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path: root/nim/paslex.pas
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authorAraq <>2011-04-12 01:13:42 +0200
committerAraq <>2011-04-12 01:13:42 +0200
commitcd292568d775d55d9abb51e962882ecda12c03a9 (patch)
tree85451f0e1f17dc0463350915f12bdd0a82a73455 /nim/paslex.pas
parent46c41e43690cba9bc1caff6a994bb6915df8a1b7 (diff)
big repo cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'nim/paslex.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 738 deletions
diff --git a/nim/paslex.pas b/nim/paslex.pas
deleted file mode 100755
index f3d8daaeb..000000000
--- a/nim/paslex.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-//           The Nimrod Compiler
-//        (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf
-//    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-//    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-unit paslex;
-// This module implements a FreePascal scanner. This is a adaption from
-// the scanner module.
-{$include ''}
-  charsets, nsystem, sysutils,
-  nhashes, options, msgs, strutils, platform, idents,
-  lexbase, wordrecg, scanner;
-  MaxLineLength = 80; // lines longer than this lead to a warning
-  numChars: TCharSet = ['0'..'9','a'..'z','A'..'Z']; // we support up to base 36
-  SymChars: TCharSet = ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', #128..#255];
-  SymStartChars: TCharSet = ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', #128..#255];
-  OpChars: TCharSet = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '<', '>', '!', '?', '^', '.',
-    '|', '=', ':', '%', '&', '$', '@', '~', #128..#255];
-  // order is important for TPasTokKind
-  TPasTokKind = (pxInvalid, pxEof,
-    // keywords:
-    //[[[cog
-    //from string import capitalize
-    //keywords = eval(open("data/pas_keyw.yml").read())
-    //idents = ""
-    //strings = ""
-    //i = 1
-    //for k in keywords:
-    //  idents = idents + "px" + capitalize(k) + ", "
-    //  strings = strings + "'" + k + "', "
-    //  if i % 4 == 0:
-    //    idents = idents + "\n"
-    //    strings = strings + "\n"
-    //  i = i + 1
-    //cog.out(idents)
-    //]]]
-    pxAnd, pxArray, pxAs, pxAsm, 
-    pxBegin, pxCase, pxClass, pxConst, 
-    pxConstructor, pxDestructor, pxDiv, pxDo, 
-    pxDownto, pxElse, pxEnd, pxExcept, 
-    pxExports, pxFinalization, pxFinally, pxFor, 
-    pxFunction, pxGoto, pxIf, pxImplementation, 
-    pxIn, pxInherited, pxInitialization, pxInline, 
-    pxInterface, pxIs, pxLabel, pxLibrary, 
-    pxMod, pxNil, pxNot, pxObject, 
-    pxOf, pxOr, pxOut, pxPacked, 
-    pxProcedure, pxProgram, pxProperty, pxRaise, 
-    pxRecord, pxRepeat, pxResourcestring, pxSet, 
-    pxShl, pxShr, pxThen, pxThreadvar, 
-    pxTo, pxTry, pxType, pxUnit, 
-    pxUntil, pxUses, pxVar, pxWhile, 
-    pxWith, pxXor, 
-    //[[[end]]]
-    pxComment,   // ordinary comment
-    pxCommand,   // {@}
-    pxAmp,       // {&}
-    pxPer,       // {%}
-    pxStrLit,
-    pxSymbol,    // a symbol
-    pxIntLit,
-    pxInt64Lit,  // long constant like 0x00000070fffffff or out of int range
-    pxFloatLit,
-    pxParLe, pxParRi, pxBracketLe, pxBracketRi,
-    pxComma, pxSemiColon, pxColon,
-    // operators
-    pxAsgn,
-    pxEquals, pxDot, pxDotDot, pxHat, pxPlus, pxMinus, pxStar, pxSlash,
-    pxLe, pxLt, pxGe, pxGt, pxNeq, pxAt,
-    pxStarDirLe,
-    pxStarDirRi,
-    pxCurlyDirLe,
-    pxCurlyDirRi
-  );
-  TPasTokKinds = set of TPasTokKind;
-  PasTokKindToStr: array [TPasTokKind] of string = (
-    'pxInvalid', '[EOF]',
-    //[[[cog
-    //cog.out(strings)
-    //]]]
-    'and', 'array', 'as', 'asm', 
-    'begin', 'case', 'class', 'const', 
-    'constructor', 'destructor', 'div', 'do', 
-    'downto', 'else', 'end', 'except', 
-    'exports', 'finalization', 'finally', 'for', 
-    'function', 'goto', 'if', 'implementation', 
-    'in', 'inherited', 'initialization', 'inline', 
-    'interface', 'is', 'label', 'library', 
-    'mod', 'nil', 'not', 'object', 
-    'of', 'or', 'out', 'packed', 
-    'procedure', 'program', 'property', 'raise', 
-    'record', 'repeat', 'resourcestring', 'set', 
-    'shl', 'shr', 'then', 'threadvar', 
-    'to', 'try', 'type', 'unit', 
-    'until', 'uses', 'var', 'while', 
-    'with', 'xor', 
-    //[[[end]]]
-    'pxComment', 'pxCommand',
-    '{&}', '{%}', 'pxStrLit', '[IDENTIFIER]', 'pxIntLit', 'pxInt64Lit',
-    'pxFloatLit',
-    '('+'', ')'+'', '['+'', ']'+'',
-    ','+'', ';'+'', ':'+'',
-    ':=', '='+'', '.'+'', '..', '^'+'', '+'+'', '-'+'', '*'+'', '/'+'',
-    '<=', '<'+'', '>=', '>'+'', '<>', '@'+'', '(*$', '*)', '{$', '}'+''
-  );
-  TPasTok = object(TToken)         // a Pascal token
-    xkind: TPasTokKind;            // the type of the token
-  end;
-  TPasLex = object(TLexer)
-  end;
-procedure getPasTok(var L: TPasLex; out tok: TPasTok);
-procedure PrintPasTok(const tok: TPasTok);
-function pasTokToStr(const tok: TPasTok): string;
-function pastokToStr(const tok: TPasTok): string;
-  case tok.xkind of
-    pxIntLit, pxInt64Lit:
-      result := toString(tok.iNumber);
-    pxFloatLit:
-      result := toStringF(tok.fNumber);
-    pxInvalid, pxComment..pxStrLit:
-      result := tok.literal;
-    else if (tok.ident.s <> '') then
-      result := tok.ident.s
-    else
-      result := pasTokKindToStr[tok.xkind];
-  end
-procedure PrintPasTok(const tok: TPasTok);
-  write(output, pasTokKindToStr[tok.xkind]);
-  write(output, ' ');
-  writeln(output, pastokToStr(tok))
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure setKeyword(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok);
-  case of
-    //[[[cog
-    //for k in keywords:
-    //  m = capitalize(k)
-    //  cog.outl("ord(w%s):%s tok.xkind := px%s;" % (m, ' '*(18-len(m)), m))
-    //]]]
-    ord(wAnd):                tok.xkind := pxAnd;
-    ord(wArray):              tok.xkind := pxArray;
-    ord(wAs):                 tok.xkind := pxAs;
-    ord(wAsm):                tok.xkind := pxAsm;
-    ord(wBegin):              tok.xkind := pxBegin;
-    ord(wCase):               tok.xkind := pxCase;
-    ord(wClass):              tok.xkind := pxClass;
-    ord(wConst):              tok.xkind := pxConst;
-    ord(wConstructor):        tok.xkind := pxConstructor;
-    ord(wDestructor):         tok.xkind := pxDestructor;
-    ord(wDiv):                tok.xkind := pxDiv;
-    ord(wDo):                 tok.xkind := pxDo;
-    ord(wDownto):             tok.xkind := pxDownto;
-    ord(wElse):               tok.xkind := pxElse;
-    ord(wEnd):                tok.xkind := pxEnd;
-    ord(wExcept):             tok.xkind := pxExcept;
-    ord(wExports):            tok.xkind := pxExports;
-    ord(wFinalization):       tok.xkind := pxFinalization;
-    ord(wFinally):            tok.xkind := pxFinally;
-    ord(wFor):                tok.xkind := pxFor;
-    ord(wFunction):           tok.xkind := pxFunction;
-    ord(wGoto):               tok.xkind := pxGoto;
-    ord(wIf):                 tok.xkind := pxIf;
-    ord(wImplementation):     tok.xkind := pxImplementation;
-    ord(wIn):                 tok.xkind := pxIn;
-    ord(wInherited):          tok.xkind := pxInherited;
-    ord(wInitialization):     tok.xkind := pxInitialization;
-    ord(wInline):             tok.xkind := pxInline;
-    ord(wInterface):          tok.xkind := pxInterface;
-    ord(wIs):                 tok.xkind := pxIs;
-    ord(wLabel):              tok.xkind := pxLabel;
-    ord(wLibrary):            tok.xkind := pxLibrary;
-    ord(wMod):                tok.xkind := pxMod;
-    ord(wNil):                tok.xkind := pxNil;
-    ord(wNot):                tok.xkind := pxNot;
-    ord(wObject):             tok.xkind := pxObject;
-    ord(wOf):                 tok.xkind := pxOf;
-    ord(wOr):                 tok.xkind := pxOr;
-    ord(wOut):                tok.xkind := pxOut;
-    ord(wPacked):             tok.xkind := pxPacked;
-    ord(wProcedure):          tok.xkind := pxProcedure;
-    ord(wProgram):            tok.xkind := pxProgram;
-    ord(wProperty):           tok.xkind := pxProperty;
-    ord(wRaise):              tok.xkind := pxRaise;
-    ord(wRecord):             tok.xkind := pxRecord;
-    ord(wRepeat):             tok.xkind := pxRepeat;
-    ord(wResourcestring):     tok.xkind := pxResourcestring;
-    ord(wSet):                tok.xkind := pxSet;
-    ord(wShl):                tok.xkind := pxShl;
-    ord(wShr):                tok.xkind := pxShr;
-    ord(wThen):               tok.xkind := pxThen;
-    ord(wThreadvar):          tok.xkind := pxThreadvar;
-    ord(wTo):                 tok.xkind := pxTo;
-    ord(wTry):                tok.xkind := pxTry;
-    ord(wType):               tok.xkind := pxType;
-    ord(wUnit):               tok.xkind := pxUnit;
-    ord(wUntil):              tok.xkind := pxUntil;
-    ord(wUses):               tok.xkind := pxUses;
-    ord(wVar):                tok.xkind := pxVar;
-    ord(wWhile):              tok.xkind := pxWhile;
-    ord(wWith):               tok.xkind := pxWith;
-    ord(wXor):                tok.xkind := pxXor;
-    //[[[end]]]
-    else                      tok.xkind := pxSymbol
-  end
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure matchUnderscoreChars(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok;
-                               const chars: TCharSet);
-// matches ([chars]_)*
-  pos: int;
-  buf: PChar;
-  pos := L.bufpos; // use registers for pos, buf
-  buf := L.buf;
-  repeat
-    if buf[pos] in chars then begin
-      addChar(tok.literal, buf[pos]);
-      Inc(pos)
-    end
-    else break;
-    if buf[pos] = '_' then begin
-      addChar(tok.literal, '_');
-      Inc(pos);
-    end;
-  until false;
-  L.bufPos := pos;
-function isFloatLiteral(const s: string): boolean;
-  i: int;
-  for i := strStart to length(s)+strStart-1 do
-    if s[i] in ['.','e','E'] then begin
-      result := true; exit
-    end;
-  result := false
-procedure getNumber2(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok);
-  pos, bits: int;
-  xi: biggestInt;
-  pos := L.bufpos+1; // skip %
-  if not (L.buf[pos] in ['0'..'1']) then begin // BUGFIX for %date%
-    tok.xkind := pxInvalid;
-    addChar(tok.literal, '%');
-    inc(L.bufpos);
-    exit;
-  end;
-  tok.base := base2;
-  xi := 0;
-  bits := 0;
-  while true do begin
-    case L.buf[pos] of
-      'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '2'..'9', '.': begin
-        lexMessage(L, errInvalidNumber);
-        inc(pos)
-      end;
-      '_': inc(pos);
-      '0', '1': begin
-        xi := shlu(xi, 1) or (ord(L.buf[pos]) - ord('0'));
-        inc(pos);
-        inc(bits);
-      end;
-      else break;
-    end
-  end;
-  tok.iNumber := xi;
-  if (bits > 32) then //or (xi < low(int32)) or (xi > high(int32)) then
-    tok.xkind := pxInt64Lit
-  else
-    tok.xkind := pxIntLit;
-  L.bufpos := pos;
-procedure getNumber16(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok);
-  pos, bits: int;
-  xi: biggestInt;
-  pos := L.bufpos+1; // skip $
-  tok.base := base16;
-  xi := 0;
-  bits := 0;
-  while true do begin
-    case L.buf[pos] of
-      'G'..'Z', 'g'..'z', '.': begin
-        lexMessage(L, errInvalidNumber);
-        inc(pos);
-      end;
-      '_': inc(pos);
-      '0'..'9': begin
-        xi := shlu(xi, 4) or (ord(L.buf[pos]) - ord('0'));
-        inc(pos);
-        inc(bits, 4);
-      end;
-      'a'..'f': begin
-        xi := shlu(xi, 4) or (ord(L.buf[pos]) - ord('a') + 10);
-        inc(pos);
-        inc(bits, 4);
-      end;
-      'A'..'F': begin
-        xi := shlu(xi, 4) or (ord(L.buf[pos]) - ord('A') + 10);
-        inc(pos);
-        inc(bits, 4);
-      end;
-      else break;
-    end
-  end;
-  tok.iNumber := xi;
-  if (bits > 32) then // (xi < low(int32)) or (xi > high(int32)) then
-    tok.xkind := pxInt64Lit
-  else
-    tok.xkind := pxIntLit;
-  L.bufpos := pos;
-procedure getNumber10(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok);
-  tok.base := base10;
-  matchUnderscoreChars(L, tok, ['0'..'9']);
-  if (L.buf[L.bufpos] = '.') and (L.buf[L.bufpos+1] in ['0'..'9']) then begin
-    addChar(tok.literal, '.');
-    inc(L.bufpos);
-    matchUnderscoreChars(L, tok, ['e', 'E', '+', '-', '0'..'9'])
-  end;
-  try
-    if isFloatLiteral(tok.literal) then begin
-      tok.fnumber := parseFloat(tok.literal);
-      tok.xkind := pxFloatLit;
-    end
-    else begin
-      tok.iNumber := ParseInt(tok.literal);
-      if (tok.iNumber < low(int32)) or (tok.iNumber > high(int32)) then
-        tok.xkind := pxInt64Lit
-      else
-        tok.xkind := pxIntLit;
-    end;
-  except
-    on EInvalidValue do
-      lexMessage(L, errInvalidNumber, tok.literal);
-    on EOverflow do
-      lexMessage(L, errNumberOutOfRange, tok.literal);
-  {@ignore}
-    on sysutils.EIntOverflow do
-      lexMessage(L, errNumberOutOfRange, tok.literal);
-  {@emit}
-  end;
-function HandleCRLF(var L: TLexer; pos: int): int;
-  case L.buf[pos] of
-    CR: result := lexbase.HandleCR(L, pos);
-    LF: result := lexbase.HandleLF(L, pos);
-    else result := pos
-  end
-procedure getString(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok);
-  pos, xi: int;
-  buf: PChar;
-  pos := L.bufPos;
-  buf := L.buf;
-  while true do begin
-    if buf[pos] = '''' then begin
-      inc(pos);
-      while true do begin
-        case buf[pos] of
-          CR, LF, lexbase.EndOfFile: begin
-            lexMessage(L, errClosingQuoteExpected);
-            break
-          end;
-          '''': begin
-            inc(pos);
-            if buf[pos] = '''' then begin
-              inc(pos);
-              addChar(tok.literal, '''');
-            end
-            else break;
-          end;
-          else begin
-            addChar(tok.literal, buf[pos]);
-            inc(pos);
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    else if buf[pos] = '#' then begin
-      inc(pos);
-      xi := 0;
-      case buf[pos] of
-        '$': begin
-          inc(pos);
-          xi := 0;
-          while true do begin
-            case buf[pos] of
-              '0'..'9': xi := (xi shl 4) or (ord(buf[pos]) - ord('0'));
-              'a'..'f': xi := (xi shl 4) or (ord(buf[pos]) - ord('a') + 10);
-              'A'..'F': xi := (xi shl 4) or (ord(buf[pos]) - ord('A') + 10);
-              else break;
-            end;
-            inc(pos)
-          end
-        end;
-        '0'..'9': begin
-          xi := 0;
-          while buf[pos] in ['0'..'9'] do begin
-            xi := (xi * 10) + (ord(buf[pos]) - ord('0'));
-            inc(pos);
-          end;
-        end
-        else lexMessage(L, errInvalidCharacterConstant)
-      end;
-      if (xi <= 255) then
-        addChar(tok.literal, Chr(xi))
-      else
-        lexMessage(L, errInvalidCharacterConstant)
-    end
-    else break
-  end;
-  tok.xkind := pxStrLit;
-  L.bufpos := pos;
-{$ifopt Q+} {$define Q_on} {$Q-} {$endif}
-{$ifopt R+} {$define R_on} {$R-} {$endif}
-procedure getSymbol(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok);
-  pos: int;
-  c: Char;
-  buf: pchar;
-  h: THash; // hashing algorithm inlined
-  h := 0;
-  pos := L.bufpos;
-  buf := L.buf;
-  while true do begin
-    c := buf[pos];
-    case c of
-      'a'..'z', '0'..'9', #128..#255: begin
-        h := h +{%} Ord(c);
-        h := h +{%} h shl 10;
-        h := h xor (h shr 6)
-      end;
-      'A'..'Z': begin
-        c := chr(ord(c) + (ord('a')-ord('A'))); // toLower()
-        h := h +{%} Ord(c);
-        h := h +{%} h shl 10;
-        h := h xor (h shr 6)
-      end;
-      '_': begin end;
-      else break
-    end;
-    Inc(pos)
-  end;
-  h := h +{%} h shl 3;
-  h := h xor (h shr 11);
-  h := h +{%} h shl 15;
-  tok.ident := getIdent(addr(L.buf[L.bufpos]), pos-L.bufpos, h);
-  L.bufpos := pos;
-  setKeyword(L, tok);
-{$ifdef Q_on} {$undef Q_on} {$Q+} {$endif}
-{$ifdef R_on} {$undef R_on} {$R+} {$endif}
-procedure scanLineComment(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok);
-  buf: PChar;
-  pos, col: int;
-  indent: int;
-  pos := L.bufpos;
-  buf := L.buf;
-  // a comment ends if the next line does not start with the // on the same
-  // column after only whitespace
-  tok.xkind := pxComment;
-  col := getColNumber(L, pos);
-  while true do begin
-    inc(pos, 2); // skip //
-    addChar(tok.literal, '#');
-    while not (buf[pos] in [CR, LF, lexbase.EndOfFile]) do begin
-      addChar(tok.literal, buf[pos]); inc(pos);
-    end;
-    pos := handleCRLF(L, pos);
-    buf := L.buf;
-    indent := 0;
-    while buf[pos] = ' ' do begin inc(pos); inc(indent) end;
-    if (col = indent) and (buf[pos] = '/') and (buf[pos+1] = '/') then
-      tok.literal := tok.literal +{&} nl
-    else
-      break
-  end;
-  L.bufpos := pos;
-procedure scanCurlyComment(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok);
-  buf: PChar;
-  pos: int;
-  pos := L.bufpos;
-  buf := L.buf;
-  tok.literal := '#'+'';
-  tok.xkind := pxComment;
-  repeat
-    case buf[pos] of
-      CR, LF: begin
-        pos := HandleCRLF(L, pos);
-        buf := L.buf;
-        tok.literal := tok.literal +{&} nl + '#';
-      end;
-      '}': begin inc(pos); break end;
-      lexbase.EndOfFile: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, '}'+'');
-      else begin
-        addChar(tok.literal, buf[pos]);
-        inc(pos)
-      end
-    end
-  until false;
-  L.bufpos := pos;
-procedure scanStarComment(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok);
-  buf: PChar;
-  pos: int;
-  pos := L.bufpos;
-  buf := L.buf;
-  tok.literal := '#'+'';
-  tok.xkind := pxComment;
-  repeat
-    case buf[pos] of
-      CR, LF: begin
-        pos := HandleCRLF(L, pos);
-        buf := L.buf;
-        tok.literal := tok.literal +{&} nl + '#';
-      end;
-      '*': begin
-        inc(pos);
-        if buf[pos] = ')' then begin inc(pos); break end
-        else addChar(tok.literal, '*')
-      end;
-      lexbase.EndOfFile: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, '*)');
-      else begin
-        addChar(tok.literal, buf[pos]);
-        inc(pos)
-      end
-    end
-  until false;
-  L.bufpos := pos;
-procedure skip(var L: TPasLex; var tok: TPasTok);
-  buf: PChar;
-  pos: int;
-  pos := L.bufpos;
-  buf := L.buf;
-  repeat
-    case buf[pos] of
-      ' ', Tabulator: Inc(pos);
-      // newline is special:
-      CR, LF: begin
-        pos := HandleCRLF(L, pos);
-        buf := L.buf;
-      end
-      else break // EndOfFile also leaves the loop
-    end
-  until false;
-  L.bufpos := pos;
-procedure getPasTok(var L: TPasLex; out tok: TPasTok);
-  c: Char;
-  tok.xkind := pxInvalid;
-  fillToken(tok);
-  skip(L, tok);
-  c := L.buf[L.bufpos];
-  if c in SymStartChars then // common case first
-    getSymbol(L, tok)
-  else if c in ['0'..'9'] then
-    getNumber10(L, tok)
-  else begin
-    case c of
-      ';': begin tok.xkind := pxSemicolon; Inc(L.bufpos) end;
-      '/': begin
-        if L.buf[L.bufpos+1] = '/' then scanLineComment(L, tok)
-        else begin tok.xkind := pxSlash; inc(L.bufpos) end;
-      end;
-      ',': begin tok.xkind := pxComma; Inc(L.bufpos) end;
-      '(': begin
-        Inc(L.bufpos);
-        if (L.buf[L.bufPos] = '*') then begin
-          if (L.buf[L.bufPos+1] = '$') then begin
-            Inc(L.bufpos, 2);
-            skip(L, tok);
-            getSymbol(L, tok);
-            tok.xkind := pxStarDirLe;
-          end
-          else begin
-            inc(L.bufpos);
-            scanStarComment(L, tok)
-          end
-        end
-        else
-          tok.xkind := pxParLe;
-      end;
-      '*': begin
-        inc(L.bufpos);
-        if L.buf[L.bufpos] = ')' then begin
-          inc(L.bufpos); tok.xkind := pxStarDirRi
-        end
-        else tok.xkind := pxStar
-      end;
-      ')': begin tok.xkind := pxParRi; Inc(L.bufpos) end;
-      '[': begin Inc(L.bufpos); tok.xkind := pxBracketLe end;
-      ']': begin Inc(L.bufpos); tok.xkind := pxBracketRi end;
-      '.': begin
-        inc(L.bufpos);
-        if L.buf[L.bufpos] = '.' then begin
-          tok.xkind := pxDotDot; inc(L.bufpos)
-        end
-        else tok.xkind := pxDot
-      end;
-      '{': begin
-        Inc(L.bufpos);
-        case L.buf[L.bufpos] of
-          '$': begin
-            Inc(L.bufpos);
-            skip(L, tok);
-            getSymbol(L, tok);
-            tok.xkind := pxCurlyDirLe
-          end;
-          '&': begin Inc(L.bufpos); tok.xkind := pxAmp end;
-          '%': begin Inc(L.bufpos); tok.xkind := pxPer end;
-          '@': begin Inc(L.bufpos); tok.xkind := pxCommand end;
-          else scanCurlyComment(L, tok);
-        end;
-      end;
-      '+': begin tok.xkind := pxPlus; inc(L.bufpos) end;
-      '-': begin tok.xkind := pxMinus; inc(L.bufpos) end;
-      ':': begin
-        inc(L.bufpos);
-        if L.buf[L.bufpos] = '=' then begin
-          inc(L.bufpos); tok.xkind := pxAsgn;
-        end
-        else tok.xkind := pxColon
-      end;
-      '<': begin
-        inc(L.bufpos);
-        if L.buf[L.bufpos] = '>' then begin
-          inc(L.bufpos);
-          tok.xkind := pxNeq
-        end
-        else if L.buf[L.bufpos] = '=' then begin
-          inc(L.bufpos);
-          tok.xkind := pxLe
-        end
-        else tok.xkind := pxLt
-      end;
-      '>': begin
-        inc(L.bufpos);
-        if L.buf[L.bufpos] = '=' then begin
-          inc(L.bufpos);
-          tok.xkind := pxGe
-        end
-        else tok.xkind := pxGt
-      end;
-      '=': begin tok.xkind := pxEquals; inc(L.bufpos) end;
-      '@': begin tok.xkind := pxAt; inc(L.bufpos) end;
-      '^': begin tok.xkind := pxHat; inc(L.bufpos) end;
-      '}': begin tok.xkind := pxCurlyDirRi; Inc(L.bufpos) end;
-      '''', '#': getString(L, tok);
-      '$': getNumber16(L, tok);
-      '%': getNumber2(L, tok);
-      lexbase.EndOfFile: tok.xkind := pxEof;
-      else begin
-        tok.literal := c + '';
-        tok.xkind := pxInvalid;
-        lexMessage(L, errInvalidToken, c + ' (\' +{&} toString(ord(c)) + ')');
-        Inc(L.bufpos);
-      end
-    end
-  end