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path: root/tests/accept/run
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authorAraq <>2011-03-14 23:57:41 +0100
committerAraq <>2011-03-14 23:57:41 +0100
commit8d734244b14e09c97267432468ac20fcf8ff82eb (patch)
tree253eae61df789c42efe49b7c30cf38c66a3c208e /tests/accept/run
parent6850fb73c1b9ae8d3f56a61ee37922c3cb3788d6 (diff)
linearScanEnd pragma; string case statement optimization
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/accept/run')
2 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tsort.nim b/tests/accept/run/tsort.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..306e7e360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/accept/run/tsort.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# design criteria:
+# Generic code is expenisve wrt code size!
+# So the implementation should be small.
+# The sort should be stable.
+proc sort[T](arr: var openArray[T], lo, hi: natural) =
+  var k = 0
+  if lo < hi:
+    var mid = (lo + hi) div 2
+    sort(arr, lo, mid)
+    inc(mid)
+    sort(arr, mid, hi)
+    while lo < mid and mid <= hi:
+      if arr[lo] < arr[mid]:
+        inc(lo)
+      else:
+        when swapIsExpensive(T):
+          var help = arr[mid]
+          for k in countdown(mid, succ(lo)):
+            arr[k] = arr[pred(k)]
+          arr[lo] = help
+        else:
+          for k in countdown(mid, succ(lo)):
+            swap(arr[k], arr[pred(k)])
+        inc(lo)
+        inc(mid)
+  TSortOrder* = enum
+    Descending = -1,
+    Ascending = 0
+proc flip(x: int, order: TSortOrder): int {.inline.} = 
+  result = x xor ord(order) - ord(order)
+# We use a fixed size stack. This size is larger
+# than can be overflowed on a 64-bit machine
+  stackSize = 66
+  minRunSize = 7
+  TRun = tuple[index, length: int]
+  TSortState[T] {.pure, final.} = object
+    storage: seq[T]
+    runs: array[0..stackSize-1, TRun]
+    stackHeight: int # The index of the first unwritten element of the stack.
+    partitionedUpTo, length: int
+# We keep track of how far we've partitioned up 
+# to so we know where to start the next partition.
+# The idea is that everything < partionedUpTo 
+# is on the stack, everything >= partionedUpTo
+# is not yet on the stack. When partitionedUpTo == length
+# we'll have put everything on the stack.
+proc reverse[T](a: var openArray[T], first, last: int) =
+  for j in first .. < first+length div 2: swap(a[j], a[length-j-1])
+proc insertionSort[T]( int xs[], int length) =
+  for i in 1.. < length:
+    # The array before i is sorted. Now insert xs[i] into it
+    var x = xs[i]
+    var j = i-1
+    # Move j down until it's either at the beginning or on
+    # something <= x, and everything to the right of it has
+    # been moved up one.
+    while j >= 0 and xs[j] > x:
+      xs[j+1] = xs[j]
+      dec j
+    xs[j+1] = x
+proc boostRunLength(s: TSortState, run: var TRun) =
+  # Need to make sure we don't overshoot the end of the array
+  var length = min(s.length - run.index, minRunSize)
+  insertionSort(run.index, length)
+  run.length = length
+proc nextPartition[T](a: var openarray[T], s: var TSortState): bool =
+  if s.partitionedUpTo >= s.length: return false
+  var startIndex = s.partitionedUpTo
+  # Find an increasing run starting from startIndex
+  var nextStartIndex = startIndex + 1
+  if nextStartIndex < s.length:
+    if a[nextStartIndex] < a[startIndex]:
+      # We have a decreasing sequence starting here.
+      while nextStartIndex < s.length:
+        if a[nextStartIndex] < a[nextStartIndex-1]: inc(nextStartIndex)
+        else: break
+      # Now reverse it in place.
+      reverse(a, startIndex, nextStartIndex)
+    else:
+      # We have an increasing sequence starting here.
+      while nextStartIndex < s.length:
+        if a[nextStartIndex] >= a[nextStartIndex-1]: inc(nextStartIndex)
+        else: break
+  # So now [startIndex, nextStartIndex) is an increasing run.
+  # Push it onto the stack.
+  var runToAdd: TRun = (startIndex, nextStartIndex - startIndex)
+  if runToAdd.length < minRunSize:
+    boostRunLength(s, runToAdd)
+  s.partitionedUpTo = startIndex + runToAdd.length
+  s.runs[s.stackHeight] = runToAdd
+  inc s.stackHeight
+  result = true
+proc shouldCollapse(s: TSortState): bool =
+  if s.stackHeight > 2: 
+    var h = s.stackHeight-1
+    var headLength = s.runs[h].length
+    var nextLength = s.runs[h-1].length
+    result = 2 * headLength > nextLength
+proc merge(int target[], int p1[], int l1, int p2[], int l2, int storage[]) =
+  # Merge the sorted arrays p1, p2 of length l1, l2 into a single
+  # sorted array starting at target. target may overlap with either
+  # of p1 or p2 but must have enough space to store the array.
+  # Use the storage argument for temporary storage. It must have room for
+  # l1 + l2 ints.
+  int *merge_to = storage
+  # Current index into each of the two arrays we're writing
+  # from.
+  int i1, i2;
+  i1 = i2 = 0;
+  # The address to which we write the next element in the merge
+  int *next_merge_element = merge_to;
+  # Iterate over the two arrays, writing the least element at the
+  # current position to merge_to. When the two are equal we prefer
+  # the left one, because if we're merging left, right we want to
+  # ensure stability.
+  # Of course this doesn't matter for integers, but it's the thought
+  # that counts.
+  while i1 < l1 and i2 < l2:
+    if p1[i1] <= p2[i2]:
+      *next_merge_element = p1[i1];
+      i1++
+    else:
+      *next_merge_element = p2[i2];
+      i2++
+    next_merge_element++
+  # If we stopped short before the end of one of the arrays
+  # we now copy the rest over.
+  memcpy(next_merge_element, p1 + i1, sizeof(int) * (l1 - i1));
+  memcpy(next_merge_element, p2 + i2, sizeof(int) * (l2 - i2));
+  # We've now merged into our additional working space. Time
+  # to copy to the target.
+  memcpy(target, merge_to, sizeof(int) * (l1 + l2));
+proc mergeCollapse(a:  s: var TSortState) =
+  var X = s.runs[s.stackHeight-2]
+  var Y = s.runs[s.stackHeight-1]
+  merge(X.index, X.index, X.length, Y.index, Y.length,
+  dec s.stackHeight
+  inc X.length, Y.length
+  s.runs[s.stackHeight-1] = X
+proc sort[T](arr: var openArray[T], first, last: natural, 
+             cmp: proc (x,y: T): int, order = TSortOrder.ascending) =
+  var s: TSortState
+  newSeq(, arr.len)
+  s.stackHeight = 0
+  s.partitionedUpTo = 0
+  s.length = arr.len
+  while nextPartition(s):
+    while shouldCollapse(s): mergeCollapse(s)
+  while s.stackHeight > 1: mergeCollapse(s)
+proc sort[T](arr: var openArray[T], cmp: proc (x, y: T): int = cmp, 
+             order = TSortOrder.ascending) = 
+  sort(arr, 0, high(arr), order)
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/ttoseq.nim b/tests/accept/run/ttoseq.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3332cce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/accept/run/ttoseq.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+discard """
+  output: "23456"  
+template toSeq*(iter: expr): expr =
+  var result: seq[type(iter)] = @[]
+  for x in iter: add(result, x)
+  result
+for x, y in items(toSeq(countup(2, 6))).withIndex: 
+  stdout.write(x)