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path: root/tests
diff options
authorTimothee Cour <>2020-06-27 07:51:17 -0700
committerGitHub <>2020-06-27 16:51:17 +0200
commit90808877c54a3822a978124f39f470ea95e37d4d (patch)
tree1d972fd87d549629297fb4cd220c54bcaf7f6229 /tests
parentfdb37400cba234938a27cf158b6f4cf3ac57d689 (diff)
testament: generic N-fold batching: windows CI 37mn=>16m (#14823)
* testament: run CI faster thanks to batching
* move ta_in, tstdin into existing tosproc
* move ta_out,tafalse,texitcode,tstderr into existing tosproc
* joinable osproc
* move tstdout into existing tosproc
* spec: batchable; fix tests
* fixup
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
9 files changed, 106 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/tests/osproc/ta_in.nim b/tests/osproc/ta_in.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index fb294ec14..000000000
--- a/tests/osproc/ta_in.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-discard """
-action: compile
-# This file is prefixed with an "a", because other tests
-# depend on it and it must be compiled first.
-import strutils
-let x = stdin.readLine()
-echo x.parseInt + 5
diff --git a/tests/osproc/ta_out.nim b/tests/osproc/ta_out.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b78eb11..000000000
--- a/tests/osproc/ta_out.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-discard """
-output: '''
-start ta_out
-to stdout
-to stdout
-to stderr
-to stderr
-to stdout
-to stdout
-end ta_out
-echo "start ta_out"
-# This file is prefixed with an "a", because other tests
-# depend on it and it must be compiled first.
-stdout.writeLine("to stdout")
-stdout.writeLine("to stdout")
-stderr.writeLine("to stderr")
-stderr.writeLine("to stderr")
-stdout.writeLine("to stdout")
-stdout.writeLine("to stdout")
-echo "end ta_out"
diff --git a/tests/osproc/tafalse.nim b/tests/osproc/tafalse.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 05a0bfce9..000000000
--- a/tests/osproc/tafalse.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-discard """
-exitcode: 1
-# 'tafalse.nim' to ensure it is compiled before texitcode.nim
-import system
diff --git a/tests/osproc/texecps.nim b/tests/osproc/texecps.nim
index 10715fa0f..b818fe8eb 100644
--- a/tests/osproc/texecps.nim
+++ b/tests/osproc/texecps.nim
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+discard """
+joinable: false
 import osproc, streams, strutils, os
 const NumberOfProcesses = 13
diff --git a/tests/osproc/texitcode.nim b/tests/osproc/texitcode.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b05ca3cb..000000000
--- a/tests/osproc/texitcode.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-discard """
-  output: ""
-import osproc, os
-const filename = when defined(Windows): "tafalse.exe" else: "tafalse"
-let dir = getCurrentDir() / "tests" / "osproc"
-doAssert fileExists(dir / filename)
-var p = startProcess(filename, dir)
-doAssert(waitForExit(p) == QuitFailure)
-p = startProcess(filename, dir)
-var running = true
-while running:
-  running = running(p)
-doAssert(waitForExit(p) == QuitFailure)
-# make sure that first call to running() after process exit returns false
-p = startProcess(filename, dir)
-for j in 0..<30: # refs #13449
-  os.sleep(50)
-  if not running(p): break
-doAssert(not running(p))
-doAssert(waitForExit(p) == QuitFailure) # avoid zombies
diff --git a/tests/osproc/tstderr.nim b/tests/osproc/tstderr.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 55b11eba5..000000000
--- a/tests/osproc/tstderr.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-discard """
-  output: '''
-start tstderr
-to stderr
-to stderr
-echo "start tstderr"
-import osproc, os, streams
-const filename = "ta_out".addFileExt(ExeExt)
-doAssert fileExists(getCurrentDir() / "tests" / "osproc" / filename)
-var p = startProcess(filename, getCurrentDir() / "tests" / "osproc",
-                     options={})
-  let stdoutStream = p.outputStream
-  let stderrStream = p.errorStream
-  var x = newStringOfCap(120)
-  var output = ""
-  while stderrStream.readLine(x.TaintedString):
-    output.add(x & "\n")
-  echo "--------------------------------------"
-  stdout.flushFile()
-  stderr.write output
-  stderr.flushFile()
-  echo "--------------------------------------"
-  stdout.flushFile()
-  p.close()
diff --git a/tests/osproc/tstdin.nim b/tests/osproc/tstdin.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 8579680ab..000000000
--- a/tests/osproc/tstdin.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-discard """
-  output: "10"
-import osproc, os, streams
-const filename = when defined(Windows): "ta_in.exe" else: "ta_in"
-doAssert fileExists(getCurrentDir() / "tests" / "osproc" / filename)
-var p = startProcess(filename, getCurrentDir() / "tests" / "osproc")
-var line = ""
-while p.outputStream.readLine(line.TaintedString):
-  echo line
diff --git a/tests/osproc/tstdout.nim b/tests/osproc/tstdout.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index e3ed3986a..000000000
--- a/tests/osproc/tstdout.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-discard """
-  output: '''--------------------------------------
-start ta_out
-to stdout
-to stdout
-to stderr
-to stderr
-to stdout
-to stdout
-end ta_out
-import osproc, os, streams
-const filename = when defined(Windows): "ta_out.exe" else: "ta_out"
-doAssert fileExists(getCurrentDir() / "tests" / "osproc" / filename)
-var p = startProcess(filename, getCurrentDir() / "tests" / "osproc",
-                     options={poStdErrToStdOut})
-let outputStream = p.outputStream
-var x = newStringOfCap(120)
-var output = ""
-while outputStream.readLine(x.TaintedString):
-  output.add(x & "\n")
-echo "--------------------------------------"
-stdout.write output
-echo "--------------------------------------"
diff --git a/tests/stdlib/tosproc.nim b/tests/stdlib/tosproc.nim
index cb6e260c5..363bd5d74 100644
--- a/tests/stdlib/tosproc.nim
+++ b/tests/stdlib/tosproc.nim
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ joinable: false
 joinable: false
 because it'd need cleanup up stdout
-import stdtest/[specialpaths, unittest_light]
+see also: tests/osproc/*.nim; consider merging those into a single test here
+(easier to factor and test more things as a single self contained test)
 when defined(case_testfile): # compiled test file for child process
   from posix import exitnow
@@ -51,22 +52,58 @@ when defined(case_testfile): # compiled test file for child process
       echo args[1]
+elif defined(case_testfile2):
+  import strutils
+  let x = stdin.readLine()
+  echo x.parseInt + 5
+elif defined(case_testfile3):
+  echo "start ta_out"
+  stdout.writeLine("to stdout")
+  stdout.flushFile()
+  stdout.writeLine("to stdout")
+  stdout.flushFile()
+  stderr.writeLine("to stderr")
+  stderr.flushFile()
+  stderr.writeLine("to stderr")
+  stderr.flushFile()
+  stdout.writeLine("to stdout")
+  stdout.flushFile()
+  stdout.writeLine("to stdout")
+  stdout.flushFile()
+  echo "end ta_out"
+elif defined(case_testfile4):
+  import system # we could remove that
+  quit(QuitFailure)
+else: # main driver
+  import stdtest/[specialpaths, unittest_light]
   import os, osproc, strutils
   const nim = getCurrentCompilerExe()
+  const sourcePath = currentSourcePath()
+  let dir = getCurrentDir() / "tests" / "osproc"
+  template deferScoped(cleanup, body) =
+    # pending
+    # xxx move to std/sugar or (preferably) some low level module
+    try: body
+    finally: cleanup
+  # we're testing `execShellCmd` so don't rely on it to compile test file
+  # note: this should be exported in posix.nim
+  proc c_system(cmd: cstring): cint {.importc: "system", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
+  proc compileNimProg(opt: string, name: string): string =
+    result = buildDir / name.addFileExt(ExeExt)
+    let cmd = "$# c -o:$# --hints:off $# $#" % [nim.quoteShell, result.quoteShell, opt, sourcePath.quoteShell]
+    doAssert c_system(cmd) == 0, $cmd
+    doAssert result.fileExists
   block execShellCmdTest:
-    ## first, compile child program
-    const sourcePath = currentSourcePath()
-    let output = buildDir / "D20190111T024543".addFileExt(ExeExt)
-    let cmd = "$# c -o:$# -d:release -d:case_testfile $#" % [nim, output,
-        sourcePath]
-    # we're testing `execShellCmd` so don't rely on it to compile test file
-    # note: this should be exported in posix.nim
-    proc c_system(cmd: cstring): cint {.importc: "system",
-      header: "<stdlib.h>".}
-    assertEquals c_system(cmd), 0
+    let output = compileNimProg("-d:release -d:case_testfile", "D20190111T024543")
     ## use it
     template runTest(arg: string, expected: int) =
@@ -79,7 +116,7 @@ else:
     runTest("quit_139", 139)
   block execProcessTest:
-    let dir = parentDir(currentSourcePath())
+    let dir = sourcePath.parentDir
     let (_, err) = execCmdEx(nim & " c " & quoteShell(dir / "osproctest.nim"))
     doAssert err == 0
     let exePath = dir / addFileExt("osproctest", ExeExt)
@@ -101,6 +138,7 @@ else:
   import std/streams
   block: # test for startProcess (more tests needed)
     # bugfix: windows stdin.close was a noop and led to blocking reads
     proc startProcessTest(command: string, options: set[ProcessOption] = {
@@ -126,6 +164,56 @@ else:
     var result = startProcessTest("nim r --hints:off -", options = {}, input = "echo 3*4")
     doAssert result == ("12\n", 0)
+  block: # startProcess stdin (replaces old test `tstdin` + `ta_in`)
+    let output = compileNimProg("-d:case_testfile2", "D20200626T215919")
+    var p = startProcess(output, dir) # dir not needed though
+    p.inputStream.write("5\n")
+    p.inputStream.flush()
+    var line = ""
+    var s: seq[string]
+    while p.outputStream.readLine(line.TaintedString):
+      s.add line
+    doAssert s == @["10"]
+  block:
+    let output = compileNimProg("-d:case_testfile3", "D20200626T221233")
+    var x = newStringOfCap(120)
+    block: # startProcess stdout poStdErrToStdOut (replaces old test `tstdout` + `ta_out`)
+      var p = startProcess(output, dir, options={poStdErrToStdOut})
+      deferScoped: p.close()
+      do:
+        var sout: seq[string]
+        while p.outputStream.readLine(x.TaintedString): sout.add x
+        doAssert sout == @["start ta_out", "to stdout", "to stdout", "to stderr", "to stderr", "to stdout", "to stdout", "end ta_out"]
+    block: # startProcess stderr (replaces old test `tstderr` + `ta_out`)
+      var p = startProcess(output, dir, options={})
+      deferScoped: p.close()
+      do:
+        var serr, sout: seq[string]
+        while p.errorStream.readLine(x.TaintedString): serr.add x
+        while p.outputStream.readLine(x.TaintedString): sout.add x
+        doAssert serr == @["to stderr", "to stderr"]
+        doAssert sout == @["start ta_out", "to stdout", "to stdout", "to stdout", "to stdout", "end ta_out"]
+  block: # startProcess exit code (replaces old test `texitcode` + `tafalse`)
+    let output = compileNimProg("-d:case_testfile4", "D20200626T224758")
+    var p = startProcess(output, dir)
+    doAssert waitForExit(p) == QuitFailure
+    p = startProcess(output, dir)
+    var running = true
+    while running:
+      # xxx: avoid busyloop?
+      running = running(p)
+    doAssert waitForExit(p) == QuitFailure
+    # make sure that first call to running() after process exit returns false
+    p = startProcess(output, dir)
+    for j in 0..<30: # refs #13449
+      os.sleep(50)
+      if not running(p): break
+    doAssert not running(p)
+    doAssert waitForExit(p) == QuitFailure # avoid zombies
   import std/strtabs
   block execProcessTest:
     var result = execCmdEx("nim r --hints:off -", options = {}, input = "echo 3*4")