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path: root/rod/c2nim
diff options
authorAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andreas-laptop>2010-07-21 09:44:47 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andreas-laptop>2010-07-21 09:44:47 +0200
commitd10973adb00840631e5314ec902d502f15934801 (patch)
treea207854b0cf984815beb26bf2d71933ce566f6d7 /rod/c2nim
parentc441cdb64ca5394f74faadf76563bcfafeda18f4 (diff)
c2nim tool added
Diffstat (limited to 'rod/c2nim')
5 files changed, 2760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rod/c2nim/c2nim.nim b/rod/c2nim/c2nim.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..52d16ce05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rod/c2nim/c2nim.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#      c2nim - C to Nimrod source converter
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+  strutils, os, times, parseopt, llstream, ast, rnimsyn, options, msgs,
+  clex, cparse
+  Version = "0.8.10"
+  Usage = """
+c2nim - C to Nimrod source converter
+  (c) 2010 Andreas Rumpf
+Usage: c2nim [options] inputfile [options]
+  -o, --out:FILE         set output filename
+  --dynlib:SYMBOL        import from dynlib: SYMBOL will be used for the import
+  --header:HEADER_FILE   import from a HEADER_FILE (discouraged!)
+  --cdecl                annotate procs with ``{.cdecl.}`` 
+  --stdcall              annotate procs with ``{.stdcall.}``
+  --ref                  convert typ* to ref typ (default: ptr typ)
+  --prefix:PREFIX        strip prefix for the generated Nimrod identifiers 
+                         (multiple --prefix options are supported)
+  --suffix:SUFFIX        strip suffix for the generated Nimrod identifiers 
+                         (multiple --suffix options are supported)
+  --skip:IDENT           skip IDENT in the input file
+  -v, --version          write c2nim's version
+  -h, --help             show this help
+proc main(infile, outfile: string, options: PParserOptions) = 
+  var start = getTime()
+  var stream = LLStreamOpen(infile, fmRead)
+  if stream == nil: rawMessage(errCannotOpenFile, infile)
+  var p: TParser
+  openParser(p, infile, stream, options)
+  var module = parseUnit(p)
+  closeParser(p)
+  renderModule(module, outfile)
+  rawMessage(hintSuccessX, [$gLinesCompiled, $(getTime() - start)])
+  infile = ""
+  outfile = ""
+  parserOptions = newParserOptions()
+for kind, key, val in getopt():
+  case kind
+  of cmdArgument: infile = key
+  of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
+    case key.toLower
+    of "help", "h":
+      stdout.write(Usage)
+      quit(0)
+    of "version", "v":
+      stdout.write(Version & "\n")
+      quit(0)
+    of "o", "out": outfile = key
+    else:
+      if not parserOptions.setOption(key, val):
+        stdout.write("[Error] unknown option: " & key)
+  of cmdEnd: assert(false)
+if infile.len == 0:
+  # no filename has been given, so we show the help:
+  stdout.write(Usage)
+  if outfile.len == 0:
+    outfile = changeFileExt(infile, "nim")
+  infile = addFileExt(infile, "h")
+  main(infile, outfile, parserOptions)
diff --git a/rod/c2nim/clex.nim b/rod/c2nim/clex.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ecf337dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rod/c2nim/clex.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+#      c2nim - C to Nimrod source converter
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+# This module implements an Ansi C scanner. This is an adaption from
+# the scanner module. Keywords are not handled here, but in the parser to make
+# it more flexible.
+  options, msgs, strutils, platform, lexbase, llstream
+  MaxLineLength* = 80         # lines longer than this lead to a warning
+  numChars*: TCharSet = {'0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z'} 
+  SymChars*: TCharSet = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', '\x80'..'\xFF'}
+  SymStartChars*: TCharSet = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '\x80'..'\xFF'}
+  TTokKind* = enum 
+    pxInvalid, pxEof,         
+    pxStarComment,            # /* */ comment
+    pxLineComment,            # // comment
+    pxDirective,              # #define, etc.
+    pxDirectiveParLe,         # #define m( with parle (yes, C is that ugly!)
+    pxDirConc,                # ##
+    pxNewLine,                # newline: end of directive
+    pxAmp,                    # &
+    pxAmpAmp,                 # && 
+    pxAmpAsgn,                # &=
+    pxAmpAmpAsgn,             # &&=
+    pxBar,                    # |
+    pxBarBar,                 # ||
+    pxBarAsgn,                # |=
+    pxBarBarAsgn,             # ||=
+    pxNot,                    # !
+    pxPlusPlus,               # ++
+    pxMinusMinus,             # --
+    pxPlus,                   # +
+    pxPlusAsgn,               # +=
+    pxMinus,                  # -
+    pxMinusAsgn,              # -=
+    pxMod,                    # %
+    pxModAsgn,                # %=
+    pxSlash,                  # /
+    pxSlashAsgn,              # /=
+    pxStar,                   # *
+    pxStarAsgn,               # *=
+    pxHat,                    # ^
+    pxHatAsgn,                # ^=
+    pxAsgn,                   # =
+    pxEquals,                 # ==
+    pxDot,                    # .
+    pxDotDotDot,              # ...
+    pxLe,                     # <=
+    pxLt,                     # <
+    pxGe,                     # >=
+    pxGt,                     # >
+    pxNeq,                    # != 
+    pxConditional,            # ?
+    pxShl,                    # <<
+    pxShlAsgn,                # <<=
+    pxShr,                    # >>
+    pxShrAsgn,                # >>=
+    pxTilde,                  # ~
+    pxTildeAsgn,              # ~=
+    pxArrow,                  # ->
+    pxScope,                  # ::
+    pxStrLit, 
+    pxCharLit,
+    pxSymbol,                 # a symbol
+    pxIntLit, 
+    pxInt64Lit, # long constant like 0x70fffffff or out of int range
+    pxFloatLit, 
+    pxParLe, pxParRi, 
+    pxBracketLe, pxBracketRi, 
+    pxComma, pxSemiColon, pxColon,
+    pxCurlyLe, pxCurlyRi
+  TTokKinds* = set[TTokKind]
+  TNumericalBase* = enum base10, base2, base8, base16
+  TToken* = object
+    xkind*: TTokKind          # the type of the token
+    s*: string                # parsed symbol, char or string literal
+    iNumber*: BiggestInt      # the parsed integer literal
+    fNumber*: BiggestFloat    # the parsed floating point literal
+    base*: TNumericalBase     # the numerical base; only valid for int
+                              # or float literals
+    next*: ref TToken         # for C we need arbitrary look-ahead :-(
+  TLexer* = object of TBaseLexer
+    filename*: string
+    inDirective: bool
+proc getTok*(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken)
+proc PrintTok*(tok: TToken)
+proc `$`*(tok: TToken): string
+# implementation
+  gLinesCompiled*: int
+proc fillToken(L: var TToken) = 
+  L.xkind = pxInvalid
+  L.iNumber = 0
+  L.s = ""
+  L.fNumber = 0.0
+  L.base = base10
+proc openLexer*(lex: var TLexer, filename: string, inputstream: PLLStream) = 
+  openBaseLexer(lex, inputstream)
+  lex.filename = filename
+proc closeLexer*(lex: var TLexer) = 
+  inc(gLinesCompiled, lex.LineNumber)
+  closeBaseLexer(lex)
+proc getColumn*(L: TLexer): int = 
+  result = getColNumber(L, L.bufPos)
+proc getLineInfo*(L: TLexer): TLineInfo = 
+  result = newLineInfo(L.filename, L.linenumber, getColNumber(L, L.bufpos))
+proc lexMessage*(L: TLexer, msg: TMsgKind, arg = "") = 
+  msgs.liMessage(getLineInfo(L), msg, arg)
+proc lexMessagePos(L: var TLexer, msg: TMsgKind, pos: int, arg = "") = 
+  var info = newLineInfo(L.filename, L.linenumber, pos - L.lineStart)
+  msgs.liMessage(info, msg, arg)
+proc TokKindToStr*(k: TTokKind): string =
+  case k
+  of pxEof: result = "[EOF]"
+  of pxInvalid: result = "[invalid]"
+  of pxStarComment, pxLineComment: result = "[comment]" 
+  of pxStrLit: result = "[string literal]"
+  of pxCharLit: result = "[char literal]"
+  of pxDirective, pxDirectiveParLe: result = "#"             # #define, etc.
+  of pxDirConc: result = "##"
+  of pxNewLine: result = "[NewLine]"
+  of pxAmp: result = "&"                   # &
+  of pxAmpAmp: result = "&&"                # && 
+  of pxAmpAsgn: result = "&="                # &=
+  of pxAmpAmpAsgn: result = "&&="            # &&=
+  of pxBar: result = "|"                   # |
+  of pxBarBar: result = "||"                # ||
+  of pxBarAsgn: result = "|="               # |=
+  of pxBarBarAsgn: result = "||="            # ||=
+  of pxNot: result = "!"                   # !
+  of pxPlusPlus: result = "++"             # ++
+  of pxMinusMinus: result = "--"            # --
+  of pxPlus: result = "+"                  # +
+  of pxPlusAsgn: result = "+="              # +=
+  of pxMinus: result = "-"                 # -
+  of pxMinusAsgn: result = "-="             # -=
+  of pxMod: result = "%"                   # %
+  of pxModAsgn: result = "%="               # %=
+  of pxSlash: result = "/"                 # /
+  of pxSlashAsgn: result = "/="             # /=
+  of pxStar: result = "*"                  # *
+  of pxStarAsgn: result = "*="              # *=
+  of pxHat: result = "^"                   # ^
+  of pxHatAsgn: result = "^="               # ^=
+  of pxAsgn: result = "="                  # =
+  of pxEquals: result = "=="                # ==
+  of pxDot: result = "."                   # .
+  of pxDotDotDot: result = "..."             # ...
+  of pxLe: result = "<="                    # <=
+  of pxLt: result = "<"                    # <
+  of pxGe: result = ">="                    # >=
+  of pxGt: result = ">"                    # >
+  of pxNeq: result = "!="                   # != 
+  of pxConditional: result = "?"
+  of pxShl: result = "<<"
+  of pxShlAsgn: result = "<<="
+  of pxShr: result = ">>"
+  of pxShrAsgn: result = ">>="
+  of pxTilde: result = "~"
+  of pxTildeAsgn: result = "~="
+  of pxArrow: result = "->"
+  of pxScope: result = "::"
+  of pxSymbol: result = "[identifier]"
+  of pxIntLit, pxInt64Lit: result = "[integer literal]"
+  of pxFloatLit: result = "[floating point literal]"
+  of pxParLe: result = "("
+  of pxParRi: result = ")"
+  of pxBracketLe: result = "["
+  of pxBracketRi: result = "]"
+  of pxComma: result = ","
+  of pxSemiColon: result = ";"
+  of pxColon: result = ":"
+  of pxCurlyLe: result = "{"
+  of pxCurlyRi: result = "}"
+proc `$`(tok: TToken): string = 
+  case tok.xkind
+  of pxSymbol, pxInvalid, pxStarComment, pxLineComment, pxStrLit: result = tok.s
+  of pxIntLit, pxInt64Lit: result = $tok.iNumber
+  of pxFloatLit: result = $tok.fNumber
+  else: result = TokKindToStr(tok.xkind)
+proc PrintTok(tok: TToken) = 
+  writeln(stdout, $tok)
+proc matchUnderscoreChars(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, chars: TCharSet) = 
+  # matches ([chars]_)*
+  var pos = L.bufpos              # use registers for pos, buf
+  var buf = L.buf
+  while true: 
+    if buf[pos] in chars: 
+      add(tok.s, buf[pos])
+      Inc(pos)
+    else: 
+      break 
+    if buf[pos] == '_': 
+      add(tok.s, '_')
+      Inc(pos)
+  L.bufPos = pos
+proc isFloatLiteral(s: string): bool = 
+  for i in countup(0, len(s)-1): 
+    if s[i] in {'.', 'e', 'E'}: 
+      return true
+proc getNumber2(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  var pos = L.bufpos + 2 # skip 0b
+  tok.base = base2
+  var xi: biggestInt = 0
+  var bits = 0
+  while true: 
+    case L.buf[pos]
+    of 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z':
+      # ignore type suffix:
+      inc(pos)
+    of '2'..'9', '.': 
+      lexMessage(L, errInvalidNumber)
+      inc(pos)
+    of '_': 
+      inc(pos)
+    of '0', '1': 
+      xi = `shl`(xi, 1) or (ord(L.buf[pos]) - ord('0'))
+      inc(pos)
+      inc(bits)
+    else: break 
+  tok.iNumber = xi
+  if (bits > 32): tok.xkind = pxInt64Lit
+  else: tok.xkind = pxIntLit
+  L.bufpos = pos
+proc getNumber8(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  var pos = L.bufpos + 2 # skip 0b
+  tok.base = base8
+  var xi: biggestInt = 0
+  var bits = 0
+  while true: 
+    case L.buf[pos]
+    of 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z':
+      # ignore type suffix:
+      inc(pos)
+    of '8'..'9', '.': 
+      lexMessage(L, errInvalidNumber)
+      inc(pos)
+    of '_': 
+      inc(pos)
+    of '0'..'7': 
+      xi = `shl`(xi, 3) or (ord(L.buf[pos]) - ord('0'))
+      inc(pos)
+      inc(bits)
+    else: break 
+  tok.iNumber = xi
+  if (bits > 12): tok.xkind = pxInt64Lit
+  else: tok.xkind = pxIntLit
+  L.bufpos = pos
+proc getNumber16(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  var pos = L.bufpos + 2          # skip 0x
+  tok.base = base16
+  var xi: biggestInt = 0
+  var bits = 0
+  while true: 
+    case L.buf[pos]
+    of 'G'..'Z', 'g'..'z': 
+      # ignore type suffix:
+      inc(pos)
+    of '_': inc(pos)
+    of '0'..'9': 
+      xi = `shl`(xi, 4) or (ord(L.buf[pos]) - ord('0'))
+      inc(pos)
+      inc(bits, 4)
+    of 'a'..'f': 
+      xi = `shl`(xi, 4) or (ord(L.buf[pos]) - ord('a') + 10)
+      inc(pos)
+      inc(bits, 4)
+    of 'A'..'F': 
+      xi = `shl`(xi, 4) or (ord(L.buf[pos]) - ord('A') + 10)
+      inc(pos)
+      inc(bits, 4)
+    else: break 
+  tok.iNumber = xi
+  if bits > 32: tok.xkind = pxInt64Lit
+  else: tok.xkind = pxIntLit
+  L.bufpos = pos
+proc getNumber(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  tok.base = base10
+  matchUnderscoreChars(L, tok, {'0'..'9'})
+  if (L.buf[L.bufpos] == '.') and (L.buf[L.bufpos + 1] in {'0'..'9'}): 
+    add(tok.s, '.')
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+    matchUnderscoreChars(L, tok, {'e', 'E', '+', '-', '0'..'9'})
+  try: 
+    if isFloatLiteral(tok.s): 
+      tok.fnumber = parseFloat(tok.s)
+      tok.xkind = pxFloatLit
+    else: 
+      tok.iNumber = ParseInt(tok.s)
+      if (tok.iNumber < low(int32)) or (tok.iNumber > high(int32)): 
+        tok.xkind = pxInt64Lit
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxIntLit
+  except EInvalidValue: 
+    lexMessage(L, errInvalidNumber, tok.s)
+  except EOverflow: 
+    lexMessage(L, errNumberOutOfRange, tok.s)
+  # ignore type suffix:
+  while L.buf[L.bufpos] in {'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'}: inc(L.bufpos)
+proc HandleCRLF(L: var TLexer, pos: int): int = 
+  case L.buf[pos]
+  of CR: result = lexbase.HandleCR(L, pos)
+  of LF: result = lexbase.HandleLF(L, pos)
+  else: result = pos
+proc escape(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, allowEmpty=false) = 
+  inc(L.bufpos) # skip \ 
+  case L.buf[L.bufpos]
+  of 'b', 'B':
+    add(tok.s, '\b')
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+  of 't', 'T':
+    add(tok.s, '\t')
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+  of 'n', 'N':
+    add(tok.s, '\L')
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+  of 'f', 'F':
+    add(tok.s, '\f')
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+  of 'r', 'R':
+    add(tok.s, '\r')
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+  of '\'':
+    add(tok.s, '\'')
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+  of '"':
+    add(tok.s, '"')
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+  of '\\':
+    add(tok.s, '\b')
+    inc(L.bufpos)  
+  of '0'..'7':
+    var xi = ord(L.buf[L.bufpos]) - ord('0')
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+    if L.buf[L.bufpos] in {'0'..'7'}:
+      xi = (xi shl 3) or (ord(L.buf[L.bufpos]) - ord('0'))
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] in {'0'..'7'}:
+        xi = (xi shl 3) or (ord(L.buf[L.bufpos]) - ord('0'))
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+    add(tok.s, chr(xi))
+  elif not allowEmpty:
+    lexMessage(L, errInvalidCharacterConstant)
+proc getCharLit(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  inc(L.bufpos) # skip '
+  if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '\\':
+    escape(L, tok)
+  else:
+    add(tok.s, L.buf[L.bufpos])
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+  if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '\'':
+    inc(L.bufpos)
+  else:
+    lexMessage(L, errMissingFinalQuote)
+  tok.xkind = pxCharLit
+proc getString(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  var pos = L.bufPos + 1          # skip "
+  var buf = L.buf                 # put `buf` in a register
+  var line = L.linenumber         # save linenumber for better error message
+  while true: 
+    case buf[pos]
+    of '\"': 
+      Inc(pos)
+      break
+    of CR: 
+      pos = lexbase.HandleCR(L, pos)
+      buf = L.buf
+    of LF: 
+      pos = lexbase.HandleLF(L, pos)
+      buf = L.buf
+    of lexbase.EndOfFile: 
+      var line2 = L.linenumber
+      L.LineNumber = line
+      lexMessagePos(L, errClosingQuoteExpected, L.lineStart)
+      L.LineNumber = line2
+      break 
+    of '\\': 
+      # we allow an empty \ for line concatenation, but we don't require it
+      # for line concatenation
+      L.bufpos = pos
+      escape(L, tok, allowEmpty=true)
+      pos = L.bufpos
+    else: 
+      add(tok.s, buf[pos])
+      Inc(pos)
+  L.bufpos = pos
+  tok.xkind = pxStrLit
+proc getSymbol(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  var pos = L.bufpos
+  var buf = L.buf
+  while true: 
+    var c = buf[pos]
+    if c notin SymChars: break
+    add(tok.s, c)
+    Inc(pos)
+  L.bufpos = pos
+  tok.xkind = pxSymbol
+proc scanLineComment(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  var pos = L.bufpos
+  var buf = L.buf 
+  # a comment ends if the next line does not start with the // on the same
+  # column after only whitespace
+  tok.xkind = pxLineComment
+  var col = getColNumber(L, pos)
+  while true: 
+    inc(pos, 2)               # skip //
+    add(tok.s, '#')
+    while not (buf[pos] in {CR, LF, lexbase.EndOfFile}): 
+      add(tok.s, buf[pos])
+      inc(pos)
+    pos = handleCRLF(L, pos)
+    buf = L.buf
+    var indent = 0
+    while buf[pos] == ' ': 
+      inc(pos)
+      inc(indent)
+    if (col == indent) and (buf[pos] == '/') and (buf[pos + 1] == '/'): 
+      add(tok.s, "\n")
+    else: 
+      break 
+  L.bufpos = pos
+proc scanStarComment(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  var pos = L.bufpos
+  var buf = L.buf
+  tok.s = "#"
+  tok.xkind = pxStarComment
+  while true: 
+    case buf[pos]
+    of CR, LF: 
+      pos = HandleCRLF(L, pos)
+      buf = L.buf
+      add(tok.s, "\n#")
+      # skip annoying stars as line prefix: (eg.
+      # /*
+      #  * ugly comment <-- this star
+      #  */
+      while buf[pos] in {' ', '\t'}:
+        add(tok.s, ' ')
+        inc(pos)
+      if buf[pos] == '*' and buf[pos+1] != '/': inc(pos)
+    of '*': 
+      inc(pos)
+      if buf[pos] == '/': 
+        inc(pos)
+        break 
+      else: 
+        add(tok.s, '*')
+    of lexbase.EndOfFile: 
+      lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "*/")
+    else: 
+      add(tok.s, buf[pos])
+      inc(pos)
+  L.bufpos = pos
+proc skip(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  var pos = L.bufpos
+  var buf = L.buf
+  while true: 
+    case buf[pos]
+    of '\\': 
+      # Ignore \ line continuation characters when not inDirective
+      inc(pos)
+      if L.inDirective:
+        while buf[pos] in {' ', '\t'}: inc(pos)
+        if buf[pos] in {CR, LF}:
+          pos = HandleCRLF(L, pos)
+          buf = L.buf
+    of ' ', Tabulator: 
+      Inc(pos)                # newline is special:
+    of CR, LF: 
+      pos = HandleCRLF(L, pos)
+      buf = L.buf
+      if L.inDirective:
+        tok.xkind = pxNewLine
+        L.inDirective = false
+    else: 
+      break                   # EndOfFile also leaves the loop
+  L.bufpos = pos
+proc getDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  var pos = L.bufpos + 1
+  var buf = L.buf
+  while buf[pos] in {' ', '\t'}: inc(pos)
+  while buf[pos] in SymChars: 
+    add(tok.s, buf[pos])
+    inc(pos)
+  # a HACK: we need to distinguish 
+  # #define x (...)
+  # from:
+  # #define x(...)
+  # 
+  L.bufpos = pos
+  # look ahead:
+  while buf[pos] in {' ', '\t'}: inc(pos)
+  while buf[pos] in SymChars: inc(pos)
+  if buf[pos] == '(': tok.xkind = pxDirectiveParLe
+  else: tok.xkind = pxDirective
+  L.inDirective = true
+proc getTok(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
+  tok.xkind = pxInvalid
+  fillToken(tok)
+  skip(L, tok)
+  if tok.xkind == pxNewLine: return
+  var c = L.buf[L.bufpos]
+  if c in SymStartChars: 
+    getSymbol(L, tok)
+  elif c == '0':
+    case L.buf[L.bufpos+1]
+    of 'x', 'X': getNumber16(L, tok)
+    of 'b', 'B': getNumber2(L, tok)
+    of '1'..'7': getNumber8(L, tok)
+    else: getNumber(L, tok)
+  elif c in {'1'..'9'}: 
+    getNumber(L, tok)
+  else: 
+    case c
+    of ';': 
+      tok.xkind = pxSemicolon
+      Inc(L.bufpos)
+    of '/': 
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos + 1] == '/': 
+        scanLineComment(L, tok)
+      elif L.buf[L.bufpos+1] == '*':
+        inc(L.bufpos, 2)
+        scanStarComment(L, tok)
+      elif L.buf[L.bufpos+1] == '=':
+        inc(L.bufpos, 2)
+        tok.xkind = pxSlashAsgn
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxSlash
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+    of ',': 
+      tok.xkind = pxComma
+      Inc(L.bufpos)
+    of '(': 
+      Inc(L.bufpos)
+      tok.xkind = pxParLe
+    of '*': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+        tok.xkind = pxStarAsgn
+      else:
+        tok.xkind = pxStar
+    of ')': 
+      Inc(L.bufpos)
+      tok.xkind = pxParRi
+    of '[': 
+      Inc(L.bufpos)
+      tok.xkind = pxBracketLe
+    of ']': 
+      Inc(L.bufpos)
+      tok.xkind = pxBracketRi
+    of '.': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '.' and L.buf[L.bufpos+1] == '.': 
+        tok.xkind = pxDotDotDot
+        inc(L.bufpos, 2)
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxDot
+    of '{': 
+      Inc(L.bufpos)
+      tok.xkind = pxCurlyLe
+    of '}': 
+      Inc(L.bufpos)
+      tok.xkind = pxCurlyRi
+    of '+': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+        tok.xkind = pxPlusAsgn
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      elif L.buf[L.bufpos] == '+': 
+        tok.xkind = pxPlusPlus
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxPlus
+    of '-': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      case L.buf[L.bufpos] 
+      of '>':
+        tok.xkind = pxArrow
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      of '=':
+        tok.xkind = pxMinusAsgn
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      of '-': 
+        tok.xkind = pxMinusMinus
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxMinus
+    of '?':
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      tok.xkind = pxConditional
+    of ':': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == ':':
+        tok.xkind = pxScope
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      else:
+        tok.xkind = pxColon
+    of '!':
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+        tok.xkind = pxNeq
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxNot
+    of '<': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=': 
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+        tok.xkind = pxLe
+      elif L.buf[L.bufpos] == '<':
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+        if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=': 
+          inc(L.bufpos)
+          tok.xkind = pxShlAsgn
+        else:
+          tok.xkind = pxShl
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxLt
+    of '>': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=': 
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+        tok.xkind = pxGe
+      elif L.buf[L.bufpos] == '>':
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+        if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=': 
+          inc(L.bufpos)
+          tok.xkind = pxShrAsgn
+        else:
+          tok.xkind = pxShr
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxGt
+    of '=': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+        tok.xkind = pxEquals
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxAsgn
+    of '&': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+        tok.xkind = pxAmpAsgn
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      elif L.buf[L.bufpos] == '&':
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+        if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+          inc(L.bufpos)
+          tok.xkind = pxAmpAmpAsgn
+        else:
+          tok.xkind = pxAmpAmp
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxAmp
+    of '|': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+        tok.xkind = pxBarAsgn
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      elif L.buf[L.bufpos] == '|':
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+        if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+          inc(L.bufpos)
+          tok.xkind = pxBarBarAsgn
+        else:
+          tok.xkind = pxBarBar
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxBar
+    of '^': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+        tok.xkind = pxHatAsgn
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxHat
+    of '%': 
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+        tok.xkind = pxModAsgn
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxMod
+    of '~':
+      inc(L.bufpos)
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos] == '=':
+        tok.xkind = pxTildeAsgn
+        inc(L.bufpos)
+      else: 
+        tok.xkind = pxTilde
+    of '#': 
+      if L.buf[L.bufpos+1] == '#':
+        inc(L.bufpos, 2)
+        tok.xkind = pxDirConc
+      else:
+        getDirective(L, tok)
+    of '"': getString(L, tok)
+    of '\'': getCharLit(L, tok)
+    of lexbase.EndOfFile: 
+      tok.xkind = pxEof
+    else: 
+      tok.s = $c
+      tok.xkind = pxInvalid
+      lexMessage(L, errInvalidToken, c & " (\\" & $(ord(c)) & ')')
+      Inc(L.bufpos)
diff --git a/rod/c2nim/cparse.nim b/rod/c2nim/cparse.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b637bfa61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rod/c2nim/cparse.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,1469 @@
+#      c2nim - C to Nimrod source converter
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+# This module implements an Ansi C parser.
+# It transfers a C source file into a Nimrod AST. Then the renderer can be
+# used to convert the AST to its text representation.
+# XXX standalone structs and unions!
+# XXX header pragma for struct and union fields!
+# XXX rewrite symbol export handling!
+  os, llstream, rnimsyn, clex, idents, strutils, pegs, ast, astalgo, msgs,
+  options, strtabs
+  TParserFlag* = enum
+    pfRefs,             ## use "ref" instead of "ptr" for C's typ*
+    pfCDecl,            ## annotate procs with cdecl
+    pfStdCall           ## annotate procs with stdcall
+  TParserOptions {.final.} = object
+    flags: set[TParserFlag]
+    prefixes, suffixes, skipWords: seq[string]
+    mangleRules: seq[tuple[pattern: TPeg, frmt: string]]
+    dynlibSym, header: string
+  PParserOptions* = ref TParserOptions
+  TParser* {.final.} = object
+    lex: TLexer
+    tok: ref TToken       # current token
+    options: PParserOptions
+    backtrack: seq[ref TToken]
+    inTypeDef: int
+    scopeCounter: int
+  TReplaceTuple* = array[0..1, string]
+proc newParserOptions*(): PParserOptions = 
+  new(result)
+  result.prefixes = @[]
+  result.suffixes = @[]
+  result.skipWords = @[]
+  result.mangleRules = @[]
+  result.flags = {}
+  result.dynlibSym = ""
+  result.header = ""
+proc setOption*(parserOptions: PParserOptions, key: string, val=""): bool = 
+  result = true
+  case key
+  of "ref": incl(parserOptions.flags, pfRefs)
+  of "dynlib": parserOptions.dynlibSym = val
+  of "header": parserOptions.header = val
+  of "cdecl": incl(parserOptions.flags, pfCdecl)
+  of "stdcall": incl(parserOptions.flags, pfStdCall)
+  of "prefix": parserOptions.prefixes.add(val)
+  of "suffix": parserOptions.suffixes.add(val)
+  of "skip": parserOptions.skipWords.add(val)
+  else: result = false
+proc ParseUnit*(p: var TParser): PNode
+proc openParser*(p: var TParser, filename: string, inputStream: PLLStream,
+                 options = newParserOptions())
+proc closeParser*(p: var TParser)
+proc exSymbol*(n: var PNode)
+proc fixRecordDef*(n: var PNode)
+  # XXX: move these two to an auxiliary module
+# implementation
+proc OpenParser(p: var TParser, filename: string, 
+                inputStream: PLLStream, options = newParserOptions()) = 
+  OpenLexer(p.lex, filename, inputStream)
+  p.options = options
+  p.backtrack = @[]
+  new(p.tok)
+proc CloseParser(p: var TParser) = CloseLexer(p.lex)
+proc safeContext(p: var TParser) = p.backtrack.add(p.tok)
+proc closeContext(p: var TParser) = discard p.backtrack.pop()
+proc backtrackContext(p: var TParser) = p.tok = p.backtrack.pop()
+proc rawGetTok(p: var TParser) = 
+  if != nil:
+    p.tok =
+  elif p.backtrack.len == 0: 
+ = nil
+    getTok(p.lex, p.tok^)
+  else: 
+    # We need the next token and must be able to backtrack. So we need to 
+    # allocate a new token.
+    var t: ref TToken
+    new(t)
+    getTok(p.lex, t^)
+ = t
+    p.tok = t
+proc isSkipWord(p: TParser): bool =
+  for s in items(p.options.skipWords):
+    if p.tok.s == s: return true
+proc getTok(p: var TParser) = 
+  while true:
+    rawGetTok(p)
+    if p.tok.xkind != pxSymbol or not isSkipWord(p): break
+proc parMessage(p: TParser, msg: TMsgKind, arg = "") = 
+  #assert false
+  lexMessage(p.lex, msg, arg)
+proc parLineInfo(p: TParser): TLineInfo = 
+  result = getLineInfo(p.lex)
+proc skipCom(p: var TParser, n: PNode) = 
+  while p.tok.xkind in {pxLineComment, pxStarComment}: 
+    if (n != nil): 
+      if n.comment == nil: n.comment = p.tok.s
+      else: add(n.comment, "\n" & p.tok.s)
+    else: 
+      parMessage(p, warnCommentXIgnored, p.tok.s)
+    getTok(p)
+proc skipStarCom(p: var TParser, n: PNode) = 
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxStarComment: 
+    if (n != nil): 
+      if n.comment == nil: n.comment = p.tok.s
+      else: add(n.comment, "\n" & p.tok.s)
+    else: 
+      parMessage(p, warnCommentXIgnored, p.tok.s)
+    getTok(p)
+proc getTok(p: var TParser, n: PNode) =
+  getTok(p)
+  skipCom(p, n)
+proc ExpectIdent(p: TParser) = 
+  if p.tok.xkind != pxSymbol: 
+    parMessage(p, errIdentifierExpected, $(p.tok^))
+proc Eat(p: var TParser, xkind: TTokKind, n: PNode) = 
+  if p.tok.xkind == xkind: getTok(p, n)
+  else: parMessage(p, errTokenExpected, TokKindToStr(xkind))
+proc Eat(p: var TParser, xkind: TTokKind) = 
+  if p.tok.xkind == xkind: getTok(p)
+  else: parMessage(p, errTokenExpected, TokKindToStr(xkind))
+proc Eat(p: var TParser, tok: string, n: PNode) = 
+  if p.tok.s == tok: getTok(p, n)
+  else: parMessage(p, errTokenExpected, tok)
+proc Opt(p: var TParser, xkind: TTokKind, n: PNode) = 
+  if p.tok.xkind == xkind: getTok(p, n)
+proc addSon(father, a, b: PNode) = 
+  addSon(father, a)
+  addSon(father, b)
+proc addSon(father, a, b, c: PNode) = 
+  addSon(father, a)
+  addSon(father, b)
+  addSon(father, c)
+proc newNodeP(kind: TNodeKind, p: TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeI(kind, getLineInfo(p.lex))
+proc newIntNodeP(kind: TNodeKind, intVal: BiggestInt, p: TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(kind, p)
+  result.intVal = intVal
+proc newFloatNodeP(kind: TNodeKind, floatVal: BiggestFloat, 
+                   p: TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(kind, p)
+  result.floatVal = floatVal
+proc newStrNodeP(kind: TNodeKind, strVal: string, p: TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(kind, p)
+  result.strVal = strVal
+proc newIdentNodeP(ident: PIdent, p: TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkIdent, p)
+  result.ident = ident
+proc newIdentNodeP(ident: string, p: TParser): PNode =
+  result = newIdentNodeP(getIdent(ident), p)
+proc mangleName(s: string, p: TParser): string = 
+  for pattern, frmt in items(p.options.mangleRules):
+    if s.match(pattern):
+      return s.replace(pattern, frmt)
+  block prefixes:
+    for prefix in items(p.options.prefixes): 
+      if s.startsWith(prefix): 
+        result = s.copy(prefix.len)
+        break prefixes
+    result = s
+  for suffix in items(p.options.suffixes):
+    if result.endsWith(suffix):
+      setLen(result, result.len - suffix.len)
+      break
+proc mangledIdent(ident: string, p: TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkIdent, p)
+  result.ident = getIdent(mangleName(ident, p))
+proc newIdentPair(a, b: string, p: TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkExprColonExpr, p)
+  addSon(result, newIdentNodeP(a, p))
+  addSon(result, newIdentNodeP(b, p))
+proc newIdentStrLitPair(a, b: string, p: TParser): PNode =
+  result = newNodeP(nkExprColonExpr, p)
+  addSon(result, newIdentNodeP(a, p))
+  addSon(result, newStrNodeP(nkStrLit, b, p))
+proc addImportToPragma(pragmas: PNode, ident: string, p: TParser) =
+  addSon(pragmas, newIdentStrLitPair("importc", ident, p))
+  if p.options.dynlibSym.len > 0:
+    addSon(pragmas, newIdentPair("dynlib", p.options.dynlibSym, p))
+  else:
+    addSon(pragmas, newIdentStrLitPair("header", p.options.header, p))
+proc mangledIdentAndImport(ident: string, p: TParser): PNode = 
+  result = mangledIdent(ident, p)
+  if p.scopeCounter > 0: return
+  if p.options.dynlibSym.len > 0 or p.options.header.len > 0: 
+    var a = result
+    result = newNodeP(nkPragmaExpr, p)
+    var pragmas = newNodeP(nkPragma, p)
+    addSon(result, a)
+    addSon(result, pragmas)
+    addImportToPragma(pragmas, ident, p)
+proc DoImport(ident: string, pragmas: PNode, p: TParser) = 
+  if p.options.dynlibSym.len > 0 or p.options.header.len > 0: 
+    addImportToPragma(pragmas, ident, p)
+proc newBinary(opr: string, a, b: PNode, p: TParser): PNode =
+  result = newNodeP(nkInfix, p)
+  addSon(result, newIdentNodeP(getIdent(opr), p))
+  addSon(result, a)
+  addSon(result, b)
+# --------------- symbol exporter --------------------------------------------
+proc identVis(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  # identifier with visability
+  var a = mangledIdent(p.tok.s, p)
+  result = newNodeP(nkPostfix, p)
+  addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("*", p))
+  addSon(result, a)
+  getTok(p)
+proc exSymbol(n: var PNode) = 
+  case n.kind
+  of nkPostfix: 
+    nil
+  of nkPragmaExpr: 
+    exSymbol(n.sons[0])
+  of nkIdent, nkAccQuoted: 
+    var a = newNodeI(nkPostFix,
+    addSon(a, newIdentNode(getIdent("*"),
+    addSon(a, n)
+    n = a
+  else: internalError(, "exSymbol(): " & $n.kind)
+proc fixRecordDef(n: var PNode) = 
+  if n == nil: return 
+  case n.kind
+  of nkRecCase: 
+    fixRecordDef(n.sons[0])
+    for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
+      var length = sonsLen(n.sons[i])
+      fixRecordDef(n.sons[i].sons[length - 1])
+  of nkRecList, nkRecWhen, nkElse, nkOfBranch, nkElifBranch, nkObjectTy: 
+    for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): fixRecordDef(n.sons[i])
+  of nkIdentDefs: 
+    for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 3): exSymbol(n.sons[i])
+  of nkNilLit: nil
+  else: internalError(, "fixRecordDef(): " & $n.kind)
+proc addPragmaToIdent(ident: var PNode, pragma: PNode) = 
+  var pragmasNode: PNode
+  if ident.kind != nkPragmaExpr: 
+    pragmasNode = newNodeI(nkPragma,
+    var e = newNodeI(nkPragmaExpr,
+    addSon(e, ident)
+    addSon(e, pragmasNode)
+    ident = e
+  else: 
+    pragmasNode = ident.sons[1]
+    if pragmasNode.kind != nkPragma: 
+      InternalError(, "addPragmaToIdent")
+  addSon(pragmasNode, pragma)
+proc exSymbols(n: PNode) = 
+  if n == nil: return 
+  case n.kind
+  of nkEmpty..nkNilLit: nil
+  of nkProcDef..nkIteratorDef: exSymbol(n.sons[namePos])
+  of nkWhenStmt:
+    for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): exSymbols(lastSon(n.sons[i]))
+  of nkStmtList: 
+    for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): exSymbols(n.sons[i])
+  of nkVarSection, nkConstSection: 
+    for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): exSymbol(n.sons[i].sons[0])
+  of nkTypeSection: 
+    for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
+      exSymbol(n.sons[i].sons[0])
+      if (n.sons[i].sons[2] != nil) and
+          (n.sons[i].sons[2].kind == nkObjectTy): 
+        fixRecordDef(n.sons[i].sons[2])
+  else: nil
+# --------------- parser -----------------------------------------------------
+# We use this parsing rule: If it looks like a declaration, it is one. This
+# avoids to build a symbol table, which can't be done reliably anyway for our
+# purposes.
+proc expression(p: var TParser): PNode
+proc constantExpression(p: var TParser): PNode
+proc assignmentExpression(p: var TParser): PNode
+proc compoundStatement(p: var TParser): PNode
+proc statement(p: var TParser): PNode
+proc declKeyword(s: string): bool = 
+  # returns true if it is a keyword that introduces a declaration
+  case s
+  of  "extern", "static", "auto", "register", "const", "volatile", "restrict",
+      "inline", "__inline", "__cdecl", "__stdcall", "__syscall", "__fastcall",
+      "__safecall", "void", "struct", "union", "enum", "typedef",
+      "short", "int", "long", "float", "double", "signed", "unsigned", "char": 
+    result = true
+proc stmtKeyword(s: string): bool =
+  case s
+  of  "if", "for", "while", "do", "switch", "break", "continue", "return",
+      "goto":
+    result = true
+# ------------------- type desc -----------------------------------------------
+proc skipIdent(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  expectIdent(p)
+  result = mangledIdent(p.tok.s, p)
+  getTok(p, result)
+proc isIntType(s: string): bool =
+  case s
+  of "short", "int", "long", "float", "double", "signed", "unsigned":
+    result = true
+proc skipConst(p: var TParser) = 
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol and
+      (p.tok.s == "const" or p.tok.s == "volatile" or p.tok.s == "restrict"): 
+    getTok(p, nil)
+proc typeAtom(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  if p.tok.xkind != pxSymbol: return nil
+  skipConst(p)
+  ExpectIdent(p)
+  case p.tok.s
+  of "void": 
+    result = newNodeP(nkNilLit, p) # little hack
+    getTok(p, nil)
+  of "struct", "union", "enum": 
+    getTok(p, nil)
+    result = skipIdent(p)
+  elif isIntType(p.tok.s):
+    var x = "c" & p.tok.s
+    getTok(p, nil)
+    while p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol and isIntType(p.tok.s):
+      add(x, p.tok.s)
+      getTok(p, nil)
+    result = newIdentNodeP(x, p)
+  else: 
+    result = newIdentNodeP(p.tok.s, p)
+    getTok(p, result)
+proc newPointerTy(p: TParser, typ: PNode): PNode =
+  if pfRefs in p.options.flags: 
+    result = newNodeP(nkRefTy, p)
+  else:
+    result = newNodeP(nkPtrTy, p)
+  result.addSon(typ)
+proc pointer(p: var TParser, a: PNode): PNode = 
+  result = a
+  var i = 0
+  skipConst(p)
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxStar:
+    inc(i)
+    getTok(p, result)
+    skipConst(p)
+    result = newPointerTy(p, result)
+  if a.kind == nkIdent and a.ident.s == "char": 
+    if i >= 2: 
+      result = newIdentNodeP("cstringArray", p)
+      for j in 1..i-2: result = newPointerTy(p, result)
+    elif i == 1: result = newIdentNodeP("cstring", p)
+  elif a.kind == nkNilLit and i > 0:
+    result = newIdentNodeP("pointer", p)
+    for j in 1..i-1: result = newPointerTy(p, result)
+proc parseTypeSuffix(p: var TParser, typ: PNode): PNode = 
+  result = typ
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxBracketLe:
+    getTok(p, result)
+    skipConst(p) # POSIX contains: ``int [restrict]``
+    if p.tok.xkind != pxBracketRi:
+      var tmp = result
+      var index = expression(p)
+      # array type:
+      result = newNodeP(nkBracketExpr, p)
+      addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("array", p))
+      var r = newNodeP(nkRange, p)
+      addSon(r, newIntNodeP(nkIntLit, 0, p))
+      addSon(r, newBinary("-", index, newIntNodeP(nkIntLit, 1, p), p))
+      addSon(result, r)
+      addSon(result, tmp)
+    else:
+      # pointer type:
+      var tmp = result
+      if pfRefs in p.options.flags: 
+        result = newNodeP(nkRefTy, p)
+      else:
+        result = newNodeP(nkPtrTy, p)
+      result.addSon(tmp)
+    eat(p, pxBracketRi, result)
+proc typeDesc(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = typeAtom(p)
+  if result != nil:
+    result = pointer(p, result)
+proc parseStructBody(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkRecList, p)
+  eat(p, pxCurlyLe, result)
+  while p.tok.xkind notin {pxEof, pxCurlyRi}:
+    var baseTyp = typeAtom(p)
+    while true:
+      var def = newNodeP(nkIdentDefs, p)
+      var t = pointer(p, baseTyp)
+      var i = skipIdent(p)
+      t = parseTypeSuffix(p, t)
+      addSon(def, i, t, nil)
+      addSon(result, def)
+      if p.tok.xkind != pxComma: break
+      getTok(p, def)
+    eat(p, pxSemicolon, lastSon(result))
+  eat(p, pxCurlyRi, result)
+proc structPragmas(p: TParser, name: PNode): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkPragmaExpr, p)
+  addson(result, name)
+  var pragmas = newNodep(nkPragma, p)
+  addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("pure", p))
+  addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("final", p))
+  addSon(result, pragmas)
+proc enumPragmas(p: TParser, name: PNode): PNode =
+  result = newNodeP(nkPragmaExpr, p)
+  addson(result, name)
+  var pragmas = newNodep(nkPragma, p)
+  var e = newNodeP(nkExprColonExpr, p)
+  addSon(e, newIdentNodeP("size", p))
+  addSon(e, newIntNodeP(nkIntLit, 4, p))
+  addSon(pragmas, e)
+  addSon(result, pragmas)
+proc parseStruct(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkObjectTy, p)
+  addSon(result, nil) # no pragmas
+  addSon(result, nil) # no inheritance
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxCurlyLe:
+    addSon(result, parseStructBody(p))
+  else: 
+    addSon(result, newNodeP(nkRecList, p))
+proc parseParam(p: var TParser, params: PNode) = 
+  var typ = typeDesc(p)
+  # support for ``(void)`` parameter list: 
+  if typ.kind == nkNilLit and p.tok.xkind == pxParRi: return
+  var name: PNode
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol: 
+    name = skipIdent(p)
+  else:
+    # generate a name for the formal parameter:
+    var idx = sonsLen(params)+1
+    name = newIdentNodeP("a" & $idx, p)
+  typ = parseTypeSuffix(p, typ)
+  var x = newNodeP(nkIdentDefs, p)
+  addSon(x, name)
+  addSon(x, typ)
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxAsgn: 
+    # we support default parameters for C++:
+    getTok(p, x)
+    addSon(x, assignmentExpression(p))
+  else:
+    addSon(x, nil)
+  addSon(params, x)
+proc parseFormalParams(p: var TParser, params, pragmas: PNode) = 
+  eat(p, pxParLe, params)
+  while p.tok.xkind notin {pxEof, pxParRi}:
+    if p.tok.xkind == pxDotDotDot:  
+      addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("varargs", p))
+      getTok(p, pragmas)
+      break
+    parseParam(p, params)
+    if p.tok.xkind != pxComma: break
+    getTok(p, params)
+  eat(p, pxParRi, params)
+proc parseCallConv(p: var TParser, pragmas: PNode) = 
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol:
+    case p.tok.s
+    of "inline", "__inline": addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("inline", p))
+    of "__cdecl": addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("cdecl", p))
+    of "__stdcall": addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("stdcall", p))
+    of "__syscall": addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("syscall", p))
+    of "__fastcall": addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("fastcall", p))
+    of "__safecall": addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("safecall", p))
+    else: break
+    getTok(p, nil)
+proc parseFunctionPointerDecl(p: var TParser, rettyp: PNode): PNode = 
+  var procType = newNodeP(nkProcTy, p)
+  var pragmas = newNodeP(nkPragma, p)
+  if pfCDecl in p.options.flags: 
+    addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("cdecl", p))
+  elif pfStdCall in p.options.flags:
+    addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("stdcall", p))
+  var params = newNodeP(nkFormalParams, p)
+  eat(p, pxParLe, params)
+  addSon(params, rettyp)
+  parseCallConv(p, pragmas)
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxStar: getTok(p, params)
+  else: parMessage(p, errTokenExpected, "*")
+  var name = skipIdent(p)
+  eat(p, pxParRi, name)
+  parseFormalParams(p, params, pragmas)
+  addSon(procType, params)
+  addSon(procType, pragmas)
+  if p.inTypeDef == 0:
+    result = newNodeP(nkVarSection, p)
+    var def = newNodeP(nkIdentDefs, p)
+    addSon(def, name)
+    addSon(def, procType)
+    addSon(def, nil)
+    addSon(result, def)    
+  else:
+    result = newNodeP(nkTypeDef, p)
+    addSon(result, name)
+    addSon(result, nil) # no generics
+    addSon(result, procType)
+proc addTypeDef(section, name, t: PNode) = 
+  var def = newNodeI(nkTypeDef,
+  addSon(def, name, nil, t)
+  addSon(section, def)
+proc otherTypeDef(p: var TParser, section, typ: PNode) = 
+  var name, t: PNode
+  case p.tok.xkind
+  of pxParLe: 
+    # function pointer: typedef typ (*name)();
+    getTok(p, nil)
+    var x = parseFunctionPointerDecl(p, typ)
+    name = x[0]
+    t = x[2]
+  of pxStar:
+    # typedef typ *b;
+    t = pointer(p, typ)
+    name = skipIdent(p)
+  else: 
+    # typedef typ name;
+    name = skipIdent(p)
+  t = parseTypeSuffix(p, t)
+  addTypeDef(section, name, t)
+proc parseTrailingDefinedTypes(p: var TParser, section, typ: PNode) = 
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxComma:
+    getTok(p, nil)
+    var newTyp = pointer(p, typ)
+    var newName = skipIdent(p)
+    newTyp = parseTypeSuffix(p, newTyp)
+    addTypeDef(section, newName, newTyp)
+proc enumFields(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkEnumTy, p)
+  addSon(result, nil) # enum does not inherit from anything
+  while true:
+    var e = skipIdent(p)
+    if p.tok.xkind == pxAsgn: 
+      getTok(p, e)
+      var c = constantExpression(p)
+      var a = e
+      e = newNodeP(nkEnumFieldDef, p)
+      addSon(e, a)
+      addSon(e, c)
+      skipCom(p, e)
+    addSon(result, e)
+    if p.tok.xkind != pxComma: break
+    getTok(p, e)
+proc parseTypeDef(p: var TParser): PNode =  
+  result = newNodeP(nkTypeSection, p)
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol and p.tok.s == "typedef":
+    getTok(p, result)
+    inc(p.inTypeDef)
+    expectIdent(p)
+    case p.tok.s
+    of "struct", "union": 
+      getTok(p, result)
+      if p.tok.xkind == pxCurlyLe:
+        var t = parseStruct(p)
+        var name = skipIdent(p)
+        addTypeDef(result, structPragmas(p, name), t)
+        parseTrailingDefinedTypes(p, result, name)
+      elif p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol: 
+        # name to be defined or type "struct a", we don't know yet:
+        var nameOrType = skipIdent(p)
+        case p.tok.xkind 
+        of pxCurlyLe:
+          var t = parseStruct(p)
+          if p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol: 
+            # typedef struct tagABC {} abc, *pabc;
+            # --> abc is a better type name than tagABC!
+            var name = skipIdent(p)
+            addTypeDef(result, structPragmas(p, name), t)
+            parseTrailingDefinedTypes(p, result, name)
+          else:
+            addTypeDef(result, structPragmas(p, nameOrType), t)
+        of pxSymbol: 
+          # typedef struct a a?
+          if mangleName(p.tok.s, p) == nameOrType.ident.s:
+            # ignore the declaration:
+            getTok(p, nil)
+          else:
+            # typedef struct a b; or typedef struct a b[45];
+            otherTypeDef(p, result, nameOrType)
+        else: 
+          otherTypeDef(p, result, nameOrType)
+      else:
+        expectIdent(p)
+    of "enum": 
+      getTok(p, result)
+      if p.tok.xkind == pxCurlyLe:
+        getTok(p, result)
+        var t = enumFields(p)
+        eat(p, pxCurlyRi, t)
+        var name = skipIdent(p)
+        addTypeDef(result, enumPragmas(p, name), t)
+        parseTrailingDefinedTypes(p, result, name)
+      elif p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol: 
+        # name to be defined or type "enum a", we don't know yet:
+        var nameOrType = skipIdent(p)
+        case p.tok.xkind 
+        of pxCurlyLe:
+          getTok(p, result)
+          var t = enumFields(p)
+          eat(p, pxCurlyRi, t)
+          if p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol: 
+            # typedef enum tagABC {} abc, *pabc;
+            # --> abc is a better type name than tagABC!
+            var name = skipIdent(p)
+            addTypeDef(result, enumPragmas(p, name), t)
+            parseTrailingDefinedTypes(p, result, name)
+          else:
+            addTypeDef(result, enumPragmas(p, nameOrType), t)
+        of pxSymbol: 
+          # typedef enum a a?
+          if mangleName(p.tok.s, p) == nameOrType.ident.s:
+            # ignore the declaration:
+            getTok(p, nil)
+          else:
+            # typedef enum a b; or typedef enum a b[45];
+            otherTypeDef(p, result, nameOrType)
+        else: 
+          otherTypeDef(p, result, nameOrType)
+      else:
+        expectIdent(p)
+    else: 
+      var t = typeAtom(p)
+      otherTypeDef(p, result, t)
+    eat(p, pxSemicolon)
+    dec(p.inTypeDef)
+proc skipDeclarationSpecifiers(p: var TParser) =
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol:
+    case p.tok.s
+    of "extern", "static", "auto", "register", "const", "volatile": 
+      getTok(p, nil)
+    else: break
+proc parseInitializer(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxCurlyLe: 
+    result = newNodeP(nkBracket, p)
+    getTok(p, result)
+    while p.tok.xkind notin {pxEof, pxCurlyRi}: 
+      addSon(result, parseInitializer(p))
+      opt(p, pxComma, nil)
+    eat(p, pxCurlyRi, result)
+  else:
+    result = assignmentExpression(p)
+proc addInitializer(p: var TParser, def: PNode) = 
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxAsgn:
+    getTok(p, def)
+    addSon(def, parseInitializer(p))
+  else:
+    addSon(def, nil)  
+proc parseVarDecl(p: var TParser, baseTyp, typ: PNode, 
+                  origName: string): PNode =  
+  result = newNodeP(nkVarSection, p)
+  var def = newNodeP(nkIdentDefs, p)
+  addSon(def, mangledIdentAndImport(origName, p))
+  addSon(def, parseTypeSuffix(p, typ))
+  addInitializer(p, def)
+  addSon(result, def)
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxComma: 
+    getTok(p, def)
+    var t = pointer(p, baseTyp)
+    expectIdent(p)
+    def = newNodeP(nkIdentDefs, p)
+    addSon(def, mangledIdentAndImport(p.tok.s, p))
+    getTok(p, def)
+    addSon(def, parseTypeSuffix(p, t))
+    addInitializer(p, def)
+    addSon(result, def)
+  eat(p, pxSemicolon, result)
+proc declaration(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkProcDef, p)
+  var pragmas = newNodeP(nkPragma, p)
+  skipDeclarationSpecifiers(p)
+  parseCallConv(p, pragmas)
+  skipDeclarationSpecifiers(p)
+  expectIdent(p)
+  var baseTyp = typeAtom(p)
+  var rettyp = pointer(p, baseTyp)
+  if rettyp != nil and rettyp.kind == nkNilLit: rettyp = nil
+  skipDeclarationSpecifiers(p)
+  parseCallConv(p, pragmas)
+  skipDeclarationSpecifiers(p)
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxParLe: 
+    # Function pointer declaration: This is of course only a heuristic, but the
+    # best we can do here.
+    result = parseFunctionPointerDecl(p, rettyp)
+    eat(p, pxSemicolon, result)
+    return
+  ExpectIdent(p)
+  var origName = p.tok.s
+  getTok(p) # skip identifier
+  case p.tok.xkind 
+  of pxParLe: 
+    # really a function!
+    var name = mangledIdent(origName, p)
+    var params = newNodeP(nkFormalParams, p)
+    addSon(params, rettyp)
+    parseFormalParams(p, params, pragmas)
+    if pfCDecl in p.options.flags:
+      addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("cdecl", p))
+    elif pfStdcall in p.options.flags:
+      addSon(pragmas, newIdentNodeP("stdcall", p))
+    addSon(result, name)
+    addSon(result, nil) # no generics
+    addSon(result, params)
+    addSon(result, pragmas)
+    case p.tok.xkind 
+    of pxSemicolon: 
+      getTok(p)
+      addSon(result, nil) # nobody
+      if p.scopeCounter == 0: DoImport(origName, pragmas, p)
+    of pxCurlyLe:
+      addSon(result, compoundStatement(p))
+    else:
+      parMessage(p, errTokenExpected, ";")
+    if sonsLen(result.sons[pragmasPos]) == 0: result.sons[pragmasPos] = nil
+  of pxAsgn, pxSemicolon, pxComma:
+    result = parseVarDecl(p, baseTyp, rettyp, origName)
+  else:
+    parMessage(p, errTokenExpected, ";")
+proc createConst(name, typ, val: PNode, p: TParser): PNode =
+  result = newNodeP(nkConstDef, p)
+  addSon(result, name, typ, val)
+proc enumSpecifier(p: var TParser): PNode =  
+  getTok(p, nil) # skip "enum"
+  case p.tok.xkind
+  of pxCurlyLe: 
+    # make a const section out of it:
+    result = newNodeP(nkConstSection, p)
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var i = 0
+    while true:
+      var name = skipIdent(p)
+      var val: PNode
+      if p.tok.xkind == pxAsgn: 
+        getTok(p, name)
+        val = constantExpression(p)
+        if val.kind == nkIntLit: i = int(val.intVal)+1
+        else: parMessage(p, errXExpected, "int literal")
+      else:
+        val = newIntNodeP(nkIntLit, i, p)
+        inc(i)
+      var c = createConst(name, nil, val, p)
+      addSon(result, c)
+      if p.tok.xkind != pxComma: break
+      getTok(p, c)
+    eat(p, pxCurlyRi, result)
+    eat(p, pxSemicolon)
+  of pxSymbol: 
+    result = skipIdent(p)
+    if p.tok.xkind == pxCurlyLe: 
+      var name = result
+      # create a type section containing the enum
+      result = newNodeP(nkTypeSection, p)
+      var t = newNodeP(nkTypeDef, p)
+      getTok(p, t)
+      var e = enumFields(p)
+      addSon(t, name, nil, e) # nil for generic params
+      addSon(result, t)
+  else:
+    parMessage(p, errTokenExpected, "{")
+# Expressions
+proc setBaseFlags(n: PNode, base: TNumericalBase) = 
+  case base
+  of base10: nil
+  of base2: incl(n.flags, nfBase2)
+  of base8: incl(n.flags, nfBase8)
+  of base16: incl(n.flags, nfBase16)
+proc primaryExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  case p.tok.xkind
+  of pxSymbol: 
+    if p.tok.s == "NULL": 
+      result = newNodeP(nkNilLit, p)
+    else: 
+      result = mangledIdent(p.tok.s, p)
+    getTok(p, result)
+  of pxIntLit: 
+    result = newIntNodeP(nkIntLit, p.tok.iNumber, p)
+    setBaseFlags(result, p.tok.base)
+    getTok(p, result)
+  of pxInt64Lit: 
+    result = newIntNodeP(nkInt64Lit, p.tok.iNumber, p)
+    setBaseFlags(result, p.tok.base)
+    getTok(p, result)
+  of pxFloatLit: 
+    result = newFloatNodeP(nkFloatLit, p.tok.fNumber, p)
+    setBaseFlags(result, p.tok.base)
+    getTok(p, result)
+  of pxStrLit: 
+    # Ansi C allows implicit string literal concatenations:
+    result = newStrNodeP(nkStrLit, p.tok.s, p)
+    getTok(p, result)
+    while p.tok.xkind == pxStrLit:
+      add(result.strVal, p.tok.s)
+      getTok(p, result)
+  of pxCharLit:
+    result = newIntNodeP(nkCharLit, ord(p.tok.s[0]), p)
+    getTok(p, result)
+  of pxParLe:
+    result = newNodeP(nkPar, p)
+    getTok(p, result)
+    addSon(result, expression(p))
+    eat(p, pxParRi, result)
+  else:
+    result = nil
+proc unaryExpression(p: var TParser): PNode
+proc castExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxParLe: 
+    SafeContext(p)
+    result = newNodeP(nkCast, p)
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var a = typeDesc(p)
+    if a != nil and p.tok.xkind == pxParRi: 
+      closeContext(p)
+      eat(p, pxParRi, result)
+      addSon(result, a)
+      addSon(result, castExpression(p))
+    else: 
+      backtrackContext(p)
+      result = unaryExpression(p)
+  else:
+    result = unaryExpression(p)
+proc multiplicativeExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = castExpression(p)
+  while true:
+    case p.tok.xkind
+    of pxStar:
+      var a = result
+      result = newNodeP(nkInfix, p)
+      addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("*", p), a)
+      getTok(p, result)
+      var b = castExpression(p)
+      addSon(result, b)
+    of pxSlash:
+      var a = result
+      result = newNodeP(nkInfix, p)
+      addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("div", p), a)
+      getTok(p, result)
+      var b = castExpression(p)
+      addSon(result, b)
+    of pxMod:
+      var a = result
+      result = newNodeP(nkInfix, p)
+      addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("mod", p), a)
+      getTok(p, result)
+      var b = castExpression(p)
+      addSon(result, b)
+    else: break 
+proc additiveExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = multiplicativeExpression(p)
+  while true:
+    case p.tok.xkind
+    of pxPlus:
+      var a = result
+      result = newNodeP(nkInfix, p)
+      addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("+", p), a)
+      getTok(p, result)
+      var b = multiplicativeExpression(p)
+      addSon(result, b)
+    of pxMinus:
+      var a = result
+      result = newNodeP(nkInfix, p)
+      addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("-", p), a)
+      getTok(p, result)
+      var b = multiplicativeExpression(p)
+      addSon(result, b)
+    else: break 
+proc incdec(p: var TParser, opr: string): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkCall, p)
+  addSon(result, newIdentNodeP(opr, p))
+  gettok(p, result)
+  addSon(result, unaryExpression(p))
+proc unaryOp(p: var TParser, kind: TNodeKind): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(kind, p)
+  getTok(p, result)
+  addSon(result, castExpression(p))
+proc prefixCall(p: var TParser, opr: string): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkPrefix, p)
+  addSon(result, newIdentNodeP(opr, p))
+  gettok(p, result)
+  addSon(result, castExpression(p))
+proc postfixExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = primaryExpression(p)
+  while true:
+    case p.tok.xkind
+    of pxBracketLe:
+      var a = result
+      result = newNodeP(nkBracketExpr, p)
+      addSon(result, a)
+      getTok(p, result)
+      var b = expression(p)
+      addSon(result, b)
+      eat(p, pxBracketRi, result)
+    of pxParLe:
+      var a = result
+      result = newNodeP(nkCall, p)
+      addSon(result, a)
+      getTok(p, result)
+      if p.tok.xkind != pxParRi:
+        a = assignmentExpression(p)
+        addSon(result, a)
+        while p.tok.xkind == pxComma:
+          getTok(p, a)
+          a = assignmentExpression(p)
+          addSon(result, a)
+      eat(p, pxParRi, result)
+    of pxDot, pxArrow:
+      var a = result
+      result = newNodeP(nkDotExpr, p)
+      addSon(result, a)
+      getTok(p, result)
+      addSon(result, skipIdent(p))
+    of pxPlusPlus:
+      var a = result
+      result = newNodeP(nkCall, p)
+      addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("inc", p))
+      gettok(p, result)
+      addSon(result, a)
+    of pxMinusMinus:
+      var a = result
+      result = newNodeP(nkCall, p)
+      addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("dec", p))
+      gettok(p, result)
+      addSon(result, a)
+    else: break
+proc unaryExpression(p: var TParser): PNode =
+  case p.tok.xkind
+  of pxPlusPlus: result = incdec(p, "inc")
+  of pxMinusMinus: result = incdec(p, "dec")
+  of pxAmp: result = unaryOp(p, nkAddr)
+  of pxStar: result = unaryOp(p, nkDerefExpr)
+  of pxPlus: result = prefixCall(p, "+")
+  of pxMinus: result = prefixCall(p, "-")
+  of pxTilde: result = prefixCall(p, "not")
+  of pxNot: result = prefixCall(p, "not")
+  of pxSymbol:
+    if p.tok.s == "sizeof": 
+      result = newNodeP(nkCall, p)
+      addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("sizeof", p))
+      getTok(p, result)
+      if p.tok.xkind == pxParLe: 
+        getTok(p, result)
+        addson(result, typeDesc(p))
+        eat(p, pxParRi, result)
+      else:
+        addSon(result, unaryExpression(p))
+    else:
+      result = postfixExpression(p)
+  else: result = postfixExpression(p)
+proc expression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  # we cannot support C's ``,`` operator
+  result = assignmentExpression(p)
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxComma:
+    getTok(p, result)
+    parMessage(p, errOperatorExpected, ",")
+proc conditionalExpression(p: var TParser): PNode
+proc constantExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = conditionalExpression(p)
+proc lvalue(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = unaryExpression(p)
+proc asgnExpr(p: var TParser, opr: string, a: PNode): PNode = 
+  closeContext(p)
+  getTok(p, a)
+  var b = assignmentExpression(p)
+  result = newNodeP(nkAsgn, p)
+  addSon(result, a)
+  addSon(result, newBinary(opr, copyTree(a), b, p))
+proc incdec(p: var TParser, opr: string, a: PNode): PNode =
+  closeContext(p)
+  getTok(p, a)
+  var b = assignmentExpression(p)
+  result = newNodeP(nkCall, p)
+  addSon(result, newIdentNodeP(getIdent(opr), p))
+  addSon(result, a)
+  addSon(result, b)
+proc assignmentExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  safeContext(p)
+  var a = lvalue(p)
+  case p.tok.xkind 
+  of pxAsgn:
+    closeContext(p)
+    getTok(p, a)
+    var b = assignmentExpression(p)
+    result = newNodeP(nkAsgn, p)
+    addSon(result, a)
+    addSon(result, b)
+  of pxPlusAsgn: result = incDec(p, "inc", a)    
+  of pxMinusAsgn: result = incDec(p, "dec", a)
+  of pxStarAsgn: result = asgnExpr(p, "*", a)
+  of pxSlashAsgn: result = asgnExpr(p, "/", a)
+  of pxModAsgn: result = asgnExpr(p, "mod", a)
+  of pxShlAsgn: result = asgnExpr(p, "shl", a)
+  of pxShrAsgn: result = asgnExpr(p, "shr", a)
+  of pxAmpAsgn: result = asgnExpr(p, "and", a)
+  of pxHatAsgn: result = asgnExpr(p, "xor", a)
+  of pxBarAsgn: result = asgnExpr(p, "or", a)
+  else:
+    backtrackContext(p)
+    result = conditionalExpression(p)
+proc shiftExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = additiveExpression(p)
+  while p.tok.xkind in {pxShl, pxShr}:
+    var op = if p.tok.xkind == pxShl: "shl" else: "shr"
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var a = result 
+    var b = additiveExpression(p)
+    result = newBinary(op, a, b, p)
+proc relationalExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = shiftExpression(p)
+  # Nimrod uses ``<`` and ``<=``, etc. too:
+  while p.tok.xkind in {pxLt, pxLe, pxGt, pxGe}:
+    var op = TokKindToStr(p.tok.xkind)
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var a = result 
+    var b = shiftExpression(p)
+    result = newBinary(op, a, b, p)
+proc equalityExpression(p: var TParser): PNode =
+  result = relationalExpression(p)
+  # Nimrod uses ``==`` and ``!=`` too:
+  while p.tok.xkind in {pxEquals, pxNeq}:
+    var op = TokKindToStr(p.tok.xkind)
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var a = result 
+    var b = relationalExpression(p)
+    result = newBinary(op, a, b, p)
+proc andExpression(p: var TParser): PNode =
+  result = equalityExpression(p)
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxAmp:
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var a = result 
+    var b = equalityExpression(p)
+    result = newBinary("&", a, b, p)
+proc exclusiveOrExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = andExpression(p)
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxHat:
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var a = result 
+    var b = andExpression(p)
+    result = newBinary("^", a, b, p)
+proc inclusiveOrExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = exclusiveOrExpression(p)
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxBar:
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var a = result 
+    var b = exclusiveOrExpression(p)
+    result = newBinary("or", a, b, p)
+proc logicalAndExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = inclusiveOrExpression(p)
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxAmpAmp:
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var a = result
+    var b = inclusiveOrExpression(p)
+    result = newBinary("and", a, b, p)
+proc logicalOrExpression(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = logicalAndExpression(p)
+  while p.tok.xkind == pxBarBar:
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var a = result
+    var b = logicalAndExpression(p)
+    result = newBinary("or", a, b, p)
+proc conditionalExpression(p: var TParser): PNode =  
+  result = logicalOrExpression(p)
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxConditional: 
+    getTok(p, result) # skip '?'
+    var a = result
+    var b = expression(p)
+    eat(p, pxColon, b)
+    var c = conditionalExpression(p)
+    result = newNodeP(nkIfExpr, p)
+    var branch = newNodeP(nkElifExpr, p)
+    addSon(branch, a)
+    addSon(branch, b)
+    addSon(result, branch)
+    branch = newNodeP(nkElseExpr, p)
+    addSon(branch, c)
+    addSon(result, branch)
+# Statements
+proc buildStmtList(a: PNode): PNode = 
+  if a.kind == nkStmtList: result = a
+  else:
+    result = newNodeI(nkStmtList,
+    addSon(result, a)
+proc nestedStatement(p: var TParser): PNode =
+  # careful: We need to translate:
+  # if (x) if (y) stmt;
+  # into:
+  # if x:
+  #   if x:
+  #     stmt
+  # 
+  # Nimrod requires complex statements to be nested in whitespace!
+  const
+    complexStmt = {nkProcDef, nkMethodDef, nkConverterDef, nkMacroDef,
+      nkTemplateDef, nkIteratorDef, nkMacroStmt, nkIfStmt,
+      nkWhenStmt, nkForStmt, nkWhileStmt, nkCaseStmt, nkVarSection, 
+      nkConstSection, nkTypeSection, nkTryStmt, nkBlockStmt, nkStmtList,
+      nkCommentStmt, nkStmtListExpr, nkBlockExpr, nkStmtListType, nkBlockType}
+  result = statement(p)
+  if result.kind in complexStmt:
+    result = buildStmtList(result)
+proc expressionStatement(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  # do not skip the comment after a semicolon to make a new nkCommentStmt
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxSemicolon: 
+    getTok(p)
+  else:
+    result = expression(p)
+    if p.tok.xkind == pxSemicolon: getTok(p)
+    else: parMessage(p, errTokenExpected, ";")
+proc parseIf(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  # we parse additional "else if"s too here for better Nimrod code
+  result = newNodeP(nkIfStmt, p)
+  while true: 
+    getTok(p) # skip ``if``
+    var branch = newNodeP(nkElifBranch, p)
+    skipCom(p, branch)
+    eat(p, pxParLe, branch)
+    addSon(branch, expression(p))
+    eat(p, pxParRi, branch)
+    addSon(branch, nestedStatement(p))
+    addSon(result, branch)
+    if p.tok.s == "else": 
+      getTok(p, result)
+      if p.tok.s != "if": 
+        # ordinary else part:
+        branch = newNodeP(nkElse, p)
+        addSon(branch, nestedStatement(p))
+        addSon(result, branch)
+        break 
+    else: 
+      break 
+proc parseWhile(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkWhileStmt, p)
+  getTok(p, result)
+  eat(p, pxParLe, result)
+  addSon(result, expression(p))
+  eat(p, pxParRi, result)
+  addSon(result, nestedStatement(p))
+proc parseDoWhile(p: var TParser): PNode =  
+  # we only support ``do stmt while (0)`` as an idiom for 
+  # ``block: stmt``
+  result = newNodeP(nkBlockStmt, p)
+  getTok(p, result) # skip "do"
+  addSon(result, nil, nestedStatement(p))
+  eat(p, "while", result)
+  eat(p, pxParLe, result)
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxIntLit and p.tok.iNumber == 0: getTok(p, result)
+  else: parMessage(p, errTokenExpected, "0")
+  eat(p, pxParRi, result)
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxSemicolon: getTok(p)
+proc declarationOrStatement(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  if p.tok.xkind != pxSymbol:
+    result = expressionStatement(p)
+  elif declKeyword(p.tok.s): 
+    result = declaration(p)
+  else:
+    # ordinary identifier:
+    safeContext(p)
+    getTok(p) # skip identifier to look ahead
+    case p.tok.xkind 
+    of pxSymbol, pxStar: 
+      # we parse 
+      # a b
+      # a * b
+      # always as declarations! This is of course not correct, but good
+      # enough for most real world C code out there.
+      backtrackContext(p)
+      result = declaration(p)
+    of pxColon: 
+      # it is only a label:
+      closeContext(p)
+      getTok(p)
+      result = statement(p)
+    else: 
+      backtrackContext(p)
+      result = expressionStatement(p)
+proc parseFor(p: var TParser, result: PNode) = 
+  # 'for' '(' expression_statement expression_statement expression? ')'
+  #   statement
+  getTok(p, result)
+  eat(p, pxParLe, result)
+  var initStmt = declarationOrStatement(p)
+  addSonIfNotNil(result, initStmt)
+  var w = newNodeP(nkWhileStmt, p)
+  var condition = expressionStatement(p)
+  if condition == nil: condition = newIdentNodeP("true", p)
+  addSon(w, condition)
+  var step = if p.tok.xkind != pxParRi: expression(p) else: nil
+  eat(p, pxParRi, step)
+  var loopBody = nestedStatement(p)
+  if step != nil:
+    loopBody = buildStmtList(loopBody)
+    addSon(loopBody, step)
+  addSon(w, loopBody)
+  addSon(result, w)
+proc switchStatement(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkStmtList, p)
+  while true:
+    if p.tok.xkind in {pxEof, pxCurlyRi}: break
+    case p.tok.s 
+    of "break":
+      getTok(p, result)
+      eat(p, pxSemicolon, result)
+      break
+    of "return", "continue", "goto": 
+      addSon(result, statement(p))
+      break
+    of "case", "default":
+      break
+    else: nil
+    addSon(result, statement(p))
+  if sonsLen(result) == 0:
+    # translate empty statement list to Nimrod's ``nil`` statement
+    result = newNodeP(nkNilLit, p)
+proc rangeExpression(p: var TParser): PNode =
+  # We support GCC's extension: ``case expr...expr:`` 
+  result = constantExpression(p)
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxDotDotDot:
+    getTok(p, result)
+    var a = result
+    var b = constantExpression(p)
+    result = newNodeP(nkRange, p)
+    addSon(result, a)
+    addSon(result, b)
+proc parseSwitch(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  # We cannot support Duff's device or C's crazy switch syntax. We just support
+  # sane usages of switch. ;-)
+  result = newNodeP(nkCaseStmt, p)
+  getTok(p, result)
+  eat(p, pxParLe, result)
+  addSon(result, expression(p))
+  eat(p, pxParRi, result)
+  eat(p, pxCurlyLe, result)
+  var b: PNode
+  while (p.tok.xkind != pxCurlyRi) and (p.tok.xkind != pxEof): 
+    case p.tok.s 
+    of "default": 
+      b = newNodeP(nkElse, p)
+      getTok(p, b)
+      eat(p, pxColon, b)
+    of "case": 
+      b = newNodeP(nkOfBranch, p)
+      while p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol and p.tok.s == "case":
+        getTok(p, b)
+        addSon(b, rangeExpression(p))
+        eat(p, pxColon, b)
+    else:
+      parMessage(p, errXExpected, "case")
+    addSon(b, switchStatement(p))
+    addSon(result, b)
+    if b.kind == nkElse: break 
+  eat(p, pxCurlyRi)
+proc embedStmts(sl, a: PNode) = 
+  if a.kind != nkStmtList:
+    addSon(sl, a)
+  else:
+    for i in 0..sonsLen(a)-1: addSon(sl, a[i])
+proc compoundStatement(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkStmtList, p)
+  eat(p, pxCurlyLe)
+  inc(p.scopeCounter)
+  while p.tok.xkind notin {pxEof, pxCurlyRi}: 
+    var a = statement(p)
+    if a == nil: break
+    embedStmts(result, a)
+  if sonsLen(result) == 0:
+    # translate ``{}`` to Nimrod's ``nil`` statement
+    result = newNodeP(nkNilLit, p)
+  dec(p.scopeCounter)
+  eat(p, pxCurlyRi)
+include cpp
+proc statement(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  case p.tok.xkind 
+  of pxSymbol: 
+    case p.tok.s
+    of "if": result = parseIf(p)
+    of "switch": result = parseSwitch(p)
+    of "while": result = parseWhile(p)
+    of "do": result = parseDoWhile(p)
+    of "for": 
+      result = newNodeP(nkStmtList, p)
+      parseFor(p, result)
+    of "goto": 
+      # we cannot support "goto"; in hand-written C, "goto" is most often used
+      # to break a block, so we convert it to a break statement with label.
+      result = newNodeP(nkBreakStmt, p)
+      getTok(p)
+      addSon(result, skipIdent(p))
+      eat(p, pxSemicolon)
+    of "continue":
+      result = newNodeP(nkContinueStmt, p)
+      getTok(p)
+      eat(p, pxSemicolon)
+      addSon(result, nil)
+    of "break":
+      result = newNodeP(nkBreakStmt, p)
+      getTok(p)
+      eat(p, pxSemicolon)
+      addSon(result, nil)
+    of "return":
+      result = newNodeP(nkReturnStmt, p)
+      getTok(p)
+      # special case for ``return (expr)`` because I hate the redundant
+      # parenthesis ;-)
+      if p.tok.xkind == pxParLe:
+        getTok(p, result)
+        addSon(result, expression(p))
+        eat(p, pxParRi, result)
+      elif p.tok.xkind != pxSemicolon:
+        addSon(result, expression(p))
+      else:
+        addSon(result, nil)
+      eat(p, pxSemicolon)
+    of "enum":
+      result = enumSpecifier(p)
+    of "typedef": 
+      result = parseTypeDef(p)
+    else: 
+      result = declarationOrStatement(p)
+  of pxCurlyLe:
+    result = compoundStatement(p)
+  of pxDirective, pxDirectiveParLe:
+    result = parseDir(p)
+  of pxLineComment, pxStarComment: 
+    result = newNodeP(nkCommentStmt, p)
+    skipCom(p, result)
+  of pxSemicolon:
+    # empty statement:
+    getTok(p)
+    if p.tok.xkind in {pxLineComment, pxStarComment}:
+      result = newNodeP(nkCommentStmt, p)
+      skipCom(p, result)
+    else:
+      result = newNodeP(nkNilLit, p)
+  else:
+    result = expressionStatement(p)
+    #parMessage(p, errStmtExpected)
+proc parseUnit(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkStmtList, p)
+  getTok(p) # read first token
+  while p.tok.xkind != pxEof: 
+    var s = statement(p)
+    if s != nil: embedStmts(result, s)
+  exSymbols(result)
diff --git a/rod/c2nim/cpp.nim b/rod/c2nim/cpp.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..61873628e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rod/c2nim/cpp.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Preprocessor support
+  c2nimSymbol = "C2NIM"
+proc eatNewLine(p: var TParser, n: PNode) = 
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxLineComment:
+    skipCom(p, n)
+    if p.tok.xkind == pxNewLine: getTok(p)
+  else:
+    eat(p, pxNewLine)
+proc parseDefineBody(p: var TParser, tmplDef: PNode): string = 
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxCurlyLe or 
+    (p.tok.xkind == pxSymbol and (declKeyword(p.tok.s) or stmtKeyword(p.tok.s))):
+    addSon(tmplDef, statement(p))
+    result = "stmt"
+  elif p.tok.xkind in {pxLineComment, pxNewLine}:
+    addSon(tmplDef, buildStmtList(newNodeP(nkNilLit, p)))
+    result = "stmt"
+  else:
+    addSon(tmplDef, buildStmtList(expression(p)))
+    result = "expr"
+proc parseDefine(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  if p.tok.xkind == pxDirectiveParLe: 
+    # a macro with parameters:
+    result = newNodeP(nkTemplateDef, p)
+    getTok(p)
+    addSon(result, skipIdent(p))
+    eat(p, pxParLe)
+    var params = newNodeP(nkFormalParams, p)
+    # return type; not known yet:
+    addSon(params, nil)  
+    var identDefs = newNodeP(nkIdentDefs, p)
+    while p.tok.xkind != pxParRi: 
+      addSon(identDefs, skipIdent(p))
+      skipStarCom(p, nil)
+      if p.tok.xkind != pxComma: break
+      getTok(p)
+    addSon(identDefs, newIdentNodeP("expr", p))
+    addSon(identDefs, nil)
+    addSon(params, identDefs)
+    eat(p, pxParRi)
+    addSon(result, nil) # no generic parameters
+    addSon(result, params)
+    addSon(result, nil) # no pragmas
+    var kind = parseDefineBody(p, result)
+    params.sons[0] = newIdentNodeP(kind, p)
+    eatNewLine(p, result)
+  else:
+    # a macro without parameters:
+    result = newNodeP(nkConstSection, p)
+    while p.tok.xkind == pxDirective and p.tok.s == "define":
+      getTok(p) # skip #define
+      var c = newNodeP(nkConstDef, p)
+      addSon(c, skipIdent(p))
+      addSon(c, nil)
+      skipStarCom(p, c)
+      if p.tok.xkind in {pxLineComment, pxNewLine, pxEof}:
+        addSon(c, newIdentNodeP("true", p))
+      else:
+        addSon(c, expression(p))
+      addSon(result, c)
+      eatNewLine(p, c)
+proc isDir(p: TParser, dir: string): bool = 
+  result = p.tok.xkind in {pxDirectiveParLe, pxDirective} and p.tok.s == dir
+proc parseInclude(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkImportStmt, p)
+  while isDir(p, "include"):
+    getTok(p) # skip "include"
+    if p.tok.xkind == pxStrLit:
+      var file = newStrNodeP(nkStrLit, p.tok.s, p)
+      addSon(result, file)
+      getTok(p)
+      skipStarCom(p, file)
+    elif p.tok.xkind == pxLt: 
+      while p.tok.xkind notin {pxEof, pxNewLine, pxLineComment}: getTok(p)
+    else:
+      parMessage(p, errXExpected, "string literal")
+    eatNewLine(p, nil)
+  if sonsLen(result) == 0: 
+    # we only parsed includes that we chose to ignore:
+    result = nil
+proc definedExprAux(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkCall, p)
+  addSon(result, newIdentNodeP("defined", p))
+  addSon(result, skipIdent(p))
+proc parseStmtList(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkStmtList, p)
+  while true: 
+    case p.tok.xkind
+    of pxEof: break 
+    of pxDirectiveParLe, pxDirective: 
+      case p.tok.s
+      of "else", "endif", "elif": break
+    else: nil
+    addSon(result, statement(p))
+proc parseIfDirAux(p: var TParser, result: PNode) = 
+  addSon(result.sons[0], parseStmtList(p))
+  while isDir(p, "elif"): 
+    var b = newNodeP(nkElifBranch, p)
+    getTok(p)
+    addSon(b, expression(p))
+    eatNewLine(p, nil)
+    addSon(b, parseStmtList(p))
+    addSon(result, b)
+  if isDir(p, "else"): 
+    var s = newNodeP(nkElse, p)
+    while p.tok.xkind notin {pxEof, pxNewLine, pxLineComment}: getTok(p)
+    eatNewLine(p, nil)
+    addSon(s, parseStmtList(p))
+    addSon(result, s)
+  if isDir(p, "endif"): 
+    while p.tok.xkind notin {pxEof, pxNewLine, pxLineComment}: getTok(p)
+    eatNewLine(p, nil)
+  else: 
+    parMessage(p, errXExpected, "#endif")
+proc specialIf(p: TParser): bool = 
+  ExpectIdent(p)
+  result = p.tok.s == c2nimSymbol
+proc chooseBranch(whenStmt: PNode, branch: int): PNode = 
+  var L = sonsLen(whenStmt)
+  if branch < L: 
+    if L == 2 and whenStmt[1].kind == nkElse or branch == 0: 
+      result = lastSon(whenStmt[branch])
+    else:
+      var b = whenStmt[branch]
+      assert(b.kind == nkElifBranch)
+      result = newNodeI(nkWhenStmt,
+      for i in branch .. L-1:
+        addSon(result, whenStmt[i])
+proc skipIfdefCPlusPlus(p: var TParser): PNode =
+  while p.tok.xkind != pxEof:
+    if isDir(p, "endif"): 
+      while p.tok.xkind notin {pxEof, pxNewLine, pxLineComment}: getTok(p)
+      eatNewLine(p, nil)
+      return
+    getTok(p)
+  parMessage(p, errXExpected, "#endif")
+proc parseIfdefDir(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkWhenStmt, p)
+  addSon(result, newNodeP(nkElifBranch, p))
+  getTok(p)
+  var special = specialIf(p)
+  if p.tok.s == "__cplusplus": 
+    return skipIfdefCPlusPlus(p)
+  addSon(result.sons[0], definedExprAux(p))
+  eatNewLine(p, nil)
+  parseIfDirAux(p, result)
+  if special: 
+    result = chooseBranch(result, 0)
+proc parseIfndefDir(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkWhenStmt, p)
+  addSon(result, newNodeP(nkElifBranch, p))
+  getTok(p)
+  var special = specialIf(p)
+  var e = newNodeP(nkCall, p)
+  addSon(e, newIdentNodeP("not", p))
+  addSon(e, definedExprAux(p))
+  eatNewLine(p, nil)
+  addSon(result.sons[0], e)
+  parseIfDirAux(p, result)
+  if special:
+    result = chooseBranch(result, 1)
+proc parseIfDir(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  result = newNodeP(nkWhenStmt, p)
+  addSon(result, newNodeP(nkElifBranch, p))
+  getTok(p)
+  addSon(result.sons[0], expression(p))
+  eatNewLine(p, nil)
+  parseIfDirAux(p, result)
+proc parseMangleDir(p: var TParser) = 
+  var col = getColumn(p.lex) + 2
+  getTok(p)
+  if p.tok.xkind != pxStrLit: ExpectIdent(p)
+  try:
+    var pattern = parsePeg(
+      input = p.tok.s, 
+      filename = p.lex.filename, 
+      line = p.lex.linenumber, 
+      col = col)
+    getTok(p)
+    if p.tok.xkind != pxStrLit: ExpectIdent(p)
+    p.options.mangleRules.add((pattern, p.tok.s))
+    getTok(p)
+  except EInvalidPeg:
+    parMessage(p, errUser, getCurrentExceptionMsg())
+  eatNewLine(p, nil)
+proc parseDir(p: var TParser): PNode = 
+  assert(p.tok.xkind in {pxDirective, pxDirectiveParLe})
+  case p.tok.s
+  of "define": result = parseDefine(p)
+  of "include": result = parseInclude(p)
+  of "ifdef": result = parseIfdefDir(p)
+  of "ifndef": result = parseIfndefDir(p)
+  of "if": result = parseIfDir(p)
+  of "cdecl", "stdcall", "ref": 
+    discard setOption(p.options, p.tok.s)
+    getTok(p)
+    eatNewLine(p, nil)
+  of "dynlib", "header", "prefix", "suffix", "skip": 
+    var key = p.tok.s
+    getTok(p)
+    if p.tok.xkind != pxStrLit: ExpectIdent(p)
+    discard setOption(p.options, key, p.tok.s)
+    getTok(p)
+    eatNewLine(p, nil)
+  of "mangle":
+    parseMangleDir(p)
+  else: 
+    # ignore unimportant/unknown directive ("undef", "pragma", "error")
+    while true:
+      getTok(p)
+      if p.tok.xkind in {pxEof, pxNewLine, pxLineComment}: break
+    eatNewLine(p, nil)
diff --git a/rod/c2nim/manual.txt b/rod/c2nim/manual.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0c45272b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rod/c2nim/manual.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+  c2nim  User's manual

+:Author: Andreas Rumpf

+:Version: 0.8.10
+c2nim is a tool to translate Ansi C code to Nimrod. The output is 
+human-readable Nimrod code that is meant to be tweaked by hand after the 
+translation process. c2nim is no real compiler!
+c2nim is preliminary meant to translate C header files. Because of this, the 
+preprocessor is part of the parser. For example:
+.. code-block:: C
+  #define abc 123
+  #define xyz 789
+Is translated into:
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  const
+    abc* = 123
+    xyz* = 789
+c2nim is meant to translate fragments of C code and thus does not follow 
+include files. c2nim cannot parse all of Ansi C and many constructs cannot
+be represented in Nimrod: for example `duff's device`:idx: cannot be translated
+to Nimrod. 
+Preprocessor support
+Even though the translation process is not perfect, it is often the case that
+the translated Nimrod code does not need any tweaking by hand. In other cases
+it may be preferable to modify the input file instead of the generated Nimrod
+code so that c2nim can parse it properly. c2nim's preprocessor defines the 
+symbol ``C2NIM`` that can be used to mark code sections: 
+.. code-block:: C
+  #ifndef C2NIM
+    // C2NIM should ignore this prototype:
+    int fprintf(FILE* f, const char* frmt, ...);
+  #endif
+The ``C2NIM`` symbol is only recognized in ``#ifdef`` and ``#ifndef`` 
+constructs! ``#if defined(C2NIM)`` does **not** work. 
+c2nim *processes* ``#ifdef C2NIM`` and ``#ifndef C2NIM`` directives, but other
+``#if[def]`` directives are *translated* into Nimrod's ``when`` construct: 
+.. code-block:: C
+  #ifdef DEBUG
+  #  define OUT(x) printf("%s\n", x)
+  #else
+  #  define OUT(x)
+  #endif
+Is translated into:
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  when defined(debug):
+    template OUT(x: expr): expr = 
+      printf("%s\x0A", x)
+  else:
+    template OUT(x: expr): stmt = 
+      nil
+As can been seen from the example, C's macros with parameters are mapped
+to Nimrod's templates. This mapping is the best one can do, but it is of course
+not accurate: Nimrod's templates operate on syntax trees whereas C's 
+macros work on the token level. c2nim cannot translate any macro that contains
+the ``##`` token concatenation operator.
+c2nim's preprocessor supports special directives that affect how the output
+is generated. They should be put into a ``#ifdef C2NIM`` section so that 
+ordinary C compilers ignore them.
+``#stdcall`` and ``#cdecl`` directives
+**Note**: There are also ``--stdcall`` and ``--cdecl`` command line options
+that can be used for the same purpose.
+These directives tell c2nim that it should annotate every proc (or proc type)
+with the ``stdcall`` / ``cdecl`` calling convention.
+``#dynlib`` directive
+**Note**: There is also a ``--dynlib`` command line option that can be used for
+the same purpose.
+This directive tells c2nim that it should annotate every proc that resulted
+from a C function prototype with the ``dynlib`` pragma:
+.. code-block:: C
+  #ifdef C2NIM
+  #  dynlib iupdll
+  #  cdecl
+  #  if defined(windows)
+  #    define iupdll "iup.dll"
+  #  elif defined(macosx)
+  #    define iupdll "libiup.dynlib"
+  #  else
+  #    define iupdll ""
+  #  endif
+  #endif
+  int IupConvertXYToPos(PIhandle ih, int x, int y);
+Is translated to:
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  when defined(windows):
+    const iupdll* = "iup.dll"
+  elif defined(macosx):
+    const iupdll* = "libiup.dynlib"
+  else:
+    const iupdll* = ""
+  proc IupConvertXYToPos*(ih: PIhandle, x: cint, y: cint): cint {.
+    importc: "IupConvertXYToPos", cdecl, dynlib: iupdll.}
+Note how the example contains extra C code to declare the ``iupdll`` symbol
+in the generated Nimrod code.
+``#header`` directive
+**Note**: There is also a ``--header`` command line option that can be used for
+the same purpose.
+The ``#header`` directive tells c2nim that it should annotate every proc that
+resulted from a C function prototype and every exported variable and type with
+the ``header`` pragma:
+.. code-block:: C
+  #ifdef C2NIM
+  #  header "iup.h"
+  #endif
+  int IupConvertXYToPos(PIhandle ih, int x, int y);
+Is translated to:
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  proc IupConvertXYToPos*(ih: PIhandle, x: cint, y: cint): cint {.
+    importc: "IupConvertXYToPos", header: "iup.h".}
+The ``#header`` and the ``#dynlib`` directives are mutually exclusive. 
+A binding that uses ``dynlib`` is much more preferable over one that uses
+``header``! The Nimrod compiler might drop support for the ``header`` pragma
+in the future as it cannot work for backends that do not generate C code.
+``#prefix`` and ``#suffix`` directives
+**Note**: There are also ``--prefix`` and ``--suffix`` command line options
+that can be used for the same purpose.
+c2nim does not do any name mangling by default. However the 
+ ``#prefix`` and ``#suffix`` directives can be used to strip prefixes and
+suffixes from the identifiers in the C code: 
+.. code-block:: C
+  #ifdef C2NIM
+  #  prefix Iup
+  #  dynlib dllname
+  #  cdecl
+  #endif
+  int IupConvertXYToPos(PIhandle ih, int x, int y);
+Is translated to:
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  proc ConvertXYToPos*(ih: PIhandle, x: cint, y: cint): cint {.
+    importc: "IupConvertXYToPos", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
+``#mangle`` directive
+Even more sophisticated name mangling can be achieved by the ``#mangle`` 
+directive: It takes a PEG pattern and format string that specify how the
+identifier should be converted: 
+.. code-block:: C
+  #mangle "'GTK_'{.*}" "TGtk$1"
+``#skip`` directive
+**Note**: There is also ``--skip`` command line option that can be used for the
+same purpose.
+Often C code contains special macros that affect the declaration of a function
+prototype but confuse c2nim's parser:
+.. code-block:: C
+  // does not parse!
+  EXPORT int f(void); 
+  EXPORT int g(void); 
+Instead of to remove ``EXPORT`` from the input source file, one can tell c2nim
+to skip special identifiers:
+.. code-block:: C
+  #skip EXPORT
+  // does parse now!
+  EXPORT int f(void);
+  EXPORT int g(void); 
+* C's ``,`` operator (comma operator) is not supported.
+* C's ``union`` has no equivalent in Nimrod.
+* Standalone ``struct x {}`` declarations are not implemented. Put them into
+  a ``typedef``.
+* The condition in a ``do while(condition)`` statement must be ``0``.
+* Lots of other small issues...