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path: root/rod
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authorAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andreas-desktop>2010-08-08 23:50:06 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andreas-desktop>2010-08-08 23:50:06 +0200
commit040c57f0a566b257ab7fcca4c6557be4b3c76f24 (patch)
treea5fa842ab305997a8a00b74b17c894c47efe6081 /rod
parent25ff3913ec98af6aa920e94e15df88eb4021e224 (diff)
added missing files
Diffstat (limited to 'rod')
2 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rod/noprefix2.nim b/rod/noprefix2.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6fbdaaddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rod/noprefix2.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# strip those silly GTK/ATK prefixes...
+  expandimportc, os
+  filelist = [
+    ("gtk/pango", "pango"),
+    ("gtk/pangoutils", "pango")
+  ]
+for filename, prefix in items(filelist):
+  var f = addFileExt(filename, "nim")
+  main("lib/newwrap" / f, "lib/newwrap" / filename & ".new.nim", prefix)
diff --git a/rod/tccgen.nim b/rod/tccgen.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3e3c311a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rod/tccgen.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#           The Nimrod Compiler
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+  os, strutils, options, msgs, tinyc
+{.compile: "../tinyc/libtcc.c".}
+proc tinyCErrorHandler(closure: pointer, msg: cstring) {.cdecl.} = 
+  rawMessage(errGenerated, $msg)
+proc initTinyCState: PccState = 
+  result = openCCState()
+  setErrorFunc(result, nil, tinyCErrorHandler)
+  gTinyC = initTinyCState()
+  libIncluded = false
+proc addFile(filename: string) =  
+  if addFile(gTinyC, filename) != 0'i32:
+    rawMessage(errCannotOpenFile, filename)
+proc setupEnvironment = 
+  #defineSymbol(gTinyC, "__x86_64__", nil)
+  #defineSymbol(gTinyC, "__linux__", nil)
+  #defineSymbol(gTinyC, "__linux", nil)
+  var nimrodDir = getPrefixDir()
+  addIncludePath(gTinyC, libpath)
+  when defined(windows): 
+    addSysincludePath(gTinyC, nimrodDir / "tinyc/win32/include")
+  addSysincludePath(gTinyC, nimrodDir / "tinyc/include")
+  when defined(windows): 
+    defineSymbol(gTinyC, "__i386__", nil)
+    defineSymbol(gTinyC, "_WIN32", nil)
+    # we need Mingw's headers too:
+    var gccbin = getConfigVar("gcc.path") % ["nimrod", nimrodDir]
+    addSysincludePath(gTinyC, gccbin /../ "include")
+    #addFile(nimrodDir / r"tinyc\win32\wincrt1.o")
+    addFile(nimrodDir / r"tinyc\win32\alloca86.o")
+    addFile(nimrodDir / r"tinyc\win32\chkstk.o")
+    #addFile(nimrodDir / r"tinyc\win32\crt1.o")
+    #addFile(nimrodDir / r"tinyc\win32\dllcrt1.o")
+    #addFile(nimrodDir / r"tinyc\win32\dllmain.o")
+    addFile(nimrodDir / r"tinyc\win32\libtcc1.o")
+    #addFile(nimrodDir / r"tinyc\win32\lib\crt1.c")
+    #addFile(nimrodDir / r"tinyc\lib\libtcc1.c")
+  else:
+    addSysincludePath(gTinyC, "/usr/include")
+proc compileCCode*(ccode: string) = 
+  if not libIncluded:
+    libIncluded = true
+    setupEnvironment()
+  discard compileString(gTinyC, ccode)
+proc run*() = 
+  var a: array[0..1, cstring]
+  a[0] = ""
+  a[1] = ""
+  var err =, 0'i32, addr(a)) != 0'i32
+  closeCCState(gTinyC)
+  if err: rawMessage(errExecutionOfProgramFailed, "")  