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path: root/tests/showoff/tdrdobbs_examples.nim
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authorAraq <>2014-01-22 17:32:38 +0100
committerAraq <>2014-01-22 17:32:38 +0100
commit37229df7fc044fe108d2f4d88f127141cabeb6a6 (patch)
tree2dd7dbacaa4afecdd9c6bde5180c43df24b0a914 /tests/showoff/tdrdobbs_examples.nim
parent85a5bfe60520a59ff9ce493dfa65bf9cbd86059e (diff)
next steps for closure iterators
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/showoff/tdrdobbs_examples.nim')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/showoff/tdrdobbs_examples.nim b/tests/showoff/tdrdobbs_examples.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d1e0585d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/showoff/tdrdobbs_examples.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+discard """
+  output: '''108
+11 -1 1936
+proc `++`(x: var int; y: int = 1; z: int = 0) =
+  x = x + y + z
+var g = 70
+g ++ 7
+g.`++`(10, 20)
+echo g 
+#let lv = stdin.readline
+#var vv = stdin.readline
+#vv = "abc" # valid, reassignment allowed
+#lv = "abc" # fails at compile time
+#proc square(x: int): int = x*x
+template square(x: int): int =
+  # ensure 'x' is only evaluated once:
+  let y = x
+  y * y
+proc mostSignificantBit(n: int): int =
+  # naive algorithm:
+  var n = n
+  while n != 0:
+    n = n shr 1
+    result += 1
+  result -= 1
+const msb3999 = mostSignificantBit(3999)
+echo msb3999, " ", mostSignificantBit(0), " ", square(44)
+proc filter[T](a: openarray[T], predicate: proc (x: T): bool): seq[T] =
+  result = @[] # @[] constructs the empty seq
+  for x in a:
+    if predicate(x): result.add(x)
+proc map[T, S](a: openarray[T], fn: proc (x: T): S): seq[S] =
+  newSeq(result, a.len)
+  for i in 0 .. <a.len: result[i] = fn(a[i])
+  FormulaKind = enum
+    fkVar,        ## element is a variable like 'X'
+    fkLit,        ## element is a literal like 0.1
+    fkAdd,        ## element is an addition operation
+    fkMul,        ## element is a multiplication operation
+    fkExp         ## element is an exponentiation operation 
+  Formula = ref object
+    case kind: FormulaKind
+    of fkVar: name: string
+    of fkLit: value: float
+    of fkAdd, fkMul, fkExp: left, right: Formula
+from math import pow
+proc evaluate(n: Formula, varToVal: proc (name: string): float): float =
+  case n.kind
+  of fkVar: varToVal(
+  of fkLit: n.value
+  of fkAdd: evaluate(n.left, varToVal) + evaluate(n.right, varToVal)
+  of fkMul: evaluate(n.left, varToVal) * evaluate(n.right, varToVal)
+  of fkExp: pow(evaluate(n.left, varToVal), evaluate(n.right, varToVal))
+echo evaluate(Formula(kind: fkLit, value: 0.4), nil)
+proc isPolyTerm(n: Formula): bool =
+  n.kind == fkMul and n.left.kind == fkLit and (let e = n.right; 
+    e.kind == fkExp and e.left.kind == fkVar and e.right.kind == fkLit)
+proc isPolynomial(n: Formula): bool =
+  isPolyTerm(n) or 
+    (n.kind == fkAdd and isPolynomial(n.left) and isPolynomial(n.right))
+let myFormula = Formula(kind: fkMul,
+                        left: Formula(kind: fkLit, value: 2.0),
+                        right: Formula(kind: fkExp, 
+                          left: Formula(kind: fkVar, name: "x"),
+                          right: Formula(kind: fkLit, value: 5.0)))
+echo isPolyTerm(myFormula)
+proc pat2kind(pattern: string): FormulaKind =
+  case pattern
+  of "^": fkExp
+  of "*": fkMul
+  of "+": fkAdd
+  of "x": fkVar
+  of "c": fkLit
+  else:   fkVar # no error reporting for reasons of simplicity
+import macros
+proc matchAgainst(n, pattern: PNimrodNode): PNimrodNode {.compileTime.} =
+  template `@`(current, field: expr): expr =
+    newDotExpr(current, newIdentNode(astToStr(field)))
+  template `==@`(n, pattern: expr): expr =
+    newCall("==", n@kind, newIdentNode($pat2kind($pattern.ident)))
+  case pattern.kind
+  of CallNodes:
+    result = newCall("and",
+      n ==@ pattern[0],
+      matchAgainst(n@left, pattern[1]))
+    if pattern.len == 3:
+      result = newCall("and", result.copy,
+        matchAgainst(n@right, pattern[2]))
+  of nnkIdent:
+    result = n ==@ pattern
+  of nnkPar:
+    result = matchAgainst(n, pattern[0])
+  else:
+    error "invalid pattern"
+macro `=~` (n: Formula, pattern: expr): bool =
+  result = matchAgainst(n, pattern)
+proc isPolyTerm2(n: Formula): bool = n =~ c * x^c
+echo isPolyTerm2(myFormula), isPolyTerm2(Formula(kind: fkLit, value: 0.7))