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path: root/nim/parsecfg.pas
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authorAndreas Rumpf <>2008-08-23 11:16:44 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2008-08-23 11:16:44 +0200
commit07d5a8085bbcc21a1d9d06a2976ecc00e9c8d55b (patch)
treeb07a53afeb56f4bba917c1a3a843f48dd25b62be /nim/parsecfg.pas
parent916c25f9a70b68eb7a5e2c45d7cc2e10c6e3a525 (diff)
too many changes to list
Diffstat (limited to 'nim/parsecfg.pas')
1 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nim/parsecfg.pas b/nim/parsecfg.pas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f049536d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nim/parsecfg.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+//            Nimrod's Runtime Library
+//        (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf
+//    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+//    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+unit parsecfg;
+// A HIGH-PERFORMANCE configuration file parser;
+// the Nimrod version of this file will become part
+// of the standard library.
+{$include ''}
+  charsets, nsystem, sysutils, hashes, strutils, lexbase;
+  TCfgEventKind = (
+    cfgEof,     // end of file reached
+    cfgSectionStart, // a ``[section]`` has been parsed
+    cfgKeyValuePair, // a ``key=value`` pair has been detected
+    cfgOption, // a ``--key=value`` command line option
+    cfgError   // an error ocurred during parsing; msg contains the 
+               // error message
+  );
+  TCfgEvent = {@ignore} record
+    kind: TCfgEventKind;
+    section: string;
+    key, value: string;
+    msg: string;
+  end;
+  {@emit object(NObject)
+    case kind: TCfgEventKind of
+      cfgSection: (section: string);
+      cfgKeyValuePair, cfgOption: (key, value: string);
+      cfgError: (msg: string);
+  end;}
+  TTokKind = (tkInvalid, tkEof, // order is important here!
+    tkSymbol, tkEquals, tkColon,
+    tkBracketLe, tkBracketRi, tkDashDash
+  );
+  TToken = record          // a token
+    kind: TTokKind;     // the type of the token
+    literal: string;       // the parsed (string) literal
+  end;
+  TParserState = (startState, commaState);
+  TCfgParser = object(TBaseLexer)
+    tok: TToken;
+    state: TParserState;
+    filename: string;
+  end;
+function Open(var c: TCfgParser; const filename: string): bool;
+procedure OpenFromBuffer(var c: TCfgParser; const buf: string);
+procedure Close(var c: TCfgParser);
+function next(var c: TCfgParser): TCfgEvent;
+function getColumn(const c: TCfgParser): int;
+function getLine(const c: TCfgParser): int;
+function getFilename(const c: TCfgParser): string;
+  SymChars: TCharSet = ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', #128..#255];
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+procedure rawGetTok(var c: TCfgParser; var tok: TToken); forward;
+function open(var c: TCfgParser; const filename: string): bool;
+  FillChar(c, sizeof(c), 0); // work around Delphi/fpc bug
+  result := initBaseLexer(c, filename);
+  c.filename := filename;
+  c.state := startState;
+  c.tok.kind := tkInvalid;
+  c.tok.literal := '';
+  if result then rawGetTok(c, c.tok);
+procedure openFromBuffer(var c: TCfgParser; const buf: string);
+  FillChar(c, sizeof(c), 0); // work around Delphi/fpc bug
+  initBaseLexerFromBuffer(c, buf);
+  c.filename := 'buffer';
+  c.state := startState;
+  c.tok.kind := tkInvalid;
+  c.tok.literal := '';
+  rawGetTok(c, c.tok);
+procedure close(var c: TCfgParser);
+  deinitBaseLexer(c);
+function getColumn(const c: TCfgParser): int;
+  result := getColNumber(c, c.bufPos)
+function getLine(const c: TCfgParser): int;
+  result := c.linenumber
+function getFilename(const c: TCfgParser): string;
+  result := c.filename
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+procedure handleHexChar(var c: TCfgParser; var xi: int);
+  case c.buf[c.bufpos] of
+    '0'..'9': begin
+      xi := (xi shl 4) or (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('0'));
+      inc(c.bufpos);
+    end;
+    'a'..'f': begin
+      xi := (xi shl 4) or (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('a') + 10);
+      inc(c.bufpos);
+    end;
+    'A'..'F': begin
+      xi := (xi shl 4) or (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('A') + 10);
+      inc(c.bufpos);
+    end;
+    else begin end // do nothing
+  end
+procedure handleDecChars(var c: TCfgParser; var xi: int);
+  while c.buf[c.bufpos] in ['0'..'9'] do begin
+    xi := (xi * 10) + (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('0'));
+    inc(c.bufpos);
+  end;
+procedure getEscapedChar(var c: TCfgParser; var tok: TToken);
+  xi: int;
+  inc(c.bufpos); // skip '\'
+  case c.buf[c.bufpos] of
+    'n', 'N': begin
+      tok.literal := tok.literal +{&} nl;
+      Inc(c.bufpos);
+    end;
+    'r', 'R', 'c', 'C': begin addChar(tok.literal, CR); Inc(c.bufpos); end;
+    'l', 'L': begin addChar(tok.literal, LF); Inc(c.bufpos); end;
+    'f', 'F': begin addChar(tok.literal, FF); inc(c.bufpos); end;
+    'e', 'E': begin addChar(tok.literal, ESC); Inc(c.bufpos); end;
+    'a', 'A': begin addChar(tok.literal, BEL); Inc(c.bufpos); end;
+    'b', 'B': begin addChar(tok.literal, BACKSPACE); Inc(c.bufpos); end;
+    'v', 'V': begin addChar(tok.literal, VT); Inc(c.bufpos); end;
+    't', 'T': begin addChar(tok.literal, Tabulator); Inc(c.bufpos); end;
+    '''', '"': begin addChar(tok.literal, c.buf[c.bufpos]); Inc(c.bufpos); end;
+    '\': begin addChar(tok.literal, '\'); Inc(c.bufpos) end;
+    'x', 'X': begin
+      inc(c.bufpos);
+      xi := 0;
+      handleHexChar(c, xi);
+      handleHexChar(c, xi);
+      addChar(tok.literal, Chr(xi));
+    end;
+    '0'..'9': begin
+      xi := 0;
+      handleDecChars(c, xi);
+      if (xi <= 255) then
+        addChar(tok.literal, Chr(xi))
+      else
+        tok.kind := tkInvalid
+    end
+    else tok.kind := tkInvalid
+  end
+function HandleCRLF(var c: TCfgParser; pos: int): int;
+  case c.buf[pos] of
+    CR: result := lexbase.HandleCR(c, pos);
+    LF: result := lexbase.HandleLF(c, pos);
+    else result := pos
+  end
+procedure getString(var c: TCfgParser; var tok: TToken; rawMode: Boolean);
+  pos: int;
+  ch: Char;
+  buf: PChar;
+  pos := c.bufPos + 1; // skip "
+  buf := c.buf; // put `buf` in a register
+  tok.kind := tkSymbol;
+  if (buf[pos] = '"') and (buf[pos+1] = '"') then begin
+    // long string literal:
+    inc(pos, 2); // skip ""
+    // skip leading newline:
+    pos := HandleCRLF(c, pos);
+    repeat
+      case buf[pos] of
+        '"': begin
+          if (buf[pos+1] = '"') and (buf[pos+2] = '"') then
+            break;
+          addChar(tok.literal, '"');
+          Inc(pos)
+        end;
+        CR, LF: begin
+          pos := HandleCRLF(c, pos);
+          tok.literal := tok.literal +{&} nl;
+        end;
+        lexbase.EndOfFile: begin
+          tok.kind := tkInvalid;
+          break
+        end
+        else begin
+          addChar(tok.literal, buf[pos]);
+          Inc(pos)
+        end
+      end
+    until false;
+    c.bufpos := pos + 3 // skip the three """
+  end
+  else begin // ordinary string literal
+    repeat
+      ch := buf[pos];
+      if ch = '"' then begin
+        inc(pos); // skip '"'
+        break
+      end;
+      if ch in [CR, LF, lexbase.EndOfFile] then begin
+        tok.kind := tkInvalid;
+        break
+      end;
+      if (ch = '\') and not rawMode then begin
+        c.bufPos := pos;
+        getEscapedChar(c, tok);
+        pos := c.bufPos;
+      end
+      else begin
+        addChar(tok.literal, ch);
+        Inc(pos)
+      end
+    until false;
+    c.bufpos := pos;
+  end
+procedure getSymbol(var c: TCfgParser; var tok: TToken);
+  pos: int;
+  buf: pchar;
+  pos := c.bufpos;
+  buf := c.buf;
+  while true do begin
+    addChar(tok.literal, buf[pos]);
+    Inc(pos);
+    if not (buf[pos] in SymChars) then break;
+  end;
+  c.bufpos := pos;
+  tok.kind := tkSymbol
+procedure skip(var c: TCfgParser);
+  buf: PChar;
+  pos: int;
+  pos := c.bufpos;
+  buf := c.buf;
+  repeat
+    case buf[pos] of
+      ' ': Inc(pos);
+      Tabulator: inc(pos); 
+      '#', ';': while not (buf[pos] in [CR, LF, lexbase.EndOfFile]) do inc(pos);
+      CR, LF: pos := HandleCRLF(c, pos);
+      else break // EndOfFile also leaves the loop
+    end
+  until false;
+  c.bufpos := pos;
+procedure rawGetTok(var c: TCfgParser; var tok: TToken);
+  tok.kind := tkInvalid;
+  setLength(tok.literal, 0);
+  skip(c);
+  case c.buf[c.bufpos] of
+    '=': begin
+      tok.kind := tkEquals;
+      inc(c.bufpos);
+      tok.literal := '='+'';
+    end;
+    '-': begin
+      inc(c.bufPos);
+      if c.buf[c.bufPos] = '-' then inc(c.bufPos);
+      tok.kind := tkDashDash;
+      tok.literal := '--';
+    end;
+    ':': begin
+      tok.kind := tkColon;
+      inc(c.bufpos);
+      tok.literal := ':'+'';
+    end;
+    'r', 'R': begin
+      if c.buf[c.bufPos+1] = '"' then begin
+        Inc(c.bufPos);
+        getString(c, tok, true);
+      end
+      else 
+        getSymbol(c, tok);
+    end;
+    '[': begin
+      tok.kind := tkBracketLe;
+      inc(c.bufpos);
+      tok.literal := '['+'';
+    end;
+    ']': begin
+      tok.kind := tkBracketRi;
+      Inc(c.bufpos);
+      tok.literal := ']'+'';
+    end;
+    '"': getString(c, tok, false);
+    lexbase.EndOfFile: tok.kind := tkEof;
+    else getSymbol(c, tok);
+  end
+function errorStr(const c: TCfgParser; const msg: string): string;
+  result := format('$1($2, $3) Error: $4', [
+    c.filename, toString(getLine(c)), toString(getColumn(c)), 
+    msg
+  ]);
+function getKeyValPair(var c: TCfgParser; kind: TCfgEventKind): TCfgEvent;
+  if c.tok.kind = tkSymbol then begin
+    result.kind := kind;
+    result.key := c.tok.literal;
+    result.value := '';
+    rawGetTok(c, c.tok);
+    if c.tok.kind in [tkEquals, tkColon] then begin
+      rawGetTok(c, c.tok);
+      if c.tok.kind = tkSymbol then begin
+        result.value := c.tok.literal;
+      end
+      else begin
+        result.kind := cfgError;
+        result.msg := errorStr(c, 'symbol expected, but found: ' 
+                               + c.tok.literal);
+      end;
+      rawGetTok(c, c.tok);
+    end
+  end
+  else begin
+    result.kind := cfgError;
+    result.msg := errorStr(c, 'symbol expected, but found: ' + c.tok.literal);
+    rawGetTok(c, c.tok);
+  end;
+function next(var c: TCfgParser): TCfgEvent;
+  case c.tok.kind of
+    tkEof: result.kind := cfgEof;
+    tkDashDash: begin
+      rawGetTok(c, c.tok);
+      result := getKeyValPair(c, cfgOption);
+    end;
+    tkSymbol: begin
+      result := getKeyValPair(c, cfgKeyValuePair);
+    end;
+    tkBracketLe: begin
+      rawGetTok(c, c.tok);
+      if c.tok.kind = tkSymbol then begin
+        result.kind := cfgSectionStart;
+        result.section := c.tok.literal;
+      end
+      else begin
+        result.kind := cfgError;
+        result.msg := errorStr(c, 'symbol expected, but found: ' + c.tok.literal);
+      end;
+      rawGetTok(c, c.tok);
+      if c.tok.kind = tkBracketRi then rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
+      else begin
+        result.kind := cfgError;
+        result.msg := errorStr(c, ''']'' expected, but found: ' + c.tok.literal);      
+      end
+    end;
+    tkInvalid, tkEquals, tkColon: begin
+      result.kind := cfgError;
+      result.msg := errorStr(c, 'invalid token: ' + c.tok.literal);
+      rawGetTok(c, c.tok);
+    end
+  end