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path: root/rod/c2nim
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authorAraq <>2010-10-21 00:12:14 +0200
committerAraq <>2010-10-21 00:12:14 +0200
commit765366c1f377fbd9507e942385170b546d9d34d0 (patch)
treebffec904c5b980aa7b9c0961cda18d5dd30638ae /rod/c2nim
parent53cd61546dc798fc0f08baf0813f579a90d7e766 (diff)
version 0.8.10
Diffstat (limited to 'rod/c2nim')
2 files changed, 4 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/rod/c2nim/cparse.nim b/rod/c2nim/cparse.nim
index de2355bba..2634e8598 100755
--- a/rod/c2nim/cparse.nim
+++ b/rod/c2nim/cparse.nim
@@ -719,6 +719,8 @@ proc enumFields(p: var TParser): PNode =
     addSon(result, e)
     if p.tok.xkind != pxComma: break
     getTok(p, e)
+    # allow trailing comma:
+    if p.tok.xkind == pxCurlyRi: break
 proc parseTypedefStruct(p: var TParser, result: PNode, isUnion: bool) = 
   getTok(p, result)
@@ -965,6 +967,8 @@ proc enumSpecifier(p: var TParser): PNode =
       addSon(result, c)
       if p.tok.xkind != pxComma: break
       getTok(p, c)
+      # allow trailing comma:
+      if p.tok.xkind == pxCurlyRi: break
     eat(p, pxCurlyRi, result)
     eat(p, pxSemicolon)
   of pxSymbol: 
diff --git a/rod/c2nim/manual.txt b/rod/c2nim/manual.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index c485a57f1..000000000
--- a/rod/c2nim/manual.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-  c2nim  User's manual
-:Author: Andreas Rumpf
-:Version: |nimrodversion|
-.. contents::
-c2nim is a tool to translate Ansi C code to Nimrod. The output is 
-human-readable Nimrod code that is meant to be tweaked by hand after the 
-translation process. c2nim is no real compiler!
-c2nim is preliminary meant to translate C header files. Because of this, the 
-preprocessor is part of the parser. For example:
-.. code-block:: C
-  #define abc 123
-  #define xyz 789
-Is translated into:
-.. code-block:: Nimrod
-  const
-    abc* = 123
-    xyz* = 789
-c2nim is meant to translate fragments of C code and thus does not follow 
-include files. c2nim cannot parse all of Ansi C and many constructs cannot
-be represented in Nimrod: for example `duff's device`:idx: cannot be translated
-to Nimrod. 
-Preprocessor support
-Even though the translation process is not perfect, it is often the case that
-the translated Nimrod code does not need any tweaking by hand. In other cases
-it may be preferable to modify the input file instead of the generated Nimrod
-code so that c2nim can parse it properly. c2nim's preprocessor defines the 
-symbol ``C2NIM`` that can be used to mark code sections: 
-.. code-block:: C
-  #ifndef C2NIM
-    // C2NIM should ignore this prototype:
-    int fprintf(FILE* f, const char* frmt, ...);
-  #endif
-The ``C2NIM`` symbol is only recognized in ``#ifdef`` and ``#ifndef`` 
-constructs! ``#if defined(C2NIM)`` does **not** work. 
-c2nim *processes* ``#ifdef C2NIM`` and ``#ifndef C2NIM`` directives, but other
-``#if[def]`` directives are *translated* into Nimrod's ``when`` construct: 
-.. code-block:: C
-  #ifdef DEBUG
-  #  define OUT(x) printf("%s\n", x)
-  #else
-  #  define OUT(x)
-  #endif
-Is translated into:
-.. code-block:: Nimrod
-  when defined(debug):
-    template OUT*(x: expr): expr = 
-      printf("%s\x0A", x)
-  else:
-    template OUT*(x: expr): stmt = 
-      nil
-As can been seen from the example, C's macros with parameters are mapped
-to Nimrod's templates. This mapping is the best one can do, but it is of course
-not accurate: Nimrod's templates operate on syntax trees whereas C's 
-macros work on the token level. c2nim cannot translate any macro that contains
-the ``##`` token concatenation operator.
-c2nim's preprocessor supports special directives that affect how the output
-is generated. They should be put into a ``#ifdef C2NIM`` section so that 
-ordinary C compilers ignore them.
-``#skipinclude`` directive
-**Note**: There is also a ``--skipinclude`` command line option that can be 
-used for the same purpose.
-By default, c2nim translates an ``#include`` that is not followed by ``<`` 
-(like in ``#include <stdlib>``) to a Nimrod ``import`` statement. This 
-directive tells c2nim to just skip any ``#include``. 
-``#stdcall`` and ``#cdecl`` directives
-**Note**: There are also ``--stdcall`` and ``--cdecl`` command line options
-that can be used for the same purpose.
-These directives tell c2nim that it should annotate every proc (or proc type)
-with the ``stdcall`` / ``cdecl`` calling convention.
-``#dynlib`` directive
-**Note**: There is also a ``--dynlib`` command line option that can be used for
-the same purpose.
-This directive tells c2nim that it should annotate every proc that resulted
-from a C function prototype with the ``dynlib`` pragma:
-.. code-block:: C
-  #ifdef C2NIM
-  #  dynlib iupdll
-  #  cdecl
-  #  if defined(windows)
-  #    define iupdll "iup.dll"
-  #  elif defined(macosx)
-  #    define iupdll "libiup.dynlib"
-  #  else
-  #    define iupdll ""
-  #  endif
-  #endif
-  int IupConvertXYToPos(PIhandle ih, int x, int y);
-Is translated to:
-.. code-block:: Nimrod
-  when defined(windows):
-    const iupdll* = "iup.dll"
-  elif defined(macosx):
-    const iupdll* = "libiup.dynlib"
-  else:
-    const iupdll* = ""
-  proc IupConvertXYToPos*(ih: PIhandle, x: cint, y: cint): cint {.
-    importc: "IupConvertXYToPos", cdecl, dynlib: iupdll.}
-Note how the example contains extra C code to declare the ``iupdll`` symbol
-in the generated Nimrod code.
-``#header`` directive
-**Note**: There is also a ``--header`` command line option that can be used for
-the same purpose.
-The ``#header`` directive tells c2nim that it should annotate every proc that
-resulted from a C function prototype and every exported variable and type with
-the ``header`` pragma:
-.. code-block:: C
-  #ifdef C2NIM
-  #  header "iup.h"
-  #endif
-  int IupConvertXYToPos(PIhandle ih, int x, int y);
-Is translated to:
-.. code-block:: Nimrod
-  proc IupConvertXYToPos*(ih: PIhandle, x: cint, y: cint): cint {.
-    importc: "IupConvertXYToPos", header: "iup.h".}
-The ``#header`` and the ``#dynlib`` directives are mutually exclusive. 
-A binding that uses ``dynlib`` is much more preferable over one that uses
-``header``! The Nimrod compiler might drop support for the ``header`` pragma
-in the future as it cannot work for backends that do not generate C code.
-``#prefix`` and ``#suffix`` directives
-**Note**: There are also ``--prefix`` and ``--suffix`` command line options
-that can be used for the same purpose.
-c2nim does not do any name mangling by default. However the 
-``#prefix`` and ``#suffix`` directives can be used to strip prefixes and
-suffixes from the identifiers in the C code: 
-.. code-block:: C
-  #ifdef C2NIM
-  #  prefix Iup
-  #  dynlib dllname
-  #  cdecl
-  #endif
-  int IupConvertXYToPos(PIhandle ih, int x, int y);
-Is translated to:
-.. code-block:: Nimrod
-  proc ConvertXYToPos*(ih: PIhandle, x: cint, y: cint): cint {.
-    importc: "IupConvertXYToPos", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
-``#mangle`` directive
-Even more sophisticated name mangling can be achieved by the ``#mangle`` 
-directive: It takes a PEG pattern and format string that specify how the
-identifier should be converted: 
-.. code-block:: C
-  #mangle "'GTK_'{.*}" "TGtk$1"
-For convenience the PEG pattern and the replacement can be single identifiers
-too, there is no need to quote them: 
-.. code-block:: C
-  #mangle ssize_t  int
-  // is short for:
-  #mangle "'ssize_t'" "int"
-``#private`` directive
-By default c2nim marks every top level identifier (proc name, variable, etc.)
-as exported (the export marker is ``*`` in Nimrod). With the ``#private`` 
-directive identifiers can be marked as private so that the resulting Nimrod
-module does not export them. The ``#private`` directive takes a PEG pattern:
-.. code-block:: C
-  #private "@('_'!.)" // all identifiers ending in '_' are private
-Note: The pattern refers to the original C identifiers, not to the resulting
-identifiers after mangling!
-``#skipcomments`` directive
-**Note**: There is also a ``--skipcomments`` command line option that can be
-used for the same purpose.
-The ``#skipcomments`` directive can be put into the C code to make c2nim
-ignore comments and not copy them into the generated Nimrod file.
-``#typeprefixes`` directive
-**Note**: There is also a ``--typeprefixes`` command line option that can be
-used for the same purpose.
-The ``#typeprefixes`` directive can be put into the C code to make c2nim
-generate the ``T`` or ``P`` prefix for every defined type.
-``#def`` directive
-Often C code contains special macros that affect the declaration of a function
-prototype but confuse c2nim's parser:
-.. code-block:: C
-  // does not parse!
-  EXTERN(int) f(void);
-  EXTERN(int) g(void);
-Instead of removing ``EXTERN()`` from the input source file (which cannot be 
-done reliably even with a regular expression!), one can tell c2nim
-that ``EXPORT`` is a macro that should be expanded by c2nim too:
-.. code-block:: C
-  #ifdef C2NIM
-  #  def EXTERN(x) static x
-  #endif
-  // parses now!
-  EXTERN(int) f(void);
-  EXTERN(int) g(void);
-``#def`` is very similar to C's ``#define``, so in general the macro definition
-can be copied and pasted into a ``#def`` directive.
-* C's ``,`` operator (comma operator) is not supported.
-* C's ``union`` are translated to Nimrod's objects and only the first field
-  is included in the object type. This way there is a high chance that it is
-  binary compatible to the union.
-* The condition in a ``do while(condition)`` statement must be ``0``.
-* Lots of other small issues...