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path: root/lib
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authorTimothee Cour <>2020-05-05 05:56:15 -0700
committerGitHub <>2020-05-05 14:56:15 +0200
commitc28a057a6bd5f20445e11d82c4028762ae1bf1b6 (patch)
treed5a6e7ab9e53dc68eda848c1c2dd3afc67972acb /lib
parent6b7b5fb4fa7865d17f2433ddc49bac1483b19a01 (diff)
fix js stacktraces, unify all file,line,col formatting into a single function (#14230)
* fix ; unify all file,line,col formatting into a single function
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
4 files changed, 25 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lib/std/private/miscdollars.nim b/lib/std/private/miscdollars.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a41cf1bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/std/private/miscdollars.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+template toLocation*(result: var string, file: string | cstring, line: int, col: int) =
+  ## avoids spurious allocations
+  # Hopefully this can be re-used everywhere so that if a user needs to customize,
+  # it can be done in a single place.
+  result.add file
+  if line > 0:
+    result.add "("
+    # simplify this after moving moving `include strmantle` above import assertions`
+    when declared(addInt): result.addInt line
+    else: result.add $line
+    if col > 0:
+      result.add ", "
+      when declared(addInt): result.addInt col
+      else: result.add $col
+    result.add ")"
diff --git a/lib/system/assertions.nim b/lib/system/assertions.nim
index 9a1bdc7bc..ca3bd7bc1 100644
--- a/lib/system/assertions.nim
+++ b/lib/system/assertions.nim
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 when not declared(sysFatal):
   include "system/fatal"
+import std/private/miscdollars
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # helpers
 type InstantiationInfo = tuple[filename: string, line: int, column: int]
 proc `$`(x: int): string {.magic: "IntToStr", noSideEffect.}
 proc `$`(info: InstantiationInfo): string =
   # The +1 is needed here
   # instead of overriding `$` (and changing its meaning), consider explicit name.
-  info.filename & "(" & $info.line & ", " & $(info.column+1) & ")"
+  result.toLocation(info.filename, info.line, info.column+1)
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/lib/system/excpt.nim b/lib/system/excpt.nim
index f85c10598..747b145ae 100644
--- a/lib/system/excpt.nim
+++ b/lib/system/excpt.nim
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 # Exception handling code. Carefully coded so that tiny programs which do not
 # use the heap (and nor exceptions) do not include the GC or memory allocator.
+import std/private/miscdollars
   errorMessageWriter*: (proc(msg: string) {.tags: [WriteIOEffect], benign,
@@ -240,11 +242,7 @@ proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PFrame; s: var seq[StackTraceEntry]) =
 template addFrameEntry(s: var string, f: StackTraceEntry|PFrame) =
   var oldLen = s.len
-  add(s, f.filename)
-  if f.line > 0:
-    add(s, '(')
-    add(s, $f.line)
-    add(s, ')')
+  s.toLocation(f.filename, f.line, 0)
   for k in 1..max(1, 25-(s.len-oldLen)): add(s, ' ')
   add(s, f.procname)
   when NimStackTraceMsgs:
diff --git a/lib/system/jssys.nim b/lib/system/jssys.nim
index 106283490..705a6a208 100644
--- a/lib/system/jssys.nim
+++ b/lib/system/jssys.nim
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 include system/indexerrors
+import std/private/miscdollars
 proc log*(s: cstring) {.importc: "console.log", varargs, nodecl.}
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ proc getCurrentExceptionMsg*(): string =
 proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PCallFrame): string =
-    TempFrame = tuple[procname: cstring, line: int]
+    TempFrame = tuple[procname: cstring, line: int, filename: cstring]
     it = f
     i = 0
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PCallFrame): string =
   while it != nil and i <= high(tempFrames):
     tempFrames[i].procname = it.procname
     tempFrames[i].line = it.line
+    tempFrames[i].filename = it.filename
     it = it.prev
@@ -92,10 +94,9 @@ proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PCallFrame): string =
     add(result, $(total-i))
     add(result, " calls omitted) ...\n")
   for j in countdown(i-1, 0):
+    result.toLocation($tempFrames[j].filename, tempFrames[j].line, 0)
+    add(result, " at ")
     add(result, tempFrames[j].procname)
-    if tempFrames[j].line > 0:
-      add(result, ", line: ")
-      add(result, $tempFrames[j].line)
     add(result, "\n")
 proc rawWriteStackTrace(): string =