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authorAraq <>2012-07-08 21:03:47 +0200
committerAraq <>2012-07-08 21:03:47 +0200
commit4fbba0a65ad310ba9498f1cf9f79eb0826b19f81 (patch)
treedece3596fbdf153263f5672b4011139f70a4df6a /lib
parent36247e0947699a56d5bc51d48188b6dda1815587 (diff)
changed integer promotion rules; breaks bootstrapping and lots of code
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
24 files changed, 171 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/lib/core/typeinfo.nim b/lib/core/typeinfo.nim
index 549e4724a..9030b7b53 100755
--- a/lib/core/typeinfo.nim
+++ b/lib/core/typeinfo.nim
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ type
     rawType: PNimType
   ppointer = ptr pointer
-  pbyteArray = ptr array[0.. 0xffff, byte]
+  pbyteArray = ptr array[0.. 0xffff, int8]
   TGenSeq {.pure.} = object
     len, space: int
diff --git a/lib/impure/db_postgres.nim b/lib/impure/db_postgres.nim
index 506da9c84..19701f896 100755
--- a/lib/impure/db_postgres.nim
+++ b/lib/impure/db_postgres.nim
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ proc setupQuery(db: TDbConn, query: TSqlQuery,
   result = PQExec(db, q)
   if PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK: dbError(db)
-proc setRow(res: PPGresult, r: var TRow, line, cols: int) =
+proc setRow(res: PPGresult, r: var TRow, line, cols: int32) =
   for col in 0..cols-1:
     setLen(r[col], 0)
     var x = PQgetvalue(res, line, col)
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ iterator FastRows*(db: TDbConn, query: TSqlQuery,
   ## fast, but potenially dangerous: If the for-loop-body executes another
   ## query, the results can be undefined. For Postgres it is safe though.
   var res = setupQuery(db, query, args)
-  var L = int(PQnfields(res))
+  var L = PQnfields(res)
   var result = newRow(L)
   for i in 0..PQntuples(res)-1:
     setRow(res, result, i, L)
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ proc getRow*(db: TDbConn, query: TSqlQuery,
              args: openarray[string]): TRow =
   ## retrieves a single row.
   var res = setupQuery(db, query, args)
-  var L = int(PQnfields(res))
+  var L = PQnfields(res)
   result = newRow(L)
   setRow(res, result, 0, L)
diff --git a/lib/impure/db_sqlite.nim b/lib/impure/db_sqlite.nim
index b6c8003b9..dbeb1e594 100755
--- a/lib/impure/db_sqlite.nim
+++ b/lib/impure/db_sqlite.nim
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ proc TryExec*(db: TDbConn, query: TSqlQuery,
   ## tries to execute the query and returns true if successful, false otherwise.
   var q = dbFormat(query, args)
   var stmt: sqlite3.PStmt
-  if prepare_v2(db, q, q.len, stmt, nil) == SQLITE_OK:
+  if prepare_v2(db, q, q.len.cint, stmt, nil) == SQLITE_OK:
     if step(stmt) == SQLITE_DONE:
       result = finalize(stmt) == SQLITE_OK
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ proc newRow(L: int): TRow =
 proc setupQuery(db: TDbConn, query: TSqlQuery, 
                 args: openarray[string]): PStmt = 
   var q = dbFormat(query, args)
-  if prepare_v2(db, q, q.len, result, nil) != SQLITE_OK: dbError(db)
+  if prepare_v2(db, q, q.len.cint, result, nil) != SQLITE_OK: dbError(db)
-proc setRow(stmt: PStmt, r: var TRow, cols: int) =
+proc setRow(stmt: PStmt, r: var TRow, cols: cint) =
   for col in 0..cols-1:
     setLen(r[col], column_bytes(stmt, col)) # set capacity
     setLen(r[col], 0)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ iterator FastRows*(db: TDbConn, query: TSqlQuery,
   ## fast, but potenially dangerous: If the for-loop-body executes another
   ## query, the results can be undefined. For Sqlite it is safe though.
   var stmt = setupQuery(db, query, args)
-  var L = int(columnCount(stmt))
+  var L = (columnCount(stmt))
   var result = newRow(L)
   while step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW: 
     setRow(stmt, result, L)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ proc getRow*(db: TDbConn, query: TSqlQuery,
              args: openarray[string]): TRow =
   ## retrieves a single row.
   var stmt = setupQuery(db, query, args)
-  var L = int(columnCount(stmt))
+  var L = (columnCount(stmt))
   result = newRow(L)
   if step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW: 
     setRow(stmt, result, L)
diff --git a/lib/impure/graphics.nim b/lib/impure/graphics.nim
index 348907f9a..1392fd903 100755
--- a/lib/impure/graphics.nim
+++ b/lib/impure/graphics.nim
@@ -35,14 +35,15 @@ type
 proc toSdlColor*(c: TColor): Sdl.TColor =
   ## Convert colors.TColor to SDL.TColor
   var x = c.extractRGB  
-  result.r = toU8(x.r)
-  result.g = toU8(x.g)
-  result.b = toU8(x.b)
+  result.r = x.r and 0xff
+  result.g = x.g and 0xff
+  result.b = x.b and 0xff
 proc createSdlColor*(sur: PSurface, c: TColor, alpha: int = 0): int32 =
   ## Creates a color using ``sdl.MapRGBA``.
   var x = c.extractRGB
-  return sdl.MapRGBA(sur.s.format, toU8(x.r), toU8(x.g), toU8(x.b), toU8(alpha))
+  return sdl.MapRGBA(sur.s.format, x.r and 0xff, x.g and 0xff, 
+                     x.b and 0xff, alpha and 0xff)
 proc toSdlRect*(r: TRect): sdl.TRect =
   ## Convert ``graphics.TRect`` to ``sdl.TRect``.
diff --git a/lib/impure/re.nim b/lib/impure/re.nim
index 1fe1582bd..f3a6e5a44 100755
--- a/lib/impure/re.nim
+++ b/lib/impure/re.nim
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ proc matchOrFind(s: string, pattern: TRegEx, matches: var openarray[string],
                  start, flags: cint): cint =
     rawMatches: array[0..maxSubpatterns * 3 - 1, cint]
-    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s), start, flags,
+    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s).cint, start, flags,
       cast[ptr cint](addr(rawMatches)), maxSubpatterns * 3)
   if res < 0'i32: return res
   for i in
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ proc findBounds*(s: string, pattern: TRegEx, matches: var openarray[string],
   ## is written into `matches` and ``(-1,0)`` is returned.
     rawMatches: array[0..maxSubpatterns * 3 - 1, cint]
-    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s), start, 0'i32,
+    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s).cint, start, 0'i32,
       cast[ptr cint](addr(rawMatches)), maxSubpatterns * 3)
   if res < 0'i32: return (-1, 0)
   for i in
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ proc findBounds*(s: string, pattern: TRegEx,
   ## ``(-1,0)`` is returned.
     rawMatches: array[0..maxSubpatterns * 3 - 1, cint]
-    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s), start, 0'i32,
+    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s).cint, start, 0'i32,
       cast[ptr cint](addr(rawMatches)), maxSubpatterns * 3)
   if res < 0'i32: return (-1, 0)
   for i in
@@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ proc findBounds*(s: string, pattern: TRegEx,
   ## match, ``(-1,0)`` is returned.
     rawMatches: array[0..3 - 1, cint]
-    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, nil, s, len(s), start, 0'i32,
+    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, nil, s, len(s).cint, start, 0'i32,
       cast[ptr cint](addr(rawMatches)), 3)
   if res < 0'i32: return (int(res), 0)
   return (int(rawMatches[0]), int(rawMatches[1]-1))
 proc matchOrFind(s: string, pattern: TRegEx, start, flags: cint): cint =
   var rawMatches: array [0..maxSubpatterns * 3 - 1, cint]
-  result = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s), start, flags,
+  result = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s).cint, start, flags,
                     cast[ptr cint](addr(rawMatches)), maxSubpatterns * 3)
   if result >= 0'i32:
     result = rawMatches[1] - rawMatches[0]
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ proc find*(s: string, pattern: TRegEx, matches: var openarray[string],
   ## is written into ``matches`` and -1 is returned.
     rawMatches: array[0..maxSubpatterns * 3 - 1, cint]
-    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s), start, 0'i32,
+    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s).cint, start, 0'i32,
       cast[ptr cint](addr(rawMatches)), maxSubpatterns * 3)
   if res < 0'i32: return res
   for i in
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ proc find*(s: string, pattern: TRegEx, start = 0): int =
   ## match, -1 is returned.
     rawMatches: array[0..3 - 1, cint]
-    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, nil, s, len(s), start, 0'i32,
+    res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, nil, s, len(s).cint, start, 0'i32,
       cast[ptr cint](addr(rawMatches)), 3)
   if res < 0'i32: return res
   return rawMatches[0]
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ iterator findAll*(s: string, pattern: TRegEx, start = 0): string =
   var i = int32(start)
   var rawMatches: array[0..maxSubpatterns * 3 - 1, cint]
   while true:
-    let res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s), i, 0'i32,
+    let res = pcre.Exec(pattern.h, pattern.e, s, len(s).cint, i, 0'i32,
       cast[ptr cint](addr(rawMatches)), maxSubpatterns * 3)
     if res < 0'i32: break
     let a = rawMatches[0]
diff --git a/lib/pure/oids.nim b/lib/pure/oids.nim
index b84c3d53e..0fd1d8cd2 100644
--- a/lib/pure/oids.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/oids.nim
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ proc oidToString*(oid: TOid, str: cstring) =
   str[24] = '\0'
-  incr, fuzz: int
+  incr: int 
+  fuzz: int32
 proc genOid*(): TOid =
   ## generates a new OID.
diff --git a/lib/pure/osproc.nim b/lib/pure/osproc.nim
index 808c0735e..6ed7e8d2c 100755
--- a/lib/pure/osproc.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/osproc.nim
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
     var s = PFileHandleStream(s)
     if s.atTheEnd: return 0
     var br: int32
-    var a = winlean.ReadFile(s.handle, buffer, bufLen, br, nil)
+    var a = winlean.ReadFile(s.handle, buffer, bufLen.cint, br, nil)
     # TRUE and zero bytes returned (EOF).
     # TRUE and n (>0) bytes returned (good data).
     # FALSE and bytes returned undefined (system error).
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
   proc hsWriteData(s: PStream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int) =
     var s = PFileHandleStream(s)
     var bytesWritten: int32
-    var a = winlean.writeFile(s.handle, buffer, bufLen, bytesWritten, nil)
+    var a = winlean.writeFile(s.handle, buffer, bufLen.cint, bytesWritten, nil)
     if a == 0: OSError()
   proc newFileHandleStream(handle: THandle): PFileHandleStream =
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
   proc CreatePipeHandles(Rdhandle, WrHandle: var THandle) =
     var piInheritablePipe: TSecurityAttributes
-    piInheritablePipe.nlength = SizeOF(TSecurityAttributes)
+    piInheritablePipe.nlength = SizeOF(TSecurityAttributes).cint
     piInheritablePipe.lpSecurityDescriptor = nil
     piInheritablePipe.Binherithandle = 1
     if CreatePipe(Rdhandle, Wrhandle, piInheritablePipe, 1024) == 0'i32:
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
       success: int
       hi, ho, he: THandle
-    SI.cb = SizeOf(SI)
+    SI.cb = SizeOf(SI).cint
     if poParentStreams notin options:
       CreatePipeHandles(SI.hStdInput, HI)
@@ -323,16 +323,16 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
         HE = HO
         CreatePipeHandles(HE, Si.hStdError)
-      result.inputHandle = hi
-      result.outputHandle = ho
-      result.errorHandle = he
+      result.inputHandle = TFileHandle(hi)
+      result.outputHandle = TFileHandle(ho)
+      result.errorHandle = TFileHandle(he)
       SI.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
       SI.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
       SI.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
-      result.inputHandle = si.hStdInput
-      result.outputHandle = si.hStdOutput
-      result.errorHandle = si.hStdError
+      result.inputHandle = TFileHandle(si.hStdInput)
+      result.outputHandle = TFileHandle(si.hStdOutput)
+      result.errorHandle = TFileHandle(si.hStdError)
     var cmdl: cstring
     when false: # poUseShell in options:
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
       discard TerminateProcess(p.FProcessHandle, 0)
   proc waitForExit(p: PProcess, timeout: int = -1): int =
-    discard WaitForSingleObject(p.FProcessHandle, timeout)
+    discard WaitForSingleObject(p.FProcessHandle, timeout.int32)
     var res: int32
     discard GetExitCodeProcess(p.FProcessHandle, res)
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
       ProcInfo: TProcessInformation
       process: THandle
       L: int32
-    SI.cb = SizeOf(SI)
+    SI.cb = SizeOf(SI).cint
     SI.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
     SI.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
     SI.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl):
     for i in 0..readfds.len()-1:
       rfds[i] = readfds[i].FProcessHandle
-    var ret = waitForMultipleObjects(readfds.len, 
+    var ret = waitForMultipleObjects(readfds.len.int32, 
                                      addr(rfds), 0'i32, timeout)
     case ret
diff --git a/lib/pure/sockets.nim b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
index 8c15c6adb..162e644d9 100755
--- a/lib/pure/sockets.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/sockets.nim
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ proc bindAddr*(socket: TSocket, port = TPort(0), address = "") =
     name.sin_port = sockets.htons(int16(port))
     name.sin_addr.s_addr = sockets.htonl(INADDR_ANY)
     if bindSocket(socket.fd, cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(name)),
-                  sizeof(name)) < 0'i32:
+                  sizeof(name).TSockLen) < 0'i32:
     var hints: TAddrInfo
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ when false:
     name.sin_port = sockets.htons(int16(port))
     name.sin_addr.s_addr = sockets.htonl(INADDR_ANY)
     if bindSocket(cint(socket), cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(name)),
-                  sizeof(name)) < 0'i32:
+                  sizeof(name).TSockLen) < 0'i32:
 proc getSockName*(socket: TSocket): TPort = 
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ proc getSockName*(socket: TSocket): TPort =
     name.sin_family = posix.AF_INET
   #name.sin_port = htons(cint16(port))
   #name.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY)
-  var namelen: cint = sizeof(name)
+  var namelen = sizeof(name).TSockLen
   if getsockname(socket.fd, cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(name)),
                  addr(namelen)) == -1'i32:
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ proc acceptAddr*(server: TSocket): tuple[client: TSocket, address: string] =
   ## **Warning:** This function might block even if socket is non-blocking
   ## when using SSL.
   var sockAddress: Tsockaddr_in
-  var addrLen: cint = sizeof(sockAddress)
+  var addrLen = sizeof(sockAddress).TSockLen
   var sock = accept(server.fd, cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(sockAddress)),
@@ -477,9 +477,9 @@ proc getServByName*(name, proto: string): TServent =
 proc getServByPort*(port: TPort, proto: string): TServent = 
   ## well-known getservbyport proc.
   when defined(Windows):
-    var s = winlean.getservbyport(ze(int16(port)), proto)
+    var s = winlean.getservbyport(ze(int16(port)).cint, proto)
-    var s = posix.getservbyport(ze(int16(port)), proto)
+    var s = posix.getservbyport(ze(int16(port)).cint, proto)
   if s == nil: OSError() = $s.s_name
   result.aliases = cstringArrayToSeq(s.s_aliases)
@@ -492,11 +492,11 @@ proc getHostByAddr*(ip: string): THostEnt =
   myaddr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip)
   when defined(windows):
-    var s = winlean.gethostbyaddr(addr(myaddr), sizeof(myaddr),
+    var s = winlean.gethostbyaddr(addr(myaddr), sizeof(myaddr).cint,
     if s == nil: OSError()
-    var s = posix.gethostbyaddr(addr(myaddr), sizeof(myaddr), 
+    var s = posix.gethostbyaddr(addr(myaddr), sizeof(myaddr).cint, 
     if s == nil:
       raise newException(EOS, $hStrError(h_errno))
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ proc getHostByName*(name: string): THostEnt =
 proc getSockOptInt*(socket: TSocket, level, optname: int): int = 
   ## getsockopt for integer options.
   var res: cint
-  var size: cint = sizeof(res)
+  var size = sizeof(res).cint
   if getsockopt(socket.fd, cint(level), cint(optname), 
                 addr(res), addr(size)) < 0'i32:
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ proc setSockOptInt*(socket: TSocket, level, optname, optval: int) =
   ## setsockopt for integer options.
   var value = cint(optval)
   if setsockopt(socket.fd, cint(level), cint(optname), addr(value),  
-                sizeof(value)) < 0'i32:
+                sizeof(value).cint) < 0'i32:
 proc connect*(socket: TSocket, name: string, port = TPort(0), 
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ proc connect*(socket: TSocket, name: string, port = TPort(0),
       of AF_INET: s.sin_family = posix.AF_INET
       of AF_INET6: s.sin_family = posix.AF_INET6
       else: nil
-    if connect(socket.fd, cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(s)), sizeof(s)) < 0'i32:
+    if connect(socket.fd, cast[ptr TSockAddr](addr(s)), sizeof(s).cint) < 0'i32:
 proc connectAsync*(socket: TSocket, name: string, port = TPort(0),
diff --git a/lib/pure/times.nim b/lib/pure/times.nim
index e6163ad8c..622c2655f 100755
--- a/lib/pure/times.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/times.nim
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ type
                               ## in the range 0 to 23.
     monthday*: range[1..31]   ## The day of the month, in the range 1 to 31.
     month*: TMonth            ## The current month.
-    year*: int                ## The current year.
+    year*: range[-10_000..10_000] ## The current year.
     weekday*: TWeekDay        ## The current day of the week.
     yearday*: range[0..365]   ## The number of days since January 1,
                               ## in the range 0 to 365.
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ type
     timezone*: int            ## The offset of the (non-DST) timezone in seconds
                               ## west of UTC.
-  TTimeInterval* = object
+  TTimeInterval* {.pure.} = object ## a time interval
     miliseconds*: int ## The number of miliseconds
     seconds*: int     ## The number of seconds
     minutes*: int     ## The number of minutes
@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ proc `$` *(timeInfo: TTimeInfo): string
 proc `$` *(time: TTime): string
   ## converts a calendar time to a string representation.
-proc `-` *(a, b: TTime): int64{.
+proc `-`*(a, b: TTime): int64 {.
   rtl, extern: "ntDiffTime".}
   ## computes the difference of two calendar times. Result is in seconds.
-proc `<` * (a, b: TTime): bool {.
+proc `<`*(a, b: TTime): bool {.
   rtl, extern: "ntLtTime".} = 
   ## returns true iff ``a < b``, that is iff a happened before b.
   result = a - b < 0
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ proc getStartMilsecs*(): int {.deprecated.}
   ## get the miliseconds from the start of the program. **Deprecated since
   ## version 0.8.10.** Use ``epochTime`` or ``cpuTime`` instead.
-proc newInterval*(miliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, 
-                  years: int = 0): TTimeInterval =
+proc initInterval*(miliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, 
+                   years: int = 0): TTimeInterval =
   ## creates a new ``TTimeInterval``.
   result.miliseconds = miliseconds
   result.seconds = seconds
@@ -188,23 +188,20 @@ proc newInterval*(miliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months,
 proc isLeapYear(year: int): bool =
   if year mod 400 == 0:
-     return true
+    return true
   elif year mod 100 == 0: 
-     return false
+    return false
   elif year mod 4 == 0: 
-     return true
+    return true
-     return false
+    return false
 proc getDaysInMonth(month: TMonth, year: int): int =
-  if month == mFeb: # Feb
-    if isLeapYear(year):
-      result = 29
-    else:
-      result = 28
-  elif month in [mApr, mJun, mSep, mNov]: result = 30
-  else: result = 31  
+  case month 
+  of mFeb: result = if isLeapYear(year): 29 else: 28
+  of mApr, mJun, mSep, mNov: result = 30
+  else: result = 31
 proc calculateSeconds(a: TTimeInfo, interval: TTimeInterval): float =
   var anew = a
@@ -228,9 +225,10 @@ proc calculateSeconds(a: TTimeInfo, interval: TTimeInterval): float =
 proc `+`*(a: TTimeInfo, interval: TTimeInterval): TTimeInfo =
   ## adds ``interval`` time.
-  ## **Note:** This has been only briefly tested and it may not be very accurate.
+  ## **Note:** This has been only briefly tested and it may not be
+  ## very accurate.
   let t = timeInfoToTime(a)
-  var secs = calculateSeconds(a, interval)
+  let secs = calculateSeconds(a, interval)
   if a.tzname == "UTC":
     result = getGMTime(TTime(float(t) + secs))
@@ -242,7 +240,7 @@ proc `-`*(a: TTimeInfo, interval: TTimeInterval): TTimeInfo =
   ## **Note:** This has been only briefly tested, it is inaccurate especially
   ## when you subtract so much that you reach the Julian calendar.
   let t = timeInfoToTime(a)
-  var secs = calculateSeconds(a, interval)
+  let secs = calculateSeconds(a, interval)
   if a.tzname == "UTC":
     result = getGMTime(TTime(float(t) - secs))
@@ -329,7 +327,7 @@ when not defined(ECMAScript):
   proc timeInfoToTM(t: TTimeInfo): structTM =
-      weekDays: array [TWeekDay, int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0]
+      weekDays: array [TWeekDay, int8] = [1'i8,2'i8,3'i8,4'i8,5'i8,6'i8,0'i8]
     result.second = t.second
     result.minute = t.minute
     result.hour = t.hour
@@ -362,13 +360,13 @@ when not defined(ECMAScript):
     var a = t
     result = tmToTimeInfo(localtime(addr(a))[], true)
     # copying is needed anyway to provide reentrancity; thus
-    # the convertion is not expensive
+    # the conversion is not expensive
   proc getGMTime(t: TTime): TTimeInfo =
     var a = t
     result = tmToTimeInfo(gmtime(addr(a))[], false)
     # copying is needed anyway to provide reentrancity; thus
-    # the convertion is not expensive
+    # the conversion is not expensive
   proc TimeInfoToTime(timeInfo: TTimeInfo): TTime =
     var cTimeInfo = timeInfo # for C++ we have to make a copy,
diff --git a/lib/system.nim b/lib/system.nim
index e90ca56e1..69733d6a1 100755
--- a/lib/system.nim
+++ b/lib/system.nim
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ when not defined(EcmaScript) and not defined(NimrodVM):
   include "system/hti"
-  Byte* = Int8 ## this is an alias for ``int8``, that is a signed
-               ## int 8 bits wide.
+  Byte* = uInt8 ## this is an alias for ``uint8``, that is an unsigned
+                ## int 8 bits wide.
   Natural* = range[0..high(int)]
     ## is an int type ranging from zero to the maximum value
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ type
 type # these work for most platforms:
   cchar* {.importc: "char", nodecl.} = char
     ## This is the same as the type ``char`` in *C*.
-  cschar* {.importc: "signed char", nodecl.} = byte
+  cschar* {.importc: "signed char", nodecl.} = int8
     ## This is the same as the type ``signed char`` in *C*.
   cshort* {.importc: "short", nodecl.} = int16
     ## This is the same as the type ``short`` in *C*.
@@ -1156,6 +1156,10 @@ proc `$` *(x: int64): string {.magic: "Int64ToStr", noSideEffect.}
   ## The stingify operator for an integer argument. Returns `x`
   ## converted to a decimal string.
+proc `$` *(x: uint64): string {.noSideEffect.}
+  ## The stingify operator for an unsigned integer argument. Returns `x`
+  ## converted to a decimal string.
 proc `$` *(x: float): string {.magic: "FloatToStr", noSideEffect.}
   ## The stingify operator for a float argument. Returns `x`
   ## converted to a decimal string.
@@ -1177,7 +1181,7 @@ proc `$` *(x: string): string {.magic: "StrToStr", noSideEffect.}
   ## as it is. This operator is useful for generic code, so
   ## that ``$expr`` also works if ``expr`` is already a string.
-proc `$` *[T](x: ordinal[T]): string {.magic: "EnumToStr", noSideEffect.}
+proc `$` *[TEnum: enum](x: TEnum): string {.magic: "EnumToStr", noSideEffect.}
   ## The stingify operator for an enumeration argument. This works for
   ## any enumeration type thanks to compiler magic. If
   ## a ``$`` operator for a concrete enumeration is provided, this is
@@ -1850,7 +1854,7 @@ when not defined(EcmaScript) and not defined(NimrodVM):
   proc getFileSize*(f: TFile): int64
     ## retrieves the file size (in bytes) of `f`.
-  proc ReadBytes*(f: TFile, a: var openarray[byte], start, len: int): int
+  proc ReadBytes*(f: TFile, a: var openarray[int8], start, len: int): int
     ## reads `len` bytes into the buffer `a` starting at ``a[start]``. Returns
     ## the actual number of bytes that have been read which may be less than
     ## `len` (if not as many bytes are remaining), but not greater.
@@ -1865,7 +1869,7 @@ when not defined(EcmaScript) and not defined(NimrodVM):
     ## the actual number of bytes that have been read which may be less than
     ## `len` (if not as many bytes are remaining), but not greater.
-  proc writeBytes*(f: TFile, a: openarray[byte], start, len: int): int
+  proc writeBytes*(f: TFile, a: openarray[int8], start, len: int): int
     ## writes the bytes of ``a[start..start+len-1]`` to the file `f`. Returns
     ## the number of actual written bytes, which may be less than `len` in case
     ## of an error.
diff --git a/lib/system/ansi_c.nim b/lib/system/ansi_c.nim
index 3376b9413..7c2c234c2 100755
--- a/lib/system/ansi_c.nim
+++ b/lib/system/ansi_c.nim
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ proc c_fopen(filename, mode: cstring): C_TextFileStar {.
   importc: "fopen", nodecl.}
 proc c_fclose(f: C_TextFileStar) {.importc: "fclose", nodecl.}
-proc c_sprintf(buf, frmt: CString) {.nodecl, importc: "sprintf", varargs.}
+proc c_sprintf(buf, frmt: CString) {.nodecl, importc: "sprintf", varargs,
+                                     noSideEffect.}
   # we use it only in a way that cannot lead to security issues
 proc c_fread(buf: Pointer, size, n: int, f: C_BinaryFileStar): int {.
diff --git a/lib/system/repr.nim b/lib/system/repr.nim
index 83fa7aa1d..028887b4c 100755
--- a/lib/system/repr.nim
+++ b/lib/system/repr.nim
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ proc reprPointer(x: pointer): string {.compilerproc.} =
   c_sprintf(buf, "%p", x)
   return $buf
+proc `$`(x: uint64): string =
+  var buf: array [0..59, char]
+  c_sprintf(buf, "%llu", x)
+  return $buf
 proc reprStrAux(result: var string, s: string) =
   if cast[pointer](s) == nil:
     add result, "nil"
@@ -67,7 +72,7 @@ proc reprEnum(e: int, typ: PNimType): string {.compilerRtl.} =
   result = $e & " (invalid data!)"
-  pbyteArray = ptr array[0.. 0xffff, byte]
+  pbyteArray = ptr array[0.. 0xffff, int8]
 proc addSetElem(result: var string, elem: int, typ: PNimType) =
   case typ.kind
diff --git a/lib/system/sysio.nim b/lib/system/sysio.nim
index ac0880f79..d5234e62f 100755
--- a/lib/system/sysio.nim
+++ b/lib/system/sysio.nim
@@ -222,17 +222,17 @@ proc fwrite(buf: Pointer, size, n: int, f: TFile): int {.
 proc readBuffer(f: TFile, buffer: pointer, len: int): int =
   result = fread(buffer, 1, len, f)
-proc ReadBytes(f: TFile, a: var openarray[byte], start, len: int): int =
+proc ReadBytes(f: TFile, a: var openarray[int8], start, len: int): int =
   result = readBuffer(f, addr(a[start]), len)
 proc ReadChars(f: TFile, a: var openarray[char], start, len: int): int =
   result = readBuffer(f, addr(a[start]), len)
-proc writeBytes(f: TFile, a: openarray[byte], start, len: int): int =
-  var x = cast[ptr array[0..1000_000_000, byte]](a)
+proc writeBytes(f: TFile, a: openarray[int8], start, len: int): int =
+  var x = cast[ptr array[0..1000_000_000, int8]](a)
   result = writeBuffer(f, addr(x[start]), len)
 proc writeChars(f: TFile, a: openarray[char], start, len: int): int =
-  var x = cast[ptr array[0..1000_000_000, byte]](a)
+  var x = cast[ptr array[0..1000_000_000, int8]](a)
   result = writeBuffer(f, addr(x[start]), len)
 proc writeBuffer(f: TFile, buffer: pointer, len: int): int =
   result = fwrite(buffer, 1, len, f)
diff --git a/lib/windows/windows.nim b/lib/windows/windows.nim
index d3ff5ad91..ff28ab255 100755
--- a/lib/windows/windows.nim
+++ b/lib/windows/windows.nim
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 {.deadCodeElim: on.}



-  WideChar* = int16

-  PWideChar* = ptr int16

+  WideChar* = uint16

+  PWideChar* = ptr uint16


 type  # WinNT.h -- Defines the 32-Bit Windows types and constants

   SHORT* = int16

@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ type  # WinDef.h -- Basic Windows Type Definitions

   DWORD* = int32

   WINBOOL* = int32

-  BYTE* = char

   WORD* = int16

   # FLOAT* = float

   PFLOAT* = ptr FLOAT

@@ -296,13 +295,13 @@ type

 when defined(winUnicode):


-    PTBYTE* = ptr int16

+    PTBYTE* = ptr uint16

     PTCH* = PWideChar

     PTCHAR* = PWideChar

     PTSTR* = PWideChar



-    PTBYTE* = ptr int8

+    PTBYTE* = ptr byte

     PTCH* = cstring

     PTCHAR* = cstring

     PTSTR* = cstring

@@ -316,12 +315,12 @@ type

 when defined(winUnicode):


-    TBYTE* = int16

+    TBYTE* = uint16

     TCHAR* = widechar

     BCHAR* = int16



-    TBYTE* = int8

+    TBYTE* = uint8

     TCHAR* = char

     BCHAR* = int8


@@ -7432,34 +7431,34 @@ type
   PDCB* = ptr DCB



-  bm_DCB_fBinary* = 0x00000001

-  bp_DCB_fBinary* = 0

+  bm_DCB_fBinary* = 1

+  bp_DCB_fBinary* = 0'i32

   bm_DCB_fParity* = 0x00000002

-  bp_DCB_fParity* = 1

+  bp_DCB_fParity* = 1'i32

   bm_DCB_fOutxCtsFlow* = 0x00000004

-  bp_DCB_fOutxCtsFlow* = 2

+  bp_DCB_fOutxCtsFlow* = 2'i32

   bm_DCB_fOutxDsrFlow* = 0x00000008

-  bp_DCB_fOutxDsrFlow* = 3

+  bp_DCB_fOutxDsrFlow* = 3'i32

   bm_DCB_fDtrControl* = 0x00000030

-  bp_DCB_fDtrControl* = 4

+  bp_DCB_fDtrControl* = 4'i32

   bm_DCB_fDsrSensitivity* = 0x00000040

-  bp_DCB_fDsrSensitivity* = 6

+  bp_DCB_fDsrSensitivity* = 6'i32

   bm_DCB_fTXContinueOnXoff* = 0x00000080

-  bp_DCB_fTXContinueOnXoff* = 7

+  bp_DCB_fTXContinueOnXoff* = 7'i32

   bm_DCB_fOutX* = 0x00000100

-  bp_DCB_fOutX* = 8

+  bp_DCB_fOutX* = 8'i32

   bm_DCB_fInX* = 0x00000200

-  bp_DCB_fInX* = 9

+  bp_DCB_fInX* = 9'i32

   bm_DCB_fErrorChar* = 0x00000400

-  bp_DCB_fErrorChar* = 10

+  bp_DCB_fErrorChar* = 10'i32

   bm_DCB_fNull* = 0x00000800

-  bp_DCB_fNull* = 11

+  bp_DCB_fNull* = 11'i32

   bm_DCB_fRtsControl* = 0x00003000

-  bp_DCB_fRtsControl* = 12

+  bp_DCB_fRtsControl* = 12'i32

   bm_DCB_fAbortOnError* = 0x00004000

-  bp_DCB_fAbortOnError* = 14

+  bp_DCB_fAbortOnError* = 14'i32

   bm_DCB_fDummy2* = 0xFFFF8000'i32

-  bp_DCB_fDummy2* = 15

+  bp_DCB_fDummy2* = 15'i32


 proc fBinary*(a: var DCB): DWORD

 proc set_fBinary*(a: var DCB, fBinary: DWORD)

@@ -7575,21 +7574,21 @@ type


   bm_COMSTAT_fCtsHold* = 0x00000001

-  bp_COMSTAT_fCtsHold* = 0

+  bp_COMSTAT_fCtsHold* = 0'i32

   bm_COMSTAT_fDsrHold* = 0x00000002

-  bp_COMSTAT_fDsrHold* = 1

+  bp_COMSTAT_fDsrHold* = 1'i32

   bm_COMSTAT_fRlsdHold* = 0x00000004

-  bp_COMSTAT_fRlsdHold* = 2

+  bp_COMSTAT_fRlsdHold* = 2'i32

   bm_COMSTAT_fXoffHold* = 0x00000008

-  bp_COMSTAT_fXoffHold* = 3

+  bp_COMSTAT_fXoffHold* = 3'i32

   bm_COMSTAT_fXoffSent* = 0x00000010

-  bp_COMSTAT_fXoffSent* = 4

+  bp_COMSTAT_fXoffSent* = 4'i32

   bm_COMSTAT_fEof* = 0x00000020

-  bp_COMSTAT_fEof* = 5

+  bp_COMSTAT_fEof* = 5'i32

   bm_COMSTAT_fTxim* = 0x00000040

-  bp_COMSTAT_fTxim* = 6

+  bp_COMSTAT_fTxim* = 6'i32

   bm_COMSTAT_fReserved* = 0xFFFFFF80'i32

-  bp_COMSTAT_fReserved* = 7

+  bp_COMSTAT_fReserved* = 7'i32


 proc fCtsHold*(a: var COMSTAT): DWORD

   # should be renamed to get_<x>?

@@ -9984,25 +9983,25 @@ type


   bm_LDT_ENTRY_BaseMid* = 0x000000FF

-  bp_LDT_ENTRY_BaseMid* = 0

+  bp_LDT_ENTRY_BaseMid* = 0'i32

   bm_LDT_ENTRY_Type* = 0x00001F00

-  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Type* = 8

+  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Type* = 8'i32

   bm_LDT_ENTRY_Dpl* = 0x00006000

-  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Dpl* = 13

+  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Dpl* = 13'i32

   bm_LDT_ENTRY_Pres* = 0x00008000

-  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Pres* = 15

+  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Pres* = 15'i32

   bm_LDT_ENTRY_LimitHi* = 0x000F0000

-  bp_LDT_ENTRY_LimitHi* = 16

+  bp_LDT_ENTRY_LimitHi* = 16'i32

   bm_LDT_ENTRY_Sys* = 0x00100000

-  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Sys* = 20

+  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Sys* = 20'i32

   bm_LDT_ENTRY_Reserved_0* = 0x00200000

-  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Reserved_0* = 21

+  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Reserved_0* = 21'i32

   bm_LDT_ENTRY_Default_Big* = 0x00400000

-  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Default_Big* = 22

+  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Default_Big* = 22'i32

   bm_LDT_ENTRY_Granularity* = 0x00800000

-  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Granularity* = 23

+  bp_LDT_ENTRY_Granularity* = 23'i32

   bm_LDT_ENTRY_BaseHi* = 0xFF000000

-  bp_LDT_ENTRY_BaseHi* = 24

+  bp_LDT_ENTRY_BaseHi* = 24'i32



   LOCALESIGNATURE* {.final, pure.} = object

@@ -22820,7 +22819,7 @@ proc SEXT_HIWORD*(L: int32): int32 =

 proc ZEXT_HIWORD*(L: int32): int32 =

   # return type might be wrong

-  result = ze(HIWORD(L))

+  result = HIWORD(L) and 0xffff'i32


 proc SEXT_LOWORD*(L: int32): int32 =

   result = LOWORD(L)

@@ -22869,13 +22868,13 @@ proc MAKEWPARAM*(L, h: int32): WPARAM =
   result = WPARAM(MAKELONG(L, h))


 proc GET_X_LPARAM*(lp: Windows.LParam): int32 =

-  result = int16(LOWORD(lp))

+  result = LOWORD(lp.int32)


 proc GET_Y_LPARAM*(lp: Windows.LParam): int32 =

-  result = int16(HIWORD(lp))

+  result = HIWORD(lp.int32)



-  result = 0'i16

+  result = 0'u16




@@ -23500,7 +23499,8 @@ proc ListView_EnsureVisible(hwndLV: HWND, i, fPartialOK: int32): LRESULT =
                        MAKELPARAM(fPartialOK, 0))


 proc ListView_FindItem(wnd: HWND, iStart: int32, lvfi: var LV_FINDINFO): int32 =

-  result = SendMessage(wnd, LVM_FINDITEM, WPARAM(iStart), cast[LPARAM](addr(lvfi)))

+  result = SendMessage(wnd, LVM_FINDITEM, WPARAM(iStart), 
+                       cast[LPARAM](addr(lvfi))).int32


 proc ListView_GetBkColor(wnd: HWND): LRESULT =

   result = SendMessage(wnd, LVM_GETBKCOLOR, 0, 0)

@@ -23534,7 +23534,7 @@ proc ListView_GetItemCount(wnd: HWND): LRESULT =

 proc ListView_GetItemPosition(hwndLV: HWND, i: int32, pt: var POINT): int32 =

   result = SendMessage(hwndLV, LVM_GETITEMPOSITION, WPARAM(int32(i)),

-                       cast[LPARAM](addr(pt)))

+                       cast[LPARAM](addr(pt))).int32


 proc ListView_GetItemSpacing(hwndLV: HWND, fSmall: int32): LRESULT =

   result = SendMessage(hwndLV, LVM_GETITEMSPACING, fSmall, 0)

@@ -23878,10 +23878,10 @@ proc GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE): COORD =
   result.x = toU16(res shr 16)


 proc Succeeded(Status: HRESULT): WINBOOL =

-  result = (Status and 0x80000000'i32)

+  result = (Status and 0x80000000).WinBool


 proc Failed(Status: HRESULT): WINBOOL =

-  result = (Status and 0x80000000'i32)

+  result = (Status and 0x80000000).WinBool


 proc IsError(Status: HRESULT): WINBOOL =

   result = ord((int(Status) shr 31) == SEVERITY_ERROR)

@@ -23920,7 +23920,7 @@ proc MAKELCID(LangId, SortId: int16): DWORD =
   result = toU32((ze(SortId) shl 16) or ze(LangId))


 proc MAKESORTLCID(LangId, SortId, SortVersion: int16): DWORD =

-  result = MAKELCID(LangId, SortId) or int(SortVersion shl 20'i32)

+  result = MAKELCID(LangId, SortId) or (SortVersion shl 20'i32)


 proc LANGIDFROMLCID(LocaleId: LCID): int16 =

   result = toU16(LocaleId)

diff --git a/lib/wrappers/gtk/gtk2.nim b/lib/wrappers/gtk/gtk2.nim
index 9f455e5ba..515b65002 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/gtk/gtk2.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/gtk/gtk2.nim
@@ -16257,7 +16257,7 @@ proc COLUMN_REQUESTED_WIDTH*(column: PTreeViewColumn): int32 =
     MaxWidth = column.max_width
     MaxWidth = column.requested_width
-  result = CLAMP(column.requested_width, MinWidth, MaxWidth)
+  result = CLAMP(column.requested_width, MinWidth, MaxWidth).int32
 proc DRAW_EXPANDERS*(tree_view: PTreeView): bool = 
   result = (not (FLAG_SET(tree_view, TREE_VIEW_IS_LIST))) and
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/gtk/pango.nim b/lib/wrappers/gtk/pango.nim
index cc6acb005..5d9fcd96f 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/gtk/pango.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/gtk/pango.nim
@@ -878,10 +878,10 @@ proc get_tab*(tab_array: PTabArray, tab_index: gint,
 proc get_positions_in_pixels*(tab_array: PTabArray): gboolean{.cdecl, 
     dynlib: lib, importc: "pango_tab_array_get_positions_in_pixels".}
 proc ASCENT*(rect: TRectangle): int32 = 
-  result = - int(rect.y)
+  result = -rect.y
 proc DESCENT*(rect: TRectangle): int32 = 
-  result = int(rect.y) + int(rect.height)
+  result = (rect.y) + (rect.height)
 proc LBEARING*(rect: TRectangle): int32 = 
   result = rect.x
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim
index a48cb59ef..597a9b0b0 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl.nim
@@ -280,9 +280,9 @@ else:
     LibName = "|.1|.0)"
-  MAJOR_VERSION* = 1'i8
-  MINOR_VERSION* = 2'i8
-  PATCHLEVEL* = 11'i8         # SDL.h constants
+  PATCHLEVEL* = 11         # SDL.h constants
   INIT_TIMER* = 0x00000001
   INIT_AUDIO* = 0x00000010
   INIT_VIDEO* = 0x00000020
@@ -2523,8 +2523,8 @@ proc AllocSurface(flags: int32, width, height, depth: int,
 proc MustLock(Surface: PSurface): bool = 
-  Result = ((surface[] .offset != 0) or
-      ((surface[] .flags and (HWSURFACE or ASYNCBLIT or RLEACCEL)) != 0))
+  Result = ((surface[].offset != 0) or
+      ((surface[].flags and (HWSURFACE or ASYNCBLIT or RLEACCEL)) != 0))
 proc LockMutex(mutex: Pmutex): int = 
   Result = mutexP(mutex)
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_image.nim b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_image.nim
index cc770a07f..7df9aedd4 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_image.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_image.nim
@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ else:
     ImageLibName = ""
 # This macro can be used to fill a version structure with the compile-time
 #  version of the SDL_image library. 
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_mixer.nim b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_mixer.nim
index 09abe182f..9199a9271 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_mixer.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_mixer.nim
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ else:
     MixerLibName = ""
-  MAJOR_VERSION* = 1'i8
-  MINOR_VERSION* = 2'i8
-  PATCHLEVEL* = 7'i8    # Backwards compatibility
+  PATCHLEVEL* = 7    # Backwards compatibility
   CHANNELS* = 8           # Good default values for a PC soundcard
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_mixer_nosmpeg.nim b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_mixer_nosmpeg.nim
index 885e9845b..11f00e0a7 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_mixer_nosmpeg.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_mixer_nosmpeg.nim
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ else:
     MixerLibName = ""
-  MAJOR_VERSION* = 1'i8
-  MINOR_VERSION* = 2'i8
-  PATCHLEVEL* = 7'i8    # Backwards compatibility
+  PATCHLEVEL* = 7    # Backwards compatibility
   CHANNELS* = 8           # Good default values for a PC soundcard 
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_net.nim b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_net.nim
index bfd4f0a28..742a59314 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_net.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_net.nim
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ else:
     NetLibName = ""
 const                         #* Printable format: "%d.%d.%d", MAJOR, MINOR, PATCHLEVEL *
-  MAJOR_VERSION* = 1'i8
-  MINOR_VERSION* = 2'i8
-  PATCHLEVEL* = 5'i8     # SDL_Net.h constants
+  PATCHLEVEL* = 5        # SDL_Net.h constants
                          #* Resolve a host name and port to an IP address in network form.
                          #   If the function succeeds, it will return 0.
                          #   If the host couldn't be resolved, the host portion of the returned
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_ttf.nim b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_ttf.nim
index dd65af275..f501e31d8 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_ttf.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/sdl/sdl_ttf.nim
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ else:
     ttfLibName = "|.1|.0)"
-  MAJOR_VERSION* = 2'i8
-  MINOR_VERSION* = 0'i8
-  PATCHLEVEL* = 8'i8      # Backwards compatibility
+  PATCHLEVEL* = 8      # Backwards compatibility
   STYLE_NORMAL* = 0x00000000
   STYLE_BOLD* = 0x00000001
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/sdl/smpeg.nim b/lib/wrappers/sdl/smpeg.nim
index a836379ac..33f317631 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/sdl/smpeg.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/sdl/smpeg.nim
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ proc filter_deblocking*(): PFilter{.cdecl,
   # SMPEG.h
-  MAJOR_VERSION* = 0'i8
-  MINOR_VERSION* = 4'i8
-  PATCHLEVEL* = 2'i8
   TVersion*{.final.} = object 
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/zip/zlib.nim b/lib/wrappers/zip/zlib.nim
index 9b49b9663..de52a06e1 100755
--- a/lib/wrappers/zip/zlib.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/zip/zlib.nim
@@ -160,19 +160,20 @@ proc inflateSyncPoint*(z: PZstream): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: libz,
 proc get_crc_table*(): pointer{.cdecl, dynlib: libz, importc: "get_crc_table".}
 proc deflateInit(strm: var TZStream, level: int32): int32 = 
-  result = deflateInitu(strm, level, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream))
+  result = deflateInitu(strm, level, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream).cint)
 proc inflateInit(strm: var TZStream): int32 = 
-  result = inflateInitu(strm, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream))
+  result = inflateInitu(strm, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream).cint)
 proc deflateInit2(strm: var TZStream, 
                   level, `method`, windowBits, memLevel,
                   strategy: int32): int32 = 
   result = deflateInit2u(strm, level, `method`, windowBits, memLevel, 
-                         strategy, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream))
+                         strategy, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream).cint)
 proc inflateInit2(strm: var TZStream, windowBits: int32): int32 = 
-  result = inflateInit2u(strm, windowBits, ZLIB_VERSION(), sizeof(TZStream))
+  result = inflateInit2u(strm, windowBits, ZLIB_VERSION(), 
+                         sizeof(TZStream).cint)
 proc zlibAllocMem*(AppData: Pointer, Items, Size: int): Pointer {.cdecl.} = 
   result = Alloc(Items * Size)