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path: root/lib
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authorMatthias Einwag <>2014-03-04 00:49:08 +0100
committerMatthias Einwag <>2014-03-04 00:49:08 +0100
commite328d015f12c03a1f8391360d5dafc09596d0b72 (patch)
tree43f342218a39587fcc4a54d9a1b34a3d329bf3a2 /lib
parent5009ea56c0f54653f6817874262d5d076fb76cf6 (diff)
Added a IpAddress structure to the net module
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pure/net.nim b/lib/pure/net.nim
index 0ec007009..cf5b4634e 100644
--- a/lib/pure/net.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/net.nim
@@ -9,7 +9,237 @@
 ## This module implements a high-level cross-platform sockets interface.
-import sockets2, os
+import sockets2, os, strutils, unsigned
+  IpAddressFamily* {.pure.} = enum ## Describes the type of an IP address
+    IPv6, ## IPv6 address
+    IPv4  ## IPv4 address
+  TIpAddress* = object ## stores an arbitrary IP address    
+    case family*: IpAddressFamily      ## the type of the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
+    of IpAddressFamily.IPv6:
+      address_v6*: array[0..15, uint8] ## Contains the IP address in bytes in case of IPv6
+    of IpAddressFamily.IPv4:
+      address_v4*: array[0..3, uint8]  ## Contains the IP address in bytes in case of IPv4
+proc IPv4_any*(): TIpAddress =
+  ## Returns the IPv4 any address, which can be used to listen on all available
+  ## network adapters
+  result = TIpAddress(
+    family: IpAddressFamily.IPv4,
+    address_v4: [0'u8, 0'u8, 0'u8, 0'u8])
+proc IPv4_loopback*(): TIpAddress =
+  ## Returns the IPv4 loopback address (
+  result = TIpAddress(
+    family: IpAddressFamily.IPv4,
+    address_v4: [127'u8, 0'u8, 0'u8, 1'u8])
+proc IPv4_broadcast*(): TIpAddress =
+  ## Returns the IPv4 broadcast address (
+  result = TIpAddress(
+    family: IpAddressFamily.IPv4,
+    address_v4: [255'u8, 255'u8, 255'u8, 255'u8])
+proc IPv6_any*(): TIpAddress =
+  ## Returns the IPv6 any address (::0), which can be used
+  ## to listen on all available network adapters 
+  result = TIpAddress(
+    family: IpAddressFamily.IPv6,
+    address_v6: [0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8])
+proc IPv6_loopback*(): TIpAddress =
+  ## Returns the IPv6 loopback address (::1)
+  result = TIpAddress(
+    family: IpAddressFamily.IPv6,
+    address_v6: [0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,0'u8,1'u8])
+proc `$`*(address: TIpAddress): string =
+  ## Converts an TIpAddress into the textual representation
+  result = ""
+  case
+  of IpAddressFamily.IPv4:
+    for i in 0 .. 3:
+      if i != 0:
+        result.add('.')
+      result.add($address.address_v4[i])
+  of IpAddressFamily.IPv6:
+    var
+      currentZeroStart = -1
+      currentZeroCount = 0
+      biggestZeroStart = -1
+      biggestZeroCount = 0
+    # Look for the largest block of zeros
+    for i in 0..7:
+      var isZero = address.address_v6[i*2] == 0 and address.address_v6[i*2+1] == 0
+      if isZero:
+        if currentZeroStart == -1:
+          currentZeroStart = i
+          currentZeroCount = 1
+        else:
+        if currentZeroCount > biggestZeroCount:
+          biggestZeroCount = currentZeroCount
+          biggestZeroStart = currentZeroStart
+      else:
+        currentZeroStart = -1
+    if biggestZeroCount == 8: # Special case ::0
+      result.add("::")
+    else: # Print address
+      var printedLastGroup = false
+      for i in 0..7:
+        var word:uint16 = (cast[uint16](address.address_v6[i*2])) shl 8
+        word = word or cast[uint16](address.address_v6[i*2+1])
+        if biggestZeroCount != 0 and # Check if in skip group
+          (i >= biggestZeroStart and i < (biggestZeroStart + biggestZeroCount)):
+          if i == biggestZeroStart: # skip start
+            result.add("::")
+          printedLastGroup = false
+        else:
+          if printedLastGroup:
+            result.add(':')
+          result.add(toHex(BiggestInt(word),4)) # this has too many digits
+          printedLastGroup = true
+proc parseIPv4Address(address_str: string): TIpAddress =
+  ## Parses IPv4 adresses
+  ## Raises EInvalidValue on errors
+  var
+    byteCount = 0
+    currentByte:uint16 = 0
+    seperatorValid = false
+ = IpAddressFamily.IPv4
+  for i in 0 .. high(address_str):
+    if address_str[i] in {'0'..'9'}: # Character is a number
+      currentByte = currentByte * 10 + cast[uint16](ord(address_str[i]) - ord('0'))
+      if currentByte > 255'u16: raise new EInvalidValue
+      seperatorValid = true
+    elif address_str[i] == '.': # IPv4 address separator
+      if not seperatorValid or byteCount >= 3:
+        raise new EInvalidValue
+      result.address_v4[byteCount] = cast[uint8](currentByte)
+      currentByte = 0
+      seperatorValid = false
+    else:
+      raise new EInvalidValue # Invalid character
+  if byteCount != 3 or not seperatorValid:
+    raise new EInvalidValue
+  result.address_v4[byteCount] = cast[uint8](currentByte)
+proc parseIPv6Address(address_str: string): TIpAddress =
+  ## Parses IPv6 adresses
+  ## Raises EInvalidValue on errors
+ = IpAddressFamily.IPv6
+  if address_str.len < 2: raise new EInvalidValue
+  var
+    groupCount = 0
+    currentGroupStart = 0
+    currentShort:uint32 = 0
+    seperatorValid = true
+    dualColonGroup = -1
+    lastWasColon = false
+    v4StartPos = -1
+    byteCount = 0
+  for i,c in address_str:
+    if c == ':':
+      if not seperatorValid: raise new EInvalidValue
+      if lastWasColon:        
+        if dualColonGroup != -1: raise new EInvalidValue
+        dualColonGroup = groupCount
+        seperatorValid = false
+      elif i != 0 and i != high(address_str):
+        if groupCount >= 8: raise new EInvalidValue
+        result.address_v6[groupCount*2] = cast[uint8](currentShort shr 8)
+        result.address_v6[groupCount*2+1] = cast[uint8](currentShort and 0xFF)
+        currentShort = 0
+        if dualColonGroup != -1: seperatorValid = false
+      elif i == 0: # only valid if address starts with ::
+        if address_str[1] != ':': raise new EInvalidValue
+      else: # i == high(address_str) - only valid if address ends with ::
+        if address_str[high(address_str)-1] != ':': raise new EInvalidValue
+      lastWasColon = true
+      currentGroupStart = i + 1
+    elif c == '.': # Switch to parse IPv4 mode
+      if i < 3 or not seperatorValid or groupCount >= 7: raise new EInvalidValue
+      v4StartPos = currentGroupStart
+      currentShort = 0
+      seperatorValid = false
+      break
+    elif c in {'0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F'}:
+      if c in {'0'..'9'}: # Normal digit
+        currentShort = (currentShort shl 4) + cast[uint32](ord(c) - ord('0'))
+      elif c >= 'a' and c <= 'f': # Lower case hex
+        currentShort = (currentShort shl 4) + cast[uint32](ord(c) - ord('a')) + 10
+      else: # Upper case hex
+        currentShort = (currentShort shl 4) + cast[uint32](ord(c) - ord('A')) + 10
+      if currentShort > 65535'u32: raise new EInvalidValue
+      lastWasColon = false
+      seperatorValid = true
+    else:
+      raise new EInvalidValue
+  if v4StartPos == -1: # Don't parse v4. Copy the remaining v6 stuff
+    if seperatorValid: # Copy remaining data
+      if groupCount >= 8: raise new EInvalidValue
+      result.address_v6[groupCount*2] = cast[uint8](currentShort shr 8)
+      result.address_v6[groupCount*2+1] = cast[uint8](currentShort and 0xFF)
+  else: # Must parse IPv4 address
+    for i,c in address_str[v4StartPos..high(address_str)]:
+      if c in {'0'..'9'}: # Character is a number
+        currentShort = currentShort * 10 + cast[uint32](ord(c) - ord('0'))
+        if currentShort > 255'u32: raise new EInvalidValue
+        seperatorValid = true
+      elif c == '.': # IPv4 address separator
+        if not seperatorValid or byteCount >= 3:
+          raise new EInvalidValue
+        result.address_v6[groupCount*2 + byteCount] = cast[uint8](currentShort)
+        currentShort = 0
+        seperatorValid = false
+      else: # Invalid character
+        raise new EInvalidValue
+    if byteCount != 3 or not seperatorValid:
+      raise new EInvalidValue
+    result.address_v6[groupCount*2 + byteCount] = cast[uint8](currentShort)
+    groupCount += 2
+  # Shift and fill zeros in case of ::
+  if groupCount > 8:
+    raise new EInvalidValue
+  elif groupCount < 8: # must fill
+    if dualColonGroup == -1: raise new EInvalidValue
+    var toFill = 8 - groupCount # The number of groups to fill
+    var toShift = groupCount - dualColonGroup # Nr of known groups after ::
+    for i in 0..2*toShift-1: # shift
+      result.address_v6[15-i] = result.address_v6[groupCount*2-i-1]
+    for i in 0..2*toFill-1: # fill with 0s
+      result.address_v6[dualColonGroup*2+i] = 0
+  elif dualColonGroup != -1: raise new EInvalidValue
+proc parseIpAddress*(address_str: string): TIpAddress =
+  ## Parses an IP address
+  ## Throws EInvalidValue on error
+  if address_str == nil:
+    raise new EInvalidValue
+  if address_str.contains(':'):
+    return parseIPv6Address(address_str)
+  else:
+    return parseIPv4Address(address_str)
   TSocket* = TSocketHandle