym = 0x000006BA
+    XKc_Serbian_NJE*: TKeySym = 0x000006BA # deprecated 
+    XKc_Serbian_TSHE*: TKeySym = 0x000006BB
+    XKc_Macedonia_KJE*: TKeySym = 0x000006BC
+    XKc_Ukrainian_GHE_WITH_UPTURN*: TKeySym = 0x000006BD
+    XKc_Byelorussian_SHORTU*: TKeySym = 0x000006BE
+    XKc_Cyrillic_DZHE*: TKeySym = 0x000006BF
+    XKc_Serbian_DZE*: TKeySym = 0x000006BF # deprecated 
+    XK_Cyrillic_yu*: TKeySym = 0x000006C0
+    XK_Cyrillic_a*: TKeySym = 0x000006C1
+    XK_Cyrillic_be*: TKeySym = 0x000006C2
+    XK_Cyrillic_tse*: TKeySym = 0x000006C3
+    XK_Cyrillic_de*: TKeySym = 0x000006C4
+    XK_Cyrillic_ie*: TKeySym = 0x000006C5
+    XK_Cyrillic_ef*: TKeySym = 0x000006C6
+    XK_Cyrillic_ghe*: TKeySym = 0x000006C7
+    XK_Cyrillic_ha*: TKeySym = 0x000006C8
+    XK_Cyrillic_i*: TKeySym = 0x000006C9
+    XK_Cyrillic_shorti*: TKeySym = 0x000006CA
+    XK_Cyrillic_ka*: TKeySym = 0x000006CB
+    XK_Cyrillic_el*: TKeySym = 0x000006CC
+    XK_Cyrillic_em*: TKeySym = 0x000006CD
+    XK_Cyrillic_en*: TKeySym = 0x000006CE
+    XK_Cyrillic_o*: TKeySym = 0x000006CF
+    XK_Cyrillic_pe*: TKeySym = 0x000006D0
+    XK_Cyrillic_ya*: TKeySym = 0x000006D1
+    XK_Cyrillic_er*: TKeySym = 0x000006D2
+    XK_Cyrillic_es*: TKeySym = 0x000006D3
+    XK_Cyrillic_te*: TKeySym = 0x000006D4
+    XK_Cyrillic_u*: TKeySym = 0x000006D5
+    XK_Cyrillic_zhe*: TKeySym = 0x000006D6
+    XK_Cyrillic_ve*: TKeySym = 0x000006D7
+    XK_Cyrillic_softsign*: TKeySym = 0x000006D8
+    XK_Cyrillic_yeru*: TKeySym = 0x000006D9
+    XK_Cyrillic_ze*: TKeySym = 0x000006DA
+    XK_Cyrillic_sha*: TKeySym = 0x000006DB
+    XK_Cyrillic_e*: TKeySym = 0x000006DC
+    XK_Cyrillic_shcha*: TKeySym = 0x000006DD
+    XK_Cyrillic_che*: TKeySym = 0x000006DE
+    XK_Cyrillic_hardsign*: TKeySym = 0x000006DF
+    XKc_Cyrillic_YU*: TKeySym = 0x000006E0
+    XKc_Cyrillic_A*: TKeySym = 0x000006E1
+    XKc_Cyrillic_BE*: TKeySym = 0x000006E2
+    XKc_Cyrillic_TSE*: TKeySym = 0x000006E3
+    XKc_Cyrillic_DE*: TKeySym = 0x000006E4
+    XKc_Cyrillic_IE*: TKeySym = 0x000006E5
+    XKc_Cyrillic_EF*: TKeySym = 0x000006E6
+    XKc_Cyrillic_GHE*: TKeySym = 0x000006E7
+    XKc_Cyrillic_HA*: TKeySym = 0x000006E8
+    XKc_Cyrillic_I*: TKeySym = 0x000006E9
+    XKc_Cyrillic_SHORTI*: TKeySym = 0x000006EA
+    XKc_Cyrillic_KA*: TKeySym = 0x000006EB
+    XKc_Cyrillic_EL*: TKeySym = 0x000006EC
+    XKc_Cyrillic_EM*: TKeySym = 0x000006ED
+    XKc_Cyrillic_EN*: TKeySym = 0x000006EE
+    XKc_Cyrillic_O*: TKeySym = 0x000006EF
+    XKc_Cyrillic_PE*: TKeySym = 0x000006F0
+    XKc_Cyrillic_YA*: TKeySym = 0x000006F1
+    XKc_Cyrillic_ER*: TKeySym = 0x000006F2
+    XKc_Cyrillic_ES*: TKeySym = 0x000006F3
+    XKc_Cyrillic_TE*: TKeySym = 0x000006F4
+    XKc_Cyrillic_U*: TKeySym = 0x000006F5
+    XKc_Cyrillic_ZHE*: TKeySym = 0x000006F6
+    XKc_Cyrillic_VE*: TKeySym = 0x000006F7
+    XKc_Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN*: TKeySym = 0x000006F8
+    XKc_Cyrillic_YERU*: TKeySym = 0x000006F9
+    XKc_Cyrillic_ZE*: TKeySym = 0x000006FA
+    XKc_Cyrillic_SHA*: TKeySym = 0x000006FB
+    XKc_Cyrillic_E*: TKeySym = 0x000006FC
+    XKc_Cyrillic_SHCHA*: TKeySym = 0x000006FD
+    XKc_Cyrillic_CHE*: TKeySym = 0x000006FE
+    XKc_Cyrillic_HARDSIGN*: TKeySym = 0x000006FF
 # * Greek
@@ -1067,81 +1068,81 @@ when defined(XK_CYRILLIC) or true:
 when defined(XK_GREEK) or true: 
-    XKc_Greek_ALPHAaccent* = 0x000007A1
-    XKc_Greek_EPSILONaccent* = 0x000007A2
-    XKc_Greek_ETAaccent* = 0x000007A3
-    XKc_Greek_IOTAaccent* = 0x000007A4
-    XKc_Greek_IOTAdieresis* = 0x000007A5
-    XKc_Greek_IOTAdiaeresis* = XKc_Greek_IOTAdieresis # old typo 
-    XKc_Greek_OMICRONaccent* = 0x000007A7
-    XKc_Greek_UPSILONaccent* = 0x000007A8
-    XKc_Greek_UPSILONdieresis* = 0x000007A9
-    XKc_Greek_OMEGAaccent* = 0x000007AB
-    XK_Greek_accentdieresis* = 0x000007AE
-    XK_Greek_horizbar* = 0x000007AF
-    XK_Greek_alphaaccent* = 0x000007B1
-    XK_Greek_epsilonaccent* = 0x000007B2
-    XK_Greek_etaaccent* = 0x000007B3
-    XK_Greek_iotaaccent* = 0x000007B4
-    XK_Greek_iotadieresis* = 0x000007B5
-    XK_Greek_iotaaccentdieresis* = 0x000007B6
-    XK_Greek_omicronaccent* = 0x000007B7
-    XK_Greek_upsilonaccent* = 0x000007B8
-    XK_Greek_upsilondieresis* = 0x000007B9
-    XK_Greek_upsilonaccentdieresis* = 0x000007BA
-    XK_Greek_omegaaccent* = 0x000007BB
-    XKc_Greek_ALPHA* = 0x000007C1
-    XKc_Greek_BETA* = 0x000007C2
-    XKc_Greek_GAMMA* = 0x000007C3
-    XKc_Greek_DELTA* = 0x000007C4
-    XKc_Greek_EPSILON* = 0x000007C5
-    XKc_Greek_ZETA* = 0x000007C6
-    XKc_Greek_ETA* = 0x000007C7
-    XKc_Greek_THETA* = 0x000007C8
-    XKc_Greek_IOTA* = 0x000007C9
-    XKc_Greek_KAPPA* = 0x000007CA
-    XKc_Greek_LAMDA* = 0x000007CB
-    XKc_Greek_LAMBDA* = 0x000007CB
-    XKc_Greek_MU* = 0x000007CC
-    XKc_Greek_NU* = 0x000007CD
-    XKc_Greek_XI* = 0x000007CE
-    XKc_Greek_OMICRON* = 0x000007CF
-    XKc_Greek_PI* = 0x000007D0
-    XKc_Greek_RHO* = 0x000007D1
-    XKc_Greek_SIGMA* = 0x000007D2
-    XKc_Greek_TAU* = 0x000007D4
-    XKc_Greek_UPSILON* = 0x000007D5
-    XKc_Greek_PHI* = 0x000007D6
-    XKc_Greek_CHI* = 0x000007D7
-    XKc_Greek_PSI* = 0x000007D8
-    XKc_Greek_OMEGA* = 0x000007D9
-    XK_Greek_alpha* = 0x000007E1
-    XK_Greek_beta* = 0x000007E2
-    XK_Greek_gamma* = 0x000007E3
-    XK_Greek_delta* = 0x000007E4
-    XK_Greek_epsilon* = 0x000007E5
-    XK_Greek_zeta* = 0x000007E6
-    XK_Greek_eta* = 0x000007E7
-    XK_Greek_theta* = 0x000007E8
-    XK_Greek_iota* = 0x000007E9
-    XK_Greek_kappa* = 0x000007EA
-    XK_Greek_lamda* = 0x000007EB
-    XK_Greek_lambda* = 0x000007EB
-    XK_Greek_mu* = 0x000007EC
-    XK_Greek_nu* = 0x000007ED
-    XK_Greek_xi* = 0x000007EE
-    XK_Greek_omicron* = 0x000007EF
-    XK_Greek_pi* = 0x000007F0
-    XK_Greek_rho* = 0x000007F1
-    XK_Greek_sigma* = 0x000007F2
-    XK_Greek_finalsmallsigma* = 0x000007F3
-    XK_Greek_tau* = 0x000007F4
-    XK_Greek_upsilon* = 0x000007F5
-    XK_Greek_phi* = 0x000007F6
-    XK_Greek_chi* = 0x000007F7
-    XK_Greek_psi* = 0x000007F8
-    XK_Greek_omega* = 0x000007F9
-    XK_Greek_switch* = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
+    XKc_Greek_ALPHAaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007A1
+    XKc_Greek_EPSILONaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007A2
+    XKc_Greek_ETAaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007A3
+    XKc_Greek_IOTAaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007A4
+    XKc_Greek_IOTAdieresis*: TKeySym = 0x000007A5
+    XKc_Greek_IOTAdiaeresis*: TKeySym = XKc_Greek_IOTAdieresis # old typo 
+    XKc_Greek_OMICRONaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007A7
+    XKc_Greek_UPSILONaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007A8
+    XKc_Greek_UPSILONdieresis*: TKeySym = 0x000007A9
+    XKc_Greek_OMEGAaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007AB
+    XK_Greek_accentdieresis*: TKeySym = 0x000007AE
+    XK_Greek_horizbar*: TKeySym = 0x000007AF
+    XK_Greek_alphaaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007B1
+    XK_Greek_epsilonaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007B2
+    XK_Greek_etaaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007B3
+    XK_Greek_iotaaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007B4
+    XK_Greek_iotadieresis*: TKeySym = 0x000007B5
+    XK_Greek_iotaaccentdieresis*: TKeySym = 0x000007B6
+    XK_Greek_omicronaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007B7
+    XK_Greek_upsilonaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007B8
+    XK_Greek_upsilondieresis*: TKeySym = 0x000007B9
+    XK_Greek_upsilonaccentdieresis*: TKeySym = 0x000007BA
+    XK_Greek_omegaaccent*: TKeySym = 0x000007BB
+    XKc_Greek_ALPHA*: TKeySym = 0x000007C1
+    XKc_Greek_BETA*: TKeySym = 0x000007C2
+    XKc_Greek_GAMMA*: TKeySym = 0x000007C3
+    XKc_Greek_DELTA*: TKeySym = 0x000007C4
+    XKc_Greek_EPSILON*: TKeySym = 0x000007C5
+    XKc_Greek_ZETA*: TKeySym = 0x000007C6
+    XKc_Greek_ETA*: TKeySym = 0x000007C7
+    XKc_Greek_THETA*: TKeySym = 0x000007C8
+    XKc_Greek_IOTA*: TKeySym = 0x000007C9
+    XKc_Greek_KAPPA*: TKeySym = 0x000007CA
+    XKc_Greek_LAMDA*: TKeySym = 0x000007CB
+    XKc_Greek_LAMBDA*: TKeySym = 0x000007CB
+    XKc_Greek_MU*: TKeySym = 0x000007CC
+    XKc_Greek_NU*: TKeySym = 0x000007CD
+    XKc_Greek_XI*: TKeySym = 0x000007CE
+    XKc_Greek_OMICRON*: TKeySym = 0x000007CF
+    XKc_Greek_PI*: TKeySym = 0x000007D0
+    XKc_Greek_RHO*: TKeySym = 0x000007D1
+    XKc_Greek_SIGMA*: TKeySym = 0x000007D2
+    XKc_Greek_TAU*: TKeySym = 0x000007D4
+    XKc_Greek_UPSILON*: TKeySym = 0x000007D5
+    XKc_Greek_PHI*: TKeySym = 0x000007D6
+    XKc_Greek_CHI*: TKeySym = 0x000007D7
+    XKc_Greek_PSI*: TKeySym = 0x000007D8
+    XKc_Greek_OMEGA*: TKeySym = 0x000007D9
+    XK_Greek_alpha*: TKeySym = 0x000007E1
+    XK_Greek_beta*: TKeySym = 0x000007E2
+    XK_Greek_gamma*: TKeySym = 0x000007E3
+    XK_Greek_delta*: TKeySym = 0x000007E4
+    XK_Greek_epsilon*: TKeySym = 0x000007E5
+    XK_Greek_zeta*: TKeySym = 0x000007E6
+    XK_Greek_eta*: TKeySym = 0x000007E7
+    XK_Greek_theta*: TKeySym = 0x000007E8
+    XK_Greek_iota*: TKeySym = 0x000007E9
+    XK_Greek_kappa*: TKeySym = 0x000007EA
+    XK_Greek_lamda*: TKeySym = 0x000007EB
+    XK_Greek_lambda*: TKeySym = 0x000007EB
+    XK_Greek_mu*: TKeySym = 0x000007EC
+    XK_Greek_nu*: TKeySym = 0x000007ED
+    XK_Greek_xi*: TKeySym = 0x000007EE
+    XK_Greek_omicron*: TKeySym = 0x000007EF
+    XK_Greek_pi*: TKeySym = 0x000007F0
+    XK_Greek_rho*: TKeySym = 0x000007F1
+    XK_Greek_sigma*: TKeySym = 0x000007F2
+    XK_Greek_finalsmallsigma*: TKeySym = 0x000007F3
+    XK_Greek_tau*: TKeySym = 0x000007F4
+    XK_Greek_upsilon*: TKeySym = 0x000007F5
+    XK_Greek_phi*: TKeySym = 0x000007F6
+    XK_Greek_chi*: TKeySym = 0x000007F7
+    XK_Greek_psi*: TKeySym = 0x000007F8
+    XK_Greek_omega*: TKeySym = 0x000007F9
+    XK_Greek_switch*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
 # * Technical
@@ -1150,55 +1151,55 @@ when defined(XK_GREEK) or true:
 when defined(XK_TECHNICAL) or true: 
-    XK_leftradical* = 0x000008A1
-    XK_topleftradical* = 0x000008A2
-    XK_horizconnector* = 0x000008A3
-    XK_topintegral* = 0x000008A4
-    XK_botintegral* = 0x000008A5
-    XK_vertconnector* = 0x000008A6
-    XK_topleftsqbracket* = 0x000008A7
-    XK_botleftsqbracket* = 0x000008A8
-    XK_toprightsqbracket* = 0x000008A9
-    XK_botrightsqbracket* = 0x000008AA
-    XK_topleftparens* = 0x000008AB
-    XK_botleftparens* = 0x000008AC
-    XK_toprightparens* = 0x000008AD
-    XK_botrightparens* = 0x000008AE
-    XK_leftmiddlecurlybrace* = 0x000008AF
-    XK_rightmiddlecurlybrace* = 0x000008B0
-    XK_topleftsummation* = 0x000008B1
-    XK_botleftsummation* = 0x000008B2
-    XK_topvertsummationconnector* = 0x000008B3
-    XK_botvertsummationconnector* = 0x000008B4
-    XK_toprightsummation* = 0x000008B5
-    XK_botrightsummation* = 0x000008B6
-    XK_rightmiddlesummation* = 0x000008B7
-    XK_lessthanequal* = 0x000008BC
-    XK_notequal* = 0x000008BD
-    XK_greaterthanequal* = 0x000008BE
-    XK_integral* = 0x000008BF
-    XK_therefore* = 0x000008C0
-    XK_variation* = 0x000008C1
-    XK_infinity* = 0x000008C2
-    XK_nabla* = 0x000008C5
-    XK_approximate* = 0x000008C8
-    XK_similarequal* = 0x000008C9
-    XK_ifonlyif* = 0x000008CD
-    XK_implies* = 0x000008CE
-    XK_identical* = 0x000008CF
-    XK_radical* = 0x000008D6
-    XK_includedin* = 0x000008DA
-    XK_includes* = 0x000008DB
-    XK_intersection* = 0x000008DC
-    XK_union* = 0x000008DD
-    XK_logicaland* = 0x000008DE
-    XK_logicalor* = 0x000008DF
-    XK_partialderivative* = 0x000008EF
-    XK_function* = 0x000008F6
-    XK_leftarrow* = 0x000008FB
-    XK_uparrow* = 0x000008FC
-    XK_rightarrow* = 0x000008FD
-    XK_downarrow* = 0x000008FE
+    XK_leftradical*: TKeySym = 0x000008A1
+    XK_topleftradical*: TKeySym = 0x000008A2
+    XK_horizconnector*: TKeySym = 0x000008A3
+    XK_topintegral*: TKeySym = 0x000008A4
+    XK_botintegral*: TKeySym = 0x000008A5
+    XK_vertconnector*: TKeySym = 0x000008A6
+    XK_topleftsqbracket*: TKeySym = 0x000008A7
+    XK_botleftsqbracket*: TKeySym = 0x000008A8
+    XK_toprightsqbracket*: TKeySym = 0x000008A9
+    XK_botrightsqbracket*: TKeySym = 0x000008AA
+    XK_topleftparens*: TKeySym = 0x000008AB
+    XK_botleftparens*: TKeySym = 0x000008AC
+    XK_toprightparens*: TKeySym = 0x000008AD
+    XK_botrightparens*: TKeySym = 0x000008AE
+    XK_leftmiddlecurlybrace*: TKeySym = 0x000008AF
+    XK_rightmiddlecurlybrace*: TKeySym = 0x000008B0
+    XK_topleftsummation*: TKeySym = 0x000008B1
+    XK_botleftsummation*: TKeySym = 0x000008B2
+    XK_topvertsummationconnector*: TKeySym = 0x000008B3
+    XK_botvertsummationconnector*: TKeySym = 0x000008B4
+    XK_toprightsummation*: TKeySym = 0x000008B5
+    XK_botrightsummation*: TKeySym = 0x000008B6
+    XK_rightmiddlesummation*: TKeySym = 0x000008B7
+    XK_lessthanequal*: TKeySym = 0x000008BC
+    XK_notequal*: TKeySym = 0x000008BD
+    XK_greaterthanequal*: TKeySym = 0x000008BE
+    XK_integral*: TKeySym = 0x000008BF
+    XK_therefore*: TKeySym = 0x000008C0
+    XK_variation*: TKeySym = 0x000008C1
+    XK_infinity*: TKeySym = 0x000008C2
+    XK_nabla*: TKeySym = 0x000008C5
+    XK_approximate*: TKeySym = 0x000008C8
+    XK_similarequal*: TKeySym = 0x000008C9
+    XK_ifonlyif*: TKeySym = 0x000008CD
+    XK_implies*: TKeySym = 0x000008CE
+    XK_identical*: TKeySym = 0x000008CF
+    XK_radical*: TKeySym = 0x000008D6
+    XK_includedin*: TKeySym = 0x000008DA
+    XK_includes*: TKeySym = 0x000008DB
+    XK_intersection*: TKeySym = 0x000008DC
+    XK_union*: TKeySym = 0x000008DD
+    XK_logicaland*: TKeySym = 0x000008DE
+    XK_logicalor*: TKeySym = 0x000008DF
+    XK_partialderivative*: TKeySym = 0x000008EF
+    XK_function*: TKeySym = 0x000008F6
+    XK_leftarrow*: TKeySym = 0x000008FB
+    XK_uparrow*: TKeySym = 0x000008FC
+    XK_rightarrow*: TKeySym = 0x000008FD
+    XK_downarrow*: TKeySym = 0x000008FE
 # *  Special
@@ -1207,30 +1208,30 @@ when defined(XK_TECHNICAL) or true:
 when defined(XK_SPECIAL): 
-    XK_blank* = 0x000009DF
-    XK_soliddiamond* = 0x000009E0
-    XK_checkerboard* = 0x000009E1
-    XK_ht* = 0x000009E2
-    XK_ff* = 0x000009E3
-    XK_cr* = 0x000009E4
-    XK_lf* = 0x000009E5
-    XK_nl* = 0x000009E8
-    XK_vt* = 0x000009E9
-    XK_lowrightcorner* = 0x000009EA
-    XK_uprightcorner* = 0x000009EB
-    XK_upleftcorner* = 0x000009EC
-    XK_lowleftcorner* = 0x000009ED
-    XK_crossinglines* = 0x000009EE
-    XK_horizlinescan1* = 0x000009EF
-    XK_horizlinescan3* = 0x000009F0
-    XK_horizlinescan5* = 0x000009F1
-    XK_horizlinescan7* = 0x000009F2
-    XK_horizlinescan9* = 0x000009F3
-    XK_leftt* = 0x000009F4
-    XK_rightt* = 0x000009F5
-    XK_bott* = 0x000009F6
-    XK_topt* = 0x000009F7
-    XK_vertbar* = 0x000009F8
+    XK_blank*: TKeySym = 0x000009DF
+    XK_soliddiamond*: TKeySym = 0x000009E0
+    XK_checkerboard*: TKeySym = 0x000009E1
+    XK_ht*: TKeySym = 0x000009E2
+    XK_ff*: TKeySym = 0x000009E3
+    XK_cr*: TKeySym = 0x000009E4
+    XK_lf*: TKeySym = 0x000009E5
+    XK_nl*: TKeySym = 0x000009E8
+    XK_vt*: TKeySym = 0x000009E9
+    XK_lowrightcorner*: TKeySym = 0x000009EA
+    XK_uprightcorner*: TKeySym = 0x000009EB
+    XK_upleftcorner*: TKeySym = 0x000009EC
+    XK_lowleftcorner*: TKeySym = 0x000009ED
+    XK_crossinglines*: TKeySym = 0x000009EE
+    XK_horizlinescan1*: TKeySym = 0x000009EF
+    XK_horizlinescan3*: TKeySym = 0x000009F0
+    XK_horizlinescan5*: TKeySym = 0x000009F1
+    XK_horizlinescan7*: TKeySym = 0x000009F2
+    XK_horizlinescan9*: TKeySym = 0x000009F3
+    XK_leftt*: TKeySym = 0x000009F4
+    XK_rightt*: TKeySym = 0x000009F5
+    XK_bott*: TKeySym = 0x000009F6
+    XK_topt*: TKeySym = 0x000009F7
+    XK_vertbar*: TKeySym = 0x000009F8
 # *  Publishing
@@ -1239,89 +1240,89 @@ when defined(XK_SPECIAL):
 when defined(XK_PUBLISHING) or true: 
-    XK_emspace* = 0x00000AA1
-    XK_enspace* = 0x00000AA2
-    XK_em3space* = 0x00000AA3
-    XK_em4space* = 0x00000AA4
-    XK_digitspace* = 0x00000AA5
-    XK_punctspace* = 0x00000AA6
-    XK_thinspace* = 0x00000AA7
-    XK_hairspace* = 0x00000AA8
-    XK_emdash* = 0x00000AA9
-    XK_endash* = 0x00000AAA
-    XK_signifblank* = 0x00000AAC
-    XK_ellipsis* = 0x00000AAE
-    XK_doubbaselinedot* = 0x00000AAF
-    XK_onethird* = 0x00000AB0
-    XK_twothirds* = 0x00000AB1
-    XK_onefifth* = 0x00000AB2
-    XK_twofifths* = 0x00000AB3
-    XK_threefifths* = 0x00000AB4
-    XK_fourfifths* = 0x00000AB5
-    XK_onesixth* = 0x00000AB6
-    XK_fivesixths* = 0x00000AB7
-    XK_careof* = 0x00000AB8
-    XK_figdash* = 0x00000ABB
-    XK_leftanglebracket* = 0x00000ABC
-    XK_decimalpoint* = 0x00000ABD
-    XK_rightanglebracket* = 0x00000ABE
-    XK_marker* = 0x00000ABF
-    XK_oneeighth* = 0x00000AC3
-    XK_threeeighths* = 0x00000AC4
-    XK_fiveeighths* = 0x00000AC5
-    XK_seveneighths* = 0x00000AC6
-    XK_trademark* = 0x00000AC9
-    XK_signaturemark* = 0x00000ACA
-    XK_trademarkincircle* = 0x00000ACB
-    XK_leftopentriangle* = 0x00000ACC
-    XK_rightopentriangle* = 0x00000ACD
-    XK_emopencircle* = 0x00000ACE
-    XK_emopenrectangle* = 0x00000ACF
-    XK_leftsinglequotemark* = 0x00000AD0
-    XK_rightsinglequotemark* = 0x00000AD1
-    XK_leftdoublequotemark* = 0x00000AD2
-    XK_rightdoublequotemark* = 0x00000AD3
-    XK_prescription* = 0x00000AD4
-    XK_minutes* = 0x00000AD6
-    XK_seconds* = 0x00000AD7
-    XK_latincross* = 0x00000AD9
-    XK_hexagram* = 0x00000ADA
-    XK_filledrectbullet* = 0x00000ADB
-    XK_filledlefttribullet* = 0x00000ADC
-    XK_filledrighttribullet* = 0x00000ADD
-    XK_emfilledcircle* = 0x00000ADE
-    XK_emfilledrect* = 0x00000ADF
-    XK_enopencircbullet* = 0x00000AE0
-    XK_enopensquarebullet* = 0x00000AE1
-    XK_openrectbullet* = 0x00000AE2
-    XK_opentribulletup* = 0x00000AE3
-    XK_opentribulletdown* = 0x00000AE4
-    XK_openstar* = 0x00000AE5
-    XK_enfilledcircbullet* = 0x00000AE6
-    XK_enfilledsqbullet* = 0x00000AE7
-    XK_filledtribulletup* = 0x00000AE8
-    XK_filledtribulletdown* = 0x00000AE9
-    XK_leftpointer* = 0x00000AEA
-    XK_rightpointer* = 0x00000AEB
-    XK_club* = 0x00000AEC
-    XK_diamond* = 0x00000AED
-    XK_heart* = 0x00000AEE
-    XK_maltesecross* = 0x00000AF0
-    XK_dagger* = 0x00000AF1
-    XK_doubledagger* = 0x00000AF2
-    XK_checkmark* = 0x00000AF3
-    XK_ballotcross* = 0x00000AF4
-    XK_musicalsharp* = 0x00000AF5
-    XK_musicalflat* = 0x00000AF6
-    XK_malesymbol* = 0x00000AF7
-    XK_femalesymbol* = 0x00000AF8
-    XK_telephone* = 0x00000AF9
-    XK_telephonerecorder* = 0x00000AFA
-    XK_phonographcopyright* = 0x00000AFB
-    XK_caret* = 0x00000AFC
-    XK_singlelowquotemark* = 0x00000AFD
-    XK_doublelowquotemark* = 0x00000AFE
-    XK_cursor* = 0x00000AFF
+    XK_emspace*: TKeySym = 0x00000AA1
+    XK_enspace*: TKeySym = 0x00000AA2
+    XK_em3space*: TKeySym = 0x00000AA3
+    XK_em4space*: TKeySym = 0x00000AA4
+    XK_digitspace*: TKeySym = 0x00000AA5
+    XK_punctspace*: TKeySym = 0x00000AA6
+    XK_thinspace*: TKeySym = 0x00000AA7
+    XK_hairspace*: TKeySym = 0x00000AA8
+    XK_emdash*: TKeySym = 0x00000AA9
+    XK_endash*: TKeySym = 0x00000AAA
+    XK_signifblank*: TKeySym = 0x00000AAC
+    XK_ellipsis*: TKeySym = 0x00000AAE
+    XK_doubbaselinedot*: TKeySym = 0x00000AAF
+    XK_onethird*: TKeySym = 0x00000AB0
+    XK_twothirds*: TKeySym = 0x00000AB1
+    XK_onefifth*: TKeySym = 0x00000AB2
+    XK_twofifths*: TKeySym = 0x00000AB3
+    XK_threefifths*: TKeySym = 0x00000AB4
+    XK_fourfifths*: TKeySym = 0x00000AB5
+    XK_onesixth*: TKeySym = 0x00000AB6
+    XK_fivesixths*: TKeySym = 0x00000AB7
+    XK_careof*: TKeySym = 0x00000AB8
+    XK_figdash*: TKeySym = 0x00000ABB
+    XK_leftanglebracket*: TKeySym = 0x00000ABC
+    XK_decimalpoint*: TKeySym = 0x00000ABD
+    XK_rightanglebracket*: TKeySym = 0x00000ABE
+    XK_marker*: TKeySym = 0x00000ABF
+    XK_oneeighth*: TKeySym = 0x00000AC3
+    XK_threeeighths*: TKeySym = 0x00000AC4
+    XK_fiveeighths*: TKeySym = 0x00000AC5
+    XK_seveneighths*: TKeySym = 0x00000AC6
+    XK_trademark*: TKeySym = 0x00000AC9
+    XK_signaturemark*: TKeySym = 0x00000ACA
+    XK_trademarkincircle*: TKeySym = 0x00000ACB
+    XK_leftopentriangle*: TKeySym = 0x00000ACC
+    XK_rightopentriangle*: TKeySym = 0x00000ACD
+    XK_emopencircle*: TKeySym = 0x00000ACE
+    XK_emopenrectangle*: TKeySym = 0x00000ACF
+    XK_leftsinglequotemark*: TKeySym = 0x00000AD0
+    XK_rightsinglequotemark*: TKeySym = 0x00000AD1
+    XK_leftdoublequotemark*: TKeySym = 0x00000AD2
+    XK_rightdoublequotemark*: TKeySym = 0x00000AD3
+    XK_prescription*: TKeySym = 0x00000AD4
+    XK_minutes*: TKeySym = 0x00000AD6
+    XK_seconds*: TKeySym = 0x00000AD7
+    XK_latincross*: TKeySym = 0x00000AD9
+    XK_hexagram*: TKeySym = 0x00000ADA
+    XK_filledrectbullet*: TKeySym = 0x00000ADB
+    XK_filledlefttribullet*: TKeySym = 0x00000ADC
+    XK_filledrighttribullet*: TKeySym = 0x00000ADD
+    XK_emfilledcircle*: TKeySym = 0x00000ADE
+    XK_emfilledrect*: TKeySym = 0x00000ADF
+    XK_enopencircbullet*: TKeySym = 0x00000AE0
+    XK_enopensquarebullet*: TKeySym = 0x00000AE1
+    XK_openrectbullet*: TKeySym = 0x00000AE2
+    XK_opentribulletup*: TKeySym = 0x00000AE3
+    XK_opentribulletdown*: TKeySym = 0x00000AE4
+    XK_openstar*: TKeySym = 0x00000AE5
+    XK_enfilledcircbullet*: TKeySym = 0x00000AE6
+    XK_enfilledsqbullet*: TKeySym = 0x00000AE7
+    XK_filledtribulletup*: TKeySym = 0x00000AE8
+    XK_filledtribulletdown*: TKeySym = 0x00000AE9
+    XK_leftpointer*: TKeySym = 0x00000AEA
+    XK_rightpointer*: TKeySym = 0x00000AEB
+    XK_club*: TKeySym = 0x00000AEC
+    XK_diamond*: TKeySym = 0x00000AED
+    XK_heart*: TKeySym = 0x00000AEE
+    XK_maltesecross*: TKeySym = 0x00000AF0
+    XK_dagger*: TKeySym = 0x00000AF1
+    XK_doubledagger*: TKeySym = 0x00000AF2
+    XK_checkmark*: TKeySym = 0x00000AF3
+    XK_ballotcross*: TKeySym = 0x00000AF4
+    XK_musicalsharp*: TKeySym = 0x00000AF5
+    XK_musicalflat*: TKeySym = 0x00000AF6
+    XK_malesymbol*: TKeySym = 0x00000AF7
+    XK_femalesymbol*: TKeySym = 0x00000AF8
+    XK_telephone*: TKeySym = 0x00000AF9
+    XK_telephonerecorder*: TKeySym = 0x00000AFA
+    XK_phonographcopyright*: TKeySym = 0x00000AFB
+    XK_caret*: TKeySym = 0x00000AFC
+    XK_singlelowquotemark*: TKeySym = 0x00000AFD
+    XK_doublelowquotemark*: TKeySym = 0x00000AFE
+    XK_cursor*: TKeySym = 0x00000AFF
 # *  APL
@@ -1330,25 +1331,25 @@ when defined(XK_PUBLISHING) or true:
 when defined(XK_APL) or true: 
-    XK_leftcaret* = 0x00000BA3
-    XK_rightcaret* = 0x00000BA6
-    XK_downcaret* = 0x00000BA8
-    XK_upcaret* = 0x00000BA9
-    XK_overbar* = 0x00000BC0
-    XK_downtack* = 0x00000BC2
-    XK_upshoe* = 0x00000BC3
-    XK_downstile* = 0x00000BC4
-    XK_underbar* = 0x00000BC6
-    XK_jot* = 0x00000BCA
-    XK_quad* = 0x00000BCC
-    XK_uptack* = 0x00000BCE
-    XK_circle* = 0x00000BCF
-    XK_upstile* = 0x00000BD3
-    XK_downshoe* = 0x00000BD6
-    XK_rightshoe* = 0x00000BD8
-    XK_leftshoe* = 0x00000BDA
-    XK_lefttack* = 0x00000BDC
-    XK_righttack* = 0x00000BFC
+    XK_leftcaret*: TKeySym = 0x00000BA3
+    XK_rightcaret*: TKeySym = 0x00000BA6
+    XK_downcaret*: TKeySym = 0x00000BA8
+    XK_upcaret*: TKeySym = 0x00000BA9
+    XK_overbar*: TKeySym = 0x00000BC0
+    XK_downtack*: TKeySym = 0x00000BC2
+    XK_upshoe*: TKeySym = 0x00000BC3
+    XK_downstile*: TKeySym = 0x00000BC4
+    XK_underbar*: TKeySym = 0x00000BC6
+    XK_jot*: TKeySym = 0x00000BCA
+    XK_quad*: TKeySym = 0x00000BCC
+    XK_uptack*: TKeySym = 0x00000BCE
+    XK_circle*: TKeySym = 0x00000BCF
+    XK_upstile*: TKeySym = 0x00000BD3
+    XK_downshoe*: TKeySym = 0x00000BD6
+    XK_rightshoe*: TKeySym = 0x00000BD8
+    XK_leftshoe*: TKeySym = 0x00000BDA
+    XK_lefttack*: TKeySym = 0x00000BDC
+    XK_righttack*: TKeySym = 0x00000BFC
 # XK_APL 
 # * Hebrew
@@ -1357,46 +1358,46 @@ when defined(XK_APL) or true:
 when defined(XK_HEBREW) or true: 
-    XK_hebrew_doublelowline* = 0x00000CDF
-    XK_hebrew_aleph* = 0x00000CE0
-    XK_hebrew_bet* = 0x00000CE1
-    XK_hebrew_beth* = 0x00000CE1 # deprecated 
-    XK_hebrew_gimel* = 0x00000CE2
-    XK_hebrew_gimmel* = 0x00000CE2 # deprecated 
-    XK_hebrew_dalet* = 0x00000CE3
-    XK_hebrew_daleth* = 0x00000CE3 # deprecated 
-    XK_hebrew_he* = 0x00000CE4
-    XK_hebrew_waw* = 0x00000CE5
-    XK_hebrew_zain* = 0x00000CE6
-    XK_hebrew_zayin* = 0x00000CE6 # deprecated 
-    XK_hebrew_chet* = 0x00000CE7
-    XK_hebrew_het* = 0x00000CE7 # deprecated 
-    XK_hebrew_tet* = 0x00000CE8
-    XK_hebrew_teth* = 0x00000CE8 # deprecated 
-    XK_hebrew_yod* = 0x00000CE9
-    XK_hebrew_finalkaph* = 0x00000CEA
-    XK_hebrew_kaph* = 0x00000CEB
-    XK_hebrew_lamed* = 0x00000CEC
-    XK_hebrew_finalmem* = 0x00000CED
-    XK_hebrew_mem* = 0x00000CEE
-    XK_hebrew_finalnun* = 0x00000CEF
-    XK_hebrew_nun* = 0x00000CF0
-    XK_hebrew_samech* = 0x00000CF1
-    XK_hebrew_samekh* = 0x00000CF1 # deprecated 
-    XK_hebrew_ayin* = 0x00000CF2
-    XK_hebrew_finalpe* = 0x00000CF3
-    XK_hebrew_pe* = 0x00000CF4
-    XK_hebrew_finalzade* = 0x00000CF5
-    XK_hebrew_finalzadi* = 0x00000CF5 # deprecated 
-    XK_hebrew_zade* = 0x00000CF6
-    XK_hebrew_zadi* = 0x00000CF6 # deprecated 
-    XK_hebrew_qoph* = 0x00000CF7
-    XK_hebrew_kuf* = 0x00000CF7 # deprecated 
-    XK_hebrew_resh* = 0x00000CF8
-    XK_hebrew_shin* = 0x00000CF9
-    XK_hebrew_taw* = 0x00000CFA
-    XK_hebrew_taf* = 0x00000CFA # deprecated 
-    XK_Hebrew_switch* = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
+    XK_hebrew_doublelowline*: TKeySym = 0x00000CDF
+    XK_hebrew_aleph*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE0
+    XK_hebrew_bet*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE1
+    XK_hebrew_beth*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE1 # deprecated 
+    XK_hebrew_gimel*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE2
+    XK_hebrew_gimmel*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE2 # deprecated 
+    XK_hebrew_dalet*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE3
+    XK_hebrew_daleth*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE3 # deprecated 
+    XK_hebrew_he*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE4
+    XK_hebrew_waw*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE5
+    XK_hebrew_zain*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE6
+    XK_hebrew_zayin*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE6 # deprecated 
+    XK_hebrew_chet*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE7
+    XK_hebrew_het*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE7 # deprecated 
+    XK_hebrew_tet*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE8
+    XK_hebrew_teth*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE8 # deprecated 
+    XK_hebrew_yod*: TKeySym = 0x00000CE9
+    XK_hebrew_finalkaph*: TKeySym = 0x00000CEA
+    XK_hebrew_kaph*: TKeySym = 0x00000CEB
+    XK_hebrew_lamed*: TKeySym = 0x00000CEC
+    XK_hebrew_finalmem*: TKeySym = 0x00000CED
+    XK_hebrew_mem*: TKeySym = 0x00000CEE
+    XK_hebrew_finalnun*: TKeySym = 0x00000CEF
+    XK_hebrew_nun*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF0
+    XK_hebrew_samech*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF1
+    XK_hebrew_samekh*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF1 # deprecated 
+    XK_hebrew_ayin*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF2
+    XK_hebrew_finalpe*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF3
+    XK_hebrew_pe*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF4
+    XK_hebrew_finalzade*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF5
+    XK_hebrew_finalzadi*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF5 # deprecated 
+    XK_hebrew_zade*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF6
+    XK_hebrew_zadi*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF6 # deprecated 
+    XK_hebrew_qoph*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF7
+    XK_hebrew_kuf*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF7 # deprecated 
+    XK_hebrew_resh*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF8
+    XK_hebrew_shin*: TKeySym = 0x00000CF9
+    XK_hebrew_taw*: TKeySym = 0x00000CFA
+    XK_hebrew_taf*: TKeySym = 0x00000CFA # deprecated 
+    XK_Hebrew_switch*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
 # * Thai
@@ -1405,90 +1406,90 @@ when defined(XK_HEBREW) or true:
 when defined(XK_THAI) or true: 
-    XK_Thai_kokai* = 0x00000DA1
-    XK_Thai_khokhai* = 0x00000DA2
-    XK_Thai_khokhuat* = 0x00000DA3
-    XK_Thai_khokhwai* = 0x00000DA4
-    XK_Thai_khokhon* = 0x00000DA5
-    XK_Thai_khorakhang* = 0x00000DA6
-    XK_Thai_ngongu* = 0x00000DA7
-    XK_Thai_chochan* = 0x00000DA8
-    XK_Thai_choching* = 0x00000DA9
-    XK_Thai_chochang* = 0x00000DAA
-    XK_Thai_soso* = 0x00000DAB
-    XK_Thai_chochoe* = 0x00000DAC
-    XK_Thai_yoying* = 0x00000DAD
-    XK_Thai_dochada* = 0x00000DAE
-    XK_Thai_topatak* = 0x00000DAF
-    XK_Thai_thothan* = 0x00000DB0
-    XK_Thai_thonangmontho* = 0x00000DB1
-    XK_Thai_thophuthao* = 0x00000DB2
-    XK_Thai_nonen* = 0x00000DB3
-    XK_Thai_dodek* = 0x00000DB4
-    XK_Thai_totao* = 0x00000DB5
-    XK_Thai_thothung* = 0x00000DB6
-    XK_Thai_thothahan* = 0x00000DB7
-    XK_Thai_thothong* = 0x00000DB8
-    XK_Thai_nonu* = 0x00000DB9
-    XK_Thai_bobaimai* = 0x00000DBA
-    XK_Thai_popla* = 0x00000DBB
-    XK_Thai_phophung* = 0x00000DBC
-    XK_Thai_fofa* = 0x00000DBD
-    XK_Thai_phophan* = 0x00000DBE
-    XK_Thai_fofan* = 0x00000DBF
-    XK_Thai_phosamphao* = 0x00000DC0
-    XK_Thai_moma* = 0x00000DC1
-    XK_Thai_yoyak* = 0x00000DC2
-    XK_Thai_rorua* = 0x00000DC3
-    XK_Thai_ru* = 0x00000DC4
-    XK_Thai_loling* = 0x00000DC5
-    XK_Thai_lu* = 0x00000DC6
-    XK_Thai_wowaen* = 0x00000DC7
-    XK_Thai_sosala* = 0x00000DC8
-    XK_Thai_sorusi* = 0x00000DC9
-    XK_Thai_sosua* = 0x00000DCA
-    XK_Thai_hohip* = 0x00000DCB
-    XK_Thai_lochula* = 0x00000DCC
-    XK_Thai_oang* = 0x00000DCD
-    XK_Thai_honokhuk* = 0x00000DCE
-    XK_Thai_paiyannoi* = 0x00000DCF
-    XK_Thai_saraa* = 0x00000DD0
-    XK_Thai_maihanakat* = 0x00000DD1
-    XK_Thai_saraaa* = 0x00000DD2
-    XK_Thai_saraam* = 0x00000DD3
-    XK_Thai_sarai* = 0x00000DD4
-    XK_Thai_saraii* = 0x00000DD5
-    XK_Thai_saraue* = 0x00000DD6
-    XK_Thai_sarauee* = 0x00000DD7
-    XK_Thai_sarau* = 0x00000DD8
-    XK_Thai_sarauu* = 0x00000DD9
-    XK_Thai_phinthu* = 0x00000DDA
-    XK_Thai_maihanakat_maitho* = 0x00000DDE
-    XK_Thai_baht* = 0x00000DDF
-    XK_Thai_sarae* = 0x00000DE0
-    XK_Thai_saraae* = 0x00000DE1
-    XK_Thai_sarao* = 0x00000DE2
-    XK_Thai_saraaimaimuan* = 0x00000DE3
-    XK_Thai_saraaimaimalai* = 0x00000DE4
-    XK_Thai_lakkhangyao* = 0x00000DE5
-    XK_Thai_maiyamok* = 0x00000DE6
-    XK_Thai_maitaikhu* = 0x00000DE7
-    XK_Thai_maiek* = 0x00000DE8
-    XK_Thai_maitho* = 0x00000DE9
-    XK_Thai_maitri* = 0x00000DEA
-    XK_Thai_maichattawa* = 0x00000DEB
-    XK_Thai_thanthakhat* = 0x00000DEC
-    XK_Thai_nikhahit* = 0x00000DED
-    XK_Thai_leksun* = 0x00000DF0
-    XK_Thai_leknung* = 0x00000DF1
-    XK_Thai_leksong* = 0x00000DF2
-    XK_Thai_leksam* = 0x00000DF3
-    XK_Thai_leksi* = 0x00000DF4
-    XK_Thai_lekha* = 0x00000DF5
-    XK_Thai_lekhok* = 0x00000DF6
-    XK_Thai_lekchet* = 0x00000DF7
-    XK_Thai_lekpaet* = 0x00000DF8
-    XK_Thai_lekkao* = 0x00000DF9
+    XK_Thai_kokai*: TKeySym = 0x00000DA1
+    XK_Thai_khokhai*: TKeySym = 0x00000DA2
+    XK_Thai_khokhuat*: TKeySym = 0x00000DA3
+    XK_Thai_khokhwai*: TKeySym = 0x00000DA4
+    XK_Thai_khokhon*: TKeySym = 0x00000DA5
+    XK_Thai_khorakhang*: TKeySym = 0x00000DA6
+    XK_Thai_ngongu*: TKeySym = 0x00000DA7
+    XK_Thai_chochan*: TKeySym = 0x00000DA8
+    XK_Thai_choching*: TKeySym = 0x00000DA9
+    XK_Thai_chochang*: TKeySym = 0x00000DAA
+    XK_Thai_soso*: TKeySym = 0x00000DAB
+    XK_Thai_chochoe*: TKeySym = 0x00000DAC
+    XK_Thai_yoying*: TKeySym = 0x00000DAD
+    XK_Thai_dochada*: TKeySym = 0x00000DAE
+    XK_Thai_topatak*: TKeySym = 0x00000DAF
+    XK_Thai_thothan*: TKeySym = 0x00000DB0
+    XK_Thai_thonangmontho*: TKeySym = 0x00000DB1
+    XK_Thai_thophuthao*: TKeySym = 0x00000DB2
+    XK_Thai_nonen*: TKeySym = 0x00000DB3
+    XK_Thai_dodek*: TKeySym = 0x00000DB4
+    XK_Thai_totao*: TKeySym = 0x00000DB5
+    XK_Thai_thothung*: TKeySym = 0x00000DB6
+    XK_Thai_thothahan*: TKeySym = 0x00000DB7
+    XK_Thai_thothong*: TKeySym = 0x00000DB8
+    XK_Thai_nonu*: TKeySym = 0x00000DB9
+    XK_Thai_bobaimai*: TKeySym = 0x00000DBA
+    XK_Thai_popla*: TKeySym = 0x00000DBB
+    XK_Thai_phophung*: TKeySym = 0x00000DBC
+    XK_Thai_fofa*: TKeySym = 0x00000DBD
+    XK_Thai_phophan*: TKeySym = 0x00000DBE
+    XK_Thai_fofan*: TKeySym = 0x00000DBF
+    XK_Thai_phosamphao*: TKeySym = 0x00000DC0
+    XK_Thai_moma*: TKeySym = 0x00000DC1
+    XK_Thai_yoyak*: TKeySym = 0x00000DC2
+    XK_Thai_rorua*: TKeySym = 0x00000DC3
+    XK_Thai_ru*: TKeySym = 0x00000DC4
+    XK_Thai_loling*: TKeySym = 0x00000DC5
+    XK_Thai_lu*: TKeySym = 0x00000DC6
+    XK_Thai_wowaen*: TKeySym = 0x00000DC7
+    XK_Thai_sosala*: TKeySym = 0x00000DC8
+    XK_Thai_sorusi*: TKeySym = 0x00000DC9
+    XK_Thai_sosua*: TKeySym = 0x00000DCA
+    XK_Thai_hohip*: TKeySym = 0x00000DCB
+    XK_Thai_lochula*: TKeySym = 0x00000DCC
+    XK_Thai_oang*: TKeySym = 0x00000DCD
+    XK_Thai_honokhuk*: TKeySym = 0x00000DCE
+    XK_Thai_paiyannoi*: TKeySym = 0x00000DCF
+    XK_Thai_saraa*: TKeySym = 0x00000DD0
+    XK_Thai_maihanakat*: TKeySym = 0x00000DD1
+    XK_Thai_saraaa*: TKeySym = 0x00000DD2
+    XK_Thai_saraam*: TKeySym = 0x00000DD3
+    XK_Thai_sarai*: TKeySym = 0x00000DD4
+    XK_Thai_saraii*: TKeySym = 0x00000DD5
+    XK_Thai_saraue*: TKeySym = 0x00000DD6
+    XK_Thai_sarauee*: TKeySym = 0x00000DD7
+    XK_Thai_sarau*: TKeySym = 0x00000DD8
+    XK_Thai_sarauu*: TKeySym = 0x00000DD9
+    XK_Thai_phinthu*: TKeySym = 0x00000DDA
+    XK_Thai_maihanakat_maitho*: TKeySym = 0x00000DDE
+    XK_Thai_baht*: TKeySym = 0x00000DDF
+    XK_Thai_sarae*: TKeySym = 0x00000DE0
+    XK_Thai_saraae*: TKeySym = 0x00000DE1
+    XK_Thai_sarao*: TKeySym = 0x00000DE2
+    XK_Thai_saraaimaimuan*: TKeySym = 0x00000DE3
+    XK_Thai_saraaimaimalai*: TKeySym = 0x00000DE4
+    XK_Thai_lakkhangyao*: TKeySym = 0x00000DE5
+    XK_Thai_maiyamok*: TKeySym = 0x00000DE6
+    XK_Thai_maitaikhu*: TKeySym = 0x00000DE7
+    XK_Thai_maiek*: TKeySym = 0x00000DE8
+    XK_Thai_maitho*: TKeySym = 0x00000DE9
+    XK_Thai_maitri*: TKeySym = 0x00000DEA
+    XK_Thai_maichattawa*: TKeySym = 0x00000DEB
+    XK_Thai_thanthakhat*: TKeySym = 0x00000DEC
+    XK_Thai_nikhahit*: TKeySym = 0x00000DED
+    XK_Thai_leksun*: TKeySym = 0x00000DF0
+    XK_Thai_leknung*: TKeySym = 0x00000DF1
+    XK_Thai_leksong*: TKeySym = 0x00000DF2
+    XK_Thai_leksam*: TKeySym = 0x00000DF3
+    XK_Thai_leksi*: TKeySym = 0x00000DF4
+    XK_Thai_lekha*: TKeySym = 0x00000DF5
+    XK_Thai_lekhok*: TKeySym = 0x00000DF6
+    XK_Thai_lekchet*: TKeySym = 0x00000DF7
+    XK_Thai_lekpaet*: TKeySym = 0x00000DF8
+    XK_Thai_lekkao*: TKeySym = 0x00000DF9
 # *   Korean
@@ -1497,114 +1498,114 @@ when defined(XK_THAI) or true:
 when defined(XK_KOREAN) or true: 
-    XK_Hangul* = 0x0000FF31     # Hangul start/stop(toggle) 
-    XK_Hangul_Start* = 0x0000FF32 # Hangul start 
-    XK_Hangul_End* = 0x0000FF33 # Hangul end, English start 
-    XK_Hangul_Hanja* = 0x0000FF34 # Start Hangul->Hanja Conversion 
-    XK_Hangul_Jamo* = 0x0000FF35 # Hangul Jamo mode 
-    XK_Hangul_Romaja* = 0x0000FF36 # Hangul Romaja mode 
-    XK_Hangul_Codeinput* = 0x0000FF37 # Hangul code input mode 
-    XK_Hangul_Jeonja* = 0x0000FF38 # Jeonja mode 
-    XK_Hangul_Banja* = 0x0000FF39 # Banja mode 
-    XK_Hangul_PreHanja* = 0x0000FF3A # Pre Hanja conversion 
-    XK_Hangul_PostHanja* = 0x0000FF3B # Post Hanja conversion 
-    XK_Hangul_SingleCandidate* = 0x0000FF3C # Single candidate 
-    XK_Hangul_MultipleCandidate* = 0x0000FF3D # Multiple candidate 
-    XK_Hangul_PreviousCandidate* = 0x0000FF3E # Previous candidate 
-    XK_Hangul_Special* = 0x0000FF3F # Special symbols 
-    XK_Hangul_switch* = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch 
+    XK_Hangul*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF31     # Hangul start/stop(toggle) 
+    XK_Hangul_Start*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF32 # Hangul start 
+    XK_Hangul_End*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF33 # Hangul end, English start 
+    XK_Hangul_Hanja*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF34 # Start Hangul->Hanja Conversion 
+    XK_Hangul_Jamo*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF35 # Hangul Jamo mode 
+    XK_Hangul_Romaja*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF36 # Hangul Romaja mode 
+    XK_Hangul_Codeinput*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF37 # Hangul code input mode 
+    XK_Hangul_Jeonja*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF38 # Jeonja mode 
+    XK_Hangul_Banja*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF39 # Banja mode 
+    XK_Hangul_PreHanja*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3A # Pre Hanja conversion 
+    XK_Hangul_PostHanja*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3B # Post Hanja conversion 
+    XK_Hangul_SingleCandidate*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3C # Single candidate 
+    XK_Hangul_MultipleCandidate*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3D # Multiple candidate 
+    XK_Hangul_PreviousCandidate*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3E # Previous candidate 
+    XK_Hangul_Special*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF3F # Special symbols 
+    XK_Hangul_switch*: TKeySym = 0x0000FF7E # Alias for mode_switch \
                                    # Hangul Consonant Characters 
-    XK_Hangul_Kiyeog* = 0x00000EA1
-    XK_Hangul_SsangKiyeog* = 0x00000EA2
-    XK_Hangul_KiyeogSios* = 0x00000EA3
-    XK_Hangul_Nieun* = 0x00000EA4
-    XK_Hangul_NieunJieuj* = 0x00000EA5
-    XK_Hangul_NieunHieuh* = 0x00000EA6
-    XK_Hangul_Dikeud* = 0x00000EA7
-    XK_Hangul_SsangDikeud* = 0x00000EA8
-    XK_Hangul_Rieul* = 0x00000EA9
-    XK_Hangul_RieulKiyeog* = 0x00000EAA
-    XK_Hangul_RieulMieum* = 0x00000EAB
-    XK_Hangul_RieulPieub* = 0x00000EAC
-    XK_Hangul_RieulSios* = 0x00000EAD
-    XK_Hangul_RieulTieut* = 0x00000EAE
-    XK_Hangul_RieulPhieuf* = 0x00000EAF
-    XK_Hangul_RieulHieuh* = 0x00000EB0
-    XK_Hangul_Mieum* = 0x00000EB1
-    XK_Hangul_Pieub* = 0x00000EB2
-    XK_Hangul_SsangPieub* = 0x00000EB3
-    XK_Hangul_PieubSios* = 0x00000EB4
-    XK_Hangul_Sios* = 0x00000EB5
-    XK_Hangul_SsangSios* = 0x00000EB6
-    XK_Hangul_Ieung* = 0x00000EB7
-    XK_Hangul_Jieuj* = 0x00000EB8
-    XK_Hangul_SsangJieuj* = 0x00000EB9
-    XK_Hangul_Cieuc* = 0x00000EBA
-    XK_Hangul_Khieuq* = 0x00000EBB
-    XK_Hangul_Tieut* = 0x00000EBC
-    XK_Hangul_Phieuf* = 0x00000EBD
-    XK_Hangul_Hieuh* = 0x00000EBE # Hangul Vowel Characters 
-    XK_Hangul_A* = 0x00000EBF
-    XK_Hangul_AE* = 0x00000EC0
-    XK_Hangul_YA* = 0x00000EC1
-    XK_Hangul_YAE* = 0x00000EC2
-    XK_Hangul_EO* = 0x00000EC3
-    XK_Hangul_E* = 0x00000EC4
-    XK_Hangul_YEO* = 0x00000EC5
-    XK_Hangul_YE* = 0x00000EC6
-    XK_Hangul_O* = 0x00000EC7
-    XK_Hangul_WA* = 0x00000EC8
-    XK_Hangul_WAE* = 0x00000EC9
-    XK_Hangul_OE* = 0x00000ECA
-    XK_Hangul_YO* = 0x00000ECB
-    XK_Hangul_U* = 0x00000ECC
-    XK_Hangul_WEO* = 0x00000ECD
-    XK_Hangul_WE* = 0x00000ECE
-    XK_Hangul_WI* = 0x00000ECF
-    XK_Hangul_YU* = 0x00000ED0
-    XK_Hangul_EU* = 0x00000ED1
-    XK_Hangul_YI* = 0x00000ED2
-    XK_Hangul_I* = 0x00000ED3   # Hangul syllable-final (JongSeong) Characters 
-    XK_Hangul_J_Kiyeog* = 0x00000ED4
-    XK_Hangul_J_SsangKiyeog* = 0x00000ED5
-    XK_Hangul_J_KiyeogSios* = 0x00000ED6
-    XK_Hangul_J_Nieun* = 0x00000ED7
-    XK_Hangul_J_NieunJieuj* = 0x00000ED8
-    XK_Hangul_J_NieunHieuh* = 0x00000ED9
-    XK_Hangul_J_Dikeud* = 0x00000EDA
-    XK_Hangul_J_Rieul* = 0x00000EDB
-    XK_Hangul_J_RieulKiyeog* = 0x00000EDC
-    XK_Hangul_J_RieulMieum* = 0x00000EDD
-    XK_Hangul_J_RieulPieub* = 0x00000EDE
-    XK_Hangul_J_RieulSios* = 0x00000EDF
-    XK_Hangul_J_RieulTieut* = 0x00000EE0
-    XK_Hangul_J_RieulPhieuf* = 0x00000EE1
-    XK_Hangul_J_RieulHieuh* = 0x00000EE2
-    XK_Hangul_J_Mieum* = 0x00000EE3
-    XK_Hangul_J_Pieub* = 0x00000EE4
-    XK_Hangul_J_PieubSios* = 0x00000EE5
-    XK_Hangul_J_Sios* = 0x00000EE6
-    XK_Hangul_J_SsangSios* = 0x00000EE7
-    XK_Hangul_J_Ieung* = 0x00000EE8
-    XK_Hangul_J_Jieuj* = 0x00000EE9
-    XK_Hangul_J_Cieuc* = 0x00000EEA
-    XK_Hangul_J_Khieuq* = 0x00000EEB
-    XK_Hangul_J_Tieut* = 0x00000EEC
-    XK_Hangul_J_Phieuf* = 0x00000EED
-    XK_Hangul_J_Hieuh* = 0x00000EEE # Ancient Hangul Consonant Characters 
-    XK_Hangul_RieulYeorinHieuh* = 0x00000EEF
-    XK_Hangul_SunkyeongeumMieum* = 0x00000EF0
-    XK_Hangul_SunkyeongeumPieub* = 0x00000EF1
-    XK_Hangul_PanSios* = 0x00000EF2
-    XK_Hangul_KkogjiDalrinIeung* = 0x00000EF3
-    XK_Hangul_SunkyeongeumPhieuf* = 0x00000EF4
-    XK_Hangul_YeorinHieuh* = 0x00000EF5 # Ancient Hangul Vowel Characters 
-    XK_Hangul_AraeA* = 0x00000EF6
-    XK_Hangul_AraeAE* = 0x00000EF7 # Ancient Hangul syllable-final (JongSeong) Characters 
-    XK_Hangul_J_PanSios* = 0x00000EF8
-    XK_Hangul_J_KkogjiDalrinIeung* = 0x00000EF9
-    XK_Hangul_J_YeorinHieuh* = 0x00000EFA # Korean currency symbol 
-    XK_Korean_Won* = 0x00000EFF
+    XK_Hangul_Kiyeog*: TKeySym = 0x00000EA1
+    XK_Hangul_SsangKiyeog*: TKeySym = 0x00000EA2
+    XK_Hangul_KiyeogSios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EA3
+    XK_Hangul_Nieun*: TKeySym = 0x00000EA4
+    XK_Hangul_NieunJieuj*: TKeySym = 0x00000EA5
+    XK_Hangul_NieunHieuh*: TKeySym = 0x00000EA6
+    XK_Hangul_Dikeud*: TKeySym = 0x00000EA7
+    XK_Hangul_SsangDikeud*: TKeySym = 0x00000EA8
+    XK_Hangul_Rieul*: TKeySym = 0x00000EA9
+    XK_Hangul_RieulKiyeog*: TKeySym = 0x00000EAA
+    XK_Hangul_RieulMieum*: TKeySym = 0x00000EAB
+    XK_Hangul_RieulPieub*: TKeySym = 0x00000EAC
+    XK_Hangul_RieulSios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EAD
+    XK_Hangul_RieulTieut*: TKeySym = 0x00000EAE
+    XK_Hangul_RieulPhieuf*: TKeySym = 0x00000EAF
+    XK_Hangul_RieulHieuh*: TKeySym = 0x00000EB0
+    XK_Hangul_Mieum*: TKeySym = 0x00000EB1
+    XK_Hangul_Pieub*: TKeySym = 0x00000EB2
+    XK_Hangul_SsangPieub*: TKeySym = 0x00000EB3
+    XK_Hangul_PieubSios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EB4
+    XK_Hangul_Sios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EB5
+    XK_Hangul_SsangSios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EB6
+    XK_Hangul_Ieung*: TKeySym = 0x00000EB7
+    XK_Hangul_Jieuj*: TKeySym = 0x00000EB8
+    XK_Hangul_SsangJieuj*: TKeySym = 0x00000EB9
+    XK_Hangul_Cieuc*: TKeySym = 0x00000EBA
+    XK_Hangul_Khieuq*: TKeySym = 0x00000EBB
+    XK_Hangul_Tieut*: TKeySym = 0x00000EBC
+    XK_Hangul_Phieuf*: TKeySym = 0x00000EBD
+    XK_Hangul_Hieuh*: TKeySym = 0x00000EBE # Hangul Vowel Characters 
+    XK_Hangul_A*: TKeySym = 0x00000EBF
+    XK_Hangul_AE*: TKeySym = 0x00000EC0
+    XK_Hangul_YA*: TKeySym = 0x00000EC1
+    XK_Hangul_YAE*: TKeySym = 0x00000EC2
+    XK_Hangul_EO*: TKeySym = 0x00000EC3
+    XK_Hangul_E*: TKeySym = 0x00000EC4
+    XK_Hangul_YEO*: TKeySym = 0x00000EC5
+    XK_Hangul_YE*: TKeySym = 0x00000EC6
+    XK_Hangul_O*: TKeySym = 0x00000EC7
+    XK_Hangul_WA*: TKeySym = 0x00000EC8
+    XK_Hangul_WAE*: TKeySym = 0x00000EC9
+    XK_Hangul_OE*: TKeySym = 0x00000ECA
+    XK_Hangul_YO*: TKeySym = 0x00000ECB
+    XK_Hangul_U*: TKeySym = 0x00000ECC
+    XK_Hangul_WEO*: TKeySym = 0x00000ECD
+    XK_Hangul_WE*: TKeySym = 0x00000ECE
+    XK_Hangul_WI*: TKeySym = 0x00000ECF
+    XK_Hangul_YU*: TKeySym = 0x00000ED0
+    XK_Hangul_EU*: TKeySym = 0x00000ED1
+    XK_Hangul_YI*: TKeySym = 0x00000ED2
+    XK_Hangul_I*: TKeySym = 0x00000ED3   # Hangul syllable-final (JongSeong) Characters 
+    XK_Hangul_J_Kiyeog*: TKeySym = 0x00000ED4
+    XK_Hangul_J_SsangKiyeog*: TKeySym = 0x00000ED5
+    XK_Hangul_J_KiyeogSios*: TKeySym = 0x00000ED6
+    XK_Hangul_J_Nieun*: TKeySym = 0x00000ED7
+    XK_Hangul_J_NieunJieuj*: TKeySym = 0x00000ED8
+    XK_Hangul_J_NieunHieuh*: TKeySym = 0x00000ED9
+    XK_Hangul_J_Dikeud*: TKeySym = 0x00000EDA
+    XK_Hangul_J_Rieul*: TKeySym = 0x00000EDB
+    XK_Hangul_J_RieulKiyeog*: TKeySym = 0x00000EDC
+    XK_Hangul_J_RieulMieum*: TKeySym = 0x00000EDD
+    XK_Hangul_J_RieulPieub*: TKeySym = 0x00000EDE
+    XK_Hangul_J_RieulSios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EDF
+    XK_Hangul_J_RieulTieut*: TKeySym = 0x00000EE0
+    XK_Hangul_J_RieulPhieuf*: TKeySym = 0x00000EE1
+    XK_Hangul_J_RieulHieuh*: TKeySym = 0x00000EE2
+    XK_Hangul_J_Mieum*: TKeySym = 0x00000EE3
+    XK_Hangul_J_Pieub*: TKeySym = 0x00000EE4
+    XK_Hangul_J_PieubSios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EE5
+    XK_Hangul_J_Sios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EE6
+    XK_Hangul_J_SsangSios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EE7
+    XK_Hangul_J_Ieung*: TKeySym = 0x00000EE8
+    XK_Hangul_J_Jieuj*: TKeySym = 0x00000EE9
+    XK_Hangul_J_Cieuc*: TKeySym = 0x00000EEA
+    XK_Hangul_J_Khieuq*: TKeySym = 0x00000EEB
+    XK_Hangul_J_Tieut*: TKeySym = 0x00000EEC
+    XK_Hangul_J_Phieuf*: TKeySym = 0x00000EED
+    XK_Hangul_J_Hieuh*: TKeySym = 0x00000EEE # Ancient Hangul Consonant Characters 
+    XK_Hangul_RieulYeorinHieuh*: TKeySym = 0x00000EEF
+    XK_Hangul_SunkyeongeumMieum*: TKeySym = 0x00000EF0
+    XK_Hangul_SunkyeongeumPieub*: TKeySym = 0x00000EF1
+    XK_Hangul_PanSios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EF2
+    XK_Hangul_KkogjiDalrinIeung*: TKeySym = 0x00000EF3
+    XK_Hangul_SunkyeongeumPhieuf*: TKeySym = 0x00000EF4
+    XK_Hangul_YeorinHieuh*: TKeySym = 0x00000EF5 # Ancient Hangul Vowel Characters 
+    XK_Hangul_AraeA*: TKeySym = 0x00000EF6
+    XK_Hangul_AraeAE*: TKeySym = 0x00000EF7 # Ancient Hangul syllable-final (JongSeong) Characters 
+    XK_Hangul_J_PanSios*: TKeySym = 0x00000EF8
+    XK_Hangul_J_KkogjiDalrinIeung*: TKeySym = 0x00000EF9
+    XK_Hangul_J_YeorinHieuh*: TKeySym = 0x00000EFA # Korean currency symbol 
+    XK_Korean_Won*: TKeySym = 0x00000EFF
 # *   Armenian
@@ -1613,108 +1614,108 @@ when defined(XK_KOREAN) or true:
 when defined(XK_ARMENIAN) or true: 
-    XK_Armenian_eternity* = 0x000014A1
-    XK_Armenian_ligature_ew* = 0x000014A2
-    XK_Armenian_full_stop* = 0x000014A3
-    XK_Armenian_verjaket* = 0x000014A3
-    XK_Armenian_parenright* = 0x000014A4
-    XK_Armenian_parenleft* = 0x000014A5
-    XK_Armenian_guillemotright* = 0x000014A6
-    XK_Armenian_guillemotleft* = 0x000014A7
-    XK_Armenian_em_dash* = 0x000014A8
-    XK_Armenian_dot* = 0x000014A9
-    XK_Armenian_mijaket* = 0x000014A9
-    XK_Armenian_separation_mark* = 0x000014AA
-    XK_Armenian_but* = 0x000014AA
-    XK_Armenian_comma* = 0x000014AB
-    XK_Armenian_en_dash* = 0x000014AC
-    XK_Armenian_hyphen* = 0x000014AD
-    XK_Armenian_yentamna* = 0x000014AD
-    XK_Armenian_ellipsis* = 0x000014AE
-    XK_Armenian_exclam* = 0x000014AF
-    XK_Armenian_amanak* = 0x000014AF
-    XK_Armenian_accent* = 0x000014B0
-    XK_Armenian_shesht* = 0x000014B0
-    XK_Armenian_question* = 0x000014B1
-    XK_Armenian_paruyk* = 0x000014B1
-    XKc_Armenian_AYB* = 0x000014B2
-    XK_Armenian_ayb* = 0x000014B3
-    XKc_Armenian_BEN* = 0x000014B4
-    XK_Armenian_ben* = 0x000014B5
-    XKc_Armenian_GIM* = 0x000014B6
-    XK_Armenian_gim* = 0x000014B7
-    XKc_Armenian_DA* = 0x000014B8
-    XK_Armenian_da* = 0x000014B9
-    XKc_Armenian_YECH* = 0x000014BA
-    XK_Armenian_yech* = 0x000014BB
-    XKc_Armenian_ZA* = 0x000014BC
-    XK_Armenian_za* = 0x000014BD
-    XKc_Armenian_E* = 0x000014BE
-    XK_Armenian_e* = 0x000014BF
-    XKc_Armenian_AT* = 0x000014C0
-    XK_Armenian_at* = 0x000014C1
-    XKc_Armenian_TO* = 0x000014C2
-    XK_Armenian_to* = 0x000014C3
-    XKc_Armenian_ZHE* = 0x000014C4
-    XK_Armenian_zhe* = 0x000014C5
-    XKc_Armenian_INI* = 0x000014C6
-    XK_Armenian_ini* = 0x000014C7
-    XKc_Armenian_LYUN* = 0x000014C8
-    XK_Armenian_lyun* = 0x000014C9
-    XKc_Armenian_KHE* = 0x000014CA
-    XK_Armenian_khe* = 0x000014CB
-    XKc_Armenian_TSA* = 0x000014CC
-    XK_Armenian_tsa* = 0x000014CD
-    XKc_Armenian_KEN* = 0x000014CE
-    XK_Armenian_ken* = 0x000014CF
-    XKc_Armenian_HO* = 0x000014D0
-    XK_Armenian_ho* = 0x000014D1
-    XKc_Armenian_DZA* = 0x000014D2
-    XK_Armenian_dza* = 0x000014D3
-    XKc_Armenian_GHAT* = 0x000014D4
-    XK_Armenian_ghat* = 0x000014D5
-    XKc_Armenian_TCHE* = 0x000014D6
-    XK_Armenian_tche* = 0x000014D7
-    XKc_Armenian_MEN* = 0x000014D8
-    XK_Armenian_men* = 0x000014D9
-    XKc_Armenian_HI* = 0x000014DA
-    XK_Armenian_hi* = 0x000014DB
-    XKc_Armenian_NU* = 0x000014DC
-    XK_Armenian_nu* = 0x000014DD
-    XKc_Armenian_SHA* = 0x000014DE
-    XK_Armenian_sha* = 0x000014DF
-    XKc_Armenian_VO* = 0x000014E0
-    XK_Armenian_vo* = 0x000014E1
-    XKc_Armenian_CHA* = 0x000014E2
-    XK_Armenian_cha* = 0x000014E3
-    XKc_Armenian_PE* = 0x000014E4
-    XK_Armenian_pe* = 0x000014E5
-    XKc_Armenian_JE* = 0x000014E6
-    XK_Armenian_je* = 0x000014E7
-    XKc_Armenian_RA* = 0x000014E8
-    XK_Armenian_ra* = 0x000014E9
-    XKc_Armenian_SE* = 0x000014EA
-    XK_Armenian_se* = 0x000014EB
-    XKc_Armenian_VEV* = 0x000014EC
-    XK_Armenian_vev* = 0x000014ED
-    XKc_Armenian_TYUN* = 0x000014EE
-    XK_Armenian_tyun* = 0x000014EF
-    XKc_Armenian_RE* = 0x000014F0
-    XK_Armenian_re* = 0x000014F1
-    XKc_Armenian_TSO* = 0x000014F2
-    XK_Armenian_tso* = 0x000014F3
-    XKc_Armenian_VYUN* = 0x000014F4
-    XK_Armenian_vyun* = 0x000014F5
-    XKc_Armenian_PYUR* = 0x000014F6
-    XK_Armenian_pyur* = 0x000014F7
-    XKc_Armenian_KE* = 0x000014F8
-    XK_Armenian_ke* = 0x000014F9
-    XKc_Armenian_O* = 0x000014FA
-    XK_Armenian_o* = 0x000014FB
-    XKc_Armenian_FE* = 0x000014FC
-    XK_Armenian_fe* = 0x000014FD
-    XK_Armenian_apostrophe* = 0x000014FE
-    XK_Armenian_section_sign* = 0x000014FF
+    XK_Armenian_eternity*: TKeySym = 0x000014A1
+    XK_Armenian_ligature_ew*: TKeySym = 0x000014A2
+    XK_Armenian_full_stop*: TKeySym = 0x000014A3
+    XK_Armenian_verjaket*: TKeySym = 0x000014A3
+    XK_Armenian_parenright*: TKeySym = 0x000014A4
+    XK_Armenian_parenleft*: TKeySym = 0x000014A5
+    XK_Armenian_guillemotright*: TKeySym = 0x000014A6
+    XK_Armenian_guillemotleft*: TKeySym = 0x000014A7
+    XK_Armenian_em_dash*: TKeySym = 0x000014A8
+    XK_Armenian_dot*: TKeySym = 0x000014A9
+    XK_Armenian_mijaket*: TKeySym = 0x000014A9
+    XK_Armenian_separation_mark*: TKeySym = 0x000014AA
+    XK_Armenian_but*: TKeySym = 0x000014AA
+    XK_Armenian_comma*: TKeySym = 0x000014AB
+    XK_Armenian_en_dash*: TKeySym = 0x000014AC
+    XK_Armenian_hyphen*: TKeySym = 0x000014AD
+    XK_Armenian_yentamna*: TKeySym = 0x000014AD
+    XK_Armenian_ellipsis*: TKeySym = 0x000014AE
+    XK_Armenian_exclam*: TKeySym = 0x000014AF
+    XK_Armenian_amanak*: TKeySym = 0x000014AF
+    XK_Armenian_accent*: TKeySym = 0x000014B0
+    XK_Armenian_shesht*: TKeySym = 0x000014B0
+    XK_Armenian_question*: TKeySym = 0x000014B1
+    XK_Armenian_paruyk*: TKeySym = 0x000014B1
+    XKc_Armenian_AYB*: TKeySym = 0x000014B2
+    XK_Armenian_ayb*: TKeySym = 0x000014B3
+    XKc_Armenian_BEN*: TKeySym = 0x000014B4
+    XK_Armenian_ben*: TKeySym = 0x000014B5
+    XKc_Armenian_GIM*: TKeySym = 0x000014B6
+    XK_Armenian_gim*: TKeySym = 0x000014B7
+    XKc_Armenian_DA*: TKeySym = 0x000014B8
+    XK_Armenian_da*: TKeySym = 0x000014B9
+    XKc_Armenian_YECH*: TKeySym = 0x000014BA
+    XK_Armenian_yech*: TKeySym = 0x000014BB
+    XKc_Armenian_ZA*: TKeySym = 0x000014BC
+    XK_Armenian_za*: TKeySym = 0x000014BD
+    XKc_Armenian_E*: TKeySym = 0x000014BE
+    XK_Armenian_e*: TKeySym = 0x000014BF
+    XKc_Armenian_AT*: TKeySym = 0x000014C0
+    XK_Armenian_at*: TKeySym = 0x000014C1
+    XKc_Armenian_TO*: TKeySym = 0x000014C2
+    XK_Armenian_to*: TKeySym = 0x000014C3
+    XKc_Armenian_ZHE*: TKeySym = 0x000014C4
+    XK_Armenian_zhe*: TKeySym = 0x000014C5
+    XKc_Armenian_INI*: TKeySym = 0x000014C6
+    XK_Armenian_ini*: TKeySym = 0x000014C7
+    XKc_Armenian_LYUN*: TKeySym = 0x000014C8
+    XK_Armenian_lyun*: TKeySym = 0x000014C9
+    XKc_Armenian_KHE*: TKeySym = 0x000014CA
+    XK_Armenian_khe*: TKeySym = 0x000014CB
+    XKc_Armenian_TSA*: TKeySym = 0x000014CC
+    XK_Armenian_tsa*: TKeySym = 0x000014CD
+    XKc_Armenian_KEN*: TKeySym = 0x000014CE
+    XK_Armenian_ken*: TKeySym = 0x000014CF
+    XKc_Armenian_HO*: TKeySym = 0x000014D0
+    XK_Armenian_ho*: TKeySym = 0x000014D1
+    XKc_Armenian_DZA*: TKeySym = 0x000014D2
+    XK_Armenian_dza*: TKeySym = 0x000014D3
+    XKc_Armenian_GHAT*: TKeySym = 0x000014D4
+    XK_Armenian_ghat*: TKeySym = 0x000014D5
+    XKc_Armenian_TCHE*: TKeySym = 0x000014D6
+    XK_Armenian_tche*: TKeySym = 0x000014D7
+    XKc_Armenian_MEN*: TKeySym = 0x000014D8
+    XK_Armenian_men*: TKeySym = 0x000014D9
+    XKc_Armenian_HI*: TKeySym = 0x000014DA
+    XK_Armenian_hi*: TKeySym = 0x000014DB
+    XKc_Armenian_NU*: TKeySym = 0x000014DC
+    XK_Armenian_nu*: TKeySym = 0x000014DD
+    XKc_Armenian_SHA*: TKeySym = 0x000014DE
+    XK_Armenian_sha*: TKeySym = 0x000014DF
+    XKc_Armenian_VO*: TKeySym = 0x000014E0
+    XK_Armenian_vo*: TKeySym = 0x000014E1
+    XKc_Armenian_CHA*: TKeySym = 0x000014E2
+    XK_Armenian_cha*: TKeySym = 0x000014E3
+    XKc_Armenian_PE*: TKeySym = 0x000014E4
+    XK_Armenian_pe*: TKeySym = 0x000014E5
+    XKc_Armenian_JE*: TKeySym = 0x000014E6
+    XK_Armenian_je*: TKeySym = 0x000014E7
+    XKc_Armenian_RA*: TKeySym = 0x000014E8
+    XK_Armenian_ra*: TKeySym = 0x000014E9
+    XKc_Armenian_SE*: TKeySym = 0x000014EA
+    XK_Armenian_se*: TKeySym = 0x000014EB
+    XKc_Armenian_VEV*: TKeySym = 0x000014EC
+    XK_Armenian_vev*: TKeySym = 0x000014ED
+    XKc_Armenian_TYUN*: TKeySym = 0x000014EE
+    XK_Armenian_tyun*: TKeySym = 0x000014EF
+    XKc_Armenian_RE*: TKeySym = 0x000014F0
+    XK_Armenian_re*: TKeySym = 0x000014F1
+    XKc_Armenian_TSO*: TKeySym = 0x000014F2
+    XK_Armenian_tso*: TKeySym = 0x000014F3
+    XKc_Armenian_VYUN*: TKeySym = 0x000014F4
+    XK_Armenian_vyun*: TKeySym = 0x000014F5
+    XKc_Armenian_PYUR*: TKeySym = 0x000014F6
+    XK_Armenian_pyur*: TKeySym = 0x000014F7
+    XKc_Armenian_KE*: TKeySym = 0x000014F8
+    XK_Armenian_ke*: TKeySym = 0x000014F9
+    XKc_Armenian_O*: TKeySym = 0x000014FA
+    XK_Armenian_o*: TKeySym = 0x000014FB
+    XKc_Armenian_FE*: TKeySym = 0x000014FC
+    XK_Armenian_fe*: TKeySym = 0x000014FD
+    XK_Armenian_apostrophe*: TKeySym = 0x000014FE
+    XK_Armenian_section_sign*: TKeySym = 0x000014FF
 # *   Georgian
@@ -1723,45 +1724,45 @@ when defined(XK_ARMENIAN) or true:
 when defined(XK_GEORGIAN) or true: 
-    XK_Georgian_an* = 0x000015D0
-    XK_Georgian_ban* = 0x000015D1
-    XK_Georgian_gan* = 0x000015D2
-    XK_Georgian_don* = 0x000015D3
-    XK_Georgian_en* = 0x000015D4
-    XK_Georgian_vin* = 0x000015D5
-    XK_Georgian_zen* = 0x000015D6
-    XK_Georgian_tan* = 0x000015D7
-    XK_Georgian_in* = 0x000015D8
-    XK_Georgian_kan* = 0x000015D9
-    XK_Georgian_las* = 0x000015DA
-    XK_Georgian_man* = 0x000015DB
-    XK_Georgian_nar* = 0x000015DC
-    XK_Georgian_on* = 0x000015DD
-    XK_Georgian_par* = 0x000015DE
-    XK_Georgian_zhar* = 0x000015DF
-    XK_Georgian_rae* = 0x000015E0
-    XK_Georgian_san* = 0x000015E1
-    XK_Georgian_tar* = 0x000015E2
-    XK_Georgian_un* = 0x000015E3
-    XK_Georgian_phar* = 0x000015E4
-    XK_Georgian_khar* = 0x000015E5
-    XK_Georgian_ghan* = 0x000015E6
-    XK_Georgian_qar* = 0x000015E7
-    XK_Georgian_shin* = 0x000015E8
-    XK_Georgian_chin* = 0x000015E9
-    XK_Georgian_can* = 0x000015EA
-    XK_Georgian_jil* = 0x000015EB
-    XK_Georgian_cil* = 0x000015EC
-    XK_Georgian_char* = 0x000015ED
-    XK_Georgian_xan* = 0x000015EE
-    XK_Georgian_jhan* = 0x000015EF
-    XK_Georgian_hae* = 0x000015F0
-    XK_Georgian_he* = 0x000015F1
-    XK_Georgian_hie* = 0x000015F2
-    XK_Georgian_we* = 0x000015F3
-    XK_Georgian_har* = 0x000015F4
-    XK_Georgian_hoe* = 0x000015F5
-    XK_Georgian_fi* = 0x000015F6
+    XK_Georgian_an*: TKeySym = 0x000015D0
+    XK_Georgian_ban*: TKeySym = 0x000015D1
+    XK_Georgian_gan*: TKeySym = 0x000015D2
+    XK_Georgian_don*: TKeySym = 0x000015D3
+    XK_Georgian_en*: TKeySym = 0x000015D4
+    XK_Georgian_vin*: TKeySym = 0x000015D5
+    XK_Georgian_zen*: TKeySym = 0x000015D6
+    XK_Georgian_tan*: TKeySym = 0x000015D7
+    XK_Georgian_in*: TKeySym = 0x000015D8
+    XK_Georgian_kan*: TKeySym = 0x000015D9
+    XK_Georgian_las*: TKeySym = 0x000015DA
+    XK_Georgian_man*: TKeySym = 0x000015DB
+    XK_Georgian_nar*: TKeySym = 0x000015DC
+    XK_Georgian_on*: TKeySym = 0x000015DD
+    XK_Georgian_par*: TKeySym = 0x000015DE
+    XK_Georgian_zhar*: TKeySym = 0x000015DF
+    XK_Georgian_rae*: TKeySym = 0x000015E0
+    XK_Georgian_san*: TKeySym = 0x000015E1
+    XK_Georgian_tar*: TKeySym = 0x000015E2
+    XK_Georgian_un*: TKeySym = 0x000015E3
+    XK_Georgian_phar*: TKeySym = 0x000015E4
+    XK_Georgian_khar*: TKeySym = 0x000015E5
+    XK_Georgian_ghan*: TKeySym = 0x000015E6
+    XK_Georgian_qar*: TKeySym = 0x000015E7
+    XK_Georgian_shin*: TKeySym = 0x000015E8
+    XK_Georgian_chin*: TKeySym = 0x000015E9
+    XK_Georgian_can*: TKeySym = 0x000015EA
+    XK_Georgian_jil*: TKeySym = 0x000015EB
+    XK_Georgian_cil*: TKeySym = 0x000015EC
+    XK_Georgian_char*: TKeySym = 0x000015ED
+    XK_Georgian_xan*: TKeySym = 0x000015EE
+    XK_Georgian_jhan*: TKeySym = 0x000015EF
+    XK_Georgian_hae*: TKeySym = 0x000015F0
+    XK_Georgian_he*: TKeySym = 0x000015F1
+    XK_Georgian_hie*: TKeySym = 0x000015F2
+    XK_Georgian_we*: TKeySym = 0x000015F3
+    XK_Georgian_har*: TKeySym = 0x000015F4
+    XK_Georgian_hoe*: TKeySym = 0x000015F5
+    XK_Georgian_fi*: TKeySym = 0x000015F6
 # * Azeri (and other Turkic or Caucasian languages of ex-USSR)
@@ -1771,35 +1772,35 @@ when defined(XK_GEORGIAN) or true:
 when defined(XK_CAUCASUS) or true: 
   # latin 
-    XKc_Ccedillaabovedot* = 0x000016A2
-    XKc_Xabovedot* = 0x000016A3
-    XKc_Qabovedot* = 0x000016A5
-    XKc_Ibreve* = 0x000016A6
-    XKc_IE* = 0x000016A7
-    XKc_UO* = 0x000016A8
-    XKc_Zstroke* = 0x000016A9
-    XKc_Gcaron* = 0x000016AA
-    XKc_Obarred* = 0x000016AF
-    XK_ccedillaabovedot* = 0x000016B2
-    XK_xabovedot* = 0x000016B3
-    XKc_Ocaron* = 0x000016B4
-    XK_qabovedot* = 0x000016B5
-    XK_ibreve* = 0x000016B6
-    XK_ie* = 0x000016B7
-    XK_uo* = 0x000016B8
-    XK_zstroke* = 0x000016B9
-    XK_gcaron* = 0x000016BA
-    XK_ocaron* = 0x000016BD
-    XK_obarred* = 0x000016BF
-    XKc_SCHWA* = 0x000016C6
-    XK_schwa* = 0x000016F6 # those are not really Caucasus, but I put them here for now 
+    XKc_Ccedillaabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000016A2
+    XKc_Xabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000016A3
+    XKc_Qabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000016A5
+    XKc_Ibreve*: TKeySym = 0x000016A6
+    XKc_IE*: TKeySym = 0x000016A7
+    XKc_UO*: TKeySym = 0x000016A8
+    XKc_Zstroke*: TKeySym = 0x000016A9
+    XKc_Gcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000016AA
+    XKc_Obarred*: TKeySym = 0x000016AF
+    XK_ccedillaabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000016B2
+    XK_xabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000016B3
+    XKc_Ocaron*: TKeySym = 0x000016B4
+    XK_qabovedot*: TKeySym = 0x000016B5
+    XK_ibreve*: TKeySym = 0x000016B6
+    XK_ie*: TKeySym = 0x000016B7
+    XK_uo*: TKeySym = 0x000016B8
+    XK_zstroke*: TKeySym = 0x000016B9
+    XK_gcaron*: TKeySym = 0x000016BA
+    XK_ocaron*: TKeySym = 0x000016BD
+    XK_obarred*: TKeySym = 0x000016BF
+    XKc_SCHWA*: TKeySym = 0x000016C6
+    XK_schwa*: TKeySym = 0x000016F6 # those are not really Caucasus, but I put them here for now\ 
                            # For Inupiak 
-    XKc_Lbelowdot* = 0x000016D1
-    XKc_Lstrokebelowdot* = 0x000016D2
-    XK_lbelowdot* = 0x000016E1
-    XK_lstrokebelowdot* = 0x000016E2 # For Guarani 
-    XKc_Gtilde* = 0x000016D3
-    XK_gtilde* = 0x000016E3
+    XKc_Lbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x000016D1
+    XKc_Lstrokebelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x000016D2
+    XK_lbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x000016E1
+    XK_lstrokebelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x000016E2 # For Guarani 
+    XKc_Gtilde*: TKeySym = 0x000016D3
+    XK_gtilde*: TKeySym = 0x000016E3
 # *   Vietnamese
@@ -1808,118 +1809,118 @@ when defined(XK_CAUCASUS) or true:
 when defined(XK_VIETNAMESE) or true:
-    XKc_Abelowdot* = 0x00001EA0
-    XK_abelowdot* = 0x00001EA1
-    XKc_Ahook* = 0x00001EA2
-    XK_ahook* = 0x00001EA3
-    XKc_Acircumflexacute* = 0x00001EA4
-    XK_acircumflexacute* = 0x00001EA5
-    XKc_Acircumflexgrave* = 0x00001EA6
-    XK_acircumflexgrave* = 0x00001EA7
-    XKc_Acircumflexhook* = 0x00001EA8
-    XK_acircumflexhook* = 0x00001EA9
-    XKc_Acircumflextilde* = 0x00001EAA
-    XK_acircumflextilde* = 0x00001EAB
-    XKc_Acircumflexbelowdot* = 0x00001EAC
-    XK_acircumflexbelowdot* = 0x00001EAD
-    XKc_Abreveacute* = 0x00001EAE
-    XK_abreveacute* = 0x00001EAF
-    XKc_Abrevegrave* = 0x00001EB0
-    XK_abrevegrave* = 0x00001EB1
-    XKc_Abrevehook* = 0x00001EB2
-    XK_abrevehook* = 0x00001EB3
-    XKc_Abrevetilde* = 0x00001EB4
-    XK_abrevetilde* = 0x00001EB5
-    XKc_Abrevebelowdot* = 0x00001EB6
-    XK_abrevebelowdot* = 0x00001EB7
-    XKc_Ebelowdot* = 0x00001EB8
-    XK_ebelowdot* = 0x00001EB9
-    XKc_Ehook* = 0x00001EBA
-    XK_ehook* = 0x00001EBB
-    XKc_Etilde* = 0x00001EBC
-    XK_etilde* = 0x00001EBD
-    XKc_Ecircumflexacute* = 0x00001EBE
-    XK_ecircumflexacute* = 0x00001EBF
-    XKc_Ecircumflexgrave* = 0x00001EC0
-    XK_ecircumflexgrave* = 0x00001EC1
-    XKc_Ecircumflexhook* = 0x00001EC2
-    XK_ecircumflexhook* = 0x00001EC3
-    XKc_Ecircumflextilde* = 0x00001EC4
-    XK_ecircumflextilde* = 0x00001EC5
-    XKc_Ecircumflexbelowdot* = 0x00001EC6
-    XK_ecircumflexbelowdot* = 0x00001EC7
-    XKc_Ihook* = 0x00001EC8
-    XK_ihook* = 0x00001EC9
-    XKc_Ibelowdot* = 0x00001ECA
-    XK_ibelowdot* = 0x00001ECB
-    XKc_Obelowdot* = 0x00001ECC
-    XK_obelowdot* = 0x00001ECD
-    XKc_Ohook* = 0x00001ECE
-    XK_ohook* = 0x00001ECF
-    XKc_Ocircumflexacute* = 0x00001ED0
-    XK_ocircumflexacute* = 0x00001ED1
-    XKc_Ocircumflexgrave* = 0x00001ED2
-    XK_ocircumflexgrave* = 0x00001ED3
-    XKc_Ocircumflexhook* = 0x00001ED4
-    XK_ocircumflexhook* = 0x00001ED5
-    XKc_Ocircumflextilde* = 0x00001ED6
-    XK_ocircumflextilde* = 0x00001ED7
-    XKc_Ocircumflexbelowdot* = 0x00001ED8
-    XK_ocircumflexbelowdot* = 0x00001ED9
-    XKc_Ohornacute* = 0x00001EDA
-    XK_ohornacute* = 0x00001EDB
-    XKc_Ohorngrave* = 0x00001EDC
-    XK_ohorngrave* = 0x00001EDD
-    XKc_Ohornhook* = 0x00001EDE
-    XK_ohornhook* = 0x00001EDF
-    XKc_Ohorntilde* = 0x00001EE0
-    XK_ohorntilde* = 0x00001EE1
-    XKc_Ohornbelowdot* = 0x00001EE2
-    XK_ohornbelowdot* = 0x00001EE3
-    XKc_Ubelowdot* = 0x00001EE4
-    XK_ubelowdot* = 0x00001EE5
-    XKc_Uhook* = 0x00001EE6
-    XK_uhook* = 0x00001EE7
-    XKc_Uhornacute* = 0x00001EE8
-    XK_uhornacute* = 0x00001EE9
-    XKc_Uhorngrave* = 0x00001EEA
-    XK_uhorngrave* = 0x00001EEB
-    XKc_Uhornhook* = 0x00001EEC
-    XK_uhornhook* = 0x00001EED
-    XKc_Uhorntilde* = 0x00001EEE
-    XK_uhorntilde* = 0x00001EEF
-    XKc_Uhornbelowdot* = 0x00001EF0
-    XK_uhornbelowdot* = 0x00001EF1
-    XKc_Ybelowdot* = 0x00001EF4
-    XK_ybelowdot* = 0x00001EF5
-    XKc_Yhook* = 0x00001EF6
-    XK_yhook* = 0x00001EF7
-    XKc_Ytilde* = 0x00001EF8
-    XK_ytilde* = 0x00001EF9
-    XKc_Ohorn* = 0x00001EFA     # U+01a0 
-    XK_ohorn* = 0x00001EFB      # U+01a1 
-    XKc_Uhorn* = 0x00001EFC     # U+01af 
-    XK_uhorn* = 0x00001EFD      # U+01b0 
-    XK_combining_tilde* = 0x00001E9F # U+0303 
-    XK_combining_grave* = 0x00001EF2 # U+0300 
-    XK_combining_acute* = 0x00001EF3 # U+0301 
-    XK_combining_hook* = 0x00001EFE # U+0309 
-    XK_combining_belowdot* = 0x00001EFF # U+0323 
+    XKc_Abelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EA0
+    XK_abelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EA1
+    XKc_Ahook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EA2
+    XK_ahook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EA3
+    XKc_Acircumflexacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EA4
+    XK_acircumflexacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EA5
+    XKc_Acircumflexgrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EA6
+    XK_acircumflexgrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EA7
+    XKc_Acircumflexhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EA8
+    XK_acircumflexhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EA9
+    XKc_Acircumflextilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EAA
+    XK_acircumflextilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EAB
+    XKc_Acircumflexbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EAC
+    XK_acircumflexbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EAD
+    XKc_Abreveacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EAE
+    XK_abreveacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EAF
+    XKc_Abrevegrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EB0
+    XK_abrevegrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EB1
+    XKc_Abrevehook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EB2
+    XK_abrevehook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EB3
+    XKc_Abrevetilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EB4
+    XK_abrevetilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EB5
+    XKc_Abrevebelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EB6
+    XK_abrevebelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EB7
+    XKc_Ebelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EB8
+    XK_ebelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EB9
+    XKc_Ehook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EBA
+    XK_ehook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EBB
+    XKc_Etilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EBC
+    XK_etilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EBD
+    XKc_Ecircumflexacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EBE
+    XK_ecircumflexacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EBF
+    XKc_Ecircumflexgrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EC0
+    XK_ecircumflexgrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EC1
+    XKc_Ecircumflexhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EC2
+    XK_ecircumflexhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EC3
+    XKc_Ecircumflextilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EC4
+    XK_ecircumflextilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EC5
+    XKc_Ecircumflexbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EC6
+    XK_ecircumflexbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EC7
+    XKc_Ihook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EC8
+    XK_ihook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EC9
+    XKc_Ibelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001ECA
+    XK_ibelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001ECB
+    XKc_Obelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001ECC
+    XK_obelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001ECD
+    XKc_Ohook*: TKeySym = 0x00001ECE
+    XK_ohook*: TKeySym = 0x00001ECF
+    XKc_Ocircumflexacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001ED0
+    XK_ocircumflexacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001ED1
+    XKc_Ocircumflexgrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001ED2
+    XK_ocircumflexgrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001ED3
+    XKc_Ocircumflexhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001ED4
+    XK_ocircumflexhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001ED5
+    XKc_Ocircumflextilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001ED6
+    XK_ocircumflextilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001ED7
+    XKc_Ocircumflexbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001ED8
+    XK_ocircumflexbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001ED9
+    XKc_Ohornacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EDA
+    XK_ohornacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EDB
+    XKc_Ohorngrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EDC
+    XK_ohorngrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EDD
+    XKc_Ohornhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EDE
+    XK_ohornhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EDF
+    XKc_Ohorntilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EE0
+    XK_ohorntilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EE1
+    XKc_Ohornbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EE2
+    XK_ohornbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EE3
+    XKc_Ubelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EE4
+    XK_ubelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EE5
+    XKc_Uhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EE6
+    XK_uhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EE7
+    XKc_Uhornacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EE8
+    XK_uhornacute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EE9
+    XKc_Uhorngrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EEA
+    XK_uhorngrave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EEB
+    XKc_Uhornhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EEC
+    XK_uhornhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EED
+    XKc_Uhorntilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EEE
+    XK_uhorntilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EEF
+    XKc_Uhornbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EF0
+    XK_uhornbelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EF1
+    XKc_Ybelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EF4
+    XK_ybelowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EF5
+    XKc_Yhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EF6
+    XK_yhook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EF7
+    XKc_Ytilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EF8
+    XK_ytilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001EF9
+    XKc_Ohorn*: TKeySym = 0x00001EFA     # U+01a0 
+    XK_ohorn*: TKeySym = 0x00001EFB      # U+01a1 
+    XKc_Uhorn*: TKeySym = 0x00001EFC     # U+01af 
+    XK_uhorn*: TKeySym = 0x00001EFD      # U+01b0 
+    XK_combining_tilde*: TKeySym = 0x00001E9F # U+0303 
+    XK_combining_grave*: TKeySym = 0x00001EF2 # U+0300 
+    XK_combining_acute*: TKeySym = 0x00001EF3 # U+0301 
+    XK_combining_hook*: TKeySym = 0x00001EFE # U+0309 
+    XK_combining_belowdot*: TKeySym = 0x00001EFF # U+0323 
 when defined(XK_CURRENCY) or true: 
-    XK_EcuSign* = 0x000020A0
-    XK_ColonSign* = 0x000020A1
-    XK_CruzeiroSign* = 0x000020A2
-    XK_FFrancSign* = 0x000020A3
-    XK_LiraSign* = 0x000020A4
-    XK_MillSign* = 0x000020A5
-    XK_NairaSign* = 0x000020A6
-    XK_PesetaSign* = 0x000020A7
-    XK_RupeeSign* = 0x000020A8
-    XK_WonSign* = 0x000020A9
-    XK_NewSheqelSign* = 0x000020AA
-    XK_DongSign* = 0x000020AB
-    XK_EuroSign* = 0x000020AC
+    XK_EcuSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020A0
+    XK_ColonSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020A1
+    XK_CruzeiroSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020A2
+    XK_FFrancSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020A3
+    XK_LiraSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020A4
+    XK_MillSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020A5
+    XK_NairaSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020A6
+    XK_PesetaSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020A7
+    XK_RupeeSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020A8
+    XK_WonSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020A9
+    XK_NewSheqelSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020AA
+    XK_DongSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020AB
+    XK_EuroSign*: TKeySym = 0x000020AC
 # implementation
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/x11/xlib.nim b/lib/wrappers/x11/xlib.nim
index e6010feb7..5ccacdd45 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/x11/xlib.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/x11/xlib.nim
@@ -1811,210 +1811,217 @@ proc XSetAuthorization*(para1: cstring, para2: cint, para3: cstring, para4: cint
   #  _Xmbtowc?
   #  _Xwctomb?
-when defined(MACROS): 
-  proc ConnectionNumber*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc RootWindow*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TWindow
-  proc DefaultScreen*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc DefaultRootWindow*(dpy: PDisplay): TWindow
-  proc DefaultVisual*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): PVisual
-  proc DefaultGC*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TGC
-  proc BlackPixel*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): culong
-  proc WhitePixel*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): culong
-  proc QLength*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc DisplayWidth*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
-  proc DisplayHeight*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
-  proc DisplayWidthMM*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
-  proc DisplayHeightMM*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
-  proc DisplayPlanes*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
-  proc DisplayCells*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
-  proc ScreenCount*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc ServerVendor*(dpy: PDisplay): cstring
-  proc ProtocolVersion*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc ProtocolRevision*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc VendorRelease*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc DisplayString*(dpy: PDisplay): cstring
-  proc DefaultDepth*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
-  proc DefaultColormap*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TColormap
-  proc BitmapUnit*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc BitmapBitOrder*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc BitmapPad*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc ImageByteOrder*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
-  proc NextRequest*(dpy: PDisplay): culong
-  proc LastKnownRequestProcessed*(dpy: PDisplay): culong
-  proc ScreenOfDisplay*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): PScreen
-  proc DefaultScreenOfDisplay*(dpy: PDisplay): PScreen
-  proc DisplayOfScreen*(s: PScreen): PDisplay
-  proc RootWindowOfScreen*(s: PScreen): TWindow
-  proc BlackPixelOfScreen*(s: PScreen): culong
-  proc WhitePixelOfScreen*(s: PScreen): culong
-  proc DefaultColormapOfScreen*(s: PScreen): TColormap
-  proc DefaultDepthOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
-  proc DefaultGCOfScreen*(s: PScreen): TGC
-  proc DefaultVisualOfScreen*(s: PScreen): PVisual
-  proc WidthOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
-  proc HeightOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
-  proc WidthMMOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
-  proc HeightMMOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
-  proc PlanesOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
-  proc CellsOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
-  proc MinCmapsOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
-  proc MaxCmapsOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
-  proc DoesSaveUnders*(s: PScreen): TBool
-  proc DoesBackingStore*(s: PScreen): cint
-  proc EventMaskOfScreen*(s: PScreen): clong
-  proc XAllocID*(dpy: PDisplay): TXID
+#when defined(MACROS): 
+proc ConnectionNumber*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc RootWindow*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TWindow
+proc DefaultScreen*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc DefaultRootWindow*(dpy: PDisplay): TWindow
+proc DefaultVisual*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): PVisual
+proc DefaultGC*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TGC
+proc BlackPixel*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): culong
+proc WhitePixel*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): culong
+proc QLength*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc DisplayWidth*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
+proc DisplayHeight*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
+proc DisplayWidthMM*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
+proc DisplayHeightMM*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
+proc DisplayPlanes*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
+proc DisplayCells*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
+proc ScreenCount*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc ServerVendor*(dpy: PDisplay): cstring
+proc ProtocolVersion*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc ProtocolRevision*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc VendorRelease*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc DisplayString*(dpy: PDisplay): cstring
+proc DefaultDepth*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint
+proc DefaultColormap*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TColormap
+proc BitmapUnit*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc BitmapBitOrder*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc BitmapPad*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc ImageByteOrder*(dpy: PDisplay): cint
+proc NextRequest*(dpy: PDisplay): culong
+proc LastKnownRequestProcessed*(dpy: PDisplay): culong
+proc ScreenOfDisplay*(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): PScreen
+proc DefaultScreenOfDisplay*(dpy: PDisplay): PScreen
+proc DisplayOfScreen*(s: PScreen): PDisplay
+proc RootWindowOfScreen*(s: PScreen): TWindow
+proc BlackPixelOfScreen*(s: PScreen): culong
+proc WhitePixelOfScreen*(s: PScreen): culong
+proc DefaultColormapOfScreen*(s: PScreen): TColormap
+proc DefaultDepthOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
+proc DefaultGCOfScreen*(s: PScreen): TGC
+proc DefaultVisualOfScreen*(s: PScreen): PVisual
+proc WidthOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
+proc HeightOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
+proc WidthMMOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
+proc HeightMMOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
+proc PlanesOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
+proc CellsOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
+proc MinCmapsOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
+proc MaxCmapsOfScreen*(s: PScreen): cint
+proc DoesSaveUnders*(s: PScreen): TBool
+proc DoesBackingStore*(s: PScreen): cint
+proc EventMaskOfScreen*(s: PScreen): clong
+proc XAllocID*(dpy: PDisplay): TXID
 # implementation
-when defined(MACROS): 
-  proc ConnectionNumber(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    ConnectionNumber = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .fd
+#when defined(MACROS):
+template privDisp : expr = cast[PXPrivDisplay](dpy)
+proc ConnectionNumber(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.fd
-  proc RootWindow(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TWindow = 
-    RootWindow = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .root
+proc RootWindow(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TWindow = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).root
-  proc DefaultScreen(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    DefaultScreen = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .default_screen
+proc DefaultScreen(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.default_screen
-  proc DefaultRootWindow(dpy: PDisplay): TWindow = 
-    DefaultRootWindow = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)))[] .root
+proc DefaultRootWindow(dpy: PDisplay): TWindow = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)).root
-  proc DefaultVisual(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): PVisual = 
-    DefaultVisual = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .root_visual
+proc DefaultVisual(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): PVisual = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).root_visual
-  proc DefaultGC(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TGC = 
-    DefaultGC = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .default_gc
+proc DefaultGC(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TGC = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).default_gc
-  proc BlackPixel(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): culong = 
-    BlackPixel = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .black_pixel
+proc BlackPixel(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): culong = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).black_pixel
-  proc WhitePixel(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): culong = 
-    WhitePixel = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .white_pixel
+proc WhitePixel(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): culong = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).white_pixel
-  proc QLength(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    QLength = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .qlen
+proc QLength(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.qlen
-  proc DisplayWidth(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
-    DisplayWidth = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .width
+proc DisplayWidth(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).width
-  proc DisplayHeight(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
-    DisplayHeight = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .height
+proc DisplayHeight(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).height
-  proc DisplayWidthMM(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
-    DisplayWidthMM = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .mwidth
+proc DisplayWidthMM(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).mwidth
-  proc DisplayHeightMM(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
-    DisplayHeightMM = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .mheight
+proc DisplayHeightMM(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).mheight
-  proc DisplayPlanes(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
-    DisplayPlanes = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .root_depth
+proc DisplayPlanes(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).root_depth
-  proc DisplayCells(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
-    DisplayCells = (DefaultVisual(dpy, scr))[] .map_entries
+proc DisplayCells(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
+  DefaultVisual(dpy, scr).map_entries
-  proc ScreenCount(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    ScreenCount = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .nscreens
+proc ScreenCount(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.nscreens
-  proc ServerVendor(dpy: PDisplay): cstring = 
-    ServerVendor = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .vendor
+proc ServerVendor(dpy: PDisplay): cstring = 
+  privDisp.vendor
-  proc ProtocolVersion(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    ProtocolVersion = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .proto_major_version
+proc ProtocolVersion(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.proto_major_version
-  proc ProtocolRevision(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    ProtocolRevision = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .proto_minor_version
+proc ProtocolRevision(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.proto_minor_version
-  proc VendorRelease(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    VendorRelease = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .release
+proc VendorRelease(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.release
-  proc DisplayString(dpy: PDisplay): cstring = 
-    DisplayString = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .display_name
+proc DisplayString(dpy: PDisplay): cstring = 
+  privDisp.display_name
-  proc DefaultDepth(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
-    DefaultDepth = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .root_depth
+proc DefaultDepth(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): cint = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).root_depth
-  proc DefaultColormap(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TColormap = 
-    DefaultColormap = (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))[] .cmap
+proc DefaultColormap(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): TColormap = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr).cmap
-  proc BitmapUnit(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    BitmapUnit = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .bitmap_unit
+proc BitmapUnit(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.bitmap_unit
-  proc BitmapBitOrder(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    BitmapBitOrder = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .bitmap_bit_order
+proc BitmapBitOrder(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.bitmap_bit_order
-  proc BitmapPad(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    BitmapPad = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .bitmap_pad
+proc BitmapPad(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.bitmap_pad
-  proc ImageByteOrder(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
-    ImageByteOrder = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .byte_order
+proc ImageByteOrder(dpy: PDisplay): cint = 
+  privDisp.byte_order
-  proc NextRequest(dpy: PDisplay): culong = 
-    NextRequest = ((PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .request) + 1
+import unsigned
+proc NextRequest(dpy: PDisplay): culong = 
+  privDisp.request + 1.culong
-  proc LastKnownRequestProcessed(dpy: PDisplay): culong = 
-    LastKnownRequestProcessed = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .last_request_read
+proc LastKnownRequestProcessed(dpy: PDisplay): culong = 
+  privDisp.last_request_read
-  proc ScreenOfDisplay(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): PScreen = 
-    ScreenOfDisplay = addr((((PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .screens)[scr]))
+# from fowltek/pointer_arithm, required for ScreenOfDisplay()
+proc offset[A] (some: ptr A; b: int): ptr A =
+  cast[ptr A](cast[int](some) + (b * sizeof(A)))
+proc ScreenOfDisplay(dpy: PDisplay, scr: cint): PScreen =
+  #addr(((privDisp.screens)[scr])) 
+  privDisp.screens.offset(
-  proc DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy: PDisplay): PScreen = 
-    DefaultScreenOfDisplay = ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy))
+proc DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy: PDisplay): PScreen = 
+  ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy))
-  proc DisplayOfScreen(s: PScreen): PDisplay = 
-    DisplayOfScreen = s[] .display
+proc DisplayOfScreen(s: PScreen): PDisplay = 
+  s.display
-  proc RootWindowOfScreen(s: PScreen): TWindow = 
-    RootWindowOfScreen = s[] .root
+proc RootWindowOfScreen(s: PScreen): TWindow = 
+  s.root
-  proc BlackPixelOfScreen(s: PScreen): culong = 
-    BlackPixelOfScreen = s[] .black_pixel
+proc BlackPixelOfScreen(s: PScreen): culong = 
+  s.black_pixel
-  proc WhitePixelOfScreen(s: PScreen): culong = 
-    WhitePixelOfScreen = s[] .white_pixel
+proc WhitePixelOfScreen(s: PScreen): culong = 
+  s.white_pixel
-  proc DefaultColormapOfScreen(s: PScreen): TColormap = 
-    DefaultColormapOfScreen = s[] .cmap
+proc DefaultColormapOfScreen(s: PScreen): TColormap = 
+  s.cmap
-  proc DefaultDepthOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
-    DefaultDepthOfScreen = s[] .root_depth
+proc DefaultDepthOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
+  s.root_depth
-  proc DefaultGCOfScreen(s: PScreen): TGC = 
-    DefaultGCOfScreen = s[] .default_gc
+proc DefaultGCOfScreen(s: PScreen): TGC = 
+  s.default_gc
-  proc DefaultVisualOfScreen(s: PScreen): PVisual = 
-    DefaultVisualOfScreen = s[] .root_visual
+proc DefaultVisualOfScreen(s: PScreen): PVisual = 
+  s.root_visual
-  proc WidthOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
-    WidthOfScreen = s[] .width
+proc WidthOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
+  s.width
-  proc HeightOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
-    HeightOfScreen = s[] .height
+proc HeightOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
+  s.height
-  proc WidthMMOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
-    WidthMMOfScreen = s[] .mwidth
+proc WidthMMOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
+  s.mwidth
-  proc HeightMMOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
-    HeightMMOfScreen = s[] .mheight
+proc HeightMMOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
+  s.mheight
-  proc PlanesOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
-    PlanesOfScreen = s[] .root_depth
+proc PlanesOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
+  s.root_depth
-  proc CellsOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
-    CellsOfScreen = (DefaultVisualOfScreen(s))[] .map_entries
+proc CellsOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
+  DefaultVisualOfScreen(s).map_entries
-  proc MinCmapsOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
-    MinCmapsOfScreen = s[] .min_maps
+proc MinCmapsOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
+  s.min_maps
-  proc MaxCmapsOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
-    MaxCmapsOfScreen = s[] .max_maps
+proc MaxCmapsOfScreen(s: PScreen): cint = 
+  s.max_maps
-  proc DoesSaveUnders(s: PScreen): TBool = 
-    DoesSaveUnders = s[] .save_unders
+proc DoesSaveUnders(s: PScreen): TBool = 
+  s.save_unders
-  proc DoesBackingStore(s: PScreen): cint = 
-    DoesBackingStore = s[] .backing_store
+proc DoesBackingStore(s: PScreen): cint = 
+  s.backing_store
-  proc EventMaskOfScreen(s: PScreen): clong = 
-    EventMaskOfScreen = s[] .root_input_mask
+proc EventMaskOfScreen(s: PScreen): clong = 
+  s.root_input_mask
-  proc XAllocID(dpy: PDisplay): TXID = 
-    XAllocID = (PXPrivDisplay(dpy))[] .resource_alloc(dpy)
+proc XAllocID(dpy: PDisplay): TXID = 
+  privDisp.resource_alloc(dpy)
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/x11/xutil.nim b/lib/wrappers/x11/xutil.nim
index b66955927..9a3435aa5 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/x11/xutil.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/x11/xutil.nim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-  x, xlib, keysym
+  x, xlib, keysym, unsigned
 #  libX11* = ""
@@ -356,57 +356,57 @@ proc XWMGeometry*(para1: PDisplay, para2: cint, para3: cstring, para4: cstring,
     dynlib: libX11, importc.}
 proc XXorRegion*(para1: TRegion, para2: TRegion, para3: TRegion): cint{.cdecl, 
     dynlib: libX11, importc.}
-when defined(MACROS): 
-  proc XDestroyImage*(ximage: PXImage): cint
-  proc XGetPixel*(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint): culong
-  proc XPutPixel*(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint, pixel: culong): cint
-  proc XSubImage*(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint, width, height: cuint): PXImage
-  proc XAddPixel*(ximage: PXImage, value: clong): cint
-  proc IsKeypadKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
-  proc IsPrivateKeypadKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
-  proc IsCursorKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
-  proc IsPFKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
-  proc IsFunctionKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
-  proc IsMiscFunctionKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
-  proc IsModifierKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
-    #function XUniqueContext : TXContext;
-    #function XStringToContext(_string : Pchar) : TXContext;
+#when defined(MACROS): 
+proc XDestroyImage*(ximage: PXImage): cint
+proc XGetPixel*(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint): culong
+proc XPutPixel*(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint, pixel: culong): cint
+proc XSubImage*(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint, width, height: cuint): PXImage
+proc XAddPixel*(ximage: PXImage, value: clong): cint
+proc IsKeypadKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
+proc IsPrivateKeypadKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
+proc IsCursorKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
+proc IsPFKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
+proc IsFunctionKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
+proc IsMiscFunctionKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
+proc IsModifierKey*(keysym: TKeySym): bool
+  #function XUniqueContext : TXContext;
+  #function XStringToContext(_string : Pchar) : TXContext;
 # implementation
-when defined(MACROS): 
-  proc XDestroyImage(ximage: PXImage): cint = 
-    XDestroyImage = ximage[] .f.destroy_image(ximage)
+#when defined(MACROS): 
+proc XDestroyImage(ximage: PXImage): cint = 
+  ximage.f.destroy_image(ximage)
-  proc XGetPixel(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint): culong = 
-    XGetPixel = ximage[] .f.get_pixel(ximage, x, y)
+proc XGetPixel(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint): culong = 
+  ximage.f.get_pixel(ximage, x, y)
-  proc XPutPixel(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint, pixel: culong): cint = 
-    XPutPixel = ximage[] .f.put_pixel(ximage, x, y, pixel)
+proc XPutPixel(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint, pixel: culong): cint = 
+  ximage.f.put_pixel(ximage, x, y, pixel)
-  proc XSubImage(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint, width, height: cuint): PXImage = 
-    XSubImage = ximage[] .f.sub_image(ximage, x, y, width, height)
+proc XSubImage(ximage: PXImage, x, y: cint, width, height: cuint): PXImage = 
+  ximage.f.sub_image(ximage, x, y, width, height)
-  proc XAddPixel(ximage: PXImage, value: clong): cint = 
-    XAddPixel = ximage[] .f.add_pixel(ximage, value)
+proc XAddPixel(ximage: PXImage, value: clong): cint = 
+  ximage.f.add_pixel(ximage, value)
-  proc IsKeypadKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
-    IsKeypadKey = (keysym >= XK_KP_Space) and (keysym <= XK_KP_Equal)
+proc IsKeypadKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
+  (keysym >= XK_KP_Space) and (keysym <= XK_KP_Equal)
-  proc IsPrivateKeypadKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
-    IsPrivateKeypadKey = (keysym >= 0x11000000) and (keysym <= 0x1100FFFF)
+proc IsPrivateKeypadKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
+  (keysym >= 0x11000000.TKeySym) and (keysym <= 0x1100FFFF.TKeySym)
-  proc IsCursorKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
-    IsCursorKey = (keysym >= XK_Home) and (keysym < XK_Select)
+proc IsCursorKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
+  (keysym >= XK_Home) and (keysym < XK_Select)
-  proc IsPFKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
-    IsPFKey = (keysym >= XK_KP_F1) and (keysym <= XK_KP_F4)
+proc IsPFKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
+  (keysym >= XK_KP_F1) and (keysym <= XK_KP_F4)
-  proc IsFunctionKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
-    IsFunctionKey = (keysym >= XK_F1) and (keysym <= XK_F35)
+proc IsFunctionKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
+  (keysym >= XK_F1) and (keysym <= XK_F35)
-  proc IsMiscFunctionKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
-    IsMiscFunctionKey = (keysym >= XK_Select) and (keysym <= XK_Break)
+proc IsMiscFunctionKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
+  (keysym >= XK_Select) and (keysym <= XK_Break)
-  proc IsModifierKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
-    IsModifierKey = ((keysym >= XK_Shift_L) And (keysym <= XK_Hyper_R)) Or
-        (keysym == XK_Mode_switch) Or (keysym == XK_Num_Lock)
+proc IsModifierKey(keysym: TKeySym): bool = 
+  ((keysym >= XK_Shift_L) And (keysym <= XK_Hyper_R)) Or
+      (keysym == XK_Mode_switch) Or (keysym == XK_Num_Lock)
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/zip/zlib.nim b/lib/wrappers/zip/zlib.nim
index de52a06e1..c4c6ac071 100644
--- a/lib/wrappers/zip/zlib.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/zip/zlib.nim
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ proc compress2*(dest: pbytef, destLen: puLongf, source: pbytef,
 proc uncompress*(dest: pbytef, destLen: puLongf, source: pbytef, 
                  sourceLen: uLong): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
     importc: "uncompress".}
+proc compressBound*(sourceLen: uLong): uLong {.cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc.}
 proc gzopen*(path: cstring, mode: cstring): gzFile{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, 
     importc: "gzopen".}
 proc gzdopen*(fd: int32, mode: cstring): gzFile{.cdecl, dynlib: libz,