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path: root/nimlib/pure/terminal.nim
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authorAraq <>2011-04-12 01:13:42 +0200
committerAraq <>2011-04-12 01:13:42 +0200
commitcd292568d775d55d9abb51e962882ecda12c03a9 (patch)
tree85451f0e1f17dc0463350915f12bdd0a82a73455 /nimlib/pure/terminal.nim
parent46c41e43690cba9bc1caff6a994bb6915df8a1b7 (diff)
big repo cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'nimlib/pure/terminal.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/nimlib/pure/terminal.nim b/nimlib/pure/terminal.nim
deleted file mode 100755
index 42bd80cb4..000000000
--- a/nimlib/pure/terminal.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@


-#            Nimrod's Runtime Library

-#        (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf


-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this

-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.



-## This module contains a few procedures to control the *terminal* 

-## (also called *console*). On UNIX, the implementation simply uses ANSI escape 

-## sequences and does not depend on any other module, on Windows it uses the

-## Windows API.

-## Changing the style is permanent even after program termination! Use the

-## code ``system.addQuitProc(resetAttributes)`` to restore the defaults.


-when defined(windows):

-  import windows, os


-  var 

-    conHandle: THandle

-  # = createFile("CONOUT$", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, 0)


-  block:

-    var hTemp = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE())

-    if DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hTemp, GetCurrentProcess(),

-                       addr(conHandle), 0, 1, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) == 0:

-      OSError()


-  proc getCursorPos(): tuple [x,y: int] = 


-    if GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(conHandle, addr(c)) == 0: OSError()

-    return (int(c.dwCursorPosition.x), int(c.dwCursorPosition.y))


-  proc getAttributes(): int16 = 


-    # workaround Windows bugs: try several times

-    if GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(conHandle, addr(c)) != 0: 

-      return c.wAttributes

-    else:

-      OSError()

-    return 0x70'i16 # ERROR: return white background, black text


-  var

-    oldAttr = getAttributes()


-proc setCursorPos*(x, y: int) =

-  ## sets the terminal's cursor to the (x,y) position. (0,0) is the 

-  ## upper left of the screen. 

-  when defined(windows):

-    var c: TCoord

-    c.x = int16(x)

-    c.y = int16(y)

-    if SetConsoleCursorPosition(conHandle, c) == 0: OSError()

-  else:

-    stdout.write("\e[" & $y & ';' & $x & 'f')

-proc setCursorXPos*(x: int) =

-  ## sets the terminal's cursor to the x position. The y position is
-  ## not changed.

-  when defined(windows):


-    var hStdout = conHandle

-    if GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, addr(scrbuf)) == 0: OSError()

-    var origin = scrbuf.dwCursorPosition

-    origin.x = int16(x)

-    if SetConsoleCursorPosition(conHandle, origin) == 0: OSError()
-  else:

-    stdout.write("\e[" & $x & 'G')

-when defined(windows):
-  proc setCursorYPos*(y: int) =

-    ## sets the terminal's cursor to the y position. The x position is
-    ## not changed. **Warning**: This is not supported on UNIX!

-    when defined(windows):


-      var hStdout = conHandle

-      if GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, addr(scrbuf)) == 0: OSError()

-      var origin = scrbuf.dwCursorPosition

-      origin.y = int16(y)

-      if SetConsoleCursorPosition(conHandle, origin) == 0: OSError()
-    else:

-      nil


-proc CursorUp*(count=1) = 

-  ## Moves the cursor up by `count` rows.

-  when defined(windows):

-    var p = getCursorPos()

-    dec(p.y, count)

-    setCursorPos(p.x, p.y)

-  else:

-    stdout.write("\e[" & $count & 'A')


-proc CursorDown*(count=1) = 

-  ## Moves the cursor down by `count` rows.

-  when defined(windows):

-    var p = getCursorPos()

-    inc(p.y, count)

-    setCursorPos(p.x, p.y)

-  else:

-    stdout.write("\e[" & $count & 'B')


-proc CursorForward*(count=1) = 

-  ## Moves the cursor forward by `count` columns.

-  when defined(windows):

-    var p = getCursorPos()

-    inc(p.x, count)

-    setCursorPos(p.x, p.y)

-  else:

-    stdout.write("\e[" & $count & 'C')


-proc CursorBackward*(count=1) = 

-  ## Moves the cursor backward by `count` columns.

-  when defined(windows):

-    var p = getCursorPos()

-    dec(p.x, count)

-    setCursorPos(p.x, p.y)

-  else:

-    stdout.write("\e[" & $count & 'D')


-when true:

-  nil


-  proc EraseLineEnd* =

-    ## Erases from the current cursor position to the end of the current line.

-    when defined(windows):

-      nil

-    else:

-      stdout.write("\e[K")


-  proc EraseLineStart* =

-    ## Erases from the current cursor position to the start of the current line.

-    when defined(windows):

-      nil

-    else:

-      stdout.write("\e[1K")


-  proc EraseDown* =

-    ## Erases the screen from the current line down to the bottom of the screen.

-    when defined(windows):

-      nil

-    else:

-      stdout.write("\e[J")


-  proc EraseUp* =

-    ## Erases the screen from the current line up to the top of the screen.

-    when defined(windows):

-      nil

-    else:

-      stdout.write("\e[1J")


-proc EraseLine* =

-  ## Erases the entire current line.

-  when defined(windows):


-    var numwrote: DWORD

-    var hStdout = conHandle

-    if GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, addr(scrbuf)) == 0: OSError()

-    var origin = scrbuf.dwCursorPosition

-    origin.x = 0'i16

-    if SetConsoleCursorPosition(conHandle, origin) == 0: OSError()

-    var ht = scrbuf.dwSize.Y - origin.Y

-    var wt = scrbuf.dwSize.X - origin.X

-    if FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdout,' ', ht*wt, 

-                                  origin, addr(numwrote)) == 0:

-      OSError()

-    if FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdout, scrbuf.wAttributes, ht * wt,

-                                  scrbuf.dwCursorPosition, addr(numwrote)) == 0:

-      OSError()

-  else:

-    stdout.write("\e[2K")
-    setCursorXPos(0)


-proc EraseScreen* =

-  ## Erases the screen with the background colour and moves the cursor to home.

-  when defined(windows):


-    var numwrote: DWORD

-    var origin: TCoord # is inititalized to 0, 0 

-    var hStdout = conHandle

-    if GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, addr(scrbuf)) == 0: OSError()

-    if FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdout, ' ', scrbuf.dwSize.X*scrbuf.dwSize.Y,

-                                  origin, addr(numwrote)) == 0:

-      OSError()

-    if FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdout, scrbuf.wAttributes,

-                                  scrbuf.dwSize.X * scrbuf.dwSize.Y, 

-                                  origin, addr(numwrote)) == 0:

-      OSError()

-    setCursorXPos(0)

-  else:

-    stdout.write("\e[2J")


-proc ResetAttributes* {.noconv.} = 

-  ## resets all attributes; it is advisable to register this as a quit proc

-  ## with ``system.addQuitProc(resetAttributes)``. 

-  when defined(windows):

-    discard SetConsoleTextAttribute(conHandle, oldAttr)

-  else:

-    stdout.write("\e[0m")



-  TStyle* = enum         ## different styles for text output

-    styleBright = 1,     ## bright text

-    styleDim,            ## dim text

-    styleUnknown,        ## unknown

-    styleUnderscore = 4, ## underscored text

-    styleBlink,          ## blinking/bold text

-    styleReverse,        ## unknown

-    styleHidden          ## hidden text


-when not defined(windows):

-  var

-    gFG = 0

-    gBG = 0


-proc WriteStyled*(txt: string, style: set[TStyle] = {styleBright}) = 

-  ## writes the text `txt` in a given `style`.

-  when defined(windows):

-    var a = 0'i16

-    if styleBright in style: a = a or int16(FOREGROUND_INTENSITY)

-    if styleBlink in style: a = a or int16(BACKGROUND_INTENSITY)

-    if styleReverse in style: a = a or 0x4000'i16 # COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO

-    if styleUnderscore in style: a = a or 0x8000'i16 # COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE

-    var old = getAttributes()

-    discard SetConsoleTextAttribute(conHandle, old or a)

-    stdout.write(txt)

-    discard SetConsoleTextAttribute(conHandle, old)

-  else:

-    for s in items(style):

-      stdout.write("\e[" & $ord(s) & 'm')

-    stdout.write(txt)

-    resetAttributes()

-    if gFG != 0: 

-      stdout.write("\e[" & $ord(gFG) & 'm')  

-    if gBG != 0:

-      stdout.write("\e[" & $ord(gBG) & 'm')



-  TForegroundColor* = enum ## terminal's foreground colors

-    fgBlack = 30,          ## black

-    fgRed,                 ## red

-    fgGreen,               ## green

-    fgYellow,              ## yellow

-    fgBlue,                ## blue

-    fgMagenta,             ## magenta

-    fgCyan,                ## cyan

-    fgWhite                ## white


-  TBackgroundColor* = enum ## terminal's background colors

-    bgBlack = 40,          ## black

-    bgRed,                 ## red

-    bgGreen,               ## green

-    bgYellow,              ## yellow

-    bgBlue,                ## blue

-    bgMagenta,             ## magenta

-    bgCyan,                ## cyan

-    bgWhite                ## white


-proc setForegroundColor*(fg: TForegroundColor, bright=false) = 

-  ## sets the terminal's foreground color

-  when defined(windows):

-    var old = getAttributes() and not 0x0007 

-    if bright: 

-      old = old or FOREGROUND_INTENSITY

-    const lookup: array [TForegroundColor, int] = [

-      0,








-    discard SetConsoleTextAttribute(conHandle, toU16(old or lookup[fg]))

-  else:

-    gFG = ord(fg)

-    if bright: inc(gFG, 60)

-    stdout.write("\e[" & $gFG & 'm')


-proc setBackgroundColor*(bg: TBackgroundColor, bright=false) = 

-  ## sets the terminal's background color

-  when defined(windows):

-    var old = getAttributes() and not 0x0070

-    if bright: 

-      old = old or BACKGROUND_INTENSITY

-    const lookup: array [TBackgroundColor, int] = [

-      0,








-    discard SetConsoleTextAttribute(conHandle, toU16(old or lookup[bg]))

-  else:

-    gBG = ord(bg)

-    if bright: inc(gBG, 60)

-    stdout.write("\e[" & $gBG & 'm')


-when isMainModule:

-  system.addQuitProc(resetAttributes)

-  write(stdout, "never mind")

-  eraseLine()

-  #setCursorPos(2, 2)

-  writeStyled("styled text ", {styleBright, styleBlink, styleUnderscore})

-  setBackGroundColor(bgCyan, true)

-  setForeGroundColor(fgBlue)

-  writeln(stdout, "ordinary text")
