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path: root/tests/tuples/ttuples_various.nim
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authorMiran <>2018-11-06 18:33:58 +0100
committerArne Döring <>2018-11-06 18:33:58 +0100
commit66a76d3165fba77b081f358dfa768b8a3203b7d8 (patch)
tree3245dafcb8746e023b678909c1cb36534562265d /tests/tuples/ttuples_various.nim
parentc735b75f6f9aa83d525c1cb819c8e6d83badc447 (diff)
Merge tests into a larger file (part 8 of ∞) (#9583)
* merge tuple tests

* merge trmacros tests

* merge template tests
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/tuples/ttuples_various.nim')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/tuples/ttuples_various.nim b/tests/tuples/ttuples_various.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36171d5d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tuples/ttuples_various.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+discard """
+output: '''
+it's nil
+@[1, 2, 3]
+import macros
+block anontuples:
+  proc `^` (a, b: int): int =
+    result = 1
+    for i in 1..b: result = result * a
+  var m = (0, 5)
+  var n = (56, 3)
+  m = (n[0] + m[1], m[1] ^ n[1])
+  doAssert m == (61, 125)
+  # also test we can produce unary anon tuples in a macro:
+  macro mm(): untyped =
+    result = newTree(nnkTupleConstr, newLit(13))
+  proc nowTuple(): (int,) =
+    result = (0,)
+  doAssert nowTuple() == (Field0: 0)
+  doAssert mm() == (Field0: 13)
+block unpack_asgn:
+  proc foobar(): (int, int) = (2, 4)
+  # test within a proc:
+  proc pp(x: var int) =
+    var y: int
+    (y, x) = foobar()
+  template pt(x) =
+    var y: int
+    (x, y) = foobar()
+  # test within a generic:
+  proc pg[T](x, y: var T) =
+    pt(x)
+  # test as a top level statement:
+  var x, y, a, b: int
+  # test for regression:
+  (x, y) = (1, 2)
+  (x, y) = fooBar()
+  doAssert x == 2
+  doAssert y == 4
+  pp(a)
+  doAssert a == 4
+  pg(a, b)
+  doAssert a == 2
+  doAssert b == 0
+block tuple_subscript:
+  proc`[]` (t: tuple, key: string): string =
+    for name, field in fieldPairs(t):
+      if name == key:
+        return $field
+    return ""
+  proc`[]` [A,B](t: tuple, key: string, op: (proc(x: A): B)): B =
+    for name, field in fieldPairs(t):
+      when field is A:
+        if name == key:
+          return op(field)
+  proc`[]=`[T](t: var tuple, key: string, val: T) =
+    for name, field in fieldPairs(t):
+      when field is T:
+        if name == key:
+          field = val
+  var tt = (a: 1, b: "str1")
+  # test built in operator
+  tt[0] = 5
+  doAssert tt[0] == 5
+  doAssert `[]`(tt, 0) == 5
+  # test overloaded operator
+  tt["b"] = "str2"
+  doAssert tt["b"] == "str2"
+  doAssert `[]`(tt, "b") == "str2"
+  doAssert tt["b", proc(s: string): int = s.len] == 4
+block tuple_with_seq:
+  template foo(s: string = "") =
+    if s.len == 0:
+      echo "it's nil"
+    else:
+      echo s
+  foo
+  # bug #2632
+  proc takeTup(x: tuple[s: string;x: seq[int]]) =
+    discard
+  takeTup(("foo", @[]))
+  #proc foobar(): () =
+  proc f(xs: seq[int]) =
+    discard
+  proc g(t: tuple[n:int, xs:seq[int]]) =
+    discard
+  when isMainModule:
+    f(@[]) # OK
+    g((1,@[1])) # OK
+    g((0,@[])) # NG
+  # bug #2630
+  type T = tuple[a: seq[int], b: int]
+  var t: T = (@[1,2,3], 7)
+  proc test(s: seq[int]): T =
+    echo s
+    (s, 7)
+  t = test(t.a)