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path: root/lib
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authorGULPF <>2017-10-16 15:03:06 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2017-10-16 15:03:06 +0200
commit54c805921a5a02806e4df4adb6fad4b8d33a448d (patch)
tree10b4eebd50c91320908a963e0962b8a27e5a7a14 /lib
parent590512873c2326970c1bdea5604c098f49f8145c (diff)
Refac of lists module (#6400)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim b/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim
index f847ddd58..560273dfa 100644
--- a/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/lists.nim
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ type
   DoublyLinkedRing*[T] = object ## a doubly linked ring
     head*: DoublyLinkedNode[T]
+  SomeLinkedList*[T] = SinglyLinkedList[T] | DoublyLinkedList[T]
+  SomeLinkedRing*[T] = SinglyLinkedRing[T] | DoublyLinkedRing[T]
+  SomeLinkedCollection*[T] = SomeLinkedList[T] | SomeLinkedRing[T]
+  SomeLinkedNode*[T] = SinglyLinkedNode[T] | DoublyLinkedNode[T]
 {.deprecated: [TDoublyLinkedNode: DoublyLinkedNodeObj,
     PDoublyLinkedNode: DoublyLinkedNode,
     TSinglyLinkedNode: SinglyLinkedNodeObj,
@@ -86,137 +94,57 @@ template itemsRingImpl() {.dirty.} =
       it =
       if it == L.head: break
-template nodesListImpl() {.dirty.} =
-  var it = L.head
-  while it != nil:
-    var nxt =
-    yield it
-    it = nxt
-template nodesRingImpl() {.dirty.} =
-  var it = L.head
-  if it != nil:
-    while true:
-      var nxt =
-      yield it
-      it = nxt
-      if it == L.head: break
-template findImpl() {.dirty.} =
-  for x in nodes(L):
-    if x.value == value: return x
-iterator items*[T](L: DoublyLinkedList[T]): T =
+iterator items*[T](L: SomeLinkedList[T]): T =
   ## yields every value of `L`.
-iterator items*[T](L: SinglyLinkedList[T]): T =
-  ## yields every value of `L`.
-  itemsListImpl()
-iterator items*[T](L: SinglyLinkedRing[T]): T =
-  ## yields every value of `L`.
-  itemsRingImpl()
-iterator items*[T](L: DoublyLinkedRing[T]): T =
+iterator items*[T](L: SomeLinkedRing[T]): T =
   ## yields every value of `L`.
-iterator mitems*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedList[T]): var T =
+iterator mitems*[T](L: var SomeLinkedList[T]): var T =
   ## yields every value of `L` so that you can modify it.
-iterator mitems*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedList[T]): var T =
-  ## yields every value of `L` so that you can modify it.
-  itemsListImpl()
-iterator mitems*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedRing[T]): var T =
+iterator mitems*[T](L: var SomeLinkedRing[T]): var T =
   ## yields every value of `L` so that you can modify it.
-iterator mitems*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedRing[T]): var T =
-  ## yields every value of `L` so that you can modify it.
-  itemsRingImpl()
-iterator nodes*[T](L: SinglyLinkedList[T]): SinglyLinkedNode[T] =
-  ## iterates over every node of `x`. Removing the current node from the
-  ## list during traversal is supported.
-  nodesListImpl()
-iterator nodes*[T](L: DoublyLinkedList[T]): DoublyLinkedNode[T] =
-  ## iterates over every node of `x`. Removing the current node from the
-  ## list during traversal is supported.
-  nodesListImpl()
-iterator nodes*[T](L: SinglyLinkedRing[T]): SinglyLinkedNode[T] =
+iterator nodes*[T](L: SomeLinkedList[T]): SomeLinkedNode[T] =
   ## iterates over every node of `x`. Removing the current node from the
   ## list during traversal is supported.
-  nodesRingImpl()
+  var it = L.head
+  while it != nil:
+    var nxt =
+    yield it
+    it = nxt
-iterator nodes*[T](L: DoublyLinkedRing[T]): DoublyLinkedNode[T] =
+iterator nodes*[T](L: SomeLinkedRing[T]): SomeLinkedNode[T] =
   ## iterates over every node of `x`. Removing the current node from the
   ## list during traversal is supported.
-  nodesRingImpl()
+  var it = L.head
+  if it != nil:
+    while true:
+      var nxt =
+      yield it
+      it = nxt
+      if it == L.head: break
-template dollarImpl() {.dirty.} =
+proc `$`*[T](L: SomeLinkedCollection[T]): string =
+  ## turns a list into its string representation.
   result = "["
   for x in nodes(L):
     if result.len > 1: result.add(", ")
-proc `$`*[T](L: SinglyLinkedList[T]): string =
-  ## turns a list into its string representation.
-  dollarImpl()
-proc `$`*[T](L: DoublyLinkedList[T]): string =
-  ## turns a list into its string representation.
-  dollarImpl()
-proc `$`*[T](L: SinglyLinkedRing[T]): string =
-  ## turns a list into its string representation.
-  dollarImpl()
-proc `$`*[T](L: DoublyLinkedRing[T]): string =
-  ## turns a list into its string representation.
-  dollarImpl()
-proc find*[T](L: SinglyLinkedList[T], value: T): SinglyLinkedNode[T] =
-  ## searches in the list for a value. Returns nil if the value does not
-  ## exist.
-  findImpl()
-proc find*[T](L: DoublyLinkedList[T], value: T): DoublyLinkedNode[T] =
+proc find*[T](L: SomeLinkedCollection[T], value: T): SomeLinkedNode[T] =
   ## searches in the list for a value. Returns nil if the value does not
   ## exist.
-  findImpl()
-proc find*[T](L: SinglyLinkedRing[T], value: T): SinglyLinkedNode[T] =
-  ## searches in the list for a value. Returns nil if the value does not
-  ## exist.
-  findImpl()
-proc find*[T](L: DoublyLinkedRing[T], value: T): DoublyLinkedNode[T] =
-  ## searches in the list for a value. Returns nil if the value does not
-  ## exist.
-  findImpl()
-proc contains*[T](L: SinglyLinkedList[T], value: T): bool {.inline.} =
-  ## searches in the list for a value. Returns false if the value does not
-  ## exist, true otherwise.
-  result = find(L, value) != nil
-proc contains*[T](L: DoublyLinkedList[T], value: T): bool {.inline.} =
-  ## searches in the list for a value. Returns false if the value does not
-  ## exist, true otherwise.
-  result = find(L, value) != nil
-proc contains*[T](L: SinglyLinkedRing[T], value: T): bool {.inline.} =
-  ## searches in the list for a value. Returns false if the value does not
-  ## exist, true otherwise.
-  result = find(L, value) != nil
+  for x in nodes(L):
+    if x.value == value: return x
-proc contains*[T](L: DoublyLinkedRing[T], value: T): bool {.inline.} =
+proc contains*[T](L: SomeLinkedCollection[T], value: T): bool {.inline.} =
   ## searches in the list for a value. Returns false if the value does not
   ## exist, true otherwise.
   result = find(L, value) != nil
@@ -266,7 +194,6 @@ proc remove*[T](L: var DoublyLinkedList[T], n: DoublyLinkedNode[T]) =
   if != nil: = n.prev
   if n.prev != nil: =
 proc append*[T](L: var SinglyLinkedRing[T], n: SinglyLinkedNode[T]) =
   ## appends a node `n` to `L`. Efficiency: O(1).
   if L.head != nil: